(iC nl nCDICM .i'i: nl!"'r8INC - Iiluullnu I . ? i... UKT RKIA U): MMHTIXU OP TpK l-KKSKNT HOARD HK1J>I - AST NK.IIT.' y'-K fill JEKRPRL BT Bitiuitivuiiu i UUUUJ1I of Constructing Bridge t End of Main Street Discussed. Solution. KegnnttPR Sale of . ' /rr," -V>n gulnr mooting o^the Rfcifd Of nop was held in the City Hall glit. Mi members pf-the board i ^e:,T..r.- V" mtnutos of the previous moet^ re read and on motion apprpv-^ matter of construct in g a pew > orer Jack's Creek at the east f Main street w^a brought up, scuaaion. Upop motion it was | ?d that rhe Street Committee Mdermon Kogler be appointed >ear before the County Board mmUaiooer* today, to disc dm* alter with them and hare powict regarding the proposed locat tho new bridge. Motion was ran also decided that the a'treet j tttee. look orrfr tho ground thia ! tut ?? lh? I'Kntinn > UwU or (1H- put waoopea for iaapectlon by the era of the board. The motion Miita AHHi BP- . port be accepted and nebllshcd. Th^ RjflV -> * motion w alM made that bltto bo eeenrea for the pnMlehtsg of the re. port. Both motion! wpro unanluiouabV&'v . I? mM. " , SB; e A resolution iree read to the effort ttiet lt shall be unlawful lor tny dispensary, drug ttoro. eto. to sell malt or ^lotoxtcptlag liquorM on tha prescription of a doctor or othsrwlaeUpon motion It wu decided that tip rreolotloe be accepted. Atdomimt Ay era made the motion that alpha to Sheeted on the polo, clone Vain street statins tho r ulea of i 1 ilbn ItaV led of: the elty. The akbtlon was seconded and carried. No fuhber bnalneaa being brought forward, the board adjourn ' - **** r ' , V v I ' rgCAHIB OF A Mil,LION HOLLA RM I* IMP1U1VKMBXTS AT I _ VIRGINIA BKAOV. People not la close touch with the dally Ufa at Virginia Beach will And a surprise awaiting them whan they visit the popular resort again tbla teason. V ' Partarf tt* <JHW PMUff Uiuiithp ? vast change has come about at Abe ' . pleasure center, and the visitor will ' BCar*G Wtleve his own eyes when the .. %7. enlarged and Improved Virginia Beach groats the returning guest and |f pleasure seeker. Since the close of last season, with 1 ' iU record for frqfr???tlty mend-' ance, more than a quarter of a million dollars ha* been spent In. new ' *, tju?d)ug cuusHuctlow at the Boeoh. ?4fearU- forty new buildings?hotels, handsome dwellings tad bungalows, &*-. ' < s b&ve been completed, or are In course S3 of abaction. The moat notable among 'these is iho new and modern ho'fcel, the "flpotcwood Arms,"-rfitt?d tor the comfortable accommodation of one > - hundred gaestar Thl'p buitdin* alone, with lta construction and fumUhlpss. sflll mean ah expenditure of nearly fifty. thousand dollar*. Several largo apartment houses arc la course of conatrnct'.ou, and ptlll. others contracted for, . rrlvath i fhrv 1-i^l | flnai*. Audk i?cc is l>e?lrot. ' .. ^ V I Tin" ?>lngiug I'laM of the OxTard IA^c arrived *?? tfOS afpferttoon Th<- Cfan will be at the ! W:i*li1ugty>n High School AuAllogittn? | tonight. Tljf concert will afhrt at 18:30. * ? F -lie.BUuUM CUh. cowI posed .'of fourteen boys and girls have Ixjeu well received wherever they Have entertained aud it te hoped that there will be a large attendance at the Auditorium tonight V '%?; . r| The clgss arBfyUMf several'special numbers tonight. which ftrc ndt iihually Included on their program und will endeavor.to make this one of their best performances. FOUR B ill J MI IS 1.1. | -rj - Pour canes .were brought up berore the Recorder's Court this morning. Charles Eaeou,' colored, who was | charged with assaulting one Abrara Kacx with a block jack, was found I guilt)'. He was sentenced to the! j-roadit for a period of twelve month*. The case against .Marshall Everett, [colored, who shot James i?. Owens, white, from ambush on January 4th, i !< > m -m.-i.mf (mum id court snowing where the Wlcl was still Idcatedfa !his spine. Everett wu pwt tinder |000 bond and open failure to pay this jg*s returned" toy Jail whore ho will awgltthgaction of the Criminal Court which will moet on May 12. [ Sank Davis, a colored hoy, was brought before the court, charged | with having stolen a pocket knife. [He was llned'one dollar and costa.\ Ernest MOore and James Bill were charged/ with disorderly conduct. | They weATfound not guilty and were discharged Ipnfp 1 T% tug NailtlHl*~lB'?t-ther Mutual I ship yards. f | . The sloop owned by Captain Popper well of Goosq Creek arrived here j this jncrn nR. She will be taken out land undergo extensive repairs, I |~- The schooner y. T.?Daniels of Beaufort is moored to thd wharf at the foot of Market street. ' She arrived last night. ;I * ^ A | The'h^iiooner Virginia Dare.' Cap* tajn Mat-tin Willis, of Portsmouth arrived at Washington laat night with a cargo of fresh flsn. The Mary ?. Captain Phttmore iaiiim m uepmm. ii?j .in.* i.? night with a load of fresh fish. "j the Botch, tho casual visitor mdst not lose sight of the fsct that only a year ago the Norfolk Southern kail road sj-.ent over fifty thousand dollars in buildlutf Uiuii mumniutU ueu Casino and picnic navilion. the location and construction of which opened up p -eboioe building?and? possibly northward and convcnlpnjs to the car line to Cape Henry. the location pt (he atate r'flo lor It* improvement by the state still farther adds to tho total value of permanent building coostruct^on IB the Virginia Ileach vicinity. ' . To reach title camp site with good car.eorvlce. tho railroad company la spending fully twenty-live thousand dollar* mora for track and terminal construction, all of which serves to make broader the Intoroot that Is so rapidly cantering at this, the moat favored and moat popular reoort point on the coast.''south of Atlantic city. Kummerisml LBS flftim espeudltures by the d.fferant Interests at tfw Ileach. Sail planned and spout within a little over a year, and wo have tho startling dgure of over four hundred Hon. need In evidence of faith and mkm ^. ur.Mt. .HACK ^Lahis n.inr4 j Manaurr al I'tiihuU l^hU Att&ib llrflrri* HLs T ,i Hi. <1o.hI -r M "" < hanro to ? In iW.am. ' <J "1 brllcvo iho AoiorAcnn lo?ue penwn:u for I'M.', will fly from the pole at Sbtbo tmrK." *a'd Connie Mdcli. manager of tte Philadelphia Mhtoticf. " ' '.'Oar pitchers ^re aoinf fine and tile, trnm behind -them rrv p?aytnvr todd hall and bUUno spll. From l>UK?nt indication*. the Athletics have an excellent, ohcncu to win the pennant.' 'hiey wsre n?v<>r Ip hotter <ondrtton at the bejt Inning of a baacbuU aegeon. aqd that mean>_JL j rgrefetdeai, x. "If you got away goodT It's mojjSi oasler to Wa> jIn (rant tbr.n tt <? ^ < cote* up if you get a bad start "I believe Wanking ton will ho the most TcriklffabTo "N>pp6VoiSrt? ol Athletics this season. Of course,* Boston has a. good foam, and It wITT be nip and tuck between the AtaJega , Ics. Red Sox and the Nationals." KIVKK IUM1> STATION. We are much grieved to announce 1 that Thursday. May 1st. the angel at ' death claimed an esteemed friend, ' C. W. Woolard of* Broad Creek and; we sincerely sympathize with the be*. 1 reaved family and friend-. R^v. 1 Warren Davis conducted 'the funeraV ' services Friday afternoon at the rest- ' donee. The interment was in the ' family cemetery. A very large as- 1 acmbiage attended the services ari^ J fa-1}> ^erenumerous Oee floral c*or- J inga osuti Ibutail by thahy friends. 3 Mrs. M. W. (Tandy and daughter, \ "T V*rpi1 Ulll ??V "ttl? Krmo<gQQ ' of Blounts Creok hare been visiting Mrs. Augustas AHigood at Magnolia. Y Miss Emma LfUie b*a been spend- 1 log a few days with friends at Bath. < We regret to announce that Mrs. * I,. M. Sboppard of Holly Oleu has 1 h?eD very III for several days. * Fenner Cutler of Jeasaitia spent ' Friday night with J. B. AlMgood. 1 Etta Lee, a little daughter of Mr. * and Mrs. C. F. AHigood. who has been J very 11!. is convalescent. Mrs. X. J. kheppard of Bunyan L1 made us a pleasant call one day last week. .c ': A little son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Alllgodd of MagnoHa, who has been i -very sick for several weeks,- is improving. ' W. A. AHigood. formerly of Magnollar now a resident of Norfolk, Va., 1 has been here a few days superintending the erection of.a monument at the gravs of hter deceased wife in- * Asbury cemetery. While here he was 1 a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alii- j good. He returned home Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. i*asiter of Bath road J and Mr. and Mrs. John Coaglctou of j Washington were guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coneleton nt linvnolla . Sunday afternoon. J. A. AUIgoed end <amt)y spent Bonday at Hall Swamp with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Woolard. Mrs. Andrew Jackson and children of Washington were guests oif Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Alligood Saturday and Sunday. TheAsbury Sunday *ehool has ftuiw a lurgii attendance, both teachers and pupils etery Sunday. Mr. and -Mrs. Augustus Alligood' and-Air, sad lira. Daniel Cnngiptnn of Magnolia were guests of Mr. and hL Sheppard at Holly Glen Sunday evening. k^.Ufitc^l^el wan a guest at dinner 8unday cf Mrs. C. P. AIHgood. We are having fine, warm weather, but very dry, and rain would be beneficial to vegetation. The schooner R. P. Brattan. Captain Iiarrir. of New Bern, is loading with lumber at the .Norfolk Souther* dock. She will leave tomorrow for Baltimore. < ), _j??? Paeon Sunday Baseball. :* Manager Cl&rk Griffith la Id favor Sunday baaeball for Washington. The DM Poi think, that aunen In WaehIrigleh tttTlhs am Wot (W nwk would be wall received, and he would like to see the plan tried. . ? 'J' The Aid Society ot the Pint Methodist Church mot yeaterdgar after, noon with Mrs. W..N, pall at her reeldS.ee on E. Second atreet. Mian Sarah Herding, erst eioe-prel- Jat, pre- I sided at the meeting. fl i }'' -V," 7 - '" -idi" y ? X., > t , . . r i]? nllL.mt | r> T || | v j I'lU.cuusrflvf: i i iti hn <ni ix xrifUKKH ro Birrrvni <x>x?ith?x? or the t-rrv. '? THE mil MJBHEN ARE toEO ? Vo Oppor-itiop to these OfflfN aritl |? IttfnlldaW** \VI?o Wive STuruiont.ft .< IMiurics Arc Elrctnl Wlth.mt Trouble. r~r~ The S 150.000 bond issue, which fruu voted on yesterday -by the qualioiort of thieeity was carried by A- wwrtwam. ? U. ?T?I WRS U Jut light. only 4G6 turaiug out to east their V. It Is proJmbfeChat tfc^ majority of Uie voters who did not vote-did not understand the situation thoroughly and thought 'by act -soling they remained nenira! to tlio proposition. priK-ip proven jyjha faotr that about" thirty-live voters came to the polls to jrwfe against the issue. This was, of rourse, unnecessary, for bad they desired to vote against It. they did not eed to come to the polls at all. Ev ry man who did not vote, counted as ptae against the issue. JLt the beEtaaiDK of the election It Is assumed hgt every voter is Against the propo dtlon. Consequently it trill takohalf it the G30 qualified voters of the slty to put the Issue on an even 1 msls. ft is certain tbathad" tbe mat- > t was. enough: voters turned out to tarry the issue without difficulty. Ia' the moraiai *h<* votttrg was rery light and grave doubts were ! elt astothe number who would turn i >ut to vote. In the afternoon,-how- f ver, they commenced to ooine ia a ' itesdy stream and at about three to it^waa certain that the eleeion had been carried. The voting-in j ho first and second wards was about ivfen while the foarih polled about , wenty more than the third waM. The rotes cast for the Is6ue in each sard were as follows: .FU*t Ward, 161; Second Ward. 158. Third Ward. 65. Total, 466. -, Fourth. Ward, 82. - Majority. 161. The following Board of Aldermen were elected without opposition: For Mayor, F. C. Kugler. Aldarmen?First Ward. II. T. Irchbell, John Q.Jir&E*w. Jr. Seo>nd Ward, J. F. Buckman, C. O, Horrid. Third Ward, S. B. Cozzens. [t. L. Jones. Fourth. yfartf. F. J. 9erry, F. P. Whitley. The Methodical ' . . Housewife One woman said to another the other day: "Florence, how do you man. Y"" . t in vonr home, hnttor fnn<l nn I your table and wear better ' clothes than I. and yet I don't boliaye you spend nearly ie~' " much money an I do." "I'll tall you bow I doi It. I pond Just twenty minutes a dry reading the nawepapors. By looking through the advertisements each day I Mb lust whore and how I can get the smartest things end the ' beat vslnes for iny money. "By looking at the ads. I learn luat who la telling what I need et the beat price and then I go right attar ? No X. matter what ? went. food, clothing, or entertainment, 1 And out where I can get It I matt quickly end oonraeilently || j - Twenty minutes a day seres ' me hundreds of dollars a 1 ' W-" ,. The ' advertlsementa la The Dally New a are signboards to many women. By the regular perusal of there ads the eost ot home! " ^ ' ^ a -J': ?v' ;?'i t I*. RV 1 KM D1 1DJ SIM JK/IUIVUIlv- ^ *r. I IIS 111 MB j ! r i % kft I'nuivi ri.vis .%T THE LVHM TODAV Seldom doe# the Lyric have a more high-class and interesting program or motion pictures than those exhibited last evening, anil ones that hold you fast to" your seat until tho last 5nl?h Which renders a soothing crfoet to the worried brains and carries off tho many cares and worries of the day. . The>j>hoto play's shown last evoning revived a warm welcomo and considered to be torne-df the most Interesting ones has over boon shown.. The Lyric'c program today offore Another class equally as good as those shown yesterday, and someconsidered to-bo an excellent cure fpr the ' bines." For excellent picture the^ Lytic has.-always carried this praise due to ffce car^Tin selecting add the many taken in exhibiting which rtquire's dilRctilt carooT experienced operators. those many points have won: the popularity of the many after supper amusement seekers always found at the Lyric. The admission prices today are 5 and 10 cents. For Um last half of Ute week "Gardner &. Hawleigh" will hold the boards in vaudeville. GOTHAM NEWS AND (iOMHIl*. New York.?The city is given over to the suffragettes today who are holding one of the biggest parm? ialue nmnn-W m* lections, threats and counter threats Lhat are common to suffragette enterprises. "perhaps the most conspicuius of - these were tbo ahopkoepers Uong PIfth avenue to prevent tbo treat march. As soon as the women heard of it they got together and frankly Informed the shopkeepers that If they- (the shopkeepers) interfered with the suffrage parade, their places of business would be boycotted. As the suffragists spend at least $100,000 a year on Fifth avenue, their protest was worth considering. They declared their intention of making Madison avenue the-Fifth avenue Of Gotham, if the Fifth avenue shop-; men didn't behave. "The Real Bstat* Show opened at! Grand Central Palace today is an exhibition for the rent-ridden. The object of the show-is to demonstrate to the man on Manhattan Island struggling against rents in the always Inadequate apartment how he. can convert his high rent payments into home-owncrahlp and rear his family under vastly improved conditions. That has become practicable because there are many nearby points .from which a man can reach Ills business as quickly as he can from upper Manhattan island and travel under much more comfortable - conditions than.., Brff^posslble over crowded subways aiM-nlevated roads. "The annual "swat the fly" cam-1 pcign In New York promises to take nnusual turn this year, especially among the merchants of the lower East Side, where the fly nuisance is an actual menace.?Hera the flies are m> thick that to swat them ja only a partial solution of the problem?' -wwe BThemft n^nit be devised whereby they are removed aft the same time. To. Jtbia end Kaat Side merchants are investing. heavily in vacuum cle&nera. This action results from the visit of a committee of shopkeepers to the Dclancey street branch of tho Edison company demanding a demonfor insect extermination. They wished to see 'whether a lly could fly against the intake of air. Since there were no fllee available, an Inch long cockroach was accepted aa substitute. The victim was whisked away before he had. a chance ao much1 aa \o wiggle a leg. Thereopoa even the most skeptical were convinced and half ? down machine# of various types were ordered at once. CUMMNG HOUR POM MAKKKTK. Commencing with Thnraday. the. oavknta In Wuhlngton will clone amiy between the bonre of eleven In the morning and four In tho afterMia Tbqarb op education ietykte8dh1 11 ACT OX k?imTIOX8 FROM PINK [j TOW* DIMTBIC T. Hut Hi Hunt AnuUw lluMil Ins Between Lang Acre fowfaly art the County Anc. Will Move IVraem Untitling. A regular unotlng of the -oard of Ed neat Ion vat bald yeatcrday. ^"bert were p/cr-urt p. W. Ayert, chairman W. it. Butt and T. B. Hodge*. A petition was received from DIs I trtrt No. 9, the Lontf Acre townahlp. loved to remain where It Is at present and that n new district be created between tholr district lyid the County line. The board decided that there wot not a large enough territory or enough children In that section to Justify establishing another district "aho urect a new building, it will be necossary'to more tbe present building northward ao m to sur^p the entire territory from the Plnetown district to the County Hirer It was suggested that tbe chairman and the aecrctnry-of the board go to that locality. meot the people and decide upon a new location? A petition was also received for a special tax election for Rchool purposes to supplement the general school fund for tho PI no town district. Ths petition asked for a thirty cent property And a ninety cent pel! tax. The board.approved of the. petition and have handed It to the Hoard of County- Commissioners, who have, called an election for Wednesday. Juno 11. The registrar for the election wJl1 he J". L, Worrit; QfPlucfbwn fi. Waters I and W. A. Rdpaas. The potllug place will be In Jlr. Morris' store. " ?The County Treasurer reported to tho board that laat fall, when the sheriff paid over to him the balance i doe In the apeclat tax districts, that' ..<? ?.>ou ui uruun nit* saerm a co jxr \ mission in e&ch case and credit it to the general fund. Therefore tber board authorized him to credit the total amount, $38.33 io tho general fund and charge each district's part back to the respective districts. The board ordered ' that Miss Bertha B. Martin be paid $11.57 for having caught six days in the Long Acre township. It wju also ordered that book cases be purchased for the six schools which have been allowed original libraries this year. The cost of these '.8 to bq paid out of the general fund. TOITHFTL FASHION'S PREVAIL. (By MauQe Hall.) New York, May 6.?Women are making youthful fashions a point of greater Ftudy than ever. And tho designs. materials anil trimming that work to this end arc, the ones that are to enjoy greatest success. The short, -narrow skirt and tho corsage of jacket that are the same size all the way down may have their faults, but surely they rejuvenate the wearer and with tho small hat posed rln*plrtnn the honrl render Mmlftmp, or Mademoiselle coquettish and jaunty even though there be nothing distinguished about them. The regrettable part about the styles?tor some women?is that there is no age to them, the woman of forty being shown jAc same models as the girl of eighteen.?Indeed do uot tho stores advertise "suits for misses and small women?" * Not every small woman you are! One may always choose wisely, but when things are much changed they lose their cachet and end become neither *nb thing. I nor the other. Old blue taffeta is very smart, being used (or a number of frocks for afternoon and Informal dinner wear. Then there are the pretty picture silks in the most delightful color? one could Imagine. These designs pan all be copied in less expensive materials, and be ft said to the credit of the manufacturer that ttata year a woman can hare p 20-cent a yard picture voile. The crepe de chines are dainty but rather expensive, since the choicest patterns run $*.00 .a yard and over, yet they are very wide and not so much la required for a dress, With Utsee picture dram plain satia make a dellkhttul trimming, or retret of a darker .hade uaad on ttta tack to suggest a sailor ooUaf and a denture and strap hancins at the aide of reltret supply all the trimming that Is necessary. I ? ? " ' -1 hi rrniEST lilt 81 Ml 1 r IM8T Itltlt UniNlL 1 MKS8A(iK KTATKS THAT i . M. (.(fVKKXMKM' IS KRNIMNSIUitt, ' ? JAPANESE DISAPPOINTED 1 ... ^ ?om Kcceivea by Jnjjancno 1*nyer of" Si*ii KrandNnt That the Japuut- r- Aro .j (ireatly I pointed Orir the- Vxtm* Vfgl uge of the llill. San Francisco.?A cablegram {com Toklo to The Japanese-Aujerlcac, a Japanese dally jiaper of this cltyr ''I states that the Japanese government ' y /* cabled instructions to Baron Chiuda, Japanese Ambassador at Washington, l?st night. "ttT^higlre formal protest ~ against the alien lund bill ? nacted ' CIm by the California legislature7andrruur TVjflB awaiting Governor Johnson's ?:sna? .^19 ture. The megsage adds that thp p?- < <jjl sltion taken by tho Japanese go. ~nuient is that the United Stales government Is responsible for the Und- $9 ing of a satisfactory aoluticn o. tho ; -4 situation In California under it* _ I treaty obligations to Japan. Describing the receipt of the aewg from Sacramento last night that the . 'M bill had passed both, houses c" the Jcgialatmre. ?Un>nwange- says: "When the Japanese people rtcsiv- /?? ed the nwmrf that the alien Und bill jl had passed the C^fornla legislature aTf the people were deeply disappoint- ( " 'vJ Tokio.?The Japanese press tcday , expressed a general appreciation of ;>j the efforts of President Wilson 1c tie- 9 half of a land bill In California that ' ' ] would be unobjectionable to the r.ip- "2 aneso. . 1 Leaden; of public opinion iu Jv;an - M are advising that an attitude of calmness be maintained In the present situation. Such men as Baron 8ibus&srfc 'tf9 and Chairman Natano of th?- Tclcl? jjB Chamber of Commerce publicly aaaert confidence that the American government' and people alike are opposed to discriminatory measures of jl legislation. They declare that every a effort must now bfc made to discover and eradicate the Toot of antagonism to the JapaueseTn California in order "" that amicable relations may be restored. While tho Japanese newspapers voice these same sentiments '-hey blame the government for what thajr term a "failure of diplomacy." Special dispatches received from Washington telling of reported plans for the mobilisation of the Japanese \ Navy are read here with ridicule by M those best Informed on naval pln^.8. \ Dr. Pridgcne, the hook worm epeciailst. left this afternoon for Sla'leav*Ue. Hyde couuty. ^>c/r^/rr/ g*n^cna*~'or ^ Oto School '9 B J A large numbtr of tickets forPolk J Millar's entertainment tomorrow ?l?ht Ut? already bom sold. The people of Washington know a good j| thing whoa they me it, as hi proven by their eagergees to purchase re- j served seata which are on sale at Worthy ft. Etheridge's drug score. The price of admission Is as follows? Oeaeral admission, fifty cents; cfelK j dreo. twenty-lve cents: reserved teats. seventy-Are cents.

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