*P3B5E?Ya - - j ? H ?./ I. 5 1 "* H -'* ' J_| \i JLVJ rSI signs as FireChief ligMi ? gpf-*?l Vw IVi?T) to Krop Cuttle OC W SlnxU ol ~4-^~ An?hmMfttim ? rain storms. Alderman Mor** rls informed the board that-4.C had Investigated the matter, and explained the situation at length. Tho matter was put into the hands of the street committee with power to net. Mr. Hard is on asked permission to speak a few words and requested the ? hoard to remedy the drainage conditions In front of his property on J Eighth and Bonner streets. He stated that he h?Q I Oat the greater part or his garden truck on account or the water whictf filled It during the recent rains. The gtreet committee was ,-.Vv . asked to attend to the mrtW XtM* drainage problem of tho ctrrur length. Ylnr street committee was to at th*. next meeting. It wu moved that the town ditch be cleared out at onea. - Several cittcens appeared before the board and complained about cattle running at large In the streets of Nig^ulaonyllle. Mr. Lewis stated that they Were a nuisance In that secti9a and were always on the streets. Mr. Kills bore out Mr. Lewis' statement and added that tbey were In his yard almost every nrglit. Mr. McKefurfe - made the same statement. Alderman Jones suggested obtain~L". _ ... .?:and using it as a pound In which to put stray cattle. The board thought the suggestion a good oife. Chief Howard asked-ihat the matter be deferred until the ^text meeting, as he v.- - believed that he could straighten out matters satisfactorily. ~ Mr. Chauncfey appeared before the board and stated that the Ore department was in bad .need of now hose, Tho motion wn3 made that 500 feet of new hose be purchased for the de*; partment. It was seconded ami cari. r.Wfl,?^? , Capt. B. B. Ross and Lieut. Morton asked tho ?oard for an increase In the appropriations made annually to r~4 / r Company O and the Naval. Reservos. The present appropriation Is (50 and , an increase of $25 was asked for. A .*" committee was appointed to investigate the matter. Mayor Kugler appointed Aldermen Archbell, Bragaw and Coazens. Captain Ross was informed that he would be notified in camp of the action of the commlttes. y'- ' \t /> ' / ??&* ? ' --i ,-^The matter of purchasing uniforms for the police department wai put in Ik, nE /' hands of toe i?U?u cosnmutsse with power to act. The police com* r mittee also informed the "hoard that an eatra polioernan had Ween secured and la now on duty. / The desk for the chief of police has been ordered. .M?Jor Hurler stated that several rases of overtaxation had been'made daring the gnat fffur gears on certain business enterprise* In the city. Hi ; stated that these were contrary to the eharter of the city and that tks amounts overcharged would, have U he refunded. Boarding houses, he Stated, had been taxed 111, whereas, r the limit provided for In the chartei le bpt lit.' Coal dealers have' keen taxed ?1*. an evertalPM IS.OO. Mills and factories here been taxed'fit athichu woofer the Jftatt. The city w - ? MR ^ -*Br I iMeetin! Hie City : of Citizens A [eeting of Boar ?4 from E. M. Brovn, In wbleh he tendered h!a reatenation ac chief of tbo Are deport meet. Heoonsantid. howeror, U>rervo until August lit, Ih or dor that the board might find come cno to fill fc'a p)acc. Ccznmuaicatlonr. woro received from the Dibble ar.d Salamander Fire Companies, oak ins for the usual onuual appropriations- oL JZ5. motjoK*, tt wo* decided that the refuiiu to ptuiid. A* co!j2BUd1cat*-n was taeeivori fyom Judges. C. Brafttsr. asklcfc for permission to have work, dene ?wia ui nuai VI ?i.-? invpvii/. ? V? miRsita was granted. - .^..C . "J.J A communication was leceivcd from tho North Carolina Good Roads Association, Inform log tho board that a convention was to bo held at Morehead City u?d requesting Washington to send ten delegate" to represent tho city nt this convention. The board took the matter under advisement. r-- The following - bonds were road tad accepted, subject to tho approval of the city attorney: . M. Brotvn. $5,600; J. F. Bucjtinan* Jr.. $10".000; W- C. Ayera. $11,500; and Geo. C. Howard. $2,000. !" The Mil of Messrs. Small. MacLcau them In tho >caso of Washington vs. |Washington Light and Water Corapany, was ordered paid. The matter of purchasing new horads for the fife department was referred to the Pro committee for investigation. K. Winfteld read & petition to tho board, sjmjed by ?Umt fifty prominent retfirawol i'ie^4ty. jfca petition rentes tod tho board to purchase a_ne\r.ea?y running hoso wsgft <. arousing freAt interest among oid and young olika. A large number o! contestants have entered and are al ready Jjubjt, hustling for votes. ^ Th< list qf'fcntrioa is as follows: .. . )nh. IJn .in. Mnll l).-.Vlll iUftKlU Hugh Watson, Ji\, L. A. Squires, Jr. Mary W. Matthews, Elsie E. Harris Eliso Ballaral. fceth Cordon, Annl< Thomas Arehbetl, George Studdert Angus D. Mac Lean, Louis Busman Armstead Hudnell, Bruce Tankard Ruth Satterthwgtte,. Charlie Darby Edna May Starling. Willie McDevltt Kirkwood Ellsworth, Lenora Blount Robert Shaw, Jr., Julia Rosb, Erro Tripp, Margett Meoklns, Paulln Stilly. Charlie Row. W. J. Rhodes Jr:, Alice Bborn. Sallle Cowell. Rut! , Mayo. Zoph Potta, Jr., Isabel Handy v" X i CLYDE HOEY GETS HIS APPOINTMENT nounecment and No Conflrmatioi Bj rtiate In Req?lrwl?Maj At WW Duties a* Oni-r. v Washington, D. by the Banllfl la neeeesary and tine . the resignation of Judge A. M. Coblt of itaeeertMe, baa already been rr I celved, there le nothing to proven , Mr. Hoey'a Immediate induction lnt . the office. beaten inly ,loth: laata 10 den Men a. (Ledlea' and Chtldrea' I shoes at biff reduction! THK1TEATHER: g of Council ttend Monthly d. Wl Mil GUI liili II Mpi I PANS WILT Il.WK OHAKCF, TO VIEW CLOSE CONTEST. VISITORS WILL HAVE STRONG TEAM OX THE FiKLl). GAME CALLED AT 4 O'CLOCK. Manager Guy Weston announce:! tills moraine tb*l ho had arranged a gar jo tictwmn the local team and Plnotowa. ^hc gamo will be playej) tomorrow afternoon at Kieminfe Part. U wm be callcfl at 4 o'clocfc. Admission will be fifteen and twentyflvo cents. * ' Plnetown has one of the strongest teams in this section of the State and ! have won a good percentage of their : games. Mr. Weston has been Informed that they Intend to bring their ?trong6at tino-up here tomorrow in the effort $o "put one over" on the locals. WOl'LD UTOI* IMPERSONATIONS. Washington. July 8.?Senator , Cummtns. cf Iowa, a member of the rite lobby -investigating commltvrHl introduce a biH designed to " pervent many of the practices?disclosed during the investigation. The i measure la aimed especially at the i impersonation of members of Congress or attempts to Influence' legislation improperly. Imprisonment, heavy fines or both, would be imposed for such offenses. 5 in Connor The Pony s L"MKsmV JOXKK" AT THE LYRIC TOVHiHT. The program offered at the Lyri< today tb toatured by the excellent 1 act of Mr. Frank a;. Jono?. bettei r hl"" "'t? gnuth na "Pnin Jonee," the peg4 legged dancer. r "Peggy'a" return here was quite t surprise, due to the short vacatioi Tiaaf fnr which the management tool ^ ^fiwantago of Peggy's excellent act and the many . roquests from th? M Lyric's patrons to have Peggy per form. m , "Peggy" returns back to the Lyrl ' atage for tonight and Wcdueada; - night only offering clever songs am . new Jokes in hlB manner that-draw ? the attention of bia audience, i The motion pictures that appear ii the Lyric advertisement on fourtl page for which we call your attan " tlon is alao featured by a westeri 'j picture with'Mr. Q. M. Anderson li the leading role. e The priae drawing takes plac ''' promptly at 9 o'cloc*, giving away beautiful bronze clQck to the luck "holder. The admission prices for to day will be 10 and 20 cents. '* HAJIY LOSE LJVE8 WHILE KNJOY IMG TRIPLE! HOLIDAY. * New York, July 8 ?The trlpl holiday of July 4, 5 and 6 brough twenty-four pleasure seekers to the! * deatb by drowning In local waterf Seven persona lorfl their Uvea In thl vicinity yesterday and seven other . were reeeued from drowning only b 1. thh smallest margin. r ? .. n ) # One of the accidents was wttnssse ? ,hy hundreds of persons on ftlversld * Drive. ^ I; ' , : #& >vans*. ifM'*?'V< R <**&.) Variety is the spice of life, but I bair aright, trnjiujpu^ariiit-r, Kghi Alter having ggihfrod and consid- I tfdd Oxo UctM prevteusly submitted. * regarding the fly prublooi. the ?Ifevident necesait,j of fly-eradication becomea decidedly prominent In the minds of thinking pedplp. TbU matter of flj-klt!!pg is b^jrend doubt an undertaking of serioda impdttanoe. / it cannot be emphasised too strongly. The flies most be destroyed oJ T cur health must be. Which laAti&^r ^ for eg. good health or tlanftTroua flics? Do wc esteem health a valuable adjunct to bop^*hc9S? Are tro dottrmlnod to maintain that whldl* _ docs moat to inaare fc*pptneee?-qRiea "" - must light to stfodue the thing r which is robbing us of thla vital aa- I set?health. Flies pre the busiest | Ltd i.-.os; persistent, gr health's foes ?decidedly do In tbo summer We attack thorn uhcuasingly and ruUrincly if we would bo victors. It a hard job to fight files Iq the 1 ?in the tuira. fee flics are ? . 'Icvri to arrive at rznturlty, for .heir piece* of produclion are con s;antiy raiuca upon, out u icu uc noticed that tli's ussdd gf doctructtoc w i.t scarcely practicable' in rural -ice. -tUma?j!C^aplanner, caynOt rantove the manure (rem liia stable or hog lot eych week. He la thus handicapprd ;a destroying the fly while in an ^ unmatured state. SO the ground-up fl'ofi havo to be encountered at the bouga?In the dinlng-iNboiu. Untold thousands of (lies might bo kept out doors by tho use of flue mesh wire screens for tho doors and win- *** dovrs. In spite of tho best protected fo dining-room, however.1 sumo*flics will h< get in. but theso should immediately be ni'et'wlth b recept'on euggested by baited fly-traps in every convenient *e rhctlon of the room. Some sheets of 01 good fly-paper (tanglefoot for in- c< >;ance) can be used with effectual re- tn suits. Poisons may bo dfed in tight rooms, but this manner of rapturo is, slighUy dangerous, as it causes th toruo to fall into tho food, or lodge 1? against objects where they are net easily detected, uud, evidently ' they decay. For the occasional fly. that darts in before the door can be closed. a swatter cap be used with damaging efffects. By the methods mentioned flies can be ? lmhV.br tb* peck. but that which is far more lm-1 1 portant is keeping the fly out of the ' house.?Keep them aH out-if-you- ean ? ' *d if some will dodge in, kill all 1 them out. Sumary of facts next week. V 1V> ivy IV U. ? 1. > (To Be Concluded.) d APPALACHIAN RKCalKB AGAIN. a Knoxvillc. Tenn.. July 8.?The R Appalachian league begins a new w season today, the directors at a meet' ing held Saturday night having de- V elded to divide the reason. Johnson * City won the honors of the first seaThe winner ot the second season will play Johnson City a aeries of seven games to decide thfc pennant winner. . v H. G.. Parks of Elizabeth City la n Aiaoqg-ihe ant of town visitors in v Washington today. h f, ^3 I To Keep the ? - House omfoftable i e t y No matter where you live or j, a what the temperature of the < 8 o?t-of-doors. you' can^ do a v great deal to keep your house f a cOfiV. and comfortable if you ^ spend a little time and thought on the subject, a Tour doors and windows a should be screened and your windows fitted with awnings o on the sunny side of the house. t a Then every window may be y opened, so that the air can e qultoes will, perforce, stay out. If your rooms are darkened and well aired your bouse will be a pleasant place to come home to, especially If you have ? , In the house a good supply of t Ice and a variety of sensible r summer food. * Summer beverages are im proved by bottled water, either s naturally , or artiOcally aerey ated, so would be well to have something of that kind d on band alao. e If yotr bare not already perfected your arrangements for making your house a pleasant oasis during tho warm weather. read the advertisements In 11 The.'Daily News and >o? grfU dome across ntftnerous suggestions that will help you to 4e4 cide just what you went and . .. _ ) pk 11 Y = NOQN. JULY t. 1???. ^ |[[ |' | ||[i k| > || , Officers Tv Revenue Offic OS I SIB CAMP JHIHffifflPflFl m iiiuiiiAiiunu v. . )MPANY LEFT AT 2::M) THIS A. M. WILL IIK (aONK FIGHT : PAVU. I MEN. INCLVDIXCi OFFICERS. FILL REPRESENT WASHINGTON. COL. RODMAN TO ' C AMP COMMANDER. * Company O. Second Regiment. of Is city, left this morning at 2:30 r summer encampment at Moro'ad City. Porty-llve men, including officers, ft on the Special train for tho 8-day iting at Camp Glenn at Morehead. >1. W. C. Rodman will be camp coniander. There will 1>? twelve companies at ie encampment. They arc as folwa: Company A. from Tarboro. Company H, Kington. Company C, Rocky Mount. Company D, Goldsboro. Company E. Goldsboro Company F, Fayettevllle. Compan> ^Washington. Company H? Clinton. "** 1 Company I; Edenton. Ccmpany L, Lumber Bridge. Company M. Dunn. Band from Kinston and Hospital etaebment. Target practice, snam battles and i rills will take up moat or the time t the camp. The Daily News has arranged for special letter from the camp, which j rill be sent to Washington each day. VKD OX A WARHHIP RARELY HEKM MATH. I .Navy Itrlrto" Going tn Annupolis When Husband Han iWn UsfjjnPrt to Duty. Denver. July 8.?One ?f the three omen in the United States to be narrled on a war vessel has left Deuer to Join her husband, who has ieeu appointed i nueu States naval viator, with headquarters at AnticIOIIS. She is Mrs. A. E. Taugreu. niece if Mrs. W. P. Ogdcn. No. 1908 East 4th avenuo, who in 1908 married L. E. Tangren, then a paval otllcer iit one of the vofioohi?malting the, rip around the world. The "navy tride" met her husband at a ball at Jcean Pari;. San Francisco, which vas given iii honor of the visiting" Icet. When the. tloet left San Francisco t correspondence between Mrs. Tan*rcn. who was Miss Pearl LeFevre, ind her sailor sweetheart was kept ip. Two years after the couple me* hey wero married in Santiago har?or aboard the U. 8. 3. Virginia. While the sailors watched the :ercmony from the rigging, it was >erformed b^. the qhip'a chaplain bedre an altar ftnprovised of an imnenso coiled hawser with an American flag thrown over it. The ma ine banc*, played the wedding m^rch. Since the marriage the bride has ioen ner nuBoano omy vwww, m m eft Santiago three days after the seremony waa performed. *** The bride formerly lived la Denver and was a student at the Unlverrity of Denver. She is on the way to knnapolls. from her home lfi Santr lionica Bay, Cal., where she h^s lived lince leaving Denver. An Illinois Veracity Centre. ;Wetaug Correspondence Anna Talk) This village was once noted for la great number of fires. It ta more tamed today for ita great number of lam rOUR CHANCE TO BBV fiWAW Hats at -1 off regular price. J. K Hojrt. ? Xi.j 1 1>| Jlv w i ? Make Ri vo Airesi ers Discover S Operation. 1 1 9 8. Arli. FREIGHT ? (.(IKS INTO KIVKK. ^ Train Wrecked at Nottoway H ridge in Virginia-?K ink I or tru l.omlrd CaVrT Smashed. Petersbttrp, Va.. July 8?A Crciph. StJ train on tho Seaboard Air Uuc railwrr;?Bui. tvurrhed at en trH?Imui ~zr, ye3torday morning at Xottowny river bridge, twenty m(len from Peleraturg, and sonio cfglit or ten loaded 0t ire:flit cars were thrown f.? i '-?i brldao Into the river, whileber or other cars which did no' the bridge were kadly wrecked. 1portion of the bridge was also brok- \v *h. What caused tho wreck cannot bo | r? ascertained. k The onlv% person said to have been i\iured was Edjvard Sainlsing. of ^ Raleigh, N. C. Ho was riding in an K,! empty freight car and had his leg Dr broken. The Injured man was brought to this city and taken to Pc- . Ursburg hospital for treatment b% Dr. H. A. Burke. ' Today trains on this road have ^ll bemi running only as far uh Mr Ken- T1 ney, but it is expected to have the by track open for through travel some lime tonight. sa IUKISKVKLT CiOKH Tt> ARIZONA. ce oj ? New York, July 8.?Theodore ^ Roosevelt. accompanied by his sons. [Pr Quentin and Archie, left New York UI1 yesterday for the West on a trip lil which will last sJx.or eight weeks. lo He will spend most of his time in and oroiuid the Grand Conyou of the Col- Pi orado in Arizona, where the two young men will make horseback ex- <* turslomf fiTTEosurrou ndlng country 111 i .Mr. Hobo volt plans to leave on his b: |South American journey ubout two weeks after his return from the (West. M. B. Wilkinson of Aurora is in a' the city todsy jin Condition of E Are Re] WIl.MAll VOTES.. bp Rev. A. J. Holton held services ct Williams school house Saturday night. His good 'sermon was enjoyed ! by a large and actentlvc audience. v ~ We ?Hiniced Tncotr "rir'i'iluiLies ot?Newport News. Va. (Old Soldier's c Home) through Hie car windows this ^ af:ernoon (Alcnday) Wo think ho ei is en route to Camp Glenn, near *? Morehead City, to attend some of the b niilliary uiancuvrcs there. ( F FSnmorw wr??-getHn frhMpyHwnsiwg 44 tobacco now. Tobacco and com crops nre fine in this section. ii A sunset thunder storm \l*itcd this h section Sunday, accompanied by rain, c wind and hail. Crops were not scri- tl iv.tsiy damaged. t! J. C. Cayton has just returned from s a visit to his home near Aurora. He h reports a very pleasant stay. c H. B. Lawrence and family entertained Mrs. Hnncy Wiley and Miss ii Louise Gaskins of Asklns. N. C.. ?un- t\ day. ^ ? Misses Se.na*Barr of Rath and Es- t slo Barr -of- Chocowinily, accompanied by Messrs. J. H. Barr and Waller \i Taylor, made a Bhort visit to our vll- g Isge last Thursday. n Jake Lancaster and Hehcr NVil- d Hams took an excursion spin" to t Morehead and Beteafort Sunday. They t: report a good time. h Say, Haw Branch! Come out of * your hole and let us hear from you tl araic. ? Hey there, Jnkeville! Your, place among the itemize has been vacant for good while, t?et us have some more of your wit and humorous saying*. t Good withes to the editor and all e thejtomlgfra. f. : * ^ ' ^ ' n m Daniel Dee Simmons, .who han been' J. U1 with malarial fever for aevettfl fj weehs. la convalescent. '' V v' ? VnfF.ND om UQ^HAU TWThi- i day and save money. J. K.Hofyt. * Androscoggin Bleach ng. le yard , JM ss^lB Madfl ;till While inl Vm. and Branch | Barr Arrested. II ni;K?vfrctl n w'oodj. Near rxl fl of Cliurowiiiltjr ("took V. t. '.|,l.'irs til III.I.H UKHIKTm^M H* r?| M:iv. Important ami Mont .Sur?~*^H lt.Ud? Mailt* in TMn Sortie ti. ^ * *' .'? .irshnls Blssett and iy t'ollcetor-r l-'arran and-j^l oo? ?I a still this morning.iflU | unci it !n operation and made ttftSH rests. Tin* still was located near'^H I e ht2*i of Cliocowinlty Creek. . Th^^H n arrested were William and anvil Bnrr. T'.ip levenui officers left here at out half past three this morningf^H i automobile. They fount! the ctlll^H it no on-** was near it at the time.(3H | to men ronroaled themselves near-^^B and lay in wait for the operators .the still. After a long wait, theyjB I w two men approaching. The ofll- * I rs waited until they had started orations at the still and then left 9 e:r place of concealment, The sur^jM Ssed law breakers offered no realat^jB I ice and submitted peacefully to "fl eir fate. They were brought backjfl town in the custody of Mr. Potter.-* The still was smashed and *1bo9 ought buck to Washington., Soopij^H )0 . gallons of beer.were found and B I ?stroyed. This is one of the modjp^H Yp?rlnnT~anrt VucoesaTtil raids r the ^'ccrs. ? Always Hunting Trouble. t i u|fvnu i upllBI.) "j V.'hcn an elderly man isn't looking^9 . the thermometer he Is busy devis- 9 ig some plan to spite his relatives. lanlcs ported Sound* IfRBmn IUVKTAIIATRE iia&9 NO SK.XIFICANCR?COUNTRY' 11 IN SHARK. ? Wnshington, July 7.?^eeretarjraH IcAdoo, In a statement tonight. de?..^| area 'bat the general banking eon-9 I ition in Pittsburg, as well as liKth#jB tire country. was strong and ^ound-\H a J that he expected no further troch^H le as a result of the failure of 'lu.Vcr.rg First-Sec ond Nat icnal^H "The failure of the Pittsburg bank-" jh i simply a sporadic case of unsonnd^l | anklng and has no other I uiice." the secretary said. He addedfli pa* ;b" r??c? iverehlp oft'^ltTlnrtim^J Son removed u long standing "sor*.^B pot" in the Pittsburg Situational saving the general conditional that^J Sty sound. I | The secretary will make a *weep>flW r?g Investigation of the cause of the *| allure of the big bank and probablya^f pi! call upon the Department of Jntfrij^H lee to assist. It developed tonight that one fact 9 | hich drew the'critical attention and'i9| usplcion of the Treasury IK-part-l tent to the hank's condition was a.1 iscrepancy of nearly $2,000,000 be* I ween the sworn report to the com|M^H roller of the currency .as to the ank's condition on J?ne 4th and I rhat should have been atrue copy of - bis report published by the bank fat jfl | be newspapers of Pittsburg. I Jolly Old Haaal*. (Loudon Punch.) Th.- Daily Mail beaded its pUr?l 9 raph describing Sir J. "Forbte-Rob- S rtson'a farewell "Our Only HaaMjll ?y\ and wound bp with the state. J| I Mht, "The audience sang, | jfyrfeood fellow.' '* We beHevrtbatl blR Is Vhe Aral time the melancfcolj^fl lanfe Haa boan so dwrlM. ARB VOUR VOTK>T~CXHm3^^H ths Bony Marine oar (tost Brains Thursday. J. K. Hoyt. | ? ?, ??~ I