Elijah Lewis'" of if?Victim of Was Running From Barn t dent Occurred. Struck by ? ' . Word Wftsiiutud hiia thU wibtb tag that Elijah Lewis, son of Bartorn us Lewis of Blounts Creek, was struck by lightning and killed In a W IMUI tatlfietl BUM III. ?-* , Lewis was In the bare at the time b the storm came up aa#r was feed lug :'V his horses and mules. After his w>rk had been completed, Mf^t*TtdtJ *?to run back to the house. When uttW. thirty feet aw%y from the barn. Ae lightning struct him. He was fourfh later by hlsgretfddather. who. becomtag anxious over*his long absence, had Started out t6 search for him. Ho found the body, stretched out on the ground. % At the same time'tbat Lewis was struck:, the barn was also hit by ?.... lightning' On? mule was wounded ~sad brill probably die, while another p:v was hurt-by splinters, a large number of which penetrated through the animal's hide. Lewis was well known throughout the cotfnty. and liked by all who knew him. He^r^sfded ?a the Fowle Wild Wood Itrm ' . -TIANS FOR WATER- _ _ WAYS OONTROL. Washington, 3?J> 29.?The House Rivera and Hafbon Committee has planned to hold exhaustive.hearings upon bills proposing systems tot Mtr&B&-IT664 "waters of the'TMsidsaippi and Ohio valleys. Several before the obtnmHtee to give their views. Director Cad well, of the Memphis Levee Control Board, appears today as tfce first -witness. B. F. Yoafcum, army engineers and officers of - the National Rivers and Harbors congress will also outline tfce various water control projects. Extent of financial aid which should be given by-the government in building possible dikes, levees and recerve reservoirs will be considered by the committee with a view to recommending appropriation policy" next winter . : 1 FAMILY IB SLAIN. Detroit, Mich., July 28.?A special from London, Out., says the bodies ol George Robinson, a prosperous farmer living neat Rumsey. _ Oat.. bis * wife, $ 12-year-old son and a. daughter," aged three, were found today In the Rumsey tome. * All were apparently abot to death hut Mrs.' Robinson was bruised almoat beyond recognition. Demonstration There Will Be ? Demonstration of J. - v m. J*yro Fire Extinguisher, Corner Market sad pecond Streets (New " r ' PwMBm) 11 a. m. Tomorrow. AU Invited. Wo want orory automobile ownor ftafl bouaekeoBer jn__jowg ^ ,^m?4o^afTl "era' ottatratton of tho J. M. Fyn> Fire Ex\ '' tinguisher, the Tory bea^ moat simple and moat efficient extinguisher on th< 's market. Come end be???Red Cen be operated by ehll^WIeff simple. Will not Injure the most delicate alike jdidocd stuff tbnt It me) touch. Mayor Kugler th.nV'Ua Hue Wliahington Motor Car Co., agents. r~~ ; - .=== Remembe ts Cteek Blounts Creek is 0 House at the Time AcciBarn Was Also Lightning. nxm SHII-K _d Reports tho farmers, who have bcon-fn the cityrecently,""state 1 thai trrupn in the diBePeit BecCfops~or the counts- are excellent. A number claim that Benutprt County will' have a banner yeeV In all farm products. V * . oHiumm ptiy EXEncnn. Children's Day exercise# at Warren's Chapel Sunday were very well attended, about thirty children taking part In the exercises. They were a great success. SKIM IS HUE WROTE BEST ARTICLE RRGAIUK INO ADVERTISEMENTS IN THURSDAY'S ISSUE OF THE DAILY NEWS. Thfttllailv Mown ? ??*-? $10.00 in trade for the best written article explaining why the article advertised by different merchants in Tfcqrettaj l lewe Of the New. was vilue. Bqwem-Uw* Co. vrths the merchant*' . prize, *t!M!r I name being mentioned oftenpt any of the other advhrffsere. Mrs. $: W. Isanogle, of this city, won the $15 prize. . . Clarence Probst left today for Richmond, Va., where be will make bis home in the future. 1 I.. --v Who Gives You the Poorest Service? Is It the merchant who has the brightest store, the moat attractive things to sell you, a polite and intelligent sales il force to serve you and an ail j 'round genial, home-like, welcome atmosphere awaiting you in his shop?and then tells you kboot it in his advertising? l/ it from that kind of msr chant that yon . receive poor Ber7lcg?. It is not probable. . Tho chances are ten to one that the poorest service and the least satisfaction come from . the shops where baslpbss ie r done undor antiquated conditions; where the merchandise i3 badly chosen and badly displaced; where salespeople are im"well-Informed and courteous and?obliging; and where the merchant either has nothing much of Inteerst to adrer tlse op else "doesn't believe in L . ftHjrttetag." a thire mat?m mouptmim : but, It so, they indicate the ? rule. The best service comes > from the buslnees that has so > much confidence in its methods r and Its merchandise that it is a phrt of its splendid service to tell you about It. ' PSilthful ad-readers seldom ' II fio to the wrong Store. Iv' ^ ir the Date ghest Priceswill be ; i-' T ABOUl ftallBEA 1? ATLA1TIC10TBL ~wm~ f mm l - "" T. \ .,*T;V I y% -IIUIA.11 !S n."v ? ri l>E.r, A ISSUED | bOK MANACiEttH CHI^KY AMI HLAXD. ARE WARTEDFOR ALLEGED SALE OF LIQUOR There-arc warrants out foj- both Mcsrrs. Bland and Cherry, lessees uf the Atlantic Hotel, .Morehead City for retailing cplrituona liquors In violation of the State prohibition law. [ .** jl -Ciwry, -who-ma beoapersonally managing the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City, has not been seen in Morehead since the warrant was issued, stated Mayor EJ. H. Gorham of Morehead this morniug. .The warrant, however, will be sent over the State, and will b^ecrvcd on both Mr. Bland and'ttlT'Cherft' If they are In T*Jbrth Carolina, If la generally sapposed, that II r. Cherry 1b off on'one of his numeroos business tripe, |~Messrs. Bland and Cherry operating a chain of hotels In tforth Carolina, Including the Gaston Hotel at New -Benr ; : r?^ y Ma. CIMrry la. cited for irla'. Is Morehead this week. Big Whiskey Raid. A. general whiskey raid was made by the authorities of Morehead City last Thursday, which resulted In the confiscation of, 14 barrels of beer and four barrels of whiskey. These barrels are locked in a cell in the Morehead City town hall. Of the confiscated goods, the four barrels of whiskey taken from the Atlantic Hotel. Search warrants had been gotten out, and a thorough search made for blind tigers all over the city. None of the other hotels were Implicated except the Atlantic, according to Mayor Gorham In an interview this morning. Cafe.Keepers Arrested. One white man by the name of Bedsworth, and two negro women, all thmn TgiiMg TnnTnimniT keepers, were arretted and locked up as a result of tye raid. There are warrants out for eight Atlantic ' Hotel bellboys, but up to date only one bellboy has been arrested. Result of Detective Work. The Mbsehoad-Oky termined not long ago to tnake every effort to '"put the lid on" .in Morehead. Recently, an ordinance was passed prohibiting the sale' of even soft drinks on Sunday. Some of the city fathers were practically certain that the prohibition law was being violated.?New 'Bern Sun. STOVALL GOES TO SWITZERLAND. new i or*, ouij> *9. rirMBui n. Wfltall- nf Georgia. "oML,. "United 8iAim mnwar u> swimriana, wmga for Europe today, to take up his duties. in accordance with the wishes Of the State Department Mr. 8tovall will reside in Berne, the capital fo Swltserland. It is said the minister preferred Geneva as a place of residence, but readily acquleees when the State department indicated Its wish that he should take up his residence In the capital. K ? ' . ' for the Ope a ' Paid For AUGrat vi - * 0R8DAY 4TTI3USOON. &.Y M. 11 fcjj ' ; INFORM 1 PUBlIcI UFORT 4 NOE W. MtHAM OF IllnmilV. IT* WANTS TO KNOW WHY NO WOKK HAS REEK PONE OK OODXTV HUAUS. IS NftT W FflVOR f _0F_B?flD ISSUE SAYS THAT CERTAIN ROADS IN *?E COUNTY HAVE SOT BEEN REPAIRER IN YRAR.S. Mr. Road ComroiMtmere, ^jgCeatjemen: V^I yodi "kindly exCounty WHY yotftWe oal during all these- long suzdHft dafrs had any work done on ojptttda? Everybody 'unows thaf' tbJ^jJR tlmf for working up roads to st**d*$ho jomlng winter has already jpriesitf and not one thing has there tioen done on this the south side of the river. WHY? We have paid our taxes for the year ^912. How much money is due tho foada ar.d why do you hold it? (1 am not' prepared at tBS'tlnie dear readers to give you.tfie amount that should have gone to the roads out of 1912 taxes but I promise if necessary :-t"arttiTgct~it_up and let you know.) For me to go on to explain the condP done of the roads at present is useleas as nearly every taxpayer I presume travels some and (s a v.-are of their testing conditions. What we want to know Is why they tthe road aommissloners) are not using our money, and if,?they are using It? how? If t mistake not all the public reads-on the south elde of the river Is overseered by J. N. Hill, C. R. Elks, R. ?>. Barr and L. H. Adams. I respectfully ask these gentlemen to give us a statement through these columns of the number of 0aya work that each man has caused be done on 'the roads-' together with the amount expended. Gentlemen please do this at once and oblige. I have been waiting fcr others to ask for this information but seems that there Is no one who cares whether we Ret our rights or not, however Mr. Buck of Gllead did say a little, every word of which waa O. K. I would like to hear from one ami all as to whether they think we are entitled to any road work cr not, and if we arc and there is anything coming to us (and I don't see why there should not be) let's have It. ' Say r. Tax-Payers, If this is the way matters along this line are to be conducted do we need any road commisBioners? What do we need them for? Have they done any thing in connection with the roads during the year 1813 except draw their salary? [f so I ask them to show where. I see IffTh^PTtrCounty papers much is being said In regards to the bond 1}sue which is soon to be voted on Jn that county.. I often wonder should the ifBue come to this county would there be one tax-payor D fool enough to vote it. ing put on the county, and was told at the timfe by people I Judged to be Ignorant and prejudiced that .pur roada would osme ol them tot recalve a day's work during the~7?ar. I see now this man was wise and I vas the fool. Same way when the prohibition Issue was at Its warmest. 1 advocated prohibition.' and I voted protm>ltion. Prohibition is a failure judt as the road law is a failure. It is a'fact there is more whiskey drank in North Carolina now than was .when we had open. bars. IL often ap' DMrs to me tbat we Svm- too mu?t , legislation, I believe we would be I better off today had our legislators been asleep all the time since 1900. Our convict^ are worked on the roads now. Where baVe they bees for the last two years? I had forgotten all about them till one day recently 1 happened over the othei side of the river and was. traveling the old?Bath road well to my aur> ming of the lay Aug ^ ' -TvVf ''W<A,>V? . "va IeS;H All Farmers )AILY 1" -. ' jy1- ^ ^ V r i, rf*^- JKlTi- | . *j 1ATION ROAD& ZOUNTY mi in ITU TEAM IS DIRTOlltAUED AT HHOW1XC2 HE HAH UK EN MAKING AT LAHT ( (H I'LB OF GAMES. (MIL TOCflTCH TODAY I Wytf'nw tvhn lim hpnn rntrhlnp {for the Washington baseball team for the past few games, haw sent in his resignation.' It was said thin morning by- f riendn of the "big boy" that he was discouraged at the showing he had Aade in the last couple of games. That's all foolishness ^end we hope that he will s-c^onslder nis decision. The ofd boy1 Jo'^born ball player and just because he happens to have a lew oft days Is no reasoi?wUy he should throw up the'job. His big stick will he missed In the hatting. J.Ve slacs-re Fly trust that he will at least play another game before leaving us. He's dbt It In him 'to make a good ball / Horace Cc-well will work behinc' the bat today. The team left on tfcis morning's train lot Greenville. Th*fans will leave on thlB evening's train. The Norfolk Southern has put reduced rateB into effect. 1)1 Kl) FROM FRIGHT. Wilson. July 28.?Saturday morning about four o'clock, Mrs. Denis Adams died suddenly at her home 21ty under the following circumstances: At the hour named Mr. Adams, on awakening, saw that one of his children, who was sleeping on a trundle bed in the room with himself and wife, was hanging over the side of the bed. Mr. Adams got up to place the little one in a more comfortable position, and In so doing awoke his wife. She wanted to know what the matter was and seeing the child'B head hanging down, turned over on- her pillow and expired Immediately. and the supposition Is that heart trouble was the cause of sudden demise. prise A found the convict forces was lavishly working, grading, widening, and in general almost mccadar.iring this??nq of the best roads in the county. All of us whom are acquainted with thl6 road know that it bna always been one among the b$st in the county, and fellow readers I can point you out some public roads that have been public roads since long before I w$r born (and 1 am new 35 years old) the citizens Jiving along this piece of road- told me only one day last spring that it was a fact that they really baci^/o take axes with them when hauling over this road in order to cut poles to pry their carts - out of the holes when they would . mire no deep their team could not 1 pull out. Do we not need our convict labor on such roads as thia first, and then work qp such as the old Bath road whatroads art 1 brought up on aiT average. The people living along such roads as thif have property, they have to pay tax1 es. Gentlemen are they not uajustlj - 4e*e<i-wbfn-their-money is going-tt 1 build some road that they -posstblj havt! never seen nor never expect tt see And the roado that they have tc use let to remain in such deplorabii 1 conditions. I would like to say more alone tbli line but space will not permit, bu Brother Tax-Payer one and all, let* ' have our rights. Very respectfully, NOE W. LATHAM. Washingtc rust 20 tin Needing Aid In H kdk : kfrv ANNITERSA^'] CELEBRATED BYREDMEN | TAl* TRIBE CKLKIIKATKD I.UH AXXIVI:USAKV Of ORGAXIZATION LAST NIGHT. 125 WERE PRESENT PLEASANT ANT> INHHOIAI. EVENING KXJOVE11. REFRESH>1EXTS I AN* CKiARS SERVED. Tau Tribe, No. 18. of the order of 1 iltedmcn, celebrated the thirteenth I anniversary of their organization J | last night In their club rooms'. About1 125 members and friends we're present. I A most pleasant and Informal. I evening was spent by oil. An Inter-11 esting address was made by N. L. Simmons, while a report of the Unan- ? ei?! condition of tho tribe was reed j1 by Mr. McE>ev?tt. Shore taller were i made by B. W. Taylce, W. O. Eliic, j' H. O. Winfleld ^and others. Chief 1 F. A. Wright acted as chairman and .1 uittiUr of ceremonies. .1 .. Ten gnllous o: brick Ice cream jl were served and enjoyed. Cake and j other refreshments w ere also passed i around. Cigars and cigarettes were ' also handed out. It was late before) the gathering broke up. C GREENVILLE j IS VOTING ]; FOR GOOD i ROADS I ?? I; $ftO.OOO BOND M8UE FOR THK IHI-I, P MOVEMENT AM) CONSTHCC- I, TION OF f?OOD ROADS BE* || , IN<? VOTED ON. Advocate* of the issue Are Confident I of Kucce** and Say that They j, Will Win bv a. Com/nrt-nble Majority. Greenville Township Js voting on a $50,000 bend issue today for the improvement and construction of goal road*. ? Advocate? of tie issue c".a!*v that 1 ?iev have - nde a canvass cf the rog isi^red vo*es and are confident flint t.sey will v'n ly ft comfortable ir.u-1 Jorlty. *It ia said b> men, who are in a po-' ?:tIbn~to'"k'uotv. that "if"the eTec;i'e?n ;a51s. Greenville's tobacco market j end the market for-truPk products j will fall cl7, noticeably.. ADVlIIAl, WIXSLOW !S S!?. Wart*-acton. Juiy 2ft.?ft--at-Admrai Ccmeron 11. Wiaslow, one of the meat ptpu.ar officers .ia the United Stales nasy, celebrates b:.-. Cfty-nln.il birthday anniversary t> Kear-Aduirnl Winalov: is a deepwater sailor, and as a navigator ha? no superior ia the navy, lie v.as tie l first commander of the torpedo-tort i Cashing, the pioneer of the American steel torpedo-boat flotilla. His feat i In taking the battleship New Kaap shire up to the New YcA navy yard ' withouL a pilot will long be remcmL here4. - * r > . Whtrr the Exercine (!ame In. > Even doctors are not always literal * in their prescriptions. "You must take exercise," said the^dootor to a s patient. "The motor ;car in a case t like youra gives the best exercise i that?" "But 1 cannot-afford a car on Insurance pay." the patient growled, "fcoa't buy one, just dodge 'em!"l said the doctor. rr 1 m tobacco u ousing Their Toba j . ^ . \ s p r7Js 13BB b j - '3 t i ;H~ "core of 4-2 RKROKH AttAIN CAl'tlB 'LOCAL % TEAM to l/me rontknt. BARNES AND BROWN PITCHED FOR LOCALS 1 hoth twiklkp c;ooi> ball hut J hkck1vkd i'tjor SI" wort, u* vidub Greenville came over here ycfcter- *4 Jay and swiped another game from ,hn I... J > rrU?,. wem to have the Jouah sign on U8? sqraebow or other. As usual. Washington made the Qrst tally, scoring a run In the initial Inning on a ecuple of ripplag two bagger* by Wat kins and Tayloe. rwo hits by Ragsdale and R. Thomp on tied the ecore In the third. In :he fifth, the visitors took the lead. (1 t run scoring orn Smith's error. It saa a hard ball to get and the sew ' short stop-isn't to blame for not gefcdng it to first in time. Cowcil's Lhree-bagger in . the sii'.h > evened :hlngs up cnce more, Watkitis scoring sn the wallop. In the eighth and linth. the Greenville aggregation nanaged to score a run each inning. l^nler pitched for the visitors and vac in his best form. His speed was rood and although he was hit often,, rood support backed him up and kept ;be score down. ?Larue* ataxteiL in for Wo*tiin&uia*w" . ind twirled for'five lunings, when ais arm commenced' to trouble him. jj hie allowed only two hits, both occur ing in the third. He was succeeded ?y P Drown, whb Also pitched good uail. holding the visltois to four hits* ' Watkiue was in a httle better form Lban at the Greenville game last Friday. although his throwing to secsnd left much to be desired. Smith was chalked up with having made iwo errors, although one was almost a bit. He took a chance on everything that came his way. Aycook played a g^od folding game, although he did uot Hhlnc especially at the bat. Red Ds.vSnport was the shining light of the game. Red played right held in tip-top form* He grabbed some dandy f;es and he took two hits for "himself. The Summary. , Greenville: AB. H. E. R, Thempeew. If . . .???z-rHt 1 ft Jciner. c.-,. 3 0 0 H. Thompson, 3b. 4 0 0 Bailey, 3b . 4 0 t> Bonner, si. 2__1 A!oore. cf 4 1 0 4 3 JLagadaie. lb 4 -1 v 0 - ? f Brown. If 4 0 0 Lan'er. p 2 t 1 Tata's. .32 6 2 i Wac^.z-fftsc: AB. H. E. ? t ? Wr.Wtna, ? 4 1 2 ^ Barnes, p&ir :i i o Tayice, 2b 4 -1 0 Cor.el!, lb 4 1 1 st?na..is. ?.~3 -1 "2 ?~1 P "Brtk-a. :f&p 4 1 1 Davenport. ; f. . . 4 2 0 Ayr; !:, 3Y 4 0 0 To: ale 34 8 7 Scaye fcy iaaings: R Greenville .... . .001 010 Oil?4 .jJJ Washington 100 001 000?2 Srruc'.i out. by Barnes 6", by Brown * J .'Vb.yH'jlg:nr.T[^roqEafio Cow^~ \ ell. Ywcsbasei hits, Tayloe, Watkina, Bonner. Sacrifice bits, R. Thomp- 'JwS ?00. Joiner, Barnes. ? RACE TRACK STAND FALIA. Galveston,'July 28.?-The center oC- .'to tie grandstand at the Galveston E?ACh autoncbile races collapsed just before the races tbday. Injuring 3 several persona, but none fatally. -Market is I I

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