* _ . . . Yesterday ai fx - yyV' ^ - ? --Four peopl<v two men and tWo njr l?diw, were the Tlctlme of ap automobile accident yeiterday afternoon at Cherry's Run, four miles north of this city. The accident occurred at about 1 half past three. The party consisted of Miss .Mayo, Miss Kayton, John Fleming and Mr. K&ytOP7~aH of whom reside at or near House, Pitt County. They had motored to Washington, and white here, the men In,the party i had a" rather merry time. When they aet out on the return trip, Fleming started hie car at top speed and shot apMala street like a rocket. The j W v- machine xlg-zagged from side to side 1 as the Joy riders tore on their way. JsJveryono who happened to J be on bfr.?t.-? Main street at the time, remarked ? upon the reckless manner in which it was driven. 1 Exactly how the accident happen- i ed, is not known. Evidently Plem- ? mm i - ---- MHHRI PYPPPIPPP k . llEmBO : P - a; _____ ? PRINCIPAL SPEAKER W +HE EVENING AT CLOSING KXFJtflNi OP TARBORO SCHOOL. The Cwamenoemeat exercises of the Tarhoro HighSchool were held Th(trader and'lest niKht. A large number of frlenda and relativea of the graduates were present at the Auditorium on both nights. There were fourteen graduatea of the Senior Class. The diplomas were \ awarded on Thursday night by Prof. R. O. Kktrell. who is superintendent of the school. Recitation, addresses sad sepdi by the scholars were ren oarea im greauy enjoyea. The principal feature- of last I night's exercises was the address ' made by Hon. J. H. Small. Mr. 8mall M was introduced to his audience by R. O. Allsbrooks. He complimented the school upon the work they had done daring the past year. He also made a ver* Interesting address upon the subject of "Community Interests." His speech was loudly applauded. NEW WRAPPING DEPARTMENT. V"" ' " - J. K. Hoyt has installed a model wrapping department, the only one of lit kind in this city. It savee many steps, (Allays and inconvenience and is being used with the greatest of success. NAY 81 IN HISTORY. 1791?Punishment by wheel abolished In France. 1796?Bonpparte dissolved the great council and took possession of "Venice. 382fr?Jews ot England petitioned p-J Parliament for extension'of 1854?Explosion X three carloads I m of tan powder In Wilmington. i Bel., caused" loee or man? 18*4?Antl-Llncoln mass meeting In I Cleveland. John C. Freemoot ] nominated for preatdent. 1 1*88?Johnatown. Pa., Booth 18*4?eemocrata in 18a House of 1 nepreeentatlvea pnt lumber 1 en the free list. 18*8?Bnga^ement between A mart- ] nan ablpe and 8 pan lab list- i ablp Cristobal Colon and fonr , Santiago batteries, the latter i being silenced and the Crleto- . r A. bal Colon damaged. ? A.r I 1800? British captured Johannesberg, South Afples. 1ft?B?r l?d?r?fogn article of . of Japan reported ??? - ???? ^ y. VI v M r? ^ JL. ?Jiw < 5r * ' 'm ' " ' ===== lN OVER IN CAR '.'' > 4" ) , ? at Cherry's Run t 3:30 P. M. 13L c" - f ' rheel, for the car shot into a ditch alongside or tikt. MSd^ lUBM completely ovef and pinned three.of the occupants underneath it.. A party of negro men, who were at work near by. ran to the ?cene of the accident and assisted the party n getting out from under the"heavy machine It was found that no one iad been seriously injured. All were scratched up and bruised consider auijr muu iucir uuiuiug lorn, uai outside of that, the party were fortunate In ecsaplng unscathed. They continued on to areenvllle. leaving the car at . the roadside, where Mr. Bell of this dty bad it righted and repaired. The escape that the party had Is considered^ miraculous. How they averted serious injury or ?Ten death, la unknown, for the heavy car. as is mentioned-ebove, turned completely JW. ? >3*7. j.' V., .-1 ;.* *- A . . .. J PAMOCH HACK TRACK FOR IIITL.IM\ <> LOTS. New York. May 81.?Fourteen miles of street frontage Iota, cornarising the famous old Morris Park Race Track, were aoTd at public auction by the city of li?w York today to hfltaa seekers.?This was the larg. j m realty auction in the uisiuij uf this or any other city. Not the loaat interesting feature of the auction: ale of Morria Park was that J. Clarence Bevies and Joseph P. Day held the sale In the clubhouse which, y?>fos -yeaea tb* favorite meeting place of tnrf magnates and society Doubles. Hefre the Whitneys and the Keenes. the Morrises and the Dwvers used to rather on race days tad discuss the relative merits of their strings of horses, and from here, also, to the. nearby betting ring, went many a commission large enough to buy severalrdot? at the ap-! preaching auction sale. Racing began at Morris Park in 1889 and continued until 1904. During that time It eras recognised as the favorite and foremost center of the sport in the country' It is also i enjoyed prominence in a social way to a greater extent than any other race course around New Yo%k, with the result that it was not only well patronised by society folk during the racing season, but Its clubhouse was the scene of many brilliant entertainments at other times. BRAGAW GRAMS. , The refreshing showers that came last week were much needed in this isstlsn sad the farmers srr encnut-. iged at the Improved crop conditions ind prospects. Some potato sprouts ire being stuck out while the. soil Is lamp. The third annual picnic was held tiere Saturday, May 24, but owing to the rains not a very large crowd atended. A year ago less than a doxen people were living hero (at Bragaw). Mow the population -of . the . village rill posh the 100 mark pretty closeThe Dixie Lumber Co. is constructing a lumber shed at the station. Xher buildings also are und^r way )f construction, which serve a to point o future prosperity. Thla new Utile town Is coming right along. A number of young people were Blasts' at Uie iiume-of -lhw J. F. Latham Sunday. Among whom were iflsses Ollie and Dora Chandler. LUcie and Lillian Lends. Dozey and Use Beavers. Annie Edwards; U-mmvm nr-aAv Qtaunna Trw. "PMwarria Hadlaon Dixon, Willie Lewie, Heber WlUlami. Plum HUI. Welter BUI. Roy Beavers and the writer were ilao praaanL ' ll--: VMlaa Sine Williams of Partnele ipent a few days laat weak at lira. I. r. Latham's Rome. She returned Sunday morning. Roy Bearer* took Mix sex Katie Barr and Dora Chaadler (or a pi aw xot little tpia |o hie new buser-mo pile Sunday afternoon. D. U. Martin of South Creek waa Pere on kwbieis Tuesday. A-'r. ... ' ' r WAHHDWTOW, HOHTH CJU " # ,'j m WRATH eet r sidenji n mr ivwobt J. F. DK VOW AX.\Ot\( KK |\. TKNTIONH TO FLY OVKIt ATLANTIC IN AKROPUVKK HUGE BIPLANE BUILT it Vilk'n Machine WW Hare the ] i Largest Wing Surface of Any Ma| chine That Ha* Ueen Built Yet. Bsc* | pecteiLto Makc7ll?MUes Per Hour. J ) , The Sloane Aeroplane Company of No. 1737 Broadway, New York, la hf I oaiia a new Dipiane in which J. F, '] de Villa, a California aviator, hopes , to fly across the Atlantic and win the , Dally Mail prize pf 150,000. Mr. de , Villa Is the third competitor for thlB prize to announce his intentions, the others being Rodman Law and Harry Bingham Brown.?' ll : A small experimental machine, constructed according to Mr. de Villa's designs, is practically completed, and the full size aeroplant for the actual flight will be begun under the | inventor's supervision as soon as he arrives from California. Ha is now op his way here. - ^ The biplane is said to differ radically from previous designs of hydroplanes, having many special features evolved by Mr. de Villa from experlroentaoonduotedin California^ The machine will combine probably the largest wing Burface of any aeroplane ever lyulU, with comparatively" small head resistance. This, with a 200-horse power motor, is expected to give it a speed of seventy miles an hour. The machine's body, built of steel and mahogany, will be entirely inclosed, and will enable the biplane to alight and arise from the surface of the water at any time, unless in the very roughest sea. During the transatlantic flight de Villa does not intend to alight unless compelled to do so. MR. SEARIHHT TO PREACH { The mambprfl nf th? * church will have the opportunity to greet their pastor, Rev. H. B.- Searight, who has been out of town for 8 the past few weeks. Mr. Searlght will tell something of his visit to fhe 8 Atlanta convention and an offering ( will be taken up. for foreign missions. At the evening services, he will diBcuss "The Perseverance of Believers." ' * i LONDON'S BIG MARATHON. J London, May 31.?The Polytech- \ nie Marathon for the London Sport- , |in'g Life $2,500 Trophy today nas at=- " tracted many famous athletes from 'all parts of Europe, among them TaJu, the brother or , Hannes Kolenmainen. The race, as in previous years, starts from the private grounds of Windsor Castle. J. Corkery, a Canadian, won the race last year. ?Several- people of the Haw Branch section were visitors at Bragaw Sunday. ? " N6 doubt Bomebody has been eating "bear-pie"'near Haw Branch this week, as a large bear was killed down there late Sunday evening. It seems thafsome one traveling north -wwu-uidti?oieu-iwu-cuub m a irw 1 very near the road. It only took a few minutes for word to-fly over the neighborhood and In a pair of "QUldks" several men with gone and dog. were eg to lint the intruders In a short time-the decs were on his track, . and the lapse of a few more minutes brought the well, known nolge df ' the approaching Bruin. J. G. Lewis, who was standing near a bridge oo?M hear the bear coming down the ditch. When wlthia about 15 steps of .the road the monetrtms animal crawled upon the hank to nee ft the "coast" waa clear. Then tt waa that Mr. Le*i* broeght him down at the first "hang'' of hie breech loader. The cube were not captured. Very frequently heart are II seen crossing the Oray road near this I particular bridge. \\ _ __ \ K 1^1 ; : . i ^^ "' ' ' MnHJUU I lullu SKt"RBli\KY OF NAVY IH MAK1XO TOI'H flF THK SAW VAICDH IX TH*;?kAHTKRN PART OF TlfB COPXTItV. * IS Ul BROOKLYN TODAY BhiU. TU?c It la. Hi- Irimuoa tu Become Perj^nally Acquainted With EWj; Ship and It* Armament, (io* g toTaclfic Toait In July. Washington. May 31.?Secretary Daniels te making an extensive visit to the niivy yards In the eastern part >f the c4untry. He,' wltTi other officials o t$e Navy Department, is makng a tx.nr of inspection of the Navy Kard in Brooklyn today. Next nonth he will visit all the New Engand navy yards, going to the Pacific I roast. la' July. . . ' It la the Secretary^ intention to become personally acquainted with Ihe officers on each of tlio govern- * neat vessels and the equipment and inns o(everjr ship. pxstor here; for 4 yealts j 1 ti:v. IV V. HOPE HAS HKKN PAH- ' TOR OP CHKIHTIA'N CHURCH 1 FOB ABOVE PERIOD OK TIME : 1 Tomorrow marks Rev. R. V. lope's fourth anniversary as pastor >f the Christian church in this city, i; por the past four years-he has striv- P ?n for the betterment of t^?e church 5 ind that he has succeeded is shown tv larae congregations which at- * end each service. No pastor is the city is better llkid than is Mr. Hope by his congre- l' ration itond friends. He has proven ? iimaeTr*tb be an excellent preacher. * i good freind and a help to all those c vho were in need. We trust that he vill be with us for many more years. Mr. Hope will preach at both v porning and evening* services tonorrow. The Sunday school will be 0 leld at the regular hour and a large ittend&nce is requested. CHICAGO BELLE WEDS. Chicago, May 31.?Miss Catherine Delano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "h-ederick A. Delano, one of the best mown society young women in the West was married today to Alexanler Gail Grant of Boston, in Unity hurch. A reception followed at the tome of the bride on Wellington ivenue.' X>Ll'MBU8 OS SUFFRAGE FLOAT Baltimore, Md., May 31.?The greatest parade in the interest of roman BiMtrage was held here today. The distinguishing feature was a loat impersonating "Columbus and sabella." _ " Last Day of MayAre You Ready for Summer? May's last day finds us ri?ht up to sunkmer. Have you done everything for the apartment, the house and garden, the front yard, .the porch, the bungalow that the warm months require! -It ? ' ?.-to /vh uidi kii juuj jrer- ^ sonal needs and those of jour family? ! Look over n The Daily New*' H advertisements. If you feel ? that yon are ready for summer ^ you will see some things yon have ?M. V , It jot hare not mads roar p plans aad purehaaea you will dad a splandld (aid*. . Tlw Sally Newt' adrertladra c an maklat aoyne very Intarast- , let oferlmga these days apropos of (he ' nearness of the c warm season. H Aad tn.Iaci there are many lhinxs of Interest avery day In ? The Dally News' advertlee- , Beedlnc these ads earefeUy ih U a las hahU to acqalre. f\ )AILY MAT 11, ItlS, 'J' UHBMI1 ' MfiBm I. WILL (MCll'Y Pliumr AT BAP* TIflT CHURCH AT BOTM MORS. DM1 AND KVRNING MKftVlCRH. CURES H 1-arge ConnrfgRtloR DmIiw!. lied aivI Bine Mutton Contest Arousing? Great Interest In Knnday School. I Roll Ham Been Greatly Increased. I Kov. C. J. Thompson of Raleigh I s ill occupy the pulpit at both tnornI ng and evening aervicea at the BapItint church tomorrow. Mr. ThonipI ton le a most interesting speaker land It la hoped that a large congre- I gallon will De on hand to hear htm. Sunday school will be hold at the i regular hour, 9:45 a. iu., S. P. Wll- < lis, superintendent. The regular i services are at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. The lied and Blue Button -eontest 1 is creating much Interest in the Sunlay school. W. C. Miller is enthu- ' aatlcally leading thq Blue, while 5\ T. Paul la energetically contend- ' hg for the Redst The roll of the ichool has been .greatly increased vjjlfJn the past month and all forces 1 fro now active, as the contest closes i >n the last Sunday In fine. The l onipotltlon between thejfaraca"and" t he Philathea Classen ia also arous- > ng great interest. All members pf t hese classes are urged to be present h omorrow. c r- t THE COMING WEEK t DAY BY DAY.f o New York, May 31.?The followng events are scheduled to take I ilace during the coming week: I londay? I Denver enters the list of comuiisien governed oiUae.? ? _ " Harold A. -Baudeiuun?succeeds?9r Iruce Ismay as president of the Inernational Mercantile Marine Comiany, with headquarters in London. It. IsmarTsalgned after much crltlIsm had "been made of his conduct urlng the Titanic disaster. Miss Prances Scoville, of Kansas, ;eds Walter Mumm, of champagne ame in Paris. Trousseau co?t $25,00. Democratic Senate caucus schedled to receive the Underwood tarft bill. i weniy-Hixiu annual convention f Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireuen and Englnemen begins in WaahQgton. Gala performanee of opera totight In Berlin, begins the two reeka' celebration of Kaiser Wiltelm's silver jubilee. Secretary Daniels Visits Newport o attend the opening of the Naval Var College. World's Congress of women eonenes in Paris. * E Home Rule bill comes up for sec>nd ^reading in the House of Com- I ions. uc*<U?y? National Electric Light Associalon meets in Chicago. Los Angeles city election. Vednesday? Arbil?Hon treaty?between?the. 5 Jnlted States and England expires, s ut is replaced by a general arbltra- e Ion agreement. _ a A. college of graduate study opens c t the American University, Wash- a agton, marking the first opening of t he doors of tho institution to stu- c ents. a Miss Bessie F. M. Yoakum, daugh- R er o Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. q 'oakum, weds Francis R. Larkin, in t lew York. The bride's father is one c f the big railroad men of the coun- ?. ry.' "hursdiy? Mayors and other clty^ officials of ifabama, gather *to Birmingham to iscnsa home rule and other munlclal problems. Victor David Brenner, sculptor reds Miss Anna Reed, settlement rorker, In New York. Greeks celebrate ninety-second an>iversary of their country's inde-endence. Versailles fete at Albert Hall Ix?nion, under the patronage of King j leorge and Queen Mary. FridayFirst American Conference on 80lal Insurance meets )n Chicago. Mrs. Wilson starts plans for sumaer vacation to be spent lq New lampahlre. . K. HOYT IS DISPLAYING A beauttfal line of ooBars and cuffs. Wdrth fl.eo for 6*s. - ?? "MM II ItUf" 0 ??.w ^ Mil Lvltkhtbr AND POLICK ARMOLVKII 1 Washington. Mar 31.?Superjnter dent Sylvester and the Washlngto I police are absolved from blame fo I the disorders *hlch attended the bi I woman suffrage pageant here o March 3, by the report of the Senat I commit tee >? liU'h Investigated the all I fair, presented to the Senate toda>| I The immense crowd that flocked t I Washington for the inauguration an I the fact that street cars were permit I Led to operate along the line o I inarch up io the last moment, wer I charged with being principally re I sponsible. I The committee held that whll I iom? of the uniformed and som I special pottccmen acted with oppar lint "indifference" and made iittl I attempt to check the crowds, tlv B*'holo force should net he -discred Itod. . Chief Sylvester was exonerated oi hostility" to the-euflrsgists. . tO HEAR Ul'UtiRNHKIM MOTION Chicago, May 31.?Judge Oscat 2. Heard of Mount Carroll. 111., who lecided against Mrs. Grace' Guggenleini Wahl in her suit to set ..aside he divorce""decree granted her /roni Vllliara Guggenheim, the multiQilllonaire copper operator, began a tearing of the State's motion in tiie ase today. The State case is for he setting aside of the divorce so hat.lt can be expunged from the recrds on the ground of fraud. i. ljhoSKE .----up US FOOT ACC1DENTLY BECAME CAUGHT IN THE ELEVATOR AND WAS BADLY DAMAGED. 12. L. Daughtridge, of the Washngton Buggy Factory, met with an ccldent this morning while at work, lis foot got caught in the elevator ,nd was badly mashed. Dr. Josh Tayloe was notified. He drove to the actory and after an examination. ook Mr. Daughtrldge to the Washington Hospital. There the injured nembei?was irested end-bandaged t was found that the wound was au exceedingly painful one, but was not erlous. Mr. Daughtrldge was removed to hiB home early this aftertoon and is now resting nicely. HETHODIST CHURGB SUNDAY SERVICES ? / At 9:45 a. m. Sunday school will aeot. Not only the regular memberhip. but also church members genrally are urged to be present. Any idult visitors or strangers in the ity are warmly invited to come out nd sit with the Barac-a or the Philahea class. Mr. E. K. Mixon is the onsecrated superintendent, and is (ways glad to see the good cause he o greatly loves liberally (ffittronized. ."he pastor will be pleased to have he cbilaretf and young people espeially remain for the morning servce. At 11 a. m. the monthly admlniaratlon of the sacrament of the .ord's Supper will follow a short ermon on Brethren?their Union nd Communion. At 8 p. m.. the astor r subject will be The Manifesation of God's Love to Humanity, "he sermon -rritt be evangelistic, and ill will be cordially welcomed. 'Blessed be ^ie ttfat someth in the lame of the Lord: we have blessed ou out of thouse of the Lord."? *sa. 118:26. TCAH CALIFORNIA'S ATHLETES. Cambridge, Mass., May 31.?The econd day of the Intercollegiate ath8 tie meet In the Harvard Stadium s expected to bring out tome wonlerfnl work, and .the greatest inter ( U ItO'tt Hie California athetfes, who have wonderful records n many cases. Perhaps the most Ian serosa toan on the team la Earl lb %t tuck, holder of the new world's ntercollegiete record of 17S feet 10 nche* in the hammer tfcorw. . iiiissaii inni PUT 1.IVKD CP TO KXPBCTA- a 110X8 AKD WAS (2MUTLI ENJOYED BY ALL WHO WITQ XE8WO) THK PKKKOhM .1WK L1S11 HIUHf. ^1 ! ACTING WATEXCELLENT Knelt Mfmber of the t'nst Had Their 1 I'nets Dotvn fc? Perfection and the 1 Piny Went ?Mf Without n Hitch. Wji? " ti Decided Fitijiticiul Haccesw. .. t : Almost every peat In tLa large * Auditorium wa? taken last :Jght ut 1 the performance of ' The ,Olrl la * Plait.". ?t . vM . Tin* plnv was a graud j>ucc.eso_ . Aa ' from start to Nnish and -went off jjS ' without u hitch ol any kind. Each member of the cast had their parte I_ down to perfection. v 'rjt Miss Ada Rhodes; wtitf' was the ' - : f? ^"Girl In Pink", played her uii ease anu grace that would have (lone credit to u Broadway star. M!s? ' Rhodes is dainty and graceful and --'-J won her audience from the start. She has a beautiful voice, low but clear. and her singing was one o th? moat -Pleasant features of the play. MIsb Hobena. an "Lunette" pre ented n charming appearance In her dress of gray charmouse. with blade velvet hat, trimmed with black and .Carter has a sweet soprano voice and her singing was excellent. ! Miss Nina Rhodes. "The professor's sister," played her part perfection. Her uctiug was very good. Harry Foote. as Snickelfritz. waf? the comedian in the play and- kept his audience In roars with his humorous remarks and sallies. He also sang several songs. $ ! Den Taylor, who played thf part of William Lovcjoy and Charleo iaeekins, who took the part of "Props" were both -excellent iu their parts. Will Harding made a splendid rttlian, while John Tayloe fitted remarkably well in the role of sheriff. James Fowle was one o the best, actors on the stage. He played the part of "The Professor" in a most creditable manner. He neither overdid the part nor slighted It la anyway. He was good. The chorus was well trainee .and. with their numerous and fancy costumes, added greatly to the beauty of the production. . -v The play was a decided financial success. XBW--BAttt.At.K Rl'Lb?. "<i. Chicago, .May 31.?Forty-fiveinches is the longest trunk that may be carried as free baggage on railroads in the United States after tomorrow. Also the new rules frown upon the triypk with bulging side or 1 bottom designed so that it must ' stand in a certain position so the gowns and hat inside will travel right side up. It may be son.e time, X^ howexer, before the "freak trunks" \ ^ can be refused. Notice is required in order to reject them lawfully. Five pounds for each Inch over forty-five inches is the rate of excess charge that will be levied under the ^ new baggage rules. LF.DJBETTER \ RI'LLDtKi .It'lKiK. New York, May 31.?The annual show of the Bulldog Breeders' Association which began here today has attracted a banner list of entries. Allison M. Led belter, who has been. ? :'? exhibiting bis own dogs with such success this season, will judge the dogs. There is an innovation In the American bred classes, which will be divided by weight for both sexes. The Buttdog Clubs of England and New SeelWeie* have sent medals fia LIST YOUR TAJCK6. Notice !? hereby given to all persons in Washington Township re- J quired to list property or poll for taxation, who have not listed will find me at the Court House on Pi* day and Saturday. May 30 and 3U for the purpose of receiving their list. After the above dates the tar list will be closed. Attention is also called to the fact tkut future to list Till result la your J beiny doubts tared. Respectfully. . W. O. 8TANCILU Ust Tuker for Weshlayton Totb- |i9 >? HIIM X I n' '' .'-J ' \ V '* - iS&j* . , ixU-t.A

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