? . .. wuu nliU Out) It) was sentenced late \ kktkkiuv ai-tkhnoon uv .11 doe wixdi.ey . .AimmiBEiL. CtHK i. htikoert. vh? hkprhhe.vteb bdwabdm. taker atpral and cam: mix he , iiicovulft ip at nkvt khh- i bios op criminal coiirr. P^vy ; . Ben Edwards, who waa convicted yesterday on tho charge of having I more.liian one gallon of liquor In his DO^JcssIon weH sentence^i late yestcr / ' f mm nay dollar* ana posts or court. | t Edwards' attorney took an appeal ' and the case will be brought up at 1 the neat session of- the criminal I { ^ court. ?4- - Bdwards WBH released from jail J / under a one hundred dollar Justified 1J bond. ~ l.IC'ENSKS TltAVKL IX AIR. t Boston. Mass.. June 14.?All persons venturing Into the upper atmos- 1 phero of assachuaetta on and after tomorrow, must have a license from highway commission, according to a new law of the State. Aviators will be required also, to - obey the- rules of the road, based on those in force on land and sea. The air craft act contains many of ~ toe provisions of the Connecticut law and Its passage was urged by prominent aviators. AT THE BAPTIST CHVHCH. _Rer. Walter Johnaon, of Wake Torest, will preach at the Baptist Church tomorrow moraine and evening. Sir. Johnson's renown as a minister extends from the mountains to pies requires a man of force and Intellect, and la probably the moat influential pastorate in the State, being toe location of Wake Forest College. A man of education and ability* accustomed to preaching at one of the greatest seats of learning, hit ^ . sermons must only be heard to be aporeciated. Larae conerearatioAs a re expected to greet this eloquent di lne. Visitors Invited to all service*. SPORTING CALENDAR. Championship tournament of the Paeiflo States Lawn Tennis Assoc!a. tlon. at Dhl Monte. Annuel tournament at Great Neck, ? li. I.. Polo Club. Wnihmiif? Lifgao Internationale des Assoclatlont Tourists Congress E. at Amsterdam. Holland, which will he attended by many Americans. University of Pennsylvania Cricket team* sails for Bermuda to compete with Hamilton , Cricket Clnb mtaTara. Horse race for Ascot Gold Cap. London. " London International Home Show opens. Friday? Charles Ledeaux and Eddie Camp!, meet for twenty-rounds at San Francisco. Annual rowing regatta between Tale and Harvard, at New London. Conn. Saturday? Ponghkeemla. on the Hudson. N. Y. JUNK 14 IX HISTORY. 1767?British act. levying duties on tea. paper, painted glass, etc. 1354?The XerrUaae of civil war tame waa launched at Char #*af*n, PMfr '.7&t 7^;', > 3854 Or eat flre al JV or reaver" 1863?Battle of Winchester. 189 8?United States marines took dpanlsh camp at Guantanamo harbor. 192?Bethlehem Steel Plant bought ' by the United States smpdoildlng Company. 'H03??r Tbomea Upton'* Shamroek I., arrived *t New Tot*. l4ot??attle of Tt-Ueu, Rn.sianLif& Japanese ?ar. t 1911?^**^17 thousand seamen vent on itrtks 1b London. Ill*??*pnbllean. from *11 over aoantrr father at Ckteaco for peaalflaatlal convention. ] fcr> -.. - * .-\V..r t -it - -I" 1 ? ORKKXSIM>KO TO MAVK ( ONranos OF m.ixu. Greensboro is to entertain a convention that la decidedly novel whtch 111 meet in this cHy July M.to 19 people or the State. Recently a meeting of a committee representing the citizens ct the city and the association for the* blind was held to consider preliminary arrangements At this- meeting ninny- interesting facte were brought out. ^ v There are In the State over 1.400 puna pmpre. boot l.gotror white. The membership of the association is about 110, nearly all St whom atten dthe annual convention. Dpe delegate who lives far away in the mountains travefc about 40 nMlea ever mountain roads to reach his railway station, which is 300 milee fl"ui OieuiiHUirw." Evidently it 18" IT" treat event in the life of the sightless ones when they are permitted to meet with those similarly afflicted, the bond of sympathy between them I >eing of -an intimate nature, which l:t? mow f?Tor?d caoaot ntdllr.ttn icrstand or appreciate. ND MUSLIN MUM CAS (HXTKHT HAS BEEN 8TAKTKl>. 1'IUZE OKFEKKI) KOK THE IWJY WHO SKCCKKS THE MOST CASH. Aurora baa bad a tin-can contest and did rid herwjlf qf all tie tin-cans and tin-buekets and various other kinds of such that would catch water, thereby causing mosquitoes to, hatch from them. There was offered a $1.00 reward by Mr.'J.* T. Wilkinson, to the boy who would collect the greatest number by the 13th of Juno. Those contesting and the number are as follows: Adolph 1.11 pton 1.238 Win. Shaw Bonner. Jr... 1,476 Marshall Guilford 1,279 (M >jui77 Willie C. Bonner' 1,412 The -town commissioners have requested all the' citixens to observe June 20th as a general clean-up day. by asking them to thoroughly clean their premises of all kinds of trash,' cot all the weeds, and white-wash the fences, trees, out-bouse and paint their homes, and all who own vacant lota to also have those cleaned off. The summer period Is now at hand, when disease Is more active thon any Other period, and every householder in Aarora ghould do their part in seeing to it that Aurora is made a clean town, the good old sutnmer time is here with Its flies and mosquitoes fctiHI at portpu i? stake. The commissioners earnestly hope the people will observe this day for getting on the sanitary side. MARRIED. Calvo-Corson. News has Just been received here that Mrs. Florence Corson of 8arannah, Ga. was married to C. B. Calvo. also of that city, on June 9th. . It waa a quiet home wedding, with but - ?*"> frUntfs and relatives of the couple present. The bride was the daughter of J. Jt. Potter of this city. The Dally News extends to the couple best wishes for a happy and prosperous life. THKIK FAVORITE SPORTS. The lswyer'a?Chinning the bar. . T?be arctic explorer's?The pole vault. The critic's?Throwing the hammer ?y?? The pawnbroker's?Hockey. The divinity students?steepiechastng. s The shipping clerkfli?Boxing. The cook's?-Bowls. The speculator's?Kite flying. The sculptor's?Marbles. The trust magnate's?Pool. The lady'a?Curling. The taxidermist's?Skinning the eat. The rounder's?Rackets. The debater's?Discus. The masquerader's?Dominoes.? UfSv CASK AOAIN8T SAUNDERS. The ease against Editor W. O. Saunders will be tried before Recorder Windley this afternoon at 2 o'clock. lllss Eliza Branch has returned from Rooky Mount, where she attended the german given there by the North Carolina Cottlllon Club. ;'"J: " Ta? WKATKKK: C? To Fly A ^mteam Young French Flight in 31 , me^m ? '<Co?rtesy Popular Mechanics To fly across the Atlantic Ocean i largest and heaviest ship of the air the aim of a young French law st who has already constructed- the h craft which he will name "Napoleon. This machine la planned to have I wings eyer made, constructed of aim > total^^ght bf the monoplane will but thrralslng capacity of the wlngi be. theoretically, about 1G.G00 pounc a "crew of six men, with their provisions and fuel supply. The motive power Ms to be providtil br tfffl laa-hu. ntfuni Inrhinpi weighing 250 pounds each, the fuel for whtch will be condensed coke. Each engine will control two 8-ft. propellers of the usual shape, one pair in front and the other behind. Additional stability is expected to be 'secured by six automatic balancers. In the form of square shutters to open and close as the hydro-aeroplane tips beyond a certain angle. A fluid in a metal ball will control the releasing triggers for each set of balancers, the action consuming only l-26th of a second. The inventor claims to have floated stationary in YOlTXG MAN 18 KIFiKED , - _ . IN XKW BERN. ?New Bern i June 14?Warren Bamsey, a young white roan, whose home is at Beaufott, bu^ who was employed at a local machine shop, was instantly killed at Jamn City. Just across Trent river from New Bern, at an early hour yesterday morning when a wagon containing a heavy piece of casting which he was taking to a point across the river overturned and caught him beneath one of the wheels. With Mr. Ramsey at the time of the accident was a young unable to lift the wagon from Ramsey's body and RamsejP died before Id could be secured. This is the fourth fatal accident wbiolf*tias occurred with one mile of New Bern during the past four weeks. After holding a short session at the Gaston hotel this morning the druggists, who hav*. been here thlB week attending the 34th annual convention of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical association, decided to give up the proposed trip through the inland waterway canal on the revcnuB cuuer rauiiilu, uuu iuiuiuiij closed the convention. Many of the members returned home on the morning train, wblle othea^left this a'fternoon. ' . ?r FIRST MKTHnniftT flHTTBTH S13Q. DAY 8ERV1CE8. Sunday school from45 to 10:45 a m., Mr. B. R. Mlxon, superintendent. Mr. W. M. Hear will instruct the Baraga Class. The pastor, Rev. R. H. Broom, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., his subjects being David's Restoration and Man's Love to Man, respectively. To any *and all of these services strangers, whether visitors or travelina men, are cordially invited. ?| ... ' J The DAILY NRWB not only givea you the news of Washington, but all of Beaufort County beside#. Subscribe tn U. - -i:-' ' AROLINA, f#rUHDAY AFTERNOON. Y - lHt~? i Stiident PJaru Hours. To Ad T ^^~,u 1 I Magazine.) - j n r. 1 hours in the , I ever instructed Is ^B j udent of Chicago, H j uli or an aerial. ^B Bl the widest $&ir of ^B ninum steel. The I j be StjOOO pounds, b, as designed, will | | Is. sufficient to lift ^ the air (or more than_2j> tn^putes by a means of this equipment on-an ordi- 1: nary monoplane, during which time t the shutter were kept fluttering con- t Blmnjj. * ? w ii.lt ts^ropose'd to carry 800 lb. cf v (Soke, an3 gver 500 gal, of water in s two boilers, which- the inventor claims will be-sufficlent to keep the c craft in motion for 58 hours. 1 The spread from tip to tip of the n wings ia 100 ft. 6 in.;* the boat hull is ? 35 ft. long, with a beam of 6 ft. 6 in. 1 Thn iKnrth f.ver all -twill ko KR tr ? The area of/he spread surface wfll be 1,655 square ft. The boat, ex- " elusive of flylne rigging and machiu- a ery. weighs 496 lb. It is made of ee- r Iected white pine on a frame of rock t elm, sheathed with aluminum steel, c SERVICES AT COUNTY ROME. a There will be services tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at County ' Home, conducted by Rev. H H Sea- J right. All are cordially invited to attend. (? "Etiquette" in Advertising. Up to within the last few 1 years it has been considered a> breach of?etiqette la?l*i tulii" ~ businesses and professions to ad^akise. These men hove said: "Oh. ^ yes, advertising is all very well , # I for the butcher, the baker, the c candlestick maker, but it would fi not do at all for us. It is-not y good business ethics." ^ in later years, ncwerer,|e IJch" is being?abandoned, to- * getber with a lot of other old a and worn-cut theories. 1 d The public now looks to the , adverilalng section oTnhe good newspapers for information on ? all subjects. The demand has ? created the supply. 1 FMJH6 Wrn 16 Know?noF~ ' only where they can spend ^ their money, hot where and t how to in veal It. This has led i< bankers, brokers, and other n business and professional men z to tell their stories in the beet t newspapers. The advertising pages of a newspaper like the Daily Newt are a veritable index in this community, and the day Is not far distant when every legitimate business and every rec- , ognised profession will understand the value of advertising. * A TT ' ? *r* >AILY JUNE 14. ltlf. fpl' acntic in ftl aeroplane: n 5 to Make thg ,p, ' ti afce Experi- | Michigan. ] wSSBmm 1 1 T?7 B ! a I n I 81 | e tod is hUaped like an ordinary 1 aunch. The aluminum wings and If ail have cork inserts, instead of pon- *' oons. Clock-spring steel. 1-2 in. n mi wma uf 'iv 10 gaugi aimtmmt f rUl be used in pteee df wire for l< ^ The vessel will cost $11,000 when * Ltupieicu, oi wmcn ?is,iuu will go *' or each turbine. The equipment ? rill Include a .wireless outfit and an ? lectrlc-lightinK system with peareh- ? ight. One of the crew of tlx will be w m electrician and wireless operator. The actu&l construction of the e: Napoleon" was begun early in 1913, ^ tnd the inventor plans, after experi- e 11 total flights over Lake Michigan. p o fly to the Atlantic coast, and then T ttempt to cross the ocean. imlmisj CELEBflATIQl OF j m day; a PODAV MARKS THE 1 SMITH AX.NIYKRSARY OF THE ADOPTION" * OK THE STARS AMI STRIPES 1 AS THE KU(i OF OUR ' P COl'NTBY. 11 si Washington .June 14.?-President a Vilson today presses a buttcn setting Cl w n motion a simultaneous celebration . cl f flag day In all of the public C] ehools of the country, which will si io!d special sessions for the event. P.'hen the President gives the signal. ^ uttlions of pupils will begin singeg "**Ttre"""StaT "Spangled Banner." A t exactly the same hour, followejl by tc he cuBtcmary salute to the flag antL m leclaratlon of ^allegiance, ending A Oth "America." h< Today marks -the 136th anniver- w ary of the adoption of the Stars and c< Itripes as the flag of onr country, ol "he public recognition of Flag Day a uowunm mmo ?um uwic gcncnil. |f 'he governors of many States have, y proclamatioDB, called public atention to the day, and mayors of cit?b have ordered flags displayed on pi uudicipal building and request citl- St ens to do the same on private buildup. / b HAHVARD-H HOLLIR HALL. c< Cambridge, Mass., June 14.?An le laborate celebration was held here oday in honor of the 159th anniverary of Hollia hall, one of the most ly opular of the aenlonglormitoHeo In at he College Yard. President preaches ho baccalaureate senses In Applet on Hope! tomorrow. in / jlatftsaaP .,( * * w-'"" * ' - " '< ' r' r. . V,f*rH.Y 'V la % V i v -'v-^r ySEfcjfl&ilr "> .- I I .1 TO HONOR KAJHKlt. I ** -T Berlin, June 14.?Klatonte ?r??*aticns have been completed to ?nor Kaiser Wllhelm tomorrow on ? oceasfo nor the completion of the f*tv,flfth year of his i?n It will ? one of the greatest festive events nee the creation of the empire. All ermany will endeavor to shbw ap eclation of the Khlaer, who. during ?e quarter of a century ha* placed le nation In the front rank of the inustrlftl commercial and naval, a:* ell as the military powers of the orld. According to the local press, the her twenty-flvc rulers of German tatea, including the Kings of Saxiy, Bavaria and Wurtemburg, are >ming to Berlin personally to conratulatethc Kaiser and to participle iu the celebration. TTio L'riitctT laics and an ETuiopcuTi t uuhincb ave sent congratulations. The Archuke Francis Ferdinand, of Austria. Ill represent Emperor Francis oaeph. .The Kaiser will signalize the occaon bv commuting the sentences of iauy prisoners and pardoning others. le win also* griut till?* of nobilmmm rarpK OlrmplQ. "Wash.. June 14.?The tale of \VasUiugton liutt abolished 11 forms of capital punishment. The leasure was'passed in the legislature )me time ago: but does not become ITectlvo until today. <-<)TH.\>l N'KWS AND (iOSSlP. New York. June \A.?Colonel loonevelt gets himself into the limeflit again tonight when ho speaks ? this t^lty and Brooklyn in the inSfst of Governor Suiter's direct prliary fight. The State legislature .aytfl n man'ml ti?,inii-in?t m.udi a considc tilie matter and n lively inte is Id atore for the npnmnra unit eeeinblymen who will vote against lie measure, .according to Governor ulter and Colonel Roosevelt, both f whom have been doing some vlgrous campaigning upstate this eek. New York society is greatly intersted in the memoirs of Frederick ownsend Martin, the bacholor lead r of the Smart Set, which arc to apear with the next few weeks, hese memoirs deal largely with his xperience in America and Ktiglaud. n<l though It Jtaa , been predicted hat some startling facts will be reealed, Gotham Society claims not a be worrying. Certainly no man t in a better position to "say things" nan Frederick Townsend Martin, cr htrhns entertained all classes and here is no member of the so-called 'our Hundred who can recoct tie the ifferent factions with ?as much race as Mr. Martin. Althongh much is said of the'soridness and selfishness of New York, tore attention is paid to the poor nd unfortunate than is generally apposed. The first vacation parties hich Aie New York Association for he Improving of the Condition of the Oof St? announced. Thls organiraion during the summer months ends each Monday mothers, babies nd aged sick to the seashore or auntry to get an airing for two eeks at least. These recently dlsharged v from hospitals get first hange with the babies. Reports low that sickness among the poor as greatly increased this year. Roy C. Andrews, a noted whale unter, who has captured many >eciihenfl for whale haR of the merican Museum of Natural His* try, has been making for several lonths plans for a cruise in the rctle regions in quest of the rare iwhead whale, which if " secured I 111 completernthe museum's valuable) Election and thereby make It one t the greatest In the world. IHHT rKKHKYTKRlAN f H1RPH. There will be divine services toiprrow at 11 a. m. "and 8 p. m.. reaching by the pastor. Rev. H. B. aarlght. Sunday school at 9:45, C. M. rown, Jr., superintendent. ? The subject of the morning die?urse will be "8t. Paul's Bxplanaon of a Profound and Painful Probm." The theme at night will be, k Tale of Two Thieves." Strangers and visitors are cordial' invited to worship with us while >journlng in the city. Miss Rom Marsh of Bath Is visltig her slater, Mrs. B. L. Roper. ys fiTST J mjm IIKHIUKN'CK ?K JOHN II. I'.JMWY HlTtNKH WKDXKHDAY AJ-1KRKOOX. UOXTKXn IiO*Y. ItKLIKVBD THAT UltK U At Or (X(TM)IAKY OltlOIX. AllfUHH? MA?K HIT NOT Ht'KFKTRjfT KVinKxei-: wah <nn \n. "*m .ipkE. it. Perry, who resides ab?'.t threemiles from town was burned to the ({round and all its contents let. Mr. Perry was In the fields nt work :?t the time of the lire. He thinks that the -V.3S blast' was of Incendiary orlgii^. The Ueust *11 ??lneil at?4?uu and thi j | contents at 31.000. | Lee Wiley, co'.ored. was _ r-.rrosted and charged with having cor.fitted ' o .he crime. He was given a pr Uml- ^ n'nry Hearing before Recorder V/Iridic** Thursday ufternoon but was released. there being noi lulilciert evi- , icnce to.warrant-liis deteutlca. -?3 THK (llMIXt; WRKK New York. June 14.?-The r~. towing events" " are" scheduled r . take place during the coming u? h;. : Sunday? Climax of eelnbrations in lv roc o? the 25th year of Giuperor .: ilerrr.uny'R reign, at Ilerliu. Monday? American Medical Ass. xtion meets at Minneapolis. Minn '/Argument for h new trial fo- '"nan. Becker, former Now York Pojice Inspector. begins before -rente Court. Albany. N. Y. Secretary of the -Navy L)uai?ia in- j , ^nBcin lionton Xaad. ? -J.jflB WC'st Virginia celebrates lu-: Gold-* ( en Jubilee. . JH International congress ot ;..reatry meets iti Paris. Andrew Carnegie will be special guest or Kaiser of Germany, a: the latters Jubilee festivities. Special session of the New York legislature meets to consider ilireet primary legislation. Vjif Tuesday? Public hearing on uniform classification of freight.' at New York City. Dean Walter Williams of the Mis- " ? souri School of Journalism sail.* from Montreal to -study the journalise methods of .European countries. - vvb Tenth general council of the PanPresbyterian Alliance, at Albt-'ieen. Scotland. j NafTonuT Association ot Hi dit Men opens in Cincinnati. Wwlncwluy? Miss Linda Arnold, of Pvovlience, K. I., marries Marquis Max s?rroz2l, or Italy, In her native city. .Imperatar, newest Hamburp-Americati liner, scheduled to reach New . York on her maiden trip. ThursdayGerman Association of Kiic!"-.eors? will welcome American engineers ar^ ^ riving at Hamburg to foster broader feelings between Germany and America. Miss Ruth Tribble. daughter of Congressman and Mrs. 8. J. 'i^lbble, of Georgia, weds Samuel Kinney Dick, of Atlanta, at'Athens. Ga. Friday? World's Christian Citizenship Conference opens at Portland, On-. "State Day" in West Virgin:a. - Forty-fifth birthday of Mrs. Fin!ley J. Shepard. formerly Miss Helen iGould, of New York. I Saturday ~^2 Miss Ethel Preston McCormacl>. of al Baltimore, Md., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Emerson, weds Francis E. McAdoo, son of Secretary McAdoo In Baltimore. 1 " 1 MISS MAYO ENTERTAINS. ,?Miss Adeline Mayo was tlia hotttuuw ?u yesterday afternoon to a few of her friends, complimentary to her sister. Mrs. Cecil Fisher, of Norfolk. Auction bridge was played. The highest score was made by Mrs. A. M. Dumay. Mrs. Dummy presented the prise, which Bho won, to Mrs. J. Har- | rington. Very tempting refreshments were served and enjoyed. Those-, present were Mesdames C. W. Ayera, S John Davenport, Ceeil Fisher and Henry Davenport of Norfolk; Mesdames James Windley, Alonzo Judson and lfark Payne of Qreensboro; Mesdamea J. B. Moore. A. M. Dummy JM and Sam Etkertdce and Mlaaea May Ayera, Julia Mayo. Mary Simmons * J Jones and Elisabeth Warren.

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