- $ MilIiiR nflr.mrr. *7* \i; v MJ U U HI r iJ AJ U (IF TRIfllj ?' r-?w?huhu WKKm h ARKlVRD IK TOWJf THIS MORN. ? ' *< TO n .K WM Of fgt- CITY TB SUE WAIEICS. B Is Aliened Thai the Water CihiiI Fall) Ha. Failed It. Use Cp to Their Ooatrart. t ltjr to Attempt to Revoke Kranchtae. 'At' Judge Wliea*y hgs failed, to comply with their contract and aa a result, tfce city is sueing the White* Company, for the.purpose of revoking their franchise. Following Is the .decision handed out by Judge Whedbee this morning: fa City bf Washington ya. l^gl^t and Water Company., * This cause, coming on before the on a motion to aot the cause for trial W: peremptorily and on motion by d?-, ~ft ""tehdahU'for time to answer. rt is order Judga Presiding. jEZtt&rJifb Ortmaa, aLtornaya (fir pMntfff, had itouman >na uoamaa, kvotdb;! ior . . the defendant. HTUDKNTM UHK HUM' GAKH. ???? < , Connecticut Calbottcs indignant Over i' a Feature of Yale I'arade. : Haven. Conn.*? Many Connecticut Roman Cattxollca are lndlgaant over the fact that yesterday in the Omega Lambda Chi parade, in which , ail seniors appeared in fantastic garb, were student* dressed as Slaters of Mycy. One ran along in the preeeeajon; the other two rode m a carriage. ' lc^s maid that some of the onlookera urged the three students to de' * ? . slat. *1;* * ? ' I*-.. * -?There were many caustic criticisms of this part of the performance today, but none because some Eplcco&^Eh3? Ml clergymen ware represented. Capt. Jesse Spalding of the fagtbatl team, a member of the committee in charge of the celebration, found nothing (o criticise In the costumes. ' . . ' * Dels Johes dhntes'that'during the r~ fulsissdUa s slndeal led nnrto the - length of the oompae, but ds making an Investigation. RISING AAHBS. tmUrango Rebuilds Iluslness District Destroyed l^r PI re. LaGrange.?The town of . LaGrange in preparing to. rise froyi the ashes of Its' recent dlaastrpns ffre. v ffT thft D T ? P ST iJ ~ jiyjg rs_ wh n J o s t buildings In the big blase, ^ith onp or- two exceptions, will rebuild at once, and In every ease handsomer rJMtifetiire* will replace those destroy The ftre-*wept district 1b Intended to be greatly Improved In appe&fr j ancW, and when It is completed the [F entire buatapas section of the town i " will have beoni rebuilt within two l.ea?oBmtratc the Value* of the strata the WeatElectric Hair Curler. All the ladles of the city and vicinity am cordially Invited to be present at | this demonstration And see tho values and what cap be done with the elec-, trie curler. VAUDEVILLE AT THE LVRlf THKATllE TONIGHT. Today's program offers that In both vaudeville and motion pictures thai the public have patiently awaited. -Miss Maude Emmett, the .clever Htoe linear Mind ihk pmr littler voice among one of the numbers for tonight. This little artist has her own pleasing manner in putting her songs over that reaches the high appreciation of her audience. "Among other features are-Mr. Benor Andongui, the well known Spanish violinist. This artist needs no comment. His ability proceeded his engagement as a must can of this kind. His reputation Is that he holds bis audiehce spelled-bound and no doubt a welcome reception awalta ?The motion pictures mentioned in their protram today consist ot a novelty from both eomic to dramatic ^pd western. The admission prices todays are 10 and 20 cents. 8THAMRR IS HUNK 111* TORPEDO BOAT. Norfolk, Va.?While making her way to the Norfolk navy yard, submarine totpeio . hdal V-S ctmldeu with the steamer Anna, a small era ft plFlng between Norfolk and points In North Carolina, and Bank bar. The ^oliuton occurred near the Norfolk navy yard. The submarine had jest arrived from Newport with several Others and wksneliig-uuurwed twthe yard by the Monitor about 8 o'clock. Toe Anna carried a mixed cargo and several passengers. All were rescued by .naval launches and tugs sent oot from the Norfolk navy'yard. The ttrgn hynn Haven add WahMM npr? ItU WiWd1" Ana and took oil her paseengers and crww. The Anna was commanded by C'apt. Bills McHorney. 3 ''1 ! '. A' < e- , HJNTK KOK SICH TOUJM1 MKN. To raise f. luxuriant mustache life It gently by the edges, 'j To keep troucsra from bagging leave them tt the tailor's. * %; To take spots fro At polka-dot ^a- blot tbsm ont with Ink. i lihelr girl friends. ... . . , ~ -.,' . ' "7* VAIIIII ?-i mmfLAiin m 11511/lU Iilv 1111 vlIR lUfili Duly IIII)lull in "V - V. >' " * ' ~ y''^ d VflXiGB or HKBWAKD SAID TO BR OOMPLJCTRLV Wlk'KO OCT. | ' ? <.' ' 1 . Blllf NED DEAD Ah Far a* Is Knlmn, Twelve DfaUw Have Occurred as a Result of tbe Storm and Fifty People Have Been Injured. vv'.^vjjjfe iV ' ' Omaha. Neb.. May 16. ? Officiate of tbe Nebraska Telephone Company in this eftyitere notified early yesterday morning that a tornado at Seward had resulted in IS deaths and 50 perBaon* being injured, several _ol them. fatally. The town is aafd to have been almost destroyed. # B'1 A series of tornadoes v.;hich had | t^elr climax at Seward struck tho | jtowns of McCool. Luslildtf and Grafton. east of her? Jukt before C o'clock 1 last night. Numerous buildings were ' demolished, bi^t the total number of cat&strophies 1h unknown,, A storm of great fury struck the southern part Njf Omaha at 7 ' o'clock yesterday evening, unroofing many houses in |tbo~vlclnliy-ot Thirteenth and Goldstreets and doing other damage,- . i three Inches of rain fell in the downtown district. SBIPPINC NEWS' f The barge, M. McNally. which has been loading w ith lumber at fche Norfolk Southern wharf, left yesterday for Philadelphia. | ;Tbg Carolina fa moored to the iNctfoIkflouthern wharf, j?Tt u jftooaei Viigiuia Daieaitited in tfdrt last night with a cargo of | farm, produce. ^ . I The schooner Terrell of Qelhaven lis In port. $Jawarrived yesterday and [""The launch Cora la moored to the J I wharf near Chauncey's ship yards. The schooner Mary S. came In laat night with a cargo of general farm I produce. NEW WHISKEY PHOHLKX , PIT UP TO UNCLE 8AM. Minn*, DolUra InTOtTeri in QvOlo. i Whether Sanenliu: of IUrrrf? Means New Tax. Washington.?Col. W. H. Osborn, Commissioner 'of Internal Revenue, aaseqrucn h snag: H* hasbfcerf asked to pass upon tHe-question: "Does whiskey first soaked up by a barrel and then squeezed out have to pay the government tax of $1.10 a gallon?" ** Whiskey manufacturers have found that from one to two gallons of good whiskey can be forced out of an empty whiskey barrel which has contained fifty or more gallons. More than $1,000,000 in taxes 1b involved. The manufacturers say that they should not pay tax on'Hhe meat experts think they should. GoL Osborn will have to pass upon the matter. The principal point to: "Did not the government collect the tax before tbe whiskey soaked into the wood?:' *' OOP KILLS CAT ft TIMKs. TIIEN IT UL.ARKft AT HIM. x 4 New York, May 15.?A truck ran oyer a cat in fi&st Sixty-ninth street. It was a pretty flat cat after the truck had passed. > t . Patrolman TIghe arrived, counted his cartridges and found he had many more than enough to kill' the dat the necessary eight times more. He tared. The cat kicked.' The shot Hadlodged where cats think. "Two lives," counted the policeman. ! lacking yital Darts, Tighe eniDtled hta revolver. That five shot*. 1%eoreticaUy tbo truck had killed the cat once. It ought, therefore, to die for the last time after throe more ballets bad' found a feline reeling ?w?. a,! . EM '< Tlghe loaded Kl? roTOlrcr and bona a (irlag again. At the eighth ?bot the cat rooe and looked at Mm malevolently. ?*(-"' . "Well, I'll be hornawoggled!'* exclaimed Tig be. "You're dead! Why don't you lay dowa?" The cat remained Indigent to Ike lawe o! nature. Tlgh" to.. [ ?^#??a. I Mrs. fc. W. Ann was loam at [ ?? o'clock toa at her residaoce on [Market streot Jaatoidsy afternoon The aueata* of honor were Mrs. J. B Moor* and her houaa (neat. Mra. Win. Telfair of New Jpcfc CMy. Mra. Wm. MUbiley assisted Bt?. Ayer. In keddl>~ tng th* cneata *a they came In aad made all weieoMe. A t hreeooume daliy tea was moat graciously icrVeA ' hy Misses Mary Tankard. M. 8, Jonas and Julia Mayo., 'A moat pleasant Jfteruoou was enjoyed by all preSenL Among those present vera MesIdames H. B. & Cecil Fisher. A. lSl. Dumay. A..pj^yiucLean, Qeo. T. . Walter John Gorhani. John Arthur.' i^itra .Baugham, Mrs. Yeoman of NevT-9ggEO, Mrs. Low flier. Mist JuUpHOyy Mrs Wiggins of Tarboro and Mias Stella Ayers of ith. uiinr hits mm ~ isnnui H\s \l.i:K.\l?V ^ TRAVELLED NEARLY 12.000 MILES SINCE , TAK1XL STATE PORTFOLIO. 4 "Washington, May 18.-r-At the pace Secretary Bryak has travelled since he entered olffije be soon will eclipse the a-wheel which President Taft sat In hi# four years occupancy or- tne* ^.wnite House?more than " lOMW^Mllea. "When-Mr. Bryan returns to Washington from H&rrisburg, where he slnfceSearch 4. In addition, the Secretary State has covered several hundred miles by automobile. Soon alter becoming Secretary of 8tate Mr. Bryan went to Lincoln, 1 Neb., his home, to attend a celebration given in his honor. In the trip 1 to Lincoln and return, which includ- ' ed some stops, the Secretary ftayelled approxmiately 2,800 miles. His next J trip was to. Sacramento. Cal.. where he was seat by the President to adjust, he California-Japanese contro- , veray. On this trip he oOvered apprpitmately 7,500 miles. Mr. Dry an was bac^-tcmn Sacramento hot a feVr hours when be went to Baltimore to attend a banquet given In his honor. The round trip is ninety miles.; The day after his return from Baltimore he wept to New YoW to attend the banquet given to the Anglo-American Peace Delegates This added about 452 miles. The round trip to Hfcrrisburg la ?48 miles. U8IT' J.- K. HOYT*8 STORE DURing the three days money-saving opportunity, which begins Friday. May 16th. * " !> From a Mao's Point of View It used to be said that newstie interest for men. They willing timt tbetr -wives iptdmother and ulsters should rc Alligood spent Sunday near Hunter Bridge visiting his ulsters. - e. ^. Cutler was a Washington visitor Friday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alligood has been quite sick for loraetime, but is now improving. i We-regret very much to hear of the misfortune that happened to the little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Black of Wa&hington by getting badly burned a few days ago. ENGAGEMENT A ATAT/-V* TITOnr. ' " ENGAGKMKXT OF .MISS MAKV K. WRIOHT TO GEO. 11. THOMAS AXKOl'XCBD AT LUXCHEOX. E1VEHY MRS. B. C. MOSS Many Friends of Miss Wright Present at the linnrheun. Beautiful I>eos Frances Lacy of Ralolgh Miss Penelope Mjtr ' et^W^MTOl^TTrsr^ and Mrs * Henry Bridgman. .. Four years ago, upon the Introdnction of the kindergarten ipto the city public schools. Miss Wright came to us *snd to. her ability and untiring energy is due the sucoehs of this department of our actrbols, , A true Southern gentlewoman of unuaual strength of character she has endoared hataalf to all with whom ha haa "am. Id coalacf.. Tb? rood wlabfta ot bar maay friends will follow bar aa aha aaaa to bat naw bom?t ' la tho WaaL Mr. Tbac-i ba> tha rbalr of fflaetrtoal Mtetbaarlaa In Colorado Col J VS I i "nini m niBi/" I IblRL In PllfK 1 WILL BE rMTEII 1 I KEJIul TO*llK IMIKHKVTED INDKK THB I .AUHPICKN OF THE CIVIC <*LClV BETTER TIAN SUIMIERIAN6 ] Mr. Foote, Who Will Ctnu'li the rUj. , ^ J ws, Claim* Tliat the Pfijt of the Girl in Piuk In Hotter Than the jB Play (iiwu Here. "The Girl In Pink" will be preaented under the auspices of the Civic Club In this city on May 30. Heheareals have began and the members of the cast are rapidly learn'.:g their parts. The play Is to bo given for the benefit of the Public Library.* t? The players will bo coached by Mr. Foote. under whose gi^ldajice the V v play "Slumberland" was given T?;rc recently. Mr. Foote claims that the '' '^5 "Girl In Pink" Ik even better thih the other play. The complete program. including the names of the ^e- . tore who will take-part will be pt'b-- ?;1?' * Ihhcd at a later date. Mr. Foote is presenting Slumber- :'?j land at New Bern this week. As eccti as his engagement is ended there, he will come Immediately to Waal;! "J Ion. ??~~?i)?; it?; it?; i)?: AND SCHOOL ('IX1SI.H. JJ readier lief uses to l^t the Childrea Hear Vttcraneew of a. Voluble Farm Neighbor. "MHe lie 11. N. 0.. Mapsifi.?The pa.-. i bc.?ChP0l.of this village had to rkw > lown today for the most peculiar rause on record. James McGraw wu? >loughlng in a field clo6e by the ichool and the force and t^taracT^r >f liis utterances were such .that the ... Eardrums, nerves and sensibilities of eachere and pupils were 'badly ihoeked. Mr. Mrflraw'n "vnnnhtilr. -v vas of the highest order of "cussei- ;4 icsb" tuul lie kept at it as if his heart vere in his work. "You must stop such talk'." cried he school mistress when she had gained courage enough to approach I'm. And as she removed her Angers torn her ears in order to hear his re- . sly. she got this. "If you don't, like my plough talk, . reckon you'd better move your ichool house. Notbin' else will moke ftr6~nere~ ftOTTC~Tuuve. and 1 Grimier ~ 2 ;blnk he likes my style of talk. Hfs ,$ mine's Satan. Giddap, you ??!'* rhe teacher fled. School wa^J6t out * 4 ror the day. P. S-?The children are hopir.g that Mr. McGraw keeps bla voice-and bis vocabulary. - Li? , t OMMKXCKMK.\T KYl.KCISKS OF TRINITY (X)LLE(iR. ? ' The Commencement exercises of * <4. Trinity College will be held from lune first, to foiiUli.iiLU.u.rUai??, X. C. The nroeram will he aa follows: Sunday. June 1. 8:30 p. ro.?Eacraleaureate address. President William Preston Few, tl. D. Tuesday. June 3, 11 a. n?.?Baccalaureate sermon, the Rev. George Peck Eckman, D. D., New York City. TKLLS STUDENTS TO BORROW. N'wly Ones lose Too Much by Work, Says Professor. Ithaca.?That a needy student woul ddo better to borrow the money to pay for his college education than attempt to work his way through wa? said today by Prof. G. W. Cavanaugh Df Cornell University In addressing a -j group of students. Ja "The big problem for you working students." he said, "is how to get the social contact with your fellow which you lose by spending several hours g. day waiting on table or doing other 4 S3 work. Moreover, you run a-risk ot ruining your health by overwork and fl undereating." Prof. Cavanaugh advised the students either to work be- -J fore doming to college or borrow the money. * "The man wbd ia waiting on tabid is deprived ,df the talk and banter and the education whleh cornea through the exchange of ideas." he said. "He Is paying four hours' time i V'jjjB a day lor his money gad la encesaar, ily barred ftoja. obUlqing this social OUR THRKB DAYS MOXEY-8A VINtt opportunity, beginning Friday If, .Jjg la the time to secure values. J. K.