P lir jlr.n nilllll HH 1 nnwii ptp LUmrLbli . . UU 1HI1WII AM UP-TO-DATK AMI MODICRN Til KATltK TO BK CONSTRIXT. KD ? NKW Bfll,niX nlea Visit Kara at Regular HiteMra!*. Arrangements to be Made fprjCoiu fertable Beating of-Amlienoc*. ? It baa been announced that the second "floor of the new building, whfdh ? being erected on Main, street by R. E. Hodges, wUIi be turned Into an opera house. The men who hare the matter in charge are making plans for an upto-date and modern amusement place. A large enough stage la to be erected-so as to accomtnodate ii r.!j" ' Juaria company and -nrjanjeuieuts are to be made for the comfortable P seating of the Washington theatregoers. A balcony will also probably be e.ut In. It is planned to have high-class stock companies visit Mre at regular Intervals. Ample dressing rooms will be put in and every Improvement made that is essential in the modern theatre. The bnlldtpc is expected to be completed b/October 1st. A meet Ipg of Mm managers ta to be tarttsd" within a fsw days add final arrangeSftftoSEEI nannw RKJNDIW OOXPKDKRATK VETERANS COMMENCES AT CHAT- | . TAWOOGA TODAY ASp WILL CONTINUE DSTlt NEXT ' gp^gpAY. j | 50.001 S01M0S PRESENT row Wtt Be Given Over to Bud a ess { ; fl|)|ipSN aacl the Other Two Days Will Be Given Over to Pleasure oaf the Program. tf? Tj&.. ..^aatUnooga. Tenn. May 2f.? What la undoubtedly the greatest reunion ever held by the Southern ^ amy of the sixties began here to**7> *> continue throughout next Thursday. More than 50,000 old soldiers and their families have pitched tents on the historic battle-; ground! ataiut thU city and .irUfl ; again march along roads where cannon thundered and rifles were flasb# ed fifty years ago. Oen. John P. rr Hickman, commander of the Army of Tennessee Departmentwill lead the grand parade. In which there v will be several women, not one of whom will ride astride, however. To, morrow will be devoted to business sessions, the other two da ye being ? glvea^osar to. pleasure on, the pro'' -'-'s grsnr. The headuuai'tefh aie at lift ' ;. auditorium. The reuhion is a sped| tacular event, being within the shadow of Missionary Bidge and Lookout Mountain, looking down upon Ohlcamauga, "the field of blood," and the scene of one of the most terrible conflate of the war. MJ1PBT FOB POSfOW TKRfUKBfi. Mew York. May 87.?The entire privilege of the grand ballroom or ; ! the Hotel McAlpln baa been usurped by the entrlee of the New York Boston Terrier Club at tta annual ehow today. Philadelphia, Chicago and Boa ton exhibitors are engaged In a spirited eentaet for the honors of the eahlbWoa. gs ? The DAILY NKW8 not only gives you the aswa of Washington, bnt all of Bene tort County besides. Sobscribe ?e It. ' &' ? W' * l D. D..Taylor spent yenterdny hero iS" ** .. BHAtryiPrn, hair makw wox^ g' en beaatlfnl. New styles hair St ft?V U||I^MK* r KAI>iK TO THKIK TRUST." I "False to Their Trust" being the Mventh story "What Happened to jM&ry". produced. In collagoration [with the Ladles' World. Is the main [feature tjjat greats today s program at the Lytic Theatre. 4? j This picture fa a dramatic release produced by Kdlson that has been rimniilgior fprea mo^thi In the Ladles' World, and will be found more than Interacting thro*|fcout the story until continued. Armnrir other feature# ohToday's ""nrmrrnm will Ha tWn?-nthS? nt< f.?r^c" _ squally as good. One made lij Pathe. "The Prgyor. or the Arabs." 'being a beautiful hand colored film I This program found at the Lyric today la an unusually strong one. and something very Interesting. The admission 'prices will he IT and 10 IK. MKKTM WITH -ACX'IDBXT. rm*n ftfrl WBh oIt lllcyc Ie and Snffm fnrni Sevrrul Itrolaei. $ Matt Raugtiani, the seven^yearo)d daughter of Mrs. W. P. Bsugham U a evident this morning whUe riding her bicycle. The wheel struck tbe curb of the street and the girl was throws heavily to the g*ound. It whs found that her face and hands had been badly scratched m that she had also sustained several bruises. HOMKS FOR TKNDKH IJOIX WOMKN. FBlAld*lphla. Hay ?7?The vice " quarantine which has been put Into effect in -thia city ham\driven' hundreds' of women from haunts in the T^ftderloin, and ths municipality and private clfltens will c^re for them. Ah estate in the suburbs with accommodations for ninety women- will be devoted to that purpose by the dewhile two houses in the center of the city have been rendered by private j subscriptions and will be in charge ' of Miss Mary Gillette, secretary or i the Codrt Aid Qoclety. ' BV J. B tjUAM,. Congressman Speak* at Commencement Exercise*. The Commencement exercises of the Maryland Medical College of ing. The orator of the evening was ' Congressman John H. Small, who delivered a most interesting address. ACCIDENT AT COOPERAGE COMPANY Sam Saltertbwalfe. a negro in the employ of the Pamlico Cooperage Company met with an accident this morning while putting on a machine belt. . The belt slipped and in some way 8atterthwalte caught bis arm in it. He was thrown to the floor. When other workmen rushed to his assistance, it was found that he had .broken hie, arm in two places and thsr-hla law was also broken. He was rushed to the'Washington Hospital, where he was placed under the doctor's care. SPORTIXil CALENDAR. v Tswihf? Eddie McGoorty meets l.eo Houck, at Boston. In ten-round bout. Willie Hoppe and Koji Yamada. Japanese expert, meet In New York for 18.2 balkline championship of Pacific Rifles Lawn Tenols Champtonahlp at Sacramento, Caf.' Tale rowing orwwa start for dalea Ferrrto begin final, training for eeason'a matches. Thnra dayBan Kranclaco Kennel Club's annual allow. f c Friday? , International fiftO-mlio antotnobile sweepstakes race a( IndlanapoHe, ind. Prtseefalgi*gate ttO.OOO. Aroelrcan Henley, on Sckoyklll riser, THK WEATH] BSE- yf ^ fcw^T* swoS?!>< w?' r^? 1 LA now or Wati* r Sliiiffllj: ^Ij-j?m . ." . ?8SETTn- Ai.a>H>.7Nv _; . m7 tmrrnri - \ TaESTT 1 ,' *??ijsli 11 hirlrirc i Mfcitiysiifiiiji' Redaction in typhoki rat? ; <>ollo*'<)g Hit ration mm TypKoid P?t^ pgr- tO&C ' q PATER30N,M^ C "* rngi j Reduction In typhoid ral M* by Installing?filterJp _ : - ^ The ahove cut ahotis \he reductior State*. Various means Were used it a small lake and the typhoid rate it ground water was substituted for rii followed the installation of a filter '] cities the reduction in the rate may "* Washington proved that the was ter water and a sewerage system. v Sills! o Stunning and Staftl Fancies, Entert The Public Literary Association i ut Washington, N. C., And limitless tnd justifiable pride in their pro- 1 aigious and prodigal profferings to their patrons, which Includes an ex- ' trftordiparv and awranHnml ?>nn.l tion of elegant entertainment that will completely transform the ample 1 auditorium Into one vast palatial * pantheon of pastime and pleasure, in I which will be assembeld a "colossal ' congress of concerted conceits and a charming and coquettish chorus of curious contortions and conceptions who will warmly welcome the weary and worn an^the well and wealthy, and whose gay greetings will cause stery genefuus ^ong to linger longer in the lap of life and laughter. ' - - ' You cannot, you must' not stay away, for, know yo\i, that behind the scenes of all this gaiety and good theer there he those whose strength and study and skill have been spent willingly to iafe from yobr lips the imlles Of satisfaction at the foreetfulness of your own cares and struggles. and who wish to remind *you, that the greatest of thert ie charity, and should pgr be separated from tulUa nuif himaWk. taete at that eweeleet Jor,?giving? | mad at once gating. tor who could not enjoy liealng and folding our younger aet In Iho myeterloua maaee ol the marry play. ?i_- j.i' \ v Hera win await you nuperh and stupendotu pactMlMj'-. clever and curloua conceit*, danllng and dellrkfira dellghta, itunnlng and atarttlng aurprlaea. tunny and faaclnatlhg fanolea, entertaining and untieing dtdtemcfitB, wtneome and winning wondera, manifold marry myetintationa. and, altogether an aatonndlng and aatonlehlng array of attractive, allnr S314 IaI ff *ii1B= -jgLL'L J \ /V I Jl sgtn -t-lso /"i \ I \/ ? us. 1 'jgnj-HTrR -- fir Jiyj?|aJal?i?i? ^ ^ ""^ j V *1401 *X _L Eduction In typhoid rates fol low 30 f r^= *v^Sr^'. ' ?^?Si3r '""? ^ ? 1 - (Courtesy Popular^ Mechanic?.) pj 1 In typhoid by purifying the water i 1 effecting this purity. In Rochester, i low. In Lowell, Mass., the rate.dxfl rer water. In Pittsburgh. Pa., an en< ?lam. In Columbus, Ohio, Clevelani also be seen by glancing over the at np to the times when her residents THE F CLEVER m 1 trig Surprises, FYinr amine- and EnticWu in the "Girl in Pin henceforth in the future, by all previous and present pretensions, assuredly and absolutely unequalled, unexcelled, unprecedented. hnmatchad, unparalleled, unattained, unaccomplished and unapproached. This, "The Girl In Pink" production of musical comedy will be seen st the auditorium. Friday night of this week without fall. Don't net f < > May-Time in the r - ~,From-one en ' I, '*1. LA " *, .?:" . i 111?????????. ** ftini. M?* * ^ ==a?t>? Installation >SQs7qf fftttr plpnt e|s "*' 11 ' ysSB3^cC^d SHHaSfflSS E seton ttw typhoid rote j! ibati toting- good op-" j oter for polluted water 1 ? : *1 . n several large cities of the United 8. Y., the water Is furnished from ipped At an araaaing-rato when?: armous redaction in typhoid deaths i. Ohio, Peterson. N. J., and other jove chart. voted for the Installation of a bet5" BBS IMS ty and Fascinating I Excitements k." lect having your seats checked off at Worthy and Etheridge before they sell them all. The play Is given as a benefit for the Public Library of this city and everyone should assist in helping thlw fund ?lnn?r Tftn ninir /ill only bo given here one night. Harry Foote. who produced "Slumberland" here a few weeks ago, is directing (his new play and that in itself is a guarantee that "The Girl In Pink" will be a worthy production. /NEW SAFE INSTALLED. Uurglar Proof iUfe Been Installed lyy Barings & Trust Co. Bank. One of the lates models of the best safe made has been Installed In the Savings & Trust Company Bank. It Is built of solid Mayanese steel. There are no bolts or spindles through the door. It is locked automatically with a double time look.' The safe is absolutely burglar proof. MOTION PICTURE MEN MEET. Philadelphia. May 27?The second Annual convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of Pennsylvania which began here today has among the attendants hundreds of men from New York, Delaware and States from this State. All kinds of the latest Alms will be shown. Ohio has sent several representatives who will help in the discussion on the censorship, which will be one of the Met Important matters to be taken up by the delegates. Advertising Is to a merchant like a rite to a hunter. M ONLY STOCK 0? MODERN Hair la tka etty will ka fo??4 at I I J Jk. - ^ Jmmmkt? v "v " " ml im .HAY tXJXbrUL'CT \tvh m*m*x cum Diplomat Firmly IMirvfK Sfcrffurj I try on Wtl' Negotiate Treaty. ?Waahiagton, 1>, ?Another greai Atlantic-Pacific waterway. making t ship route between the Eastern ati(J Weatern Coasts of the United State* 2.000 miles shorter than through the Panama Canal, will be built soon by the United States, In the opinion of Dr. Salvador Castrlllo. retiring Nicaragua!) minister. Doctor Castrlllo, who lwvfs this week for Europe on an important mission for his government, declared in a statement tonight that he believed n canul tfeaty would be negotiated between the United States and Nicaragua and that a catial would be constructdd across his country. The Nicnra^'ian diplomat has been a frequent caller at the State Department since Secreu.ry Bryan came into office and the luttur. after an extensive study of the problems Involved In thp proposed treaty negotiations. has said that his mind Is open. c. car: HOI FROIR _ mm C. M. Hrnwn.?iUiu?attended ilm Presbyterian I'miimtinn at AtTniita: Ga.. Returned home last night. Mr. Brown states that the convention was one of the most Interesting and the largest of its kind which has ever been held. Both he and Rev. H. B. Searlght. who also attended, enjoyed a very pleasant trip. Mr. Searigbt did not return with Mr. Brown. He stopped off at Achworth, Ga., his home, for a shortVisit. From there he will go tq Charlotte to attend the Commence mem exercises at Davidson College. EXCELLENT SERMONS BY REV jj. LAWTHER Those who attended services at' the Presbyterian Church Sunday were loud In their praises of the excellent preaching by Rev. ^ ^ Lowther. president of the Washington Collegiate Institute. Mr. Lowther preached a most interesting sermon at both the luorning and evening services. His explanations of the tert were clear and rendered in such a manner that everyone could understand the points which he brought out. He attempted no oratorical?flights but- confined himself to a simple and earnest address. We are glad to have Mr. Low?her with ua. He is a man who cap work much good in a community and we are pleased to have him make his home here. ^ DUFFY'S TRIAL DRftlNS. New York, May 27.?Today begins the trial of Sergeant Peter J. Duffy, henchman of PoH<*e Inspector Sweeney, who invested his money in Yonkers real estate. Duffy has been indicted oti a charge of extorting $30 from Julius Roth, who ran a small poker game In East 116th street. It is Mid that Duffy's friends have not much hope of his release a.nee the four inspectors above him fared so badly In their sentences. MAY 27 IN HISTORY. 1728?Treaty between Britain and ? Holland. 1832?Turks lose St^ Jeanne d'Arc in Palestine to Egyptians. 1848?Several Georgia cities submerged *? results of floods and freshets; great damage. 1862?Engagement at Hanover Court House. Vs. 1894?House vote unseated William McKlnley in Ohio congressional contest. ~~ 1896?Disastrous cyclone in , St. Louis. Ho. 1969?Prance and Germany reach Moroecan- agreement. 1910?Gov. Estrada defeated at BlaetfeMs. Nicaragua. - - 1912?Cabana displeased over proa pest of American troops hi lag sent \a vicinity of island i VM 1 *** a jjS* > v/*?*.y... .n?,. . jB mis 1 umimi OTHKK CAME* UKOtUHT FORWAW> R-KRmVivnvrEb. 6NIA ' g MOIt.MXd SESSION WAS HKLI> VLSTKKDAV. I Juilicn*ut Hrmlrrnl AfcaiiLst l,fMln I and Uwls Monufitnitnl Works for 1 I *1.200 and fl3l.7o luN.?-? (,vr\y. M. ; i?. ruwic ? nun uyviicis of One Half . 1 j Internet In Property in IMiu-us?ion. | Judgment was rendered. V la six . canes which were brought up before . ? '! the Civil Court in yesterday mora* ' j trig's session. All other rases were * _ \j i continued. The summary of the seesion Is as follows: Lj J?Hsi ar Prevail-v*?S?\?i, 11 J Co.. continued. Jefferson Furniture Co. vs. W. F\ Whitley, continued. 'ft T. J. Parr'.sher vs. Isaac C'Nolly continued. Wolcott & Kerr, receivers, vs. B. Whitehurst. continued. Carolina Lewis vs. Harry Moore, .'."."21$ continued. W. K. Campbell vs. A. Miliar, continued. Cora I,. Gctftey und hiRhaad va, N S. Life Ins/r^o., continued. Green & Hooker vs. F. B. Law is. A judgment wns rendered analyst Lewis for $1,200 in one < Rg?j and judgment was rendered ag?!h?t tho Lewis Monirmentai Works in favor of W. *>/ ' / ?' i. ? ? . .v 'w VISIT IBM HAl'IU ?B1H. store anft you will be delighted Willi the new switches and hraida.