5p v \ * Vj. -^xtr i'lVTiBifTaF t*L~ m/l VOL. 4 IMSWftrWWmHrOHt: AT IHIX I ?ob wahhixgton tkam ' . RXoral* Hit Hnr.I Unbind Hint, M?k tog 14 Hit. In .All.. .OMnc Wan Pln,-,d to tlwnvllk-. ^ RED DAVENPORT CAUGHT | "Kotten! Get the sack!" &z For Washington baa shown them They're the boye who can como bach. .v ' With only & hand full of Waahing??& ton spectators at the game and with a whole army of hoettle Greenville rooters to howl at them, (he Washington team showed a grand reversal of form yesterday afternoon and trimmed Greenville at the fatter** grounds by the score of 6 to 3. Barnes deserves a lage share of i the credit for the reenlt of the con- 'r? test. -He came bach, strong, and those of the Greenville players who Hit him bard In Monday's game, trere made to look foolish yesterday. He had everything and his fast ball almost took Red 6IT his* feet. Only four hits were made by the Greenville players, theft three runs being .hugely Ohe. to a bpnch oL wild peg^ " by the Washington infield. Barnes struck cat sixteen of the opposing SkL ' batters, which Is, as far as can be kj \ learned, this season's record for am. \ ateur pitchers In the* state. ; V Tayloe and Cowell did not . piny yesterday. Davenport caught and V, IV bat. He oaught several fonl tips on M the tast strike, something that very 'gtJ few catchers are able to do off Barnes' delivery. Joiner of Farmit yllle played third base for Washington and will probably figure In futnre line-ups for the ' ioeels. vflfld I W imnf "Three-fingered" Brown grabbed three hits oat of fire tJtaes at the bat. | J on? of them a two-bagger. Who | y aald he ooaldn't hit? Carrow knock I Wj J ed cnt two hits oat of three timet up ,/ and nailed eTery fly that came to the " -left fleld. Smith played hit usual^ Wr . outfield except one, which went to" jfy? ?fast game at abort. Oafdner played left field. Ragadale and Joyner were the batteries for Greenville. Number of hits made by the local pJnr-r? la at foljqwa: L Nwmpq IB. H., , Gardner 3 .0 W \ Barne" 5 2 | i Carrow, $ 2 h / Smith 5 2 J I y Davenport . .. /t A 0 / P. Brown ' 6 3 FORMER RESIDENT BF WASHINGTON IS INJURED ~ A> A. SPIWVGft MBBTS WITH AC. ... ! CIDBNT.y:-'' " v. ? : ??. liVw^lr M.n.?rr nf the BPtrt ' ; Louise of This City. ' OCKAN VIEW | A A springs. (ate proprietor of I the Wllluughby Beech Hotel at Norfolk, end formerly manager of the Sf-il Hotel Leulee in thle cltj, met '-with en eooident at Ocean Vie* the eerly hf^F^'^Vnrt of-thin woe?. 'He wee etrnck by e cer of the Ocean View end Pine Beech Dtrlelon of the Virginia Railroad end Paver Company end la ref* ported to here been quite scrlfnely ?* tujored. Ha wee taken lo the Sarah Leigh Hoepltel, and hie rendition this morning. Id said to be slightly Improved. ^ _ :k Strong #j| l/ e Score of 6 to 3. tanHMEs him IN ANSWER TO I ATTRR'S RKQl'KST, MAKES REPORT OF jfigj WORK DONK Report In From September the I, rS' t^ij*iwt Asia *Jiy Editor Daily News. Dear Sir::?In reply to Mr Latham'B request 1n the Jury 29tb iStrao of the Dally Newh. In which he asked each road overseer to make his report through . the columns of the Dally News, I subscribe mine as follows: from September 1. 1912, to August isiit*. " r 42 4479 ulIULCArt, ? per day .$S*.00 1 cart pne day .. ........ . 1.35 1 cart ono day 1.50 Raultag lumber 4.00 Lumber for Bridges and foot- _ waTys . : ., .7 .. .... 11.00 41 men, $1 per day 41.00 |1 day ploughing 1.50 14 men 1 day, 75c each .... 3.00 111.days, $2 per day overseer 42.00 13 days fixing bridges, foot ways and cutting trees. 6.001 4 lbs. No. 20 aSift at 3c. .. .12 ' Total Amount $197.47 j Three carU glvo one days work, each, this amount was ueed on ten ( roads. R. L. BAKU, Overseer, ' .* Chocowinity Township. CONTEST AS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Oratorical Contest to be Held at 8.SO Thin Evening. THREE SPEAKERS ENTERED gniy^??rnl Hnearer to he Awarded With Hudnome Medal. Interesting Adtlrewn Selected. An oratorical contest will be held at the Christian church .this evening by members of the Loyal Sons Class. me spuuKing win sun ui ?,ju promptly. Those who will take part In the contest are Willi ford Whitley', Harvey B?f>ce?a~aad - field-Mitchell. The beet: speaker will be awarded a handsome medal. Interesting addressee have been selected and a winal onl/wtthl.1 Swniny la ^wanrpd to all those who attend. SAUNBERS^K ACQUITED OF LIBEL? CHARGE JMt Won our goink Jury returned to the court room and brought In a verdict of "Not Ouilty" In the case of the State vs. W. O. Saunders of Elisabeth City. YACHTS TO RACE FOR AHTOR A1TO KING'S CITT^ Newport. R. I., Aug. 7.?Yacht* of the Beet of the N. Y. Y.t?. aro arriving here today to prepare fw* two of the most important races of the season. Tomorrow they rate for the AStor cups and on Saturday the conteat ior the King's cup takes place The yachtsmen will rest crver Runday and Start on the squadron runs on on day. 8* r . *' '^1 ' 1 washiscto: GRAND JURY REPORT fO i ? .i - ii m. j. e WRIT REPORT CONDITION'S OP JAIL, rOORHOCHR AND CONVICT camps, ^y COURT HOUSEJNADEOL'ATE To^e Honorable Judge of the SupcriorCourt, Greeting:? We, the Grand Jury, for the Au gust term, 1913, beg to submit tbo following report; " _ We have finished the duties as- ? signed to ub by the court so far as it I has been possible, or have come to I our Knowledge. All bills have been f passed upon and returned. - prrinntned" the convict ^ camps of our county, rtnd find them In good condition, well kept and the prisoners well cared for and satisfied There might, however, be some im- ?jprovement made lfl the bedding fur nished tho prisoners. % We have examined the jail and the County Ccurt House, and find these In as good condition as is practical to be kept owing to the cramped con- M dttlotis that tehy are in. Our Court House is totally inadequate for the is ?' Cnnllni!rn pngf? tyn.V ^ Mr. H. E. White I To Leave \ "Will MSWflif Hickory on August >12 and Make His Home There*. t PRESENTED WITH UMURiXLi. Members Of Gun Club Give Partlne ^Glft. To Attend tthoot at WU- aiafaun. anri|ei at Y ester- f day's Shoot. Tha regular weekly shoot of the Washington Gun Club was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Bland nosed out Mr. White by one point for high score. The complete averages were as follows: names ? ? PCr ? Blgnd .86 Squires 84 White .8rt Griffin 78 sj Sterling. ..: 70 Ma*am 11 .. .. .70 Etherldge . . .. .69 Rear 62 [Moore 66 Fowle 61 ni Cowett .53 pv Gallagher 56 to Hodges . . 56 . H.32. Write Tek^ea tdP HIfBOPy 0*1" August 12th. and will make his home there In the future. ' He will be sadly missed by the members of the gun ' club and his many "other fr'onds in tho city. Dnripg this, season, at the ca regular club rhoots, he haus shot 1235 1 times, broke 1114 for a grand aver- 3l age of a shade better than 90 per cent. A^tpecial .shoots, he has shoe about 500 times with an average of w' 93 per c-?nt. At the grounds yesterday, the members presented Mr. White with other m*?b?rs of the club will at- *-! tend the shoot which is to he held at to Wilmington on AagOrtt 13 and 14! n . efl iiv<ruT 9 tv uiarttnv ^ ?_ J? 1874?Ooverpor Dlx of New York, Ia ordered the Atton?ey-Oencral to make an. Investigation la , of charges against Afayor cc Havemeyer, or New York Ctt*. 1903?LleutnnanS-Gsneral Nelson A. Miles Issued as address to ths d< arr.ir on the occasion or his to retirement. J*..'j J * f It01?Japanese land troops In Ural- p< ^j^Bsh esit ot Post Attn nr. ta * 'he Ope. /Vednesd. Paid For Grade THER: 8bow?r. Toil?ht or FHd. ' ' of. c.. Thursday, AUGUST 7. 1 "JEW FEDERAL ' WrtjMlve Dap, Twenty-one Hour* and- Thirty-?ye Minute* f* Hword by John Hcpry Meam. ' X Cleveland, Aug. 6.?John Henry y ears, on the last lap of his globe C rcultlng trip, left here today. He^ on schedule time and expects to;' iach New- Vork-in time t'o-roake the ?ord for his tr'p thlrty-flve days, Q uenty-ono hours and thlrty-flve min t P* Small Pr* % Again K GOOD Bill CASES? FOR LAST THREE MVS OF IBIS WEEK. awww *nu aurora Touay; nnwnington **. Wliittaker* Tomorrow and Saturday. ^ iturdavh <;ame to be cabled at 3.30 ? t Pinetown and Aurora are fighting A out at Fleming Park this after- a >on. These old rivals are going to u it up a game of hall which la bound g be a hummer for thrills and excite jt fint Thfi cftmc_lB_called for 4.30.' n Washington will play Whittakera h morrow and Saturday afternoon, a oth games will be played at Flem- a g Park. Tomorrow's game will be e .lied at the usual time, 4;30, but g Lturday's contest will be started at 30 In order to allow the country p 'oplp to witness the fray. Brown ti 111 probably pitch tomorrow's game n Ith Barnes In the box for Saturday, rl p MAY CHECK JAP'S PLANS e 1 If Sacramento, Cal., Aug 7.?State ti titcb the Japanese are said to be r rtnlng in an effort to nullify the iw alien land law which becomes rective next week, and will prob- a >ly take steps to circumvent the ei .panese at the next session of legia- a tore, j ti They are combining their farm a sd units and ineorporating stock a mpanies in the belief that the ock in the corporations upon thelf h tath may be transferred to heirs. cl The maximum life granted to a f< >mcatic corporation under the Callrnia.law also provides that a cor- si ration Is privileged to re-lncor- c rate on the expiration of its char- c r. a By | I - = >IJ. t BUILDING b POST OFFICE. HIM M FfMBIil. L BUILDING.' % e ten Are Bnsy Putting in Furnish- . tn?*. Will l>o Through Within , Next Few Week*. u . n It la believed that the Federal c lulldin'g will be entirely completed 3 rithln tho next few weeks. The 0 aen are busy at present in putting a the furnishings. The Federal tC Jourt room presents a handsome apleorance. with its spotless white 1 tails, green carpet and mahog&nv * hairs ar.d^ furnishings. * re being put in. ' Screens will also e put in front of all the w indows as oon as they arrive. t Jrtooto st Negro HEIR APPOINTMENTS TO POSITIONS SUPERIOR TO WHITE MEN IN RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE IS DETRIMENTAL. t is Said That a Number of Such Appolntmentw Have Been Made In Eastern Carolina and the Service ^ Demoralized as a Result. " TECIFIC CASES COMPLAINED OF ARE ON THE NORFOLK j nuumfcn.i u.iii.kuau. cs Washington. Aug. 6.?RepreseataIve Small today sent'* letterto first tssist&nVPostmaster General Stew- v rt protesting against the appoint- a lent of negToes to positions in the t allwny mail service where they are u uperior officer of white clerks. It h i said .that a number of appointaents of this kind have been matle h a Eastern North Carolina recently! tl nd that the service has been domor-1 Used as a result. The specific cas-|t! complalned of are on the Norfolk [ v outhern railway. | n Mr. Small says he Is not unduly id rejudiced against the negro and n aat he has always stood up fcr the tj egroes' personal and property j ights, but that he believes the ap- j u ointments referred to are not only a gtrtmcntal to the postal service, but ? i doing the negro race a great injus- p ice. III A! IXCELINE NT ATTRACTION AT ~ ~~ LYRIC fHEATER TONIGHT li Interest at the "Baby Show" now .V t the Lyric appears to grow strong- p r each day, and the parents of the S ttle ones are working hard securig votes for those who are in the ?. Dntcat to win the prizes offered by ti te management. tl Today's bill bffers new slide's to- * of the UttTe oiiM and a new 'tj lass to select from to cast your vote b >r. r Today will bo the first tiwe the i(| llde has shown how the votes stand ome and see (or yourself and so- iJ are thom as you are working. The j. dmlsaion prices will be 10 and 15c. e Washingto! List 20th, _ . 3r*?*9B?E^B?y rffl . PtEBLES IISNI -HI fW I ?mil mt 8t?l. W"1",. Gharged E. A. Dai wrongfully set sion of impc ^etter turns up during co prison under $10,000 b day and is npw und The caBe of Wesley Peebles vs. E. ji .. ?K-.mo V, tuia vivy was DroURIU U|> ' efore Judge Wlndloy In the Hecord- ' r'a court Tuesday evening. Mr. 'eebles. charged the defendant with laving-ia his possession a letter writ 1 on by him, (Peebles) to Major Hod- 1 nan. It was also learned that ho 1 uspected Attorney H. S.' Ward of 1 omplicity in the matter, although < warrant for the letter's appear- 1 ,noe In court had not been served. 1 While the case was going on In 1 onrt. Major Kodtnan appeared In :< he court room and produced the let- P er In question. It had been in his i esse sb ion he stated, ever since It iras received by him from Peebles in i 40JL Jj Upon learning of his mistake. (1 iaptbin Peebles apologlped to At-1 orney Daniel and asked his pardon ,* or the error he committed. jl Mr. Daniel Immediately had him t aken into tnstody under arrest and (< proceeding for false arrest. (t INIEMIEIITl IN MEXICO DNWISE Oaiat Make mMg Wupje. Colonel Hay Tell* Senate Foreign IteUUons Committee. ( EX. CT.ARK CR1T1CIHKS Wl I.SON Washington,?Aorv~ fl".?rol:? Edu- " rardo Hay, chief of "staff of the con-if 'itutionalist forces In Sonoro, gave ) d the Senate Foreign Relations Com L ?'ttee today a detailed account of I., Is views on conditions in Mexico. The constitutionalist movement, jj ie declared controlled at least birds of Mexico. U Though he made no reccmmenda Ion (Colonel Hay insisted that in ter- j ^ntion by the United States would j take things worse and that any me-,t iation which recognized the govern- j tent of Provlsioal President Huer-!i % was impossible. If His idea of thf, solution of the sitation was to lift the ombargo onlj rraa so that the Constitutionalists \ ould carry on a moro aotivr. camaign. c Then, he teclared. the troubles in f [exico soon would, be settled- 1 tresIdenVWIlson'u action tn send- t ig former Qovernor John Llnd to . rextco as special emissary In thc resent situation was attacked in the enate todav bv Senator ptnru nf.? ji Wyoming, who declared "something .j ae must be done by the admlnlstra- ? on to guara^te0 adequate protecon to Americans." . Senator Clark prosented a resolu- t on for an immediate Investigation d y the Senate Foreign Relations #, ommlttee of the conditions of Amer t an citizens and property in Mexico, j "This resolution is not introduced 1 a spirit of hostllty to the adminitiation or of oriticism of the Forign Relations Committee," declared n Tobacco V?- ^ " ' .. ^;^sE *3 .,', t.* / . , . .y.., ,. . . , ... 9 %-vji iV>*W . J W? ?* I M IN THEORY FALSE HI i i? RAIL ruvv VIIIU liels with having zured posses- "J )rtant letter urt and Peebles is put in 1 ond. Released yesterer bail for perjury. :.Sj Captain-Peebles was put in jail and forced to spend the night there. HIb bond was fixed at 110.000., , ] Yesterday Mr. panic], by consent. wrote-a judgment and had the clerk <i. J4. io sign R,_ releasing CaplidiL Peebles. from prison. The solicitor went up" to the trial before the recorder and ' beard the evidence and " bent a bill -vi >f indictment for perjury before the -il ;rand jury;- Latter formed a true WlP-*7Tif ind the judge fixed the bond for Peebles' appearance at the next term ? ^3 >f the Superior court. This bond . vas secured and Captain Peebles Is low out on ball. Mr. Ward lias not commenced any lult in the matter because the warnnt against him waa withdrawn be*?,? 'ore It was served. .'x* It seems to be the generat concen- jS9| iub of opinion that the amount of '/-M sail required of Peebles was excea- Jr<a| live, having been fixed' at an amount J oo large for bim to secure during he night. SAUNDERS CSSE ' GOES T1 THE JURY 1 * AS GIVEN OVER TO THE 1CBY K.Utl.V T1I18 APTKUXOOX 2| 'aRe Is One of the" Most Intrrestins j Brought ?P In Beaufort County $8 Court. - % "The case of t&e State vs. W O launders of Elizabeth City, charging j >lm with libel against E. P. Aydlett' /-gjl vas given over to the jury .early this The case has been before the Su ?rior Court for the last thr^t days . . [:.hs t:.c.rjLiug, .- -the- toallnteay?jo*u> " ?g] iitcin n! up. It. is believed that the ury will arrive at a decision shortThe state is represented in Lliia caae^._Lffl ?y Messrs. Ward &. Grimes. Small ilucLoan ? Bryan, J. C. 11. Ehringiaus and Rodman &. Bonner. The deendant is represented by Daniel & "3jH .Oiicu 01 mis cuy. .Manning & Citchin of Raleigh and 1. M. Mefckus of Elizabeth (ttty. The case Is one or the robst Intersting that has been brought i:p in ho Beaufort County Court in some lmo_and-ia-drawing-large crowda to 'km he court house. ; JB he Senator, "bur conditions are . rowing steadily worse in dexico. 'JH| Cow we learn--that Governor 'Bind ^T^jS as b(.en sent there by President Vilson. "That does not satisfy. Mr. Bind loes not go as the official represen- vjvfi atlve of the United States. . Ho loes not go aa an Ambassador cloth- 2ji d with authority to represent the -*iM Jnited States. He cannot bo ap- \ ^jSl lealed to by American citizens for .u protection. Some other stepa ar^ ' leceasary to give Americans on<2 American property the protection aj hey need and. are demanding j Market is IJ - -? !

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