-V . ' Park9 KEW HATTKRV FOR WASHINGTON WORK WONDERS IN IN. CREASING STRENGTH OI. IXXAEH. IMIES lERIIOf QUE PITCHER PLAVK GREAT OANIE IN PIKED A\I? DROVE OCT TWO HITS. ONE OP THEM A TWO-DAGGER. The fn? TMterday. betwrwr Tb? locals and Grcanvlll?, van. wKfcoiii any question, the most exciting played oh Fleming Park this season. Washington won out by the score of 4-3. It sura was u thriller, especially that last toning. *] Tho locals started right off in the , first and on throe hits, coupled with two errors made by Greenville, snored four runs. Greenville scored ( one in the fourth. In the ninth the , visiting players filled the sacks with none down. Before the final mat* was out, two rnns had been scored. , . Mdybe there wasn't homo yelling done In that last stanca! , . Barnes was the "horo In yesterday's contest. He got two hits, one of them' * a double, pitched dandy ball and 1 played a sensational fielding game. 1 His partner. Watklna. was also all Hoot; "With." Gits "battery," Washington ought to turn around i and win a few games. The gams ' was as follows: FIRST IKNiMB. Bailey out. Cowell going after the ball and Taylee cot at leg first. Jntner fanned. '"^ZZ sw.*o?t ~tajTSiown'. NO ' HUNS. ~.V v.. _ Carrow fothit ha the slat*. Watkins flaw out to Batftfc Barnes sin glad. Cowell out on v ?xou*ider to Bowling, runners advancing. Tayloe singled as jfid Brown. _,Cartow. 1 and Barnes snored. Walker reached first on Moora's "error, Toy lor scoring. J. Brown reached flrst -mi. Brown's, error. P. Brown scored. Walker tot nailed at the plate. TOUR RUNS. V- SECOND INNING. Thompson tronnded qnt, Cowell tc Bams. Bowline and Caveaport tanned. NO r .. RUNS. - . 4' ? mroora singled.To -rtirtrr. farrow knocked out a trounder. Moore was nailed at second. Weston, who ran' for Oarrow, caught stealing second. Watklns grounded to short and was thrown out at first. NO RUNS. * THIRD INNING-. Brown out. Tavloe to Cowell. Moore flew out to Gatrow. Rajcsd&le singled. Bailey flew out to Taylor. NO RUN Barnes oat. Brown to Bowling. Cowell out. Moore to Bowling. Tayloo out, Brown to Bowling. NO ?* jiunoi I , :;r," ...I FOURTH INNING. Joiner singled. Lanier walked. Thompson oat, Tayloe to Cowel!> Joiner scored on a passedhall by Watklns. Bowling .! whtffied. Davenport -flew out to "If Brown. ONE RUN. P. Brown out. Brown to Bowling. Walker flew to Brown. J. Brown reached first on short stops error. Moore knocked a grounder and Brown was thrown- out at sooond. fM NU KU.NS. : FIFTH INNING. Brown struck J?? ?Moore flew out to Tayloe.-ftfrgs. stopped it and threw him oat at Uret. NO RUNB. Carrow, -Wat kins and Barnes oat; on infield grounders. NO RUNS. SIXTH INNING. Bailey. Lanier amUoiner out. Walker and. Barnes < ' throwing them out at. first. NO RUNB. Jfeij Cowell got hit. Out on second on Taylor1? grounder.' Taylor safe at v ' jb* first. P. Brown readhed first onWash! " ' program will be the jfry."Uuiang lipg Ton/."* Vail can not afford to uc< tiber +an y War nf ti^n Bp'-jnj'.inii' ami rty> # ?panish-Am erica*. whirh this country has fought. Surviving members J it re gi meats that participated in c JlAu ? ... -J 1_? ??i" ? ? Bin: auunawg ICC ? celebration end vrfll be horored by r; carious rewards and entertainments. 3lj CONGRATULATE CARDINAL I ay lie I'swl Ja Hulldlng of Kondv Here. j,% * . '* The Washington Chamber ct Cc:n Wrco haa appointed" (fleveu pre ml- j ent citizen# of the city to attend the ; tOfcd lluads Convention. which :a e held at Morehead city the latter j art of next week. Thote gentle- j ten win attend ihu variolic meet lira, which will be held and will cn- I eavor to obtain auftge&tiona which ) o; uc v>? uvuciu iu 'V nouiuf lull lit , t?e building of roods here. The dole- j aim apfwintfri am as follows; Capt. Gee. T. Leach. C. A. Flynn. o?u G. Brcgn-v, Jr., T. Harvey Myrs. M. T. ArchbolJ, Bopli Ijoggett. K. Doughton. T. W. PhlWp*. Hnr- , Y McMcilan. B. Frank Bov?irs and , fa^or F. C. Kugkrt ( IEW POST OFFICE II pi I A H I1K.KN KSTABLI.SITEB TKKOlC.II THE Kl'FOKTS Ol CONGRESSMAN SMALL. >Through the efforts of Congresa "flTI H Smal^ g pay. as been established at Wenona. the emonstraiion (arm location on the lOrfolk Southern railroad, ten miles orth of Bel haven. This postofflce ras opened for business on Jujy 10, rlth George Kico as postmaster. The locality served by the new ihee has been heretofore getting its anil service through the postofttce at 'ungA. The people at WenOna have icen greatly Inconvenienced in Gie ray of mail service, in the past, owns to the Ions distance to the Pungo fficeT AJ)tjaM^-rtolTat Wenona nd ulthUhd OewTy wstabliahHcl postifflce located directly at this pplnt ntrons of tfce lies territory -wTll tore quick and efficient service. This near location will serve not inly Wenona Harm and the new state ixperiment station operations, but rill also aOonfl quick service to all >artiea who are interested in the arrled on br the John L. Roper ..umber Company in the Wenona disxlct. - It is expected that several new apllics wl|l aaon eettle'in that localty and the now poatoffice will be of nestimable value to all concerned. Reader* ef the News and all othirt intereatod In mall tor the Wenona llatrict. can hereafter uae thq new iostofflco addrtse cr Wenona, N. C, would fly by max power " Farla, July 23.?rThe French govirument is dovbting much, attention .0 new inventions by native aviators, lesigned to permit man to fly entlre>ther outside power enters into the naking of these small machines, callid "aviettea." the fundamental Idea >e!ng to propel tliem by human force i!one. The results so far have not been strikingly successful, hut high hopes ire eiut'iiami-u ui mjYcrai new ?titt.Ua" nnw undfir cnuran nf .ronatmr-ion. The formula followed by these inventors wSslb^fded l)r . Matnan, Urector of a French technical school, who, after years of study declares he Has auoceeded In translating the prin siplas of a bird-flight Into mechanics. WATCH FOR DOUBLE PAGE A? Df TOMORROW'S PAPER ? FOR FRIDAY'S BIG KVEXT >* *?? Tobai FiHx S?i i vp< '-J,,! >- W-fWP ' il * .*' LOST LIVES IX F1RF IN ggfajRAf.l FACTORY YCHTEKIMY ?&& !' ' A FTBRXOOX. A.W A HE SWKIT liV hUEKTS (.? INTO 1 HE IJl'liM XC? IltiLDI.NO AFTER THKV -Wjvght safety IX V" it'v ? BUjgharopton, N, Y? July 2 * Fort# gltls art? believed to hare los theUr lifca ln*a Are which detsroyo Lbo Freeman Overall Factory hen yeaterday afternoon. The Arc atcr: o?r ax ociock and no a com plctely destroyed?ttru?tmthitrTg -h twenty minutes. One hundred und twenty-flve girl were In the factory when, the f.r?* wa discovered. The police declared the ut leust 40 fulled to escape. Twelv* girls wore taken.to the hospital bad ly Injured. There were "heartrending scene* when several gtrls.clinging ta ftro os rapes were swept by ebecta of flame or jumped from the factory w'ndowe Exactly how "many were penned in ?ldo was bard to determine In thi panic. The walls of the big buildlnj fell at 2:50 o'dock. At 2:45 tw. bodies are lying on Division rtree cut completely in xveo. Others cat be seen Is tne rpipt;. E. J. I.a-wrboc* -bookkeeper ta* company^sakKthat he ,^drkinj lp the otSbff when the iflwTalarr aoumlcfl. Tko flames wei^ndar tffl front stairway. There also was i rear stairway and Are escapes at th south side of the building. Most o the women were employees In th machine operating room on th fourth floor. They made no attemp to harry from the building at fl^ii thinking that the fire .alarm was to g.ftrf4rflJTr .? >vJCIY 23 IX HISTORY . 1741?Battle of WlUlamstadt, 1 Sweden between the Russian and the Swedes. * ITS5?The Germanic Union concluc . . ed?the last act of Import ance of the life of Frederic II. Id02?Bmxoctt's insurrection. Sweden were the only Eurt pean powers that had not re< oscizea Atpoioon as ampere tt Frince. 1812?The British and their allic under Lord Wellington Ct feated the French forces c Salamanca. Spain. 1877?Gen. Sheridan was rent t Pittsburg to que!! labor riot 1904?M. De Plenve, Russian statei man, assassinated. 1913?Rumored in London that Bruce Ismay would retire t head of the International Me: eantlle Marine Company ai ..raattit-trf-a? Titanio dim.te Harl?ers Act As Coroners. In Egypt a large proportion of ti borbera are state functionaries."r K> cording to an edict issued by Ibri him Pasha In 1848. every villai barber was ordered, when death O' curred in his district, to make a car ful examination of the corpse. an ruport 10 tee auinornies any ne&i occurring through epidemic, diseai or foul play. Severe penalties -wei impose el for any neglect oP'thla dut; and a fee of 5 ccnta was paid for;ejg death registered. -Five years ago *jl aystdin of payment Ify fad?was ana ished and each vlllac* barber no draws from the government a fixe salary for his services. * * . *n WATCH FOR DOTTBLK PAGE AD IN TOMORROW'S PAPER _ 'FOWFMDAY'H RIG EVENT a : e. ? *> a :co lay Aug r y ' ^ " f .Sj "2k- ! ' ""' n ? j Washington, Juljr St.?Only It is | a few day? since It was announced ~ that .a rarprratlnn had bagun buaU noes In this city to reduce the high -o?; cf living, the y* -? jenialai that living expenses nr< Thla la shown by a Sherman Allen. Assistant of the Treasury, by the gorcrnmetovt.^ general supply committee. Thla ba- e that the cost of groceries and house- 1 romeier of )he trend Of prices shows ,c bold supplies has increased 17 per e cotii., as compared with last year; 1 lumber. 10 per cent.; fuel and ice, 7 c ' per cent., and (fry goods. 5 per cent. 1 While these essentials are soaring. } the report showed decreases In the * Prices of the- folic wing; Forage. 1 Hour and feed, Zo per rent.; paints e and oils, 12 per cent.; hardware. 7 1 aud^olectrlral unci engineering sup- [ ~ pile*. 5 per cent each. These last * named articles were stationery, drug;; 1 and chemicals. laboratory apparatus. 1 photographic supplies. engraving ' and printing eupplioa end incandea3 cent gas lamp supplies. " HAW BRANCH ITEMfl. r ' David Evans took Misa Lizzie Lewfa to the Holiness camp meeting at 8 Piney Grove Sunday. They report a f line trip. 1 Mine Lillian Lewis was the guest e of Mies Lily Warren Sunday even ing. Mrs. Mahals Barr overturned a * spider or boiling lard .on ber hands laat week and seriously earned them. Lula Elizabeth, tho little daugh' ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hill, was ' taken suddenly ?H July 16, but wo * are glad to report she is now coni valescent, ? Larry, "the faithful old dog of J. j 1 G. Lewis', died last Saturday night. 1 Some few days past J. Q. Edward# dog was taken wiU* what was sup e posed to be rabbles aud he was kill- ' ed. Dogs aer getting scare in this ? section. * rexes are i?etTtn^*rery plentiful n There, was one in H. O. Warren's 0 rorn field Monday afternoon, trying lf to catch a turkey for supper, but 1 e lucky for the turkeys he did not get off with one. ' Mrs. Juda Nelson was the guest of : ^ Mrs. J. R. Downs Sunday. P Mrs. Olivia .Lewis was the gue?X of 1 nttrs. ft. O. Warren Sunday d. m. 1 Mrs. Lizani Lewis visited her sister, >!i3s Elizabeth Buck, last wees I and this N^ek Miss Buck Is visiting 1 a Hn. Lewis. * 1 s Wonder what has become of Mid- 1 die Cround Itemizer. Would he glad I- to hear from her again. :- Oh! by the way. we taw items ' k written by a new Haw Branch item- ; lzer last >eek. Wonder who that ' can be. " >l_ A Word to the Wives * Is Sufficient. a After everything has been . o said that can be said cn the s. subject of women's rights, all |. true women feel, no matter | ^ what their political ideas may " bh, that their first and most P, , important duty is the thrifty a aud business-like management The Question of pure foods is very mwch before the public 55 at the present time, and every c" housekeeper Is desirous o? having on her table food stuffs that ;c e_ -aro as nutrious and as little e- .adulterated as it is possible to id procure, b so There ha* been a campaign re 9t public education on this subTr - 'tBCi, and the women who hey & ?>*pt up-with ih*t times know* ie /what tp avoid in buying her 11 pfOTisiCTOS. y A good housekeeper can not . spend her time more wisely _ than by Informing -herself on these points by reading the ad vertisements is The Dally News and other newspapers of ? oaual standing. V J) [arket fust 20th leding Aid In Hotasi are Of A, v ===== ' government" here ao ' # "SLASHKS" MADE MEN HI.I Ml " '-.ester, Pi.. July 23.?The "4 and respectable men who ihkued when they sew the transparent costumes of the women." acordlng to the chairman of the Ro- ( hedfer City Council. will very likely e spared further blushes, for the ouncll t? expected to meet within a ew days and pass an ordinance proibitlng the"wearing of slashed skirt?, ran a parent hose, short sleeves and. Ight fitting dreaaes. It has developd that a previous attempt has been uade to pass such a law. but there ' ras a deadlock In the council. No ! >ne has been bold enough- to say. I ion ever, who totffl nga1ni?t tlif nu'inrf ire. RfiBSEVELr FOR III I ? ItECmMGNURD TO PKKS1DKNT ' WILHON AS PROPKlt MAN FOR j AMBASSADOR TO THAT COVNTRV. ' Washington. July 23.?ilepreson- j ativo Win. H.'Millray, of Okiulzortia. well Uno\\n as "Alfalfa Bill." Introiuced un-elaborate tot of resolutions roetcrday in wh.pji he invites the < 3cuote to concur, directing Interven;lon in Mexico If order and peace are ! jot restored within thirty days after Prc-'deut Wilson issues a proclnma- ' lion to that effect. -? I Murray's resolutlonsNdtarncterlze I Provisional President lluoWik^ys a .usurping marauder." a. JIMac sd murderer" und his regime as . 'founded upon treachery, duplicity und murder." Denisop, Tex.. July 22.?Fifty-* | four men who have Just completed a I trip by special train through parts af the Rio Grande Valley. Invest ieat ing land investments along the ( Texas-Mexican border, sent a telegram from here last night to President Wilson, recommending the anpointraent of Theodore Roosevelt us ambassador to Mexico. The petitioners, who signed themselves "citixena of Iowa. Illinois, Minnesota, Mtggourl anNGREB8MAN JOHN H. SMAM, RECEIVED COMMINKATIOX FROM CHIEF ENGINEER THIS MORNING. R. E. TORS. ENCtNEEH IR. TOMS WILli AKRIYF. I If THE CUT AT THE ABOVE HATE. WILL ALSO MAKE A SECOND TRIP AT HQMB LATUM ?? vW] DATE. , Congressman John 11. Snsj! arriv- ' -'-"*^3 id in the city yostcrlay morning and vill remain hero until tomorrow, ?;$ri vhen he will retevn to Washington. y|gs Wrr-Sraatl receives "o letter-"rromdr. Pierce, Chief Government Engineer. this morning to the effect that ho date had been decided upon :.--j vhen a government eugineer would ?e In this city. The-letter stated that laymoud E. Tens, a Senior High- * vay Engineer, has been assigned to neet interested parties Th Washing- "^3 on on August 4th and 5th to discus* he building of the proposed 5 miles >f demonstration roads. Mr. Toma vill arrive here at'3:20 p. ta., Au;ust 4thi In uddiiion to being here on the ibove date, Mr. Toma will return la* er to attend to further detail retarding the construction of the road. The exact date of his second trip is iot known as yet. Mr. Toms has a country-wide repuation as an eminent authority upon . $ hft construction of good rcnii Wnfth ? ?i ngton is to be congratulated upon laving beeb able to secure his servces through the efforts of Mr. Small. BIG DOUBLE PACE AO 8* INSIDE flMMV H Will Explain Friday's Dig Event Somebody will win $15.Of . Do yonwant it? Friday, July 25th. will be bargain day all over Washington. Read my add on.our special sheet to- , --^*1 morrow and you may be the one to win the $15.00. The following merchants will take active part In this, great contest: v Bowers-Lewis Co. * J. K. Hoyt. _ ' James C. fiark Co ' "* Brown Drug Co. > Worthy & Etheridge. Bloiin^'s Pharmacy. E. L Brooks. Bnrreit ?? Turnage. Miss Hat tie Henfcv. R. L. Stewart. J. E. Atiaus. Ritas Brof. A. J. Cos Co. V.'a'.icr ( r??d!e & Co. J. Harr!&4&. it Phillips. Jetftrson Furniture Co. (Txoe Furniture Co. : - ^ D. ,\i. Carter. - wat< ii i oh norm.r pai.k ? - AI< IX TOMORROW'S PAPjiR " FOR FRIDAY'S HKi EVENT WAR TROCBI.E MAR iriik'uu rvi riiPi-nnw - . Constantinople. July 23.?Th? Turin* today eclebi'ated the fifth lilvcrsary c f the establishment of th? constitutional regime. War trouble* cast a gloom over the celebration and there was plainly a note of anxiety apparent despite the gaiety of tha; erowdn that thronged the streets. * * * WATCH FOR ROUBLE 1'ACJK * - A I> IN TOMORROW'S PAPER " 'j FOR FRlMrS PAG EYTOCT H | m * ? * ? ? Open I s l v :*j?k?$a&iI'