phone. S-lS-tfc Breg* *, ^ ' Hospita Monday May ?Cth at 2 uaighl school for those eho wiHh ^ For further Iniorrliaf!.:. pImw... SJC. 5-21-tfc , n'AlSTKD?TO HUNT OR ItTl hnee a t nall roumer cut retfoE$ " ??r. Write Bo* 191. WftlihUjMj N. C. fr-21-ltc I V ' -^j"- ' ? ' ' ? VTAYTBD?SALESMAN TO SELL i-iibr^U'wi c lug Co.. ClerbTBBC O. yon SALE AT A BAJUiAlX?ONE fe-.-l : &H: P Fairbnnke-Morye Marine L. gasolene engine and uaual boat outfit. Write B. A. Zoeller. TarI . boro. N. C. 6-1 J-tfc A FEW <*OOD MILCH COWK b\,H I ' ttaJ-O T? TA t..l " ?*. ?; nm?B uoumveii, 'C. 5-19??tp _??? ?= FOR 6AL&?*tIX" FRESH MH.K Cows; 29 pure bred Blrkshlre Plga; one gentle ' combination . . - . v7"horae. J. Havens. ? -r-' I 5-*-3wka?2ka STOCKHOLDERS- M EETIXG. (~r? Tire twentieth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of "Washington, Washington, N. C., will held in the hanking ronton at H o'clock, noon..Thursday. June the 5 th. 1918. J. K. BOUGHTON, Cashier. 6-2-4 wc NOTILH. m North Carollna-T-Beaufort County. 7--?? ?ottrt. George Rad cliff ft 'gM J';, TiajlW M The defendant, above-named, will take notice that an action mSrtvo ha? Kaon ^.mmonnaH In tHn 1]\ Superior Oeurfe ef Beeufort OeyaSy \ m \ tor the dissolution of the bonds of i J matrimony existing. between the r;i plaintiff and denfendant. And l > 1 the said ' defendant will take 1| J notice that she Is required | B , / to appear at the term of the Superior fl y Court of said Cnnnfv *n Ho haid ?> the 4th day of August. 19U."*af the Jr Court House of said County, In Washington, N. C./ and answer or demur to the complaint In said action. or the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief demanded in said complaint. Tbla 20tb day of May. 913. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. 5-20-4wp , ' CONFEDERATE VETERANS RWCMON, ORATTAKOOGA, TEXN. -^ : ' Low Round Trip Fares Via ^OUTHSRN RAILWAY. Tickets on sale May 24. 25. 26. $7, 1918,^nal return limit June ' or If you prefer to dtay longer, by depositing your ticket - with special agent at Chattanooga ?\ and paying a fee of fifty cents, you can hare final limit extended until June 26th. 1913. % _ Round trip fares from principal points as follows: ftnliiihnfn 11.1,45. Selma 11.05 Raleigh : . .. 10*0 Durham . .. 0.95 Oxford * ** ?? . ? 10 00 Henderson 10.76 Chapel Hill, 9.96 Burlington*. 9.30 Rates in- same proportion from all other pointe. Tickets will applyeither via, Atlanta or Asheville. Ex - cellent train service via either route. j Bpwial Pnilmau aleeplug cats fioin Raleigh and Durham, leaving these points on Sunday, May 26th. For roeervatronz. detailed information, etc., ask your agent or communicate with p- JTO. JONES, Trawling PitKinr Agant. . Kalelf h. N. C. XOTICB OF aptmOSTKATIOK. Notice to hereby given that I knee this day unallfled before the clerk of the Saperlor Court of Beaufort CWalf M admtoietratrU of the eatate of Q. H. Peacock deoeaeed. late of Beaatort Oonhty, and all persona holding claimi agalnut Raid aetata are hereby aotlded to flto the aame with me or W. A. ~TMMH*K "Attdbany, duly verified on or before the Idtb day of April. ?14. or thU notice will he pleaded la bar of their recovery. All peruana Indebted to aatd rotate will pleepe make Immediate payment. Thle the **tt day of April, till. FRANCIS PEACOCK. AdiUtatstratrfx of the Estate of 0 H. Peacock, deeeeaed. : .r , m, A\fc$etaMe Prrp^raioo fir As 1 IK&i m?? 1 V Hi?B^WIr **** 1 mam zszzzzzi? jm HU apr/ I WSt\ ftcgnte" V J TUE CiarcAUBCofC'Aax; IllXH'NTH CRBEK NRWH. L VI Misses Nannie and Elinor Lewis o who have been visiting their uncle, W, R. Cox, returned to their home 8 at Bonnerton Sunday. E Mrs. Mary Adams met with the misfortune to fall and sprain her Q hip one day last week. She being ^ alone At*the time and unable to move was compelled to. remain fl where she fell for some time. She ia quiet ill at this writing. Mlsa- flowDtt Rulcfcer, who has ^ been visiting hor aiater, Mrs. ? Ralph i Jones, for the past week, returned to her home near Edward Monday. Misses Martha and Mary Jonee 1 met with an accident last Friday, P which has proved to be suite seriouB. While they were driving a horse T hitched to a cart the animal _U frightened and ran away. Both glrl8 were thrown from the cart> Miss wheel and body and dragged some distance. She has been helpless over g 1=<*>V1 n The mas Bell, while fishing lrv a mill pc rd, was bitten by something. Ho wa r uncertain what it was as his ? foot ww under water. His foot. Is! swollen badly and is very painful. We fear it was a snake. I ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Polor were the ^ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones Sunday p. m. C Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Mills were the g guests of their mother, Mrs. N. L. Kdwards. Sunday -p. m. u Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Co* left for Washington this a. m. to visit their sister, Mfs. Wm. Swanner. who is very ill at the Memorial Hospital.. V RevI Duffy Toler of this place filled?his regular appointment at * Friendship/Craven county, Saturday h night and Sunday. The County is having some very m nice work done on the bridge at the a fhouUL ol the creek under the man- a agefneHr~of W. A. Blount. He is making a fine job of it. We are very j anxious to see it Aujshed, especially a the R.' F. D. carrier, aa be is forced to ride a "Bike"" while the work is # going on. ^ Capt. J. N. Latham is erecting a One build in y at thta place. We are glad le i have hi?nimaka , th'd?Kin jf home. p Shaw Bonner and C. H. * Robinson passed through here MonUay with their auto. d V WUlle Cox of Washington was in f our community Sunday. Come again Rlllle. t D. B. Cox was out .driving with t his best girl Sunday p. m. ' XEWS FROM BROAD CRKKK. Miss Susan Braddy. of Jessama ~ spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Waters and * child spent Saturday night and Bun- 1 day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 C. C. Cutler. ' Jojin B: Res pegs of Washington 1 spent twtftle Sunday afternoon with * hlB sister, Mrs. W. T. Latham. . 1 Miss Basle Latham celebrated her 1 nineteenth birthday Saturday night. ' Those present were Miss Susan 1 Brmddy of Jetsams and Mlas lnaara c WbltleJt Chacy and Cheater Whitley. The time-was spent very pleasantly. The (Moot til left wishing < Utal Kaale many more happy birth- c dnye. Jeeae Whitley and daughter. Miaa 1 1 -aura spent Saturday In. Washing- ' ton. .1B. J Doyd and R. P. Water, of near Plnatowii was vial tore at Mr*. W. T. Latham Sunday.afternoon. C. C. Cntlar and daasMer, Mr,. Tom Singleton, spent Monday la Washington Mlaaee Neilla Lima and Martha I . IB I flH 11 Por Tnfe|]^ Cliild Alwavs Rnn^it j wttgm B?srs the ft\/ \ u Ji liec 1 Wd0 |g For Over | Thirty Years ; I1ST0RM ' v winn THK CHHUH MMromi C^Tf mmmmmmmmmmBam i ? i atham spent Thursday aftcrnopn < '1th there cousin, Mrs. Tom Boyd 5 Zlon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitley spent 11 unday with their daughter, Mrs. an Cutler of Jessama. Tom Singleton, who was operated 3 n Friday foif appendicitis, is getng along very nicely at this writing ad. it is hoped that he will-soon be % ble to come home. ^ Mrs; J. B. Tetterton and children t pent Monday afternoon at C. C. Cut- j sr's residence. Miss Laura Whitley left Wednesay for Belhaven and Pantego for a aro weeks' visit. We wish her a icrfant trip. Miss Nellie J. Latham spent from 'iutrsdaj until Monday with her k tber ; . FROM 11. F. P. No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cotten wetfe ueats of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Widle re Sunday. -lywn'j111" Alligood spent ^Saturday ightafcjd Suttdfcy with,the Misses dnglefrns.' v Mlssds Fannie Willis and 'Bertha lartin were guests of Mrs. Mamie llVnn UlRUl. Misses Ieabell Bright and Fannie * ongleton were guests of Mrs. Magie Cutler Saturday nighj. Mrs. Julia Cherry visited friends 1 Washington Monday. Mrs. Izora Rodgers was a visitor i k Mrs. C. A. Cutler's Monday afsrnoon. Miss Clara Hodgos has returned to er frome after several days er brother, Mr. Jesse Hodges. Mr. James O. Mlxon is having ome repair work done to his home t Buynan; also some new rooms dded. Mrs. Mamie Mixon was a guest ot Irs. Charlie Sheppard Wednesday fternoon. Miss Dora M. Congleton spent one vening last week at the home of Ir. Ab Alilgood. Mrs. Nannie Alligood and little on, Leslie, of Washington spent art of last week with mends on loute 4. Miss Matt ha Alligood spent ThursIay with her sister, Mrs. Jack A 111-, food. Owing to the rain Saturday night here^ were not mqny who attended he party given at the residence of irs. Cabe Carter. Those who braved he weather report having had a most injoyable time. SpeakerHull's bill providing that he .industrial commission shall esabllsh n method of direct marketng was recommended for passage, by ho Jpint committee on finance of he Wisconsin legislature. This mi inagvis me inauiiriBi commiv ion a clearing house In which the tames of prospective purchasers of 'arm-products are filed and reputat Ions and financial standings are investigated and passed upon by the ommlssion. * Wf ??/.) " *"- > ' 1 {The Imports of American rner:handisc Into Liverpool last year ex> seeded by $50,000,000 the figures of If 11, which were greater than evpr jefore'-in the history of the trade, * tout being $$77,700,901. I e e The DAILY NKW8 vlU l? \ teu and other nm of personal ' latarat. with the name* of thoee e present. for the "Socletjr News" ? eoluMa. The items should be Indorsed with the rise and *d dress of the seeder?not for publication, bet es s matter of ? fepnaoL * ? a a ? ? a a ? PERGONALS, ' e > a, a -sr a - a s Misses Bailie Cahrow, Ann to Grist. Beatrice. Telfair and Rebecca Simmons left today for Raleigh to afr.cnd the eommencodfent at the A. A I M. College. * . '&. }V s s m J. L, Leonard of Wilson la visiting riends In town today. ? " ? The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Np oi East Second street is serf- H >usly 111; ' '. . .... luexeonwtHio iia. wen la the Washington Hoepital. >*4 Mtitfhed to ft? Mai fe? i!u< * * * * Mrs. Charles Branton of Latham's "rosa Roads Is in the city today. Hn. Sam tvrmaiey pwgfl througlr 1 iYashington today en route.for her 1 tome at Ransomvllie. She has been attending the Episcopal Council at ; Joldsboro. R. E>. Randolph of New Bern Is ''.siting friends in the city. ? ? J. R. Paul of Bath, was In the ut here is an exceptional one. A ; i Buff Cochin hen that became iroody the fore part of August, but ' rn accuuut uf.thu iatmwss'uf tWB'Ken-'' ton he did not care to set her, so >roke her up. "Her mate, a Buff Bantam rooser. at once took possession of the lest, occupying it steadily, from norning until night, for three days. To be sure that he meant business a uius egg was placed under him. fie Bat as steadily as an old hen, and ?n September 7th five of the aix eggs latched. As a 'mother' he proved rery successful, raising every one >f the five chicks." * Three ] "Begins Thuri We give Below a Fe^ I, A DIES' COAT MlT ITS. 115 Coat Suits . . .flOJ LADIES' M11>DY D LOUSE. 91.00 Middy Blouse ....v. ..'.81 50c Middy Blouse 45 LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS. .11.18 Skirt* - ft 11.^0 White Skirts HI ' 50c White Skirts 45 LAWS* SHIRT WAIST. 91.25 White Voile Waist ......Si 52.50 Silk Waist 91.1 91.25 Madras Waist ..........fljf LADIES' WHITE VOILE DRE8SE 95.50 and $8.00 value at this sale ' W.J CHIi nBF\'? MIW1V BLOUSE. 50c and 75c values 4J 91.00 and $1.25 values 80 mean nainsook. 18c values 1? SO-IX. MX 1II.RACHJBO NAlNBOOl 20c values 1' .22 l-2c values ....... 11 26c value# ...Si 40-IN WHIT K RATINE STRIPES 61.00 values 8! ' WHITE RATINE. 69c values 51 LIXKX FINISH SUITING. 16c values IS 14 12 l-2c values . . It 189 West Main \lj las. blind or prMrudln(*?ta? Hill me Tour addreea, and I will toll Ton how to euro youraelf at bom. by tho now absorption trentmentj aid wUI alio md aomo of thla homo tnabrnont free tor trial, with rnferenee from Tour own locality if reanented. Immediate relief and permanent cure Mjured. Send- no money, hut tell MSuiamerfL A3s~ JTMotre Dame, tod.- .. * rs ? .'' r\ . '' homemade: 3MOKED SAUSAGE. PHONE Central Market RUB-MY-TISM * Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Crumps. Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used inte*natty anS externally. Prke25c. NORFOLK SOUTHERN m\M Route of the "NIGHT EXPRESS." Schedule In Effect April 27, 1913. N. B-?The following schedule- figures published - as information only snd are pot guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON. North Bound. t.oo a. m. uany?wignt Express. Pullman Sleeping Cars to Norfolk. 10:50 a. m.?Dally for Norfolk. Connects for all points north and west. Parlor Car Service. 2:00 p. m.?Daily except Sunday for Relhaven. West Bound. 6:50 a. m.?Daily except Sunday for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. Connects North, South and West with all lines. 3:22 p. m.?Daily for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. Broiler Parlor Car Service. 2:28 a. m.?Daily. Pullman Sleeping^ Cars for Greenville. Wilson and Raleigh. Connects North, I South and West. South Bound. 2:28 a. m.?Dally for New Bern. I Klnston and Goldsboro. Pullman ' Sleeping Cars. 5:59 a. m.?Dally except Sunday for New Bern. 3:32 p. m.?Dally for* New Bern, ' Goldsboro and Beaufort. For further information and reservation of Pullman Sleeping Car ton, N. C. W. W. CROXTON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Gen'i Supt., Norfolk. Va. CASTOR IA - For Infants and Children. lbs Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SH0 ? Signature of Days W1 (day, May 22nd and Will coi GREAT REDUCT w of the Many Attract! v LINEK SHEETING. ^ $1 Linen Sheeting. 10-4. Our price for this sale 80c >c 50c Lihen 36-in. This sale. .4:1c Jc 30-IN. LINEN' LAWN*. 50c values 48c Be 8Sc values .73c SO-IN. INDIA I.INEN". 12 l-2e values toe 10c values .. 8c DOTTED SWISS. ,25c values ?. 21c 18c values 14c 15 Checked Dimity 12 l-2c 10c Checked Dimity 8c 18c Striped Madras 13c Ic 12 l-2c Striped Madras 8c 25c Mercerized Madras 21c White MillinJ ? Our Designers have bw ly creating the most exdu * White Milan, Panama. Ratlr ' popular Hemp. Half of our ic beautifully trimmed for thl neas the moat alluring am k ery ever assembled In one < k correspondingly low prices wied S. THE: OEPAfi?! Ill Going / I |gB& ^ This summer? do you other extended trip? The': funds Is to use the Amei cheques which we issue. Ti all parts of the world, their < coin of America, England, Italy and all otter countries draft. Any bank or hotel ii cash them and the coatXis are ready for your trip com let us explain their advantag kinds Of money or foreign e I Bank of Ws Jonathan Havens, Pres. Our custodiers keep the books, bv and have no trouble in doing has the same record of bis acc< . the sauiu handwriting. ^ This we accomplish by the use f ^fSYSTE The One Writing Method of handlii ' With each purchase, we furnish a sale slip chased, the price charged for each item and footed up. ? i There can he no error in handling your ac * You Always Know WI We furnish a holder for ?he sale slip*. W< Sn this holder?a glance at the last one "ill tell y become an expense acconat without effort o*y Will you let ua explain ou* McCaskey Sya J. R. Meekin. Corner Ma' u and MiN NOTICE. 15th d tice w Having (itfoHlleil as Administrator, recove C. T. A., of E. Stanley McCuUough, said ei aeceased. late of Beaufort County, diato 1 North Carolina; this is to notify all [ This persons bavins claims against the es- E tate of'said deceased to exhibit thorn \ to the undersigned on or before the ! Ward lite Goods ltinue During the Balance of the ION IN PRICES. e Bargains Which Will be Offt 20c White Pique 10c C 25c White Pique 21c 25c values 29c values WHITE CORDUROY. 50t. vm|uM 25c values ? Ilk* I 30 values 38c 00 valu WUITH TAHIiH lilMKNS. *' 2Ji Y"1" $2.00 valu 50c Table Linens 42c $1.25 Table Linens Bm. A UKKAT I $1.50 Table Linens Sl.l? 35c Bleached Sheeting, 10-4. This ? ? 6c Towels "lc 20c 8c Towels 30c Unbloachea Sheeting. 10-4. ioc Towel '.23c 15c Towels 25c Bleached Sheeting. 6-4. This 25c Towel , ot- 50c Towoli sale .21c 30c Unbleached Sheeting, 9-4. 1 This Sale 23c $1.00 Whl ...... . - r.._ 111.50 Whl $2.00 Whli $2.50 Whll sry Opening. 10c V^B 15c Vest . til busy lor weeks, careful- 25c Vest . slve of beautiful trimmed p te. Lingerie Hats; also the S1 tjJu entire second floor Is most u^0 ?*iai s opening. Tou will wit y of white Summer Mlllln- . . lepurtment in this city at l- 25c value* sno?r^. ? contemplate some I Jj'i .afest way to [carry I kin Express Co., 1 J icy Uft j**yable 111 ; exact value in the Germany, France, lis stated on the- J It any country I will small. When you e to the bank and ? lies over all other xchanse. tsirin&ton J. r..fcirr I :.fij J it they spend no fine { So. Every customer | Mint as we have and in *1 -; ; :^1 lg credit accounts. I which showa th$ aoodi pttfI the lut previous balance aO V counts ?S v iat You" Owe ~~~~s .. \ < l prefer that you file every aKjs } [ ^ ou what you owe. These ?Ug4 SSSJI ! sfto. | ===== ay of March, 1914, or this noill be pleaded in bar of their ry. All persons Indebted to state will please make Imme- ^ "2 payment. March IS, 1913. ID WARD S. McCULyy^H. Administrator. . & Grimes, Attorneys. Sale"! I Week. ircd at This Sale: . OHSET IX)VERS. 1?c :M>c A DIES' GOWNS. es I 8?c ? gflc. iS es St ?? V REDUCTION' OX TOWELS rHL'RSDAV, FRIDAY XD SATURDAY. 4c Oc 3 VHITE. Ul'ILTS. le Quilts 8?c fl* e lo Quilts 91.19 W. te Quilts 91.49 I e Quilts 91.99 I