Professionals Defe Yesterday by TRIPLE PLAY IS A 1 nitib wan miac In Tom ikbf n mm . Aa he stepped, up to fth place, ? &T There was pride In Tom Lortjp's bearf Tiff . > ' And ft smile, on his bold face. ? And -a hen responding to Che cheers. __ -H^4l?bt4y doEed >? hat, No stranger in the crowd could doubt, 'twas Tom lx>a? at the bat. WHf'v&fr- .x And no stranger or anybody else. tor that matter, eould doubt that HRr^vJ there was SO MB ball game at Flenaiak Park yesterday aftemocn. The busineas men Walloped the atonal men to the lane or 13-d. but in spite of this soore, interest tn die contest never Legged. . " r ,'J! A large and appreciative crowd. ' ? - - eomposed of the ailto or WMhThftoti wte on hand end cheered vociferous j ly (good -word) for their favorites. Tos sir. taken from start to finish It was one of the best games -of tyll ever been in these parts. Ho!brook pitched far the business meh daring the entire game. Warren started for the prtfesSSonals but ] was replaced by bowthor la tk?! fourth. The latter, consider'r.g the | fact that he "had bad no warming up.: pitched mighty good bad. r? 'd Hit* and errors ww made plentifully by bulb sides. K-vgter lad- In tfcc hittta*. vhile Bell lead W Ore ?ror rolamn. ;-Jv 1 " K;;0 tyre isn't muck me Hi frybt* to describe tin ?wne;?fbero w too ," . #?** of It. .Beef* the Tio* *W; look. It .WOT tt?f WOTllf. Professionals. A.B. H. B. PO. A."E Davenport. 11*88 5 1112 2 Low thy r, 3b*p .*"1118 0 Carter, Sb 4 0 1 8 0 0 Cornell, e. I'l l-ia \0 2 Warren, pdL2b.. 4 10 14 2 Lodr, cf 2 6 1 0 0 1 Jones, cf. . . * .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 .Bpott, lb 0 0 H 1.0 0 Hodman. If .... 3 0 0 0 0 1 Stewart, se?lb. 4 1^21 1 ' orfta.t. n. ... 4 u ? -??o?t Harding, rf. .. 1 0 0.0 O o Bryan, rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kuchce. rf. ... 1 ? 0 0 0 0 Totala. -. . . .11 ? , ? 24 15 10 fetf* Men. A.B. H. R. PO. A. E. Fowlc. c S 2 1 13 0 0 Smith. lb 3 1 3 3 1 0 Kepler. lb. .. . 5 3 1 7. 2 0 Mayo. w? M 3 3 2 0 2 Knight. if. 3 0 0 0 0 3 x Bell, 3h. ..... 5 3 1 2 3 ' 5 A Paul, cf 4 l l o o o Calais, rf. . . . 2 1 1 0 0 0 Cradle, rf L . O?0 fl. Potts, rf 1 0 0 0* 0 0 R.L.Stewart, rf . 1 0 0 0 o 0 Hoi brook, p. . . 5 3 2 0 14 0 k,TMaTi. .. ,.S? IS IS ?1 SO ? Soors by lanlng.. R. Professionals . ..303 010 010? ?, pfi" Business Hsa ....031 411 Six?13 Btruck out, by ? Holbrook .11. by . Warren i. l>y Lowtfaar 8. 0<T greyYT" Hblbroofe 8, off "Wsrrra Trerff-laow , CRANBKfilUfiS ? EYAPOKATKD. pure, healthful sad appetising This product retains all the iiellctE&jsV* out,flavor and well known medicinal properties ot Fresh Cranberries. It practlcslly brings to the : consumer ; fresh cranberries throughout the year. In packages, 10 cents. J. B. Adams. Phone 97. 5 &, 7-10-*ff *. Washi iaJ % C, The: .?. _ Co/ors Opponents \ : { ^ a ;ated in Ball Game Score of 13-6 ; * 1 ? I PfcAlUKfc UK UAMEm th . &i rfhsr 8, Osao a? bslK-eff llelbf?h ^ 2. off Warren 2, of.' Low. her 1 Vl -IChrso hnw bin itayn (?) ffnsrls ?2 Two-baso hit, Davenport, Triple play, ^ all. Elbert Wentoii and S. R. Cleary. ot tbe (iamp. _ Maybe that soma triple ploy Sr. the sixth.!. .Lflns ou third. Rodman on second and Stewart up. I$tewart flew Bell. The latter touchetf third and threw ti> Smith. I Long and Rodman ar^ stftl -wonder- ^ log how It all happened. It's found ^ In Revised Laws. Page 284, flection C, \"Lowther. made a favorable Impreajslon on the Jans in preliminary prac- ^ .- rouj. He showed up good. ^ Mr. Grimes ravorroit around the ^ ^reen ttfce-?a- two-year-old 4am i> -pTheae old fottem* .never seam to got (fc stiffened up. ^ 1 Walter Cradle took a fn.ll on his _ way to first In fhc Qfth. It was somo J" "Brodie."' ' M i When John D. Calais clouted out 1 that single in the second inning, the' liens gave him.a great ovation. e |'v 1 guess the mayor hasn't lost his *3 NIUU ?8WIIB Id m good for a good many games like yestsr-' J* day1.. ADD BH8IKE68 MEM It was announced this morning that tbe Professionals will take an 74 appeal from the decision rendered yesterday, it Is claimed that Cleary is interested in Uio business men aim xanieanentlv -vas (mm' m -gtyildtor. .Thr Profssflor?* als agy that .Sam Oarrow nhouid jhave gone In oiul umpired, because 1 13am had money on .the game. The ^ Lease win be brought before Judge IZoph Pot is In the near future. P I The managers were In hard luck * ysfrtgy. "Bill" Knight, manager 1 lof the Business Men, got canned In >? Itha early part of the game. Man- ? lager Warren of the Professionals, a south-paw off great renown, was j knocked out of the box in tho fourth. j*' stanza. UPacren'a "spltter" wasn't up _* ItosntuC. ? ** r? "DIAMOND SL DIAMOND" AT ' ^ TUB LYRIC TOXKOIT. tl' Todipr opens the engagement of se Dr&noBfl' fc Dlsunupd, the society en- ^ tert&fnera In singing, talking and dancihg act ai tho Lyric Theatre. m These artist at the Lyric tonight 81 tarry with them a reputation of pi I pleasing the roost refined tasto and er presenting bne of the best comedy sc anm that k una- in the South , g? The motion picture program gl?o | today Is another feature that Is well worth mentioning end one that can be appreciated by, all lovers of good motion pictures. hi As a'whote the offering asi fho ui Lyric today l? an attraction that 1s al well worthy of your patronage .and "T tor good wholesome entertainment, a The admission prices will be 10 a?d "I 20 cents: th| ASSORTMENT OF FLOWER -Jpat-received. E. K. dVJUU, ~d ^Tfce Groeev. .< ttf-MJStc Lawrence * Nobles, p Theodore m; Nobles, William Nelson and Rasher- so ry Nelson were the guests of H. V. hi Warren Sunday-afternoon. .be ? ? ? SOME BIO DAY V . FRIDAY, JULY3.YTH. - ' ngton V tMK WILL ?K PL4TKD AT FLKMIXO PARK. ? mUtUa Will Br it* Strong UbM'k With Thfiu untl Apper to He Conttdent of Victory. x"'.on , will piny Voncoboro . Fleming Pnrfc tomorrow iftnr>on WMtlaivton will ftprfug sotm ing now In the way of o" pitcher td aro going to win tomorrow's coaai or.. illr In?liic?nit?-im . - TIilII mceboro boys litre been playlapss^lttU.4W*."l??KB ana, eigwt. in d Waehtmv.oii to their ctreedy Ignu it ot ytrtlna. MM Tfl FLlZftBETH rtwtnv ni liuturiuut tx CBAPEL TODAY IV.\I, sow ? J, \ss TAKi: LOTAL tMFtiHTKKM OF (VKIKTU.X tHVBCU OX AS OI TIXO. The Eoyul Scud" Clasd took the t>yal Daughters' Cla&ft of tho Chrtsan Chttrch to Elizabeth Chape! on picnic today. ,TClze part}- left awB'a wharf on a flat" at fc o'clock! lis morning. A large nuniT>?r were I board. The classes ar?> accouimled by W. R. Hobercon, teacher; r. and Mrs. Tettertan and ,rs. Swanaer. { 10,000 Refugees \re Slaughtered By Bulgarians i)WK or 18 WltHCKKI) I BY 1XVABKR8 AlfD 18 SOW - M ISS OF S*l? ?KI \C. Kqnr*. Salonikl. Joly 17.?Pull conftrpia- | an of th* reported sacking and [ irnlng of the Macedonian towns of ires by the fleeing- Bulgarian troops id of the crucifixion, backing to lath or burning alive of piany iuibitantA has been aent to 'the Ausp-Hungarlau government by Conil General August Krai, of Salon1. Three-fourths of the formerly )uri?hing town of about 80.00 in- !, ibltanta la a mass cf smoking ruins, J" ,yi tho conaul general, who haa Just j iturned here from Seres, where he loroughly investigated the sltuaan A not her horrifying story of a masicro reached here today from Doln. a town, forty miles northwest of ilcnikl. Mussulmans thetre have ado a Written declaration, couutergned bX , throe local Bulgarian iests, that the Bulgarians slaughted 30,000 Mussulmans who had tugtat refuge fn Dolran from the irrounding districts.?News and bserver.Y *? Beyond His Understanding. The Englishman was attending s first ball game. He seemed "very"" icasy aftor the fifth inning and fin ly said to his American friend: say, old chap, when do they serve e teat." "They don't serve tea at boll game." laughed the American. 4o te^ between innings?" gasped e Englishman. "Then what's ttu iject of the blooming game?" ??jjssrsss: : d "So he accepted a Job like that, did j 1* UPell 1 rtlri ?? that a an of his standing 'would accept ch dirty money." "Oh, ho washed | 9 hands with an antiseptic solution i fore ho took the fee." | * *| Btnii bio i> ay J KHIDAY. JULY 33TH. * ' . * -. *,> a J Toba< ^ednesd l For All Grades. Crop . < _____ i _ I ! WKUHKH: l>alr UXUy m?i\ tomorrt Lots Are In Bad Shape LOMMLMfArtOX 1; RRTKIVKD HT*TIK<J THAT LOTS ARK i. uvEit JiL'X With \vkki>s. ? KW. , * f * SHOULD BE KEPT " ID ?000 ORDER j *; o TMItor Daily News: , Dm 5lr?I wfch cair>ouT at- \ trbliuu to the uf tin lotto in the Oakdalo ceritftRjry. They aro bttftjj tnTr-TtnvTrttfr treed? -and" pre-' n nut a most negl'ectfed appearance. C tub *<* l have there i* <>t>~ <*f . ***}+ dearest Gpots or. earth to mo and 1 s think that others. who have lots g there. win ngrru :wl? saying. 4i that it is a shame .that things are cot Kept in hotter shape. ti I hope that the Board of Alder- n men will In ventilate the af?nirs at o the cemetery and sec for themselves the condition of the lots and the* p walks. 1 am suro that when they v soo the true state of affairs that they b will see that something must bu done v et once. tl I am not writing th& with the intent of criticising anyone but I bo- F Itevo 'that the "ceinetery loth should o be* kept In good order. Many people n from out of town, who have loved jo ones buried here, ure apt to obtain ni had Impression of Washington andjti the way wo keep our cemetery. |h -? WHOLESALE (JKOCKliS I i? HBKTON CHAKLGTTIC d , P Charlotto. # July 17.?The third annual sessio^ of the Southern Wholesalo Grocers' Association con- Cl vened here yesterday morning with J ^praething like 300 representative grocers from different parts of the il South in attendance. Many of them . are accompanied 1jy their wives. J. fi H. McLaulfn. president of the association. of Jacksonville, Fla . is presiding over the deliberations of the convention. JULY* 17 IX HISTORY. 1439?Commencement of a pestilence and famlno, which ^ scoured England and France intermission of hostilities between tbe two countries. 1710?Battle ot Alamanta, in Spain; Philip V., of France, defeated . try the allies. 1812?Colonel Cass with 280 men. attacked and carried the bridge oVer the river Aux Canards, four miles from Mai- tj den. . iv and entered tho Bellerophon man'-of-war. Captain Malt- L( land, who proceeded with his ra illustrious prisoner to Torbay. I v 1808?The President issues his p'roc-' lamation regarding the gcv-l^j .. ..firnment nf Santiago rte Cuga |D 1911?Political parties in Canada jej seem hopelessly divided over Lj reciprocity agreement. ! d( 1912?First reports circulated con- ^ netting New York police with ^ the murder of Herman Roscn, thai, Lieut. Chas. Becker was; subsequently couvicted of instigating the murder. tt tthHlo In Iv?ititi'mI. ,m " More than fiOO.OOtTpounds of snail tc ifcells are shipped out of Malaysia se Bverv Tear fn Piirnpfl .in.l A marina to. ill tie used in the making of buttons and d< novelties. Tho sheila, when of good ?l quality, bring about 16 cents a pounu hi in New York. Tho shells aro taken ?l from the ocean by fishermen and sold through Chinese.collectors to Euro- H pean firms at Singapore. y i ? SOME I1IG.DAV * I FMDAV,' JUL* aSTH. I ! ^ ! I ' " ! 1^1 I . Ill ~ :co Mj ay Augi All Farmers Nee< Will Be Taken Car XV. ( Iw.?. S&V gtSSKte-" '' %*<; .1 ===== m. speaker CftarVs Salary Is Not Eenough :y i IN SAME BOAT WITH ?h\HKFABY OP 8TATR HKYA.V WtLL ALHO DKL.1VKR LHCTURKH. Bt. Louis, July IT.?That Speaker fehdlp Clark alio Qods hU salary indequate and ifcust supplement-it. eadne knowu through his letter* to 10 Good Roads Association, calcining that he could not address Its cmventlon because he had contractd fbr some lectures In October and Foremtoer. He sat<f his contrqci pre ided for cancellation In exigencies f publiV strife. NU? ? 4)\(.HKKS m>k ?r j ? ?av wuiaaon brnseeta, nclglnn, Juiy tTT^-T be iongresa of International Assoc'.oIons whlsh has lost-closed Ions ut Ghent, has decided to go to i Ian Francisco for the next meeting 1 TIiIb congress is a union of 132 inornatioua! organizations and is the1 lost important body along the line # international work In the world, j While details have not beou com- j leted It io certain thtlt mrfhy indlldual international congresses will: o held In San Francisco in 1015. the rhole to -conclude with a meet lug of j lie central congress. Tills aeries will .take to San J 'ranclaco representatives . from all f the foreign govcnfhiehts and large umber of the leading scientific men | f Europe. The congress bas at Its lieadquar-. ?re in here one of the most compre*! cnslve exhibits in the wcrld, fllusrating all phases of Snternailonnlim. Portions of this exhibit will be Isplayed at San Francisco in 1916. i ERSONAI.3 ' ' S. H. Gay of Jessama is in the city, j Mr. and Mxs. J. E. Davis of Conord are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. S. ordan of this city. Emery Pettlcord passed through lie city this morning. ffcTOX MAItKEI COltXKfT BEBfc I Ju?t received. E. K. Willie^ The | People's Grocer. 7-17-3tc | S. H. Gay erf Jes&ama is in the city ?day. VURORA FANS ARE HERE I _ . , j AHGK DEVIATION A<T;>HPA. N1ED IULL PLAYERS HEBE THIS MORNING. The Aurora players arrived here lis morning on the Washington and andemcre train. They were aecomanied by a loyal number of rooters* he register at the Louise lists the illowing: Miss fcroome, Mirs Simions. Miss L. Thompson. Mrs. Mcfillinms, Mrs. Porter. Miss Young, 'Iks Garnet Bonner. MI?3 Nance, ilss Swain. C. V. Knight. Charles Lwii, L. T. TJiunpwn. ErT: H wkp, B. Stevens, N. M. Hooker. W. R. itchell and H. W. Hudnell. The alegation from Pinetown will arrive era- on -thu 2.20 train tfaia after on. ' REMEMBER BULL RUN. Rl/>hmnn>4 r_i_ i ? ' T t . iTTF tinning ranks of veterans who reember and participated in the hiaric fight, celebrated the anniverry of the Dattle of Bull Run to-. >ath roll vaa road, following which! >propriate ceremonies were held in > mor of those who fiavo passed awny i nco last year. . 1 IMS AND BACON SPECIALS?! Fresh lot of the famous Westphalia and Star Hams and Bacon. They are Juicy and sweet. Highest quality at lowest prices. J. E. Adams. Phone ,91.) . * 7-l?-4te arket ist 20tti ling Aid In Housl e Of wVVwlli <j? tjr;. . ,* K unlit} tntntniiUU com IE skodlw&ra CONTRACT FOR DRKIKHXG ON MILLION M KKS LKT TO 1I.LL NOW FIILM. The -contract for the most glgaut JT.QJect of Its kind ever undertake n North Carolina was wealed yeste Sjr Mi"itirn<K>n when Col. J P. Ke and J. S. Malm, acllnir for <!? dm! age board. D. N. Graves, preside of gontlwnReclamation CVmpan Boston, Mass., and W. V. Wills, Plltftflfild. Hi party to Uw contrw entered into an agreement where! the A. V. Wills & Sons, of I'tttwflel 111., are- to onn.n?*er-aB-ddr?*dge H Mitlkmiuiflal ' alts " 1 " * ...... vi v.ouii. I'for tho consideration o? $267,00 The contract etilla for the ccmp! lion of the tremendous undcrtaklt. within two years and fix uiontl from tho time the dredging tuacbii try is set In motion. IttNitnc-t Above ltttclHgrorr. A boy was usked to explain tl difference between animal instlm and hustsu intelMgeuoe._ "If we ha instinct," he Eaid. "we should kno everything we needed to know witl out learning It. but we've got rcasoi and so we have to study ourselvt1 most blind or be a. fool." Flour Sack*.. To remove letters froin Cot sacks: Cover lett rs with lar .tightly roil up for, halt hour or mor hen soap well and tub. You will t surprised at the result-. 1 have pas ed hours and hour3 boiling an bleaching without satisfaction, bi this way the letterB <3 tf appear t ,ouce.?Exchange. f? The Reliability of k J i nuvenisea Articles A man who is an authority on advertising said recently: "You may have a business ' without advertising, but you can't have advertising without a tus.neja." Just think of the full significance of that statement to the newspaper .mailer. It means that when you ace and man advertising regularly in tne ootter newspapers h" must bare Kometclng real and genuine to advertise; that he no lias merchandise of such quality that it meets the needs of ills customers, and that he is so sure or the <lai.*ability of wUUst," to spend real money to tel! people about It. He knows that money spent in advert:^ine is '.veil spent. because he Is chief problem in felling is to let bo sure of his product that his everyone know whit he has to sell. Knowing this, can you afford to let this valuable information offered you by the daily newspaper slip by you through your own negligence? Do you up to the minute by reading regularly the advertising col-* tinins of good publications like The Dally Newa? / * =4 * % ' HOME BIO DAY FRIDAY. JULY *5TH. Will 4 ?**. v?' . ' ng Their Tobacc 5 r - ? !MF* ' ?? i i ? i i iffi STORES I MIP.ft y W ASH I M.TO.V HKSIUKM HAM COBfl WllKMK rilOM OTHKR Cima. KSUTtVKM TO EMt*I?OYKB itTEF r HOLIDAY. u - REkCHMTS SEER TO FAVOk THE IDEA - ?i V *| >.?QH1TI?UV?%t*- *!'"J,*> YTff Iff ' |i3 .V 1 ii-ln\imi.r ?v d. | AI'I'KAK TO THINK KAVOlU W-| rAtyfrV r i iAKiiSt: 1 itl y. IMV AT OXK. e- In connect lou v.ltl^ the stores of ik [Washington closing Fridays at one is [o'clock, a prominent resident of n- I Washington has written to several ' "v.| I mayors of other cities a-rni received . .the following letters. I The Mry goods and cloth irg stores in Jin I'urham close on Friday at one ct jo'clock On Saturdny until ten id I o'clock at night. I think Uiore _ # w Ishould be at least a half day holiday a-[in summer and the plan works well ;5W ii, here. p* W. J BIlOGi/SN Meyor of Durliani. F( rip sHiros tti Norfolk clo-e at one lr o'clock on Saturday'.a some at five - --3 d. [o'clock and Borne at six. This Is l>y a- 4jj e, igruemeut aiuong the proprietors and -*-r* ic for the reason that they and their eat R- ployees may have a little time for diid | version, which they find healthful. ^2 it and profitable to both. it - - "WYNDHAM K. MAYO. Mayer otNirfofk. r: "? Ail stores m^CrecTi^boro lose at r-^jS six o'clock P. M. every clay -excepV j Saturday, thoy close on Saturday from 9:30 to eleven o'clock. Some I give half holiday Friday aT'.ernoon I and others ca Saturday afternoon. "-yji T. J. MURPKY. Mayor of Greer.s'cqto'. I Theye appears to )>o po doubt but Iwhat These other cities Save considered well the advisibility of allowing |their employees a half holiday once. |does not interfere with their business ia week and that have found that this , in the least. We havs alto Laen in. formed by the person who gave us 'the above letters, that several of the i (Wcrhington merchants have been iinterviewed i< .eardms this matter land have nearly nil appeared to be ^,'ja (heartily in fovor of it. j " ] news from pixt.o. ! Ki?>r 1>. W. Topping of Pantego . y| filled his appointment at the Daptlst ! church Sunday. The refreshing raina are doing JS much good to the growing crop3. which are looking One. r-? I Raymond Paul spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends at Mt. Olive. Miss flaude HaMowoll spent Stin day night with Mis? Matilda Paul ami left Monday for Elizabeth City., where she will attend a teachers' inat It ute for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Paul spent Sunday with friends at Mt. Olive. Mr. and Mrs. .! esse i1. Ho wen and - jjjB children of Pice town, who have been . . :<*! spending a few days among -their 'A J day. Halacy Ange and family, who have v^gj I been vlBitlng at this place, returned home Monday. R. W. Lollls la holding a protract- fS ed meeting at the Christian chnrch. . ^ this week. SOME BIG DAY FRIDAY, JULY 35TH. ; j 4* . Open | ,-^H

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