YDS ' hoWh' to equip them au foil construction of batEpr-:-:. ' ^?1 - : MJOMHPH. K?3p Will DISCOS MATTER ' WITIGSNCRESS yashlc.mon. July 10.?Following a loot* conference with the division IflttdK and commandaqta oC tho .Att ' Untie coeat yords Mr. DaDiela announced that he will urge Congress to build a plant at every active yard BZs? ' . .jj" * lor. the conatrntUcnof battleahins. y. Secretary Daniels* plan is as folv lows: . .<- ' . , . * "Perhnps the most important mat'* tar taken up at the conference between the nary yard commandants end myself was the proposed plan of extra din (the usefulness of our navy yards by eqnfplng them to baild c nffval vessels of all types. *'1 do not menu by this that we had' in mind the possibility of tile government making all its own naval V-jsafclo. >We sb?H continue to let' came c-f them out to private concerns.] hut It ! my Idea that oar yards ] chouid be so arranged that each one | of them could bultd a vessel of some type- ? "For instance, the b\& yards like "*T-r* Brooklyn.- Norfolk. Boston and Marc Island would be building the battlewj - ? Mhips. The smaller yards would bt able to build destroyers, or gunboats, or collJors. or tenders. Kach ?fc~T-V;w -r-biie-of- them should bo a plant cap 398r-? ? ' ' - able of doing some class of eoostrucSjp \L : -; ? -T- Ji. ... _i^o tj?ls epd I shall ask Congress for as appropriation to so equip our navy yards. I will not ask for money nt this time for the erection of buildings or the purchase of more land or even the building of more docks. 1 shall ask for money to -build conrttuctlon plants instead of enlarging repair plants. ' 1 j VI f our yards were so arranged that we could build our Bhips, wc would thereby guarantee competition ! la 'the construction by private plant* of such vessels. ' Otherwise, I am J afraid there will be no such oompc* tifloc. * Wd will have a situation very much resembling that in tne construction of armor plate. "And If the government should go into die business of sbip building on a larger scale than at present I ehould expect each of the yards to : compete With each otfaerr?1 abould. for instance, expect Brooklyn to compete with Norfolk In the construction of our bigger vessels, and compete in efficiency, in time and In cost." The Secretary was enthusiastic over the idea of enlarging tho naval Ml shims urn ! hi ii inn ii details of his plans beforo making h!s recommendations to Congresa. r ALABAMA LAWYERS IK SESSION. Mobile. Ala.. July 11.?The thirtysixth ^^annual meeting of the Alabama State Bar Association began here today. A discussion of law reforms and election of officers constitute the main business. JULY 11 IN HISTORY. > e ; igjg Bias brook taken by the Brit. lab. 1863?Earthquake destroyed the city of Teheran, the capital of Persia, with a population of 60,000. 1864?-New planet discovered by the astornomer Hind, from the observatory at Regent's Park. Londbn. 1864?Confederate forces took possession of telegraph lines at f Magnolia. Md., and temporarily shut off communication . with Washington. 1882?BatUe of Alexandria, during Arabl'e rebellion. . . Uti-JlrnvM suit : y Hendricks nominated for the presidency and vice-presidency glffffl- ; hy the Democrats. 1904?Porfltio Dlaa elected president of Mexico. 1912?Protect t of Great Britain a?ala?t the toll provision Of the Panama .Canal hill was presented to the Senate . . V ! llrooklyn. N. T.. Juljr llPr I States where the movement has Chin- [ ' -I the strongest fccLhoW arc here] oday purtlclpeUBS In the celebration of the flrat tunivorca.-y of the forma-1 tlon of the party. Many prominent J mon and women wilt tell abent the work that has been accomplished by the Progressives in different States. Among the speakers listed are Col. ReeMYolt and Misa Jane Addacis. v:/AtlTQIOBILISTS IKE 835 BILES tmm REV. L. B. BRlIXHfttil AND !>li. ? T. NICHOLSON. JIt., AlUtwED ttftaHtv-VKSTKRDAV KROM osowiii. MEET WlIHJIfl ACCIDENT IMSSEl* TBBOVGH SPARTANIUK<;, JILULTNCITOX AND H OSGOOD. Rev.Luther B. Bridgers anil Dr. J. T. Nicholson, Jr. of Bath yesterday completed a "635 automobile trip, which took htmo about three dpys. They loft Gainesville, Ga.. at 9:30 a. m. Monday. July 7th. They arrived at Spartanburg, S/ C., 103 miles distant, at 8 o'clock in the evening the same day. They spent the night in Spartanburg and left there at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. They reached Burlington, N. C., 213 miles from Spartanburg at 11:80 p. m. Leaving Burlington the following morning, they arrived at Hopgood at"8^ 30 p. m.r covering 185 miles in the day'B run. "Thay ieft Hobgood yesterday morning and arrived at Washington at 11 a. m. This run was of about 55 miles. They arivod safely at Bath at 18:38 p. id. yesterday. They had practically no (rouble with their machlue and made the trip without accident of any sort. IS APPOINTED COLLECTOR" J. F. M.VW APPOINTED DKI.IN^IKX'T TAN COLUtCTOB 1? HOARD OP ALDERMEN. J. F. Flynn has been appointed do- , lllnquent tax collector by the Board ] [of Aldermen. Mr. Flynn started'on ; | ****? thi?i tyrolt nnrt (n making A I fair headway in collecting overdue , I taxes for the years of 1911 and 1912. MUST REMAIN IN SANITARIUM, i I Ashevllle, N. C., July 1-0.?Henry 'ClhJ1 lTIfSl tiJU nHl!t!Hll!!l(lualm ul 1 Pontine, Mich., who has figured as < the principal in habeas corpus pro- I ceedingq seeking release from a local 1 sanitarium for tho Insane, where he 1 was placed last week" on represents- 1 tations made by hie wife, most re- i main at the institution indefinitely. < according to an order made by Judge \ Frank Carter in the Superior Court 1 today. This means that Mr. Ward wll| \ not go back to clMhigan on July 12 t as was planned. i s . ? : t NEGROES SHOULD BUT LAND IS I COMMUNITIES TO THEM- " SELVES. t 1 Present Conditions, It I* Declared, ^ "Giro the Negro a Flagrantly lln- a fair Advantage for Driving White <3 People Off the Farms and Taking 1 the Rural Sooth for Himself." ? Raleigh, N. C., July 11?Chairman t Claronce Poe announces ih*t the nrn- f gram committee of ' t^ie National ? Farmers' Union haa asked local anions at their next meetings to dfa- * cuaa the problem of segregating the races in the Sonth'a mral districts 7 as Is already the policy in the towns, b It is asserted that thousands of o white farmers are being driven"from v their homes by the growing number c of negro farmers around them and n the consequent lack of adequate white social life. The hope Is to de- * cetop a poblio^entlment which wUi require negroes to buy land in comraunities *0 themselves instead of I breaking up white communities by indlscrlmlnatoly sandwiching white ??? ? mil I HIT I vf I?in i uii ??# "republic of i WOMEN'S I Loudon. July 11?Thb Lord Mayor j baa mado preparation* ? rdcelve 20 delegate* representing the Americaa I women'* Republic, who have: Notified I him that they Will be In (bis oily July IS to 16. They arc coming. It la aaaoucred, jaa the representative* of Antcrica'b womanhood to present to.the women lof London ami Gr*.at nr.... far ft WftrM-TldQ ncrnnnfim Tpiih, . lie of women, whose membership BhnU embrace the best womanhood Df all nations. and wlioae mission shall be-fer* world-iridc pcacramorp all nations. Permanent peace wurt bo the accomplishment of voxtan, inasmuch ch rho bears the burdens of . war. Of tb!a embassy. Hrlva A. Loekv.ood, LL. I)., is "Dean." Holiness Camp Meeting. The flfth annual Hollneau camp meeting will open at Plney Grove camp ground near Chocowictty on nost Wednesday. July 1G. The meeting will continue for ten dayv, Kvcrybody cordially invited to attend f A. H: BUTLrB^r -President Camp Meeting. inilT ism UUttlL TK.i.Vl IjBFT FOIl TOWN TOB MOIIMW, IN KXDSAVOK TO m PLh'ATK LAST VICTORY. The Washington baseball team" left lor Plnotown today and will play the latter team at their home grounds. Manager Weston will probably put Tayloe in the box again tor Washington on account of the letter's good work in the last game which, was played here. and negro farmers together. In die- ' ousalng-the matter further. Mr. Poe said: "For the good of both races, the negroes should buy land and settle largely as possible in neighborhoods of their own. For example, Bftji negro famlHcaand fifty while families together fn a district can ' have only half us good schools for 1 e'ther race as they~c&tfWjllave if all 1 race; and with regard to churches. ' libraries, co-operative societies, so- 1 agencies of vital civilization the same 1 thing ia true. To have half the com- 5 munity composed of & separate race 1 cuts In half all the social power for * progress. "Tbo big fact we bhve to face is 1 communities in the South, the negro farmers are not only subjecting the shite farmers to more or leas disastrous economic competition by their ower standards of living, hut in nany sections tho growing number )f negroes is driving the white peo>le to the towns for social reasons. .Vhea the white population in a cotfincnlty becomes too small or'tooscatered, when the white farmer's wife E md children find more negro neigh- ? >ors than white neighbors around g hem, a tremendous motive it given t or muvlqg away?and if the farmer _ coyes seme nogro wilf probably buy 1 lis land at a sacrifice because other t rhita farmers have the same feeling b ind do not care to buy land 1n a pre- 0 lomlnantly negro community. Siwh a 5 the negro's flagrantly unfair adontage for driving white people off he farms and taking the rural South a or himself. Public sentiment must d ind us a remedy." "IVK MEN KIIiLED IN A ( AVB-IX f( Newark, July ll.~Five workmen b rero killed and several others wecr a sdly wounded today in tie center 91 f the business section of Newark a rhen the earth walla of a deep ex- a atlon caved in, bnrylng the men be- ^ eath dirt, timber and stone. y, ' b n?X'S IjOW SHOES AT A BIU ? saving at J. K. Hoyt's. a ADIE8' MISSES' ANI> CHILDREN'S * low shoes at almost one-half price ^ at J. K.-Hoyt's. w IX, WM u 4 ONE DArA*TltRNOOK.Jin,TJJ. t?l? SATMEK: Locai ttWHU Toalfbt ?j KUSLER WRIT 10111011$ III ?T~? - - - Explains Conditio1 Tells Plans to R Also Writes Regarding L Keeping Stret To the Editor ?t the Washington Daily New?. "r?r 31r i noticed in your nr.per of July 1.0 your editorial oil tiic conditloa.ol tut city Ja?. 7 b jJLlWl pleased that you rave made Eome comcat upon the condition of \ tho colly under the- city, building r.f it civea aie a privilege to mate this explanation. i However. I wcuid say in the tfeginning that the coll in which yon have reference is in tho back part of tho building und ha-; not been used | a3 a coll. to incarcerate anyone in for I years, ao I; have been Uuornied. i 1 thoroughly agree with thai | the quarters for prisoners are not o' the best and am satisfied could be jtnpropod upon without r.aking m I beds'of ea?e. For your Information and the in-1 formation or tho public generally i ; would like to ray that for some time , we have had under consideration Xhr i construction of an annex on the back | of the City Hall to he made of brick j (being in the fire district) for the! mhra adequate quarters for the many different departments of the city. If yon or an yof the citizens of the city will take a few minutes of 70ur spare time to Investigate tho comlifts IW oi tfie <"-'7 Hu'.l you will easily be convinced of Uiej necessity of having this work done, j In fact, I an satisfied that if it were j r>tnpr property than that belonging to thn my tnry t. i)VIIII ii I ill it nr demned as daxigeroua and hazardous. Plans and tpeclfications have beer, drawn for this anm:. end bids have been asked for tame and we are pushing it along as rapidly as possible. However. I wish lo say in behalf cf the board, and in behalf of ail our citizens that. wJah public improvements. especially .. rc they are necessary, that it is quite an uphill proposition to the bocrd where the revenues are barely enough to keep up the absolute expenditures. This as you will easily see wlil ne:osBltate the bar.-ov.:ng cf in 3o this work end will throw us in ilebt to this extent, but we believe 't will be necessary to do something vlth the eld deispiduted building that now stands there, besidea giving u? i place to put many of the different Implement.-? that belong to the city that are now -standing in the Fun and rain causing a great many of them to go to ruin. While I arn writing this I wish to ilso state to the citizens through 70U POPULAR TAI THE RIGHT OF By Walter K. Towers, A. B., John Rice fell into a dispute with ,oren Devlin which rose to a point theraJticfijutfiheil-uaca Devlin and i truck at hiin, though he failed to ouch bins. Thus aeBaulted Devlin , [>ok Tlg-orou* nation and proceeded"^ pound Rice intd a state of insensi- j Uity. The public prosecutor pro-) eeded against Devlin in a criminal) Ctlou for assault and battery, and , ft was found .guilty and fined. Rice , l8o sued Devlin in a civil action for j ssault and battery and-? recovered amages. Devlin claimed that he , ad acted only in aelf defense. While there is a right of aelf de- , snee recognized by -law it is not \ road enough to coVer an action such j s Devlin'*. Ore whose person is as- j mited may defend himself; but in < ^fending himself be may not use \ lore force than is reasonably noces- . try anV the circumstances. If , ou are assaulted you may strike ack, hut you may not strike back , lore vigorously than is necessary to cfcud your person from the threat- $ aed attack. In tibia, .case 4 as lu .tlficd in resisting Rice. Rice t d Friday. es mi the ctty _? *-xnr - -r i of City Jail and emedy Situation >ra>rtage in The Chy Ami '.ts in Repair. that t.-q are making c ^yj^ort to havo the streets of theV-o" put in the heir pnt-sihV CflBiltlan glUl lly* moans wo huvo at hand. \ve nave uecn aeiayeu somewhat in scraping the streets cn account of twins tumble to?prwrnre the -proper team. For somo woeUs post wo have endeavored to get teams to do till*. It taking fdur horses or mnlM to handle the scraper. Owing to the rec-opt jheavy rains wc have been compelled jto delay the street scraping until Mr. Hodges could get the grass out cf his crops as we had agreed with hint to |get teami. Again, we have been delayed cn the general cleaning up of the sired* on account of JfcfiSfi h<-avy raJuo as many cf tijo sewers were 1 stopped and our street force was compelled to attend to these, i 7Eii~~ag5Th brings up the matter of Idrainage of the town ditch and genleral drainrge of Ike tctvt. t The dr&'.nag? matter is a serious one to Washington, and no doubt leas been a serious matter for many: I yews, much longer than the writer' jean remember. We have men in this ditch ut trc :present time, doing all they con to' clean L out as much as possible.1 iTfcere is such little natural elevation | jor fail to it that It is Impossible to ,-ho vtry this way. With ' such rains as wo had a week or so; ago it is impossible to get the wa-> ter off.'Tbis fact all the citizen? know 1 that have had any experience along | this line. -It ia the opinion cf the ^writer it will be quite expensive to -?.ir. uic ivn? i,.VJC.'V Uia.ire\trl*? would is the end be worth thousand of dollars to the-city as well as Increase the healthful conditions far beyond any ceet that might be at-1 taehed to baying-the city properly drained. As one..oi._OMr_ prominent citizens stated ' Tie old lei"nv that layed out tie town put it la the wrong piece." hence it i3 more espensive to us to ha-e these beo-fhlu". conditions than those living ia a more natural drainage-district. But we never torgrn j iL.t Wafiiiurton e hat '.i; ajvectogen and wita there advantages I am sut'sfied that our people v;lil continue to bo wide av/ahe to have what we tT just 3y entitled to. To do this It tskes some ?acrifie? ar.d itpt l^aud coept-ratioa or ail our peoplf. "Ijet*-: keep moving forward for better things and more healthful surroundings. Very, truly youro, FRANK C. KJGL5R. Mayor. JCS ON LAW SELF DEFENSE J. D., of the Michigan Bar. i aot juatlfled In continuing further, fn doing so he became the assailant, and his further action was a new asU..T> Ami H.?f.rW f 1.1.1. - M liable both in a civil suit for dam-!. and In a criminal action. The lew doer not require that the vipor ~ of tbn defense be absolutely adjusted o the vigor of the attack, since it recognizes that this is not always possiole of accurate determination. It is * equlred, however, that the defender lo not step beyond the bounds of eason in his acts of defense. As the New York Court has renarked : 1 "8elf defense Is a primary law of uttnre, and it Is an excuse for treaches of the peace, and even for lomielde itself. Bnt care must be aken that the resistance does not exseed the bounds of mere defense, pro- 1 rentlon, or recovery, so as to become t rlndicttve; for then the defender jj rould himself become the aggressor. I <3 The force used must not exceed the t tecosslty of the eaao." z To justify the use of force on the 1 (round that it was In self defense here must have been an actnal at- I iempt to offer bodily barm. Tho at(Continued on Page Three.) ' < 'W V ~"'-r ^ 'ft f \ , Jy.jr.fF i JP- W I ._- v ." .T:/?-^.- :.><~-i f' H/;r- iV"^ la I == 5 *r' *'' U>'-'V*'"* *1 ... Lit KXKKtt TAXES Dt'E. * The specific and license taxes levied | by the Boord of Aldermen were diM * In June end those who have not paid same will take notice that unless It ts * *<* at ones we wlll^e forced to col- I 1 lect as provided by law. GEO. N. HOWARD. Specific Licenso Tax Collector. ?-ll-10tc ill .ini i nnTHft? Cl hill mum -IHttfc i?i is; xowtskrantk am>intkntw ^ TO MAKft THAT iWXTftV HIS HOMK IN FI'ltKK. th ; 1 ifj iiavrc. Franco. July 11.?Jack the culcrctl pugilist. arrived here yesterday on board the t'orin- fQ thiun utid immediately oij landing Cl] announced his determine lion never ^ to return to the United States. He gr said he would In the future tnke up ru hia rooidenee In Par!;*. -''- ? ?? May Forfeit SSO.f.OO lloml. fj( Wnr.hlngtcn, July 11. Jack Johnson's announcement that lie weuld p nbver roturn to the United State# caused Department of Justice official? ej) iniW'diatcly to consider rieps to an brfcig about the forfeiture of Lis $"' - T. 000 personal bond pending in Chi- .. cugo for hie appearance in connection j with white siavo indictmcuts upon which he has not yet been tried. Judge Carpenter a few days ago declined to declare the bond forfeited until it yas clear that Johr.fton would not appear when wanted The Department of Justice..it is said, will probably seek official cv?nUrination of his announced purpose co: tc return, and present the matter again to Judge Carpenter. Government attorneys expressed no regret ever th'e negro's announcement. A few days ago officials cpfSr'dered?tho .advisability of .Asking Franco to deport him upon arrival. but It was decided to let the case take its usual course. Their view was that there could be no objection to his absence form the country, and if he should ever return the year's imprisonment sentence would always be enforceable, providing the Circuit ^l" Court of Appeals approved the vcr ,:1< diet. Jack Jobnscn may not And refuge '01 in France, in the opinion of the State Department ofiletn's. They ray that while prubabl; linn ' ? r.o pro vision in the extradition treaty with ?Franca under which his surrender *?t could be demanded, even without u formal appeal from rtiis government. C3' may depcrt Johnson, as like most Eu- tn' .ooeen countries. France ia under- 1>1< stood to have laws prohibiting the immigration of a person convicted of crime In his own country. fot wa I.VRIC THKATIIK T?)1)AV. i.ni ?BtMren?& Bowcn ocpnnl at thy ? Lyric last evening lor a three day's engagement, presenting eceentriet act singing; talking and dancing, The above mentioned artists proved a drawing" card" oir~Tlre evening'sprogram and handled their ant in one af the roost refined manner, which lotild be appreciated by an audience who enjoys a vaudeville act of a high legrec. Today's program at the Lyric of'er$ these artist in an entire change rom that given last o.vening, offerng new songs and jokes. The motion picture program thai _ ippeurs on the evening's bill also is mother feature that could be menioned. The motion pictures this ilace of amusement has been exhibit K are very credit?Die and ones tncx re very much enjoyed. The Lyric's main drawing card Is hat of the ventilating system thai nakes it cool and comfortable where ou can spend the evening in solid osafort. Here's Real Adventure. New York Expedition to a New "reasure Island. The Captain says bat tons of gold bars, bullion, gold late and plenty of diamonds are hid* ten there. He. himself, handled hem. This Is but one of the isny features of next Sunday's New rork World. Qet the big 24-page Icyazine and separate Pun Book. || loth given free. CLOTHING 1-4 OFF AT J. Ik K. Hoyt's. / dl , -,| I ft?'| ? W | I VKHM AND PI.ANTKKS KROSf ] I VARIOC4 PARTS Of COCK. I TKV TKHT1PV. 'fjU l '**1 MISSION INQUIRES I C051 OF PROOUCTIOR1 In: v 11 ? 4a e tobacco business by buyer 4 an tern from various sections c the: iuOtu- v^r-e -pedrCttted-tottex txf th?H : a the rning. ' 9 Flev. Askew was charged with a I- "j| vlng his horse to graze at large. J was found guilty. .7augment wa? M ppended upon payrr.cn: cf coats.' " " I A * i,-oi phiv ttibi?:jr.r.i the same charge. Similar sen-:?| ice was imposed. - dJH Alphonso was brouzrt before the 1 urt. charged with speeding hiB au- j mobile through thr. city. He jB faded auiltv and was lined. UVQ dola-jB s and costs of court. James Whitfield, colored. whflH :nd. guilty of beating 1:1* wife. He 9 j fined idxty dollars From this '9 appealed and was placed under a -9 >? hundred dollar jutti'.TU bond. "*^H| "Ad-Readers, |a Incorporated" 111 Vcu may all be stockholder* ttfl In the above corporation, rhare It Jfl its benefits, and enjoy its divldends. by complying with th*T following requirements: J ^ ? touml and reliable ocrrspntHH! 11^ iike The Daly News. II. Study the advertisements carefully and discuss them with |19| other members of your family. HI. Plan your yearly ex- U pendlture for the necessaries, BB pleasures and recreations of 1} thi^ life with strict ergard for Mi what your newspaper tells yon. tt hHI Dividends: At the end of B roar you will have received dividends and benefits worth fly^H many, many times the amount If of your investment. Membershlil: As long hh* one continues to be a faithfal M and conscientious "ad-reader/* jj following the above require- B nents, his membership shall ftX be unquestioned and he shall If be unquestioned and he shall enjoy, In increasing measure* tlaH tbo dividends guaranteed to the faithful. Ji ? ?* "- - ~ "* naSB