r 1 rnl fl \r \ t uAultUIuliu . tatloae tor their commencement ex- t 'vjwhich best* fliii week. A a program. covering three night* has c Oa rrlday njght there will J* held . lha annual debate lor thi) Morris ! modal. Tkore are lour young men - - --* 11. . .J..Wa4*. 1I..I, nlii. a nR tuwret ut tne aerate, rtooert kmi*, t Jame. T?wle. Blftsrt Weaton and i"J.chart* Meeklne. They will debate on ' - the* qtmry "iwphedr that"C(mjT?M , Rhoald appropriate sufficient funds to Increase oar nsry tram one to two J battleships > year, together with oth- f r wet aulliary craft u mar be no- 1 .' a?.'" The debate will start at 11 *=*?*- r The radar night. May ? will ha jj? Clahi night. An rattnnijya program bna.xw. pr*m*a ' The ante feature of thefollnwlng evening. will bo a literary address by Dr. P. P. Claxton of Washington, D. Tha members of this year's end- J 1.8Mb Bright, Sallle Hardin* Car- ' row, Mabel star* Dal ley, Rana Hoyt ' Hardla^, Joele McCullers. Helen Xt- Shew Battle Plnmnier Spencer. J Margie (ma Spain, Blisabeta Taylor. ' Violet Adate Btillay, and Bruce Dunstoa Hodgee. Special. Ella Lee 1 Wr'cfit. Olivia Braes Jordan, and t'arlaad Bay Hodgee. . The marehalia for the commencement aanicloee wtll be Jaaee Powle, ' St*-' Y? Charlie Maektta. John Tayioe, Jack Harris, Mtldndd Rumley. Bybllla Grille nu, IneepMne?Bower?end gnnln J sifiw IEWS ; TW aahooner "Olem. Capeatn Thy L lor. of Witt, arrived here last night < * with a <?rgo of potetoee. She will 1 turn to Witt tomorrow morning. 4. R Admatroeg. In moored nt the dock nt tno toot or Bonner afreet. She arrived horn lent night. r * jj p|S^7c : The terse Bhlloh ot Tarboro, Oapt. W. M. Pnrrin. nrrlvod hern lent night with n en ego ot terminer. The adhooner Mend end Reginald, -Captain John Dudley In moored nt the ? . toot of Market meat. she arrived hear lent-night end will leave today , ion Greet inland nttey Hah. . . i |ir. , CAME NEAR DROWNING. La/ I.|ttle Hnnnnh Pnlford, daughter r of Mr. and Mra. Nathan Pnlford ot I Hertford, came near toning her lite Thandar afternoon. <8he wan awlngIng on a rope, that wan hanging from the celling of the boathouee In which ahe wan playing. While awlnglng ike rope broke and ahe fell Into O^wai t?T. wMrt TH.tw hy head. Her brother, Nat, who happened to he near reecued her at the rtak ot hie life. Mr. and Mm. Pnlford were formerly reeldontn of Wanhlngton and are well known here. Motion pletoree and good onee too, , are the exclualreotterisg at the Lyric | Theatre for the first half of this j week. The photo plays .exhibited last ] I erasing were well worth loud praise J 'vj- end recelred conalderable comrient I ft from those who attended last night. Today's program features another 17 . program of high-class pictures that i I^V, ** are better <han the best and In keep- , H ing with this amusement house's fepI station. < #or the last half pf the week the | attraction will b{ both rauderille and cnotlon pictures, featuring a clerer I act in refined singing and talking. The admission prices today are fi and 1 m i i! fStSf. aaose oecauee or ue was at |100,t>00, all that he has He. will tot accept the offer ol State officials o-orraolae * stock noiesf to re tore the plant. Ho has never admit-' ed carina so much for his political ion ore as his Jonraallfftic pet and lie rlil build It alone. The News and Observer preserves 11 any of Its records and has saved Its argc checks, paying up for the paper nany years ahead. raiMiiiEE Apponimr TO WELCOME DANIELS 4?; The president of the Chamber of Commerce has announced that the minted to act aa a committee for naklng arrangements for the entoralnment of Hon. Joaephus Daniels, who will be here on May 3 9th: A. D. it ac Lean. J. K. Hoyt, Geo. T. Loach. K C. Kugler, H. McMullan and L. C. Varren. 1 The aboye gentlemen will make all xwslble arrangements to make Mr. Mantel's rislt here a most enjoyable mo. ' . , M ' v DILAPIDATED STREET SIGN8. 1 ""W would"TTRp .tn rail ihe atfen-" t '\em of the eity sdlelals If they have J lot already noised thorn, to a nam- l >er of very dilapidated street signs j a oertsln psrts of tha city. The u rnunel KOCH acrapad on tbeaa llgns and they are unreadable. Krllentiy ran of the younger genera- ] Jon hare been throwing atleka or 1 itones at the "signs and In that way. 1 tare knocked oB tha enamel. I SEVERE EARTHQUAKE ... I gHOqg LAST NIGHT. Ottawa, Ont, April 29.?An esrthinske shock felt bare yesterday. < Ioum were badly shaken, bet no } me was killed or Injured, according j 10 the early reports. v J Felt in Montreal. ; v 1 Montreal, Canada, April 29.?A ? 'light earthquake shock was expe- j enoed here shortly after 7:3d o'clock < ids* evening* but no damage la retorted from' an 7 section, though the nmatesTtt a hospital In the west end >f the c!ty where the movement was ] noet pronounced, were considerably < ixcited. t Some Alarm In New York. ( Syracuse, N. Y., April 29.?Earth- j tuake Bhocka were felt in several vll- j ages in northern New York at 7:80 j >'clock yesterday evening, causing considerable alarm. At Canton, St. l-.wr.nr. mn.tr lh? .hot*. COIItlD- _ ted lor.. minute. Hobus were lerred end dlehee rattled on the thehres, but no damage was done. People of Ogdensburg Frightened. Ogdensburg, N. Y., April 29.?The leavleat earthquake shock ever experienced here was felt at 7:30 yesteiv minute and was followed by a loud rumbling Bound. JOufldlngs shook so badly that people ran Into the streets In tear that they would collapse. BIG TASK FOB NEW--! ,/ J YORK WOMEN. , r ' -;'i . %' i New York, April 29.?The mem- < bers of tho Women's Civic Club of , the Independence have set for them- , selves the task of cleaning up New \ York Cltv todav?not of graft , and i other forma of coemption.' but of dirt.' , Kvery homo owner baa boon appeal- | ad to aaatat. In tbo work and ipeclal | arrangementa made with the city to i have the refuted honied away. New Y(irk hat often bean erltlelaed for the 11 nntldlnaaa of It* atreeta. a] t L E ELEC VP w Uwn themselves. Pulling *xolu*t"iov't] other they got i Pulling together they accomptiak wo ' Tbw only way to Mln a towa adras - Tbe hmt Croatia shows that many i marvelously. other* almost stood sUTl. ? It la a 10 to 1 bet that In tbe gro CIVIO SPIRIT. They support a board ot her fOrffl"Of owantw htMarftng It to J tut u certain that la tb# toi win be footid factionalism and blckarlo factions. EVen hone M|>ae ought tc palling together. TEAM WORK ? that's BOOMING?i f?o ? ? l? Sportiru STANDING OP THE CLUBS. Carolina. W. L. P.C. WlnMon . T .730 'hnrlotte ? 1 .760 umee a?. a .m i Jnrham 1 3 .360 1 UktTlIK 1 3 .7 60 vtriau*. W. I.. P.C. lotnoka 7 a ^.700 Lchmoni] 7 3 .700 'Btorttjurj t ? . w 'orunonth ...... 6 6 .600 1 Norfolk 6 6 .600 Newport News .. 10 ,000 ? J National W. " Lr Chicago 10 4 .714 *ew York 7 3 .700 Philadelphia 5 3 .OSS Pittsburgh ...... 0 0 .S71 ' Brooklyn. ..~V. .. 0 6 .546 ' n-pem*.. .... ^r-r? y .soo 1 WWn It S .181 < Cincinnati 2 10 .187 AaMrieaa. W. L. . P:C. Philadelphia 1 2 .sis I Cleveland. . . . .-r... .10 ? .714. Washington 7 3 .700* 1 Chicago". 7 9 .438 I Joaton 6 8 .385 I letrolt 5 9 .357 Jew York. 2 10 .107 RESULTS YESTERDAY. ~?i : . . . J Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 5. St. Louis 7. Cincinnati 5. 1 Others postponed, vet grounds. < American. Detroit-Cleveland, postponed, cold. Others postponed, vet grounds. i Virginia. , ? ;_L 1 Portsmonth 2, Richmond 12. < Newport News 1, Roanoke 4. 1 Petersburg 8, Norfolk 1. Los Angeles, April *|.?The chain- J > ion ship bout which takes place here i on ght between Featherweight, ?hamplon Johnny Kllbane and John-; ly Dundee of New York, has attract- j sd a large crowd of ftght fans. Both | >oys have been working like Trojans I iur ine mill ana iwuj mm connacni 01 i riotory. Dundee ! at a disadvantage | In view of the fact that it will be hla Brat light in an entirely new climate over a 10-round route, whereas the 1 treat majority of h!s fights have been ; limited to ten ro'ondfc On the other hand. KUbgne seems TRIC 11 TR FOR : ^ ' ' 'c ^ 'iki '51 I ! *A? ' Aa^ M>AT ATTEKlfOOli; APRIL Jtilt nattier: S^iili* . : - -^-r-rr^T.---^" - -fea. m- x Ms- Jbiib-L {J )y U&/ IcaBM U?J AT* Ft&lJxU AGAINtJT i| HdeeB - ibWmSjP^*ce la BY TEAM WOlB iinerteaa dPli m.lili|t? advance? 'hlir others actually vin backward. tr\Dt towns you wtu'0&I a UNITED of tnuU a comm?elrf-'club or aomo ??the dozens palling & different dli tetcb maTBiwIjitilt of the secret of 3K)WN team work I J; j Neibs ^ ,i; .j to bo only at hlf boat when tight.ny on the coast. Every tme h? i.oxed In Now York he made a de# dodly unfavorable impresalpn on the fans, aven when he won, aj??the folk*-! back East are laying tlHK money on Dundee, aa ore quite efftw fann -tit" whn hlp Vaofn?tlm! speedy little Ital an wooing cat day j after day, with the one t^mgDt in hia tulnd that this flght; i frfent s ebamPMMfch!p lo ifm 1 f m wtna. Mathewnon StiU in Good Form That Christy Mathewson, the veteran twirler of the New York Giants, ? ? BUWU u?Ut *B UOI Ug UCUUD' strated by the good ba'l he la pitching this season. "Bit S x" Is tossing them orer in the good old styld and i his arm seems to be as apod as ever, j It'll be'several years yet fiefdre Mat- j ty 4s relegated to-the scrap heap of big league baseball. OlaiUs and Athletics leading The Giants are leading the Nat onals and the Athletics the Americans, end unless our pred'etlons are aad'y an the bias, we bel eve tb-t-atr-the end of the season jnu w ll end these two same two teams 'ead'ng the bunch. Both teams are depending rery much on their pitchers and It looks as If the twlrlers are s" going to ge good. -77- ?- ? Pittsburgh will Mvt rsa-a close second to the Q'a->*s m Washington Is bound 'o " 'Vetles a close rub for flrst p'ace. _ Filipino Nfne CnmJng. Manila, April It.?An a'l-FUIpfno baseball team, composed of fourteen of the fastest players In tho Phil p-? pines, are ready to start on a tour of fapan and the United States next rhuraday. They w'H grr!v? in 8an Francisco at the end of T?m? "under the direction of Alejandro" ' 'bert. 'iI F. Wlllets, the team tnannrcr, nnd Arthur E. McCann. tji* dvnnce agent. - , The Filipino has made -t-.-vqi strides In the progress a nauonn' games In the Phllipp ncs s'nc-. American occupation, andt1iwm',r^v'rrns^t of the team Is confident thn* fr Til.iv bts will make a cred'tM v rg ?gaioBt the 'rscratk Beml-proa and college tcr? "n'he On. ted States They a-e - d *1**$ taat base runners and i'? - ' ldbi-8, far exee'Ung b n these department* r' * (Joteh-Iy Marfn Dnlnthj. Mtnn.., Aor t fa ""oltow ers.of the doldgs of --? srtlll watah with Interest to -m *he match between 'Frr**'- <V b n-xJjJ Constant Le Marin, h's formidable ri?a', fof the afer'd'* hearywe.ght wrestling tftfe. V >QWFR I THF E | - - : * BUHMBk .TOM . ; ji" 'K. ? ?- ' -v-'I JV laCj, n ,- ? UUIltiUUItlll U11U1I i miiiiK i~tc* - i.^flniiuiiu A heoouet wtl|jke tendered to the Waohtngton High Sehool hr tbo rnemWl ot the Coroollaa Clnb tonlghL Bleborate jnpu^Uou here been znnsrcs: mat which will be long remembered with tleAnre bj the atakwi of the outgoing cleee. U n hOanle Lu Keltr. oodntoO b? a committee oomooeed of nimbwi of the Cornelian Club' baa?obar?. of the ?. ? nuiato for the buqnau Beetdae the member* of the le a Claaa aed the Comal lan club, there will he ereeent a number the teechera of the aohool aed memhera end otheera of the other olaaaea. M. A. Hnsftee, thejprtsolpel of the aohool, will net ae Met master. The banquet will oommeeee at o'clock. ? ' WELSH MINERS THREATEN TROUBLE. Cardiff, Wales. April 19.?Over, 50,000 miners In South Wales are threatentag to go mi stilke nm Thursday unless trie non-unionist workmen In the mines are dismissed. Negotiations have been going on between the men and their employer and notice has been given by the miners that unless an agreement Is reached by May 1, there will be a walkout. Gotch has convinced himself that be Is as good as ever and Is now willing to tak^on all comers as fast as they can be produced. Il ls believed by followers ot the game that Le Marin has a better chance of #restlias lid m:i tram oaten urenmr other man in the heavyweight class, and there are quite a number who win ndf be *t nil surprised If Le Mar'M turns the tr.ck. Metropolitan Tennis. New York, April u9.?In preparstlon for the Preliminary Davis Cup matches with the Australian team, an unofllclal tournament began today at Van Cortlandt Park. The competitors make up a list that compares favorably with that drawn for most of the big tournaments. Raymond D. Little. Harold Hockett, Merrill Hall, T. R. Pell and other lead ng players from this section of the country will put In an active weok of play. The tournament is an Invitation event, it being understood that officials of the National Lawn Tennis Association will consider the showings made by individual players when it comes time to select the team. (?~ ? Something ^ ew to Brighton ll-v ;}?e Home Do you brighten up the " home every spr.ng? At thf*-?ea*on more than any othi r the rooms looks aa though needed the touch C" carpet*. and rugs. L n rr_ for he kitchen. fur^nltur? for the dining room, a?k1 odd cha r or table for the "IIv ! tng room." A now cover would ; male th--- tp? ?? ?? >qok?quite ~ ' pretty er d~ r~ c Th n.. tin- things over wg in v.u ro* ' .i i the advertisement: Itaily News. Make a list o. ?bat you need and how uin* o\i can afford i r to spend rtjrj a through the ,nnfioun< .-monts of the shops Vepresentcd In The Daily News* advertising column* / if. \Tb will mikp your shop|] plnr ?m> and doubly effective. ^ "is; T > . ^' V' . ' v EK; ! ; j 1 jj jllljlf ^ W jji w. the nor federal baildlng Fit^t rapldlj. Gorernment tagarSlenileiit Hagh E. WbUe bu (Itm U to ba gaderatood tbat tbe building mill be *-eady for occupancy by July 1st at the Uteet. There are several null Item* which hare been delaying the completion of the work In the P**C but now everything is running along smoothly. The section which Is intended for the poetoAce will be rushed to completion first. Postmaster Ellis Is anxiously awaiting the day when ne will be able to more his staff from the present tramped quarters to the newer and better accommodations which the new butldln* will afford. * To Be the Gueet of CoL end Mrs. W. ' C. lUxlman. Attornsr General T. W. Biekett, who will be the speaker at the memo-, rial'services of the Confederate Veterans, will be ii.e guest of Colonel and Mrs. W. C. Rodman, while in the I city. He will be the only speaker at the services. Through/ an error, we announced In yesterday's paper that the dinner would be served by the Pamlico cbapter on Tuesday. We wish to correct this statement and announce that the dinner will take place on Memorial Day. .. , .. mime serm AT CHRISM CHURCH. Rev. Mr. I.owther of New York State occupied the pulpit at the Christian Church Sunday. Mr. Lowtner win become the president of the new Methodtst-TEplfccuiml ~ "VflTTrgrsr which will be erected in Washington Park. A largo congregation listened with the deepest Interest to Mr. Lowther's sermon. He took for his text the eubject of "Christian Education." His remarks on the subjects were to the point and he brought out several very Interesting arguments. Mr. Lowther left for New York yesterday morning to confer with the comartttee who have the matter of the construction of the new church in charge, but will return here in the near future. " i.._ HOSPITAL NEWS. WAohlngton Hospital. Mrs Golden of Vandemere was operated on yesterday at the hospital. Her condition this morning was greatly Improved. T. O. 8parrow, who has been in the hospital for some time, was able to leave Saturday. ?' Herman Spencer of New Bernj who was operated on, was . discharged from the hospital Friday. Fowle Memorial Hospital. Mrs. House, who has been seriously ill, has entirely recovered and left yesterday. M as Fisher of Sladesville was opMUI n" '? Hnlnir vprv nicely. Mrs. Lnpton of Bruce Creek and Miss Legette were both operated on yesterday and are on the road to recovery, Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, who was operated on Saturday, is getting along nicely and frtl! soon be able to leave the hospital. FORMER COMMERCIAL TRAVELER DIES. Rev. K. D. Holmes, Well Known Here. Passed Away at Banford. Rev. K. D. Holmes, who died rather suddenly last week was, prior to his entrance into the mtyfttry, a commercial traveler, and freauentITTOTSd Washington. He"ls~pleasantly remembered here by many of the bualneea n.cs nf the eity, who wity learn of his demise with the deepest regret. s -1 NECESl sim.___ _ j a Raleigh, N. C., April 10.?-The Mm ' . ~i :JSj bustnees In North Caorllna which have tried once end failed, make another attempt today to come to axs agreement with Governor Craig and the legislative freight rate oominlaalon on the reduction program. Unleee satisfactory terms can be reach-* ed, It Is probable that a special session of the legislators will be called to force the roads to make the re- , rt..nHnn? Ammlr- - * At the last, conference the Sea Board Air Line submitted a proposition for redactions on freight from North Carolina through Virginia, but left shipments froYn the Eastern and Northern territory undisturbed. tude was out of accord with both .' J "the spirit and letter*-' of the agreement made prior to that conference. When adjournment was taken the State made a proposition for reduction which the roads dccltoed to accept without a further conference. flBfiBPquenUr-twlny's meeting was ar- === ranged. \ MKKTIN'c; OF AID SOCIETY ? The Aid Society of the First Methodist Church held their regular weekly meeting Monday afternoon at he parsonage. The interest which is being shown in the work brought up was most encouraging. The members of the society have been unusually active' ancHsueressful this year and have plums for the aid of the church in many ways. ^TOMORROW EVENING The prayer meeting at the First Methodist Church tomorrow evening at eight o'clock will he of special interest owing to the studies which are/ being taken up in the Acta of the Apostles. The pastor desires to seer a full attendance of the members at the meeting. Everyone is cordially invited to bo present. Don't hide your goods under 4 bushel. Advertise In the News and let the people know what you have fo stock. ~ cjfl A1*IUL 20 IN HISTORY. 1735?Turks defeated by the Per-* J s'.ans; 60,000 slain. 184 9?Emperor Nicholas of Russia declared his purpose to assist jj Austria. 1861?Indiana legislature appropriated $500,400 to arm., the State. Maryland voted against secession. 1862?General Mitchell defeated the Confederates at Bridgeport* ^jjji Ala. 1878?First elevated railroad train run in New York City. 1905?Czar's Easter ukase remitted 8 tas ooo.ooo peanut taxes and _ made religion free to all except the Jews. 1912?Public appeal made in Great ft) Britain for British investigation of Titanic disaster. Reported J. B. Ismay would resign as head of the International Mercantile Marine dis- . aater because of reports in certain quarters blaming binx for-faHIng to do hia duty at time of the tragedy. ? - _= Typhoid My! FILTH FLY! TUBERCULOSIS FLY! All here ready for business. TEN MILLION Spent annually to keep our* selves In Jail. Why not put toem in and let ourselves out? 5ITY.

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