?5??B lialml h| Um> students ,,e th* WuhThe Comnienroment number of tho - Wnhlsrc. thf bi-monthly magoyine published by the aUdontn of the WMbtagton 1 i?t?, 1|)BimaihSfe It for distribution today. Thia Is the b?4 number or tho whkA-WM? |W. P?b" ~ ~ llabed. "The ato?Te? arc pood; tho editorials woll thoncbvbnt and the ar _??- ftrlea oa tha romelUn.riMh. Jpuiic t:i-' , bating society, athletics. and,, the Jokes and exchanges are excellent. .. Added features ol this number ere tho "Senior Statistics." a short t _adeott^;?f o?A student s accomBiishments. written b1 Mlia OH via Jordnn. I- and the number of phottfersplm I iff which appear in tho issue. \ I- - . .. . . The/table of contents Is as foBowj : Senior Stutlatiea, by Olivia Jordan ' ThB^a-diaeHtft*. hj^bsle M<fcul ^ha pYjft Tp*. Darid - bSL _ . " 1 i BSffl;'' vV " The Baeehall Team (poem), by Jaa. ii' Ftnrrle. Photograph of the behaball team. Photograph of the foot boll Mm. That Do*, by Holen Shaw. Tha Thaw lute of the Iceberg. by Olivia Jordan. A Trip to Mara, by Jach Harlra , . 7 editorial i'ommU, by Mile l? " Wright aad Garland Hodges. . Athlottca. by Jamaa fowl*. BWPSfrcr. r Tha Cornelian Clab, by1 Kena Hard, lac. \ John H. Small Debating Society. " IIT iitiaflMMssiiML , .. a Ahimeae Kotee ^' Exchangee. by SalUa Cairo*. HHa* - Akin* tha Corridor," by Evelyn Jone. and eilaabath Corov. The Senior Statlatlca are excellent , end Wen Jordan doeerrea great .cr.-d, Sled Joala MeCntlere U worthy of the beat Action wrttera. The plot la intereettns, end the etory In general. David Smith's poem, the Pine Tree. ST" *n;.pH?y pleoe ol ^W^The it rhyme and metre are perfect y.r?r. The Baseball Teem, a poem by Jamea Powle U aha very good. Jim . lo getting to be a regular Longfellow whemit cornea to poetry. That Dog. a etory by Mlt? Helen Pv?" J Shew. tl'worUiy'Of epc.cial comment / We otto Id aaggeat that Wee Shaw lengthen It out a little and s?ud it to one of the fletlon magaslnee. ; ~?The Thawing of the Iceberg, by. / Miea Olivia Jordan, la well written and up to iftaa JordanVuaual high standard of writing. t A Trip to Mara, by Jack Harris. id u|, - excalleLn Oeoige' Ada has nothing en Jack. The other articles In the inagaxlne are also very good, and taken as a whole, thmi'hook is a credit to the students and the school. MAY 2 IN HISTORY. :? y -V." 1804?Connecticut valley was de? ? vaated by a flood. >/' 1808?Royal family of Spain sent ^ prlapdert to France. ' j1808?French defeated the Portuc? gese at battle of Amaranta. In v T " _ ISOJ?^BtnjeroT Williams of . Qer many received In Rome. ^ \ 1004?Togo sunk twelve merchant -- --- - steamships 4n .the entou?^-?! S?' v" , Port Arthur . harbor, intending to bottle op the Russian \ " . fleet. 1911?French relief column arrived " aT Fa.' JibTtfeco.' and raised the siege of the rebel tribesnacnt. -y-r ,j \ . 4<: . / . ^ ^ 1918?A British commlslson under ' t y 'x,- ' , .Ai. . f , ' !> .' . . KL^^a. . ' - >" '.Vi -* S ! ?. V IIK?iUlLK VAHHKU AWAY r ^ i T] 1 Hm* iUetm m Kenldeat of WaahJagtu* for th? Pitt Hercateen Y<*r? and WHI Kn.nvt. in <it>. J. W. Urabhle, a well kaown *ud cStee^b^vrasiflont of this city. gaaa- j, ed tway early- this morning: at his ' reiidnttte. 4 U i:4 Se?iitL Street. The deceased ras we!! known here, having lived In Wash lug ton for tho past Reveflxocn ycws. He was buru in Plyr.iotitli in i860, hot spent-moat} nr hU :.oUffi_Tn T^fnljoo CobnCy. j When he caroe to Washington he em- j tared the wholesale grocery. bUlhosa | and afterwords wao the proprietor oft a restaurant here. He was mmq ex- | tcn?i\oly interested la^ the oyster frnslieaa. ~ ?... / 1 He is survived by his wife, n sitter. I Mff- X- yr. Pawson or Ohdrlotte, and ' five children: A. I>. Brabble of j Rocky ftifrtint, Hattic D. Brabble of,1| ..A T*i,Vc JlKyl ruMSLUiA tt.iu ?nn Iiu'iu Drabble. whb resldo In this city. ' . few taunr w.n lake plnco from 1 the house at 1 (To'clock tomorrow ir.orn.ng. SB^IfiG NEWS The steamer Captain | jfrnnhn, nniml in port late eight from Bath. at?4 returned IflftM Wig i morning with several passengers and \ cargo of freight. tho oyster schooner. Lurena. Cap- . tain ?>. J. Styron, came in last night, with a largo supply of oyster*. 8he Is moored to the dock at the foot of Markot street nnd will probably remain here until Sunday. The schooner Goldmine, Captain Pedrlck. left this morning for Great . y.i" v . '' .ffiil Tha Theresa. Captain Mldyct:. aail-_i cd thls"xnorolng f<jr" Hyde County. BITUriRK k \ MU M A\l> VfUgaZ I London. May I.?England's prosperity ts a subject of wljfleh much Is near these days* for tho Chancellor " '"B .u..aui?gr wi B?ci; u^yvi- J TOBIty to send the good ne^s broad* cast throughout the country. There ere counteracting influence*, however. Prosperity, will always tpke enrdof Itself It tt comeartirtlteproper way. Therefore a thumb-nail at a^wwrK hah heea frraf^d tmrbemastcr of England's good times. It is known thgt the attitude of other European government toward England and toward each other. Is reusing some interesting discussion in government circles. For ,instance the WTOTTlon between aormdnr^^aScF France Is about as keen as possibly It could be on account of the persistence of German airmen In "accldentaHy'* landing on the Freeeh-horder. England is also hoping that the visit of the King and Queen to Germany next niontl/ will create better . feeling between "England aryl Germany. Just how King George relishes the idea of having the King of Italy in Germany of an official v(Mt i.i the same time, is not known. American automobile manufacturers are getting their chance Tor tlifcT first time in the history of Russia at the International automobile exhibition which was opened at St. Petersborg this week by the Czar. Tfils project is directed by tho Imperial 1 Automobile Qlab of Russia, under patrensgo of the Cgar. with the babk >UB VW1 - *H? SU'ClWlUill. AiU'T.CnU product* have been Riven official onildrrowchr Trowmn THrgtmitairof'rtrer plans tor the exhibition and the attempt of the Russians to arouse popular Interest In a ( foreign product wem?-alucert. CottoJnljr Lht Aiast:can rare are much cheaper than the European cars <* - iiffc V-i ' ml iW- i ...? 1>RWKVS OBSERVE MANILA DAY. Washington. May 2.?The Admiral and Mrs. Dewey celebrated the fifteenth anniversary Of the battle of Manila Bay here yesterday \t their home on Rhode Island avenue. This is afaraye WW occasions of the reunion Of all tjhe officers who served uny der. Admiral Dewey when hp gaiped hia fanioiiH v i< tory o . r-r Sp tin Z) j r"A' L?*UALATIOH. - Wash in Eton, May ?.?Wblle.thi tarlS. lander* are trying la fare* through 'heir Muun in order that tht> tariff Dill Willi pass up to the Senate l.y Mny 15. President Wilson is working on his plane tor currency IeulMlatlfln. __ Senator .Qatj has.cnHed his rovmittoe together and srranged to begin bearing' today. A measure pruvlAsi imiro otcctricity n the currency may be passed before the season adjourns unlv^s the tariff bill make* lower progress than la auto cmcs Ann sfcrts. ? Indianapolis Speedway Rare. V:^>' Maine. Montana. Missouri. Colors-/ do, Idaho'. Arkan-T.!. and Texas had adopted good roads lcgfBlatloii. The annual Orphan's Automobile Day In New York will bo obeerved on June 8. this year." A largo fond IC being raited for the ea terrain cient of it. J ifafitfaa " ' ' ' If. the plana and hopes of certain clt'jf(bmv of Salt Lake City, Utah, nro carried out, the Utah State capita! will have an automobile factory tho near future, representing an In-, vestment of $1,000.000 or-more, .'.*1 ?Them me sixteen antotnobUce-iwAden, Arabia?the hottest city tm earth?of which number mix motor bussca^are j^JwyU<*Uy useless. Only two of the cars are American, but one owner proposes to Introduce six American cars as public vehicles, and has ordered two. All cars In Aden have been brbught there-since 1910, and many are second-hand. Only two and these arc yold annually. ' Detroit's municipal motor busses sre still running, and losing money' at the rate of about $45 a day. For the flrct twenty days the cost of operation was gz.sso.ya. ma we receipts $1,541.16. a deflcIFcTTmrsr' In spite of this, M. P. Hurlbort, Park Commissioner, recently advocated the purchase of thirty-live more busses. built especially for the aervhm Only $$o0.000 would be necessary to buy the machines and fit a garage to house them, according to him.??1 There hro 150,000 motor cars in' Great Britain for a population of 50,000,0.00 people, or about three cars per - 1,000 of inhabitants. In this country almost 1,000.000 motor, cars were registered in 1912, to sayi nothing of the motorcycles, motor i boats and other users of oil power; j or one car for each 100 of oil power; itaat3 of the United States. The ratio of tbe cars to people In this j country is three and one-third times' as large as in Great Britain. Application has been made to the United States Supreme Court tor a writ of error, asking that the deci Cotlrt regarding the taxation of automobiles should be reversed, and the Btate automobile taxation law declared uoc^taktitutlonal. The case is that of firncc Noff. of Tampa, Fig., who refused to pay the automobile tax i\nd engaged several able lawyers to defend him. Judge Robiea, on a V:rit of habeas corpus, found the law fcdnsllfdHoddl. And It f?rng?m' BIB ruling that the appcdl to the Federal Supremo Court has been made. /R. R. Hall, manager of the Oakland "Hbtor Com pen branch. fh speaking of New York as an automobile market, say6: " "New .York Is the automobile world what In Paris Is to the fashion world. Automobile manufacturers. Oral of atlrwwnt-the approval of the Nek- York for they know if a machine will suit him It will take everywhere. It is also true that when a manufacturer designs anew body anil Is flouring ou equipment and finish, he We "BefHdes being a critical city. New,. Vork- is also the greatest automobile eentTb tn the ^bun try. Tho city proper ptrrchsf}??'tbon?ands of motor cars each year.1 and -Hs environs furnish additional hondrfda oj pwggfcstft." r'Oj VuiJ'!* - ^ . Jfllcs Hatti?? D. Brabble of Klneton jmcirt4 III thd city today fo attend 4he funeral of her father, which Will take piocs to morrow morning at 10 ay the Pr B B S' ' ,?BL* PttiDAY AHTBRNOOX, MAT ?. I? ] ' " ' = i ' -?? TO IjOOATR M1.TWV AT COHXBU OK mi AHii> MAHKKT 81*. wm wwa rani Carload of Maijiwj Han &tr**dj Active Operation* by May IS. y A new Industry will be opened In WSbhinglou abbrtly. D. E. Jackson and JohnChori-y. both of''wKbIn veil and favorably known throughout the city hare announced that tliey trill operate n. .shirt factory iu the oj<l .tSicholSQB UyiJ<Mng_Rt_the corner of Market and Sevonth rtr^'Jao present building la to Uu_PoyeWt>.;y rsngfrated and ppt InTorfirsrelaeT ?&aptn The proponed factory will employ bant lhlrf> or IhlTfY-P.vn poppfr- A nd of machinery haa already arrived and will bo installed in the building as. *90/1 s as arrangements can be made. - Meagra.. J nek HOB Bad Cherry eonterapleto starting active operations by May 12th. I AHerulionh in HuSlkln & Berry Store, Th.? i?IHIKoBnl.WiftTV hM been* added tq the store belonging to Rnfoin &. Dmy B<i? complete^ 'l'MB story will TmTTJURITBT TtTB TTOTToir department of the wholesale branch of the house., The Addition of the extra story greatly increases tbe floor epace of tlieatore. An soon as practical, it is contemplated to install an electric elevator in the building for tbe accommodation of Its patrons. JOHN T. PUIjLEN INKS SUDDKNLY. Mr. John T. Pollen, president of l *yf\ BaaiC a?d Tr?" o'clock ?t tho rdoldonce of John"w7 Harden on HllUboro dint. Mr. Pu lien's death came with ahockiffg ? liveliness, he having been til on jyatnefrlfein* 'and thetact of his ilbeaa beingV known only to a comparatively few. Mr. Vullen was IQjeans old In Ihft BHHglim.?He was generally known as . Raleigh's best loved cltixen and he had given aid to every charitable object in this city. "t? MARRIKD. Chapln-Bryan. John William Chapin, Postmaster and a^jtromJnent farmer of Aurora, and Miss Francis KatherInQ Bryan were married at Bpiqs Creek Tuosffnv inrlt Mth Thn cnwnle will mak^ their home at Aurora. |f Who's Who in ^ Merchandising iWhen a manufacturer perfects some new article of merit. the first qe cation that comes " up IB Bfiw to market it; hew to create a demand for it. The usual answer is toTplace his article In the leading stores and'Owfe to co-operate with theretailer in announcing ^through tile newspapers its chief points of excelleoce. The newspaper is choken because it is tho . mqst potent aedium for spreading'Information. the snrost way of reaching the greatest number of people in. the quickest space of t - ' . It is not surprising that so much^f our present day information. especially thnfc which benefits us the most comes from tike' habit of reading newspaper advertisements. A little carcxni study each u*x ftunrpnwnwu wonInjr knowledge ot ovory worthwhile store and moat of the leading and dependable lines or merchandise In the world. ogres? of . FOR T ' . ' - mk ; FACTORY HERE t unwflHw nHijIiiii i V' ACT AT LYB1C THKAT11K. - 'Twm Mighty Funny." was the I A*a'*li"1. ?>rMrtnn heard from the patrons who attended the performI anoe at the I->ric Theatre last oven[ In*. F ,-1 VmriMk I utss of solid fen Reeded the. list as I vaudeville entertainers, " and weyw j sorao of the best artist who Wave ever ' hPPCtfcd on ths Lyric stage. Their act was very neat and refined, and The motion pictures also were another foatare on the evening's bill,, and some that were as interesting a* any over shown here. Today's program Offers ^new attraction and -something that will I picaec equally as good agTttiat ofTereil yesterday. Among today's teatures I -are s two raol drama made bytho I Pathe players, featuring Miss Alice I Joyce in "The Last Performance.'' I Those who are looking for good cnI tertninment and something that can | jb? enjoyed-will And toda.y's program-. beyond par. Hecrctary Daniels at Wilson. . Secretary of Navy Joscpbur, Daniels received a rousing reception at Wilaon yesterday. An interesting i day^a program was raudurod iu which several prominent speakors, include " Inpc Governor Craig, wore heard. Jeffries U> Come Back? About a month ago, there was considerable talk in the sporting circles about Jim Jeffries, the heavyweight pugilist trying "to come back." Evidently Jeffries is looking for some more of the sal^o easy money which fell to^Jm when he fought Johnson. We don^t think that the fans will stand for any more of this line of stufc. howereT, fthd If tflfl CaHfOt-hlkB enters t?e ring agaia, it will M M- " fore a mighty small crowd of Deonte. qu&rd, Giants Is the most unpopular placer in organized baseball today. Marfllrtill . IWiertUr disliked among the players themselves and Is the target for many sarcastic shots made by the fans. Ad. Wolgust Quiet. 'Ad. Wolgast is keeping under covBTWlyp Ad. 1b a bit leary of mixing up with any oP "the prominent pngs of today and is contenting himself by reaping In a little easy coin In bucking up against the "business" of the profession, . .. baseball notes. , President Wilson saw Washington suffer its first defeat of the season at the-hands of Boston,_ _ Chicago baseball fans are hearing rumors that Charles Webb Murphy ' will close out fcls club holdings before 1914 in case Johnny Evers fails to hold the club in a prominent position during the present season. The more Joe Humphries sees of | the Phillies the more he is firmly convinced that Mike Donlin can do I them a lot of" good. *~3foe takes the ' slant that two outfielders and' Cosy | Dolan are not enough to back up the ( I Quaker infield. Word comes from Pittsburgh that Gibadn'ti Injury Is more serious than thought at first and that the clever .catcher, of the Pirates will be out of the game for a month. It is said that a small bono In his ankle is . broken* - - _ ft McGoorty to Meet Clahhy. Denver, Colo., May 2.?Eddie MeGoortr of Oahkosh and Jimmy Clab by of Hammond, two con ten dor n for the middleweight title will pay each other fletic compliments here tonight before the Denver A. C. The men will' weigh in at 1W pounds at 6 O'clock, the fight to start not later than 10:15. The fighters are to have d'Yided .between them DlLtter cent of thh gross receipts, with a guarantee of 91,000 each. x W. E. Swindell, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. 1# 1 quite ill at hta home. Washing} HE BON MONEY TO BB l'HKI> FOR BETFACILITIES. VtWmtmt School U Crowded Bgyoa* Km Copacity. -No Feet* Hut \\ hat (lie tdipi WIU MCMM. WiUoo.?The election for the issuance of $10,000 in bonds-tor" better school fasiUtles iu ths.Wllaon graded district, Th$cfcnra? toJta^eJM^n^a M W9 S, lu b*?a ekuiM tb' >lay 2 4 owing to improper advertising for oil. There la no fear but what the election wiU carry without a dissenting vote, as the present school is crowded beyond Its capacity--there being over -*{M children la -attendance, many of them have to work !n the corridors. A CHEAT" BPRIXC TOXIC. ?A f wt long)i ; iho tiird'clno In unrtnt?tlm.? H ..I.!- ' clear* the blood ond~ri<ls the systeuf of tho blue humors. of winter. Yoa can ot'.tlp a whole pharmacopoeia of loughs frco by simply s"t?lng TUo World's great Joke Book "Fun" glve Trco " ?ih the Sunday World Magazine. Sec that you get "Fun" when you get your Sunday World irum tho aewsdc&Qip^ WASSSSces The members of the Washington Gun Club held the second shoot of the season yesterday afternoon at the 21ub shooting grounds. A large number wero present and seme ex-1 rellent shooting was dene. Sonic t>f the mombers shot fifty, others forty i tnd the remainder twenty-fiver times. White and Squires made ilic best tcores yesterday, each securing 90 per cent. The complete percentages! ire as rotipws: whit, a ? Squires 90. . BLrllo^j, a. 'IS. atttaevM.-.-t _ . . - t Dumay 72. Kear 72.' Maxwell 72. ** Jefferson 04: Doughtridge 62. Gallagher 5Q. Bland. J. T., 65. Lancaster 53. Knight 52 Langhtnghouscr Ned, 52. William*. 52. Fleming 52. Etheridge 51. Nicholson, Dr. J. T.t <0. Tucker 38. Thursday has been decided upon as the date for tlw regular shoot.ng contests. A YEAR OF ANNIVERSARIES. T*:b is a year of notable anniversaries. both in American and European history. It happens to include the hundredth anniversaries of many of the battles of the war of IS 12. and the 50tH anniversary of the most decisive btmetric of the CivLl War In the first series tomes the centenaries whiv.h ended British-Canadian attacks on the Western frontier, and the battle of the 'Thames River, which crushed the power of Great Britain's Indian Allies. In the second series falls the greatest battle of Murfrrt*boro. which began on December 31, 18G2, and coded on January 2, 18G3. The fiftieth anniversary of the battle of ChanccllorsviUe comes today and tomorrow; Gettysburg, on July 1, 2 and S; Chlckamauga -on September 19 and 20. and Chattanooga oh November 23, 24, 25. Tt> Rnrnpo onn hundred yvnra ago Napoleon's fortunes were fast oniwbltng. He held his own against increasing pressure at I.utren and Bautzen in May and defeated the allies at Dresden !fi~XttgUSt. Btit In October he lost the battle of Leipslc and was forced to withdraw across the Rhine. Spain also slipped oat of his hands, his armies being driven beyond the Pyrenees. . M \ Mrs. H. W. Carter is con lined to her home on account of a alight attack Of tllneaa* today. ?? ton is <Der T ~ ' m n unmniii mrnm TAIXEMT AtDfTOItU'M. lUndTKo RDM mm an Imitator ?r Comndlan .anil a <ioo?l .Tim* < Assuml to All Who <;o and Hror H *ti. ' ; lt?is not very often that Polk Miller cair be persuaded To TeSvc hT dtuit store In Richmond, Va., to goon the platform as a public enters taincr, but vrhen bo does "cut looae'^ from bu&inces for a few days to pick ?up his banjo, tell a fow- etori-=a-nct ? sing a Cow songa. there is joy unalloyed in store for thoao who hear r * . J3 ^ ..-Cj ||l . 'j !HIHR ||fc?) PCLK MILLfP. ?1 jw\ ! |J1 5ourHSKN GerrrLcKAH cr * [ V\Oio School? i L 3 fljtoyrhshoar 6/frfO enrr <g za, vf I "Polk" Is coming to, town next Wednesday night, when with his old | comrades iiu arma. <'ol. Tom Hooker '.jij uni ivitii1 TUU) mini, u?virn'U Uf | Ills . famous quartet qf old-time I Southern negroca, he wril 'give one .-) fJ of .4i In ncwna>to^>orfotgetsat? ^w'i?tainments In the School Auditorium, under the auspices of the Public LI- <n brary and the School Reference Library. ^ "~~jS In speaking of Polk Miller"'? entertainment, somtJ years ago the l?I men ted Fitzhugh Lcc said: -JajB "Polk Miller has had no predecea- * Bor, has no contemporary, and will have no successor! When Polk Mil- 4w ! ler is gone, the man turbo-ran best tett >? | of the old South will have passed ;,J?' ijm jaway. When he is sketching'tbe 'to' de war' negro. If you didn't know ho was Polk Miller, yon would think he was u darkey of the olden time, and If you didu.'i know h?t vm .an rt1,c-- VjB time darkey, you would think it was Polk Miller." Reserved seats will go on sale at ,-wm Worthy A Etherldge drug store in KDWAItl) XOTKS. Prof. McOce of Aurora v;as here i last Saturday on professional bestI tiers. ?./ |9 I Mr. Grant Merrlraan of W.i??hlng] ton was a visitor here last Sunday -HM sra anmf ?? j Mrs. .Mollie Bonner and children i of Bonner ton spent Sunday ia Ed(ward. Mrs. Raleigh Noe of Windsor. N. "Til |C., visited Airs. L. C. Tripp last* I week. 1 Miss Kt'a Xuup, State Secretary of j the C. W. B. M. spoke at, the Chris- , j tints church last night to a large an<l J appreciative audience. 1 Frank Jndson of Washington was in town yesterday. Jesse Tuten of Richmond is spending a few days with relatives here. Xexie- Rodjlltt; who~l>as been attending &hBo! at* AiWn, returned Monday. MEDALS IXttt OLD SOLDIERS. ' .-3SJ Washington. D. C'., May 1.?Sen ator COorman of New York today Introduced in the Senate a bill empowering Secretary of War Garrison j^|| to give a medal to each surviving- .i raS| Union and^ Confederate soldiers who _ J participated W the battle qf Getty et?|. t.r.Hr tS'jfT ? - jH nanding I

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