jV,' . _ ? "W T I 'I 1 1/ II | Wm:< .v"-r Iff?1*! r ' . ? -Yi t David Calvin Ball c of Accident Yester WAS STANDEE Lightning struck and instantly .itI1U.1 .nayld Calvin Bali, a resldam of Pinetown, yesterday afternoon. Boll had feten Working la the fields i and wbea-.tte storm camc up. he ran to a tree near by in order to got out fe -' of tho rain. The lightning struck the trta^&d klao hit Boll. - Vfcf a<ccldent .occurred about u ST quarter of a mile awny from the ? nearest'house. When Mrs. Bell, bo-1 DEW PRS10B11 nun rev. r. l. cjay has acc7epted CALL to the first baptist church here and will cm'copy pulpit tomorrow. W'M ' '^vW* Rev. R. L. Gay will preach life first sermon as pastor of the Baptist r i..rtmrc^ tomorrow.?Since ha accepted the call extended him by this church the members have been anxiously awaiting his arrival. Washington will be forthaate in having one of the most foeceful preachers in" the rj - State. His subject for the morning sermon will be. "Ood'a Inueritancd in His Saints." The evening topic will be soul-stirring.Strangers and visHere's a Job for Some Man IWI." * MUST BK OOMNOISSHUR OF GOOD WHIKKKY. SHORT HOURS AND . HTHtU LATIN (? WORK. SL_ Ralelah. June 18?JL pleasant Job with 111141 tfmolating -work may be fad by some eonnols bi applying to the commissioners of Raleigh. l .. Th01L .9009*14 gentlemen, probably realising the long drought ahead I with the earch and Beliure machinery at work, have reached (he con"clusion after mature deliberation and f^^^H8ratIon of the subject, that no i ore,good liquor shall be poured out. ?V*te Its fragrance in sewer pipes L l jf ttCT*- From tbta day on the 1 ^-^jMltraband Joy Julpe shall be passed to the public charities, to be ia,^:Wied to the needy by them. Charity 7 dfflciali are preparing for a rushing 5' Nobody was named in the ordtV: nance as a referee to decide between * . the good and bad booze and it is not RU known as yet how the distinction will be made. . One suggestion has I been made to the commissioners. I however, and that is tbat ail the liquor is good, bat some of it-is a trifle better. Several applications have! been received from those who are willing to P serve their country, but the commissioners will disregard political ud other adulations in making this api pointment and the lucky man will 'V win out on merit. Real connotawura ff please step forward. AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. y Sunday school will be-held at 10 a. m. and preaching at II a. m. and 0 p. m. Rev. R. V. JIopo, pastor, will' fill the pulpit af both sendees. I BOXER HAS A ROMANCE. fch. Pittsburg, Pa.. Junb 08.?A ro? mauce growing out of a Christmas psrty of young North Aiders culmlnated in the marriage here today on Carolyn Leon a Pender and Raymond IW Kenny, better known as Young Ken ny. the featherweight boxer. The Lj [%/l A ^ I ? qj I )f Pinetown Victim dav Afternoon. i UNDER TREE [coming anxfoua oyer her hqgband.'s I absence, went oat la tho fteldt ?he found bim lying dead under the tree, wheje he .hud fallen. | . Mr. Bell fai 52 yearsrot age and bad been a resident of -Pinotown for about two years. He domes from Wiltshire, Ohio. Be is survived by , a wife and eix ohlldren, who iived_ , |with bin;, and one married daughter In Ohio. ' ^ l SEC'Y AND MRS DANIELS ENTERTAIN N.C. SOCIETY Old Time Southern Hospitality Pre" vaOed in Beautiful Contrast to StlffoeM and Formality. EVENT OF THE SEASON (By E. SC. V. Triepel.) J K' Washington, IX C.. June 2ft.?. North Carolinians resident la Waahington turned out in great force yesterday, when the Secretary of the Nary and Mrs. Daniels were'hosts at 1 their present home in Woodley Lane. ' one of those beautiful suburban real- 1 dencea which abound in Chevey 1 Chase. The North Carolina society 1 members were the guests of honor and as practically all the people from Um Old Noctfa 8Utt bow living here . who were invited took this opportunity to meet those who are now here 1 prominent" in official life, the care 1 were crowded for awhile to their utmost, so that dten standing room ; was at a premium. Out through the fashionable northwest section, across 1 the historic Rock Creek Bridge, from ' abysses yawning below, and in sight 1 o; the pew Connecticut Avenue Bridge,"With Its bronze lions keeping t^eiseleis ->lgil, the cars msfied on < to the quiet little cross roads, where most ct their passengers vera deposited. After a short walk down a tyl- ! van, shaded street, the sound of 1 music greeted the ear and in a few moments one was ascending the steps. Once within the broad en- 1 trance, a few steps to the left and one graspdd the extended hand of the : host. Circling round through thitf room, one same tqllio dining-room, where refreshments were served. ? While the method* df polite society art nominally the same everywhere. the trained eye end ear detects a difference in the carrying ont of these observances. Your writer, pausing for a moment to observe the gathering, could not refrain from comparing this simple, unaffected exhibition of Southern hospitality with certain gatherings at the bouses of Cabinet officers from Northern and Western sections, whejrs "a" certain stiffness and formality contrasted sharply with .this characteristically Southern scene of cheerful, unpretentious hospitality. Those who had not previously bad were very favorably lmpreaeBd with her charming, sunny manners and left wishing nothing more ardently than to be the recipient of such kindness again. Dr. J. A. Holmes, the president of the North Carolina Society, and the Senators and members of the House of Representatives froifc our State and their wives assisted the Secretary and Mrs. Daniels in receiving. Representative and Mrs. Small were In the receiving line, the letter's beauty and graceful mTEnners being conspicuous, even In this dtstingnI .bad oompany. The offlrera of tl? North Carolina godatT and the mothers of both I ha gacrrtarj sod Mrs. Daniels, Mn Mary C. Danlala and Mrs. Adelaide Worth Barler, Mrs. C. . i - .. . , JAMKS WITH WAfiHftKGTON TRAM I HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. 3THGR TEAM TO BE BOOKED MANAGER VMIOX WILL ARRANGE hX>R ANOTHER TEAM I*LAV HERE ON TCKSDAlT, ' 1 WKUNESHAr AND THtRSDAV OK NHXT WEKK.' Manager Quj Weston received Wm from th~b manager of the Goldslaoru team, that the latter team l?rc ald be uanblc to play .here on I Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ?f next week, as waa announced in I dm?Dally New*. Wednesday. | Weston has written to several other teams, In the endeavor to arrange games for the above dates, and he is ronfldent that he will succeed in hooking a team. F.T. PKTKR'H EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Morning service at 1 ?. m.. sermon by the rector. Rev. Nathaniel Harding. Prayer service at C:30 p. at. and Sunday school at 5 p- m. TO HOLD >ICNIC THURS. CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL .WILL HOLD AJtHTAL OlTWti HEW FRIDAY. The annual picnic of the Christian j Church will be held on the Fourth, of lalZi outin?_ will he held at. Washington Park. Arrangements have been made for an enjoyable day and it is expected that- a large number, will attend the picnic. NEWS FROM SMALL We are having eevere thunder I storms and very fine rains lately and onr crops are looking fine. Com is rery good and cotton Is coming along nicely. Our merchants are doing a fine business now and if you want cold Brinks you can get them in Small. ?Hugh Bennett, who has been quite kick lately, is improving. Misses Lucie and Mabel Gasklns have both been on the sick list, but sre better naur ? W. C. Tuten, one of our prominent m?n, wu ojj Qur?streeif the other Bay. He says crops are doing well considering the season. We are sorry to lose our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lee, who have recently moved to Riverdale, N. CL We sincerely hope they will like their new home. Jesse Hardy, who has recently been sick with typhoid fever, is convalescent. The Rev. Mr. Crosby of Aurora Episcopal church intends to hold services at C. B. Hall of SmsCll, Supday night, June 29. Miss Launa Rowe of Small entertained a few of her friends at her home Wednesday. June 2fi. ' Oulltinc was the order of the day and refreshments were served. All thoroughly m joyed the day. The Small Cornet Band have aii Invitation to play for a picnic a?1 Pamlico. PanxHed county, July 4th. Mrs. B. D. Row# aadt daughter, Fanny, have been spending the last two weeks with friends and relatives in Pamlico County. Butler Prcseott of Preacott is very cften seen at Small of late. A. J. Armstrong and A. S. Mann of Elisabeth City were in the etty yesterday on business. S. Jackson, aunt of Mrs. Daniels. Mrs. Henry W. Bag ley, her sister-in-lAw, and the Misses Bagley,. her slaters, assisted In the entertainment of the guests, who numbered about 800, all of whom were North Carolinians, resident at Washington. Thin will probably be about the last Important social event of the Secretary and Wr?. Daniel* win ,o fill 11/ UuliU I ilL) I iii. VT[!DH ffhiM nnii : I?* Will I tKLEGRjMiU K?l?lV'?U m'. J, F. TAYLOR YKSTKIIDAY. mm A. D. Wa|U was appointed yesterday to-the jbosVJon qf collector for the western Wisp** o! Norjb Carolina. :.X;'t V I > / J. F. Toy lie f? In the receipt of (he following telhgrctQ from MK^atta: Have he?t? appelated end confletned toJa?^'" - 'y?? ^ r '-a: o wA'rtj^.rIt' will ho Recalled that there has been an pnuft|ih]iy etKrtlg* fight made to defeat Qol^*Wntt? by Representative Justice and others who opposed Senator SLmmctm. <-nni>iw:its wiRKEd? " " ' . , BIO MKETIMJ. Pert laud. Ore.. Juno 18.?With the sky as tho only cinopy. the Mggoet meeting of the W^rld'f Christian Association conference in session here takes place tomorrow afternoon in the Natural Amphitheatre, which comprises the fl&d oj the Multanomah Amateur .yhletlc Club. More than 12,000 delegate* and 25,000 visitors of ever/ nationalist are attendiiiK the-ceu^juqb. "The Family Marriage and Divorce," will come In for an hhportamt port of the discussion by w?rld-|?m%U8 speakers. The DAILY NEWS not only gives yon the news of Waihingtci*. but all of Bean fort County besides. Subscribe to It. To Hold Tkurs KING PETER TO AUDiCATK. Geneva, June 28.?Preparations have been made for the early arrival here of King Peter of Servia who, it Is reported will abdicate the throne I in favor of bis son, owiTTg to failing health bfcught on by anxiety over the war. King Peter will be sixtynine years old tomorrow. He lived Alexander and Queen Drags, and Geneva has sent a commission to copgratulate him on his birthday. ft h Making the Real Home. It seems to us that it la a guarantee of quality when a manufacturer piaceB hla product in good retail shops oL the country and then heloa the re taller advertise It to the public In the dally newspapers?the one avenue of reaching everybody everywhere. First of all it means that the manufacturer has perfected sunethlng worth while?worth ' advertising; then that he is 'enterprising In wishing to distribute his merchandise through the leading dealers in a community; and. Anally, that those same dealers in lending their approval and their reputations to this plan of distribution believe in the goodness of the article. It also means that the public Is thus doubly insured and may therefore depend upon merchandise advertised jointly by both manufacturer and retailer. Manufacturers who want to help their retail dealers are gradually learning that the dally newspaper offers the beat avenue. Through the daily newspaper the manufacturer medium will do this so economically or so affectively. m /m \ y W A ' V ."Br iii*. I.lRtiH SrllBBH KXreSiMp) rjuftTICIPAXB Ui UPtNIM. J WILL BEJYEM3 " A BO IT TH1KTV MEN EXPEfTKiD TO TAKK PART IN EACH EVENT. SHOOTING WILL ^ START AT OXB OT3UXp^r?, ? It Is expected that a large nbmfcor *" of local gotimtja -will come oat and participate in the shoot, which is to be held by the WasbinKton Gun Clab on the afternoon of the Fourth. There will be five events and about thirtyjuon vvilh shoot meaeh event. Arrange^gpta have been" inadefor n j the handling of a large crowd and everyone can be assured of?a pleas ant and Interesting aftornbon. *j On account of tho shoot on this t] day, there -will bo no shoot at the ? [club grounds next Thursday. C ' : ' * ' ' - ' & FlltST MKTHODI8T CHCROl 8CX- *1 < DAT, SERVICES. I At 9:45 ?. in.? Sunday school. E. jj (Bi--M4xdn-, superintendent.- " jt At 11 a. tp:, sermon. Subject, Life u With Wings. 8, At 4 <p. m., sermon to young peb- ls plo. Subject. Lessons hom lftth tl Yqung Ruler. jj At 8 fc.'Pi./sermon. SubjetVjStpry ^ of Lo* and 3 n reaching. , Seats free. Art welcome. Jj . /'i w,u* ?1*d t?sie<*bto unto 8, P| P|P|Ppp^P* hcov bf thr Sam Orlst of Chqco^inlty was in the city for a few houVa yesterday. c( 1 1 H? Debate ] TT a i. JulyJLJ InCOND DEBATE WILL BE HELD ON EVENING OP ABOVE DATE. INTERESTING DISCUSSION DEBATERS WILL ARGUE QUESTION WHETHER CAPITAL PUNISHMENT SHOULD BE ABOLISHED IN' NORTH CAROLINA. Another debate will be held at the Christian church, Thursday evening, 1 July 3rd. The debate will commence at 8:30. The query for the debate will be: Resolved. That Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished in North Carolina. The affirmative side will be taken by Reid Mitchell and Hubert Ellis; the negative, by Wllford Whitley and t Weed Davie. These are the same j last debate, which was held at the ^ church. t They have prepared for a good argument and an Interesting evening t is assured to all those who attend the debate next Thursday. "The officers are J. R. Reeves, president, and 1 William Ellis, secretary. Miss Annie Springer of South j Creek visited friends here yeater- v d" a FIRST PRKSHYTKKMN CHURCH. f There will be divine aervices to- n morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. B. Searlght. Sunday, school at 9:45, C. M. Brown, Jr., superintendeht. The subject of the sermon in the morning, "The New Commandment"; of the evening sermon, "Sin and Retribution." Good moaii. A cordial welcome awaits all visitors and etarngera who will worship with 8 us. ? o "I waa glad when th?y said unot fa me let us go unto the-huuse of the c Lord." I 1 , , t The pastor of Aurora circuit. Rev. S J. W. Hoyle, Vas here Thursday, en- s gaging workmen to fitaish a church r boildlas. Mr. Rorl* I* ???ri?Uo and t iMaatnoaa. ud la dolus luecomfu) d laerrioa la a rlpa Hold. t -Wis .. mi 4. $? - * vf- ;v ft belonged to A. C. F ngton Park. Jesse ? ohnson Under $500 mi OMWSSIOXKlt BUBH norHD HIM OVKIt TO OTTORKR TKHM OF b'N!TK?>STAJJ?H CWRT * ~ Yesterday Richatd Johnson of uyyan -was giyen a preliminary^ paring before United States ComljMlotf<ftf H. w.-itiy, fprjaayTtig "fa 4h possession an Unregistered still nd.15 or ^ gallons ot molasses um. After hearing the testimony Je -commissioner, bound " Johnson* ver to the xaU .term of, the Federal ouri to be held bere during Octopr. <boud wan.fixed at $800? TWO HTVIONG ftfcVftfOXS. r ' Rev. J. a. Dalley, evangelist-pas- ( it., preached two[ 'very -strong, help- ( it; sermons at the usual hours yciu- , rday. the eleventh and twelfth , nee bi> arrival last Saturday. Much being said tn commendation of . lis good man's work In our midst, l the first service real freedom was lscus?cd and impressed at length. ahu 8:32-36 being used?t'And ye . igJl Enow the truth, and the trutli 1 tail make you free, 'If the Son lerefore shall make you file, 3all be free indeedI TWro w& much In "this discourse > stimulate thought and io Inspire adeavor after the higher life. In the ventag an attentive hearing was ac>rded one of the plainest, most arching sermons of the series. 11m iciilent of the^amaritan woman be- i ig its basis. As the earnest speakr described her life of shame and in. be also pictured possible condlon in Washington. The Holy 8plrlt onored the burning message, and iiere were indications of convicting * ower.?No services today. mmm SKIPPED TO-. 11 IIS FRIENDS SAY THAT HE WILL NEVER RETURN TO UNITED STATES. NlftY LIVEJN FRANCE Chicago, June 28.?The Federal LUthorities are taking steps to have rack Johnson, who was convicted of vhlte slavery, deported from Monreal, Canada, where he fled. Johnson had been released on ?ond when he skipped'to Canada. The authorities fear he will flee to Hurope. May Go to France to Live. Montreal, Canada, June 28.?Jack ohnson, according to his friends, rill never return to the United tates. They say he will go -to 'ranee In a few days to stay permaently. "Swat the Fly" in Raleigh N Raleigh, June 28.?-The commieloners of Raleigh have adopted, an rdlaance directed-at the common onse fly. It is a stringent measure arrying out the suggestions of the oard of health and complying with he wishes of Oommissioner of Public afety O. O. KR^g, who has net hlmaU to the task of deducing the death ate of Raleigh. It.Is bellgjwthat he enforeeneat of thla law will reuee the ty population of the Caplal City to a minimum. - , i' .rw-i??i Two bams, be lou K: ^ k to A 0. Hathaway at Washington PaTk, were struck by Hghtnfng yesterday after- 'fflM noon and completely destroyed by . ' '"frfl 8re. ' Mr. Hathaway and a colors^ boy -'#B Jver# gtataiinf in the doorway of one 7 of the barns, when. the lightning , . <*! struck, feoth were dazed Wr a cow- r. &lJU p'e of minutes and when they rushed outside,' tboy sow that ono of th# !-V* 50M l?arns was ablaze. The flaares spread 1 rapidly and soon, the other bam * ?1 * -? - *? , -w-g?- " ?yiu. tti tuun iram - - -" [ .ga (w Pamlico Cooperage Company and ',S JO&klera mill run to the fin- and en- j daavored to assist in putting out the flnines. The blaze, however, had gt&ed too much heatJway and their ' j'w efforts were futile. TVenty tons of ^ fcox; were In tho&arna besides a bug- * g>" and a quantity of tools'. * Jesae Phelps, who; was among "'^j those who tried to save th6 build- j5 tug, met with a painful accident. Qne of the window sashes in the tipper j stojrjMeH out and Btruck h?xn;on the left "arm. Inflicting a deep cut. He was treated by Dr. Joshua Tayloe. * TIIK COMIVg week day by day. New York. June 28.?The followtng event* are scheduled to take frlabe . 1 during [the coming week: Monda~"^^ S thine" of Zacharlah Chandler"..., twtee^ppatur. Xrott Michigan ^nd ' '-***'"1 Secretary of Interior under President Grant will be unveiled In the capitol. IllinoiB legislature adjourns Bine die. Former President Taft leaves New Haven. Conn., for his summer-home it Murray Bay, Canada. Lee Hoyt, charged with the murder of his father, goes to trial ChillIcothe, Ohio, today. William Williams, U. S. Commls Hioner of Immigration at New York, retires. ?Catholic Educmluuul?Association ?"j meets at New Orleans, La. Tuesday? World Congress on Opium opens at The Hague, with every country represented except Turkey. Moving picture weekly devoted to .. .1 Texas enterprises begins publication at San Antonio. ''jf Beginning of celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., at Gettysburg. j j C. O. B; feature of"parcels post I goes into operation today. ;*3j Wireless telegraphy treaty between the" United States and several other nations becomes effective. Wednesday? * ^ Col. Roosevelt, Jane Adams, Jas. A. Garfield and other notables will Rpeak at Navy Day celebration^ at ^ Newport. R. I. Thursday? ^ Seventh Day Adventist meet at Austin, Texas. Friday? .fjfl National celebration of annlvers- __i ary of the Declaration of Independence. I Saturday? National Education Association meets at Salt Lake City, Utah. TO WATCH SUFFRAGETTES. Berlin, June 28.?The police officials here have received notice to put a special guard on duty at the races tomorrow for the German- Grand Prix, bocauso of threats of thejmffra- jN gettes to interfere with the running , as they did at two of the great Eng- H Kugler'fl mill ran to the Are and enJUNE 28 IX HISTORY. 1796?Battle of Renchen; Moreau v victorious over the Austrians. 1815?Prussians, nnder Blucher, defeated the French at Villerat Cotorets. ,V;.| 1855-?Battle of RIvm, in Central America. 1892?Battleship Telas launched at :-j Norfolk, Vs. 1895?The bond syndicate complete i the thmsfer of gold to the j Unltad 8tates treasury; colli balance 9107,558,774; 4*ah . balance 8192.820.482. reporti?u?Qaa. Eatenot, leader of the Cuban rebels, wsa killed In the battle eadlac the Cnbap. I ^ Nacra rahellloa^ jn'f'l

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