N ^ dies Skirts ii v II Blue Serges effects. - ' * l ^^|T K. ] I FATTWWS. W^Mnyt g 1 And Surety Our writing is not confined apply you with most every Phone 59. Office over First IV V At First Insurance ?rt Ultima Thuie. A. New York newspaper tuna wont am correspondent for bis paper to tbe national" ocuiocrntiu couvenuun <TT EHKs at !leaver. He traveled on ttie special which carried Hie New York city delegation. i f-? On tbe jocund morning on t_.Grecti, on , Kotnc Into the diner for breakfast found every table r-coupletl by at least one person, He tool; a chair opposite" stoat gentleman who imd all the ear* Berks of.rvri cast Jl-'lc dtetgH-t lender. The train was dying through a fertile nud |Nipnlot)s section of Illinois. Pretty tavrn*. tine farms and clustering bn:nlets flitted by them. There -were farm ers a nib hi red tl'.eli ::r work In the fields and women stood at the doorways. Tbe politician gazed ot:?: of the window ::t the picture. Then bo turned ! CSreon Willi the nlr-of one who ba-1 nrpiU- n notable discovery. "No matter how far you so." he s.ibl. there's human life."?Sniurdny KveL t?C Post. An Ancient Blast From Turkey. The Corrlcro del la Jjcra reproduces ? tbe test of a ipinim deonr.iont pr>.'.crrr _ _ ?# la the rtatc archive* at Vienna. It ns Mebeiuei IV. |u rtic Emperor'Loo ?** to 1?K^ "Uf It liiwivn l.. V..E, tbe MMfi-KMir of the Caesars, to the &* * of Poland and to your allies, that *?bemet. the glorious and omnipotent * emperor o) tbe east and the west i? about to invade your paltry ter"i* JBfW. We elmII 1 UOA.ifWi ^,.1 dSerw. eu horse ami foot, to crash you ijtlwly and lay waste to all yot:? dramas. We command yon to await onr ' naias in your residence in Vicuna, wfecre ft is our Intention to have yon viabeadpd." The rest the missive ?iht<tol to avtlt ude rtgHinsu John isoifniit, who in promised it lingering irtjoth. preceded liy elaborate ami horrible torture*.?London Chronicle. Tomorrow. Ltttle Gertrude of rive MVtnmer* had Vmi living with her grandparents for. mm time. <lr.c mom I eg $be uskedl panuhrion to go nnd speed the day at m?* house of a friend, xvhen grandtua. refusing to let her go that day. con-1 * . soled her by saying that she could go tomorrow. The next morning found Gertrude up bright and early, happy | tn the ex^MH-tallon of tho promised vieit. Shortly after breakfast slie reKfmlrd grand run of hor promise, when he wa* again rold that she would ho] fcRged to ixtotpouo her visit until tenwiron-. I^mkiuu np quickly, her black ey?? flashing with disappointment. sbo I wU: grandma. I thought today was I ?ubmb?vw; von sn:<l it v.as yesterday." I -XMkual ^ Electrification of the Earth. Ttio electrification of the earth Is a problem of tho pbyslefct*. As Stated | l?y Dr. George C. Simpson, ohsorvagton* from i>ole to pole have proved ?-? hi<! earth Is a negatively charged! ffli<n anit that the tfow of DCgStlT* * ?liwllhllj liitn the wwlwliiia mr t*i qprtealcitf to n ciniii(;int currn.t o*1 * nuin* thdn Ml?|*reft. V'et the charge of the earth's surface remain* ndWnKtA<r?Moi'o iw^'.rive tni".ad?? ctactru-ity in brought down by rrnln^ etc . and no source of n return unrat of 1.000 ntrpere* la known anO an ?apftaaatl>?o of Its absence. Constipation Cured. Dr. King's New Life Pills will re)1?m eonstlpmtlon promptly and get jser bowels in healthy condition 'again. John 8upsi<-, of Sanbtiry. Pa., sajpa: -They arc the beet pills 1 ever usad. and 1 advise everyone to ti6c tins for constipation, indigestion and ttwr complaint." Will help yon. PHca 26e. Recommended by Hardy's y*-- n'~HARCOURT& DAILY WASHING table of La- j n Black and and^Iixed HOYT Prompt Alien- 1 jf~j I | tloa Given 10 Ion, N. C. Ma" ?C^"Bonds, Too. |o fire Insurance. We can . kind of Insurance protection ( National Bank, l. Bragaw & Co. Agents In Washington, N. C. STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING. The ^-rh fnnital of 4 the stockholders of (he Dank of Washington, Washington. X. C., will j bo holt! in the banking rooms at 12 ( I o'clock, noon. Thursday. Jun$ the j 5th. 11*13. .v j J. K. JJOt'GHTON, Cashier. - r.-s-4-?c ? y - 1 1 Acknowledge It. j i \Ya*!iiButun Has to Bojv to tlio Incvi- * I tal'l<*?Scores of KutloiscmcnUi Prove It. After rtadlug the public statement 'of this 'c-iiow-s\:lfercr given below, ' you must come to this conclusion: AT > " 1 I r. w/ ureu jears ago, which has kept the kidneys in good 5 health fince, can be relied upon to : perform the Fau:e work in other!' ?? > ""? ; ?J R. A. Henderson. 15 George St.. I1 New Bern. X. C.. savs: "I suffered! from a dull pain across nty loins, ac. j companicd by a:i extreme lameness i ill xuy back. I also had inrtamation 1 of the bladder and the passages of t the kidney secretions pained me. < [The use of Dean's Kidney PHT5 re- { ipoved the lameness and pain and f improved ray condition iu every l way." (Statement given January 25, \ ! 1?.>S ? !; CONFIRMED PItOOF. | Hr. Henderson was Interviewed on | I November 2$. 1019, ad he said: "I . , willingly verify my former endorsement of Dean's Kidney Pills, for I j have been free from backache and T | kidney complaint since 1 took this [remedy.?Ycu. are welcome .to con*. ? tinuo the publication of my state-' J mcnt." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co.. Duffalo, New York. Sble agents for the United . [Stater. i Horn t ruber the name?Docn's? and take no other. ? r Chan;cc Hu Pace Qua-terly. ^ j He came to tne club luucu?tb* youngest member? and was scarcely 1 recognized, for" he was clean shaven, t j We bad kuov.u him with A mustache. Mc'.tfa navy cut hoard. with *in tewdal < I and with several other changes on the , j cheeks, cbio and lip. Hut the clean | shaven man was a wonder for a few moments?until some one said.* "Yes. * it is!" And tbo your.g man with the > | naked face confessed hi* Identity. And he explakued the reason- for the chauge. t "I dotTt mind shaving." said the j I young man. "and 1 don't mind having j fair heir cut ndW fcml then?Kilt WB!? ~ 1 really object to Is having to get up * I tirr.v liiOMMD - !!'].! U'OUICfr at tbl* 11 snnie stilv X,:'-* In t;u. ghtss I'm golpg _t to nif^r It now ?c<1 thenI've an arch! I tertornl scheme that will ratter sop- ( prise yon. Yon can chanco your face every three mouth* unci enjoy the Itiff In tb? looking class.''?Ix>n<Jon Graphic a His Long Distance Hoodoo. >' The house pllluter had > lipped froui u the PoofDf :i porch ai:i| hruheli lilt I"-.* ^ "Jnni h bit en r el ess. were you?" tlivy I | sal.I to Jilni nt the hospital. , I "Cnrete** nothloT* he snorted. "It j | was omnia' to ine. nil rijeht. I've l?eoi? ' I wnlklo' under ladders' mighty iwni pvmfj- day for twenty-/our years.'- I | V-jj*,,*,., j ol : I : mmmm. ttmtiJuwuiiUAu mil w(<nmi iiu i < 7>> ,'1" PA MANUFACTURING ENGRAVERS Lv, 4X)utsvoAc,Kr,uJA j tmews ; TON. N. C. < ^jva^ssipyiy ' c I " - tAStM & Vi v cracker as it ( Uneeda Biscuit ery to you. ers. Strength for: them to the little: NATIONAL BIS< ?-'- p """ '-wf r Sportirn ^ * standix? OP Tilt: ri.uiis. Carolina. Won. Lose Pet iroonsharp G a .667 iVinston ........ 6 -8 .667 Durham 5 4 .856 Charlotte.. ...... 4 6 .444 lalelgh _ 4 _? _ .4^,4 Uheville .... 2 7 .222" Virginia. , Von. Lost FOg tick niond . . ...11 3 .79 6 toanoke. .... ..10 4 .714 Petersburg 8 G .571 'ortsmouth 8?;?4-?ATT Norfolk ~ 5.'_, ;??7 Newport News 6 14 .000 National Won. Lost. Pet Philadelphia 8 4 .667 ^hicago 13 7 .660 3rooklyn . . ...??... 9 7 ?|ff St. Louis IT 8 .579 lew York 8 7 .533 rliK..bn.gl> . .?, 13 3 .536 latum .. < 11 3?7 'fncinnuti ...... 4 14 .MS .\merirnn. Won. Ix)st. Pet Philadelphia 12 3 .800 iVashington 10 4 .714 Cleveland 13 6 .684 Chicago.. .... ..13 9 .591 St. Louis 9 12 .429 tost on . 7 10 .412 totroit ..?.. ,p .. 6 14 .200. few York 2 14 .125 RESULTS YESTERDAY. XatlonaL Chicago 8, St. Louis 10 (IS inilngs). ' Cincinnati 0. Pittsburgh 1. ;tl American. Chicago 1. Detroit 2. St. Louis 4. Cleveland 3. THK BASEBALL PLAYERS. Manager Griffith predicts a close uce in the. American league this ear. Dee Walsh is regarded as a second -onie Bush by Manager Stovall of he Browns. Manager Jake Stahl's recrlt pitch>ho cwm to bu iu hatter shape than , he regulars. Manager Birmingham is interested n the progress George Kahler is naking with his spitter. & ' Christy Mathewson's statement hat an umpire once made him nick a echoed by one Ping Bodie. Bahe Adams. Fred Clarke's star wirier, is back in the same form thai cade him famous In the 1909 world's Doc Johnwm' thp Ntn?' fira* ???!? _ ;r. )H being touted as a second Hal Oha*e. Johnson is a good fielder nd isn't a very poor batter. Manager McGraw expocts his oungsten?Dcmaree, Burns, Shafer nd Goullat?to strengthen the Hants considerably th's season. In the three world's series that >*athewson has worked in?nino. ;amcs?ho fanned 41 batsmen and ? I'.owed but eight passes. Wheat and Laubert are two stars if baseball, and Dahlon nay have a iigh-claes ball team around-these fellows before the season is over. Hal Chase has showed up. well at iccond base, so far. He eovors a lot if r>?*4 end bundles the ball -mm- jasik had be^n playing the po- ' all Ma Mfe. ... J It la hard to coavlnce the gentle, dan who eratea voe leroVsly on hue- l all that there are a thousand persons A rha go to see ball gams for erery \ m "fans." J, Miner Hoggins, new lander of the I, leedlnele. le thlrty-thrae years old. [l a has been playing professional hall I or tt years and boa always daltrsred I' ha gooda. >j Last year Bash. Louden. Cobb sad | Irswford stole M aggregate of Mi j !?A?I to I 1 * I - , ^ A " I v UCvACI 9 UVvlL* I - J bring the bak- \ I ; Stamina for work- 1 the delicate. Give folks. Five cents. :UIT COMPANY - i News bases. Monager Jennln gs expects the Tigers to win many a game with speed this season. The big 'leagues are to vinake a change in the contracts. They will replace the words "for the season" with "for seven months," thus forcing the players to attend spring practice. SIGHTING CALKMMH. * . i 1 Monday. Melbourne, inman! English champion, begins second match Per English title with T. Reece, In London. English rules gbrern the contest. Entries for Montreal Jockey Clnb's spring meeting dose today. After more than 20 years in organized baseball, old Cy Young goes into an outlaw league, managing the Cleveland club in the new Federal League, which opens Its season to^' ' Tuesday. ??j New York and New Jersey golf ^sxnerta meet In apnnal contest over the links of the Oakland Golf Club, Bayol/io 1 1 ^ Thursday. ?Animal?grrif tournament- of the Garden City Oolf Club, Garden City, L. I. Racing season ends at Lexington, Ky. Saturday. Testimonial dinner to Charles HEbbetta, President of the Brooklyn Baseball Clnb tonight, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Intercollegiate rowing race between Harvard and University of Pennsylvania freshmen. When Lord B. died a person met an old man who was one of Ills most Intimate friends. He was pale, confused, awe stricken. Every one waa trying to console htm. but in valnr" "His loss.** be exclaimed, "does not affect me so much us bis horrlblo ingratitude. Would you believe It? He died without leaving me anything In bis will?I. who have dined with bim t his own honsc three times a week for thirty years P?Life Qood and Evil. Accustom yourself to submit on every occasion to a small present evil to obtain a greater distant good. This will give decision, tone npd energy to -ram uuuu* wuicu uius aucipunea often reap victory from defeat auC honor from repulse.?Coitoa. Th? Mind. f Little Elols?What la the mlnj!. Elmer? Little Elmer?The mind la something that terns round and round In your head and makes ap stories.?Chicago News. 8*d Case. Son?I came across a very sad case with all my heart. Father?What was It. my son? I am pleased to know yon show so much sympathy for the poos. Son?There was n dM,l BI1U flumu hthp begging In the High street who had an Impediment in his speech. Father (crossly)?Impossible. Do not expect me to believe such nonsense. Son?It ifl the truth, father-be hnd a linger off. In Boston. "No doubt She's very charming In her way. but I can't remember when I've seen a person of pretensions so lacking In culture." -Dear me. what has she done7" "Why. she persistently nod Id variably neglec1* to sound the "d* In Meed tea.' Clorcland IMnin Dealer. For the Weak and NerrMs. Tired-ont. weak, nervpds men and uaaa trouM teat _amlittimu._Biefc Wttoj full of Ufe and aiwaye have a iooB aopot.to, tt thajr would da the oaalble thing for hoalth- tahelJleerie Bitters. Nothing hotter for the flutiwo upor> citizens cr all ; ; from the heat of the jun. ^J ? l 'IIMBMII4 M - * L n J a MAMMMV 4f% r.itv WIxicmm Ricinouv ''' 7^ v1 v ( and Rural Districts. Those wbo are charged with tb? direct preseuutiou of school garden work to children will recognize that the point df^lew /pretty chUdtvn -gnat I he different from that for country ehll' dron. As n rule, children In rural districts nre familiar with the fundamental operations of the garden?preparation the soil, planting the seed nod the cultivation and harvesting of the ordinary gardes and farm cropc. To -attempt, therefore, to maintain the.ur-' dtnary tyne ~t individual: Trtetab1* and. dower garden upon the grounds of ror ul schools,would undoubtedly he an an wise expenditure of time and energy. For city children, however, to whom the growth of the plant UHJtfaelio discovery of u new world. tflSajfblleaUon of tb? simple operations ltvolved In the maintenance of tbo individual garden containing flowMa^ vegetables is of procedure, therefore, for touchers Is rural districts should be quite different from that followed by those In urban coram unities. The teachers of ths rural, schools will find a most fruitful told along the line of laboratory experiments, which will demonstrate the principles of .plant growth and of plant nutrition, methods of propagation. eta In this connection we have therefore outlined two classes of work which will encroach ma ore or loss upon each other, bat the discriminating tone her "will have no difficulty In selecting that which ts beat suited to the conditions by which be or she is surrounded. - ?lit rural communities In. loud of oeu ducting miniature vegetable or flower " gardens It might benetter to secure different varieties of grains or .grasses . lor teat upoa fcgmn iHitfc ncgnrnglm the student* to undertake small experiments which shall have for their -?hlef end the development of the faculties of observation. Different methods of tillage' and fundamental principles of this character wQI be Involved In ! these experimental or demonstration 1 areas, the results of srhlch wDl emphasize tbe Importance at certain lines i of work. In some localities it wlU be possible , to bring together upon the school croitnds groups of. shrubs end trees ar- j I ranged In ac srt&tk- manner so that the finished work will present as at' tractive picture and' will furnish material of great value for purposes of |? , struct Ion. The bnblts and uses of various plants can be brought out and the child led to appreciate the valoe of inch decorative plantings in counvctlwT -? ??? iut' uome. rsucu wort. however. Will not involve any very considerable > expenditure of time or energy, neither i will It require systematic attention to garden work on the part of the child. It will.bowever. have a broader und less exact!or Influence and w!U. per hap* be of greater, Importance In rural j communities than wonkl close nttcn' tion to tbe ranlntennnee of the Individ I 1 ual gardeu.?Government Bulletin. Protecting Natural Landscapes. ' 1 Improvement work of a permanent j 1 and satisfying nature eaa only be accomplished by roIlcwihgVwell defined j plan which muel tabs sepal?see at tbe natural beauties to befseen in the district Lnnd contours should be preserved. no matter bdw j-ngged. There Is too,much of ecraplDg off hillocks to Oil hollows, especially In bulldlug small town parks. Outcropping rocks frequently ore blasted to plecos so they may bo removed. Trees and shrubs p?rfyegr-tf* l"?m? In g?nd h?lth pnl looking their best in nnturaf aspect are rooted out to make room for some pampered exotic becanae the former are M jut wheeo thnoo ln charge think they should be or because some one fandlos they are too common. Thus is nature marred and money arnicas!) txpeeded Diseases Thay Have In Scotland. Hap Scotland *tlll It* own word fof meaatoa? Dean Ramsay relate* that In 1773 Mr*. Dotty Mulrhend. who kept a boarding school tyc young ladle* In the Trongnto of Glasgow. asked a new pupil whether she had hod *mall|>ox, "Yes. mew." replied the girl. *Tre had the smn'pos, the nlrla. the blabs, the ?cny..the ktnkhost and the fever, the hrmiks and the worm." "Sma'pox" and creu the vague "fever" uijcht not w^rry an English reader. Imt It need* a glol?snry to Interpret the others In order oh measle*. netlleraab. Ifcb, .. Counterthruot. "A very good retort!" safd'a senator In an argument. *'A very cood" retort h>4?t4: ft reminds me of Week*. "Wanks nod hi* wife war* quarrelnight yon propqaod.* sold Mr*. Week** with a hard, scornful laugh, yon acted llko a flsh ont of water.* "Weeks sighed. - *Bnt a very cleverly landed flah.' ba aid. In a musing vdlce."?Washington tar. MiiMi jcfgCSf WOfStfflS, We SeU Sutterick Pat- I ' terns. They Are the Best. || fh? S.nse. of tha Word -Loor-1 T "Ww 1? n lodjr to I'vtrv mw ?f lb? I wonl!" eiclaiwi-rt UUikltu -Tboo ?l? 1, tli? BHMt renntk::!.:,. woman thr.t ovor llTodSjrwillocl Jol^ 1 "What do yon moan? Aren't there plenty ot ln?1c In tho wortUV" troS ' For''l' ' what yoa soy. she Is not only a woiuu of good family or of good brooding nhd refinement, but she Is also. no-ordin^ 2 to the dictl-nia.ie*. -a sweetheart United Stales): n RIaTe tnoosuruiK 1 about sixteen inctios broad by ten the <-alcaret?us apparatus in thuenrdl-.n part of the storhr.eh of tbe lobster, tin- : funetiou pf w filch. Is the trituration of food.* And If *b? Is all that her for tune in inndo In the museum nap.' t After that it wan noted that Ulirkl.iusually pruned down the t tec Ocean. 4, ; i A Fatal Sleep. * Tlugli Miller..the 6cottlsh geelorfvl , and writerC was one or the most III us * trious .of sleepwalkers Miller, wife bad been addicted to somnambulism in his youtb. foood resdessue** return while he was engaged up?n fifi* 'Tea- . timony of the Rocks." Qe used to wake In tbe morplug feeling, as he said, c? If be. bad been abroad In the nightK wind, dragged by some Invisible powei, -and ridden by witches. On the nlfifiT of his death he Slept alone. In the^2 morning they found hi in stretched dead on the door with a bullet through his breast, tie had *rltl?ll 1 uule lu bh 4 -wifewMp brain bums?I mint hwv? I walked, and a fearful dream rises upon T me. 1 cannot bear tbe horrible thought My bralu bums as the- recollection'^ grbwu." So intense had been tbe poor | fellow's angnlsh that to make certain bis end he hod torn back shirt ?nd 2 rest and placed the.muzzle of the pto-J tol to his naksd flesh.?St James' On ' i | ' Turk* Picnic at Horn*. "Simple life" picnicking In the hen* I* thoroughly understood by tbe Turk. The real old fashioned Turk indeed, ai Sir Charles Eliot show*, reveal* bU inherited nomadic inxtlrwts by treating n house merely as n place to camp In Rooms ore not assigned to special pur pose*. *Tou sit in a room and writs on yonr hand. Wbeh yon ore hungry you *all. A little table is brongbt In and you eat When you want to go t< bed a pite df-rug* Is laid In jl corner * and you go to sleep on it" Then g J scene at Yildiz?secretaries working is j a red plnsh room fnrnisbed in Euro , pean style. **Somo were sitting curled f up la armchair*, .with their inkpots poised perilously on the arms, the Mo* ( of* having -a writing table never'bov $ lag conio into their beads. Some wert J | squatting 011 the floor, eating with their c Angers off broad dishes placed on a low g table. One was taking ft siesta in ib? ? corner.'*?St James* Gazette. 4 Disabused His Mind. t "At a London theater the other night * when n well known actress was wasp- fi lag b?>?ly on ths singe n ?riiltlf . countryman burst into tear* and wept J audibly. j* What are you making that row " for?" asked a neighbor. "I'm thinking o' that poor creature*! distress." was the reply. "What? Don't yon know she's paid ?20 a week to do that?** "Eh? Twenty pounds a week! Do 1 you mean to say her ccytogrs bet ?air "Of coarse not." . Than nil l?re rot ta mav Im g _ deceitful bussy-." And np be got and went out ^Twenty pounds a week." be was mutfisrfng5 as be moved into tbt UULU UUU ^ k-* vig.au uiaw iut . too."?London Giotto. * . M " An'Ugly \*Ke end ? Bible. *" In the famqpa library of Wol fen trot- I tel. In Hssae. U an old'Blble which is I greatly treasured. It appears tbut ir I that passage In Genesis where Ctod ' toi(J Rto that Adam shall ho her mas- I icr and shall rale over Uer the German J trnHalation Is, "Cpd er soil deln berr seln." "Herf," which means master, [II does not occur In this Bible, bot Instead there appear# the word "natT," i which means foot The error was caused tifT a <i"nrrel between the . printer and hi* wife in tbe^ear Jfiao. the room where her totebund had been getting type add mnHdonsly changed "heit" to "Burr." The printer wta ar rested after the book had been printed and the mistake discovered, bat hie apprentice testified that be saw the wife steal into the compoetac room and alter the word. The woman was Vm. C copied of the edition ibould bo doitrojed ThU wl? don., wttb tbo , option of tbo oh eopj It tbo Wolf on- * battel Ubrnrr. . ' Kfffct^AprU 27. 151.:. N. 0.?Thfl following fchodole flg-' nea published a a information oulp .nd are Hot guaranteed. TRAINS BEAVfc WASHINGTON. * S?h Bound. ? 1:35 ?. m. Dally?Night Express* Pullman Sleeping Cars to Norfolk. I#:80 B. m:--Pt?r ror nohoiil can-?* nectafor all points north and west, x Parlor Car Service. ' ''>? 'i 1:00 p. ?.?Daily except 3cndny foir lie Hi a vcn. W?rt Bound. ^ feJiB I Connects North South fti^^Vesi jj I ?22 p. nj,-?Daily for GroenViile, Wilson and Raleigh. Broiler War- B lor Car Service. ,;38 a. m.?Dally. Pullman Slefl ing Cars for GreeiTrltle. and Raleigh. Connect* Kfl South and West. V South Bound. I :Sft a. ru.?Daily for N?nr I Klnston and Goldsboro. PnlllH Sleeping Car*. . 1:59 a. m.?Daily except Sunday t<^M H New Bern. KBTp. iri.?TSaily for New BenviJ I Goldsboro and Beaufort. I For further information Xud reser- M Haace. annly to T. H. Mysrs. WjisUina I Ban. S. c.? -r*- m M vsr W m?nT*n? , Geal Supt., Norfolk, Vjj; 'r . ^3 I /- ;>> SOTICE. , i Notic* I* hereby glren that I bvre his day sold the retail drag basinets' leretofore conducted by mm To. A*ore, N. C. under the firm name and tyle of 8taley Drug Cq,, <to C. V. ' Cnlght, 'who Will continue t? conduct aid business as Staley Drug Co All debts due by said Stiley Drug- / * J pp., contracted prior to this date will > paid by the undersigned, and all ? arsons now indebted to laid com any will please make Immediate aynunt to me or to W. \ Thomson, Attorney, and all debts contractid by aa!d company from'this date rill be assumed by C. V. lUigbt, and he public trill take notice that I ate no further connection with said "m? KDto?t?i? ? liMBMd phim*. Tlt. ata 18 IBBM 1TBB HAW EBI?1U? ore had business relations with said italey Drug Co., 1 cheerfully recoxuaend a continuance of same. ?' ';V! Thanking the public for the liber,1 patronage glten said Company in he past, and askjng a continhancwcf he same to the present proprietor in he future. This tbo 10th day nfrOprtl. IMS. Ll. Respectfully, |v - 8. W. 8TALWI, M. D.. . 0 , Aurors, N. C. || 4H-lwo TRY DAILY NEWH WANTED. MOTION PICTURES - WHO IB THK 8AYA0BT l&t Lubte Daunt.

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