HAS 2 Local Oflce Ls Now Estab- j lished in the Federal Building. . change wax made i-ast night. first 1ia1i.s wkrk delivered in nkw office this \ f ? | . j'gl _|v, morning. v .jj..* Tho residents on tho Eut side of . " " th? town ore happy this morning. Those on the West side are,?wall. gVS? they're happy too, but not suite as ** - mot h ?o ? tho East aiten- n has moved Into t!t Federal Building fJ on Second street. Instead of having ^ to go away down to the west end of ^ Main street, the gast Slders now have ?, the oincc right" in their midst. OH" ~ tho other hand, the West aiders, who _ Itfft&Jlifi the laqgb on those living on ^ the other aide, for Bevaral years, are bow forced to walk afcont a quarter of a nulla further. ' 5 This Issue, however. Is only of a secondary nature. Tho principal ? i - thing Is that Washington now has b 3?; one of the finest post offices of any town of Its glie In the State. Last night's mail woa the first to be delivered at the new office. A ** number of patrona continued to go to the old office this.morning ana tho ^ absent minded ones will probably "contnue to do sq for. a few more weeks. Makes a fellow rather cheap r though, to walk into tho old office and then suddenly wake upend have ?j to go back to Second street. AUTOMOBILE^ ACCIDENT SUNDAY I * ? MGHT-M OCX LRHKD IN HALIFAX OOUX- d n. VICTIMS WKRE T.UiBORO d .. - - . PEOPLE. J MRS. HOLIES INJURED ] MR. AND MRS. PKRKV JBNKINB ? AND CHILD B8CAPR WITH U mr BRUISES. ^ Mrs. Howell - and Mr. and Mrs. ie ? Ferry Jeafclna and child of Tar'boro w -were victims of a serious automobile a accident Sunday night. The party w had left Tarboro and werfftrfcaded for Panacea Springs. They wore caughriirtlre itorm and Mr. Jenkins. Jl _arha waa ilr1r1ng.*\a^ted hla car- 4a i - order to get to Weldon a. mon as possible. . The car caipe to a sudden 1 curve and struck a iree, which had "*T?e*k-aijffooted by the storm and lay 1 ^l.mn.iry^WaN lh> inur^ Thw mn. ^ chinb was turned over, thb-ladies and ~~ y v the child being pinned underneath, i .. Mr, Jenkins was thrown sleas at Ihh ? car. He assisted the other from under the machine and upon examination. it was found that Mrs. Howell \lr~ was the only ofte who wrf? seriously Jy; Injured. The latest reports state that while her injuries , are* very j, painful, they are not fetal and thai she will recover. : v fid What Artmil.hiyi l<-g?l Bvpea. "The Declaration of Independence ? to a wonderful document." smq tut? ? patriotic citizen, "Yes*" replied the V 'legal expert: "Its one of the ablest documents I oyer saw. And the t^ost remarkable thing is that with all jibe * ability it represetats, nobody appears Bt to bare received a cent for drawing p Hup." * w ??? " , ?. +.**4. . Tl^BlO KVBNT fi? rnin.W, rei,V BSTH. L;.%. ' W---S ^e * e -mm i ? Washi: ili ORIS TURNED: lllll TO BE HEM : IB DiSCillSE ' 1 IOT I OLXOWEI THB D1MOVBRV. BOTTLfs AND I1KKKH J FLYl HO. fOUCKMAN ' INJCRKD. I Washington, July 22.?Ono police- J Mo* 'Ia in tho K?- ?.? -*< J fe nursing timings and awaiting f en* uniforms, and parr or tin- Union ~ eagne,baseball pars ia a wreck to- J j ay. aa the rwalt of the? cicu at a t und&y bzccball gome ' when 4,000 f nthusiastG discovered that a team of t hkmtwr" gfrl? rm r? ily mw-4)? SbbuIec. The team was taken to an ^ astbound .train under police protects ke the manager of the "girls'_" ggregation -had acquired the gate reolpts and disappeared. 1 The trouble started when tbc 1 girls' *' center fielder, a husky young S lends, threw a ball from deep con- i ir to the home plate, catching the* 1 uoner. The spectators grew bub- c iclouB. , t A moment later a small boy slip- i ed up behind the supposed divinity 1 hat presided at third base and gave cr golden locks a vigorous pull. 1 hey came away in the form of a wig, i evoallng a chunky young man with 1 n Elaborate make-up ending just 1 bove the eyebrows. The team fied c (trough a storm of bottles and bricks t > the shelter of the club house, * here the police massed. ? The crowd then stormed the ticket jndows, demanding their money i ack, venting their Ire on the pdrk I roporty. Several persons were hurt t i the melee and a number of arrests 5 ere made. c 'AKM Kits DESERT c CHURCHES FOR AUTOS, t Manhattan. Kane.. July 22.?What 3 i to become of the 1.200 country t lurches in Kansas, abandoned and t ?sorted because of a lack of later- J sc~m church work? Rural pastors,* ducators and scbbol teachers have let here and during the next four ays will try to answer the question. ; [otor cars are blamed for much of t le trouble, it being claimed that = irmers use them to take their famW- 1 es to the city churches. where there 1 i a ripe organ and a choir, and nere tne pews are more comfortble than In the country houses of orship. JULY 22 IX HISTORY. q uf Hfmhrr surrendered to the P'urrlans. 804?British began operations ngaiuct . Martinique. 854?Treaty of Kqnagua between rallied. ' 864?Battle of Peach Tree Creek. II (US MANS of operations |f around Atlanta between, the Federals and Confederates. 894?Burope hears that China has declared war against Japan over tho possession of Korea. #16?Germany .ordered the expnlsieir-df twenty-one Mormon ^^missionaries. 912?Twft Ea?t fllrto ? . i,l - . ? D?" ?" I rested In New York in con- J nectlon with the murder of 1 "grain Bwiwhil. the gtm?- 2 lor. 3 to Ot*ml to Walrd off ftvfl Eye. J Italians, who are natyfally super- j Itlous, wear as a mtWcot a piece uf J Ink coral, this being supposed to d ard off the evil eye. J m *i' THE BIG KVBVT . FRIDAY, JULY 2STH. A 9 - 52 * , \ngton ft s V [ighest Prices Pali I ? ?lj IN . ' ! ' Carrow, if. - ' Watktn*. c. % ' jT' "-> 9 I tt*n. P. Jr-. ' Omroll. lb. . ^ ' Tayloe. 2b. 7^ Walker, as. .* . .. ?' li tirown. 3b. ft r PbV*e,rf. Uavenport, cf. ^ V > .., L_ JfJ 5 SAHTHQr.lKTM BJiAjTti " "T~'l'1 CP GERMANY. Berlin, July lt.~BeaMe tho sharp fl mocks of earthquake folt throughout Vurtomburc yesterday tremors were ixpcr fenced alV over Southern Gernany extending from Straasbnrg by fay of Frankfort to Munich in BaJrarla. and as for ao Zurich la Swlti-T IflWII fa flip street* and fanndreds rnn _ n terror out of tholr house*. At . Itraaaburg tho setsmic recording tn truments were put. out of order by he violence of the disturbance. , i WIN. PAXKHl'ItSY fXliKK Aim EST.- London. July 22.?Mra. EmroePne 'ankhurst. tbe militant suffragette eadcr, who outwitted tbe police on Saturday, eras arrested tfels^^Hcr- j toon when she was cnterlnc -a public tall to attend the weekly conclave JT" the Women's Social JW4 political . Jniou. She had intended at the neettng to lasuo another defiant rhnl- P engc to the government. - a . tIves *po>ineed on Mrs. Pank- ^ itint with dramatic suddenness, and rbisked ber away In a taxtcab. A c ew of the weman accompany Mrs. 3ankhnrst made an attempt to restue ber and in doing ?o vigorously rounoed the detectives with their ^ imbreJlss. Stx of tbem were arrest-, c A A big force of uniformed police- e ajUUCloeed up hfthlntl Mr?" Punkiurst and her captors and stemmed i ho rush of infuriated women whose rolls of "Murderera!" "Assassins;" lfc irew -great- crowas to tne scene. k>m? of them used hatpins as weap- ' >ns of offenee and several persons 11 rare -badly hurt. . c When she arrived at Hollow ay Jail c ifra. "Pankhurst refused to leave the a azlcab and was carried la by da- * actives. ' ???????? 1 rFJLAS UAlLUOADS FACE Sl'IT^. [ Austin. Texas, July 22.?The * Lxnendmcct to the loading charge 8 egnlattr>n? which relieves shippers roxu paying wharf charges became ^ dTeettoe today. The State com mis- * liotk has secured many cases where *' be loading charges have been made 5 >y Shippers and suits will be brought. * o determine whether or not such hlpiuente are interstate of Intrastate shipments. . It Is expected that the nits will go to the United States Su- c ireme Court before they are ended. * ' " a FELL OF FBUIT ? j ' oanumnyS' pt) ? c San Jose, Cel.. July 22."?At the J ;row*>rs which began here-today, * ;reat attention will be paid to the f rouble which fruit, men Lave with Jnr?ra??ii?ta?rchanta in the sale of * heir products. They will also take * taps bm help carry -on the ftght?for- inre food laws as ttfey relato to the reserving of fresh fruit. The state 'association of horticdl- 1 aral commissioners is meuJ&ff ar he same-tithe. OL'THKRN DENTISTS IN SESSION. Old Point Comfort. Va., July 22.? tentleta from fifteen Soutrern States re here attending the fifteenth anluai convention or TEe Southern" ranch of the National Dental Amp- ^ iatiou which opened here today. b he business sessions will bo inter- u persed with pleasure trips to spots a f historic interest. The war cn fake b entista will be renewed with greater ]e 15CT?emsn-TTyrr p| HAVE A MERCHANT TAILOR J hero who V7l1\ take measures for J the ne*t throe days. Fit gruaran teed. J. K. iioyt. Tobac Vedncsd i For All Grades. Crop ^ life MUM iniTIAH imm i-r i ; IT ft THAT KAILHOADS MJl'KT DO J18TWE TO HIS PBOTLKi lakes Address at Black M run tain, j Resolution.': Are Adopted Endorsing Rls Staad and Course. Bk <. jflBi 1 ;?;*_ (;<)VFJ:\OR CRJUf^ Aehevilie. July 21.?In his first ubllc utterance since the calling of n extraordinary session of the Lcglsature. Gov. Locke Craig, speaking t Black Mountain at the blfc /rally elebratlon today, declared that rhile he Is governor his energies will e directed towards securing Justice rom the railroads for the people of !orth Carolina. '"Governor Craig delared that unjust freight rate tlitriminat'on against the people of this ection has prevented them rrom gating the beet results from their enrgics and resources." "While I am Governor." said GovrnvT Craig, "all tbe energies of my ieing s*hall be directed towards ceuiring the railroads to do Justice to 07 peoole. 1 will not lay the weight f my hands on the railroads or any ther corporation unjggtiygb any cor* than T would upoa~nie ftraer. ho merchant or the hoarding house :ecper, but they muet and shall be eeuired !o treat ?he people whom I eperesent with Justice and give unci them CKjuaJ rlghts to make'an honst living which the people of other Itaies hare " Following the fpeecb of Governor esolutios commending the Governor or the stand which he has taken and iledgin g approval of what he has aleady done. The resolution nrkB the legislature to enact each laws as rill maintain and enforce the aovreign powers of this commonwealth, ompeneating the people for the rrongs and discriminations which tave been Imposed upon them and orever* preventing the injustices rom 'which North Carol in faun have lares that the railroads of this State lave taken, millions of dollars unusily and have deprived the Tesicnts of the State of.the right to get egitimate 'returns frbm, their eaeries and resources. The resolution ras adopted without a dissenting ote.?News and Observer. lAliil TO PLAY BATH TIJIi _ Ttnfh WtlhiBfitOO Will O.-OnS ate at JPerolng Park tomorrow afjrnoon at four o'clock. The bath ggreghtlon wil! make the trip here y boat and expect to bring along a irgo cro\/d of rooters and.-fans. It. romiae* to be an exciting game. # | THE BIG EVENT I FRIDAY, JULY 23TH. I * * ??* :co M t ay Augi ^Ull Farmers Nee em roads jeflg , lO BE HKl.l) AT MOREHKAD CTTY JCLY 31, WASHINCTONJEN ATTEND j | Interest in good roads in Eastern j North Carolina should reach floodfctlc stage with the meeting of the J plate Good Roads Association, which 1 lis to hold a thrco day session at .1 f'tv I1! pr fiint. * ,uut,u?'' I For reasons tl^at aro difficult to % bnderstond, tho poodle or Eastern NorthCarolina have not shown the interest in good roads construction that has been demonstrated by the j people ill tho-western counting both north and south, and west to the (Tennessee line, _ Jrnvg made rapid progress in building of good public road*. A-wave or enthusiasm' seems to* have- rapidly spread over these counties and the people ot the eastern counties should aid ihe contagion in ita tprea-^Fto.the seaboard. Good roads would be of even more possible value-in the eastern part ot the- state than in tlia west. Eastorn North Carolina is noted for Us large farm crop production and all this uiepnc a tonnage haul from the farm to the market. Under present pnblic road conditions this farm haul (b at an excessive cost to the farmer, and should be lessened by the construction cf better roads. &very county In the eastern part of the state should rouBe itself to an interest in the coming State Arsociation meeting at forehead City. Those interested in the good roads project ofcottid wee that county repre&en'latives attend the sessions of the association and enter into the consideration of tch subject of good roads building. Low raiirohd rates are In elTect for the meeting and special arrangements have been made for ample hotel accommodations. Interest in the meeting will be heightened by a few days' stay at Morehead City and as the fishing season is now at its best the trip can be made pleasurable us , well as profitable. Full information ' regarding the , meeting can be had by addressing Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Secretary of ( the Good ftoada Association. Chanel ( F?ll. K. C. About ten delegates will attend ( from Washington. . ( r, _ Bath-Room Arres-iorie-i -Ui and Summer Comfort \' There is nty time in the year whea the Bathroom is as much in use as in midsummer. l>ur- 1 Jng the hot days the shower bath and the cold tub are in constant demand. ? Have you arranged your f * bathroom so that you aud your j family can have the benefit of i modern convenience? r Have you an adequate shower bath? Have you soap, sponge, tooth-brush and drink' ing glaee-holders? -Have you-' ; glass Shelves. toilet prepara- * juijb ana a mcaicine cabinet? ' Have you bath mats and a good ' tuppTy of rough towels??and to on, ad lib.? I There are many bathroom accessories on t he market planned for convenience and sanl- . _ tation. The Hat la far too long ^ to enumerate here-, bnt. if. you ( are not already entirely fanill- ( Jar with what la to be had In this line, turn to the) advertising columns of The Daily News and learn something on the subject. Ydh will be astonished to find how much real comfort you can procure for 7 our self and your family at very moderate cost. ? ^ arket list 20th, ding Aid In Housfc re Of . rTTT 7*'. J I \t THEN. S moskxgbk agent has kehigx* I KD HIS POSITION WITH THK NORFOLK SOTTHBEN . I After having been general- passe i-:er agent of the Norfolk Southern llmilroad for the past four years, W. IV. Croxton resigned his position last I Laturday. H? will accept the name lioaltion with tlio Atlanta, IJIrmlngI am and Atlantic Railroad. His resignation 111 become effective August I St. I H. P. I.ehr. tho division pe^cenger I gent of the Seaboard Air Line, has l?ecn appointed to fill the vacancy ISUMd by S?r. Croxton'8 resignation. I ml vlll teto ho pojli'.en ? BuunTrj t Is ypcatcd. Mr. l.ehr Is at prcaenttatloued in Italcigh. :X?LAXi>K FAMOIH OltDTK IS 5O0 VKAltS OLD. oday reviewed -thu-cijremony of In? tnllation in the Order of the Hath, vhlch has been -in disuse since IS 15.. The ceremony took place at King ienry the Seventh's Chapel in WestMinister Abbey, which was first set ipart for that purpose in 1725. Toluy's ceremony, carried out with appropriate pomp in tho presence of he King und Queen, and antler the llrectlcs of Prince Arthur, Duke of ?onnaught, _ Governor-General . of Canada, who is Grand Master of the ;rder, 13 rather a beloved observance >f tho 509th anniversary pf the fountation oftlio Order. . The Order was reconstituted1 tinder Seorge I. The Great Master was the )uke of Montagu, and the First and Principal Companion was Prince Wiliam. afterward Duke of CuinberantL_aniLYlcinr oi' -Culloden, Those who arc made Knights of he Bath at the installation have to ollow the ancient ritual, which includes the actual taking of a bath lefore undergoing the vigil end presenting themselves for the accolade >f a knight "in?the name of God. Our *ady and Saint Goorge." Whether" ce ceremony is purely ecclesiastical inu symbolic in its origin is not dear. Prior to 1725 the Order of the 3ath did vie in rank with the Order >f the Garter, and Knights of the Bath were rarely created except at he time of a coronation. In 1812 ?xtra knights were authorized and :reaied at odd times. In 1816 the )rdOr was divided Into three classes, he then Knights Grand Cross, while Ihe new members of the order were iistribuied among the newly formed Masses of Knights Commander and Mftmnaiiinna On?eleven?or* asione ince then the claBHes have had new liembeis. Difference in Failures. A Denver capitalist said bitterly, ipropos of aT dishohesf" liquidation wherein he had been caught: "There ire pessimists who say that ntar ingo la a failure; but between a marriage and a failure there's this dlference: In a marriage the wife ;akes the husband's name, while in : 'allure the husband takes the.wife's _ ? CLKKKK HA\"E DIFFICULTIES. The clerks in the postoffice had a nais this morning In the new buldiig. BMng unacquainted with the boxes, it took them some-iime to And wt; tifein y??.e iur me cirnereni eiers. It won't be long, However, before they^get the "hang'* of things. Riches nntl Happiness. ~ Qeelt uut to be licii, hut happy. rhe one lies in%bags, the other In fontent, which wealth' can never I've.?William Penn. John Cox and daughter. Miss Louise Cox, of Philadelphia, are visiting friends In the city. Miss Cox is the guest of Miss Sena Taylor. FRIDAY, JULY 2-YTH. THE BIC; KVENT * * a * _?#. * Will ? ig Their Tobacco ! ' NO. 24* - r I i. ._ 4 tlg^T " UIIUU IH1UU REp ABOUT FlFTY ATTENDED MEETIMG WHICH WAH HULI> IK CITY HA LI- LAST MM) I. | $40.00 WflTcOLlEGIED KIIO MOItK IS NEEDED TO HEM* I'AI?FOE NEW ISATTKKY WHICH HAS KEEN SECTTIKD. A meeting cf the baseball enthulr.gta of the etty " "? li^lH nt fti** City Hal! last night. About fifty were present.. T4u>?first?business-Of tfiC meeting was the election of officers. fST H. Cleary was elected president, land Thomas Hland. secretary-treasjurer. The ehoico - of captain and' I held manager was left up to the team j to decide. I Several Interesting addresses were 'made regarding the baseball Interests !in Washington. Much enthusiasm 'was manifested over the outlook. The officers stated that fends v.ere needled for the paying of the new battery jwhlch Bad been Becurcd. $150 is ;nocdeif. $40 of this amount was | pledged at the niQPting last night, jit is believed that no serious difficulty will be encountered !n collecting the balance. ? Fiffjii a A DAY OF ENTHUSIASM Washington's most representative' firms will take part in this great etfttt.- Every man and lady should do the same. Th? ~?i.? " " . ? vviuuiiis oi ims paper will explain fully in due time just what in necessary to enter this contest.. A prl2e of.iXS.Ad will be offered. Mighty little work Will be! required to win it. The following are merchants who will take active? part in this great Friday-Contest: Bowers-Lewis Co. _ ?J. K. Hart : James E. Clarke Co. Brown Drug Co. Worthy & Etheridge. . 'Jk.^ r Blount'b Pharmacy. l?. L. Brooks. Barren & Tnmflgf>- . M t / ? -Miss Hattie Hcnby. R. L. Stewart. ^ J. E. Adams. Ru^s Bros. r> i A. J. Cox Co. > * I-WaHep-Gredie-^ Co. ?^?4. | Harrison & Phillips. 1 Jefferson Furniture Co. ( Globe Furniture Co. Southern',Furniture .Co. D. M. Carter. SPANISH \VA It VETERANS IN Hi\StS ? ? Leavenworth. Kans.. July 22?The' annual encampment "of the United |Spanish Wsr Veterans besrati here r/v. *r* day and will last three daya. The camps have been pitched on Merritt Hill, a large camp being provided for assembly and smaller ones for delegates to the reunion. Col. Roosevelt has been invited to visit the veterans, but it is not certain if he can reach fyere before the meeting roses. Equal In Earthquake Zone. As far as earthquake activity is x concerned. Italy and 7apan are abont . on a par. '< THE RIG EVENT FRIDAY, JITLY S5TH. * RETE1VRD ANOTHER I.OT Ol? UUdlos' Crepe <3owns; pick antt j blge. to sell for 98c. J. K Hoyt. ? 11" v ^ ~ 7 ft, , - j

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