"The promoters, who are endeavor- I fc.;_ Washington. aunounccd thU morning. that they have been successful )0 locating a suitable gift, tor a ba&o, ballpark Aa aoon aaSatisfactory. ] terms can be arranged, work will be started Immediately ou putting'the park in shape, building a tenee. crating grind ntvnq?, tfes,_ __ The players, who will composo the t team, hare been selected from all T./ ?**r the-country.- One of-the promoters, who wan id the Bally News PijSfo-V-- Office this morning, atatcd that ho it;:' * - had-already securad.Lwo jiltchers. f?? ct'efaen,. ? ar? umiyn. mcobc! basemen and short stop. Twenty-one men will bo selected. Preliminary practice will b? hold In Washington. i\ c. Thirteen playera will bo plckI cd out of tlie twenty^n^an^the others released. JtV >*j&(r T^e promoters frill endeavor to en - -1 . v W the team In the Carolina League, ??Mm If their efTprts aro unsuccessful, will make arrangements to get In the U . Virginia League. ?, ' It will take about eight weeks to fv 'V* ? Mm tefcsn into pondltion. The ' ' T mebhgere are confident that Wasbinctoh will roe several game* this wesson. ltOtORDQ^t BACK KLIM1XA. w . TION'K. "} ?? " ' Kw York, July 7 ?Tbo Motor ' Boat (Hub American started Jbe trial race* for the select boat* to go to Knglsnd atfif compete for tfce British International tWphy Huntington Bay. today. .These races will be continued tomorrow and :.. 'Sjb- v Wednesday. Tht coarse selected !e a triangle of Ore miles ids toad of .seven and one-hair miles as heretofore, s?r-n end mnet be covered six times, making a total of thirty nautical miles. WAs great secrecy has been maintainfed regarding the eatrles. comparatively little Is known about the boats contesting. The Ankle Deep,, which did such good work last year,'has been overhauled, and 50 milW ar hour is predicted -tor her this sea oni Gun 1^3 ft* - ;;S^> * i^uinpieie rvtJi Qf. July Ev. !,ff ' v &ist o! ? Following kre the complete adores made by tir<r-contostanCi In the shoot Held by the Washington Gun Club 1 and also the list of prizes given. Kerne*. Shot at Score Pennington '..100 91 White . ..100 88 ' Squires 100 ' 8G Be hi#*"~rr:.. .. .. 7;loo ti Sterling, C. B. 100 83 Blend 100 83 Dumay . 100 80 CooK.. 100 79 - Maxwell 100 77 Ftherldge 100 78 .. SUtllD*. C. 11. Jr.. . . . .100 7? Kur ..- .1 loo SI OaJI.gh.r . 10O 64 Miller [.J; -.100 !? > *. *' * a Kun. ley . . . . ' 40 20 Blount .... fo .? Waters 40 22 Cowell 20 18 Sparrow 20 11 Campbell ...? 80. 10 The Hat 6l prizes were a? follows: U!?u n..? n-t- ? . ?"?? uuu -I nil fcJK! >u i? uti lunir, donated by K. L. Stewart. w4n by ' Joe Ponalntfon. High Qua Shooting DuPont Powder. ,r Stick pin, doagted by DuPont PowwKSk , der Co., won by H. E. Wbltc. . . trd Hftb Quo - Box of el?arn,'donated by 11. H. Mtxoo. woa by T. . .. . A. SQUlres. . at ! iV4th High Qan?Knife, donated by Harris Hardware Co., won by J T. SsSf' Bland and C. B. sterling ?/? Ixjngeat eonaacdUVn ran from atart, optional prlie, donated by W. C. MaUlaon A Son, won by H. E. White. J> . * [ _ Low conaecutire run optional prlie, I Kill i iBOtKE HKH>N(IlS(. TO MKS. W. I.. I EAtUIMNOHOl'tW. lll'HNKn TO (JftOCTO). ' I iwrFtMHiiwr I HOIHK WAS OOCI l'IKI) IIV AI 11KKT <[>OI'EU,OHK.VrKn PAHT - OF ? 'OXJp?TH KlItNKft. Flro broke out iu ihe bouse occupied by Albert Cooper, colored, last night. -The house la located at the corner of Telfair and Third streets. , The blase gained headway rapidly and when tho firemen arrived, the entire building was In flames. The fire fighters strove valiantly iu save the house, hut were unsuccessful. The entire building, with the greater part of the contents, was destroyed. The cause, oft he fire ia_ unknown/ The house is the property 0f Mrs. V,*. L i Laughinghouse. j A large crowd wa3 on hand to view the conflagration. TO FLY OVKK ATLANTIC. Aviator Haye He Will Make 100 Miles an Hour , With Frosen Gasoline. (New YOrk American.) 1 Frank Clifford has arived here on the Mauretanla to arrange, so he announced. for a flight across the Atlantic ?ln hia monoplan^rrom Atlantic Qlty to the Iriah coast. He saya he will use frosen gasoline us fuel, half of which he will pick up In midfeet n from a boat sent on ahead: "The trip must be made." be said. -OO hrmra aa that U as locaas a pilot apd an aerohydroplane can journey over the olean. My machine can easily make ioo miles an hour, so that I expect to leavo Atlantic City oh, say. a Monday evening and reach Ireland at noon Wednesday." b Results ^L. J ? iults of Fourth snts With Prizes. ? < 9 ? donated by S. R. Fowle & Son, won by L. A. Squires. Following prizes go to those who did not enter money division: H'gb Gnn?Cigars donated by Worthy & Etherldgc. won Ly A. M. Dumay. 2nd Hi*h Gnn?Optional prixe, do-, nated by Bowers-Lewis Co., won by 3rd High Gun?Two pair Wonder Hose, donated by J. K. Hoyt, won by C. H. Sterling, Jr. Best consecutive run, first event, optional prize, donated by E. W. Ayers, won by C. H. Sterling, Jr. . Best .consecutive run, second event, cigars, donated by Davenport Drug Store, won by A. M. Dumay. Beet consecutive run. third event. cigars. donated by Blount'* Drug - Store, won by A. M. Dumay. Beat consecutive run, fourth event, box field shells, donated by McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co.. won by R. D. Kear. Best consecutive run. firth, event, nee* tfe, donated by.Jaa. E. Clark Co., woi*by P. P. Maxwell. 7^^ j After the contest, soveral of the members engaged In a special shooting event, the scores of which were as fqllowtc ' % l H>1W 1 Shot at . . Score Mobs 35 17 White IE 14 Btheridge .-.IE 19 Bqalres IE II Coek :7l5 II Will terns in |S Moore IB II Pogrom ? 3 Jonoo IE 9 Simmons IE 4 Spralll ............. IE _ ,4 . Miner IE I I - ? ? THK WKA Other P l&Ortch, Bailey Vet Fine Ber Plums HAYLOE TC . kington. July 7.?The three blglillces or "pie" for Eastern North Carolina are.about ready to b? cut.. "y. T. Dortch of Qoldeboro will bo atttred the marshals!) io; Joalah Ball ejf. of "RaUttgh. will bo made collect J tanr~ of internal re venue, nnti Prank Winston, of Willlamstou, will be siren tlu> district attorneyship. - Ttilitfr have occJbrcd within tho past ten drfys which have changed the former slate- in some respects. It had been planned, those on tho Inside cay, to give Joe Tayloo, of WnShlnJ^ftn, either the rolleclorshlp or United States marshal. The pressure, however, In favor of landing Bailey, Winston and Dortch lias Jjeen so great that it now acoms Tayloe will not be given either of the three places abovo mentioned. It is said that 8enator Summons New Gas Boat for Capt. Gaskit J. F. Ross is building a gas boat for Captain David Gaskili of Maals Point. Tho-boat will, bo finished sometime this week and will at once be put on the run between Washington and Mauls Point. The boat is O feet long; 9 feet beam, mid 3 foot bole. She is provided with a 20horse power L&throppe engine of the latest and improved pattern. KDtTATORS AT SALT LAKF,. f . ~^ftafc 5-?The general session'of the National Education Association opened hero today, when the delegates were formally welcomed to the State and city by the governor, mayor and other officials. This evening there will be a concert in the tabernacle foi; the vistors. A hot fight is expected over the olection of a president, there being several candidates for the place j Committee reports will be heard on j "Economy of Time In Education," j "Health ' Problems In American j flclency," and the Suzzallo p^an., lor j the regular departments of Ine N. E. j A., the following socletles/rc holding I American School of Peace League, J Rthool ssoctarlon of Amer- 1 lea, American Association of Colleg- j late Registrars, National Committee! on Agricultural Education. Federa-1 tion of State Teachers' Associations, Religious Education Association and tho National Couucll of Teachers of English. . . PARI-MVTFEL8 ON GRAND CIRCUIT TRACK. Cleveland, Ohio. July 7.? At the meeting of the Grand Circuit at North Randall which began today, there will be all of the betting on tho races that one CQuld wish without the'presence of the objeetiooable I bookmaker. In other words, the French batting machines will be used 1 exclusively for making wagers on the heats. rite maenincu were given a ralr tryout at the meeting last year, and after the public got acquainted with the game they won wide spread popularity. Only two of the "iron men" were engaged, and there was the usual booking as conducted under the Andy Welch plan, "Andy'.' will now have to take a back seat, for the Forest City Live Stock and Fair Company havd given out their edict "never again" for Mr. Welch and hlt> clan, and henceforth it will be French betting or nothing. Of coarse, there will be the usual pool selling on the reault of the race?bat heat hooka? Nothing doing. ( ' ' 'jtSwiB op TKAKKtt. I wish to thank the firemen for their work laat night at the fire which occurred la my house. I deeply appreciate their aaailtance and wish to extend my sincere thanks for their \ MRS. W L. LAUGH 1NOHOU8E. gj? mmm ositions C arid Winston ths. Are Slate in Eastern I REPORT V . li-in Tnyloo under cousid*.ration tojr the chief clerkuhlp of Senate finance commUtcc and will probabiy offer him the Job. The cterk.dvp poy:, Uiuuu" a yeip am: 'r a very good berth. \ Wtfttl holda the pjufe uj' , lyit : r? ign within a few days, whan he . I! bo .rxvorn In as collector for the era district. * It ip also said th if WIIUBTUiTOn. will tJU !UBi!t|-u?r inlont district attorney, v The above article :ij?i rgrt.J in y? tetday's Greensboro-Daily Ncwe. We have it on good authority, that the li-.f.irnwillnn 1 ' correct. and that the latter 'v.-ill report for his duties M chief Clerk by Wednesday. Mr. "fayloo in to be; con-gratulatetf upon havlfcg.xc' V.-cd-tee Above berth. Great Time "Says County Soldier R. T. Pickering cf Aurora. N. C. i* hero todq'y en route to his heme from Gettysburg; where he -attmdrd "the reunion of the blue and - ray last week. Mr. Plcker.ng daring the] * m?tnhw nt />n-piny "I" Fourth North Carolina regir iieat, under the command of Captain Thomas! Marsh. Mr. Pickering reports a glor-j ious trip and says that be would not take $50. for .the. privilege -he. &ad ol I witnessing tho.- reunion. tdfe tfeat j he never saw so much kissing. hand-' shaking and hugpln? IhTtfl tfTsyHW! j North Carolina was well represented. Everything that con id be done for the boys of the sixties was accomplished. Plenty good things to eat. good place to sleep, etc. It woh a great c-ccaalon and Mr. Pickering ays that if he lives he expects to go to the next one if possible. CI TV ALDERMEN. Til A rtrtf.r.l r>* r!<v ?111 meet :n regular cioh'JHy HfBHiui! ill the City Hall this evening. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The board of county commissioners ate In regular monthly session at the Court House today. They will not adjourn befure Tueni?i>. * The Quality; of Service Merchandising without ad vertlwtng'a Sftlpf-.il a CUStom that is tnore profitable in the breach than in the observance. Run over in your mind a dozen first grade businesses that serve the public with daily interesting news of all that is * going on within their spheres of activity?and then, if you can. think of just one establishment, 'great or small, depending upon the patronage of the public, that doe? not advertls?Jj3_somO way or another. The advertiser not only renders the nuhlie o dieting* oorv Ice In presenting his announcements frequently, but be also has perfected a high quality of serrice In hie relations with his patrons that is of an unusually satisfactory order. One of the big things in business today Is service, and wo think that it is found in its finest development In those progressive concerns who. through the medium of the daily newspapers. tell-you the Interesting things you ought to know about themselves, their merchandise and the quality of service they have to offer you. jpVatfcsfP^ iiven Out Are Likely to d for Choice )istrict. WEDNESDAY Inmr nt imMir riKD hi nuiiiE tifln (MX'CKRKD AT HAJtL TIMR OF Till 111* STIIKKT KIIIK . J-AST NK.HT. Chmui^c Sustained Was Small. Flu* Won D f.fuvfi'Ci! by Neighbors und Puj. out Without Ak*l!t(iuite of Fire Dcpurtnieut. While the firemen were answering [ ihe alarm at tbo Tbtrd street 11 re j liaet night. another fire was discover-1 ?d at tbr residence of Mrs. H. S. | SUelfca uj West Second street. Thej ,-Tvar. discovered by the neighs!' tors, It is sappm-ed thar the fire was! caused by the careless throwing away I of a lighted match. wliuli set tire to, a towc! i.ctl started the blaze. The' -arpet. In the room tr. which the fire'1 iBtarted. was burned and a waslistaud j' i was sIfo ruined. Otherwise no fur-"1 thc:*~aa^nr.fc occurred. roUTK'K AND POLITICIANS. I' Pennsylvania" is the first State to] legalise eu?en?e marriage*. New Jersey has put Into effect the I last cf tbe famous "seven r.isters." Le;ng lava for trust control, recommended xy pigment wtiBon. wiieir governor. As"i?t3at. DjstriCt A'tnrniy Fr^">" Hose, who fceiped Judge Whitman convict New York police grafters, 'will run for District Attorney this fall. Mayor Slankenburg of Philadelphia has conformed to precedent and granted permission fcr the Liberty Bell to be exhibited at the Panama Exposition. "Tut. tut," Is reported as ihe most vigorous expression used by President Wilson when he misses a golf ball. His caddy says that if perhaps Mr. Wilson swore. ne wouiu play Li<Mter golf. The citizens cf California are aroused over the statement credited [to Representative Thomas of Ken-! jtucky to the effect that there is mor-* j graft mid unupi-iun i.'i ih.i;?St.it'-1 than in any State in the Union. I Mayor G&ynor of New York has granted a permit *o Col. Roosevelt I to "tote" a gun. He i5$?r??he did not j : require a certificate of ttood chamc- I iter frcm the Colonel. ftwret^uired by } j law. As a result of the recent v!?U j President Polncare of Franco to Lonjdon, It is said that a new treaty will I soon be announced between France fand England. Germany is still 111 skiing cynical comments on the visit. ! Representative Prouty of Iowa is jone of the sharp critics of the cur| rency bill. He says it 1b an improvel ment over the Aldricb Currency 1 measure, but is still "very full* of holes." PUBLIC" MAY KNOW MOVING PIC-.J TL'KE 8ETRCT. yvj New York, July 7.?An exhibition I of motion picture art and a convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America opened here today at Grand Central Palace, under the direction of President M. A. Neff, of Cincinnati. Frank A. Tichenor is chairman of the exhibition committee. . The general public will be taken "behind the scenes" in the motion picture industry in the exhibition. All the processes which enter into the making of Alms will be portrayed. The new "motion picture target." which will enable expert riflemen to show tbelr skill in bitting pictured wild animals and moving objects of all kinds, is expected to prove a popular feature. In the way convention business, the most important -question to be discussed win be that of a national hoard of censorship. , " 1 1 WR TTJSS j AUTO L itiir boxes ; -? WILL IIK AT Til]-: Kl;nhKAL| tU ll.IMN*; to .\ssic;\ patkiixh 1 to nkw ijo.XKS. KXI'KI rr.n TltAT ukimhtmkxti WIIJi takk POSSESSION Of j \K\V gi'AllTKKS lli:n?f:K Atttl^r. IMTKT Postmaster Hugh l\\t:I Sta'.cn that beginning with tomorrow iu? will be at the Federal bulldlnc from 8 to lft" a. in. and front 2 to t p. .v. for the purpo-::* of signing for pos:of!lcee boxer?. P.itronn Vvho are renting 1 t-.vs a*, the prcstot tin: -, will. :f posible, i>e Ldgtud ?t? the 8 an J e numbers at the' new building. . Mr. Paul al'-o announces that lie . believes that the postottice will move j Into the now quartern be?w?-en the1 ir?th ami tlie 2?th of this? month. within the limit of their jurisdiction I any. person known porfi nnlly :o any I' such officer. or upon the sworn ir.for-. utation of a creditable viiness to I have violated any of' tit.- provisions of (bib act. That each and every of j the officers herein named who shall neglect or refuse to carry en: (Utile? imposed by this act shail be liable on ; Ills official bond for such neglect or i refusal as provided by luw in stich! cases. % - J -do. not?111 ink . fur one t.'mc t h a I ihero is a single person that would ( jn-.tuie 10 regiBUT-niB machine. If. fto' Won and ivotrOPt te -ww' more numbers Moating in the rear oft those horseless carnages in the near J future than we have heretofore Very respectfully, | MOTOE VEH1C1.E OWN Ell. j Pony C ftttles-atttl Agr at Meetins July "l?Et?<iV JONES" It ETC It \ ENLAVEMENT AT THE I.VItK . The v.inny patron* of (he Lyric will no doubt welcome the announcement of a return engagement ot "Peggy j ones" at i hi' l.yric tneatre on tomorrow and Wednesday of this week. | The boohing? of Pi ggy wa< due rr?| the far: o;' his vacation here and tin*! many r-nuests from the Lyric's pa- ( trons. will fill ih. boards tomorrow j and Wednesday nights with new j scngs and new jokes, offering a number of changes during his art d;f- I foreat from those previously given | h.r-. ' Today's program offers a class of ! motion pictures hard to bear and i something that will keep you InterTho ventilating system at the | Lyric makes it comfnrtnbie and a pleasant place to t>peiul the evening. IS ORDAINED DEACON ISK.A KL HAKDISG~ H1C;HKSTC?H"DA1XKD AT CHRIST CHI'RCH. KALKIfiH. YE8TKRDAY. Rev. Israel Harding Hughe#, son of Rov. N. C. Hughes, formerly principal of Trinity School, Chpcowinlty, N. C., was ordained deacon at Christ Church, Raleigh, N. C.. yesterday at 11 o'clock, by the R?. Rev. Joseph Cheshire, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina. The' sermon was preached by Rev. Isaac Hughes, of Henderson. N. C.. an uncle of the! candidate. Mr. Hughes has been assigned to j St. Saviors Chapel. Raleigh. N. C.,| during the summer months, j | I, ; V -Stf i 14<r lCENSES GJ , ? ??_ . Correspondent States That 1 Many Machines Are Not Registered. Mr. Editor: *"*38 "* I would like "thru the columns of your paper" to call the attention of those who a! It" should coatTft to Automobile Law of 1913. Sec. 2 of this law requires every J&& owner of a motor vehicle have such ' ? vehicle registered, and Sec. 7 of this H came law tell.- us that SO per cent of .ja the gross revenue derived from the tcf'B colhclf-d for aueli tuotor vehicle ; shall itc paid over" to the t r.asure of - v the roniity where such motor vehicle }$g| jh registered trom to be irppliertthe road fund* and l'or no other pur- S no> ? w i'at?-oov.-r. Xtw that?OUT" ronju acCd tftli?1$ aioncy is an i;nntn-Ktlpnabjo .net. I'lio Is r. e. posltica to know. I think 1 v would bo -justifiable in Haying that. part of the public roads in tuts conr- T* in unity has not had one thing done --i4j in the way of upbuilding since they .T were put on the county, bridges are '7n worn out. sullies washed In tke '>& roads and in fact they are generally ""is speaking in tho worst condition that "' J, 1 ever retir-inter seeing then at this sea. on of the year. liut back to the Auto Law. Some ,'i time ago 1 had a machine registered which tnst me $2.30 till June 30tb, in IS: from thir amount $2.00 will -'^j ro to the rotulf. If by chance it don't pet ton deep down in sunte puntoloon pocket. At the time I registered this 'J\ machine I can now count ? ? less than ten other machines running without, licenses, and some of these very niachines arc running right alone today with no more number displayed than } m fence lizzard curries on his back. Well thia ten machines means $2* ?"5 thai should have gone toward filling up the holes on our county roads. ^ and I repeat they need it. Hut now .J It Is too late and they can't pet ft. Who is responsible? v" nee. -i oi mis s^iiuo net of 1!'13 Us ilie <laty of every police of- ) flovr, mwrahoJ. deputy marshal or watchman of any incorporated city or village, and every sheriff, deputy sheriff, and every and all other law- ;] ful officers of any county, and every " .constable of any township to arrest . 51 Zontest 1 ??? * *,rv J, ' ; | ? Held on -\ 3rd. ? ?r ! Ai a merlins at the members of In' ('.rear lui'ikip Pony Corutnerdsli^ for.test leid in the rooms of Uus^J Chuinber of Commerce on July 3rd.vf the fellow in ji agreements wefe '*.( j made: | F1HST: That no child whose pa.- .* run:*' are an officer or active merabw^ 1 M employe of the firms are eligible-.j to nter foutest, SECOND: That all amounts re- ..V'lx f??l fin .10. ...sit * ' - ^ ?>III ruiiue cubtonuT-s to votfs, and all accounts of i i over four months standing and datItiK bade prior to "March 7th will en- { title customers to double votes. THIRL*: That no wholesale pur- ' < bases or accounts will bo allowed la j this contest. IT IS FURTHERMORE AGREED thai for every dollar purchase cu?* ffl tomer will be entitled to one hundred &E 1100) votes, and all purchases above ?3 this amount at the same rate. BASE BULL G1E TQIQRRQW j The Washington boaeball team will 1 play Farmville at Fleming Park tomorrow afternoon. The game-will ? start ?t four o'clock. Admission 15 and 25 cents. T Farmvllle baa a strong te^oi thh J season and an intercstlnfcjjontest In 1 assured* ' ' ' .&BB

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