flBttfoiSSSf' ? ' v.-J- ,' .'- i i ' " > . '*P ' ' ' , .' -? nillUluI AHtttoItll y POOR MORE FOL'fiD QOlLTl' OP ALLOWING CATTLE TO ROAM AT LA ROB THROUGH STREETS OF CITT. 1, The police are continuing their p good work-in forcing the reaidents tl ' . of Nlcholfonvllle to keep their cattle ofT the streets. This morning four ?JB Mflhi rttfs were hrnnght np In the ^ Recorder's Coiirt. They were all B found guilty of permitting their cattie to roam at large. Judgment wa* D ? upon their phylng coats of k ' * * .i ?i ' ' i 1 ? Charles Moore and William Knight ,, L_ _ . *->" were charged witp Jpeedlng _Tbey m, were Aned two dollarti and costs. 3 ' w THE DUE OF THE MINISTER. C) pUs ' - a day when tho man Is fumihg a and foaming about the butcher's bill a and the woman is sighing and weep|ng at the. rising cost of everything b that comes from the. grocery, what is v _ . ;< the lot of the preacher? ri It is useless to pretend that wages fi and salaries have Increased at a rate ^ comparable with the cost of living, but It ie true that they haye Increased v in a measure. One can not build a (j be use so cheaply now as formerly, or ft a fence for that matter, and the g plumber, the gasAtter and the book- l4 keeper are earning more than they e did ten years ago?else they would f not be alive to speak for themselves, jj Has the salary of the minister of the ---7- O?pel keptpsoe? What Is the public's attitude toteWi* 7- ward the minister anyway? It ia quietly taken for granted that be cause ms cauing permits aim to tafce no thought wherewith he shall be 1 clothed, his congregatlan. too. rosy ? ;* TMrttedTW tlwrtgbtf "Is\!&Va sT- * lent assent to- the proposition that a \ minister in a seedy coat and having / a family who advertise by their ap- r~ pearanen that they soarely have the comforts of life is more "sptrltasUy c minded" thsn one who Is so well paid that he may devote his whole P time and all his sympathy to the * wants cf his people? Do those who * believe that the efficiency of a sales- p man or doctor ia promoted by giving h him enough to Bupport himself and r tats family decently and without being tnceesantly harassed by the "wolf at a ?r*- ' -77 : his door" think" that the" way* to "keep 1 the minister in the proper mental <3 are signs,, antk they are many, that c the Average man thinks that the splr-. v r_ itual laborer is worthy of bat small r hire and the one thing that he is c given without grudging ia a summer f ? vacation. e One hears complaints sometimes It that "8o-and-8o" ia not an eloquent t preacher and that his sermons fa- v tigue the listeners. What do the t people expect?. We suppose that the t : - p. , . .... average salary of clergyman In this c State is not more than a thousand "V" dottars a year.?Hundreds of the 1 derrv are man of Aduratinn Thov 11 are not all gifted orators, but It It a a rare man among \beip who does a not -eheerfally perform all manner n of serrlce In his community, often 1 of a kind that draws terrifically on t the. Tital and nervous forces, arid de- a User two or three pretty fair die- o courses each week, betides. They are ? nearly all diligent men, they are al- t sk on "no duty" and we think It 1 would be safe to say that ninety per n cent, of them could earn twice' as f mnch money a year In any other pro- a jt ' I fesalon or In a trade as they *&am i Id their great service. It Is an ex- I< ' ceptlonal man of fair education In tl these tlmee. If he have good men- a a era and good habits, who can not a and does not aarn twice as mnch ae s the minister, and It la the fxeehtlon- r el minister who does not nil that a IK;'*.- . ' description. C Oas may flnd In North Carolina many a minister, with a wife and ? family of children and perhaps a dependahls parent or elater, who la compelled to "keep np an appear- G ante," who Is striving to educate his t children, upon whom cells for little | charities are constant, to whom dfty tl ijr ; , 7 femlHan look to'for help tn the time b ' of their sorrow, who Is receiving ?76 b v' a month and not uneemmoaly that 1 sum la paid long after It k due . ei We lay It down as a self-evident 0 'ruth that If the minister Is worth t? mk-w" - [r^..,. ... '^LlM . "Ml*- ?>, ' fl P .^^5-v ^H> - . j A* JH. JL J _ 5. "-^i . '; )/ ?ri 1 ' ' === ''1 #TT 4 Piyi^fni/>ti L //Hi> IUU//1 o/14 HELTON KTARTRD GAME FOR W ASH ING TON, BET WAS DISPLACED BY TAYl.OE IN THE THIRD INNING. That ball gamo yesterday was a ilapaluosa. k lt was the most exe.tig gamo thtt has been played or. leciing PaMHp.it iolc time and one fat 'Wis eujSSSfd to the limit by thy as who VetfTjfreeelit. Yes air. that was SOME ball Came, he- two teams, between them, made EH hits, li errors and if runs. pheltOB started iu tho box for 4he els, but was displaced in third by ivo Tayloe, who pitched for the lanceof the gamp. --Dave pitched ?wuoun uau uuu aiuioiiKii nc wan It' freely, his team 'mates came gured heavily In the scoring. Coell was (h? hitilng demon of the lolls? dot of Ore times at bat. he rabbed one single, a three-bagger nd a home run. Tayice was right longeldc of him with u two-bagger ad two singles to his credit That ome ran of eowelfrwas somethitir: orth seeing.* The big hoy was sanding third before the centre elder even got his hands on tho ball, jsd Co well ib no sprinter at that. Wallace led in the hitting for the Isltors. securing four hits out of Ave mes at bat Pitcher Drown played n excellent game of ball. What that uy doesn't know about the game rn't worth knowing. Ho pulled off a onplo of dandy fielding stunts. So you see. the fans are feeling u ttle more cheerful this morning nd are confidently looking forward ortlng well. If the duties he is aakd to do are not meaningless, they re indispensable and of an imporuice surpassing all others. By the atare of his calling the minister is payed from being ? money seeker, f? one expects htm to accumulate a ortuue. When he takes up hi* min uilding tip a handsome bank acount. The minister ought not.to be deendent upon generosity. "The coaributor has no right to a sense of elf-esteem when be pays' hiB just art of the clerical salary; arther, e has no right to a sense of self-1 espect when he neglects to pay it. 1 The obligation of the indifferent nd the careless is scarcely less than hat of the church-goec. The well-tolo citizen, unless he is a bold and lut-apuhen uppu^i1 uf religion. ex>ects the minister to be on hand lien death visits bis family. It la a are man indeed who does not tacitly lalm the right to* "Christian burial" or himself and his loved ones?it ii > rare man indeed who does not notnowledge that the ipinistls essential o the life of the community and who rould not treble bis church contrfbulons if to do so were necessary for he retention of the miaie^r and the hurcb. Shall the minister and bis family o neflooted for nao~ better nrnmpn han tbat they do not openly stand it the gate demanding more? When ;e are faced with the facts th*t aany of them, most of them, are nogacted; that on the basis of jntellilenoe, industry and efficiency" !r?y re underpaid by comparison with there (not even excepting the school eacher), the failure of the public J remember that they, too, are afscfbd by the rising' cost of Uvhae oan ot bo excused. Thoy are long suffering, these ministers of God who re Q\er at (h$ beak and call pf their Tolce-j saa in their own behalf, and that Is be more reason that every good cltien should take thought of them and ee that at least they receive such npport that their work shall not he jetarded by.the pressure of concern bout their daily bread.?The State,j Columbia, g. C. 2?O,000 Mfe GBfTYSRURG tX)L[ .v* LRGK. S'. r York, Pa., July 10.?President IranvlUe and.his assistants at Getpsburg College have completed the ?3tt,m *uaff foe. the collage. The tee expired today. .?*PfT J be raised by today la order to obsin $1,0.000 promised by Jdho D. toekefeller. wfcloh win be iM-bn on ondlUon that tbe colleite raise $160,?? and la addition cancel tta debt . K. HOVT'R bio HAIjE HOW OW. by Score To 10 < 1 o toe Beit C*me. In tha hope that Washington will continue h W, Cutler. 2b S 12 Davenport, c. . l Wallace, e*. . 5 4 0 , Haaaoll. If S l 2 Clarke, cf 4 ? l K em lei. lb 5?I?P~ Mldgette. rf 5 1 0 ? ',s TVifi. ? . 1 o L if. ? | " -V -j Washington. A.D. 11 K. Carrow, If. E, j o , Walletcc lli ^ ^ | | . Tayloe, 3b&p 5 3 1 { Gardener, ea 5 1 l Cowoll, ef 5 (i ! Weston, rf.' 4 2*1 , Pulford, rf. 1 o t c Moore. 2b. .. i.... . 4 0*2 j Potvle. c 4 2 t Shelton, pAftbr . . . rrrr-.-. -0~ 1? 2 Totals *.41 16 7 S ..203 101 300-r-^fO Washington . ..000 340 2fix?14 Strike oats, by Brown 7. by Shelton 1, by Tayloe 4. Stolen base*. Midyette, Wallace. Bases on ball* . off Shelton 1; off Tayloc 1. off Brown 1. Hits, off Shelton 6, off Tayloe '7, off Brown 16. Home run? Coweli. Throe-base hits. Hassell. Tayloe. Two-base hits. Wallace (2). Co well. Umpires. Warren and Wallace. MANY ATTEND SALES TODAY ' ? . STORES OF MS. ^ CLARK co., J. K. HOVT AND BOWKKS-LEWIH OO ARE CROWDED WITH EAGER SHOPPERS. Thin 1 * "Blt P" 4?? ft? k ton. Three of the largest stores in the city opened their doors this morn- ' ing and are ofterihg many and attractive bargains at greatly reduced figures. They are James E. Clark Co., J. K. Hoyt 'and Bowers-Lewis Co. A11 morning, these three store6 " were filled to the doors with large crowds of shoppers. r ?At James E.?Clark - Co.'a-a. prire, , I drawing was held at ten o'clock this , morning. Number 1062 won the five , dollars in gold, which was ottered as the prixe. i All three stores have put on addii preparations in order to enable to , handlo the largo crowds without any . trouble. PINETOWN NEWS. The condition of Robert' Wallace r Ij very ifrw-aVthlFtlbio"and unless ' there be a charge soon the end is : expected at any time. - We axe having very fine weather ,at present and farmers are most through billing their crops. S. P. Harris went to Richmoc?|, Va., Tuesday to take a medical treatmen. He will be gone for about two 1 weeks. 1 | T.' A..BfOokS-j)!-Bath waaonnur I {streets Monday on bis new touring I ! car. I Pinetown's heavy sluggers was dof?.uled In. g game of ball with Roper on July 4 by a score o; 11 to 5. I Edgar T. Harris was a passenger . on Col. Rodman's private car to Plymonth yesterday. , The condition of Ben Boyd, who was bit on- the head with a baseball , sometime ago. Is no better at this writing. Changes are from better to . worse, but 'it Is to be hoped that he will soon be on the road to recovery \ Howard Boyd haa been tery sick j with poison, but is better now. Owing to the Illneea of Blder N. H. Harrison there any service at White Plains 8aturday and Bunday. , David Boyd, who has bSen on the sick list, is improving some. Mrs. Oeo. R. Boyd and Misses 3 Nancy Boyd and Joeama Boyd spent ? awhile Batudray evening st tbe Home ] of Matthew Waters. . * . ffipv" . .TTfi rONVPNTIAN Tin ii WTii I ii in UvlTfLilTtvYI "I jams' I ELECTED lEBTiNG TO BE DEIO M MOEJEM CITY I I1AMBKK OF COMME1UK ELECTS I MEN TO REPRESENT WASHI 1XGTOM AT GOOP ROAD* ASHCK1ATIOX MEETING. I The Convention of tho North Cairo| ina Good Koads Association uill 'bo I Ltienal I Uouin..- ? it the Atlantic Hotel. At ? meeting of the Washington Chamber cf Commerce, the follov.iug lelegates were elected to attond the meeting and represent Washington it the Convention: G. T. Leach, C. K. Flynn, John G. BrAgaw, Jr.. T. Harvey Myers, M. T. Archbull, Z. N. Loggett. J. K. Doughton, T. W. Phillips, Harry McMullnn and F. C. Kugler. lIllEEI DRAINAGE ELBE RUSHED WORK BEGINS SEP!. 1. VVOltK OF ASSEMBLING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT IK NOW 'tlOING ON. COMPANY WILL HAVE WORK RUSHED AND IT IS EXPECTED THAT IT WILL HE COMPLETED I1Y SEPT. 1, 1914. The work of assemblylng the machinery and equipment for the drainage of Mattarauakect Lake is going steadily cm ana It la repurted that active work in draining the lake will be_ commepcsd by September lat. The Company is confident that the work will be completed within one The Southern una Reclamation Company, which has the work in charge, states that everything will be done to have the drainage complete at the scheduled time. They expect to have no difficulty in doing this unJobn Tooley of Belhaven was in the city yesterday. BIO TEXAS ROAD CONGRESS. Corpus Chrlsti, Texas. July 10.? The Texas Good RoadB Association trhlch openod its annual meeting hero today has brought together outornot>i!e owners from all over the State. "The program for the congress is n charge cf such men as L. W. Page, :hief director in the office of public roftds, Washlngtnn. D. (tr, and some J >f his chief assistants. In addition .hero are nine of the most enthuslas:U> good roads speakers in the State, >esides three Illustrated lectures, rherq are also four highway englleers of National reputation, who 1 will assist with instructions given by : .he Highway School, whtch will also ' >e in session on the same days, bat U different hours. SVEEY LITTLE BIT HELPS, eo visit Washington's Greatest Coet Sale. Bowers-Lewis Go. Geo.. R. Bora oad Ruins W Bora ire Washington visitors today. Hello Aerei Qlad to hoar from rou last weak. Call again. ?W8 BfjlTS AT 10 I ICR CRJfT. l. a Hort. hmmhhk Jurors A For Aug\ By Comr Commissioners M 14 ta.Cnn1. 1 Certificate of Kjiecial Tu\ Election nruuw. Wo. the undersigned. registrar and judge* of the eToctlon ifoir special tax school district located iu ixrng Acre township. Beaufort County. North Carolina, having held tbe election in said special tax school district according to tbe provisions of section 41-16 of the Hovisel of 1905 of North Carolina on the 11th day of June, 1913, do make and certify to be correct. the' following statement: Number of votes registered .... 95. Number cast for special tax. ... 49 Number cast against special tax. 34 In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this 1Mb day of June. 1913. < Signed) F. L. MORRIS. Registrar. P. 8. WATERS. W- A. 11ESPASS. Judges of Election. It appearing from tbe above report that in the election referred to above, a majority of the qualified voters voted for special tax. It is ordered that-the-tar petitioned for. be levied at the next regular time for levying taxes, to-wit: 30 cents or. the 100 dollars valuation of property and 90 cents-on tbe poli, and that said taxes be collected by tbe sheriff as all other taxes, and to be I paid Intf. the br.nds of tlfe County Treasurer. Ordered that nil persons desiring to make complaint as to the "valuation of property on the tax'list for the year 1913, will appear before tfc< board on Mindsy, July 14tb. Ordered that 330 per month bo charged in excess of the regular rnn? nlng expenses of the convicts for the wear and tear of equipments, etc. . DANIELS TO SPEAK TOPAV. Secretary at the Navy Leave* For Erie. Pa, to Perry < en' tewfrjal. Washington, D. C.. July 10.?Secretary Joeephus Dantels lett last night for-Brie. Pa., where tomorrow he will take par: in the celebration Lakes, He will return Friday rjcmiag and leaves Saturday night with *?rs. Daniels for Seattle. The Secretary will be away or. tr. inspection of the Pacific coast naval stations until Aaguat ?. - cutis* food They Thri\o ? . Healthy babies don't cry utd the I wellrnouriobcd baby that ;s ltd on lOrape-Nuts is never a crying babv. I Ua~? JJU11J uauiWi Ullb launo; take any other food relish the perfect fcod, Irape-Nuts, and get "well. "My baby was given up by three loctors who said that tbe condensed nllk on which I had fed her hud ruined the child's stomach. One of the : doctors told me that the only thing to do would be to try Grape-Nuts, so 1 a^d ftrcpared It as toltottf I so a Red 1 -1-2 tr.blcspoonfuls i none pint of cold water for half an hour, then 1 strained off the liquid land mixed 12 teaspoonfuls of this ' trained Grape-Nuts juice with pix easpoonfuls of rich milk, put In a pinch of salt and a little sugar, warmed it and gave it to baby every wo hours. "In this simple, easy way I saved baby's life and have built her up to a strong, healthy child, rosy and aughing. The food must certainly b? perfect to have such a wonderful effect as this. I can truthfully say I think it 1b tbe best food in the world to raise delicate babies on and is also a delicious healthful food for grown-nps si we have discovered la our family.? Grape-Nuts Is equally valuable to the strong, healthy man or woman. It stands for the true theory of health. "There's a reason," end It is explained }n the little book, 'The Road to WeUville," In pkgs. Ever read tfee above letter? Anew ose appears traa time to time. They \f w I II iiih i iiiiiB BEAUFIRT CQUNIY HASjj 611 MEMBERS HIA1UTABLK HKOTMKHHOiH) ***/] HOCIATIOX MEMKT XE.tT MBBM IXQ PUCK OF CRAXD U?l>o4t S| Tho CTrand I^xlgo of the Bretkerhood met yvsterdajr cveali^fH in cloclng feesulon. Tbe meeting wu fl an Interesting one and bcvernl good fl changes were made in the by-tawa of }H iLaauM. wade ?n tba the A^.ucciation and. otrer routlnn <1 business wa; discussed. It tfM cided to hold next year's Grand Lodgo^J meeting at Plymouth.?-r.rrr:*^ There ore 611 members to the o*w'vl gr.nizatior. from this county. m.us nium rr.\(.o. ' m We have, been having a fo.w days jB of cool weather recently. The rain, .,"1 wind and hail on Sunday afternoon did considerable damage to tome of .1 our crept?corn especially. Other 'iB crop.: arc looking fine. Allien Carter and Joe Rose made^H a flying trip to Norfolk last week to"* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paul were vl?r jM 5tl::g their many friends and rclatienll^l in llyde County Saturday and SunJ?9 J. \V. Paul Jr.. travelling sales- <1 man for F. G. Paul & Bros, of Washing'.on, passed through here Tuee- J day and spent Tuesday night with hi* fl pa rente. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paul. j L. C. Paul, who has for some time *1 been located in Roanoke, Va., la home ' now on a few days' vacation, vialtlng. ?B his many friends and relatives at thii^B Mrs. F. F. Allen died very "uddOMH !y at her .home Thur extend our deepest sympathy to thejH grief-stricken family. Robert Drugan of Rocky MoutK^Hl v- a-- a business visitor In Washing-^! ton yesterday afternoon. R. B. Morris and eon, Geralds Elizabeth City. spent yesterday In tMrjH city with fronds. I Little || I Journeys |1 fs rtr? riii'.e or yeaF^H | when Ti jnrly everyone is plan- |1 I niai. some kind of trip. Usual- M 7 the longer the trip the pleas- |BB ar.ter the ant.clpatlon of It Is. fl Bjt* there are certain kinds 119 of journeys that are not classed s-h ">.^apu;o *rt,ps". wlitn the |Ls weather 'r her. Theso Journeya ?n I are the zecitssafy shopping ex- H I cursicne. ISO '.vesen were ^vdrheartF^jfl talking In the shopping district Ifl early enc morning of this past week. One of them said, "i I wish I could have stayed at II | home today. I have a list of H I ten things to take me until closing time to get them all." "1 have a list of fourteen articles," the other replied, H I I "but I expect to be home by n^H j ;nooc."-*~ | "How can you ever manage H .t?" said the first. I Earily enough. I looked R over the newspapers tfnd by. || -1 I goinp. through the adv4rtlee- -*^H I ments carefully I was able to plan a regular route for my W. -S trip. I know Just what ahope Q Iain going to end what 1 shell 1 buy In each one." Thia wine woman by her In- JH telligent forethought made her shopping trip a pleasant "lit tie Journey.** No one can I ford not to follow her exam- II pie in resdiot thoroughly the II pdvertleementa tn the gent newrrpapero when ae omPh 1] time and' nerre-rag ckn hie H 1 f inbred by delttg eo. M1U4MBKY 1-a OFF DDKHWW tu? 'J. K. Hon. 1 ?'r-dB