all uuijiiv TAIADDflUI umunnuir Cl.-jw NIGHT OF WfASHIXOTON ' JICHOPL WMoy--" ' All ATTRACTIVE PROCAffi KvrHIont ?n .?.? ? Which Will be Itemlrrrri at ttefe*r. < c1nc*>. Many Musical Selection*. j ? The Coram an oaraant* _oX_ 4 the Washington Public Schools Vlll | commence tomorrow night. The ex- 3 < erclsett will be held In the Audlto- , J I rium. A most attractive program has j ( been prepared which will be as fol- , I I <Ta?s Night Program?6:30 p. ro. ' i .1 l.-Vocal Uuct?"Lullabfc" MoXTt t P\ / Mlsacs Sallie Carrjw and Helen Shaw , 1 2. Address of Welcome?Mr. iSruce , Hod gee. president. J>. m a. Glass History?Mis* lionise , m Bright. 'r/V '?:^,.xv I 4. Prise English Essay? J; ] f G. Poem?Miss Helen Shew. . ?. Instrumental Duet?"A New Vlr- j f glnla^Dance*.?Atherton. lllw Olivia ? H f ^Jordan and Garland Hodges. 7. Statistics? BUs Olivia Jordan. WfJ S. Prtj#hecy?Miss Sail!e Carrow. 9. Prlae History Ejmay? 10. latt Will and Testament ?MUs F -i Mill Ml HIKES. pfc* Tbo dtwpcr committee for, Mamo} r t rial Day i?? ill who will b? , (" ? [. .. pleaoed to Wo ?o, to nil (Mir eon- \ uibotkmn to the Annorr Siturdir , mnrwlm iftor,tgn. o'clock, Owing to lUncoc, the aembere ot the soliciting committee hare aot beea able t^eall oa all of the citlreoe, bat hope that all who cmo, will help with the dlanar cither In tnrnishlng taads eg eat- . ' ablei. V MRS. O. B. C ARM ALT. Chairman Dinner Committee. , Alt persons wishing to help -keep , Memorial Day by decorating the will please send flowers on the morn01 ** tenth to the home of Miss ( Annie Jarris on Main street before ten o'clock. It will .help the committee greatly if the flowers are tied to: gather in bunches. harping. * ; , * ' Chairman Memorial Commiltee. 1 The Ladies' Memorial Association will be \erj grateful for the use of vehicles In conveying the flowers and decorating commtttoeont to the cem^ I .v etery on Saturday. Those who are willing to help TV tblB matter will ] "L- plcaao notify Mrs. N. Harding. J IS A "HtJMAX RATTLE box.'' ; .11. ( Prince Ellis, the "hnpan rattle box." payed n visit to this (HD?i this morning. Mr. Ellis Jmg * gift which -M lacking most people. He can diapf locate every ^one In his body with- j out the slightest injury to himself. Jin has traveled all over the country demonstrating to physicians new methods for treating and setting dism^Mlocationa. He will meet with the physician Vol this city today and toSjSo ' ' morrow. He comes here fr?5m Edenton and will leave for Raleigh after he finishes here. > <. BBSab ,? ?i AMRUTAN CObUMS $3? ' t.' 2* MKKT' New York, May 7 ?The annual re. union and meeting o< the Alumni Aaaodailon of the American College at Home began here today. Prleata from all parte o( the country attending. Her. Dr. UrGlnnla of Weutbury, N. Y? la the praaldlng offlcer end the rotation of the Catholic, chnreh to ZSS^SSTm'tm ? "--a- n|nA,| M nt||-iw|.i n-r Vo^loMd B&tarday on account of UL v III III IIIni V I If nKu READ THIS MOItMNt; IN THE A IN V WTUHIBK 11V REV. H. B. HE.UUGHT. Mentions the Esteem In Which the Uml*t+r%' Union Huh always Held Like Supmntendeat of the Hcbouls ml Rcgfrettt Hin Departure. til., J..T: v. *; 1 2(1* the devotional services In tKc H auuitunuDl Ul ICQ WOsaiDRlOll tllgD School thin morning, conducted by RH. H. Brkom, the following net 11 resolutions were road by Rev. H. 0 B. Searlght: f: ' ' * : g Tba Ministers' Union of WatUng- * the esteem n * wh It1las^always ? kfeld Supt. N. C. Nowbold and to bear f witness to our high regard for his 0 Christian character and Infiuenco as c k citizen and to our admiration of his p Bfllcient management of the affairs of ^ ?ur school. We particularly appro- ? -late the coarteay ho has always ex- * Kj^j^fjosfmlntsters of the QbepeT and hla cordial co-cperation 5n every ffort for the moral and spiritual op- 1 lift or the community. - We slnosrs- 5 ly 'regret his departure frota the city knd assure him that our prayers, love 1 ind best wishes shall follow him in I His wider field of service to the I State. " R. H. BROOM. President. H. D. Sl? A RIGHT. Secretary SEW P. AND H. BRIDGE. Philadelphia. May 7.-Within a few days the final touches will be pat Ti >n the Philadelphia au3 R^&dlfiff "S louble track, concrete arch bridge on e the New Tork Division on the Dels- k warel River near Yardley and the offi- t rials are pending out InvltationB to- ii lay for the dedication of tl\f struc- a tore. The bridge which the new one n replaces was built In 187S and has l; keen la coatthaona service ever since, fl The new bridge consists of 14 o arches, 11 of which hare a spaa of h fept InChes an<l three 85 rwtlT t ends of abtfimenta is 1445.5 feet. The c bridge is J~ feat wide from out to out o af coping, with tracks 18 feet centre to centre. The baae of rail is about 70'leet above low water lh the river and about 80 feet above bedrock. . ? * _ o CBOW BRANCH ITEMS. rV ' . : Mr. and. Mrs. I. A. Warren and child of Washing ton were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Warren Sunday. Mtases Essie Barr. Lily Warren, U**i*F*>weH and Effie Ross were the guest of Miss Lillian Buck Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. D. Toylo. visited Mr, B, W. Back Frtrfej afternoon. Mr. and MrsJ*3. R. Dok hb and child risked Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Barr 8un;. r" '.; 'i. \ Mlse Essie Barr spent from Friday nntil Sunday with her cousin. Miss Lily Warren. Mts. It. Mr Warren and child who has been visiting relatives in Washington, returned home Saturday. They report a very pleasant trip. Mr. aad Mrs. 1. T. Noble* and chlldren were visitors atlhe home of Mr. g and Mrs. R. M. Warren Saturday night. F Miss HatUd 11111, tfalhee Oea eedla Edward Hill were the gueaU of Miaa Lillian Buck Saturday night. 4 Mrs. W. H. Downs and child, who j has been on the stck list, are improving ratfdly. ? l Mra. H. O. Warren of Haw Branch visited Mrs. E. "W. Back Sunday afternoon. <5 vtBM T.'llliin Bxiek snent Friday ? night with Mlaa Utile Powell. j Mtee Llule Nobler ipont Bund ay , night with Miss Battle Hill. . Little Mlaa an and Caddie Moore pent a few daya laat week with their t coaeln, Gertrude Moore. , Meeere. A- 8. Weiren and Uarld Evana rial ted frienda and relatlree in J Waahinjgton Sander. They report a c yery pleaaant trip. I , Hymen Dlaon waa the genet ot j Mile Eaete Barr Bandar plght. , .J. A. Buck ot Oileed yMted E, W , Boek Sander. . 1 Mleeee Ltxxle Powell and Lillian 3 Back are expecting to leare Saturday , morning Tor Vanceboro to rlalt frienda end Nlativai. They are dx- , pecUag to attend the common neneent , at Vanoehoro high ac|ool. We all , with them a pleaaant trip. . j C. E Jtfferaon of Plnetown it ta \ th city today. V II I. AJHHIHtl KOHJi OV IIKAtKOKT CO. AT It WOLOCfc. [siiiNviitDionEir :.\tra?lv? and Klaborale I'^mrn[on* IMnx Made by the- Kntertala. tent inmm|w*r ffifc JD". 'Ult. Hon. Josepbus IMalcJs, Secretary f the Navy, will apoak ot the Waah M High School Auditorium lotoday morning. May 111, at 11 'clock. He will arrive here on tho torning of that day from Raleigh. :vtenMlvo and elaborate preparations ro being made by an entertainment ommlttee. composed of prominent Itltenh of the town, to make - Mr. Janiels 'visit here a most enjoyable ne. A. D., MacLean, chairman of bis committee asks tkat ? evoryone ifcorinm, try to be In their seats by 1 o'clock sharp, to as to avoid any einblance of disorder or confusion. WLl BADLY BDRNED The five-year-old son of Mr. and In w. V' WtllUUBI 4J1 BhJmUl lUMl i UUl tiddly but ued lu an afoldeift. The hild bad obtained some matches nnnown to his mother and lit one of hem. Hla clothing caught lire and a an Instant hie outer garments were blaze. His screams brought bis aother to the scene. She immedlater tore off his garments before the lames could reach his body. In Bpite f her efforts, the face, hands and air of the little one were badly mrned. In addition to the above acldent. the baby Is also the victim ^aeartaUaar -H la dangerously .111. HAWKINS SCHOOL HOUSE. Mrs. Henry Wallace and children | f Hunter* Bridge spent several days ?t week with Mrs. O. L. Sparrow. '' yP"! - # ssi^i' cea at Beaver Dam Sunday. . Bias Alice Woo lard waa the guest f Mrs. O. JL. Sparrow Saturday afernoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Pink ham of Vanji Walla rlsHed relatives here Innday. Miss MatUe Woolard spent several lays last wefek with friends at Acre, I. c. ^ * Mrs. John Hawkins'-was a visitor it Benj. Swain's Sunday. ' Quite a large number of our peo.lo ?tt?DdeJ ISo Woblanl-BoTd marlag* at Zion Wednesday night. Mrs. 0. L. Sparrow and children pent part of lapt week with her siser, Mre. M. H. Cutler. nt Zion. Jonathan Woolard and sister. Miss 'atay, were Washington visitors Satir.lay. We are sorry to aay that O. L. Iparrow is oil the aick llat. llys. Joha Spprrow and Mrs. W. J. ;parrow of Hall-Swamp were visitors il J. D. Swain's eae day last weak Mtsa Mary J. Woolard spent Sunlay with her sister, Mrs. Augusta >inkham. iKETUItt OF PAMUOO CHAPTER. Pamlico CbapterUnlted Daughters if the Confederacy held a moat intersting and enthusiastic meeting on tprll 28 at th,e beautiful home of Jrs. Samuyl R. Fowle, on West falne street. Delegate* were appointed to attend be district Meeting to be held In (IIIMHuKtk . Til* Buttle -or Blriloh nu trourtt iyldly baton the chapter br means if a map drawn br tbn prealdeat. lias tana Windier, showing the orts and maaoeurres of tba different irmlea. and explained by ltiss Winder In bar usual attractive and pleaang manner. , . . . j A neat turn waa rater<1 for "The ihiloh 11on am eat rand." . Elaborate preparations are being nade by tbe chapter for Memorial Bar. Kay 10th. on which occasion Hon. T. W. lllrkett, Attorney-tleneral jf North Carolina, will deliver ^Ihe Hlf UiV I*If Mr n r C.\MB IIKitK VfftOM HIII H V V K X WHKKR UK KSTKICJHINKI) ^ He nifaMU* fh <4W, <>1**?*. W. Mil. . ler toBf?btt- Wltlr t^nfeol :Hm Booker a ml the Old Honth ViurtHte Will Be at (he AwdttOrluir^ToiUnbt. ~T?HS5?rVoiir Mthfr.' HI* brother, l/uptain A. W. Miller. Colojiel Tom Booker, together with Mii Miller's old BonthQuartette; mrrtre^ Id town tlrs morning from Bel have* { They en tcrt aluod the"peop|<rhf Belhaven last night in * manner which will lonar ho remembered by the r?tdenta of that city. The audicnt - Juat Imply couldn't get enough, of Col. Miller's funny stories and soqks and he was Cpyced to give many encores. There were 750 people In tie audience and still mora were steading in the roar, unable to secure septa. This famous >; ronpflbt entertainers wiTTbe at ITU* WlUlug uj'i High School Auditorium tonight. The sale or advance tickets has been remarkable and a record breaking crowd Is expected. It is estimated that fully a thousand people vrlll be present. MISS WARUKIJ) WKD8 roUSH Cpl'NT. Baltimore. Md., May '7.?Miss Louise Warfleld. daughter of former Governor of Maryland, and Mrs. Warfleld, was married today to Count" Vladimir Ledccbowskl, of Poland, in this city. The ceremony mdlf pltftfl bride's, and was performed by Cardinal Gibbons. Count' Ledoohowskl is a Catholic. The Countess Is a Presbyterian. The date of the wedding marks the Maty-fifth birthday of the h*lfle> father. It was arranged that the niony would bMf a'sdmpUs ttMure. due principally to the fact that Miss Warfleld's grandmother died a few weeks ago. Following the wedding the couple went to New York and soon leave for Europe, where they will be met by the brother of the bride, Mr, Edwin Warfleld. Jr^TwTio is noW to TuTkuy. Young Mr. Warfleld will accompany thft. bride and bridegroom to the ancestral estate of Count Ledochowski, near Warsaw, where the couple will make their home. Count Ledochowski is a graduate of the University of Vienna, and an officer of the German army. PRESBYTERIAN PRAYER MKKTc iwe. There will be the usual mid-week devotional services at the First Presbyterian church tonight at 8 o'clock. The subject of the pastor's talk will be orea. The services will begin promptly at eight and cloae at 8:46 so that the peopTe may go^efsSvth'erlT if they desire. (? ^ That "Low Cost of living" it would ?5e Interesting to know how much less it coats " one family to live than tnother of like means and require-, ments. It is quite certain that all households do not possess equal Intelligence and" economy in their buying. A fins organized business house, through its trained pur with exactness where to buy ' and what to boy and when to buy. ThU newspaper know* tte tut word about the vast qnaa.tltleu ot paper and Inh pad everything else It bays . We would clou hp shop pretty quickly It we beecht without abuatute lofotmatlou to guide ""'The DaMyNews, through. Its every lud.vldoul aad qvary Itudy It, Be III learn the ocrot of oconOBY t M ^ A YY 4 ^T 1 K^K' . Jm' 'L lUftUfc ra I ! FlilF wm HiMiili niDflniib ? -r TM,A N fo START FROM NEW* HH'MH.AHI) IN Jt*bY. S504U0 PB1ZEJS OFFERED ftey Kxpcrt to Make the Trt,? in M Hours. *ViU Maintain a HHrIiI or tjSOO Feet. Aeroplane Will \\ . Uh . 1.300 Found*. r 4 The drat two men to Attempt to fly ecroM the Atlantic In a heavier iuau mr macmae win da Harry .BlngTmni Brown, the daring young avlator, and Rodipan Law, parachute jumper and oil around profesaioaal dare devil. A specially modelled Burgess-Wrfght biplane is being constructed for them now and they plan iUT start from tho east cousl cf Newfoundland early in July. The $G<?000 prlxe offered by the London Mall is the incentive. These foolhardy l5L9U*fg moB pUiiJo nink* thetrip in thirty-sjg hours including one atop in mid-ocean to replenish their oil and gasolene tanks. It is planned to ! maintain an altitude of 1,200 feet at which height it is possible to see over |a radius of fifty miles. Tho aero! plane will ge equipped with pontoon | floats and will exceed 1,500 pounds tin weight when completely equipped. | Brown and Law will sleep in Ave hour shifts. The machine jwill have (two sets of controls, one in, front of [each seat, so that the men will not | have to change positions when sleepAmm,?The, routs nserl by. thu largeftt , number uf jdiipa .Y>ill_Ur tsliowed^ so/ that they figure to be cons&ntly-in sight of some trans-Atlantic liner, j SHIPPING HEWS The freighter Pungo ffbqi^Low-J land arrived, in port.yesterday with 1 a load or country produce. She will return today with a cargo of general merchandise. Captain J. H. Howard of the Pungo, states that the crops j In hia section of the State have been Berioualy damaged on account of the j recent spell of dry weather. The schooner Aluia White of Portsmouth arrived here last night with a cargo of fresh flshThe tug Nautilus has been handled out on the ways of the Mutual ship, yard and will undergo repairs. PROM R. P. D. Xo. 4. Rev. H. H. Ambrose filled his regular appointment at Beaver Dam church Sunday morning and night. Quite a number was present at both services. W. H. Congleton and Charlie Congleton of Washington were guests of W. A. Congleton Sunday. Jasper Dickinson visited his sister, -arm MwChiIm.. "'ght ahfl. Sunday. Miss Stella Congleton was a guest of Miss Matilda Alligood Sunday. Miss Selia G. Cutler spent Sunday with Misses Dora and ^nnle Congleton. Mrs. Bettie Hassel was a guest of" Mrs. Rhoda J. Alligood Sunday. ~ Ml?s Stella and Annlo Congleton visited friends at Bunyan one evening last week. ?\tr Mitt Mrs. William H. Rbdgers were In our midst Sunday p. m. We are requested to announce that there will be an .Ice cream party on the lawn at C. A. Cutler*! Saturday night, June 17. for benefit of St. Stephen's church. Tour presence is requested. Miss Martha Alligood of Red Hill ROftd was a gtfast of the Misses Congloton Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mamie G. Mlxon rlsited friends in Washington Monday. ( Some of our people attended the burial of Charlie Woolard Friday. We sincerely sympathise with the bereaved family. MEETING OF HARVESTERS The members of the "Harvesters," a society of the First Presbyterian i Choroh, met With Miss Mary Eliaabsth Thomas lest eight at her rssldeuce on Mast Second street. ^ brief business iQsetlng was hefd at wblch j l! came which was slayed hy sll those HII >18 I 88 IIIII *' HI I III I IB II III SINGLNG V?i KXCKtl.KNT AM) WAS i.ltKAlXV KNJoVKI> BY THOSE PW?EXT. < hiltfren Spent Ln*t M*ht With Fainille* In the CM J. Left tIJs Mnrnl*K for Vanceboro, Where Another Performance Will lie Qlren. < - - '-? - r-.... miiirin tBrnranwi ur the Singing Class of the Oxford Orphanage at the High School Audito-. rlum laat.nUht. was all that had been predicted. The tinging was excellent and was neatly appreciated by the audience, if the amount of applause given the children, was nny imilcatlun. ^?s? They sang in chorus, duets and 'solos. They also performed in panItomlne. There were ten girls and | four boys, ranging Jrom seven to [fourteen years of ago. A moat enjoylable evening was enjoyed by ail who heard the singing. different families of the town and left thin morning for Vanceboro. where ihoy will give another entertainment. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage' licenses l^ere issued at the Court House during the paoti w?In * ?*? iprti sn.?c antl Mut Woolard. colored, of Belhaven. April 29?W. H. Roberta and Marianne, colored, of Bloiints Creek; Win. B. Johnson of Richmond and Bertha O. Tuten of Edward; 8. M. Malllson and Anita McIUxepuey of ^faahtngton: Ottls Woolard and Martha P. Boyd of Washington. April 30?C. E. Waters and Florence Draper of Bath; Daniel Boone and Sophia Gorhani of Washington, "colored. May 1?Macon Robc of W?*hln?r ton and Mamie llrlckcll of Baysfde; Alexander Nias and I*aura Edwards of-Chocowinlfy, colored* May 6?Jack Franklin and Florence West.of Washington, colored. voitxc JOR PA\\nv is 77, Danviiie, 111., May 7.?If anyone Is under the impression that "Uncle Joe" Cannon Is any the less busy than he was when- he occupied the position of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, he iB vastly mistaken. Mr. Cannon Is today celebrating hia seventy-seventh birthday anniversary and is deluged with congratulations from all parts of th6 country. He says he expects the Republican party to be back in 4hoharness fp,n.r year? ?bence and plana to be "among those present." FRANCE TO INCREASE AERIAL FORCE. Far is, May 7.?Parliament ro-ua^ semble today. The vast aerial preparations made by Germany have determined the decision of the French Cablent_Council..tQ _hring. forward a bill to. add greaty to France's air flee. Even the outlnes of the new measures have been kept secret, but it is generally agreed that ttio ecndltions of war on land and sea has hftnn art chsnonH lha nrnorooa made In the navigation of air that I Franco must put forth fresh exer- I tiona in this direction. Returns of Eh\ Verified 1 Below are given the complete ret by the Board ol Canvassers yesterday Number qualified /ftfrs Vote? for aeijrera|s4ad water.. . Votes against sewerage and water... Qualified -voters not voting Votes for electric light plant Votes against electric light plant.,. Qualified voters not voting For Mayo^-F. C. Kugler. 1?7. For Alderman?W. T. Arch bell. 1M; J. O. Bragaw. Jr.. lfifi. second Ward.. msm * '. *' BB i (110 w _J3 If Hit i Ttf >tti- -*- u Ifli" i IMIH>RTANT WORK GIVEN 00 M. M. JONES. WHO WAS LOW. EST llll>l>EK. THE Fl?URE_WAS $1600 :._3 Other IluHlncNN of ln>jH>rt_uiro Brought l"|? at Two Ihij SesHiona of the ltoar<l of County OowmlwIoiWH. Tho Bojjrd of County Commission. era mot Monday and yesterday. Sev-? eral Items o? importance *ere ' brought up and disposed*)!. Monday. . ^^4 'Present. M. H. Whitley, (VP. Ay-. ;-ufl cock and W. S. D. Eborn. la tlx?absence, of Chairman W. E. Swindell. ': who was unable to attend on account of Illness, Mr. Aycock presided at tho moeflw. " It was ordered that C. H.HnrdlnfC? be and Is hereby appointed Assistant. Recorder for the city of Washington and Washington. Long Acre and Chocowinity townsnlps. A petition was received .asking that the board discontinue that portion of " j9 Road No. 10 in Pantego township, beginning at a point where a new road, recently copstructed by S. W. Wilkinson, interests said road near J. R. Bishop's residence and extend- S lng It southerly to a corner known an Frank Smith'* corner, thence eaptwordtv thrQUKll lanns Itflfmemi; I!1 rumiiii minis m d.? .Uvjfi..* iiim between him and Wm. Mann. The petition was granted by the board. A communication was received -aj fro?i W. B. Rodman, protesting agaiuet an alleged double assessment which had been imposed upon his property. He aaked that he be allowed to pay tbe single tax with the . privilege of taking up before tbe board the question of reimbursement. - ->M Hla request was granted. Tuesday. ? iTpreaent, C. P. Aycock, W. S. Eborn, W. H. Whitley and H. C. BragfiW. Hfr. Aycock again presided. - ?A petition waa' presented to the board asking that an election be held 1n the Pinetown district upon the question whether or not a special tax? < shall be levied according" to*law~Tof the aupport of the public schools in that district. It was ordered that the petition be granted and that a special election be held June 11. The election will (be held In the store belonging to P. it. Morris, that P. L. Morals be npI pointed registrar and that P. S. W?? iters and W. P. Respass act as judges at the election. The contract for a new bridge over Jack's Creek at the east end of Main rr . . 1 r T ' ja he betng the lowest bidder. Mr. Jones agreed to build the bridge for the sum of (1,600.Some further business of mlnot importance was brought up and dipposed of, after which the board adjourned. . v jyB Chattanooga, Tenn., "STayTT^Tlie upbuilding and quickening of the dry >' goods trade in the South is the printitml subject fif" discussion at thn an. nual convention of the Southern Wholesale Dry Goods Association which opened here today. The meet- ? ing has drawn a crowd of the leading dry goods men of the South. I action as bv Canvassers ?^ '43 urns of Monday's election aa verified at W. 2dW. 3dW. 4 th W. Total 226 196 95 137 634 161 159 65 82 466 J 4 1,6 4 14 61 37 25 41 164 166 168 68 83 466 . * I 6 1 10 II 27 ti 41 162 I Tblrd Ward. [ For Mayor?F. C. Kugler, 48. " For Aldermen?S. B. Coexeas. 61; JR. U Jonee. 61.

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