hmalJ rfrlaitr* to Tbta Mattrr. ? v VIU 1?K HKHK 1IKKORE AVO. B. Cu -Only Be Her? for One n?y. Owing to Ikiuaml of Hi* ?crvio?*. T^reoKFEB WITH >'H. KWgiE1*. Will 'na? !*!?? fur < ImproTing '%,'f ' ThtialwTHtfotM IB Oie Clcjr. IP* ' > ' 7 . : Pa letter noa oecn reoetvca ny Harry KcMulian. Irom Hon. John H. Small, relating to the building of the proposed demonstration roods Oflt oT jfeyhlngtou. which la As follows: |.r Washington, D. C\, ?*'" / - Ji??* 19th. 1913. Kfej V Mr. Harry UcUnnan', BK'fiS Washington, N. C. S Dear Ifhrry: I had a conference today with the Chief Engineer"of "the Bureau of "Pub^ He koadff, with reference to furolshv log a road engineer in connection | with the construction of sereral miles jr'-- of roads leading." out of Washington. The demand is so insistent that It M r becoming more difficult to secure the assignment of road engineers. ox-j plained the local situation, namely, r that it was proposed to iratee a fund of approximately % 1,500, with which ^ . ; to construct, pr re-construct, several miles of good roads, leading out of Washington. 1 also stated that' you1 --Ssiahed this engineer at-least, for a day at the earliest date, in order that yonr committee might confer with] htm with regard to preliminary plans and road Appliances, and that later you would wish him to come dows and make defiled plans for the con trwOoe. Mr. Plcxca. the chief En>*v glnser, V/ .' ^ 1a#e. This is, v/ithnut queBtlcn, the a >roper place for the biy boy. He'r c t bit slow for the field, but ought to nakc good on the Initial bag. He's a. p lure catch. * _ Moore will caper around second. g Uthough a bit uncertain at times, ^red can usually be relied upon to ? lo the-right thing at the right time. h de'a picking up at the bat too. 0 That Gardener can take care of a ihort stop goes without saying. A ^ W?F p?nctlOe. and he'll be aa gobj? "as ^ my short around here. H^s -ft ter- ^ or at the -bat and can always be dcjended upon for a hit when It is leaded. P. Brown h?3 been Been red for bird base and J. Brow for left deld, I Both know the game from start to lnish and will strengthen the Hne-up onsfdBrablyr - 1 Carrow Is all to the good In center leld. Tor a "fatty" he's mighty fast >n hia feet. It's a rare occurrence tor him to let, a fly get away from t! lim. . t Dave Tayloe will take care of the b leUT garden, although ft anneam to n m that he would fit In bettor in left a leld. He can run like a deer and has n nade several sensational catches in H he game played here. V Weston* Wallace and Bonner a\e P good men to fall back on and can be ii lepended upcfa in the-pinches. They ire a trio o? excellent utility men. bene able t&iploy at almost any posiion. c With the above Hne-up, Washing- t on has increased Its strength" more i: ban one hundred per cent and If {" hey don't win tomorrow's contest.-vso miss our guef#. jt; Game will be called at 4:30. .The } ;ra?d stand has proven a popular ; fl tddition and many ladles aro taking f: .dvnntcge of It and Rre coming- cut 0 tfcf games. It Is expected that to- n uorrow'a contest will . bring out a c orprd breaking crowd. James Fowle is slated for eubsti- w ate pltctfer. * ? : c !? ' ??01 | TTfR Wf? KVlSXT " ?1? FRIDAY, JULY 25TH. c 1 ~m - - ? ? o ,,i. i ... . ?'? * ' 9 No Damage to Crops. ; ? It was learg^d today that the local t< ia.l ^uornT'featurday caused very lit- t: lo damage to the crops In the adjoinns rnnnff? n r lETKIVED ANOTHKIl IA>T OF tA- i dies* Crepe Gowns; pink and t blae, to sell for 98c. J. K. Heyt Ji Tobac Vedncsd d For All Grades. Crop 1 1 I I B I m 9 1 B j -^?>fc JAY AFTERNOON, JI L.T II. li|lf * WEATHKB! fAir tu4mj Md KMX i i i?aBoise Ball Meeting T onight jEp' v' __!_ '; A meeting of players, rootor\ was and cvoryonoelee Interested la aceball In Washington will be h- I iis evening at the CUy Hall. The oetlng is to be called at eight "clock. Baseball and Ita prospects in Wash- < igton will be discussed and a nnm * it 01 prominent rooters -will matte ' iMmm. Jt is hoped that a large unite: will be present to attend ilie , Post Office Will Move Tomorrow Irtft Moil Will He Given Out In Mew 1 Oflico Tomorrow Muraiun. CONTAINS ALMOST 500 DUXES. Tescnt Office Will Close After Carrtera are Dispatched tn the Mujh- ing. Tho postoffioe department will love from tljelr old quarters Into j be new Federal building cn Second treet tomorrow. The first mail to be ecelved in the new cffico will te the i t'i'.ahington-Yandeniere mail at 10 . hi. The present office will be | losed tomorrow morning at 7:30 Iter- the carriers have been diEatched on their routes. omest In Eastern North Carolina. 1*. , i completely equipped and Is handoniely furnished throughout. Keys eve boon given to the patron? of the i ffice for letter boxes, of which there re almost five hundred. There will e ho cHahge in the preheat force, al- I uuhnp?>, lTu?lefcfc?.li Jh- . efon. JUNIOR AID SOCIETY LAWN PARTY 'o lie Held Tomorrow Night at. the ; Cornet' of Kijchth and Market Streets. The Junior Aid Society of the Bap- ' 1st Church will hold a lawn party at I he corner of Eighth and Market treets tomorrow night. The cowaittee, which has the party in charge re working hard in the endeavor to i lake this one of the best parties of ts kind that has ever been given in Vashington, It will be an Ideal lace in which to spend tee evenIs*. * : y,. ' * I KASTRRx DOt'BLKS TOURNEY. Boston, July 21.?The tennis hctnplonship of the East for doubles nd the twenty-third annual tournaidat fef "Singles bega trio day on the ourts ot the Longwood Cricket Club. ftlUniah7 o7 the leading players or ;e country in competition. The prizes in the doubles will be irat, second and consolation. The rat prizes will b?__nworded to the dinners, and the second to the maera-up. The consolation will be pen to oil pairs defeated in the first latch, actually played. In the Longood 'Tournamenr_~lJr?J"'Slxlh Loagood Challenge Cup Is offered by the lub. E. P. Lamed won the first leg 0 the Cup in 1911; M. E. McLoughn won the second leg in 1912. The up wUl become the property of any ae winning it for three "waxy." To explan, I'll say that tobacco has a uip Just as a tier, and tobacco alao has at Intervals an oil substance, which is Its natural possession. Whoa the sap or water rises in tobueco- It i pushes cut the oil through the pores t of the leaves on the principle that oil $ and water would mix, and tobacco ( cut in tbls state will be light hndj( "chaffy," when cured. Prom ' the j fact that sap pushes the oil out of t?- j baoco :s why It is so "gummy" at certain times and will barely stain your hands at other times. t ?But cut, tobacco when full oi ell , and it will core up nicely and have ( a "heavy body" and be oily and t "waxy." When tobacco is full of oil f and it can not evaporate as sap does f in curing, therefore tho tobacco Is* compelled to be rich and heavy, j Farnu?? bnve experienced cutting to- j Baacttvore. week and .do well with It. j and theiy again the next week and j off of the same piece of ground and < have altogether different luck. j fr < Giving Service ; la these Utile falks 03" advertising It Is our main pur- t pc-ae to jcint out to our read'- J t erB the benefits to be' gained ; from the careful reeding o? our t advertising columns. Wo have called ettenticn to - the economy?if? and intelligent shopping and a'.co to tire surpassing fund of useful information and education contained la advertisements. In present->g tVa ??Tnf?cr fr; our readers, oyr ain fa to be of tei'vice? to help every one to get til's west possible good j from hlo^newepaper. Likewise. frcia an !nt:sictc knowledge of the ir.tere&tn and pHTjHivim of onr ahw?r?>?' m; this Idea of serving patrons is a controlling bne with then. The most prominent fcrtTerUsers oTTSTT day mtcag? the!.* burners?; and plan their ad- j. vertlsiag from, tho standpoint of helping their patron's. Co soffit, convenience and intelligent stOTO arrangement go Hand in hand and are advertised together with la?hions and are advertised together - with iMfciSM aad valuta. Successful advertisers give ^otvioe. aa well as values. ( niivK A jieHcmvr TAdjpR here who will take measured "Tor the next three days. Fit guaranteed. J. K. Hojrt. , """ * * THE BIG EVENT * * FRIDAY, JULY 2BTH. arket | ust 20th ding Aid In Housi: I ii m a i I 'i ii i Wi I > 1 . 111 JER jrn f irr'S. T IILE CRi SOUND DI _,ouis Phelps Escap Charge of Offic Washingto fitter Having Obtained Pe Windley to Have Hand Cu to Rear of Train and I.ouis Phelps of Roper. Washing- c :on county. Jumped off the Norfolk Southern train yesterday morning S'hilo it was crorsln'g the bridge over ilhemcrio Sound, and wfrs drowned. Phelps some few mouths p.jjof relided in thi3 city. He was employed it Otis cf the factories here. About :?o months ago he was charged with iteallng a rifle. He was brought up >eforu Recorder Windley of Wash* ngtou. who placed him under a one lundred dollar justified bond. Hogert Dillon, a merchant of this city, acted f is his bondsman. ' Phelps skipped his bend and Iff: v he town. His whereabouts were kept IP tecict lor some time, but recently 1/ Dfflcer Chcsaon of Washington Conn- & y was notified that ho was in Smith- ^ lo!d. Vu. The sheriff went to Smith- 1 leld and found Ins man. 1 Yesterday he left Suiithfie'.d with P lis prisoner with the intention of * wringing htm back to tills State u gheltia wife accompanied them. 'On n he'same train with xheni. coming t! ?ut of Norfolk, was Recorder Windley. who had been spending a few b veeks' vacation In Virginia. Ches- t ion called to Mr. Windley and toid 1: lint of the capture of Bhelps. who li ias seated beside aim. handcuffed, h Mrs. Phelps tearfuljy ^beggfd thejp ludge to ask the sheriff to fake off | a .he hand cuffs and allow hey husband o i little freedom. Windley. finding | hat the prisoner had committed no y jffense in any other court beside hisjt .IIT.Y 21 IX HISTORY. 1773?Pc-pe Clement XIV. signed bill pronouncing the extinction of the Society of Jesus. LS04?Emperor of Germany eoncrar uJatca Napoleui on his auc -?-e??#lon Jo?tb?- -throne - _oi Franco. 181*1?King Ferdinand re-establish- ' td the Inculsition in Spain. IS31?Heavy fighting romintTos at j Battle of Ball (tun. i 18SS-?Mills' tariff reduction bittj, CntselT nr. Aronailli OUil K i. O. { Thiii the 2st day of July, 1913. { W. R. SWAIN, SON* & 00. , T-Si-twc ? ** m m ? FRIDAY, .)W,Y 25TH. j, THE BUI EVENT * I, * * L ' Will r * ' \ ' V.s'. ag Their Tobacco R AFN DSSING AND J IOWNS es Law While In | :er Chesson of n County rmlssion From Recorder' tfs Removei Phelps Ran Jj Jumped Into Water wn. granted ljcr request and the ofleer rcdlovctl the cuffs. Wtlle therain wa^crossing" the long bridge iver Albemarle Sound, Pheips rose ront Ills seat und strolled to the rear utldenly sprang forward when a few arda from 'the rear plat'drm*. \ utaped over the rear railing and raped into the waters below. Three lerHOCB, Including the porter on the ain. saw'the man's act and see amid loudly. The porter pulled the ignnl cord and the train stopped. Mr. rhesBcn, accompanied by the conduccr and several -of the -passengers rent back up to the bridge at the io:nt where the man had jumped off. ilthough they searched lor about lalf an hour, no trace of hint could e found. He failed to appe'.r above he surface of the water, and al- ? hough the party looked behind every v,'j| io)e aud underneath the trestle, hey could see nothing .of, him. Fin- . .m 1T}\ "they were torcod-to- ctveWt-up - !? nd returned to the train, which con- I Enued on its way. It ia believed that JPhelps fcms ;W| rooULtig over what would happeu o him when he returned to Wasbngton and was also worry jr. g over laving to fare his bondi-man. whom ie hud defrauded. These facta, couiled with the disgrace he was under, rtf behoved to have been'' the cause f his act. The deceased was twenty-eight, ears of age and was well known in lie county where he resided. Prof. H. Howell Elected Supt. | Of Ashville j Schools- J Prof. Harry Howell. who was suri-i-. of r..-> ;:adyd school* for i?n y^ar- and re- ^ ; to accept the pos'.f.on of su- ^ Krir.vndent of the Hi?h Point grad- _ j*.*v5 d sthools, hna been elected head of a he school sy.ts.n at Asheville. After sertlng as superintendent at Ugh Point for about two years. Prof. - i ? acepr another with a large publishing .'J pncein. When ho learned of the vaancy at Ashevil'e. he gave up hU portion with the firm nr.d more [r.tered the field of pedagogy. Dr. A. C. Hoyt, who has teen ill or sonic lime at the residence of his nothhT-vQtt Market street, was taken o the Washington Hospital yester- . .. " ? lay for treatment. His condition this norning was greatly improved. :/^3H V * * **** * * H THE BIO EVENT * * ' FRIDAY, JULY 25TB. % K*feSAA*a*?* Open I j