tv Not** Mid Comments on the Rowy. 1 . stores decorated, up in line shape. 1 Main street w?b pretty Bight *a the . ; ; J parade parsed through it.' ' j 1^. The band played excellent music < ' throughout the day. Mr. Daniel* ? k* " himself,, spoke of the excellent auric which they repdered. They marched In good* form too. The Naval Reserve* looked aa trim B ;* and neat as their aplck and span 1 white sulta could make them. Tb*y made quite an Impression along the 1 II.. or mare. J I I On* or in* most plc&atng and UnI j . pr?Mlv? part* ot ywlarday'a pro- ' Krani wan who. Co.graaaman Small j m ' I "T ?* ? undlence. The act wkm wel^ worthy ol Mr. Small's thoughttulness and 1 ' kindness. The automobiles made a pretty eight as they rolled slowly along to the school auditorium. Nearly all. the cars were decorated with flags f?PT: "add banner*. The luncheon was Boe. Trust the ladles or Washington to-Rot up something to tempt the palate. The j f<*>d tasted all the better by being served by attractive sad pretty wait,t . ' :;tV resees. Isrlp, Mrs. Jonephus Daniels nisdo s ??Wy pretty little speech in response tot Toastm aster Smsll'e call. She thanked the people ot Washington for her kind reception, i! ?BHK ?mjfFICE ^?TTggarr | Today is ths anniversary of the |r signing of the Mecklenburg Declarat tAa of Independence. In observance 19 of the day. thn banks and the postHJP*' > | fojj oflce of the city are closed. . ' TO D1HOVRH RAILWAY STORES. | r Buffalo, May 20.?Railway storekeepers from all oyer the United States are here attending the annual convention of their association which opened today. The session will con tin tie for two days. An attempt will 1 be made to populate a plan of tore i*un by railway companies for < JgjiS?-' - the use Of their emptoyea an a means 4 of fighting the high cost of living. f I of living. BIRTHDAY PARTY YESTERDAY. | 4y ^birthday party waa given. J>y t Zophas Kills Potts, the nine year old on of Kr. and Xre. Z. M. Potts. An 1 enjoyable time was spent. Several v of. his playmates and friends Were , present and spent the afternoon in . pa??l5U^Kfmes and having a general " good tlm& Ice cream and cake were erred and greatly appreciated by the 1 ~~l7ttle~ gue?ta7 Midldf WtU'lfUrwr- cellent musician for his age. He played several selections yesterday ( in a confident and accomplished man- ( DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY MEETING A meeting of the Daughters of the ' / Confederacy will be held tomorrow afternoon at Ave o'clock at the reai dease of Mrs W. h B. BarPCh .pp. _ is'.. Market street. e CUBA'S NEW PRESIDENT %.ri_. -.... J'i . i Havana. May 30.?General Juan V ' Mario Monocal and Enrique Joae ^ Varona. were Inaugurated president and vice-president, respectively, of Cub* today. The new president has > integrity, courage and ample knowledge of the needs of his country and is expected to administer, Cuban affairs as to put-en end to fractional ' strifes. Tho most optimistic cltisene I aay however that the track before General Monocal is not an easy one. Charlotte, N, c.. May 10.?The s celebration of the alanine of the MeckMntrarc Declaration ot Independente waa obaerred here today An aria made to have Pr^ai 1 - hot he aald he had decided not to Ji&' accept any epteklna enangement. before the beginning of the .oramer an < MM \MMN(. OFFICKll. ,?AVE NORM AUGUST 25 To Proceed from There Co New York }ftf. Will Ltur* New York for Jnrdlner'* llijr Where Target Prftrh? Will Bo Comlarte.1. -4jfeut/<:. L. Morton of tho Neval ieierves of ttoin city. Is, tbiB morons in-receipt of the following com nuniearon irom tne commanding Officer X. C. N/Mv C. I>. Bradhauer. rbe letter has reference to the turnmop cruise of the Navel Militia ami cads aa follomt "f' ' ro Commanding Officers of Divisions: I hereby give Itinerary of North Carolina Naval Militia: * August 25?Erubark at Norfolk. IT** U. 8. 8. Alabama. Proceed to C?W York City. f ^ August 27-*Arrive New York Cltjr [Liberty). . ' \ \ August 29?Leave New York City or Gardiner^ Bay. Arrive Gnrdiler'a Bay and conduct target prac-f .'ce. thence proceed to Nortotyi. T*? - ;r September t?Arrive Norfolk and llsembark North Carolina organlzaloh. You are requested to advise by reurn mail the number of men and oflcers In your division who will take id vantage of this -etfetoe. It to probtble that you will'leave borne on the noraing of the 24th, pod Immediate? imi nrrtvkl'ii Norlolk. >on will he attention of the members of the ocai compiByto me uimum nmsiraph In the above letter. He frould ike to bear from, all the members, vbo intend taking this trip, at once. I'INKVIl.l.K ITKMH. .v.". :: _ : This section of the county was visted last week by a fine rain, which vas highly appreciated. It helped he crops wonderfully. The farmers n this neighborhood are still shipping truck to northern markets and ire selling their produce for fancy >ricqa. / ' George W. Mlxon and family of ?ofcar Road were the guest? of his Anou, Mr, and Mm. J.P^Mlxon, lunday. Misses Maude sad Kathleen and tlpir brother, Clifton, 4rere the piesta of their aunt. Mrs. Asa Manilng, of near Wllliamston Saturday light and Sunday. , Mies Irene Cates of Washington was in our midst Sunday. J. Q. Mlxou and family of Buhyan sere the guests of his parents, Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. B. Mixon Sunday afterioon. ' Mr.: and Mrs. D. E. Jackson of fthftitmrton vtaltod friends here Sunlay aftertoo*!^ " \ Mst and Mrs. M. M. Canady were the guests of frienda and relatives near Baysfde Batnrday night and Sunday. There will be Divine service at Ware's Chapel next Sunday aftersoon at four o'clock. The public la cordially invited to attend. MAt ao re HlgTORT. 1804 ? Bonaparte proclaimed Emperor of the French. " ??> ' 1819?Gold and quicksilver discover Y ed la parte Comity. N O. 1834?Oen. Lefayette died at Paris, acad eeveaty-reven yeare. 1864?John Hovard, Jr.. a ne.spaf : 'X par man of Brooklyn. N. Y.. arrested, rharged with Iseuln* hocus faderal order Tor 190?,? Enlarged Transvaal Legislature opened at Pretoria, *? 1*04- -South Atlantic- squadron or dered to Taaglera because of : the kidnapping of Jon Pardlcarle, an American dttaen > hr ataUH. ? jA. 1911?Preach army at Pes. Moroc1913?^ttnan squadron starts oa ? ; ' >; visit to the United B^tes. ' . , . Kr. Stephen C. Braga. was ono Of the ruesta at the luncheon given In honor of Mr. Dsnlels yesterday, lodge Br?.w .as in the clt, Snn I I I I T I ' ABOPT ISO PEOPLE WEIII: THE Ilmrenuc Cutler Left "V**WBKt?n at At 1h. dote or tb? luncheon At (hi Small announced tb At Captain Weat olthe Cuttor Pamlico had Invito! AH to tAke a aai1 down the river In the wtth .pleasure ana nearly, everone who was present took advantage o{ the'opportunity and was down At the dock by four-o'clock.. Shortly after four, the cutter left her wharf and sailed slowly -^lown--the river., 8bo went down stream for a distan<-evof about ten miles, returning to her starting point by half past six. All on board enjoyed a most pleasant trip. The flder people sat in groups, talking, while the younger ones sang, danced and did everything else that was possible on board ship to'further their enjoyment of the short cruise. The girls flirted with the sailors, who. however, appeared to be invulnerable. The man who sounded the depth of the water was tb ecynosure of many admiring, eyea. Captain West had thoughtfully furnished refreshments 'for his gnestS which were greatly enjoyed. Allwho took the sail greatly appreciated the Captain's kindness and hospitality. The schooner Sarah B. Xidyette is Southern railroad and ia loading with a cargo of fertilizer. i uu stnwutr ? irgiun unm unuic 4 in last night with a cargo of fresh i flsh. She is laying at the Market t street wharf and la loading with h i cargo of general merchandise. Bhe < expects to leave port this evening. 1 The schooner, Mary 8., it In port 1 with a cargo of freah fish. MEETING OF OKR LODGE There will be a regular communication of Orr Lodge, No. 104 A. F. and A. M. at their hall, corner of Third and Bonner streets, ihia evening at 8 o'clock. All members urged to be present. Visiting^brethren cordially iavited. * By order of WOR8HIPFULl MASTER. O.M. WINFIELI>. ^ Secretary Blossom Hudnell, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. T. Hudnell cut her hand with a piece of glass yesterday. Although the cut Is d?ep an<I quite painful, it Is not se-' itotia. * 7 . . LCNCHEOX MENU. Tfmpttng BO! of Fare at Luncheon Served hi Kike' Home Yesterday. Below Is given the menu at yesterday's luncheon, which we omitted printing In yesterday's issue: Celery Olives LlTUe Hack Clams : Ox Tongmi tfmlihileld HiA Deviled Crabs Beaten Biscuits - Cold Slaw Cettugp and ^ogaafd Salad withMayonnaise 1- Pepper 8andwlchea Ice Cream _ jtt American Cheese Saltines TM-bita ^ lee Tea , &? ;kv-' , 1IORE tXlH BALI.' HOliVAV. E2?-?-''V, y V.Vr? *r- ,5^" -iv* Washington, Illy 10.?Employee of the government who hare been withlng for an all-year-round hall holiday on Retards ys.are on thn uiInni ?at today, bycaaso Fieldert Wilson It expected to hand down hie derision-upon tttd WMtii tohthe Saturday half-holiday and as \ ' ' ; -j ______ _ jh nNi* K ill K II(ill ffW*'-"--' - ..' T?| ITH,A K.A<T. A UUV s V* THKM ?ivnnii.n m >I?H T TSWH,? uilsWHiievii Muar GnOMt G1??V As to the object &S.Bggs3g--*p; I Who satr them? ^ I Whet? I Sh! Gentle read. >i I gently. The Hon. Josephs* jTJaUlfc; I Secretary ofc the Navy. editor bf tie lialelgh Newa and Ofcaervet rod oae I >f the most prominent men I Carolina had 011 socks cf .a dflWrent I 8-*--*ct! had vu w*u>. Dbfttn. U.'HIi WHITE ONE! Did you notice them? 'Tie a mystery. - -One worthy of Sherlock Holme*. WHY ?? WHY? You can search us.-r-we don't know. Maybe be was up late the night before and .^tJuldn't see with bia customary been vision. Maybe he. started to put on white socks, changed his mind to put 011 black ones an dthen only half did the. job. Way be Its the new style for secretaries of the navy,?1white for port and blank for star-board. But according to thfct he had ought to'have had on red and. green socks. We give it up. It's beyond us. 'PATENT" MKDICTXBH FILL AN r'WOXOMIC XKKIi. The idea that people should be practically deprived of the right to buy the medicines they need, withoot First hunting up a doctor, and paying htm for permission to do bo, conld inly prevail among those Ignorant of sxlstlnf?eeaditlona of whose Judgment is warped by Interest or preJtfc. Ji<je. Civllizatiotr will as "soon go iuw to fHhdiftg eofina'i muiun as It Will to the da>* uf Ike old apuiiicmry shop. Improved methods, the traat growth of popnlation with a correspondingly Increased demand, have resulted in improved methods pf manufacture and dlatiibutton, and "Patent" medicines represent the most improved method of manufacturing and distributing medical ne :essitles. To try'to block progress In this line is on a par with attempts to block any other development which follows out economic laws.? National Labor Bulletin. Automobile for Salesmen. The huatling firm of E. R. Mixon & Co. have purchased an automobile for the nse of their salesmen. This enterprising business house always manages tb keen abreast of the times and is continually'on the outlook for some manner In making the work of thejr employes easier and more pleasant. Have You Something to Sell to the Public If so. do you tell the public about it? If you. do. how do you do it? And what sort of reputation is bock of the merchandise yoy are offering? The answers to these questions may spell success or failure to mar a marchant with a wide circle of concerns, I merchandising all the necessaries of life, wejventure to say: I "The quickest and surest way to reach the public is through the columns of a dependable dally newspaper like THE DAILY NEW&?one that has a high standing in the community it serves, and has * the confidence of it's readers. "The most dependable arti- I cles sold today are those to which the manufacturer Is not afraid to attach his libel?that | la to nay. his reputation. "Retail merchants are now I Joining hands with the moautoahly guaranteed against Inferiority. I "The combination of manu| nlean newspaper advertising jjr - 2f- - j I * / % * vf| ' J2 ARK1VK.1) IN WAMfTXUTOK THIH MnitVI\<i FttflM .VtW lUOt? U.Y NORFOLK HOITHF.HN. Ftuteral I? to Be Held From the Hnmc of Ht* Parents at Whlttaker*. Wife Acooniimniea Body to letter Place. . ' (; . ' The boily of Yard Conductor T. S. Manning, who wan killed in the railroad yards at New Bern yesterday afternoon. was brought into Washington last qtght. Karly this morning. Mrs. Manning left with it'for Whit takers, where the burial is to be. Mr. Manning's parents lire tbere, and the fnnerni bai-vI * win their house. Manning has beeii a railroad manfor many yearn. Ho was jmiployed by the Atlantic Coast Line for a long time, but for the, past few years, has beep working for the Norfolk Southenk; There were few eye witnesses of the tragedy yesterday, but as near as can be learned. Manning was standing*upon the step of the tender of an engtnO, which was running backward through the y&rds. In some unexplainable way, he fell "to the tracks an id the heavy engine paused over his body. His body was horribly cut up and mangled beyond recognition. RAILROAD NOTES. Railroads operating In Missouri want the full crew bill referred to the people. - I?I? He-adjustment t)T TfPIght rates on' coal from .mines In Wyoming to des(BBBag " lillbUgUuul the?Middle Wfgl hud NuUUwest has been diroot ed by the Interstate Commerce Commission The St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company owns 500.000 acrea pf land situatetPbetween Holbrook and Wlnslow. and plans are being made for reclaiming this great tract by means of irrigation. An investigation of the Eastern Texas railroad is being conducted by Attorney-General Looney of Texas to ascertain whether or not this company has complied with the terms of its charter It is alleged that the road has not built all of the lines its char- ! ter oBi for. Representatives of commercial organisations of Atlantic seaboard cities recently held a meeting in New Yorlr"City and organised a movement in opposition to the application ot the railroads in official classification to the interstate commission to increase freight rates five per cent. The Roek Island is planning to build a modern -freight depot and warehouse at Keokuk. Iowa. The building will be erected on the bluffs, high above the present depot, at a cost of between $40,000 and $50,000. Nearly all the leading systems of the South are reporting an. improvement in grots earnings, among them the Central of Georgia, Louisville 'and Nashville, Mobile ' and ()hio. Southern and Seaboard Air Line. while In the southwest and west the rood gains reported by such important roads as the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, Missouri Pacific, St. Loui3 Southwestern, Tezas and Pacific, Colorado and Southern, Chicago Great Western an dthe Chicago, Indianapolis and the Louisville, Indicate genwrwlly ?11 innlntilnPil activity in ih? territory served. -4 Dra. W. M. Carton and P. H. 8trine, of fhe United States Navy, whq have been the guests of Dra. Joshua and Armstead. Tayloe, left this morning, via Norfolk Southern railroad.* Dr. Strine gave a clinic at the Washington Hospital yesterday. Tbo doctors who witnessed the operations were loud in the praise of his work and declared him to he a highly gifted and skillful surgeon. ELECTRIC EXPERTS TO . SPEAK. Boston, Mass.. May 20?Speakers of prominence In ?lecirf?~mdfor vehicle affairs have been secured for the New England Convention of Cen tral Stations. Electric Vehicle Manufacturers and Ailed Interests which began here today, with headquarters at the Engineers' Clnb. 'Salesmankhlp and Service/' "Constructive Criticism" and "Advertising" will he among the topics discussed. ^ ~ KXCKLLKXT PfttXilU* AjUUXG Kl> Fxm PKKKOHMAM K. KM Wm NUMBER! Kxoellent Heriw of Picture* Will Ik Shown.. . PrufeoMM* Spilth** Orche*. tin to Play.. .Other Musical Number*. The Daughters of the Confederacy will give a special entertainment at the Lyric Theatre this evening, offering a high class musical program, consisting of some op tho best local talent in the city. Among the number bod the program will be several duets, solos and recitations. One of the principal features of the evening will be a series of selections played by Professor Smith's orchestra of fourteen pieces. Every possible arrangement has been made for the comfort of the audience tonight. The management of the theatro has installed a new ventilating system and every one may enJoy the evening's entertainment and bo perfectly cool at the same time'. The benefit is offered for a worthy cause and it is hoped that a large audience will be on hand. The admission will bo 10 and 20 cents. 1 The program in part, will be as follows: I Song?Mrs. D. M. Carter. Quartette?Messrs. Stewart, Smith Pott* and Shaw. SonK^MIfiB Robena Carter. _^Sdujg?Misa Mildred Davit. m , i- - Opecislty^Hprmllifrafrdw. | Duette?Misses Carter and Davis. Piano and violin accompaniment by Misses Emily Harris and Marv Has| sell. Orchestra. is mil n ? INFANT SON OF MR. A\l) UR? GEO. J. STUDDERT NAMED BY SECRETARY OP NAVY. "Woodrow Wilson Studdert" is the Nome Which the Hon. Jowphtw Daniels Gives the Child. "Bound to Make Good" Hays Father. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Studdert were highly honored yesterday morning when Hon. Josephus Daniels and Mrs. Daniels, his wife, named their infant aou. The baby is but one week old. At Mr. Studdert's invitation. Mr. Daniels was selected to choose a name for the boy. After a slight talk with his wife, the Secretary of the Navy decided upon Woodrow Wilson Studdert. "And Woodrow Wilson will be when he's christened." raald Mt. Studdert this Wofnlbg. TlW-it he don't make good with that name, it'll be his own fault,?named after a president, and by a Secretary of the Navy. Miss May Blount has returned from a visit' to friends at.Chocowlnity. ? Elevating. "There gooe a oBip who does a deal to elevate mankind." "Who ts be?" -The district attorney." -How does he elevate humanity?" -Sends 'em op. doesn't be?"?Kansas City Journal. \\ ; Unsettled. I want some sort of present for a - pqgn# lady." ?Ye*. or **Er?why?she hnsn't said which she will be yet-**?Exchange. Ten cannot eat jonr cake and have you* cake.?Orvantea. rMEN HOLD GARDEN CON FKRKNCK. Philadelphia, May 10.?(garden Tovtng woBwrwa Waw Toy*. wen Jersey, Rhode Island, Ohio, Maryland. Michigan and many othei states are holding a garden confer ence here at the Pennsylvania Sohoo ot Horticulture. The meeting hat brought together practically all the leading women ot the country whe have achieved success with flower vegetable or fruit raising, t ^ Hfe -f Jl #m / >v] f V ' i. No 13? ... y-' &S^HI in i ^ IIII I I I Hi Iflill W till k'vT" I The V. S. Revenue Cutter Pamlico left Waahfnffton early this mcralnf. V S Bhe win go t6 New Bern, where who la expected to remain lor a short \ }.'; time. , . |fl The cutter has a crew of?tcrtr- ?5H four men. Including officers. 8ho drawn but six and one-bail tee. of .:.~A water and has a speed of about tea *'] knots an hour. FKDKBAL PROTWTION fl FOR FXI'RKHK SHIPMENTS, The first vioIatlon_of_tll<m?JA_?fld^^^^^^^mi8B eral law. known as the Cerlla Act, . was .the stealing of an express pack* ago in one of ibe Chicago depots, resulting in the arrest of the offend? and plac|ng him under a $5.unc ball. This act~Tmposes a maximum iln? of $5,000 or imprisonment -for not more than ten years for any person convicted of unlawfully breaking . intq any-railway car containing in- ^ JjB terstate x>r foreign shipments of freight or express or of stealing or . f 'ijH obtaining by fraud or deception from any car, depot, platform, vessel or V'tfl wharf, any freight, express or bag* ' gage which constitutes or Is part of of any interstate or foreign ship* niont. While the Carlin Act In no way iniringes on tne jurTStfTbtlbfi oT the State courts; It puts the whole power of the Federal Department of Justice behind the detection and pros ecutlon of persons guilty of stealing from cars or depots since it will bo practically Impossible for thieves to , -I distinguish between intra-state and interstate shipments. As the Carlin Act becomes better Known, and understood, the petty ~7\ p?*? age in-transit with the same rever- ?J ence and awe as he has been taught vjS to respect all mail matter, however "mhHiftg lis purloining m?h? :? n? ??4 ma criHiiiiui lusiiiHis. ? "oa KXUIXKERK AT llAl.TIMOr.F7. Baltimore, Md., May 20.?About 300 delegates representing nearly 5,* ( 000 members are here attending th? annual convention of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the Hotel Belvedere. Dr. ,W. F. F? Oobb. dean of the eneineerlne school of the University of Illinois is president of the association. Ga*po\wr engineering will be discussed airong other subjects. MEM (RIAL DAY MAY :l(?. ; "We wish to ask every white gen-tleman and.lady in the city ofWash- ^ ington and Beaufort County to give each and every one of their colored employes a holiday on May 30. Tlila is our Memorial Day and we would apprecite it deeply if as many, of ^ our people as possible, could honor their hand . L. H. BARKTOTT, Cca. C. C. LAWSON. ,/8j The Child. The most sacred thing In the cojt>monwealth'and to the commonwealth the child, whether it be your child ?. or the child ef the doll faced mothar : , the hovel. The child of the dull faced mother may. for all yon know, be the roost capable child lb the state. At Its worst it Is capable of good citizenship nnd a useful life If its Intelligence bo . quickened and trained. Several of the I strongest personalities that were bom in North Carolina were men whose very fathers were unknown. We have all known two such who held high places in church and state. President Eliot said a little while ago that the - ...> jgfi ahloat Mil that he had known in many years' connection with Harvard university was the sen of a brick mason. is9 The child, whether It have poor parent* or rich parents. Is the most valuable undeveloped resource,in the state. ?Walter Hlnes Pace. patient Suffering. Mere pain la not education, does not brine crowtb. It la the snfferlnc of willing submission to God that softens and spirt tunllxes and blesses us.?PhU11 pe Brooks Only a cheap person win fjjp to make mother person feel cheap. ? Youtb'e Companion. i will be in the Grand Jury Room ' d Washington for the purpose of listing city taxes from 8 s m. to 1 p, as and | from a p. m. until e p. m. sstflisss 1st. W. C. AYKRS, 5 lO-lOtc Idst Taker, \ v J 8KB TROSK fiPRHAL MUMMM that J. K. Hoyt la offering for | |1.4I each.

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