"Be MX* 1'IWTMAOTRRS SHOIH.D Q? OTSa^TillBlE States That Failure to Adopt Statewide I'riamry Was a Dig Mistake. ,?!e 1>? Not Object.'^ iJf?ipre?ent:it.vo John H Small is 1 maintaining lila unique aystein of primaries to determine the applicants ho Win endorse for- postmasters. Nobody has yet imitated him. but he ex; . pec la others td fill in line when they how much enmity it aavea memJVTV" r her* -of Oonfcress.' He' say8 It la his purpose to hold these primaries whcrJ ever the citizens do not object. Iti | ^ ?ne or two cases, particularly Ellzar? both City. h? <Hd wet iaj^st an the v" primary, aa people ot the town did I not tela* Iftrtee to hold one. "The primary by stem la going to r 4 -he adopted all over the country In a very short tliue/'-\*jUd Mr. Small. j "People are demanding It, and I / think the North Carolina Idgialatnre Uato-?14oV*m?r7 1?? at lu U?t sc.) sion. Soon it will be forced to do It, ?:;r k for sentiment Is demanding It alH Mr. Small and other Democraticcongressmen are having trouble in explaining the applicants for fourth Hiu post mast erahbpV' that these places are now under civil Bervlco, rotten a? that service will soon be IF- shown to be by Senator Overman and Senator Pomerene. The North Carolina confcfetemcn have been very jft. careful to make it plain that it la not In their power to fill places whore ? ?bra lUfadS recommendations la fourth class of2 Sees that ^tll be effective. On Wedeesday. April JJOth, East * V , ('aroliaji Teacher*' Training School. The Ban lor . Claaa conducted the opening exercises Wednesday, April 30. The president of the class. Miss Settle Peart Fleming, led the devo ' tlonal exercises, after which was rendered several solos by Mlsses Tu nstall. Taylor, Pfttman; also an ln . atrumsntal solo by Miss Uupree. Chorus by class. "Hey Laddie Hark," and class aong. "Esse Snsan Vtdere." In the afternoon the students met > /'fr;,-.. to form the line of inarch Iter the " senior tree planting, which wa* th~ feature of the afternoon. The seniors. who were dressed in uniform, ' led the school, which was dressed In white, and marched tp the chpoaen plot lor tho tree. The following program was carried out: Song?America?School. Welcome address?Miss Hnth Planting of Tree?Senior Class. Presentation of 8pade to Junior ' Class?Miss Louie Delle Plttman ^ Acceptance of 3pade?Miss Mao Bellp Cobb, president Junior' Class. V , -A.] : Sons?Carolina?School. Preeentation of Tree to School? . Miaa BeiUe Poarl Fleming, presiden t ?? .. . ^Benior Class. v it"** Acceptance of Troe-r-Eresident Robt. H. Wrikht " Tree Poem?Miss Mary Weeks. Class Song?"Esao Quam Vlctre." >'fK Senior Class. In the evening President and Mrs. V #Robf.*H. Wright gave a reception to 'the Senior Clara. This last and most .' iNjOnVlbhi evwit of the "Senl&n-Dajr" "1.' " 1 f.'.'rf'; JJka' hmWtrAff viiAflfH .. S HAY ? flf HWYOftY. IT**?Opening or the Ntttumsl-Ai enjbly of Prance after the - abdication of UMlIt Philippe. - jn?? Planet discovered at obr pervatory.of Bilk, at Duael4*Tl. by prof. Luther. 1862?Union forcea vfttorloun at battle of Wllliatnabur*, Pa. " yi 186 4?Great battle ot the WilderE . nans began Unttad SUtoa Senate voted to publlvh ,r; Blacklist" of aonatlre who < -j neglected public buslneaa. ,1118;?Chin nee eidualoii act went in. to effect. j ?V: ?'} ?j not?Geo. Oku landed at PHnewo. , It06?Attorney-General Moody announced that Oongreea had \ right to Ik freight raten. glvtag one port preference orer Uti?Direct election of Sengtora much dlacuaecd tublect at \ ' ' 1 l\<.T<>\ I'Hfl.'Ht'HKS Yk.'K- T\ ?WtlHI ~?J v.. ; 7-^- at vMrnpM fhorch. ThfW X?r Mr-ll... - r...t..,..i.., / ato excSDerttrjrt&oklahc? ?t *11 *b<- servi^t fiild Injtfc* Wuhington chdrchcs yesierlart' . At Lhe-Msthodifit churt-K UBY- ft. H. ?vonlng sftMces. At tie inornlnn P < es lio took Mb text from Chroi:tcies T.t H^rrt#^ "And *ho o! thftot ?i willing to consecrate his rorvtees thin <ln> unto the I?ordt" Th* pastor <1 Is-1 * c-xxmpie ot ^nurci.. plying inn personal way to the building of the torn pie and the oofcatra.nt oT that example to Qp??ift. "V; * '* 1 The service? weYfc. followed by the Sacrament of the LardV Supper, which was well attended. A deep spiritual feeling wae displayed BandiU ?chwl pas he ill in >liu ntternoon It wae decided to change, the hour fluring^Uj* summer months from four o*cloifc,in tho afternoon to 9:45 In the morning. Mlse Bessie Buckroan was unanimously elected planoist for the school. At the evening servicer, Mr. Broom fmik lit, >??i ?-st> Aete 10, l. "There was a certain man in Cesarea railed Cornelius." The circumstances leading to his con version were emphasized and an earnest appeal a-aa matlt for the use of the means of-grace for the Ijvtng of a better life. At the Bpiscopal chnreh. Rev. N. Harding preached on the Ascension at tha morning service. He delivered a very Interesting sermon which was listened to with the greatest attention by the large congregation which was present. Holy CoramufiTdff"was administered after the services. In the evening. Rev. C. D. Mslone occumnil Uie pulpit and took ee his-theraa^ the words. "Godliness' profits In all things." An ununuAlly largo cougce&aiion attended both service* At the Presbyter ion church. Rev. H. B. Hearigbt preached on the principles of Presbyterian ism in the morning. Three new members, upofc confession of fatth. were received into tli? church. The evening service was a missionary praise service. It was also a service of thanksgiving. Tire contributions made by the Presbyterian church for foreign missions were greater during the past year than any time before. The debt on the foreign board has alio been paid off. BIRTHDAY PARTY. ----- - .. __ T Utile riiss Edith "the youngest daughter of Captain and Mrs. G. T. Leach, celebrated the third anniversary of her birth Saturday afternoon at font, o'clock. A number of her jroung friends were present and helped make the day ?an enjoyable one. After a pleasant time had been spent playing games and romping on the beautiful lawn. Ice cream and cake were served. Among those who were present were Eva Hassell Hackney. Mary Rawls Jenkins, Mary MacLsan, Leonora Jennette. Catherine Bowers, Mary Grist Bowers. QJzle Rodman. Louise Leach, Francis Leach, ..Jack Paugirtridge. William New bold, N. C. New bold. Jr., Alonzo Dumay Qorham and John Leach. > T"- 1 Closing K\ti cines Of ^ ' p Colored Schol^l ^Th< iMsWill glllUlliUflf the Washington Colored chool will be held this and next week. Thursday and Friday hlgbfs exeroiaes will be held- at Masonic Ttfhtple. The annual sermon Will-1)0 preached' by Tit. H. L. Johnson! The graduating exercises 'will Mondav nicht at the C. M. E. Ghorch. ^Aamiirattm ia- ten centa fa? each nixlit. - ' MVs. O. E. Rlcka received a^lepram tblp morning stating that T. C. Garrowan died ti?is niornlnp at hqlf past aoven at Maxtor. North Carolina Mr. vjCarrowan had boon in the Jiospita! at Richmond, hut had improved ta.avch an extent that he had been taken to the home of hia eon at MaxUffC While there he auteaed a relapse and died. rfe was formerly a resident n{ this city and haa numerous acquaintances and friends, who will^ road of tho hows of hia death with the deepen . . .. . " * ~ C. A. Campbell, traveling salesman for E. R. 'itixoh left for Aurora Saturday on a business trip. H 4 the Washington High School bu eball t^am,-which lms Just completed- aWy rtu-ceeafu!' season. fteadtug' ?roxu left ""to right." Vh? playcre are as followe: Rear row? AbaraaUi. sub.; Wmr.on, > f.; Juium Fowle. p.; Frod Moore, 1st b i.eapt.IS F. Fowl?, c.: Howard. I.C.; P. Smith, r.f.fjTeyloe. tub.; M. A. Hugirin*. coach. Front. row^rJ, Weston, Sb.; Ful^ ford. Hudncll. tub.; ID. iiod.xosv 2b. This yettrVi.eain-.ajisJr.rfr iy mad? BALRIGH VOTKS TODAY fob ( ??.m.misskim:hs^ Raleigh.?With interest in the municipal elect lea today at fever beat, Raleigh politicians today completed their plans for a stubborn contest at the polls. The success oT commission government, which waa adopted three weeks ago, really de^ ponds on the election of at leant, two commissioners outside of the old ring influence and advocates of law enfuibemem ilalm thai tin j will hate a decided majority. In most cities of Raleigh's size the wide open toWu arc! comparatively few. but la the state capital they are likely to win at any election in trfelcd the people are not deeply tnterested. They always cast their full vote, always'tight hard and ueici tnu u(J, ?uctnn /viriiciiKC Raleigh Htitens waits for a crisis to assert himself. .As a reuslt, the ring crowd" usually gets a alios of the city government ahd to me times gets the ipjl iatei j -f.-u?-, .A Aster Home to (tar. New York. Way 4.?The historic Astor house on Uwer Broadway, once the principal hotel in tho^lty. is to be closed May 99. Notice to this effect was ported In the hotel this afternoon. It is understood the property. or part .of It, Is to lie sold to the city to make way for thd new subway. The management declared It ita* practically certain that the structure wodld he razed. ; ' OLYMPIC CONGKKHS MEETS. 1 .a usance. Switzerland. May J5.?? Noted athletic officials from all .peertho world are attending the lntetaational Ilympic Congress, which met today for the purpose ef-eompUuag plans for the 1919 Olympic games In Berlin. Today> program includes the reunion of the commission in preparation for the Olympic congress of 1914. Tomorrow the International Ilympic committee will meet, and thd rest of the program i? as follows: Wednesday?Meeting of the commly*?:~*Xt night, j^ception in honor of the delegates given by the munic!-, pal.ty of Lausanne? Thursday^?-Opening of fhe congress; lecture by Prof. Gugiielmo Ferrcrc. At nlgh\, fete of fencing and flambeau*?lU^ tttU AWhjt de l'Arc. Friday?Session of the' cpngrosa. At night, "Ilympic ilevue" in three icta.nt -lho JCBraflal _ /Saturday?Session of the congress. Afnif flt, Venetian fete at"Onchy. Sunday?Close of tfco congress. Excursion or btc Lemon; lunch at ibo Chateau da, Chillon. j Barren "Pierre de Coubcrtin, is president of tlf? International Olympic cemtnitteo hi Switzerland getting aii-T-j-.'.1- -:x.i pjti No If*yer Meeting Wednesday. There will be ho prayer meeting at tfco Methodist (bunch Wednesday right. This Is due to the fact that it i? Commencement wee* at the Wash In (ton High School. Ladles' Aid ^odaty lleatfng. Tha Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will meet tift afternoon with Mrs. W, H. Call at four o'clock, at her residence st Bast Main street. r'- i j '? V vj" .'" " ?' 1 \jfX JL lcI4lU.i WOMDA f AFTE KNOON"x 'eather: fair BTh*? ncvr members, be .vover, made r,uuu ui.? piayea gooa onu in S.U (Do garnes in wiiieb partic ipated. ThorOwere. four. gr.:u"s played In a IK If these. the local team wort three. ' They beat Elizabeth City. New Hqrn anil Ttfhnrn by ooc-aidial . scorer. but were trimmed by the Greenville team. In tho latter came, they were forced to go up against semi professional player? who probably never saw the inside of tho < G-reenvtHe Higb-^Schccl and to this fact, must largely be layed the cause i of .their delate U.JD8LO Wafhingto^t j |S SHIPfm NEWS-1 ______ 'The schooner Columbia. Captain Peter Storm, of Hatteras. arrived in ' j,.^ B * ] port yesterday with a cargo of freah 8he iB loading thla morning with a supply or genera) merchandise, and win Wave some time during the day. , The freighter "Maud and Reginald left port this morning bound down ; ?-4 The tug Nautilus came down the ' rfrtf^Sfltunlay afternoon with a long , taw of logB. The gasolene boat Cora is moored to tbo wharf in front o: the Mutual I Machine Company's plnnt. i The tug Wm. B. Blade is moored ? to the Norfolk Southfrn dock and is taking on a load of supplies. She i will leave this morning. I The oyster boat Clem of" Whit ar- i rived here yesterday with a large load of oysters. V* ! * The schooner A. VVM, which has been in Washington for the last few days, leaves today for Hatteraa. COMMISSION KCLB TO RALEIGH. Raleigh. N. C.. May 5.?This city has adopted the commission form of government and three commissioners aer being elected today. The sclary is $2,000. Meeting of Civic Club. A regular meetinf of the Civic idlub will be held tomorrow afternoon i at 3:30 at the Public Library. BusiIness of special importance Is to ge [taken up and It Is urged that all I members, who can possibly do b'o, Tj'e" present. f/ 1 Quajity First? Then Advertise If you etart out to buy any given article and are offered the choico of one that la well known through advertising and and one "ffi'if yhu" never heard j heard of, you will instinctively ' choose thq oho that you knowabout. Ydh fool feecure ih ee- | Icctlng au article _tha? will Btard up and justify generous. You arc right. A manufacturer or a merchant cannot affordTo lend hl? came to any- j thing that is Inferior. In quality At not-up to the standards of vtk'.o. If an article lias real'merit it is worth talking about.. If it hasn't mer.t it doesn't pay to tell people that It has. If you make nats or shoes or whatnot and they are good and hondlt and t?Mi Bmai qualltloi tell tfca labileIf not, CO back to roar factory or yoor Moro and trior your I > aiarthmadiM ap to a aundard that will Jootlfy tha pabllc'. Hprg K-- 4 I tanr ttfso made * fKHHber or error* in ti)!s game and it is provable that if they had played in their usual forni they "would havcf beaten tliu Greenville team at that. InTtyis four games played, Washington scored 51 points to their opponent* .18,?This is on an_ average of more than 12 runs per game. A large, shore of the team'tj. success was due to the coaching and assistance of M. A. Hoggins, the principal of the school. Mr. Iiuggins devoted a great deal of his time In Stilling the boys and lent valuable as- j cjstance in many ways. __J HXCKLLKCT MOTION PICTURK8 AT MRd THKATHK TONKIHT. Another high-class'program of motion pictures will be the exclusive offering at the Lyric tonight and continue for thekflrst half of this week. The photo plays offered in their program today are a class that has every pleasing Indication from both dramatic western and comedy. Among the features offered today ' la another "Vltagraph" picture featuring the clever comedian .Mr. Johnay Bunny, the man who makes you laugh. Others that will appear on the. screen consists of an excellent western picture and a Lubln* drama. Vn. IIm 1?*? half nt ?h? ? ? ? Lyric manager announces a feature set In vaudeville that cart be depended cn for real live amusement. Today's offering la exclusively three reels of motion pictures and good ones too, for which the admisilon prices will be 5 and 10. cents. HKETIXt; OF LADIES* HOMF. A M> MISSION AH V SOCIETY, The Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian fChurch of Washington, N. C.r held its regular monthly meeting on the second Monday in April, at the home of Mr*. Oeorge E. Bucfcman. The meeting was called to order by the President Mrs. Howard Wlswell. This being the first meeting of the new church year, the election of officers took place. \ Jltt. WJlVctt warn unonimoualy reelected President, but ou account of failing strength, felt necessary to tender her resignation, which the society very reluctantly accepted. Just eleven years ago, at a meeting of the society at the home of Mrs. Buck man. M.ra, JffJgwell was elected President, and during the entire time" since then has served the organization with untirlqg energy and devotion as its official head; and to her is largely duo the growth and progress of the society, which has developed ! and increased steadily each succeeding year. Her deep Interest in the Mission cause, has boen a constant incentive and InsDlration to each member to carry on more efficiently the work which has been so carefully planned by her. The Society elected Mrs. M. J. Payne as President to cany_on the. active work, retaining Mrs. Wlswelt afl hoDO-ary president and recognized - t. Wnkbliiflvn Hospital Xoto*?. Mrs. Taylor of Chocowlnlty was operated on Friday and Is now improving nicely. Mlsa Odborne of Plymouth, who was operated on for appendicitis two woeks ago, leaves for her home today. Mrs. Lowe cf this city is a pationt at the hospital. ? A nurse of the hospiui staff left for Farmyllle Saturday to take charge of a case in that town. Another left for 8now HIU and a third for Aden. John Tooley, who has been In the hospital for aoase time, is able to sit up today. Mra Harvey Way, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. and Mra P. B. Meyers, left for her boas in Belhaven vr?i u u uniting, jfu i tj I Ula Library i.j.SYSTEIH I Pl'Kt'H AHK HVHTKM W WAHHIXCJ. TO* AVItORA COMPA.1V. Hold to Him it ^j^ ABCtioa the Owlft HotMP for the Ham of Foar Hundred J>olUr?. Will StaiHWorfc ut Once. ' The telephone system of the Washington and Attrora Telephone Company was Bold this noon at publtr auction at the steps of the Court House. The lines, poles, coiinectipn#. toiephones^ etc. sCTOsMld to W. T. tfndheH of this city for*?400. Mr. Hudnell will begin at once repairing the lino between hero and Aurora. He will have all the wire's repaired and put everything in tlr'st Class shape. There is a good deal of work to be Accomplished before the system will be ready for service, but Mr. Hudnell stated after the sale this t-noon mat he -everything to bo completed within thirty (lays."- The hew company, which will be composed of Mr. Huduell and mine c,if Ilia hns.npsg-axamuatctt will make their headquarters in Aurora. novo IKHI'K irKI\<; CAKIII F.I). That the **50.000 bond issue will be carried 4s now as? Hlirert tipvnrvrt n doubt. Up to t two o'clock this afternoon, the | voting was as follows: Wards For Against j First. .. .. ..106 5 j Second . . .TTrf5 1 " Third as 6 1 Fourth 55 9 11 Total 284 21 In cafce every qualified voter votes, it will take 3SO votes tad carry the election. Jt is now absolutely sure that the Issue will be carried by a big major-; *?-. Singing t'lww Here Tomorrow. The Singing Class of the Oxford n-^v. ... ? ?.H.iaua6i: win arrive on the Norfolk j, Southern train which reaches Washington,at 3:?0 tomorrow. Thtf-claas ^ will entertain the High School tomorrow night. The young people, who compose this well known organization have made a decided "hit" | wherever they have appeared. It ia hoped that a large number will be out to enjoy; their songs tomorrow night? I PEACE CELEBRATION CONFERENCE.' I New York, May. 5.?A conference between representatives of English speaking peoples began h?re today , to diheuss holding a celebration of i the centenary of pcaco between England and America In 1915. The meetling will continue until Friday next. Iwhen it will close with a great banquet to which President _ Wilson? Vice-President MarHhall, members of the Cabinet, Premier Borden of Can-1 j ada and""~ambassadors of foreign na| lions at Washington have been in[ vited. Mrs. J. It. Mops and daughter of I JUnhamitt are.uxpacled-in arrive [, in iuC "<ty this afternoon. Mrs. Moss j will join her husband, who has been in the city for several weeks. 4 M M.Pout Huim Cot Tom B< Cj Sour* QuAxrtrrm-**, On* c*t jy *.00* LfKt- r*NM MA.NO* *<VQ <5 Two nighta more and the resident tunity to hear one qf the best imlta Miller. He wtllbe here with his pa nesday night ann will entertain at t eomothing that do one can afford to when they hoar about the affair U jeea there!" Take the hint and BE Mm of admleelon Is insignificant c< a'hich to fnrnlnhed. ' TlekeU for thto entertainment wll I rug store tomorrow morning at ! LWHJLt C'UXTKKT OiAVUl UA Vfcl? A BV (OMMKIK IAI. (imiUIIHM. - JM ? M ewTBnsOTrirm Trip* Arc Offered ?l* Prize* ti.r the*. Beat WuKgwtiMK L>r a MfHMrtfil <t> ?| Commnturalf the 0|K-nlng ?. the j rsBair " Washington. I). i\. Ma. ?A unique eon test was today in.. ~ .rated by the Southern Commercial Con- 3 to the Panama Canal for the suggestions for a memorial to coi* rsemorate opening of the Canal. 1 - > an- -; nouncement .was made todu; by Sen- ..** zaH ator Duncan lf. Fletcher, of Ficrida, president of the Congress. * The rnrprMfl lu.Ht.yi?B eton; .at.on ' jB of the canal should be marked by* some suitable memorial, and tun contest will arouse interest In the sttody : M of the trade relallojia of-tiuetan a,I ta .L]Sk the Culled States, Latin America, and the world. " V The memorial cua take any Jorm, a s tatuc^ an international celeb: B the Jury of award decides Is the beat suggestion to commemorate ictnpletion of tne canal. Secretary of State Bryan and-John Barrett, Director General of the Pan- ?:lfl American Union, with others to i?e selected by themselves, will coustitut** the jury of award. They will decide the fifteen best suggestions. \ The trip to the canal will be tnadW In October next from Mobile. Ala* *? qj cohere the (Itth annual oeuvuiw. ic?a--or the Southern Commercial Cougresn "3 ^ill 'he held. nMncidcnl M ' " the ?3 opening of the cauAl. At thin "<*?? veutiun the American Commission of the Congress, which sailed April 26th rot" a three month's tour of fourteen vfflj European countries to study agrlcultuarl co-operation and co-operative rural banking, will make a we pert of its Investigations. Creut preparations are now IieLnjr- ? made at Mobile for the cent cation. Many of the 10,000 delegates who will attend the convention will mak * trips to the>eana]. After the loarention the Southern Commercial Coir- *>3 Bxess will efftimrrrn ~tnu~orf several ?"J hundred men through South and Central American coyntrieH to study at first hand uew trade condition? and possibilities that will come with, opening of the canal. The content la open to any ".ew? paper, chamber of commerce, board * of trade, commercial organization, college or high school, or individual. Each suggestion for the memorial should. If possible, be printed in some^ newspaper and a copy of the newspaper containing the suggestion must accompany the letter of each contestant. Each suggestion must be lint- J9 lcod to one hundred words. The con- ,JH test close* July 15. The awards will be announced within 30 days thereafter. All suggest'ons Fhould be .addressed tc "Contest Department," ^onrnpm~""T*fimTrjcrcht!?Congress: ?-'*""* ^9 Southern Building. Washington, D. C. of II 9 9$?< HI * || rj m rtc y3Avs^THOse- Hmkoc* M, "vo .^^'SM4^0* **' B of Washing!on w?u u?,u Vm* s.r^r~ torn and comedians of the day. Polk rtners and famorfc quartet on Wedhe High School Auditorium. TWs ia ^ miss. Don't be one of those, who-, . Jj e next morning say. "Oh. I wish I had si I THERE. Ton won't be sorry. The mpared with the grade of amusement go on aale at Worthy and Etherldce'a I o'clock.

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