VuklaitOA N 'c under the act of' - o?i?, *.00 Rv-: Id u nV ' ' *"' tp. Subscriber* destYing the poller dis7. oondnued willpleaae notify tUia ofJo? on date of expiration, otherwise pr??U wilfbr cuutlutfeil at rof?U? set. scrlptloQ rates until notice to atop P\ , *- 1 ' v XI rot) do.not fat the Dal./ Neare - f romj> 11 y telephnp or wTtto flho manifer. and the complaint wlR receive V qnmediate attention It la our daft - ore to plaaaa yon. All articles sent to tho Dally News tar" publication .must be slfned by (ha writer, otherwise they will not !> ?e anbUahed. b FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913. wt - . *HK TAX lkty: p. * Last night, at tha meeting of the K*> - Board of Aldermen, the 'Spocltlc RE? Taxes" lor the coming year were - -l?rQiJ*.lit up. tor _ia\*islon._ Quite u num":er of important chauges were y ina.: In lust year's list. In sonic I*. cape;, the tax was iowcrnl. and again icaso, the clinnge in rate-w?* justified i.; fic>l the ordinance committee UoBer*. special commcttdaiioji tor the . worj. they put on this matter. - The !1)oh( important changes were made in the rate that the Express K. C6t'panle> are taxed ami the rate on < **lt -? rant Ileal Estate Dealers." The express companies' yearly tax fcu- ww from SIT..on. to The "rst amount was ridiculously sntail and the committee made u B-lse move when they doubled the tax. In the case of the real estate dca>.rs. the committee had the Interest* of the public at heart. The tux . ;:s raised from Slv.00 to $5o.??l). This vas done in order to protect tlie fes nts of the city from the multitut!' of real estate peddlers" who in a- p ri practice of routine Into a city. Ma.- ..s for a short while, and trying to &tli th.' people all kinds of "gilt . eg- ' ' iuvestments. KWVKINS SC'HtHU. IIOI SK. >- :al ol our people attended divlu. rvlres at Heave r Dam Stiudu) and nigh?. y. Pat.'* Woolard tie yv- Mt-. fkariio Uuytior Sun ' , day '-ah Pinkhaiu and sun. Marion _ .r-iHtr-hv ii.ji;;i ' v ; . ~i r. and 41! >. Rob- rt !T~TToyl ne; Pmetown. V John'Hawkins and daughter Chris.-y- sj>.ut .last Thunla; witii friends near Slatestone. ' Ci ' . n. i Hawkins aRTT childrei fe re:, rn-' l hoim- Monday ahcr a jiU'4i an: to relativei- and friends 1 Wnshiautun. H. H. Ambrose c-t" lit por vva the ;u?>: h. *>t?r. Mr> J. L ? VMr.ay n.a;:::. Charlie Baynor is auemlir.i; tout in Walking ton this wool:. . Mirctllus Waiinco was iti on mh>*. S?un lay afternoon. . ij. L. Sparrow was a vis.tor t ? ^Va?h.::?ton Sunday ulteruoou. EDWARD NEWS. O. A. t'onner oiiil Mrs. Alio Wi re of Beiltnvrti art* vis: p.tig relii tlv.-r here M's.s H"'.,' Warren of W'a^hingto is s;-.;;dlti)i a few day> with rotative and :rh-nda. Mrs \V. T . Warren and childro ar.t: Misses Bessie Warren and Lill Edward* are spom'/.tis the week i New Fterii. Mifj Eu.Uy May kcddlrt if visl in-, M-.s? Pear! Waters o: Now P.on fc__ . . .VI. M. Gray and family of Bonne ton -pent Sunday iji Edward. ~r.aJ.rQ. E. J. Ed than:, R. H. Paul. P. Stilley. K. ' Stiiioy and I.. H. Reddltt were bus Inesi visiters at Washington lust Fr Tom Edwards, who has been vi It ins her mother. Mrs. Crawford, r turned 10 her home in Vlrgln'a la Fr'day. Rev. Kenneth Bow en preached very interesting sermon at the E ward Christian "church last night. Jessie Jones is visiting her sistc Miss Lena Jones, at Balk., Mrs O. O. Kafer and childre who have been spending some tin HL at .More-head Oily, returned Friday North Carolina Smoked Herrings * OUALITY GROCERY i;~ mi CREOLE S CO. PImmK V>3 L ' + '&>'4f *, ^Uk.' Is I >: I Washington Park 11; 7 ? ' -real beauty co^ld ha appreciated betora one Hm-la 7 1 the property, the few choice unsold lets would bo sold !n a day, I' but the only way you can coaceiee the true' grandeur of the homeslte Is to live here. The exhderation of the pure air and pleasing scenery will so thoroughly onrapt you you wltl wonder why. more people do not know and feel the true Worth or a ' 'clu'icv Washington* Park Homeslte. 1 Knowing your friends will be evbr grateful to yon tor: con- V , vinc'.ng them of the superior life you will try t ? ~ NOTICE. | are interested in Farmers' Co-Operar' Mr. j. 7.. .Green, Organizer-Lcctur- J tionu are urgently reguested to ater of the X. C. Farmers' Union, will i tend. t n. make a public address at Washing- j D. T. HERRING. ,a ton. N. C-. Thursday, June 26th, County Sec.-Treas. 1913, at 11' o'clock a. m. All who | 5-20-tfc ? Your Money Should Have T>. * The protection of the beat safe made. We have Just? installed the latest and best product of the safe makers art. Solid Tlsco Manganese Steel. No bolts or spindles through door.?Locks automatically Double time lock. Absolutely Burglar Proof Call at our Bank, corner ot Main and Market streets and we will take pleasure ill showing you how It works. We spore no expense to safeguard all funds entrusted to us. SAYINGS & TRUST COMPANY B G. MOSS, Pres. J; B SPARROW'.'Cashiei ' % &" i*' > ''' YW;flilffe'r * : ? . '< - - " k_ * ll butsy tim Flatlet please return I to E. K. Will Is su4 be nnrardug. M [ "OR RAIJB AT A UAKCAIN?ONE 4 H. P. Fslrbaaks-Morse Marios oulfit. Writ* E_A. ZueUer. Tarboco, N. C. Ir-lS-tle ICE CREAM MKRVHp IE OCR PARlar or at your hams W? terre any quantity front 6 cents up or we will send tc your home any stale package rrpm one quart op at $1.00 par gallon. Ndw tomatoes, ?tfr reins pel duiL-n jnd ay, cheap at the price. -Large stock. Ireah. candy. Bananas 15 and 20 centa per ov?eu. ' nunmr>[w jp i uu Store. Phone 430. S-?-3tc I ? I \T KHODKH^VRBSB PINK AP- I pies, 10 cents; Winesap and Albe- marie Pippin XppTee; ' Florida Oranrcs; Fancy Bananas. 15 ots I per dozen. Don't forget. Milk 3 Bread; It's 100-per cent, pure^ J 6-6-2tp * ? " ?v;~ J SV AXTED?SO (flHl.S TO WORK ^ in Shirt Factory, c orner of Market \ and Seventh streets. Good wages ; paid while learning. See J. R. ' Clark, Manager. 6-6-lwc ^ I < CRYSTAL ICE SHIPPED QUICK. ALSO Crystal Ice Cream PHONE S3. \ Crystal Ice Co., WASHINGTON, N. C. BETTER TMH SPAN1KNS Spanking does not cure children of totd-wotting. There is a sonstitutlohal cause for this trouble. Mrs. Sumsend froo to any mother her successful home treatment, with full Instructions. Send no money, but write her today if^your children trouble you In this way. Don't blame the child. the chant-PR are it canlt help it. Thin treatment also cures adults and aged people roubled with urine difficulties by day or night. I ,= | HOMEMADE I ' / SMOKED ? 5 A USAGE. PHONE Central Market. CASTOR IA For Infants.and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought r ^1 ^ SAVINGS ACCOUNT started at our Savings Department to-day, and added to steadily, will soon be a safe guard against future needs. 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly is ed to deposits. How about starting, SBur arcount? | * Au, Bank of Wasltiactaai ' L??* > r?l . '' ' - $1.25 TO YOUR HOME. Jj? i i > Q' 117\ "If Tf^TP ?"" ' r Phone 83. Washington, N. C. I ] ? ' ???J. UNTIL JUNE IOTH YOU CAN BUY FOR - * CASH A GENERAL ELECTRIC; 6-POUND Regular price S3.50. Every Iron is guaranteed 5 years against defects. Positively this offer j wllL.expue June 10. Jtfe.wlU.miike no charge . _ for delivery. /.VWASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT I ? I i .... 1 . ? LION WOOD?MenWllNcw YoAICotto. lEtcha*.?J AJKS W, COLE \ ' >- J LEON WOOD & CO. I I f ^ B ANKERS and BROKERS.) ( ' Stock*, Bonds, Cotton, Srala pmO Prortiloao, T* Plnrni ?., S * f Cnrpentor BatlrttaA. Norfolk, Vn. / * ) Prlnt? wftrM to feiw Tork Stock Bichu^c, New Yo?k Coo- ' [ mm Exduuae, Chicago Boer<3 of Vrade lid other Beimel ee?- \ ' ) ~ s C LomspandMcn Beopectfnllj Solicited. Unilniel end Mar- J J deal AnoaM Qlrsn Oarafnl Attention. X High Cost of Living SOLVED Cook With Gas ? Gas Ranges at Cost AND ? tig ' Connected Free. Washington Light & Water Co. : . - -V. WASHINGTON. N. C ' It. 1 1 : J ' ' . . O-Cedar Mops" i The Kind to^Use on s v : Your Floors. / Cleans^ and .polishes Floors and Furniture. I * Easy to use and sanitary. Can be Washed F?rlee $1.50 Harris Hardware Co. ' i ' i r ii. i j. Hi' i' " " i "if . . . t j Square Deal ; - . KTa - ' 3t .. ?\'S 1 ^uersithma Guaranteed as represented or your money cheer- \ fully refunded. A full line Groceries, Shoes,: | Notions, Dry Goods, Etc. < jr. ?. ADAMS. . | Pkone 97K V, /.-'.vte ? I> . .' Ivi' iiv B' % * iLfcr-y V-. ?j {A Kfcaffi Washington, North Carolina. '""" ~1 1 ? m m n,*,,???.ort?: AUuroeriMU-Ljiw ff?1 - * v v * ? * - L_ : "L ^ W. B. RODMAN, O. Attorney-at-Law. . 1 "Washington, N. C. \ / 1 Offlc# B*?ln?s A Trait Bnlldln*>* 1 ** i S. A. FHIUUPS a KM, ' I FIB* lnBCRASCim, > VUBDKXOI.I.Oi * " J _ . W^l fracticea la all Us Ceorta. ; -j 1 J? p m . im aa Jobs B. Small - A. D. MaaLwH ? ? '" Frank H. Bryan SMALL, Mac LEAN A BRYAN, ' AUora?ya-*VLcw Washington. Not J? Carallaa ' Attorney-at-Law. ? \ Dr. Rodman Bldg^ S. Main Bt. * * ?Waahlwgtou, Hmih CaiuUim.? 1.'. v * + ? m M m m m-_ EDWARD I>. STEWART Attorney-at-Law, .Washington. N. C. ? mm .v, QOIiLDV H. HARDI3C a Attoruej-at-Law . Rooms Isai4. . Washington. N. 0? 1 ? : Norwood u aancon? h Attarnay-at-Law Washington. N. 9< * m m m A. D. MacLean, p Washington. N. C. ? W. A. Thompson, ? Aurora. N. C. McLEAN A THOMPSON, Attorncys-at-Law, ? . A worn m4 Washington. 1 1 1 GEO. J. BTUDDERT, Kr'.s ' Attorney-at-Law. Next to Lewis ft Calais1 Market 8treet. ? Washington^ N. C. If yew have a room for rest, adverse it in the Daily News. Dally News advertisement* bring BflllltB. . / i 1,11 ,,r "*' ' . :. j-vS J roBDKnoii prodccb markst THURSDAY. JUNCf, 10 IS. JWckem, young . . .... II to lit ntUkena, (rows-.. to 41* IN Kb gklns, aach .. .?... 1* to to* Im Was. .. .. *! * ibMp Iklajw tub .. ... .. SM to fallow H'O.O-H >ry list hldon, ptt lb. .110 )rir btdoo. ('cod. ?or lb ..?.? to ? \ )nw MM HMao . . .<,, . 10o Itttfl H14M ? .-?>.> ? d l?b lood Cotton .. .. .. .. to to I l"bt >Mf akin ult , .1?* Ati rtln Slat .. i. . ?