Til rmjicp Til cinoinft a 1 Km*, Mort en, -h.LO ^ Kx?- D~a Ihr C-at .. ? Florida. WU1 Provr Of Orrat lira. ^ , ?'! ' ' fi... " " ~ \ % Daring the latter part of next month the mix cotppanlee eofcprUln* the North Carolina Naval MHlt!a will _ go on board o*e of the U. 3. battle' Bfrtpe, probabl^-the, North CaroHna> MjMiggiia* " "f 9 Thero art six companies in this dl. vision, Washington. Now Bern. fpwr ford, Wilmington. Plymouth and Elizabeth City and it is expected that a large proportion or eaoh company will taka advantage of the cruise. X Commander Brad ham Vhj> . .ir1 fi h charge of the North Carolina Naval Militia, states that the exact date for _tnta cruise has opt been determined at the present time but will, in: all probability ,he made known at an ear? ly date. it ^>>^4 I ' The cruise w ilt be a unique experience for "the sailor-soldier boys. Formerly their annual cruise has been made on the Klffldn. their training ship, and the cruise has not been on, "the briny" but ohly upon the rivers and sounds which are'to be found in Eastern Ncrth Carolina. * V*'The orulre oh the battleship will ; frorr of henetlt Ul tU member* of th? dtfferhet companies to a number ? t*.e " nr.rllre alib Ulll Mt laetat ul?ul . ' from one owl to another and I* fact bu *tre? luatrwrtjoin .lojltr In erery waytn thaae hlr.a ?a flit Jtember* of the boot'e refiflar ornw. The embarkation will In alt probability he made from Morehead City end the crnlee tytejpt aa far down the errant-an Plerlda. JOHXHON WILL MI IUH UKB mUCRC. Calif orate -Uorcraor Suction BUI I. Which Me BeUere. Kcn? Wlthia uvl aad Moral UlghtJ. Sacramento. Cal.?Kapreeetng his determination to alcn the alien land Mil latently passed by the legisla^ tare, OortDrn*W. JOhpun OTCal1 torn la yeeterday telegraphed to Secrotary of 8Ute Bryan a long explanation of the action taken by the lagjs. latum. The message waa In answer to the regaest telegraphod to thai KOTWSarhy Secretary Bryan at the 2?, ' - - ' direction of President Wllaon that the bin be re toed. -? J, tmaW to nmonr lit AXHL'T TRIAL. Atteaipy tethaaie I'lea for Anhnt " p? v(iunM. it.'i >' I New Tort. May 16.?Harry-K. fThaw arrfred In New York today to teatify la the case of John Anhnt. I the attorney who la charged with attempted bribery to aecure Thaw's release from the Matteawan Asylum The court room la Jammed today. An attempt to withdraw the original pieaa aad substitute a plea of not gniltjbwao denied. The work of get. S Una the lutT has atarted. MAY 16 IN HISTORY. Bp 1838?New York benkn resume speeU-paymsnt. ' I 1*41?Y ate tan declared Its Inde'.-"^pendence of Mexlon. ' 1849?Tho eU> of Botogna capltanlated to the Anatriane. 1811?Union aonboata repualed at Port Darling. 184 8 ?Preaident Johnson scqulttod n the rote la the Janata for his Impeachment. BJ. 1878-rNewTork reduced legal rate jL^'j.fe,: interest from 7 to ? per 1178?New military department of ..it ,* ?ke Peclllo created. 1?0??Boer delekatoe arrived In New ly received by the President. 1?W?Cabinet took Issue .with Prei<0 >*y cana^?opplie?J jMdge Whedltt* ud U?yer?. to III arrive at Washington from Omonvtlle bunday morning, and accompanied kjr the lawyer. ot the cltr will leave lor Hyde County on Cap- ] tain MoUtn'e gaa fedttt Anyone who wiahea to take tltfr trip, la requeued il to phone H. C. Carter, Jf. '6v N. L. j 81 in mope eo that arrnnK'-nientu can' J iH OBtmtr; llXTERGSTIMi UtTIt'I.K ON THK BKXRFIT8 ANI> NRK1>H OP WAbHINOTON LIBRARY. IS III Moped Ural CKiwns K?a1I2? Utah YnJuc nuiI Need u# This Inwtitutloii t and WUI I tally Co It* Support. The 5 IHies Per l'Air Are Small. One of the most valuable of the J publLfc utilities of W&ahlngton, la Its r Public Library. It Is doing Its bene- t ticient work so modestly and quietly t that It attracts little attention from , * '-rp* percentage of our citizens, t seine of them even of those who ful- c ?y appreciate the value of good booka, t and the Influence tbey exercise in eultivating the mind, elevating the t Ideals, and making character. The T difficulty seems to be to get their at- f tention. it seems' incredible that , one who knows books, and loves f books, could fall to give their sym- M pathy and support to an institution that ia doing so much for the moral , and Intellectual -uplift of their com- t munity by the circulation of from T five hundred to eight hundred vol- d tunes per- month, carefully selected. 4 from the best authors, by a commit- f tee of our most Intelligent and cul- j SA^SSOlienT^ae^f^re^rence ^worksT * Among the beet frleads and support- f mm* frtmm I who bare libraries of their own, ahd do not need It for themselves, btrt acquaintance with the world's beat characters as portrayed in its literature, have made them broad-minded public-spirited, and Interested In the welfare and uplift of their fellowman, and the purity and culture of their community. * And the reward of those conscious of being public benefactors. is theirs. We now have something like 1,200 volumes, but circulating thfese ?t the rate of say six hundred per month, they soon go the rounds and more are needed, and unless our cltlrens j give it the support It merits the time ( will noma whew ir will he ftmfrmx&g*-. ' ed for want of new supplies. Our fls- 1 cal year ended April 1st, and some who are interested, and enrolled as ' members of the association have fail- ^ ed to pay their last years does, and j ma or: two of them have, signified ' their unwlUiagnert to continue ~tfeeir ' subscriptions. We are satisfied this i Is rather from thoughtlessnees than purpose. The amount asked from egbh subscriber is only five dollars per year. A mare pittance compared ! with the far-reaching benefit confer- ( Ml, wbuil mm bailava no rttlifn. iff- ' teres ted In moral and intellectual development, will withhold, when he j sees it in the rlghi light. A beautiful benevolence, provldlpg - wholesome literature for homes thirsting j for knowledge^nd diversion, and unable to procure it otherwise. ^ When our excellent and efficient 41brarlan, Mrs. Betts, calls for this sub- , scrtption, we earnestly trust she will j not be put off, or turned away empty , haMI a. c ? i Last year the county appropriated 1 112.60 per month towards Its sup- t puri. *iiw yrraoui uimni urcoinuiis-- t aloneks Ium mWU wflthdrs thie appropriation. This wit a serious k>ee, and wo trnat they ma/ pot aoo : the aattor In a different light. 1 The nanal and proper method ol L aupportlng public . llbrarlea la from i puhllo funda. The coot of mafnton- | anca la Terr email. A mere trifle In , the aggrdktfta of public expenditures. , A lax iery of any one half mile.' on the hundrbd dollars rataatlon of , property, would not he appreciably t fait by anyone, and would anfilea'for 1 the maintenance of our modest Uttle . library for the present Thla la com- j lag. Our dtlaenahlp are too brdadminded. too puhllc-eplrttod to eee an j Institution of ao much IMktMMW suffer (or lack of eupport, and wo bollero tkaro la a comfortable home for II WHW^flV 1BV.VW IHIUI*. " w?n? of our (ood ottisona would visit the j library rooms occasionally and see < the food Work thet le being done, they would be eurprieed ud irwtl fJTA . ~ f 'it-.e'ff> " V> ' 5 MONDAY til;: . ,. .-..rjY /' W IXPMTBD TO AtlUTR HKKK I IP ON 10:40 TRAIN FROM 1 ^ViO'-r KAUQGH. p ' y' ^ . ; ; \ WK linjl BEfBT 'ommJUfe Will K^ort Him to AuaMortam Wbm He WiU Make To Bo Banqueted at Klka Hall. WIU u? Raleigh in (he Alhtaoon. i E s. Hon.. JoMpbaa. Daniels will arrlvo iere oil Monday to celebrate the OftyIrat anniversary of hu birth n.. 1*111 be accompanied by Mrk Daniels) ind several promineht men in poll-, Lies. He is expected to arrive here >n the 10:40 train from Raleigh. It a postyble, howeyer. that ho may jome Sunday evening, although this b not likely. ? Upon his arrival here Monday, he *111 be met-at the depot by a recepion committee, consisting of prorailent citizens of the city and will be aken Via automobile to the school luditorlum. At eleven o'clock he rill make an address to the people of bis county. It is hoped that all who an. from all parts of the county, will ?e present to hear it. At ona-thlrty. Mr. DanlclB will be endered a banquet at the Rika Hall. 1e will probably make another brier iddreae and several other speakers vill be called upon to make remarks, le will return to Raleigh the same ifternoon. 'y As a token of admiration for the Smons son of .Washington, it wouid ?e very appropriate if someNjf the Iterehants of the city put some few lecorationq on their butldinga. It snH-pften that we. are' honored bybe visit of such a distinguished Euest. Let us all try and makp it aa mnr?It? ? wr ran flit UB I [aE lags or banners in front of the dlferens stores and shew Me. Daniels hfe..w* hi. *UU J fjgjflfr ^ Washington, D. C., May 1$.? fourteen successful applicants foj} forth Carolina post masterships were id vaneed a step today- when the President sent their names, to the | Jenatc from the White House. The | mnw'itew. ' : Howard C. Curtis, Bouthpuit;. W. J J. Pethel, Spencer; Joseph 9. Stall-! gs. Spring Hope; W. C- Hall, Black i Houtalna; P. J. CaudlM, St. Paul; Fohn L. CwaJtney, Taylors ville; Mrs. j Nettie G. Rowland. West Relefeh; C. K. Whitehurst, Beaafhrt; Dee H. tTsrhoTongh, Clapton; Plato- C. Rol-| ins, Rntherf STdton; Will lass H. 5 the ridge, Selma; Duncan H Webrter, Slier City; W. H. Steins, Tryin, and Hector McU Green, WCmington. I rrr^.| 1.41*AX IS SATISFIED WITH SITUATION. lemi-OOcfal Statement Says Kego?1 tlators Expect to Reach Haifa/ acTokio. Japan, May *6.?A semi-1 jfllclal statement at the fore fen of- I ice today said that diplomatic nego- j .iatloTjR between Japan and# America urere "progressing satisfactorily" and hat the negotiators "expect to reach i friendly and permanent solution of her difficult*" . lei. and public Intereat might be lUtcfcened. and the work greatly enlaneed. more booke provided,, more tamer "benefited. more thoughtful IneUtganoe cultlrated, more character 41 Boned. Carlyle aaya: "The true TJnlrerlty of there days la a collection of tooka." , . And Wordnwortk wrote: 'And booke, we know, ' r tre e aubntanUnl world, both phrt and good. V lound tkene with tendriln ntreng an flaab and Mood, Otfr peattma and otrr bnpploean win grow.'' Bhnll we withhold anch bencflta hat coat ao little from the llfeot onr r^r^uy, WO. B. 8PABROW. t>tear.i-'X'% '. %"v-ViWl -J nj nniTji ATT KM IT )ml.tril VrtowTro*MMI ArtKML TalUhaM|a, ?1a.. Mar U ?The plan to dirlAc Florida Into tiro gkafei ?c kit to gflB ?if Bff to the national ss met with a MUback yesterday when the attorneygeneral handed down an opinion that it was contrary to the federal constitution. He meets the West Virginia percedent by saying that that was a war tinke measure and wholly conthe case of North and South Dakota j he points but that that was creating i two 8tates out of a territory. RECORDER'S COURT NEWS The Recorder's Court met in regular sessions this ipornlng. The case of B. F. Alligood, who was charged with assaalt was postponed until Friday. Warwick Telfair was charged with speeding his automobile on the streets of'the city. Owing to some mistake in regard to the date of his hearing. \tr. Warwick was not present at the court sestipn this morning. The case will bfe tried at another datel ryiQCB A?V, w, m?u iu l?ii immim l-hk. unlqao vJvertUcment published br A. C. W*.baKiy in today's. issue ofl the Daily New*. < ACT AT THE LfrRIC. Nothing but the very highest praise was that paid the' different artist performing at the Lyric Theatre beginning with last evening's performance. j The program was well up to the | standard ant! received well deservsg applause, and the artist had to^lafes several each ores. Miss Maude Emmett was exceedingly clever with her songs, ajid handled them in her owir graceful way. Mr. Saur Andougwi, the Spanish violinist, sell deserves the-title^s a musician, too much praise could not be paid him, the audience not -only expressed It with applause, bat the comment, from each, and efery one was that he was the best ever appeared here. - _L_2_ Some of the features of hts different selections and most enjoyed was "The Storm," one of his own compositions and handled well and received unlimited applause. Mr. Aadongui Is certainly a musician of Today's grdgihm omh B'Mtircly diffemt ?ct In tooth Hinging btkI musical. "Hie motion plctnres 'appearing on the program were very good. SKK fiPBCTAIj CHIIJDT? HC8L1N Gown at J. 1C. Hoyth f The Instroctive Idea in Advertising "Whore shall I go?'* "What shall I do?" . f "What shall 1 wear?" "What shall I eat?" "Where shall 1 lire?" And so on down the lens list of human, every-day oueotioos. -Ton wit and them all aOowared In the pases of the' modern, * prostesstre newspaper. : , | People read adrertlslns bow II for Instruction SSd Informa|| tlon, as wall as for Its "bar|| gain" possibilities. || New Ideas, new-thoughts, tell splrations, and || cohstailtly comet o you If you II take advantage of the adrar || tMngipagoe of this ssaspapn. j| Dealt nogfot year ad randMjSfcJl - Jr L jlr* IN GRIP Eof TORNADO twklvk uvkh havk aijuca1iy i um\ um as a lufsn.t okstosm. wti nwarr nana i l? i. vtalmstsil i Cxteat of Half a Million Dollar* Ha* Been Damaged la Nebraska aad Neighboring State*. " The north western part of the Country Is again in the grip of a fierce tornado. Twelve lives have already been lost as a result of the fierce storm and almost half a mil- ? lion dollars worth of property Is reported destroyed. braska. The'villages of Seward. Tomaro and McCool Junction are. ac- J cording to report, the worst sufferers. ' The wind followed a violdtat rain and 1 jhail storm. Wires, leading to sev- j jeral of the smaller cities in the State are do.wn and no definite report as to the total damage done by the storm t can be secured. t \ "BEWARE OP HL1M MBX; c THEY'RE CRANKM," BHPgAYS. - c Boston.?"Beware of slim men. for v they're cranky ninety-nine times out h of every hundred." is the yarning a given by Mrs. Blanche Mae Chandler d of Revere, the professional nurse g who yesterday said that earning one's p own living was a far easier task than being a wife. Mrs. Chandler is be- c (ng sued for divorce. o "Never marry," she said, "until i you are certain that the min you In- u mentally and physically. Stout women should never marry slim men. mm 1 nil lHAnraop! un \mmi\ 7 - < I "Washington, Hay 16.?Reports re- l cnlved. at the ppstoffico department x Indicate 59,509,000 parcel post pack- ' aces w"-ere' eeht through the mall* ] during April, approximately 54 per cent more than were handled In Jan- 1 nary, the first month of the system's 1 operation. J j Chicago with C.397.C9K parcels led i all othe rcttlea in the amount of par- j eels poet business done in Apirt, i while Sew Yorkf"c!ty with 9,252,3(5 ( parcels was second; Boston third, i Philadelphia fourth. Cleveland fifth and St- Louis sixth; 3? - - ? (MJIT1 AttV. John Kcfly. John Kelly, who died Wednesday, was burled yesterday afternoon at Oakdalo cemetery. The funeralservlp **re held from the Cooner Boarding Houoe on Water street. Father Gallagher New Hern officiated. The pall-bearers were I. BuckV : E. T. Stewart, Sam Carty, Aler Spencer, Captain John Smith and N. L. Simmons. lfr. Kelly was born In Ireland and has been a reeldent mi?nm ii;f ? n Ion Jo Lair Church Instructs Pastor to P Apply This ltule Hereafter. At the annual meeting of Unity ^ Church of Montclair, N. J., last night 8 he congregation voted in favor of a n notion that the pastor, the Rev. Ed- 5 rar Swan Wiers. be instructed to re [ood health of both parties to any * narriage that he may perform. The n waa offered by Dr. Henry Ling a raylor anii '^cortded by Emerson P. 8 lands. ** w "*'*' * Several women attended the meet- r ins. It had been announced that 1 [hose who attended should come pre- r pared to vote on the propc^iition. Before the meeting adjourned the con- * ? rogation voted to build a substantial 1 addition to the church so that the "de- 1 nislor *o apply eugenics to the church * marriages la evidently not expected 1 U> retard the growth of the flock. 1 SHIPPING NEWS " ' launch Josephine was loading with a cargo of general freight at the Norfolk Southern wharf thls^momIng, preparatory to starting on her I^Kinlul' trip. ' ? The schooner Alma White arrived in port last night. The schooner Marblehe'ad of Hat man. \ apiaiu v,. u. iiaiior cam/) in last night. She will leave today af- , wr taking on board a cargo of gen- ( sral merchandise. The freighter, Maud and Reginald, ' winch has been undergoing repaint ' am thQ ways of Chauncey* ship yards j was taken off yesterday and is now 1 [noored to the wharf at the foot of < Water street. ^ The schooner H. P. Brown is in W*. J N) DEDICATE HA.N'TE FE MARK- i RRft. t 1 Fulton, Mo., May 16.?The State ? daughters of the American Revoluion nave completed arrangements to 1 lave thirty granite markers along he Santa Fe Trail, ia iiissourl, dediated tomorrow. The legislature appropriated the money for the mark- G its. li ~S .... ? 1 will be in the Grand Jury Room f, a the Ooort Home la Che CIS# of Tarn ?ton for the rsrpom of Ha**? n tt# hums flml^ato^n and ? w 1, a. ?in , m. ttM 9w*4 4 *?} W. O. ATOM, . , S la-iato IB ItakOT. . mm I I EPISCOPATE t DIOCESE AT 1 GOLDSBORO H i j I DKLHG ATEN FROM WAHHIIf MTOfl 1 TO LKAVH TOMORROW I APTERNOOX. ?naiaiKrt uttbid' . "** ' *.~al I n?e> Are J. G. llru*?w, J. G. Hragsw, I [r . Frank H. Hrymi juul H. H- WmnL -4^3 I lev. C. I>. Melon e Will Attfad ?? I kliuMeiiul Delfidilf. I The Kpincopal Dioceite -of ? AS tern g?i? - J >oro this year. The delegate* who "HI attend from Washington are J. 1 Bragaw. J. G. Brugaw. Jr.. Trank 1. Bryin ana h. ?. Ward. 1u*. c. 38 > .Malone will also attend as miniserial delegate of the Epi-copal ihurcb Several other citizens havo nnon need (heir, attention to caakfl lie trip to Goldsboro and be present l the meetings. This will be an important session, bis year. The work of the past year rill be gone over and plans mad? anil ' > Iscusseil for the coming year, it Is Iso expected to be a banner ynr in" tie way of attendance. The delegates from Washington ill probably leave here tomorrow fternoon. ?* : " ' 1 'EDEHAL FORCES a he pl't to kijght, Nogales, Ariz., May 16.?The Fedral forces have been routed and all 1 re fleeing toward the gulf. accord- jj tig to Governor Pesquelra, of Soora. who arrived Tuesday at Herlostllo from (he ffbril kBove bl.Wit- i las. He said state troops had "ship- ; ed rifles and ammuditlj^u. Another report from the front * *> ? ,'k* bat seven cannon and seven machine una also havo been captured. Estimates of the ktlled remain at about 00. with 300 taken prisoners. Confusion Is so great below the tate base at Ortiz, to which point he telegraph is operating, that only meagre details of the happenings bout Guayamaa ban be obtained. A I trong detachment of Federals under 5ol. Harron is reported cut off from <5jjj| eireat and besieged In the bill* by he* insurgents under Col. Hill. Karon was wounded. Agents of the Huerta government lere assert they have received word hat more Federal reinforcement* lave - arrived- by boat atGaynaa, ind that the main gty?frlM?eged a ew,miles north will be able to work its way into the gulf town. } The Mexican? gunboat- Guerrero. . l^lng in the harbor. Is expected to assist the Federal garrison. . _J The most conservative estimate of . rmsn? owrt #*.? ?-? :?:? i-J?^4 1.1^-13?J3 IX riAltV'S LIFE.