' , Jr 9 m j { J-*-? fj| t j^/V. :^f" . : > - jf Fifty Prominent Me HP Vicinity Took Tri || In Neighboring E"* V/euj Wort and Epurpment i L. j Atom) Route Favors Bv In Washmgtc r-V?-' HP-;.: ? A party,. co'bpMod of about fttty . prominent business men-of Washing y.V'./r * ton Mvd vicinity. Journeyed to Wil - - ttaniBton yesterday attoiuoon ria au 3 K 1.1 -J- * . WUttiUIIW. 1U? U 1(1 n U Ul BUD IUI the purpose of arc using Interest , along the rout* between here and Wllllarar.teu In the building of good tfoads and also to nee what progress Wililamston was making with the ' new road work in that township. The party loft Washington shortly i ~? after two o'elc^k.?There wem ten J automobiles driven by Caleb*Ball Capt. Geo. T. Leach*. J. O. Rwanner, ' Marty McMnllan. P. H. Rolltns, W. 1 H. Ellison, J. K. Hoyt. Prank Bow- ' era, Thad Sparrow and W. W. Leg- ' getL ' The trip to Wllliamston too* about two hours, the auto lets stopping at almoet orery house So tell the "good I road"-proposition.to the farmers and Inciting them to join in the ride to Wllliamston. A number did so. JWhtn Wtillamston was reached. Mayor Godwin was sought out and piled with questions regarding the road building In WiDiamston. He stated that Wllliamston had voted for a $40,000 bond'lfsue some , tin* *so. Tb*r? ???? ?f r: ^ . roads In ?ho township to be fixed up and he,thought that this could be done at the coat of about eight or nine hundred dollars per mile. Tbie Information startled the ' Washingtonlans so mow hat. It was found, however, that Williamston had had to do considerable grading, dlggirrg, cutting down of trees, draining and carting clay and sand. *fhe majority of these difficulties will not < hate to be cop tended with in Washington. 1 Mayor Godwin also went on to tell ^that his Jpwp bad spent some $4.- } 000 in equipment. This included even teams, carts, road scrapers and I Y~ ihwrrmsdilusn luwrssni r-for-ftp: : doing of the work. He added that his men completed about fifty yards of roadway every day. The party, upon Mayor Godwin's ( invitation, motored about four. Bjlea ( - o^.uf tQAVC.lQ_6CR the men at work on the new road. They examined the equipment that is being used and asked numerornt questions regarding tke cost and necessity of the different material*. __ Upon their return^CsTtown; v the Washington men spent a few minif.? ''it ft? i with virions frlmrta anil y-l dnaintances in the city and then returned home. The trip was a most Instructive 1 one. There is no?donbt hof what Washington can build her roads far cheaper than Williamston is doing. .' We have the sand right in the toads and all that is nscesaary is to round the roadways off and put down tho clay. Messrs. Ellison. Rollins and others, who talked with the farmers along the wdy. stated that they had met'no Opposition of any kind and that all were willing to donate some labor and lend every assistance Id "'..their power in aiding the building of fi < ?"*?better roa$?.. . *y?V Among those who took the tr?p. besides the car owners mentioned above, wore M. T. Archbell, R. R. Warren. J. Havens, Claude Carrow, III. ' 1 ii i i i i FUIA ASSORTMENT OF FIA>WKH Pot. Ju.t recelred. E. K. Willi., The Peopln'n Grocer MMto Wash! iamston ;n of This City and p to View Roads City Yesterday ; n Martin County. Feeling i ii)/iinn r\t dnrul UnnAc J ;"""v ~ f ; J n Township ' JACK JOHNSON NOT WANTED. ( London Music Hall Managers Say Ap- t Jiftirance WoiU Caofio Wot. . i London, July 17.?Jack Johnson X la said to have been encaged to give iptrring exhibitions in a Londpn 1 laudevllle house.* but the manage- i neat declines tQ either afarni or de- ! tiy the report. Other managers were i isked if they intended to manage t rohnson. i -.Not at any price.1 one said. Kn=" 1 other declared, "If Johnnop came to ? me and*said ho would appear for 1 nothing I would not let him Intonno 1 af my -balls. If I did I should expect ( l riot." I GRAND STAND! AT FLEMING PARK IK CAPABLE OP SEATIX<; 1.10 " '* pBordt BUILT IN REAR JJFJJOME PLATE A new grand stand bas been erected at Fleming Parte. The stand has been Imllt directly In back of bojne < plate and is capable of seating about ISO people. Wire netting has been put In front sffid the fans can'now alt in absolute security and without danger and view the games from com- 1 toetkhfti ?f : "_LiuL?l: * . 1 lxin? Life of Clock*. ] Of all machines made by man none , can compare for long life with the , clock. The life of a clock la as machinery as the life of a man is "I longer than that of a dog. The , French city of Rouen has a great clock which was built in the year i 1389 and is still keeping good itme. Except for cleaning and a few ncces- , sary repairs It has never stopped during a period of muie than flee sew turies. It strikes the hours and ( chimes the quartern. Charles M. Little, A. J. Cox. Wilson * Rum. J. P. Bcrrr.-J. J. Hodgea. A. C. Harmon. A. Hathaway,' D. W. Bell. Carl Goerch. Geo.-A. Bpencer, Geo. A. Ricks, W. A. Ohauncey, Gilbert Rumley. Walter Credle, J. L. Warren. James Jackson. John G. Hodges, E. H. Jefferson, W. R. Glbbs, George 1. Dai!. J. E. Mitchell and Ji AABlgy O. LCggttt ? CRANBERRIES ? F.VAP0RA?BDV ' pure, healthful and appetizing. This produot rstains all the delicl-* out flavor and lireU known medicinal properties oft Fresh Cranberries. It practically brings to the consumer fresh ciMWm? throufthout the year. In packages. 10 cents. J. E. Adams. Phone 97. * 7-16-4tc ngjtd|| Highest Prices Pai /RILL MOTOR FROM TENNESSEE LINE TO UKitFORT. ; - ' /^VY |a> - 1^553?^" . l WILL KOI LEAVE STATE Raleigh' N C\, Jury 10;?Governor Jrelg will not fca In the executive nttpr Jiily ^S iintil About sVpember 1. He starts Jtrty-fil on his ntomobile trip over the Central Hfchway from the Tennessee line on he west JEo Bean fort on the Atlantic ;o?it and when Uaia tria. ia in tompany with Quite a party of r^ad nthus:oat3 of tbc stax, he will take mothe* That porJfall sorts wbi le he was in A & h e v i lie. tnd many other sorts of executive >ueino?? ithot crowded In on him. . This time he wants all'citizens who iavo any urgent matters -to be preicnt^d to .come In hero before July so tha* he will not hare to be vorked during his vacation.' Of rourse, he will hear any very urgent hatter during the time he I3 away. >w i* wn'i?vs-ktit ro 5b buweyred luring that time imnecersarily. Host governor.! in the past have Je/t ihe state for their vacations. Atlantic -Uy having been an. especially favor,te reeort for Governor.Glenn. Durifg those absences the lieutenant governor was available for any emergency. The present lieutenant goverlor, E. L. DaughtridgQ, being In Europe, there is no lieutenant governor to be called into service In that way. imami in EH TODAY ?- ftfJpM SENATOR SIMMONS TO MAKE OPENING ARGUMENT. _ . f * Dummingfi and Hurt on Ready to Begin Attack Upon Bill for Minority. Wellington, D. C..^l?t7.?TarIff rl^hnla in 1I10 5?nof? will Ker'n In 1 earnest tomorrow when Senator Simmons, chairman of the Pluuict) Cum1 mitteo, friH submit the majority report on the Underwood-Simmons bi:! and make the opening argument for the Democrats. ' Senators Cummins and Burton are ready to begin -tho attach upon the bill for the minority and expect .to speak Monday and Tuesday. The Democrats are planning few set speeches, expecting to dd moat of their talking in defending the measure on the floor as the Republican arguments aro brought out. CIlilftHkH SilUUlUUB Mil bllB inwu* eral explanation of the bill, leaving the separate schedules and sections to be dealt with by members of the rab-commTttees, Senators - Stcne. James, Thomas, Williams, "9h1vejy, Gore, Johnson, Hoke Smith and Hughes. Alps' Toll of Human Ufe. About 1,000,000 tourists visit the Alps each year, of whom^ about 2*4 meet with fatal accidents. ?"VroMftr- of" Nashville was a vfillbn have'yesterday afteimocn. _ _ ? ! WHAT'S CHttTO'TYf HAPPEN? FRIDAY, 4UIA 2STH. 'tdi FTMPOK MARKET OORWFD BEEF Joat received. E. K. Willie. The People's Grocer. V, ?-l7-3tc ^Toba< Vednesc] d For All Grades. i ^ ; ? % w I . p. '4- -. I : MjT w 1>" T ,i I TPromis e TojAid Aix aim; hkAwmi.v in ravoh VI' (.oon BUArt> PIIOIIWITION AM) PIIOMMR AHK|HT.O?'K. WAIT WORK STARTED SOON AS POSSIBLE | One of the v greatest cncogrageI tnettts that tbe gopd roada workers received yesterday was the promise I n*~ pa^.tonn., Bam Hodgea, mulo and cart for 2 woeir. !> Mr. Cfcerry,~ae?rlces. " *H. J. Woo lard, (team and services. Mr. Hr.rdisco. Ham and boy. Th!s is call a partial list of those who promised to ^glve their aid. All were highly in favor of carrying cut the work as soon su possible. FORT WAOXRR AXX1VKKSARV. Boston. Maes., July Iff.?YfieoOtb xmniversary ot' the Batt|e of Fort Wagoner, In which colored troops took so important a. part, will be e?lebr$ted tonight in Faneull Hall nnffer the direction of the" New England Suffrage league and the National Independent League. The occasion will also be a reunion of survivors of tbe 54th and 55th MassachuEetts Infantry and the 5th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiments. This feature will be in charge of JJaj. Wesley Furlo8? of the 54th, who participated in the battle. Making u Stove Look hei^. . ! An old stove can be made to look like new by, first of all, washing it with hot soap Euds containing an alkali to cut the grease, etc. Mix with any good stove blackleg k teaspoon [of turpentine. Apply to stove, -end w ben-aearly -dry po'.lsh in the usual way. The turpentine keeps the blacking from flying' Nickel-work on the stoves can be celaned by applying fcood asbea and vinegar mixed to a paste. Apply, and rub or dust. Zinc: Wash clenn, then rub with cloth soaked with Kerosene. ~ VAUDEVILLE AT LYRIC TONIGHT. Diamond A Diar.\ond opened at the T.rric last evening for n three-day engagement, their set consisted of sWlriBS tfllK'Tig?and?Oancing, ;;ad well pleased their audience. One of the. main features of the act was the excellent singing of Mrs. Diamond, who has a voice well trained and received well deserved applause, while Mr. Diamond held dewn the comedy end and got the laughs. Today's program at the Lyric of i-vi b lapse n> iI a luuipnis change from that given '.act evening. ofTerlnc new songs, new talk and new wardrobes. '^Another feature of today's bill at tflft Lyric is a tT/o-rwj ftttei made br"the Lub'.n playero on- the western bdrder. The Infant child of.W. B. Singleton died this morning. The baby was but a few days old. ? * ? * WHATR GOING TO HAPPEN? VB10A7, njht 9BTH. 1 .? i cco M lay Aug - ? ^ ' ?.if,. .. HE IA/M i DDVAIi nm. u7 UnTftfl | TO SPEAK HERE i' he'iixd skxatok ltfoamc WILL .MAKE ADUHKKHKrt At - _ JfR? "OPKHA UOl NK HfcllK. IB BE HERE HERE AFTER mm BF THEATRE The managers of the new Opera House announced this morning that both Senator LaFolletie of Wisconsin and Secretary of State Bryan havo been engaged to lecture here after the opening of t ic new theatre. Thin will be about October 15th. Senator LaFollctte will precede Mr. Biyan by about two weeks. The latter will take at his subject. "The Prince of Peace.". There ie no doubt but what the house will be crowded to ita capacity limit on the nights that Hmsi' two gentlemen will speak here. mm INCREASED mm VALUATION OF PERSONAL. I?ROp. fcRTV AND REAL ESTATE IMPKOVKWTKNTS IN IlKAUFOKT IM KKASKII T<> AllUVi: AMOIM. The board of Tax Equalizers held I their annual meeting at the Couri |House this week. They went ovei jthe assessments of Beaufort County (and increased the valuation of per, Banal property and real estate imjprovements to the amount of $175 .000.00. The greater part of'this amount will come from Washington township. * _ WHAT'S OOINO TO HAPPEN? FRIDAY, JULY 2.1TH. # m-f*w nrr:/:iv seal faau at the aUuaUca a? only just becoming generally known in Sofia and are causing dismay among the people. M. Mdtlnoff'a efforts to form a caiiuu-L appear tc have failed. Fighting of no great importance continues on the Greek and Servian fronts. The Eof.a correspondent of the Times commenting on the disparate situation in Bulgaria, says: "Despite 35 years of astonishing progress, surrounded by jealous ene mie's, ber position always has beei more critical than her statesmen hav< been willing to admit, and the fata ntfilaXc of believing that Russia would protect her against the cojise qttecces of misadventure now Is man WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN? ' FRIDAY, JULY 25TH. ? ? arket ust 20tti ?dtng Aid In Hons ire Of ? ???? ttfcauMfiaitiMabijtiaei P1NET0WN DBF AKOTHKR AMENDMENT TO < -i'BDikcf BILL PHoPOBKb1; VImo. of ArkiuiMU. UuU hx>v(?h>b I?cried to ProUMt Interlrxklng DlractoratcH iu Uanks. " Washington, July 17.?An amend* ment to the Glan-Oven currency J)U1 - ' ?* interlock ills dlrecUWtff .ug Institution*, was [proposed at the eenferenoe o/ Demojcrataof the house committee today. The plan, offered by Representative Wlngo. of Arkansas, went over to the next meeting, after brief disruption and without a test of strength In the i committee. < Earlier In the day tlio conference t t had defeated 8 to G onothor nroposal by Representative Win go that ?;&J ornincht ftihdn ahc^d'be'dpp^tii''h'fu , tne proposed now" regional ^ banks noon a competitive basis, do- * posits being made in hanks ottering i the Highest rare cTTnTefWIT f The Democrats struck out of the bill a section to permit individual 1 hanks. In time of distress, to get tii- lj rect discounts frpm the regional re- a " T.eiW "banks trpoir Beeurtttr^ recog- b nized as "stock exchange collateral," l and also eliminated a provision er- a cmpting notes or bills issued en gov- s eminent, state, county or municipal c bonds from the proponed prohibition 4 against rediscounting by the federal reserve banks of notes and hills is- t' sued for the purpose of "carrying or t r trading in stock*-, bonds or , curltie?." i The conference extended the ma/ j turjitx period of paper rediscountuble'' c under the law from 45 to 60 days. j? p 41'LV 1H IX HISTORY. v 1G20?First chain bridge in Eng- t land thrown over the Tweed, g 1854?Three hundred persons ill of c yellow fever in Havana, Cubh. 1864?President Lincoln issued .call , g for 500.000-mtire volunteers^jj 1874?Reciprocity treaty between Canada and rhe United Stales*! discussed by Canadian com-' tuercial bodies. c 1S84?James G. lilain accepted *1 presidential nomination. * I 1894?Federal troops doing strike t duty 4n C-lMca^o, ordered back . to their posts. I 1808?First troops for Cuba com- ] menced embarking at Charles ton. 1012?Detroit. Mich., stirred by j graft charges against prorni- ] nent aldermen. r. C. COYINGTOX 1.OS Kit TO KXTKXT OF J?nM>Of> IN DISASTHOl'S FIKK LAST X1C.HT. \v li.u'ngton, July IT,?Fire of un, known origin destroyed the main | ' warehouse and ollice .of C. ' Coy- J ington & Co., molasses importers. nt j the foot of Grace street, and an ad- I joining warehouse owned by James 1. \ L jjletu and Sous.- uior-ulmuditw brok?j i era, and seriously damaged the build- ; ing of the Springer Coal Company.' on the water front, tonight, the total | l approximate loss being in the neigh- j borhood of $40,000, which was fully j i revered by insurance, i The fire started In the part of the i warehouse owned by James 1. Metts i & Sons, ill which a large quantity of hav was Kforo/t The heaviest losers were C. C. Cov- | ; Ington & Co., who estimated their | . loss In the ncighborheed of $30- | rwrn ? > The '.ope of James I. Meets & Sons 1 is placed at $fe.000, and that of the , Springer Coal Company at $2,500. 1 * WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN? 1 FRIDAY, JULY 25TH. ? S. H. Gay of Jessaraa is in the city ' today. Will iing Their Tobacco - ? _ j t * i ji - I m,*H rs -yT'ft, "~*-e ort, c: Brown, J., If: Buchanan,iS lb: Hassell, cf; Wallace, s^: Walker, lb: Tyer. 2b: Clerk, rf. Score by innings: R 1 Aurora 300 00.! ton 00?4 ^ Pinetown .. i . 00.0 000 112 01?"i jj ^ Coming Out | M Into the Open T-rr-: 1? it was not so many years jo ago that advertising was considered unethical fA>m a business standpoint. .Many of the finest old bouses held aloof. saving thai thov , jjj didn't have to advertise. Eventoday there are some business and professional men so bound |a by custom and tradition that they have not yel availed thtwnselves of the advantages of advertising. cr jo ninth as these ran- U totuH still hold, by just so much 4 is the public deprived of know- iij Ing all about those firofessions and businesses. The most successful way and the o-ily honest way to ileal ?1L muc puuuc is LO pi ay IQQ ??;? game out to the open." If there are true ami inter- ; osting reasons why the public . shouid buy something from So. > & So. then So & So should be ,j glad of a chance to say so over j and over again through the "medium of reliable Newspapers. \,j& if | HAMS AND BACON KPEC1AI4 Fresh lot of the famous Westphal- }*. ia and Star Hams and Bacon. They are juicy and 6weet. Highest quality at lowest prices. J. HL Adams. Phone 97. 7-16?4tc ? 'i Open | I J _