ckarged for at tbo roto o( oh cent a word for eacb inaertlon special ottonttoa paid to all ada remit ed Mr oaaU or telapbone. j ' ?Pkt?' "!i , W 1VHN-HKO 1DK I1KVT. , tysttemea only. Appl, ita Kaal foort'u street 1-11-lwr ?? i&tf * WOltK In Shirt Factory, corner of Market Tcnthd Ecveutlf*ptrOetr. Good vagea I learning. ,.8ec.ifc_R Clark. Managar. 6-?-lwc ^APUDINE ? A UTTLCWATEflz spSi | >r^ flllnt popular excursion P^r Norfolk southern railroad. Schedule. V Rates. - Kr. $.65 a.m.1?-Ooldsboro .., . .98.00 'If JLv. 7.23 a.m.?LaGrange ..... 3.00 ?- tor.-?.4S a.m.? Kinston ...... 3.00 a.tu.?Beaufort 3.60 ? JLr. i.36 a.m.?Mere head City.. 3.60 l.v; 7.40 a.m.?Newport 3.00 Lv. 7.35 a.m.?-Oriental 3.00 * Lr. 9.05 a.m.?-New Bern 3.00 lux. 0.45 a.m.?-Vanceboro .?.. 3.00 Lv. 10.4 5 a.m.?Washington . . 3.00 tor. 11.GO a.m.?riymouth .... '2.60 * Lv. 13.10 p.m.?Mackeys 2.60 Ar. 4.00 p.m.r?Norfolk Tickets good returning on special ^ .rain leaving Norfolk 8.30 p. in.. June 18, 101S. Visit Virginia Beach rt * and Cape Kenry. Fine surf bathing, dancing and many other amusements, en near cut ticket agent for in ^ B.&. AUari'.T. 1': A.. Raleigh. N. C. W^TATEM, Gen. Aft.. S Goldaboro. N. C v S. O. BRIANT, 8. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. D. KYLE. T. M. V W. W. CROXTON. O. P. A. Norfolk/ Va. 4-ttolC jp&w ??d Skin Troubles. ' It yo i are suffering with any old, ^ trunnlng or fever sores. ulcere, boils, ^Haeaana.^r other ekln troubles, get a ^B^^Hrjffucklen's Arnica 8alve and ?R^3dBl_?et relief promptly. Mrs. of Birmingham. Ala., ftnuSSp aud Bucklen's Arnica Salve HLsj^Hncir in two weeks. Will help 25c- Recommended by storeNOTICE. MVEgjgpt Green; Organizer-LecturHttHlaa*' N. C. Farmers' Union, will public address at W ashingC.. Thursday. June 36th, at 11 o'clock a. m. All who ^Hffftj|t?re? "Learn One Tb M. J ~ -fx*p.#* inc. iuunii o Copy right, 1913, by Tfc*JUso< ' ' Before he died at twenty-nine, worn out by excessive work, Taul Potter, ttl "Raphael of Animal Painters," was already famous, and, what is even more extraordinary, ho was prosperous. Few or the great Dutch masters enjoyed either distinction. AIsq Potter.was unique in that bo developed very early. At fifteen his- paintings', were ranked with those of artists of distinction. His first lessons were received from his father, "a landscape and figure. painter sf mediocre floatg?Whnn Paul was e!x years old his father moved fym Bahhnlson. wliore the, boy was bom In 1625, to Amsterdam, and afterward to The Hague. Paul was placed under a good master; bu' work In the studio had small attraction for him. He was chiefly his own teacher, and the greater part of his time was devoted to makiqg studies trora nature. Almost from the first he wis interested in animals; but he became a master of landsc&po because of -its?nccooeity as a background. Ohe of his neighbors In The Hague waa.'CIaes Balchenmevndem. who cftlled himself an architect, and was convinced that ho reaiiy was a very Important person.-?potter fell 1n love with LlttTJuushifi Adtljfcua. and for? mally asked the prldeful father for hor hand. "What!" exclaimed Balcheproeyndem, throwing up .his hands In horror. "my daughter marry a painter? And what a painter? A painter of animals! If you were only a painter of men. or portraits?but a painter of animals!" But It was the habit of the frail Potter to get exactly what he wanted. The opposition of the parent made this marriage a little more difficult; but he married Adrians without much delay Potta$_JiA?i business, sense as well las his artistic endowments. When Maurice. Prince of Ofango, raagnanImmiglv made hlmwelf the patron of the young aitlst, Potter gladly accepted the royal favor at exactly its face value and made the moat of It. For the Prince of Orange he painted the^ llfesixe "Young Bull," now one of the moat celebrated works In The Hague Gallery. Some idea of the feverish energy of Potter may be gained from the fact that in ten years he executed ar hundred existing paintings and twerity etchings, to say nothing of TO my drawings and studies. To 4he?o must be added thlrtv or fortr more works which appear lo vaious sale catalogues, bat hare been lost. ioted Are months. - v. Mis horses and cattle are so individual that It it said of'Pdtter that ho painted portraits of them. He took tbe greatest pains to acquaint himself with the cbaraeters of the animals he pain led. "He seemed to enter the heart of the klne.' so ralthful is hi* usdCrsta rifling of their nature. .ifV, Th* learned German art critic. Dtf, Waager. a*y**r Potter. "Of tho masters who-have striren pre-eminently Iter truth, he hi beyond all question one of the greatest that efer Urea." Every dayve different human Inlereet story wtu appear Ju The .News. Yea can get a beautiful Intaglio reproduction of the ahore picture, with five others, equally attractive, fit ? - iii i i ? / Act i%f iri(ViPfn? 4 g pleasant and It renders the digestible and 5TERP1ECES in? Every Day" 1 ULL" BY PAUL POTTER :iaMd Ns^vsp-.per School, inc. -' ^ L ' * 1 I jft i i 1-2 Inches in siae, with this weok's "Mentor." In "The Mentor" a well known authority covers the subject r of the pictures and storiis of the v week. Readers of The News and "The Mentor" will know Art, Liter- ature, History, Science, and Travel, I and own exquisito pictures. On sale at the Daily News office. Price, ten cents. BiewinqOut an Eflq.* To blow out au e?K make a small HIVM gfciu* WMTi UiC HPICg TN'iia a lurge darning needle or.hatpin. praw log steadily, but* not "too .Hard, and *a Iho nnlnt mni^ find mnn.l J smalt bole has "fleen purtctured: y then enlarge the hole slightly with tinsharp point of your scissors. being carer?I not to crack the shell In doing so. Mitke the bole tn tbe large end of the shell n trifle Inrger than the one I lu the small end. Hold tbe egg over s bpwl. put the vtnnll end to your lips and blow steadily until SJJ-'the egg has run odfor the shell. 4? - S Hardly Evor. ? . "Other things. bHug wiml' she ask' ed. "floirt yon think h girl has u better chance than u widow bus to get uinr- . rted?" "Perhaps," he replied, "but n widow bard Iy ever gives a roifn a chance to consider ether things eqnal."?Chicago v Record-Bern id. \ ~ t Reason Why. Too haven't many relatives, bnvr t yon?** "Worlds of them." "I never meet any of them at^yonr house." ^ "No; they've all got more money than 1 have."?Judge. Got ths Autograph. !l At Carlsbad on one occasion Brahms' physician. Dr. Grunberger, asked the composer for his sntograph for a 1' young lady admirer, but Brahms scold- w ed him for making a nuisance of him- t self and refused to 'givo it! Some weeks later.ut bis departure from Carlsbad. Brabnif handed to the doc- t I tor envelope Inscribed. "With the t cortMal thanks of Johannes Brahms." I yeUclng a broad grin op the doctor's _ [face, he-asked: "What makes you look | so cheerful ? You don't kuow yet/what 'ho envelope contains." "N'or do I 11 caroi" retorted tITb doctor. "The envelope la tbe main thing. Much obliged for the autograph!" 1 Skinning Goats, j The Abytelnlans and Somalia ara considered the most expert In skin- J | nlng goats. The former rarely permits aim kuiic iu ionen ine nnimni nicer killing and during the skinning proc- t ?m and by the ineuna of a bellows re- c moves the skin In an excellent condl g Hon. Somali women are also very adept In this art and exercise great ""onrbont. The fartoer recognises the needs of ( better roads and realizes bow much t such roads would contribute to tbeh comfort and prosperity. Good roads save dollars and cents to the farmer. Bad roads junko forming unprofltable ' sad undesirable. Bod roads Increase 1 the solitude of Country, life and limit t the opportunities of the farmer. Good t roads bring him into closer touch with r the center of progress. Good rohds enhance the value of farm land, beautify . the coratry and advance tho farmer in hid social, religious and educational do eloproent. Good roads are tho are nnea of trade which lessen the trans portatfon of marketable products. Good roods are tho Cords that bind the city and the country together In thrift, Indtwtar and ^ imeHlgeocc. Good ronfi? ' -r *' *' 7^ ? .1 I : II ' ft pls?J*d to tWCtTI ft""*. Hfth M 1 engagements, weddings, p&rtiea, * uidMMd tm? : ? 4nm of tftft HDder? no t tor pftbHcetion, but Ml ft matter of ? good faith. * -?- 1 > 1 PERSONALS. C i a f > > U i.illio Freeman baa returned tome from the Greenville Training tehool. . Ity today on business. \ a Miss Eliza Branch ba^ returned ^ rom attending the Greenville Tralnng School. 2] Howard Wlnfleld loft this mornng on a business trip. - ' " * o Misses Eliza McWllliams and Mary IVcot have, returned from the Green- c rllle Training School, where they atcnded during the past term. X * MIbb C|ddie Powle has returned p tome from Washington City. " * * * Guy Gable. Thomas Payr^. Wtl- T, iam Ellsworth. A. S. Wallace u:: Jevid Tiylee-were-amotrg trvrr w) < :j] vltnessed the ball paio a. Orocn- .. dlle yesterday.' i r. -Claude Gardner returned home est^jday from a visit at Wilson. . t Mrar GurfW. Ayers of Mnykevtlle iydo county, la tho guest of Mrs.' A. ). Tanfleld of Washington Park. m. Si .... w Misses Corrlne and Mattie Bright eturned yesterday from Greenville, rhcre they have beenattending the 'raining School. XDIAX Hair Grower Cures I>an< druff. stops failing hair. Bald & head special;.grows new hair bald heads. Guaranteed or money re- D| funded. For Bale Worthy and Etheridge Pharmacy. In 6-2-lw?C-16-lwc ; Tl 1 1-3.! I __ Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman and C< Lev. It. V. Hope were in Greenville esterda>\ v. Mrs. Den Sustnan and sons. Menlell and Louis, left yesterday for tlchmond, Va. Mrs. J. H. Giiffin and Miss Doa- D rlc? Dlsl^op of fielhaven are the ;uestsNJr friends and relative In the al Ity. b\ L. T. Warren or Reeky Mount i& In bt he city on a business visit today. ' C. ft. Spencer of Swan Quarter ni iras a business visitor In the city yesorady.T . -C I. M. Meoklns of Elisabeth City Is lere today on a brief visit. t H. H. Morton of Greenville was in Washington yesterday on business. _ . ? . ~ J. W. Jayner of Farmville arrived ? a the city yesterday afternoon. A ? ?] Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daughtridge fa aft this morning for Franklin. Va.. ^ rhere they will make their Lome in fe he future. C ? G. fi.~ Nicols of Hath was among qj he out of town visitors who were in be city yesterdhy. ^ A. B. Hnllrivflll nf Aurora spent * esterday In Washington on busi- j iess. 3. S. Mann of Swan Quarter was n the city this morning. cl T. J..8uggof Hertford arrived bere_ eaterday-on a brief business visit. An unusually larger number atended <^:e dancing class at the arm- ''' try last night. The dancing waa treatly enjoyed. L' 00m L' J. A. George of Washington la -.1 imong those who will graduate from L' Ucfimoad College neat woet.?Mr. 1,1 Jeorge will receive the degree of aehelor of arts. . L Mra. A. I?. Hollowell of Aurora ^ raa operated on for appendicitis at he Washington Hospital yesterday ^ ff Dr. A. K. Tayloe. Her condition his morhing U good and a sf?eedy A eeovery is hoped for. A IBB ' ? g== i>00 PoUndjs I- Wftfi! **? . u 5#c I [ 300 Pounds Batted and Picked to Keep u& phone as. Crystal Ice Co., I V.*t VMKixcnrox, x. a, y Fimi National Bank Repd?tot the condition .of jjfe Fl r?t I 'ational Bank of Washington! at I ITamhlngtou, In the stato of North I erollna, at the cloee of business I one 4th. 1013: RESOURCES:? I onus and Discounts . . 94S3.rt8.98 I rerdrafts, secured and unsecured ........ 1.0B3.79 I . fl. Bonds to secure ctrenlntlon 18,00154 ottds, Securities, etc.. . 10,000.00: unking house. Furniture, and Fixtures ... 2,350.00 uo from National Banks r (not reserve* agents). 23.232.48 ue from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Truat Companies, anrt-flavtQgft Banks . . d. 176.85 ue from "approved Re- I serve agents .. .. .. 2o.431.Gl hecks and other Cash items .. ., 5.350.40 otee of other National Banks .. 336JUL ractlonal Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents .. . r 164.49 nwftil money reserve in iittv/t. vii: , pttfc . .'.$17,778.60 oynlH curler notes ^ ? 29,778.50 ademption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).'. 1,250.00 J Total $554,198.10 LIABILITIES? apltal stock paid in... $100,000.00 urplus fund.... i . .50,000.00 ndlvlded profits, less expenses and taxes paid.. -... V. - 11,872.69 utlonal Banknotes outstanding .. . . '24.600.00 tie to other National Banks 21,062.54 ne to State and Private Banks and Bankers . . 1,202.41 tie to approved Reserve Agents .. .. 1 3.797.25 dividual.deposits subject, to check.. . .... 194,5^0.43 [me Certificates of deposit 124.234.05 irtlfied checks. . * i. .. 10.00 Uhler'B checks out- . ptuntling .. , 139.CO >tcs and bills rediscounted 22.658.13 Total $554,193.10 State of North Carolina, County of eaufort, as: I, A. M. Dbmay,. .Cashier of the >ove-named bank, do solemnly fear that the above statement is ue to the best of my knowledge and lief.' % A. M. DUMAY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before e, this 10th day of June, 1013. L. A. SQUIRES, y t y. 71 Old m?i ud ?M fori tha km of a laxative more thaa young folk King's Nov Life Pllla are eepeciall goad for the aged, for they ? prompUy and anally. Price x#c. Re. owfaanded by Hardy'a Drag Store. EXCURSION'S. I Week-End Rates. Washington, N. C., to Norfolk, Vaj - -mad return. . .. .. ... .ffcjfl Waahlngtou, N. C., to Wilmlngtot and return |i.M Tickets aold May 31st and on eac Saturday and for forenoon trains o oadh Sunday. May Slat to Soptembe 14th, 1913, inclusive,, limited t reach Washington, N. C.. returnln] prior to midnight of Tuesday nex following date of sale. Summer excursion rates to man other points via the Atlantic Coai Line. "Th*? fitwnrt?t;/l HallrniH nf th South." "* 8. R. CLARY. Ticl:ct Agent, Washington. N. C T, O. WHITE. GenM. Pass. Agent. Wilmington, N. C. y GROCERY AD for economic JOS. F. Phones 123 & 12' Carries the Mosl Family C always fres1 F*olIte"Cl Quick sdbbhbbhbhdhhbbbb | Be Your xjl Motor! \y COME of the most powerful mus clcs in your body arc rarely use except on a bicycle. It seems as you were built for a propelling, not walking machine. People who woul hesitate to walk one mile, think noth ing uf liding ten. ? Compared to yot body, a gas engine is a crudity. Yo get more energy from an egg than makes from a gallon of gasoline Attach yourself to our jC 1VER JOHNSON Bkjjffl and you've joined the two finest mechanisms that ever floated over macadam. It's rigid as a truss ( bridge, smooth running 9 as a watch and durable.' w D. R. CUTLER * 114jJMarket Street WASHINGTON, N. C. Phone! 233. CmCHESTERSPILU Ap Ft *?<>?*n B-rt. Ai-.rt Rcttn^-r SOU) *Y DRUGGISTS EYfRYWVBU ? JUST R H" . . W | A very attractive lint Cuff Sets. Prices 25c, 50c, and, % Also all colors to THE ^SK,N t Watnttlgi : 1 J .. *. ' J Try Canned CELERY. 4 FOR SALADS 20c. ouauty grocery {milTER CRBtE & CO. . J J PJu>n.;?0 V 92. ' . , | 25c?,BUTl[8llf 25c " Purity Butterine mar trft llllfl i u wherever butter Is uBed with the it lame satisfactory results. ~ | Not only economical, but Just as I .delicate In flavor as butter and will V||teep fresh much longer under tha ' ^ ^une condition. ! CLAUD A. LITTLE. J i >"The Store Around the Corner" ; ,_;_J i HOME MADE SMOKED {SAUSAGE. ' J ) PHONE 1 l i r i_ i si v^emrai ?i jl X , ECEIVED | ; : of Ladies Collar and tiso. I HUB ft