H&1d A. W ? . . . , >vl* o? friends nnd rei? athrce ?f the graduating claiw attrnd__ ed "Olaha Night" ?t; the Alidttorlum j i"'" ?itofltt to its capacity limit. A loud oTation was given the mem* J berref the Senior <U.tss .1^ ti.. > amr on the itage. They Mated themselves , in a half circle with the two male f j" 'inethMre of the claaa. Bruce and Oarland Hedges. In the centre, and Sept. N. C. Newbold^ an^Prlnclpal M. A Muggins at the "ends. ['A^r Misses Sal lie Carrow and Helen Shaw rendered a very pretty vocal duet and were loudly applauded. The two youag lad la* have charming voices and they fully merited the applause given them. Bruce Hodges, the president of the out going class, welcomed the audiv ence in n neat address. He was fol? lr?.*h,VI?s loalsr Brmllt..>Ao read Up clsa. history of the urado _gUM Ut>? Prio-Vt Kfvt.ighf onf mnnv huujfrouB points about hen classmates The address was extremely well written and thought out. \ MiM Mabel Dalley, >sno, was noxt on the evening's program. read the l% WM ?.vW?nt that Miss DallejThi^Tp^nrmUfB ?mr and work on kef article, for its was perfect 1% rhetoric and construction. J\ Miss Oailey lent an additional charm r^*TA to It by her clear and distinct mkn!? rl j ?1 ner of reading. ' 111' The poem. written by 1(!m Helen / J 8bnw,- waa also ynry good and was . r I well received by tic andlaace. It \ )> waa one of th* moet Intereatlna numJv kera on tke program. It waa (allowed .by ea Instrumental duet by Mlea ?, OUtla Jordan and Oarland Hodgea. fVi? *? i 3 Tie two play ad together perfectly. The ekiaa eUllatlca were read by Mi?e OMTlVTordalT Hlrmulil. Ill he. te S5.HM.6N UBS BEEK ' : 4% MSB M SOFFRAGEHES MUttauVe Slave Dcatroyd Property Valued at the Abore Amount Daring According to an ofaclal estimate made ? Uoadon yesterday. it waa ' found that the damage to'property Tn" the British Isles canned by the miUthree menths amounts to'more than H\ (1 muuou uoiian 1 u iuib lum. lob cfenmMso states, mast be added the aaataetlBK Urea and proportr. 10 watch erer each member of the ' caUMt a* an tinea, while suspected paeaoaa era shadowed hr Plata lothe ataaa and all pabllo balldltisa - - - ? hare beb**ittosd under apeelal * ruarda. Figured at this rate, the suffragette ectlsltles are ceetlhK the ' country at last twsoty-dsp million dollars. MAY IN HIBTOBV. ,, -'e'^vT " ' >? * ' *) (' ' epidemic Of smallpox ~ V frroke oat at New Orleans. IS52? An earthquake completely destroyed Scblras la Persia; lt.tSO llrea wereloat. 4 1854?A aew mall route was e?Ubtbfced from Sydney, Australia J*-''--'" * Panama. ~ -we?Maehame-CtonyenUon of Colored Men adopted address faV . raring immigration from the 1 nalfitr Trevelyan appoint-1 ^ ; ed und^r secretary Tor Ire-j - land. ap<l 10,000 pounds offer . ?-' V ed for the apprehension of tBe ' v aeeasalna of Cavendish and I Burke. fefe- _W M follow# tn the Soudan refused an offer of money to enable "Chinese" dtordoa to eaeape from Khar1811?Madame BUrataky, the noted t?il?Ike American ffsdrrstion of 1\ ?* 3T? ? EvV .wmmm awiiixt of dvUftmitlmr at "ma?Chicago and Baltimore begin .. iraparatlon for Hepubllcan ill Democratic ConrentionB, J?lllll W. jg ,.?i TUT 4 NKWfl WANT ArtJ, I if Inimitable way. or the achievement* a( each ladlvldatl member of the claaa during their jreare In the high ach^TI ^ ~H The read,btpfl? gallle farrow, waa t|gr next number on the program. Mist Carrow propb etiled regarding the future of the brilliant tinea of 191S. Her ptedlcI tiona were exceedingly humorous and I kept ber audteneo In rear* I The prise history eaaay waa read I by Mite nettle Spencer. The eaaay I waa well roinpoeed and woe read I clearly by Mtia Spencer, j'1 v ' I One al the moat buiuoroua features I of the program waa the laat win and tektaafent of the rlasa, whlct& was .read'by Miss Job1?> MeCu Iters. jn ft. i the Seniors bequeathed all manner of |things to the members of the other [classes, tlfe leachefa and tha school | In general. * Z j When Mtva McCulIers had lnlshed. Principal Al. A. Muggins arose and. after a ?hort introductory speech, read h act of resolutions, which had been drawn up by the teachers of the school as a slight w^rk of esteem and regret ovor tbo?departure nl Supt. N. C. Newbold. Ho was folioVW by John C. Tayloe. president of the school, who also made a few remarks of referet over Mr. Neurbold's departure! and, 'In behalf of the aphoo], presented him with a beautiful gold watch, suitably inscribed; Mr. TCewbold responded to both Mr. Hugglns and Mr. Tayloe with a suitable, address, thanking them and the school fbr their kindness and manifesting hie appreciation of the same. The closing number or the program was a "Folk Song" song by the mem AI/liKU PVR hidTKRH. | Ust of tot tars remaining uncalled Cor in this o?6e for the week ending May 3rd, 1913: I Men?Christopher C. N. Culler. Henry Crandle. Alex. Camp. A. Q. Davis. Judd A Detwtla, Hssey H. Fennell. Alic - Williams. Frank Fon flle, C. R. Hood. W. T. Johnson A Co., Heaeklah Moore, H. ~D. Prince. BharttTJ.-Retd, * 8. Stanford. WrABrtlth. J. W. Sherwood. E. H. Tucker, E. 0. Tankard, Wonder Mfg. Co. Women?Miss EfBe Brown, Miss MoAlla Booth, |Crs. Com Bee ton, MIm Emma Dunn. Mr*. Hattle Fleming, Illegible, Estella Kin go, Mr.a jMWjmP- yj; 7'riThese totters will bo sent to the dead leUer office May l*th, 1913 If not delivered before. In calling for the above, pleaae say "advertised" glv&g data of list. -. ' -TltfflH"PAUU P. M. _________ ^ NEWS FROM PCNGO. / Mrs. R. H. Alton. Mr*. 8allle Allen had Mrs. Eliza Carter vialted friends in Pine town Saturday and Sunday. TM BUI lflgfflH Uf J. W. Paul. Jr.. are glad to see him home again. Mr. and Mrs. D C. Davis were the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harris Sunday afternoon. . _ U "> Mr. and Mrs. J. "W. Paul wero the gueata of Mr. and Mra. W. G. Gray Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dendon Manning vialted Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Respa^s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. neapaiw ipant n..'a.T-l?h U. ..yl Mr. n?.ld R,<1. Mra. D. R. Paul Visited Roper from Misses Nlta and' Lucie Harris and Matilda Paul ware the ?uosta of Mrs. J. 8. Reapass Sunday aturnoon. The man; friends of lira. Emetine Swindell are sorry to learn that she continues rery 111. R. w. and J. D. Paul-made a buelness trip to Belhaven Saturday. a. B. Cooper made a business trip to Bethacen Saturday. Steward Harris visited Belhaven Saturday on a brief trip. . m ijiwiBttliw *' Copenhagen. May ?.?Captain Rl^ nar Mllkelsen. the explorer, took unto hiniself a brldo today. Mrs. Mnt else. was tormarly Mis. Naja Holm. tUto (he d*^Sh"r E^TO^" - I I TfiSn F1H 1 ?r COXTIWCTOR JONES IK WJUTING FOB MATERIAL TO AKKIVK. TO BE BUILTDE CONCRETE ? Bridge Will He of IMafomd Coa.Mi ?mi win ne tawmy-ate iim ? Mf add iti'?iww im w im. r Contractor M- JwwWQ* T" iiouitred that wort os the new bridge irer Jack's Crtak. at the tM end of Halo street win be began u noon as the material ess be secured. The brldj&c will be made of reinforced concrete. " There will be a span of twenty-five feet over the creek. At feach end of this, the marsh will be filled in. The bride* will be seventeen feet wide and will run in *~ttne with Main street, although ? there will; be a bend in the fill. Later on It is contemplated to straightwill connect with the principal street in Washington Pork without a bend. . Mr. Jones was awarded the contract for the building of this bridge ~ by the Cohnty Commissioners at their last meeting. His figures for the *u work was $ 1,600. of LABOR N?:,VS ANO \OTE8. ln The (hope or the Chicago, Peoria A St.' Loots Railroad at ^aekaoaTflle. ?7 III., are closed .temporarily. The headquarters of the United * Mine Workers* District 21 ar^ being * removed from Oklahoma to Fort Worth, Texas, because the Oklahoma ZZ legislature repealed the "mine run X law." - -VTT'-* JJ- - ! | Local unions ln Michigan are not kept informed aa to the state of trade through the^ employment bureau of with the Sflchigan Printers' Federation. f i y'-1 Tfce sub-committees of the New York legislature that have oeen considering the various workmen's compensation bill, have reported In fav^ u i "I J L11 / jj+Y S r, t ThfE!* lTu r* tag-Jackson tneasnre. The committee's bill would permit employers to fhiura that employees with casualty companies. Marine Engineers' Union turn en-1 tered into an agreement with the railroad companies operating ferryboats on San Francisco bay whereby marine fireman in their employ will receive a wage increase of frofn $7.50 iti SI A nor mnnih According to on o35rial announcement tan o< the Independent match factories In Sweden, which bare remained outside the ao-celled Swedish natch truat, the Jonkojilngocn Volenti Taadetlche-fahrlh, are now to be formed into a elngle corporation to he known as Aktlebelaget Korenade Seeneka Tandatlcke-fabrtker. Washington, Mar ??We Supreme Court docket waa suipeaded today until May 2?, go Cttst the conn mny I take a recast during the lateral. ? |\ ill* ? [ *< rbp!arre?^*r\(rdui flyer. tto. ? hnny iajohe of the Jwit Kuown fl>tde many ectac-rlfur and Kccesgful flight?. i win n**o three flights at the Reion on M&y 2 7, 28. und 29. At ch of t . to will takn i >ft enveici^a tailuiulriH isuuh -of ? J >ney and drop t them -ihlto th<? ?wda belcm. Green he** already yjj !$* In Ills *dm Ayr and claims thai he has solute control of hie machine. He 0r< the first Southern aviator. ?IT I Mmm z Below are giveir the averages and ide by the member* of the Gun Th< ub at yesterday's shoot: tha White. 92. for Bland. t4. 1 Squires, 84. * par Maxwell. 80. the Kear. 72. ata Sterling^ 72. den Kignht. <0. > Daughtrldge. 60. r Sparrow, 58. . ?; Hodges. 58. 1 mch^ite.'K2. ' Ula Gallagher, 50. Sat Fleming, 44. 1 vial M. BARJUK HAS A BIRTHDAY, hoi Loatea. Mm.]; i-^J M~ _ Barrtt. 1 ithor of "What STe? Woman bee lows." '^PSter Pan," aaiu n umber C. hla^iyBucceHsfu! plays, lachlobrat- da] o^bls fifty-third birthday anntrer- ] fy today. Among the greeting re- of lred - were congratulations from Ha tarles Frobman. the American the- i rical manager, and Mian Maude ten lams, the most famous exponent of urc e Barrie plays. ] . ? da] r nig KeepingTrack of ^ . ' Wll Children's Needs. *1 ' I n. i mg WL Children of today would ^ scorn the clothes their moth- q , era wore wtftn they were Tittle. ' In children's clothlhg there ^ have boeu tremendoua ad- | 'MW madn?In?"mmw J convenience during the lot de- wl( has there been each a rartety up perleaeed mothere have ?1T lent "a a hand In eolylng the problems So of children's apparel. Nercr ser cade. Doctora, noreee. and ex- j"* to meet every peeelblc demand W1 of health, comfort, and atyle by M **ere lar In the ahopa today. ^ cat The careful mother oil! keep In touch with the dorlo'e prog- tw race In theee Jineh by reading a beat the cloth ee and aefotho- ? nee adeortlaed la fie colamne of The Dally Kewa. T, I ' In selecting her children'. | rummer wardrobe abe cannot afferd to Overlook anything for 1 tbelr comfort that aha might. I **" II h.1 . , S\ta ipHL *\ L| m W ' k/V'' iv/(/f BBBB' ngr- . njlIKE VARY PEOPLE I1SSUD JJtlffla is llKUION OP DIMM A L SWAMP AUK THKKATKNF.D. * 9IO.OOO Worth of Danujf Has eadjr Been Done to Onr l.nmber npnajr. Hon i? Obscured for Badof Fifty Mi lex. \ 'oreat Area, which bare been ragtdr many days on both_$idas of rami Swamp, broke out anew yeslay and are now threatening many nee and villa*** in both North T. jJ30BJ9Pr' IMIVVU liiai?mmti perty damage has bean caused. I that maay parsons are missing. 1 smoke from the fire is so dense t the sun is practically obscured a radius of fifty miles. [*he John L. ltop^r Lumber Comly have suffered the most from latest reports received. It is ted that orer $100,000 worth of ange has been done. ACRE NKWS. lev. N. H. Harrison filled bia regr appointment at Whlto Plains urday and Bifida?. diss Blanche Harris, who has been [ting relatives at Acre, returned ne Tuesday. Idiss Mattie Woolard, ufho has m spending a few days with Mrs. C. Harris, returned home Monf. fcllaa Sarah Braddy was the guest Hisses Mattie Woolard and Ruth rrls Sunday afternoon. Juite a number Trom Pungo atded services at White PlainB Satiny and Sunday. diss Martha Brownie speht Saturr night with Mrs. J. S. Harris*, tfrs. Eliza Carter spent Saturday ;ht with Mrs. Emily Boyd. CHS ClOhgh?Davenport was tho sat of Misses Mattie and M&ggio ndley Sunday afternoon. Miss Efllo Latham spent Saturday ht with Mlssoe Mattie and Maggie pdloy. r. J. Topping spent Sunday with C. Harris. KEKP t-P GARDEN PARTIES. ffaahlaatnn Miv Wilson. o of the President, intends Co keop the custom established by Dolly dison and perpetuated by Mrs. oeerolt and Mrs. Taft. of string a tea of garden parties on the south rn of the White House. The first ;es place this afternoon, when Mrs. Ison will be assisted in receiving her daughters. The ladies of the ilnet will also be present. There II be other parties oho week and 9 weeks from today. IIOX PACIFIC'S frlMH KXTKSO, v.; + Washington, May *?The time UM to th. Union FKlSo Southn Pnetflo Company to dlaaolee the rvornttoo. expires tomorrow, hot torney-Oeaeral WcReynolds han acileaesd In Itn extension until July The railroads hnre been trying ret the time sxtaadod indeftnltely. Into W( - --v ^ A rathar peculiar accident hSppen$*.Uat nlfbt whan tint Norfolk boutbern train, couiIns Into Washington" fr<^~5i or folk, stopped for ? few minutes ota the mule which pans Jack': cWek" One of ilie passengers on the train, whoso name we unfortunately Have been uuable to BoHT-fT thought that tho train bad frfrlled Into the station and proceeded W|et off. He we lit down the stops, stepped on the trestle and then very ' HjWfelliy proceeded to full Into the mMY waters of the creek. Ho let i ^^^E&tty yell as he Mrock the cold dlil ii mused the other i>a<rush to the windows. J. S MpjJ^llAS KXf I.I.llXT l'HO- | Aabiher high-class bill in both vbhdevlUe and motiou pictures charmed the audience at the Lyric j Theatre last evening and one that was weH"ecloyed. < "Gardner ft Hawlelgh" is m excel- ' lent get. charmed the patrons and fifteen minutes -of con^h- ^ uoue laughing matter. They were \ certainly artist at the profession, i and a class of "the better kind" eel- ' dora do we see any better. , The motion pictures was another r feature on the evening's bill and ones 1 that deserved large praise. 1 Today's offering at thf& p^ro- of s amusement offers anothei pi-gram * equally as good and somenhjp that * can be depended upon for bi*,lVetop 1 cauart^nment. > " *. * "offered to tayxB an- 1 ?e. fl'-lyriyit 1 nad nature tn n.? *?rrt, MXOLETON NKW'S. 'Clyde Willard is a\ little bottlj now. This is welcome news ?v*hk: many friends and playmates. Walter Chesson, Jodie Harding and Joe Willard gave a surprise party at the residence of S. L. .Willard Saturday night to the girls In the neighborhood. Those present were 1 Misses Lucie Woolard, Mary Chcsson, t i inu Perry. Myrtle. ZuU. Ella. Mln- ? nie and Bettie Gray Willard; Messrs. Asa. Ralph, Dave and Albert filugle- t ton, Wastel Chesson. Joe and Evan A Willard, Bruce LeggOtte. Jodie Roberson, Sam Williams and Jodie Hard- < ing. .Woolard is on the sick list 1 this week. , 1 4 Several of our young people are ( expectlSJr to attend the Memorial exercises Saturday in Washington. 1 Ralph Perry spent Saturday night ] and Sunday in Washington visiting friends and relatives. 4 3. T. Jackson made a business trip i to Jamcsville Sunday .and returned I Monday. . Some of the farmers are through setting out tobacco, while others have not finished, owing to the scarecity of pTftrcr? ^? McDonald Gautier and Miss Alice Hodges were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Sunday p. m. Luke Jackson was in our midst Sundsy p. m. Miss Lucie Woolard spent Sunday as a guest of Miss Bettie Willard of Cross Roads. Jodie Harding of Chocowinity was a guest of his aunt, Mrs. S. L. WilJard, Saturday night and Sunday. ?Puu'l fuiget the preaching Sttinr-.. div nirfit br Kenneth Bowen of A. c. c. "There-were several visitors. Quito Sunday school Sunday. Against S. S. I.<m khart. Word reached Congressman Page through the postoffice department today that charges hare been filed against S. S. Lockhart, recommended as postmaster at Wadesboro. The principal charges is that Mr. Lockhart is too deaf to properly discharge the duties, of the postmaster. The matter was a complete surprise to Mr. Page and he was unable to learn who had preferred the charges. The feet that papers are waging the appointment of W. ML Morton, who was a contestant against Mr. Lockhart, would seem to indftepfte that the' action was taken by * Mr. Morton's *"*"** > (&?* if 'J' M; ters of Creek L?wU of f|ocky Mount. \roo was '^j9 OB tha train, took In the aituation at At a ff lance and pulled the alcoju cord. tMBB* in? iriin to rtop. : ? When It backed op to the place loan had clambered out of tho water ; Yj tad wan waiting for the ira-r.. He got'on board again add thin tlmo > waited until the last passenger left ; ?j| the train .. before getting oft at the v.$9 Mr. Lewie stated that, whtl Uedld '^3 not know the unfortunate pa^enger's name, he thought that he live : about ' , two blocks Houth of the Norfolk ,".yM 3outhern l>epot. BON. P. T. CLAXTON TO 1 SPEAK AT AUDITORIUM IVotuinent Figure in Educational U..H.I Will Make Addme at the FVimmmeemeni KwivIm-s ul Uxo . )a WsNhlngton School*. The a dd re Sir o( the evening, at ttur Gammon Cement exercises of the IVashUigton Public Scbools tc-.tght, kill be made by Hon. P. T. Qluton, v Jnited States Commissioner ot Eduction. ilr. C lax ton was a former eeideut of thla State. He taught at he Normal College ut ^ireeuaboro. 3H le was also director of the great Summer School of tbe South at vnoxville, Tenn. He is one r' the post prominent figures in the t.uuca~ onaJ#w?irkl today. | fX most entertaining progrn ^ t aen flrrgrytrr ^otrirle^gT Tr.'*; Xn? jBrtfnn and It is hoped that VfHH C viany will attend as were present ?? night. Hesidep Mr. (Maxtor/.* lid- , ' Ire**, several musical numbers will >? rendered, the Hon. J. H. Small rill'be present and introduce the pesher of the evening, and the ifiae* and medals for the pas' year *111 l^e given out. j HAW BRANCH ITEMS. ?| Walter Bright, the little sch of 'enner Bright, who had the -5^9 una to break his arm a few days igo, la getting along fine. ^ Our fhrmeni are having bat1, lark ?^ n ?nhoren tn llvn on appmtot ?f Mrs. Sixam Lewis, who ha* Deed ~^j| in the sick list, fs Improving. Mi's. R. M. Warren and Miss Lily klae Warren have returned home ' 1 |ffl 'rem vhairvi&ii to Washington, N, 2. They report a fine trip. MIbr Essie Darr spent from Friday until Sunday with her cousin. Miss Lily Mae Warren. Kev. Alonza Holton filled his reg* ular appointment at Haw Branch --^i Sunday. Quite a large number wera In attendance. William Nelson and Mrs. Lizzie _y; Powels were the guests of Mrs. H. O. Warren Sunday. MIbs Essie Barr and Mre. H. O. Ulmrr^n *r.nrl? r flying trip tO Wish- > ington Friday. J. F. Lewis ar.d Joe Edwards wer9 Greenville visitor's Thursday. Joseph Lewis and W. H. Lewis \'j3 were visitors at Blounts Greek Sun- ? day. Sim Bill. Plum Hill and Harvey Taylor were visitors at H. O. Warren's Saturday night. Miss Olile and Dora Chandler were ' 1 the guest of Mrs. Senora Bever? Saturday night. , - -' 'i SHIPPING HEWS The gasolene boat Josephine left 1 h this morning for Swan Quarter with several passengers aud a cargo of :',fl freight. The gasolene boat Bterling Is on the ways of Channeey's ship yard . and Is undergoing repairs. The sloop Daniel Creasle is moored * to the wharf at the foot of Water street. She is loading wkh a sargd of general merchandise and wilt . "'J leave sometime during the day. ' J The schooner Annie Wahab is at Channoey'a ship yards where she is JM to he thoroughly overhauled. The schooner A. L. White arrived ii port early this -morning. She brought in a oargo of treah fish. I The Otto D. Terrell will leave port ku*nc th* d*y. :

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