| dL1JN(j a 9 f >t ' .S t r ^ ?+ I Few Daily News R< much is Expended in Washington. Th reast of the Times. Between on? hundred nod seven-' i tjr-flvc thousand and two*' hjindrdd I thousand dollars is now being spent in Washington for improvements in the ua, nf hiillriln^,',aft - flnnlitteas few of tfeo readera or the Daily aware j^X this?:fft it h goes to Rbow qMc'dftlvfety that Washington is still ^in the swim" and i* that th? citlxena of this good old I Lr^ town-are beginning to move forward - and be abreast witji other sroj-lng. and enterprising towns. In'addltJon to the many thousand dollars how being spent In Washington the city will at an early date begin to shell out over one hundred thousand dol' .- . . - Inn for c\tf improvements. The malor portion of this money is being hnd will bo spent right here at \/ . ... homo. It means the employment of many people who reside hero and thus the entire town will i*ap the benefit. Them Is now In course of . construction in Washlngfbn and suburbs quite a number of attractive homes, business houses, etc. Few doubtless stop to enumerate and ^ count up* what is now being built right h|re among us so the pally News gives its readers some idea of what Is now In progress The Public building. Hodges building, which will contain the new the4 ater; Tobacco warehouse and steturnery, Washington Collegiate. College building; Harry Mohlullan residence; Charles Flyna residence; W. F. , Clark residence-; William Knight real dence; G. A. Phillips warehouse; improvements to Norfolk Southern gr.r-- passenger rancm. On nearly eve ry street con be seen signs or im: BfSgfcfT'y ill WoveciGn*. Washington is , *tm alive and its citizens optimistic as to tiie future. ? i .' ] 1 Miss Eliza Davis Carried Home Miss Sllxa Doris daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Doris. Jr., of Wil wln^nit, M f? whn ftma tn thim city to attend the bouse party of Mrs. John G. Blount, unfortunately was 1 taken 1)1 and had'to be carried back I to her home. Upon the adrice of her physician It was decided to take j i Mtes Parle-hack to her home so Dr. Thomas' private car arrived bore last Friday evening and Miss Davis ' was carried to her home. Her many 1 friends in Washington wish her . a 1 speedy recovery to health. v She1 was'accompanied by her two brothers, a sister. Dr. J. 0. Blount, and a nurse. : < Work Progressing The new tobacco warehouse and i stemmery nears completion. Both , structures Will be ready In ample time for the opening of the season. | Mr. t. j. naraing. one contractor, states that everything is getting iJonf nicely. " ------ISM AY'8 TOWER LESSENED. London, June 30.?J. Bruce Ismay returned from his-position as chairman And managing director of the Jrhlte'Star tine today, and was succeeded br Harold A. Sanderson," first vice-president of the International Mercantile Maripe Company and director of the White Star I^e. Mr. \ Ism ay came in for audi unfavorable criticism following the'slnking of the Titanic, it having been alleged that he saved his ow* life at the peril of ROOM NEEDED. '^The" roal estate man was looking over the bouse. "This it OA parlor, air?" he asked of old man Thomas. "W*n. I call It Vhe court-room," k replied the old gentloman. "The eosrt-room!" saM the agent in surprise. "What do you mean?" ' ; r "Well," etplalned Thorn,,, with * knowln, smile, "I've got urn i 1 i L/j? \ jlmmw y*jBtt; weft TfrO ^ Y /k T1 .. ZX^VliJL//\: 'v 1? ; ' . . | ^ - - -t - ;'X- ?r Delighted With ~ New Pastor I AIUIM >TT..\> HPAR RHV. Ill Ij. (JAV AT FIRST Large jsnf anfcreciui i v.> i-ongrega-" ticme greeted peetor of th? First BuptiaCohlj^h. Rev. R. t. Gay. yesterday nmralag hud evening. At the morning- hour Mr. Gay's subject was "God's, inheritance In Hie Bnlnth," and at night his topic was: "Soul Winning." Both discourses were instructive and delivered in a wsy to hold the undivided attention of* his congregation. His hearers were delighted and the members of thla growing church have every reason to believe and ;took for great things under the leadership of tholr new pastor. Mr. Gay comes to Washington front Anlpnder. N. C., where lie has acceptably filled the pulpit of the church there for several years. He Is a graduate eff Richmond College. Va.. and a native of the Old Domini come is his ?om nil Washington and the Daily News wishes him abundant success. ; ?* h^"-* ry ",J * Mr. Gay expects to move hie family-to this city Sometime during the month of July-dnd they will occupy the P. H. Bryan residence on Bast Mala Street. The music by the choir reBterday?Jtx)Ui morning and Zoning, was refreshing and greatly cojoyed. jbm t Several Cases Before Recorder There were several cases before Recorder Windley at the City Hall this morning for disposal. After trying four cases the Recorder announced that hla court would take a that some witnesses from Chocowinity might be enabled to reach here, rhp cases disposed of were as follows: * P. J. 3osa- rras oha. uQd with vio latlng tho city ordinance?being drunk.. He was fount. gm..y and fined $2 and cost. Nettie Griffin was indicted for using profane and vulgar language 3he was convicted and the judgment at the court wa^ that she pay a fln?| 3f $5 and cost. George Brown was charged with usaulting one Amanda Brown. The Recorder said guilty and four months op the county roads. David Powle was fined $3 and coBt Tor speeding. . > r *' JUNK SO IN HISTOBV. [7SJ?Twenty uatUof-merchant Alps destroyed by a hurricane at T-~ fit. Chriatonher." 1816?Allied army from the heights . of Belleville, commenced" their attacks on Paris. v*:,1817?The Russian government prohibited the farther ere of the term "Protestant," and ordered the word "evangelical" to be substituted for ft. ^ 1862?Seven days' 'battles; three divisions under Gen. Jackson, over took the Federal rearguard, under Gen. French, near White Oak Swamps and an artillery duel followed, which cost he Federals some which cost Uie Federals some 1864?A mine was exploded under the Confederate defenoee in front of Petersburg, Vs., and an attempt mad^by the Federals to carry entrenchment during the confualon that env;:.-vjijjte* ,3* a&yV*' 1864? Battle of Franklin between ' 10.000 Federal, under *&en. Schofleld. ud 40,000 Confederate* under Oen. Hood 1911?Q#a. K?teno?, catan rebel Jjbader killed. * it cldftm 1 II I 1 I1IUI ill ? lis >1 nimnnii nu 1 I ill II11 nil II11 I vll vllvll vli rjj I I' v ^ niiiiniiu uUllUni RKV. MR. MUf DEUVRRK SKR- * MllNrt OF m-IRITCAI. POW. b , 5*. AKI> THOlunr??KR11. ?.*' VICES AGAIN TONIGHT * 3 Those persona wjto *re wisely a- J vaHinK $am?c!ves of the rtffiiill' op#a>rrtiWity rf sttandlai tta wt>. ^ y*l services now in progress In the J First Method, r: church .iire helnjr|c I iTaprasfiPtl Thar th.? oUT-tlme roiigloifij Hit 1?; t ita wonderful power.; ^awih^w oulsm was born In & revive). [history. While many! fromyour, converted at h<r a): | aim ost phenomenal The ' pa dor J and .hi. assistant. Rev. f. A. Daiiey, himself ft member ol the North Carolina Conference, htc firm beHever?i!? the importance and necessity.^ fjavt- r' vnl., and are energetically prying b the work of 1hc pfesent meetinc ; b We believe that the wonders of hoav-. jj en would Tight ebon open -and over- . flowing bleseing deAcend, If the meru- . bera Sf .the;church generally were in * sincere sympathy with the eon sec rat- ? ed efforts" being so diligently put ti tdrih. n The three sermons yesterday were E if a righ order and were strongly evangelistic, and the congregations Ql were large and attentive, and there S was encouraging response to the plain, practical preaching. The morning sermon was out of Ian. 40:31. "But they that w%it ppon the Lord shall renew their strength; ln they shall mount up with wTnga aa s eagled; they shall run -anfl ""4-nei ? faftttV The subject most ably de- * veloped was "Life with Wings." and jd the eloquent showed how necessary!11 It is to grow spiritual pinions In qr- j** der to get out of the low places and ^ life among the heights. Doubtelesc- 1? ly many felt the inspiration to high- ~~ t* living. In the afternoon the meeting was tor the young people's benefit and was. most interesting and instruc- h? tire. After relating a very imjires- ol Blve atory for the smaller children's tc good, the speaker drew some striking sv Mis, lesaons from the rich young ruler's The great congregation that heard the solemn evening discourse will w certainly never forget it. Mr. Dalley frequently spoke out of Qen. 13: n< 12, "Abram dwelled, in the land of it Cnnaata, and Lot dwelled In"""005 tr cltiee of the plain. and pitched his tent toward Sodom." What Lot lost ? by pitching his tent toward Sodom ~ was the main thought developed. 1. He severed association with his best earthly friend, God's friend. 2. His wealth wasted possibly by a foolish, society-loving wife. 3. Almost unconsciously his influence over bis family waned. 4. The unconsciousness of God's presence in his home. " 6. His personal honour disappeared. j 7 : < . *' The> speaker wondered if this awful ease is not being reproduced lh Washington. He plead earnestly with those who may have pitched their lives on too low a plane. His illustration of pro feasing Christians entertaining feelings of hatred and spite and prejudice, and thus blocking the way of God'* kibfdom*left * profound impression. Mr. Dolly thanked the choir_and congregation for the good refreshing singing, and plead with the young people to sland by the church of the living God?to keep out of Sodom. t;/ BarrlcM today at 4 to 5 and t p. m floats Ins and all welcome. WORK CWDBB WAV.? / | ! Work- li now under way on the Washington Collegiate Institute building at Washington Park. Those who hare seen the drawings (or this building prohounce tham attractive and Welting. The structure will ha ' ready for the opening session this fall. Making Improvements Mr. 8waaner is having Improve- | menu made to one of hie tenement | hoaeee m Weet Second atreat. 1\ B^^B^''/^,:. ?,. ' ^ "V' r*H>: i-4*Vs g2M.^ PP BTiinpn I Ilii lil nil '-MQr lllil u I iiiu L "-> * Tho wee^ ipens at the Lyric Thettre wlUj.iMfcw and Interesting class if i^Bktufe jjtjjtures and some of the est that 4cahSbe produced. i. many aopular players that the mtroAa havdlleen familiar with have leon sllentjjcr two weeks giving vim ill it. but beginning with oQ&i.^mtfAain they will he seen 5 I^H^HBftth the excellent class Mf -tutlay. the recent ven& installed makes it of tho ?jvt comfortable amuseagdg'Tllje'./'WeVeeuv ami Uu"?wi- ' "carry:':- special * winery uud,nt 1.11 nr~!TTr. s be known again as i ; or' wh*c?l t^Qny tl fiftSstime an<?t: pon?4ve. prizes have|c Furi^sh Shades: The ecnirHCt'i^or fvrnlsh'ng shades a ui-xr Poitoff.oe building has ceiL-let to w. t Morton k Co. The ; '.n the bidding, gainn strong competitors. Quite d Dumber of forf:g^i concern? enter- c 1 bide and It i#i gratifying to know cj tat r. local firm was kuccessiu). To b ieet Cne requirements of the govern- f< lent'an extra quality of shade is re- tJ alrrfd. Tl? local firm . Is to be con* ^ ratuJat**! upon Buet^. (J I'cnscture PHxrf Krfciblt. Tomorrow aftirncon at five o'clock 8 i front of R. ^Stewart's- Jewelry tore tkere will be given rt^emonlould be . present. Nails will be riven in,tires" to show the merit of p lis new discovery. It-is said not * > injure tubes or tires. Mr. Ediund Buckman of this city, is the cal agent. . Quite Sick t Tho monv frionHa nf Uom. 1 Lee Simmons will regTetto learn ? his illness. He Has been confined ? hib home for the past several days altering from fever. w ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE. ^ T The residence of William F. Clark hich is now under course of con- a ruction on Bridge street, is rapidly ? earing completion. When finished ? will be one of Washington's ata^tlvw homes. u 7? " tt r ? He Advertises ai . as 81 That He S w Dosen't Advertise : P< A manufacturer of a nation- di ally distributed product efl- g. t cloeoe In each package that p - leaves hie factory a printed elip j, bearing the following: "Our competitors spend $8,- p 000,000 annually to advertise oj their products. %We put qua!- y, ity into oars instead, thus giv- y< ing our patrons the benefit of p, the money we save by not advertising." ei The remarkable part about ai the above is the fact that T< here's a firm that ADVHR- w TISEH THAT IT DOB0 NOT ADVERTI8B! r< If this manufacturer Is slnoere be will wake up some day lB and tell the nuhlic. nhnnt tha excellence of ble own product tl In eome legitimate, "reuaon ? ?h7" adrertfatng. Then. If hie w good*, are all he xays they an ? he will do a lot more bualneee ^ and make more real money tl than oyer he dreamed of be- lr fore 0, For an honeet product u dally nerrepaper adrertlflng le h< the oheapeet. ableet aaleeman eror employed, and moat adeertlelng le a pretty godd guaran- 7, tea ol qualify. , ,1 ? ?L_ii.II. __ ;i ^ * mAh ' , >AILY ? 10. toil. . mm Sr mm m IET AFIRE THE WOOD WORK BETWKKJi FLOOR AND VEILING. DISCOVERED IN TlhUJ TO SAVE DAMAGE. . Lightning struck the building ocupied by the Southern Purnlture Company Saturday * night last durng the terrific electrical thunder torn and.hut lor several oX the eaitoyee el the compeer being near at and at the time doubtless serious a mage would have boen the outome, The building waa struck beween the ceiling of lecund story nd the floor of the third story eetIng afire "the wood-work. Messrs. nth-im nn.l gnrnill SBtMld hi reparing a coflin for a dead person t the time on the second floor. Tho laxe wea immediately discovered nd hard and timely work the lire ras extinguished without any damge. ? DEATH AT PINETOWX. News reaches this""city of the eath of Mrs.'c. H. Fulford which oc urred at her home in Plnetown. N. last Saturday morning. . The debased had only been confined to her ed for about one week with typhoid sver. Bhe was a woman held in ie higheat esteem in her communi- ' Ire. Fulford is survived by her hua- 1 and. The funeral took place yes- 1 r and her going is to be deplored. ^ rday from ber residence and the iterment was in the family burying . round. Captain Wesley Peebles of Gay>rds, N. C. was on our atrepts this ^ew Members Trinity Faculty OLLEGE HAS ARIGHT PROSPECTS FOR THE COMING SESSION. INCREASED ENROLL. * MENT EXPECTED. Durham, N. C., June 30.?There ill be four new members of the rlnitv College facnity next term. wo of the new men come to fill vainciea occasioned by tbe rsignation f two of the members of the present iculty, while the other two will be istinct additions to the faculty. Two members of the present fac- ] Ity will not be back at Trinity "next " ear. Professor E. C. Brooks, of the ie department of education, has been ranted a leave of absence for one ser, which time he will spend in pecial work' at Colombia Univerity; Prof. H. E. Spencc, of the de- \ artment of English, has resigned his l rofeesorshlp and has taken up the t ork of pastor of one of tho Method- i t churches of Sanford, N. C. 1 Professor Brooks' place in the de- i artment of education will be filled c y Df. E. W. Knight, a former stu- I ent at Trinity who received his de- ' ree of Ph. D. this year at Columbia. 1 rofessor Knight graduated, at Trin- c y in 1909. For the succeeding two i aars he w s a member of the Trinity ) ark School faculty in the capacity I f professor of history. The past two t aars he has spent at Columbia UniBrslty dotng special work in the de- I artment of education. t Two new teachers have been chde- f 1 for the English department. They a re Professor Moore, of Harvard Unl- e srslty, and Profesaor Groves, of the a nlversity of Chicago. Both of these o sntlemen come to Trinity highly t tcommended. c The other addition to the faculty ? Profesaor Edgerton, who will as- c st Professor Chas. W. Edwards in a le department of physics. Mr. Ed- j srton it a graduate of Trinity, and * hlle there specialised in science, doig the major part of hla work In the t inartment of nvhslos. After lea-- I ig Trinity, he took a special course k i physlca and allied aciencee at one g the northern uniT*flitlee and la R ipeclally well equipped for the work r ? will do at Trinity. a | The DAILY NEWS not only flvee a >n the newa ot Waabfnftru, hat all t I Beaufort County heeldea. 8ub- I irthe to It 1 c ssp-ris*-* ... ??? ???t Lf.WA-'li.'i'A . ' j. The msnagemen^>f the new theatre has booked snotl^ attraction for the initial aeasoa. The attraction. wl^ich la the fourth one, la "Shepherd of the Jill*," which will be on the boards November 13. The aire." is to be presented on the opening of the theater on the night of October 13. The new theatre will he a credit to Washington. No palna nor expense will be; spared to make it np-to-date. comfortable and in keeping with any in the State. Ihe theater goera of the city are Iwklug furaatU with pleasant anticipations 10 the openMfc* - r ~IS O6NVAIGHCEKT. Master Llndsey Russell, tho young aau ot Mr. and Mrs. Prank Horn, who several days ago rueT with tho mlstonuno?to?stop-ou a nail, la now thought to be convalescent. Although not as yet able to walk, he is thought to no out of danger. KENT COTTAGE. jonn u. Bragaw. Jr. aud family! have rented a cottage at the wellknown summer resort, Beaufort. N. C., for the summer. Sirs. Bragaw expects to remain at Beaufort- until sometime in September. Miffs Katie Bragaw is also at Beaufort spending several weeks with Mrs. Bragaw. COMPLETED IN OCTOBER. Contractor M. M. Jones states that the Hodges building on Main street will be completed between the first md fifteenth of October. This buildn; will contain the new opera house. Messrs Bowers Give Barbecue MeBsrs. Augustus and Frank Bow- | frs gave a barbecue at the farm of Dr. Joshua Tayloe at Choccwlnlty yesterday in honor of their guests, Messrs. George W. Baker and Raymond Cordray, of Philadelphia. Those Invited to meet Messrs. Baker md Cordray were Dr. D. T. Tayloe ind family, Dr. Joshua Tayloe and family, Mr. John Fcwle and family, Mr. John Isanogle and family. Mr. J. I P. Tayloe, and the families of Messrs Bowers. The occasion was one of merrimtut and pleasure. A1 1 returned to their respective homes ivishlng that hiBtory will soon repeat | Itself. The Messrs. Bowers proved :o be model hosts. BEAUFORT COl IN GOOD ROA "If Beaufort county farmers make ;ood crops aud secure a' good living hereby then the farmers in Wake ind adjoining counties ought to be millionaires," said Mr. Frank H. Rolins this morning to a Daily News nan in giving an account of his re:ent ten-day trip by auto through Sastern and Central Carolina. 'Why, "said Mr. Rollins" do you tnow that the worst roads 1 struck luring my entire trip of ?ight days iway from home was right here in Washington and for Ave miles out. t is a sad fact but nevertheless a rue one." "Mrs. Rollins, my son. Master frank Jr., and myself left in our au or * ten-days visit through Eastern ind Central Carolina and we greatly mjoyed every moment of our outing, o much so, that I would willingly go ver the same route If business duiea did not prevent Its a great ountry through which we motored, specially so through Nash and Other ountles. Prom Nashville down this ray the outlook for crops are propitious and encouraging, further rest they do not look eo Inviting." "Leaving Washington we motored o Scotland Neck, Halifax, Weldon, Jttleton and arrived at the wellmown summer resort. Panacea Springe about Ave o'clock of the amc day where we stopped at the tew Panacea Hotel, under tho mange men t of T. C. Jones. We were Imply carried away with the aprtags ad hotel. Mr. 'Jones is a model hoellst and la more than accomodating le la painstaking and courteous. Tho ulstne la excellent, the climate ideal XliiJ,,.* m 1 w ' ' ' .'3* CS ||1|i I If II nil If A','1 nHIII iii|| I nil iiii11 rCLIHI GBBr1 ANQTHER m TOOK PlZlt KTHl llUlU. *-a?a o., , IAH \l. (,B(MM)M. Mil. WHITK MAM HWUJ&4T WORK. . 'TJje Washington Gun Club gave ^ another interesting shoot at their vfl rlub crounH- ??> t?- ^ last. The meet proved to be one of the meat Interesting vet given thl?season. Quite ft - number' of inter- jji sotod end milmaiamii. iUUciim wit- ; -7I neased the contest. The marks made ;'ijj by the respective members were above the average. Mr. White made tag 91. The Washington Gun Club has been organised forTonietlme"and from the very first Interest In tbo or- .. sanitation has never lagged. For . .:M the meet of Thursdoy dist "the percentage made follows: White. 91. Bland. ST. ; Squires. 84. .':S?M| Sterling. 79. ". Etberldge, 78. Powell. 76. ' Maxwell, 75. Hodge*. 68. , *4 m Baker, OS. Fowle, 65. * ' '3 Charles. 60. Knight, 50. Lancaster. 55. Gallagher, 55. Jj Kear, 50. * JB Collins, 4 8. Weston, 4 8. Stewart. 5. , Will Picnic at | nr J ? , n * yy asningion rarK | The Baptist Church Sunday School Chocowinity, will picnic at Washington Park on Thursday of this week, v * .VS The superintendent of the school has | secured from A. C. Hathaway the use . of the pavilion and grounds at the' I park for this purpcse. A pleasant and profitable day is looked for by every member. ; To Attend Reunion Mr. Dick Pickering, of Aurora. N. ? C.. a brave Confederate soldier, was. In Washington Saturday en route to Gettysburg to attend the" great" re? union of the blue and gray. Mr^ Pickering went via Norfolk. JNTY IS BEHIND J lDS building " a and the water superb. After a week's stay at Panacea we reluctantly left carrying with us a longing wwwevvvwums u iBi.au L uuj.?i uu notel la modern and convenient?every room Is an outside one. After leaving the resort we motored through such- well known North Carolina towns as Warrenton, Henderson, Louisburg, Franklinton, Raleigh Durham, Greensboro and smaller places. On the return trip we cameback via Nashville and Rock Mount. Mr. Rollins was particularly praiseworthy as to the good roads he saw # in Franklin county and states that almost everywhere he went he saw evidences of thrift and push among jj the people* Then said \Jr. Rollins, "if Beaufort county farmers can make a living Wake county farmer* and those residing contiguous should right soon become millionaires.,r "Our people are certainly behind the times as to good roads." "Those who doubt the wisdom of good and np-to-date thoroughfares should visIt the central portion of North Caro- \? Una and see for themselves what Is ''K being done for roads, doubtless many \'f sceptics would have their eyes open- .*1 Mr. Rollins and family motored over five hundred miles on their trip. The machine worked spleatdidly. It gave ^trouble only omm time during the entire ten-days run | and that was within five miles of . -1 Washington, occasioned by a blow- ] Joet "Eastern Carolina has a great fa- ? turn If ear people will only grasp the' opportunity" said Mr. Rolttiu.

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