> "11 J-Of'AI.H MISSED SEVERAL GOOD OWORTCNITDM TO* SCORE. !?*SIVTUV? tiAJIK MOKDST.? F'-V " ' ' ? Well, wo lost jthat one yesterday; ,' 3-2.? it was a hatd same to loose too. S - VVaHhInjrt OlT? Ou?_JiJi Uu> Q , .a, a>v two Ml OOHIillC L players. Barnes pitched a great game, y bit a few errors, a little carelessness and the trick was dose. . The game started at 4:30, with Washington to' bat. Neither team ecored In tho first. In the second Washington scored two runs on' clean hits hy Walker. Brown and Davenport. There was no fluke about the jjjSl the rank watw made, they were clean and enrncil. . . Greenvilte scored^their three in_the ' fifth. Bonner, the first man up, strnck oat. Watklns dropped the ball, add he reached first, safe. Two-hits- and a babe on balls wore the means or f scoring him and Moore and Brinkley. In the sixth, Washington had a good chance to score. Tayloe singled and then wont fast to sleep off first. He whs put out be. twsen first and second. Cowell knocked out a ' two-bagger and reached W - . ?w- ? -T. strucv oat and the-i rr~ - b?t Mooro cculd do was to ground | It was hard on Barnea to lose that game. He pitched a perfect game and allowed only four scattered hits. Watklna had an off day. Hli throw atole the hue on him. But theer up! Bveryone is bound to have an off day. Greenville is coming over here agalh. Monday and what we do to them la going to be a shame to print Summary of the Game. Washington: AB. H. E. Davenport. If 1 4 1 o Watkins, a.". V* r 3 1 I Barnes, p. ... .. T 0 0 Tkyloe, 2b 3 1 d H. Cowel!, lb. .. 4.10 J. Cowell, cf 4. 1 0 Walker, as. .......... 4 1 t J. Brown. 3b 3 1 0 l a. o Totals 31 7 6 Greenville: AB. H. E. IL Thompson. If 3 0 (f Joiner, c 4_d- d ?t if H. Thompson, 3b 4 0 0 Bailey, 2b. . . . 4- 3 0 0 Bonner, rf 4 0 0 Lanier, cf. 3 1 0 . Mporo, ss. .. /S 1 1 ' , Ragadale, lb 3 1 0 Brinkley, p. .... . 3 1 0 Totals C ....30 4 1 ' Score by .Innings: R Washington.. .. ..020 .000 000?2 | Greenville . . rAit* WOO*?2 Two-base hits, H. Cowell. Base on Bfev- balls, off Brink ley 1, off Barnes 2. I Struck out, by Brinkley % by Barnes j. 6. Double play. Watkins to H. Cowm ' ?? urilsuN KIVKR RKOBTTA-. New York, July 26.?there are | eleven events in the Hudson River i t lUlWlm AuaaiUM I r.eeiu heKl" bore today over {be Woodcllffe course, including single, sculls, jun- I lor sculls, Intermediate single sculls, junior double Jigs, junior foui< oared barges. Intermediate fouroared barges, Junior four-oared gigs, 3* Junior and aenlor four-oared sculls and junior olgln-oared shells. J. A. Mllfer.^^Frr, Is referee. Some of tho best oarsmen in this section of the /' country are competing. t .... ... I Rcmembei I ' I ^ ^ I i in Close I 1 ?IM?l'i|? III \ 1 LIVED TWO YEAK8 ON *0?. - . _?_ - - 1 Woman Died leaving An Estate 1 I ? -Valued at yTOO. HaSklais." Mich., July 25.?Tho dentil of Mrsi Lottio Malloy, an old .1 aottler, revealed the-fact that she ex-, t Isted two yearn end three months o& 1 tho -sum of $$5. Sho and her hua- ^ band resided on a fnrm at Leach j Lake, north of town, until they -went 1 to th? soldiers' home In Grand RapIds. where Malloy died two yearn ago. i. 1 felnoe then Mrs. MaUov has reald- J led in a small home,she purchased In J HastiUKo. bearing she would not J have enough to live on. she subsisted U rviy fiufculiy: 5-;he . leaves an estate J of 1700. !J I For jrears she and her husband jcamc to town with tho only remainling ox team in Barry county, a sight ^ which attracted a at~ tent ion. uiiOiui si Bin i MIES : C f POSTMASTER (iEXFTRAL UITU.K* 1 SON DEFENDS HIS PLAN BE- i FORK SENATE POKTOFF1CE l^IMITTEK. Washington, July SB.?In answer to criticism of his administration of the parcel post, particularly hta proposed reduction of rates and the increase of the slse of mailable package^ Poetiaaatei -General?Burleson ~ postofflce committee. Chairman Clerk of the interstate commerce commission also was pressnt. , In the opening of bis statement Mr. Burleson replied to the criticism ' of hie abolishing the distinctive par- < eel post stamp: He asserted that I widespread complaint arose* against j !the stamp and that the stamp prevented the shipment cf many artides.. 1 "Don't you. think th6se who draft 1 ed the law were bettor able to interpret It than departmental officials?" asked Senator Hrhrtow. f "No air," responded Mr. Burleson. Senator' Hoke Smith asked If the 'solicitor of thfe department had given an opinion on the matter. "Ho air.** said Mr. Burleson. "It seemed bo clear to me. being a corn fed lawyer myself, that I changed It without an dplnion." Mr. Burleson contended nothing had been lo^tby the abolishing of the Stamp because" be had been able to [approximate recipts of the parcol ftost by hajlflg accounts kept at fifty large postofflces where 50 per cent, of the mail business was done. Since the introduction ofthe parcel post. Mr. Burleson said, the revenue of the Chicajgo postoffiee had increas- . ed 21.63 peitc&it. He believed that due to the parcel post .and added that was the greatest increase In tlie history of the1 Chicago office. "That's because the big mail or. der houses are located there," inter- *1 ruptcfi Senator Brlstow. ! "Yos, and they were honhstty in el ilwHimag tht parcel peat" tamp," said Mr. Burteson. . Postmaster-General Burleson pi'o- 1 duced "the latest figures" to show l that on twenty-pound oackagos the government would moke a profit of 1 ten cents. Senator Bryan declared 1 there would be a loss of 8 cents. j ? ' . Mr. and Mrs.-N. C. Waters of Bet- ( haven are in the city to day on a shop- J ?lng trip. ' ' 1 ' r the Date :?bIv hest Prices will be % , : NEW CtfCRGHfj TO BE BUILT j ' -J5U. 1, iKRIKS OF SUCCESSFUL MEETINCH If AS JTBT BREX CONCLUDED. I Ian* for New Church Co Be Completed Soon and Work to He Started oa X?? Church in X Rev. J. W. Hoyle of< Aurora, aa- ' listed by Rev. c. R. Canlpe, has Just 1 dosed a successful series pf meet- 1 agis at Small. All of the meetings 1 irere well attended and groat onthus- , asm was Replayed. A new church ' was organized. Plana for the build- < log wlU be completed sturdy uiihl1 I he pooplo of Small txpect to be worshipping in a new building In the 1 Itfgr fiitnrr flQfAL* ACTION OX AARTOTBURR'S rKXSloV. . , t Implication Found ami Will Be Pt-s- 5 nerved After 71> Ye^M in Hutnim. 1 ington. July 25.?Alter scvinty-nine years, the United States i ias decided on final action on Aaron iurr'E application for a pension. The fovernmentr-pTopcseB to put the epdlcatlon In the National Museum. Exhibited lr. a glass t?ase the pa| ?era will, tell future generations that n his'last days Huir was "hard up." The papers contain a letter written ty George Washington to Burr, In erfect preservation. The papers were discovered by o lcrk In the files of the Pension Of- ^ Ice. He read the letter. written by Vashlngton and ptrased the docu nents to the head ol the department. Daniels Would; Force All Men ; to Vote . ; lays That large Number Are Indlf ferent to the Use of the Ballot. ' Lcng Beach, Cal., July 26.?State ' awB, compelling citizens to exercise 1 he privilege of the ballot, were advocated-yesterday by Secretary of the ^ s'avy Daniels in an address at a ? uncheon given in his honor. "We have too large a class of cltlcens," he said, "generally well edu- ^ :ated and weil-to-do, who abdicate the kingly right of suffrage. A way thou Id bo found tu liiuku it easy for ll them to vote. then trt r?nnlr? t* >' I them. There is hardly an election j inywhere In the country, outside Presidential years, where the issue is act carried by a minority ot the electorate. "There should he a law by which ell officers and enlisted men in the traqy and navy, all public offi:era who are employed away from heir place of residence, all college .IU(?11(U Wild me"o7 age^ and all irummcrs and railroad men, can vote >y mail." 3ATANG AVERAGES OF LOCAL PLAYERS rAYLOB LEADING THE FIELD WITH PERCENTAGE OF .417. Below, are givaa the batting avertges of all Washington playerewho tave taken part In two or more ram An- ' ,J AB. H. Ave. rayloe . . 14 5 .417 tarnee'. .13 4 .308 Vatklna 11 3 .473 Lowell 11. J ,J73 Harrow ........ .... 3 4 .450 i. Brown. 1 ,1?? *oo? ? 1 . >*#. for the Opei Vednesd Paid For All Grad , ^op' a u M I I - ? i'4 ?' ' | |''J*11"' 111 'j 1 " \IRPAY AFTEILNOOX. JULY IS. IS] I. ! I ? Tiiin unnumn TIHMMiv |b:m rain l\ y*kars I I'l l :0 in wvrthlxotov this MOHMM.. lUN STREET FLOODED t "W fcf imrueauegi lalui. ?eiui tu I ngton in years, fell last night i ter a brief cessation, started gali this morning at about nine The rain fell In torrents md ill traffic on the stroots was juSBtdiy suspended for an hour, rke .tihv pldces in the country, at the mtslftrts of the city, .were flooded ator to a depth of from two tQ. hreefleei. Main street in front of ho gjonra Drug domparr war. cl.-hr ;;crogs" I hf? v. nff ;o th^sidewalk ami right ttJ the door3 ; >C thpdrug store and Spencer s. - Th^-- rain fctltntlrecotlnf ry was'" tlso'tflgtvy and it la believed that conilderaplo damage was sustained by I heap^s. .:j ^1 -l ... * i Large Number of Fans View Ball G am e at Greenville 1 i iO.MK MADK TRIP \TA AI TOMO- , llLLE WHILE 13THKKS TOOK , TRAIN TO GREENVILLE. , A large4 number of Washington msebatt ^OThTjslaws^aceOTnpanleirTfip " earn to Greenville yesterday. They lid some strong rooting wo.' A num>er made the trip via automobile, rhile others left here on tho 3:20 rain. Among those who saw the tame, were plates Ada ft hod eg. Mao Blount, Eliza. Biench, Nina Blount, Urg.A. a.'Puliord and Mewrn>L. " 'rjulrcs, Peg. Jonee. William Knight. Soph Potts, Claude Jordan, F. C. bugler, William. Baugham. Tom Bland, Wm. Ellsworth, Elbert Wes;on, Charles Sterling, F. S._ Worthy, Tharles Cowell, Lester Savage. I. rlughes. Dr. Carter.;William Ellison J' 3arl Georch, Caleb Bell and Harlev Sparrow. * ? If you have a room for re^t, advertise it in the Daily News. 6 . <\ Making Your Dollar Do Double Duty Our dollars come hard eno'^ph to most cf us to make us interested in .anything which ' will tend to give them greater " UUraiJLBIBg P&wer. ah'fl so our " readers will appreciate our repetition of the eame idea in 1 when we call attention again to the daily possibilities for economy and raving offeree! by , careful and intelligent buying I of the year-ln, year-out things- - J -that all of us must- buy. - ' Clothes, food, recreation?all - are better bought, more in?gl!i- - - gently bought, more economically bought by those who read the advertising with care and , understanding. > i In saying how much a dollar [ wlllvbuy, It makes all the difference .'n the world "who ^ spends tho dollar/ ( w ay Augi es. All Farmers 1 Wm Be Taken Cai BW^PSjM^WBniw lahir C i a. row. 15^5 F .< I n ?H *: ; " SAILORS MPKCT TO START TOI daV on long voyage across atlantic BOAT IS~U FT. LONG Ljg^r Bedford, Uus., )uiy 96.? Thomas A. Johansan and Lawrence Erhard, of thO orcw of the revenue putter Acushnet, hopo to be able to ptart,~iRH planned, on their trlplicrdss luv v.Lcuu iuuu) in u louriccn-mot power boat. Their boat has been given several trials to deep sea In rough weather and they are confident that tney can tnaKc a reeorj. WEARS ICR IN HAT * TO KEEP OUT HEAT. Illinois Woman, ArkI 01, Thus Mnin- ' tains Record tot Sunday School ; Attendance. Alton, 111.. July 25.?Mrs. E. B. Clurkson, age<i ninety-four, of Alton, ; Is using Ice on-her head to moke the trip to and from the First Presbyterian Sunday school wefckly, to keep up her record of fourteen years* coniecutlvo attendance. Fourteen years ago she sought to istabllsh a record ; -trr.^ ince. Recently she was forced t<# jive up h'er clacs, but that d'id not,, itbp' her from being ifoseiu. Mrs. Clarkson puts a small chunk )Z ice uifdcr her old-fashioned bontet to prevent being-overcome by the i at. In a paper carried at her side vitb her Bible she puts another >iece. When the first piece melts, the' ecomj. pjep.e^is, substituted and b1i<; nckes thwRrlp successfully. Brewery Flow , Intoxicates _ The Fish tame of Tlaem Die on Shore, While Other* fur sue Wolthly Course Down Stream. v ilendota, 111., July 26.?There will be no more fishing In the-Hiea*' dnta Croat- fof mnx.Kn w Improbable mat the fifth will be able Lo see the halt for several weeks. The banks are lined with hundreds of dead fish and the creek is full of others deud drunk. Because of failure to pay the government tax the Mendota brewrv was doted end 1.0S1 barrela-cf beer*were emptied into the river. ? An hour later a conglomeration oQueer sounds arose from the creek, from the- mew jag of catfish to the deep bass of the bass. Several turtles were seen disporting themselves absurdly' on a log ajid?threo -bullfro*?* staggered down Main street last night until taken Jnto custody by a policemen. They couldn't hop, despit? the fact that they were full of rtiem. Many-of tl;o fl.-li imbibed too free- I ly and climbed out on shore, where' th'jy wen totally iirBWWcd Ky "HTF1 beat. Those who survive are follow- ( Ing the beer down stream in large schools. . NEW CLASS FOR X. Y. Y. V. J&ew York. July 26.?Women sailera are g'.veh an opportunity of rac Ing for the Commodore Hastings Cup la the N. Y, Y. C. regetta today. Several prominent society women who own and handle yachts are In tne competition. IIcI?fttlMO*T: OIT <iP FIVE-.MI1.K SWIM. St. Louis. Mo.. July 26.?Over 75 Jtfcr swimmers are entohed for the third annual flve-mlle paddle to be staged under the auspices of the Western Rowing Club tomorrow. Michael McDermott, the Chicago wonder, has charged his nilhd about ?ntering the contest, relieving the tontest pf a topnoicher. Washingto List 20th deeding Aid In He re Of CONNIE M ACK " ' PITCHER Irrfn Covfcett of Wilmington to Go With the Athlrtln. Irvin Corbctt, a Wilmington boy. who has made quite a reputation as an amateur pitcher, has bo<ai signed by Connie Mack, of the Athletics. Cm belt hHI leport.to the Athlntioa' pilot September 1. Corbett bnB been ^Itching eenaotional ball for the past three years, getting ranch of his training as a member of the Atlantic Coast Line team. Last season he twirled for the Georgetown Preps, and whilo in the North attracted the* eye of Mack Lawt spriwg he pitched tor th? Atlantic 'earn against the I'niversHy of J Nortr Carolina, ar.d was a puz.x!e to! life llurB-M'.lllhg university players. ^ Corbctt Is 19 yoars old. Is ^ feet four inches In heigijt, and#o1ghs] 175 pound.:, tie k; the son i COrbett, of Wilmington, wU off* pres-,* idont of tho Chamber of Gfimmerce of that city. ?' % ?? WflirpFRflGE IN MITAIES SlfIDANIELS is ixkvi r\m.k. kk<;\r!h.kss of). pkrj oxajj opinions kkoai niXti THK MATTKIt. WOMEN Boi 10 VOTE . San Frknvisc^, July 25.?Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels told tho women of the San Francisco Civic Leaguetonight that whatever the opinion of uidlvUluals about the wiadont.ol woikap "we may as well get rwdy for the inevitable. | Women are going to vote." "Only lasd month," he continued, rIllinois gavLtheui the ballos^for all *.\cept constfiitional offices, and the present goneBtion will witness com- ; plete womanfiuffrage in every Btate J in the Union.B And when it. comes.] (the ConstitutAn will not be broken j land the homegg'H not dethroned." Ihavespanama! FYPhciTiriM I ifN. cJj J*VO|>ositioj| Jr.f l>r. Heltnmv :;i;il His 1 j AsMH'iutes >1* I'ndcr Consideration i jtt Wilmington. Wilmington. July 25.?A meeting | | will lie held Tuesday of the committee of 50 business men appointed by | Mayor Mcore uponyccomiuendation |04'<U*?> riniiMU" I UL ('JMUlUMTl1 ItVfTtRT" I under, consideration the feasibility o' the? proposition of Dr. Russell Rrilamy and his New York associates to RDia ("anal with a- big exposition in this State, probably at Wilmington, in 11'If. The exposition would be na- J tion-wide. j Mr. J, Kiwi Taylor, a'prominent business is?chairman of the committed. It to expected that a stibcommitteq of three or five members t will be m imcd trt so inlet the details of tho prjjcpt an^cl iqu.t ,u :i later meeting tf the-full'committee. , Miss Gladys Mildaline Ellsworth loft today for Golditioro and Wrightsvllle. s. ' \ ^ Listing It. ' How did you lisl the money that fortune-teller got from you?" "1 put It under tre head of prcphet and [ loat."?Baltimore American. n Tobacco I ' using Their Toba ? No. S4* in : HERE NEXT ' 11 (.'IlKENVILLB -X*> PI. AY HKKlT i MONDAY. Will I.E HOllKRHOIf- 4 TILLS WILL FLAY TCUMT, WILL BEJCOOB QUE Washington ban tv.o good games pelifdulwl fui. Hie UMg'mimg 61 n^cl week, Greenville, will./play here '-v -'aft Monday and win be followed TtKSr;*^,. clay by Hober3onvllie. The rails'ar? i ntl-M;idv a n-i?' < ' - vine p!ayers,and know what kind of a name they put up. Robersonvtile iff said to be in good fchape this year and will also, without doubt,.put up a good game against the locals. Both" games will be .played at Fleming ''.*3 Park. . HISTORIAN TO PitOI1K A Bt'IUEIF YILI.AOE. .? Mankato. Minn., July 25.?The Minnesota' Historical Scclety is to Diakc* investIzatlons next mouth In' i the township of (,'anibrsa. Trnrre have been found evidence- of habitations lhat arc believed to date back earlier than the Indians. Such excavations a? tare been " made brought to light many implements of domestic use.'as well as of warfare and much pottery/Figns of an early civilization have * ^-v been discovered. J! It is thought by some scientists there is a connection between the buried homes found in this* county and those lately uncovered near 8t. Louis. M. H. WHITE ?H IS DEAD " WEALTH V CITIZEN OF 11 CRTFOliT DIED SUDDENLY YESTERDAY AFTER NOON. Knmvn All Over the Country As s Lover of Horses and Wo.- Prominent 11u* ir.es* Man. Elizabeth City. July 25.?Matt H. Write, of Hertfort. one of the venllhlest men in eastern North Cnrolins. died very suddently this afternoon sir Nage's Head, where he was spendina the ?uminer. The remains \v!!l be brought here tomorrow morning on the steamer Hattie Creef. and taken to Hertford for ihferment. ~ Mr. While was about GO years old. Ho had been in poor lieaith for several months, yet his death was unexpected and a grpat , shock to hi* friends, lie was one1 of vmost prominent business men or eastern h I ! mllna .u-i.- n m.X l..y> -.- r horses, racing, and owned and main- ; tainc.i one of the finest stables in the country. He was well known nn a'l of the? race tracks. c.mssHori'er itre rorxn. Fundus Killing Them by Millions In Kulisox, Is Reported. Lawrence. Kan.. July Gfrasshoppers which appeared in great numbers in Ness county?musing fear araons the farmers for the <*rope?, are being killed by millions by a form of fungus, according to reports received by'8. J. Hunter, state entomologist. from special investigators for the department. A shipment of weeds cn which are' clusters of dead grasshoppers has been sent to the University of Kansas here. . The fringuij is he4ng studied to see It be possiblo to disirtbofiTit. " cco

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