I . ' ^ ^ - . -a? In 1 1H I || . . :# ORDER ISIMCREASINC More Mcnibfn Are Helng Added ('o?l to Whit*. Having Mail? 137 Shots Out of 173 ror the Aven?e ol 1*> IVr fWt. ; Below are given the average* of the Washington. Odd Club for the last month. H. B. White in leading the members with the excellent average of 49 per cent. He made S90 out of 298 shots fired. This is an unnsoal serves imt credit for hie good wor*. L. A. Squires is running him a close second. Mr. Squires has an average of 10 per cent., having made 167 ont Of 175. -1 :: Averages for Past Month. H. E. White 94. , _ L. A. Squires 90. . C,Jf._ Sterling JJ. -J,... -ni. Fred Mallison 80. A. Vl. Dnmay 79. P. P. Maswell 74. R. D. Kear 72. H. B. Charles 72. I. Y. Bland 70. Mint Hodges 70. E. H. JefTerdon 5. ?g g Worthy <1. Wm. Knight 61. J. D. Ebom 61. ? Jay Hodges to. S. B. Etherldge 60. C. H. Sterling. Jr. 60. 1. B. Bpsrree SL s? J?& Sugg Fleming 68. R. T. Gallagher IS. Below are the averages made at the shoot which was held lftst Thursday. White 96. 8qnlr?s 96. Maxwell 86. Knlrfht 86. Sterling. C. B. 84. * Mallison, F. C. 80. Richards 80. Dummy 78. Sterling, C. H., Jr. 76. Kear 7? Ethf ridge 70. Hodges, Mint 70. HbOTBT#. Jefferson, E. H. <4. Hodges, Jay 64. .1 itifrdMBfcfrjjft Gallagher 62. Fowls 40. A : V " : . Tucker 36. NORWEGIAN 8 CELEBRATE CONSTITUTION. ?mmitm. auy it?..turn ** ism In their native country and all oxer the world are celebrating today the centennial, anitmrsarx of the .Adoption of * Const'tution. .The day la regarded as rhe Fourth of July by Americana. BOOK ROOM OPEN TUESDAY. Will Be Open from 9 Until 12 Ort *? war Prof. N. C. Newbold announced thla morning, that fdr the benefit of the Btudeqts, he bas set another day aide so that those who desire to take out books for the summer and failed to do bo at the last appointed day, may he able to do bo thle time. The boo* room *111 he open from 9 a. nu ttatli noon Tuesday- Five cents *?! bo charged for each book taken oat tsy mem hers of the primary eradtoi and ten cents for each book vrhfch the members of the grammar department and the .High School do ' TRIANGULAR REGATTA. Princeton,'N. J.. May 11?The bent oiinun o( the Neml Academy meet the creek, of Princeto ennd Col urnbin Bnlreriltlee today brer the mflet and-eecen-eighta conrao on Cernegte lake, beet jeer Columbia raced Princeton and von by elightly more then e length, bet thle content ie the brat out-of-town rede for Ibo mid!?L . c/; BHnUBn ro t II H [j ^M*' j5 fe -V:'V;- *--_^ *$ ? jt W114. \KHIVB HEBE AT ?!0? TO. S MORROW AFTKRXOOX IHOH MHIFOI.K. AOTB PftRftOE WONBAY Pamile Will Form at tin* Itouleace * x* C*. m. C. Kudmui ajnl Kmc?ri 1 Mr. Daniel* to the School Auditorium. A ' Hon. Joaephua Daniels will arrive '. here tomorrow nfternoou at w3;30 ^ from Norfolk on the Norfolk South- a *rn railroad. Ho Mil ?** met at the depot by the arrangement commit- r tee, which consists of A. D. MacLeen, " ^ - ' en airman, Mayor r . %j. aukht, j. iy. ^ fWt. George T. Leach. Harry. Mc- e Ma]Ian and L. C. Warren. Mr. Pan- g iela will be escorted by this commit- * tee to the residence of Col and Mrs. ,V. O. Rodman, where be will spend e , _ *. x_ * the right. Monday morning, a parade will fcrc. In front of Cel. Rodman's reei- 8 deuce ut balf peat ten. Besides the band art the h'aval Reneryes, there will bu a large number of automobiles In fe* parade, which will escort u Mr. Daniels to the School Auditorium. 1* The cars hod their occupants will be as follows: ? Gar yo. l.~ W. H. ElHson?Hon, i* Joaepbus Daniels. Secretary of the * Mary,?Hon. John H. Small. U. 9. J* . Copg^esaman: Mayor Frank C. Ku|- (' ' ler. ' , . "* Car No. I, lire. Geo. Hackney, Jr? " Mrs. Joaepbus Daniels, Mrs. Mary ? Daniels, Mrs.. W. C. Rodman. Mm. - -? Car No. 3. J. K Hojt?A. D. Mac- tl Lean, Hon. 8. Brown Shepherd of V Raleigh: Col. W. C. Rodman. ? Car No. 4, E. W. Ay ere?Rear-Ad miral Geo. E. Reiter, ,U. S Navy; a Lindsay C. Warren, Col. R. S. Neal. 11 Car No. B. J. P. Buckman. Jr.? Capt. Geo. T.-Leach, J.'K. Dough ton, f( Oeo. Hackney, Jr. % & Car No. ?, P. H. Rollins?E. A. <* Daniel, Jr.. A. M. Domay. Mrs. A. D. MacLean. Car No. 7, "J. /lavena.?J. B. Sparrow, Mre. Prank C. Kugler, Mrs. B. G. Moss. CUP" TOTTTiW;" "VT Clark?Mrs.- c J. K. Hoyt, Mrs. W. H. Carter, Miss r< Jane Myers. n Car No. 9, H. G. Sparrow?Mies p; Lyda T. Rodman. Mrs. J. B. Moore, rr Mrs. A. M. Dumay. ra - Car No. 10, Mayor P. C. Kugler? p Mrs. Geo. T. Leach, ex-Mayor C. H. m Harding. Mrs. C. H. Ha^Mig. v ,C'ar No. 11, D. Hill?Hon. Geo. J. J, Studdert, J. P. Tayloe, Sheriff Geo. _ E. Ricks. Car ffc 12. C,Bell?Dr. John G. Blount, Dr. Johnt5. Rodman, Dr. f*, A. NUheluuOr-Rav?Iw. liardlagCar No. IS, Mr. Tucker?Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Mrs. D. T. Tayloe, Dr. E. M. Brown. Car No. 1#," W. Cox?Mrs. John G. Blount. Mrs. D. M. Carter, Miss Mildred Davla. Car No. 15, Geo, T. Leach?Supt. N C. Xewbold, Mrs. N. C. Newbold,' County Treasurer E. R. Mixon. The committee wlU be glad to have other automobiles and carriages to fall In line behind this formation at the residence of Col. W. C. Rodman at 10:80 a. m. Monday to go to the School Auditorium. At Mm Au^toeteun-, the.Secretary of the N'avy will be Introduced by E. A. Daniel, Jr. Following bib address. there will be a lunQheon tendered the distinguished guest at the Elks Home. Hon. John H. Small will act aji toast master. The toasts will be respond-i ed to by Hps. Josephu* Daniels, si | Brown'Shepherd of Raleigh, Col. R. 8. Neal and Col. W. C. Rodman. 3fir.. Daniels wiU leave at 3: SO, .the same afternoon, for Raleigh. A party will take a abort trip down the river in thg Pamlico after the luncheon. , j . UNVML HISTORIC CAWON. Pole Tavern, N. J., May 17.?Gov. I Fielder spoke here today at the un- || veiling of the historic caaon of Pole I Tavern. which marks one of the im- II portant events of the Revolutionary 11 War. J : T'; _ "? * ea?"AUSWCUkLV wjsrf f'lr ~ 1|r IIttitu -jt PECIAL PBHFOMIAXrE TO lj>: V oww^,^tir8*T LOCAL TAIMTON STAGE A wide* Exceptionally flood I'itfure*, U liere Will Be Several Vaudeville f eta by Home Talent. Larue Audi- I ice, Expected. U V; T ; . ? The Daoghtpre of tbb Confederacy ill Klve fi bent'Ht r>f thn l.vr', Tt?, ... tre on Tuesday night. ' q An excellent program has boon at- t< rcged. The management will fur- a: isb special pictures for the occa? tl ton. in addition to this, there will ,c e several acts by local talent Wo j, re unable to print the complete pro^ h ram today, but will give full details P' londay. w .It la expected that, a large nudU ace will.be present at the performnee Tuesday night- ' -42- . 4 ; ELLING BITTER BV PARCKC ItJST. a] A New York State woman contrlb- ^ tea the following to the current t3 taue of Farm and Fireside: m "My friendB in -New Jersey, twenty al tiles from New York City, were paytg. forty-two cents per pound lor pr*. w Inary grade buter. I sent four tl; Biintla (it hntter from my postnfflrra il! Clarkson, Monroe Oaanty, 111 ork.) on Tuesday afteroonn and it ^ cached my friends early Thursday torning. "My grocer pays me twenty-eight .p wis- a- pound. - I charged ?W*m Urty-two cents, and rhey paid the ?rcel postage which was twenty- je tren cents. p( "I packed the butter In a new da ve-eent light-weight bread-tin lined ei jroughout with oiled paper. We OI sth call it a good bargain. 1 make m mr cents a pound on my butter, and i? les get better butter for thirty-nine Jots a pound.". MRS. LEACH ENTERTAINS. fa ?; v" O] Mrs. George T. Leach entertained ki tab of Kight~at~s~e*rd partrmriiar ex seidence on West Main street last w lght. Some interesting games were lc layed and highly enjoyed. Refresh- aj lenta were served. High score was to lade by MIhh Annie Cox. Those 1J resent were STIfa Mary CoweB and [esdames D. T. Tayloe, J. B. Moore, lo 71111am Telfair, A. M. Dumay and ames Hodges. y< tp - ^ Where the Chil- cl ~^^==^===^=?==?===- . ca dren Come in hi There seems to be as much j tysle in children's clothes now as there is in grown-ups. And the children know it,' too. The other day a little gifl came home from school and astonished her mother by saytag. ? "I don't want 7o wear this ^ dress any more. I want a ^ Russian blouee like all the^ ^ other girls have." * M< ^ Vow the mother knew tljat ^ there were auch things as "Russian blouse dresses," but ^ ! that children were wearing ? ( them had escaped her notice. . Being a wise woman she has- ^ tlty sought counsel with the ad- ^ ertlsements of The Dally News, and there she discovered Jujt what "all-the girls were ^ wearing'* and where who could m buy moat advantageously for . her little daughter. ^ V Many a mother has found I that In order to know what to I Q get for her children must 1 keep herself Informed of IL. changes of style through rend- lng the advertisements of the _ shove la a reliable paper. They tall her not only whnt the other children have, but where each article may be bonght v / , - i? aHid Sund^ ETB iimD Mnisfc niiimmv CHURCH rEI.I. KNOWN I'ASTOK OF Ill R- " HAM TO I1K HKKK AT TOMOItBOW'S SKKVII'KK. VERY STRONG SPEAKER ' i] rill ITearh at iloth tli? MorniiiK and >j Ivening Serricw at the ItnptiNt j, hurch Tomorrow. I.argc Attendance }, nmnwl. ????- - r- ? Rev. C. C. Smith, of Durham will m "( upy the pulpit at the Baptist u hurch tomorrow. Mr. Smith Is nas- v >r of the Baptist Church In the c< bove city ? and la well known tc iroughout the State. He la an exeptlonally stronK speaker and his hi sitSons are p.lr?sys full of Interest. l'i< to will preach a*, both morning and se veiling services. It is hoped that all gfc lio ci:n will be present at both serv- gt " ni cc in SOT TO ATTEND COXVKXTIOX. n{ Miss Marcia Myers, who had been fQ ;> pointed Maid of Honor from North tewark ua ctory seems to bo constitutionally m' >posed to the institution commonly a lown aa a bath. It is this man's ve mtonrtor?appear- "each" morning al] earing the grime he carried as he ft the shop the previous night. He 8k jpeared one day last weok with a ?1' tuch of the yolk'of an egg upon his '8 P- m' Seeking to have a little fun a ljel- m' w-employe observed: 9,1 "Hello, Jake; bet I can tell what >u had for breakfast this morning." Words were bandied back and 18 irth and finally a wager was made, le loser to set 'em up to a good 18 gar or something of the sort. Then mm rhn, cllmat: "Eggs." 18 "You'rq wrong," said Jake. "We id eggs yesterday morhing." ]8 K. HOYT IS DISPLAYING SOMEthing long needed?a complete line of Children's Gowns?sizes 19 from 8 to 12 years. , - 19 NOTICE. Hon. ^osepbu Daniels, Secretary the Navy, will addrees the people 19 Beaufort County ou Monday, May >Mi at 11 o'clock a. in. in the put?\ : school auditorium, Mr. Daniels is born In Washington and because his achievements and position our, topic should come out to hear him ikerts for which can be obtained \l om Mr. Lindsay a Warren. Only ose who obtain their tickets today n be seated at the luncheon. tr; " in HON. JOHBPHUfl DA NIK I..*4 en HI be here Monday, and you may as M something extra In meats. 1 ou m save you some mammy every day *-< ? mast i 1 have the largest and ?kw lino In tbe rtty, nriL Ml makfMt Bum, Dry Hnlt Mint. Cl ork and anything else you want in h< aoesrtea. 1? Phone H. r>?- w< J. K. ADAMS. w K. HO*X WILL BKL1, S HATR ?r nata today tar 10e. ?? te' . " _x_' aTBi FOR SEUIIK UOWI MR -MHE I (K'KY MOI ST MAN CONVICTED J I I XDEH NRVT HRAKCH AND | SKI/A RK ACT. I IS FISSTJONVICIION I licit lored, was found guilty and senmeed to six months on the roads. The evidence indicated that lie id been purchasing nil amount of cj ijuor front Virginia houses and a rious feature of the case was the ^ lipmentg of morphien.. The illicit iods were shipped there in the imes of various other parties, all ^ ilored. and the defendant's testlony sought to establish that he did ^ it own the liquor so shipped. ^ Several gallons of "wet goods" und In his possession were ordered w. tstroyed and the Recorder anlunced his intention of imposing |$ :avy sentences on the blind tigers ought before him under the new t. KS SIR; THE RIFT SKIRT IS TNK VERY RATKST. BC ? -ja ureover. Chicago Dressmakers Vote ?. Die Slash tskirt a Fraud and e Chicago.?Mine. Anna Ripley de- m) ribed the newest fashion today to e Chicago Dressmakers' Club in ?s*_xord?: ... - -? "The skirt in lifted In front, above * e ankles, so that the hem. If tight te' alnst the lower limbs, would touch e ankle Just above the ankle-bone, the back the skirt will drop so it T* 11 Just skim the ground. The skirt * 11 be from one and a half to two ?n rds wide at the bottom. "The Dressmakers' Club abolished a slash Bklrt at Just the right time," ? ne. Ripley continued. "The slash n 8 been worn in Paris for six >ntha. Their denunciation of it as fraud, cheat and atrocity' is not *\ ry flttingT after they have used it "Some people demand the split Irt. Most of them want it concealunder the folds of the dress, so it, practically invisible and does no aral harm. Demand for free moveent lh the tight skirts brought the br ish Into favor." sp tu MAY 17 IX HISTORY." gu 14?The Norwegians declared ci! their independence of Sweden. tu 53?Fort Riley, near the junction fai of the Republican and Kansas M? rtver?7-?imbH3trea: 717 63?General Pembertcn retired within the fortifications of iDl Vicksburg. 77?General Grant started from Philadelphia on his journey ^ around the world. 02?Coronation of King Alfonso Xtll at Madrid. OS?Yachting contest for the Kaiser's cup began. Court fmm Sandy Hook to the l.iz ard. 12?Socialists nominated Eugene on V. Debs for President and Emil Seidel of Milwaukee, no Wisconsin, Vice-President at sti iccir convention at Indian- bu apolla. d0 STKAI.1AN TKXMS pi.avf.uk at rirrsnviw;. b* Pittsburg, Pa., May 17.?Tbo AmMan players who arc to take part the matches for the Davis cop are tered in the events of the Athletic sociation here today! Many fam- Cq s tennla expert? are here to see the >rk of the Australians. AMKRICA* DOGS ABROAD. la Paris, May 17.?At the ExposlUon W nine International which began cM re today at the Jardine de Toil- 1* iea, several American clubs are ls ill represented and promise to be nnera of important prima. Among e beat known dobs offering specials J, e tbo Poklngooo, Rroaeh Baudot id n?l 1 d ot "BroodorA mocI a t loo. |i * 1 " ??.' p ??r iLl - j . : y ^ f?||Fjl ,. - ? I rbsiihont of WOMKVS CTYK7 P4^ <1.111 ArrasmsD trtcr in a|i|K?int(-l Ixr w I'oht of <'hiiiritinn of (lie Hi-iute* i?Itl Kwnomlc Committee. Surreeds rs. Oettinwr. '- TfriW A signal honor has been conferred pon the Women's.Civic Club o* this ' ^9 i>_ mid Its president. Mrs. H. W. arter. Mrs. Carter has received a >nimunirat ion .from Miss Fries, proslent of the State Federation of bits, rtppolntlng her to the office of Jttlrn:?n of the Household Economic r,mrfi!ttee. Mrs. Caterr wilF succeed rs. A Oettinger of Goldsboro. This is one of the most important mm* of the organization, and "the . T3 Ivic Club is to b? congratulated >on the fact that one of its "* irg iece:ved the appointment for the * The ,t< gnlar meeting of the club i" ill bp hr*d next Tuesday. f ?SKHAI.l.-l'IT a ranee, and hurling the ball by nans of gas shot into its breach >m an ordinary repeating rifle, is not designed to take the place of {iltcfor ta a game, but to "give bntrs an opportunity "for unlimited actice. This gun was successful In that It. - vj >uld actually throw curves end row them accurately, but there was e defect that could not be over' tue, due to the "human equation." e gun never failed to inspire fear the batter. That the batter would ow just when the ball was coming, electric wire was run to the bat's* box. and by stepping on the ite the circuit was closed and the ink cartridge in the rifle fired. The- . wage-batter would step op this lie and then jump back about four ^ ?t, letting the ball go by. Another awback was the Tact that the hoi ses soon acted on the covers of the lis and made them as hard as icks. An almost- unlimited range of eed was obtained by rn&king the be connecting the breech of the in. into which the rifle was disarged. telescopic. The shorter thebe, the greater the forpe., Rubbcrced curving fingers, adjustable to y planq .about teh muzzle, caused TbaTT "to curve, "out" or "in." or Irop," different sotH of finder* g'.vS different degrees of curve. fM HII.K Ol'T SHOPPING DON'T fail to visit J. K. Hoyt's and ask to d?* snojtn u?? l-umes' L'.t-on SuTQt in tho different stylos. NOTICE. It is requested that property c*n* on Main and Second street- So t put their garbage out on tbe eats on Monday. The wagoua are Ry~iU~lhe"r&ar of the stores on that ' .-'Si 7 and it is impossible to collect .J lewbere. Kindly wait until Tnesday for? putting out garbage. RAIN AIDS CROPS. . ic .JEM Reports from the surrounding untry state that the recent raVp ha* en a great benefit to all the crops. ~~?????^, : ;Z I will be in Use Grand Jury Room the Court Hoam in the City of Mhlagtoa for the purpose of Ustiiig j tare* from ft a. m. to I p. m. and *n a p. m. aatu ? p. m. until Jan? .j t. W. O. A?KR8, 'i I ft 10-lOCc Li*t Taker. K. HOYT WILL HAVE A DEMON strator of the West Electric Ralr ' Curler here Monday. . ; ^