K IVIIili lUiffi miiftiiiHu ~ ??1? 1 *; ," ' Pl.ANH lIKIXi; MADK I'OU.CiKKAT lUDUI SCHC(d the r " K?alt at Iaut Ni*hf? M?iId<. ? Tbe greatest meeting ot all tiuu far Mas held taat night at the Chris. 1 < + tlJLu Tabernacle on Kaat Second i * / ..treat. The audience was exception5 ally rttrge" antf when the invitation , , wa? given seven earnest people ac- ; copied of Christ. At no time in the , Wrlr '' revival has thereJ>e?n so many thlnk> ? ? log of their eternal destiny. The next f> fpw days promise to be tho greatest ; r.:. In decisions. I Plans aro being laid'for the great- ( est Bible school in the history ot the ] church next Sunday morning at 9:45. , This will mean much, for last Sunday < r- -f Af] ..... ' Tho nail < crfv iiag forth- ior l^tBQ for next Sunday. .j And with the new plans and the extra excursions that are coming from i neighboring towns, It ought to be possible to reach the. high. mark. A } V Poet eifd picture of the grent 8 h , of last Sunday will be presented tc j -V - all who are to the Bible school next j Sunday. 1,600 of. these are being j made. Also, Evangelist Organ want! j ' every boy and girl to bring a string just as long an he or she is tali. Come to the revival tonight and learn mors j " ? "" qtiwrfnv J % Mr. Organ will preach on the sub* 1 Ject qf "Conversion" tonight. There | Is no morel mportant question than ID thin. He will explain what it Is and Pp.. how It is' accomplished. Mr. Howe ^ will have the music up to standard nj*vv. tonight. All in all the service tonigbi j r, m* p!?no?? ponin He (fcd. l^t tljnf far. Remember that the music and. praise service begins protrfptly at S | - o'clock. j FROM II. F. D. NO. The many friends of Miss Annie Mae Sawyer are glad 4o-tec : fctr to ISfifrw oar midst again. While hero she it t^e guest of Mrs. Geo. V. Boyd. ' Then, win h? n nie nartv nt Fork Swamp eebool houee Thursday night Auju-t. 3t?V The proceeds .trill t>c gF>* ' ' . tor the benefit of ShiloS chnrch which bu lu?t been newly painted t?r??: Thu public; In cordially incited (o nt Then will be n eerlee of meeting, held nt Free Union chnreh neat week . Pulling fodder le the order of tht t. _ dny pow with moat of the fnrmere. /*," Mre. Rufoe W. Boyd and daughter ? * "" Mien Nancy, vleited friends at Jessei> Sunday. Jtrs. Geo. V. Boyd, MUae. Nannie Boyd. Mae Sawyer, Lela Rootb and Phowcene Latham were visitor. at the home of Rnfua W. Boyd awhile Monday ifttrMOj}. ... .. ' t 'Hr. and Mrs. 'Jack Waters an<" P children returned to thair home In Washington Sunday. While away tram home Mr. and Mrs. Waters spent several days at Norfolk. Ocean View and Washington City. They report a most pleasant trip, children spent Sunday at the home ef C. H. Waters. Sr. / :; U W. T. Boyd of Zion was In oui midst Sunday In his automobile. - , hir?. B. Boyd, who has been conflated to her room for several months, is improving r \ inston Sunday. X w. are baring eunehlne weethet L now And the ttrmiri are taking ad- , rentage or It, curing fodder. ^MKS. HAVRE OBIS MOTHER'S , , ; -,j ,7s* V HOMJ3 HITE, : ' t Rnbylon, L. {.. Aug. JJ.-difrr. H ' Sayre, who recently announced hot i Intention of bnltding a home when procpectlre mothers anight be anrrounded by the beet prenatal InBu c oncea. expecta the town board ol t Babylon' at Ita meeting today to t grant bar the leeee of a'tract of land t for that phrpoaa near Oreat South I Bay. ...... I Mr. Sayn-B eon U betrothed to I Mian Jeaelfl, WHaon, daughter oTth? t Prealdeat. I D. C. Herein of Belhaees to la ?h? I 1" SI '-"W TT i To Tu - =sjy i'? - . t'i,Mn| |M jU- ||n, < ? 1 una WUiiiWiimM!W. ' T ^ Hut ??TQ Way to Lani.r tft.-r Havin? Been (ilven a K"nr Our gallant warriors cf the dla muad returned home from the field* of the hostile Auroras last nt*bt after having lost the second battle b> the tcora of 7.1. Tkey^were .ore lr body and Blind over the indiftpUle: heaped upon their heeds by the un: iqenctyul enemy. Bef they wilt en rteavor to tnrn the-.tables at Flem tns Park this afterfeooa aSd vindicate themselves before Che local fans Yesterday's contest was practical ly a repetition of the previous one Evans started In pltchln* for Aurora hut departed from the box after hit team mates had given bin. a four run lead. He will probably be worked In either today's .or tomorrow s game Some generalship on the part of th< Aurora management. Con ban lei pitehed the *rr of Uuigaioe lot Aurora. J. Erown pitched for th? IVashlngton team. He was hit rathe! bard, but was also supported in '* athwr poor manner. Each team sell ta.. George Floyd, the new playei n the local line-up. caught a rattling ?ood game and made some mighty Ice pegs to second. ffltiffti 10 B % 'r\ 1 lOHRER ENDEAVORED TO FORCE HIH WAX JNTO KH8IMWH Oy ji il MOmi liAHT NIGHT. Km* Dfccovered trjriag to Force His Way Into the Back Door of the House. A.robber attempt^ fo enter-the evidence .eX J. R. Uou on Beat Main street lest nlghfT'Mr. Moss win at about two o'clock and rent quietly down stairs. He walked :o the rear of the. house from where le Imagined the noise had come. At or looking about for a few minutes 10 saw a man at work on the kitchen loor, trying to force hta way Into the juildlng. Mr. Mom awaited results without making his presence known .o the burglar. The latter1 finally lave up his work and slunk off in the iarkness. Upon investigation, it war found that he had been trying to pick the lock but had been unable to do ; v A? FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ARTI8T? AT THE LYRIC TONIGHT. Today opens the engagement of Eddie Reeves .and Myrtle Liller, twe vaudeville artists in a high-case slngng. talking and dancing that will urnlsh entertainment for the even?ff ' i The above mentioned .artist are tiled as one of the beet acts now on he eastern circuit and ttfelr dancing umber la by far experts! in the pro\1 ^ f 1 t' Tie three reel* motion plctoret >11104 to4oj alao speaks for themelroa as having aome exceptionally toe eomo4y plcturoa. The program tohay will he one loor and twenty mlnntea of good rholeeome entertainment, refined teat and amusing The admiaaion trices ??Hb 10 and to cents. , IOC1ETY IMOY MOORUOHT HAIt. Several of the young people of th< ity- enjoyed a moonlight aall down ha Pamlico river last night 'The rip waa taken In Dr. J. Rodman': [aa boat Thoae present were Mtaeer nisabeth and Alice ICeKenste of Sal. aburr, Hassle Hackney of Wllaon eons Pa I font of NdtMh. Isabel Carer. Mary CoweH, Messrs. Oowao toaenbury of Concord. Henry Moore lharles Cowell. William Rodman. J. >. Calais, Hotaoa Cowell, Jtey Kasr ind Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Brldxeman " hi ' " 1 ? V-. T - k ^ I _ _____ ;!*&' JIFTEK TOBACQO THt'HT AQUA 1. Utjjfl; v> "" IV.Kai.Vtfi; r1^ftrf^afonnej'; rind m Hunter's Bridgq wps the guest of Jos. Alligood Sunday. Littlo Miss Violet Whitley, whe has been visiting Miss Golda Whitley returned home Saturday. Martha Latham spent tho day with Miss Golda Whltlyy Sunday. -R. T.yWntqra yt near'Ptnetown wai a visitor at Vi T. Latham's Sunday afternoon. Miss Elsie Respess" of- Pantego -is' visiting MiBses Mabel and Rub> Respess. HB. I. T. Whitley and Mrs. J. B Tctterton spent Saturday hfternoor with MrO. W. T. Latham. Miaa Gladys Tetterton was the guest of Miss Martha Latham Saturday afternoon. .. ? Mrs. Mary Latham spont from Thursday until Friday in Washing i??. - * , - ? Cbhc} Whit ley and Ml?? E?al< I ?thim l?olt it 11} lun it I^To Wiihington Sunday night. Tobacco' grading ia the order ol the day around here. G. H. Sullivan celebrated his 21 birthday Saturday night. A number wan present. He received mdny useful presents. Cake and cream were served. All left wishing .him many more happy birthdays. Misses Mabel and Elsie Respess are spending some time in Washing, ton. Miss Llzale Lqti^yn ,1s yMflng.*""" "Plnetown." Master Moye Latham spent . Sun day afternoon with Jatha Tetterton. MILITIA TO FKEVKJfT GAMBLING. Indianapolis, lnd.. Aug. 21.?Companies of the Indiana National Guard are bfelng held in readiness to go tc the Mineral Springs race track if netarry to prevent the opening of the second meeting scheduled for today Governor Ralstoaeays action will be rinced that gambling by the so-called "credit "system" is being carried on at the track. I N'CALLED FOR LETTERS. List "of letters remaining uncalled August ?tb, Men?Esbor AJligood, Pro, Booms Melbourne -Boyd. J. P. Hill 6 Bro.. N C. Richardson. Robert Sumboriln. William Stones, L. T. Spencer, Washlpfton. Bill W. Troll). Womei-MIK Koea Brown. Mlsr Bill* Johnson, Mrs. Frank K. Jones Kill Bono Jemes. . kiln I.onii K? Mrs. Bottle Ijuhem. lira. Stent) Mooro (I). Mrs. J. B. Bhepperd, Mrs Bessie Washington. , 1 These letters will be sent'to the deed letter oTHce If not delivered before Sept. let. In renins for tbe shore, pleeee say "advertised" Klrlm detect list. ft.fa "1. ? ' ~-r ' /i.' ?TEKESW~TJP "WAHm\. 0. and If published once a month at Kinaton. Tho September Issue will be dovo'ted to the interests of Washington and Beaufort county. 1L is the object of the organisation to preserve as much of the unrecorded and unwritten-history of the war-as possible. ??Bire in*; vcierniiH aro sun living. In order to accomplish this. the'local Chapter of the U. D. C. asks every veteran in Beaufort county, who has AflT.Mortf.fi or anffdnfea uL the war. which ho knowsbe true, to" communicate with the president' of the lodal chapter iir order that they, may be published in the "Carolina and ilfii -mmi M. y. JONKS FAN COMPLETED CONTRACT FOR BIT f. DING BRIDGE OVER JACK'S " Jt jg?KKK>. The bridge at the eaet end of Main street is ' completed. Contractor "M. M. Jones moved away his material yesterday, his work being finished. An Iron pipe railing runs cn either side of the bridge for she entire length, except that part directly over-the culvert. This part is sided with a cement watt.- The floor of the culvert is made of cement. A retaining: wall has been built so ae to keep the sand and dirt from being washed away. TtSJTair* are also being m&de.iUL' the bridge lending to Washington, Part.; although these are not aaicned : as yet. PRINCESS CHRISTIAN " PROVOKES QUEEN London. Aug. 21.?Relations between Queen Mary and Princess Christian, the aunt of King George V., who, with her husband lives a$ Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park \ have come almost to an open break . it is said. For a couple of months tha princess has been adding to her bus band's rather Blender income by selling bottles of perfume made by her. self at Cumberland Lodge, and she , has been actively aided by Princess 1 Patricia of Connaught. Princess Christian recently began putting labels on the bottles stating -j that the perfume waa made at Cum- j berland Lodge. When this, reached ] the ears of the Queen she ordered ] Princess Christian to cease selling j the perfume 4n. bottles with such labels. The .pripceas maintains thai she has a perfect right to dd so and r?MW IB tfeWplfrwlth ih. re,a.?t ol ' the Queen. r ? . t The Rocky jnase of '^rachov, nes^ ! Jadn, In northern Bohemia, is a vert table natural rnrioritT It k*. 1 well dtnCrlbsd u a gigantic "freak li 1 atone." To enter the labyrinth with 1 out a guide la e^pefllooe proceeding J for an unwary adventurer would prob J ably speedily be logt In the tortaom J windings of the mure. Where the paths are so narrow and crooked and the , cillfe on the aide so bbrti that the ex A plorer soon loses all idea of locality ? In days of aery persecution the Mora r vlan and Bohemian brethren's accrel a prayer meetinxe need to be held here, , JdSt as the early Christiana assembled , to worship In the catacomhe The ' cliffs are honeycombed with cella, and at the far end of the mase la a rock 1 castle, where In the old days a robber t baroo lived and took toll of til way- r facet*. The thape of eoaee of the j rocks is very cartons There are, for instance, the blabop and miter," the "Madonna and the rhild" and many * other*.-~L*>mlon Rketrh. I -wrvas^i * wngm,as. ' : :^4' 77^ ' - ~ ; r? ^ , i B^pr I / BT ~~ ? ? * < WILLIAM liKAOAW WRITES RK- , UARDlXfl Rm*. J. DO YD _ , . T7" - . JONES. > flatter Is Located In Indiana and U 1 Pastor or laife rongrtpUoa. < Wllltani Bragaw, who la spending ( hia vacation In Michigan, writes of ( tlaa great pleasure It has been to him , to again .come In close touch with a , valued friend of his boyhood days, a ( native and former resident of Bean- ( fort County. Rev. J. Boyd Jones. Tho Rev. Mr. Jones Is located In , Indiana and Is doing great work and . a vast amount of good. He is thp pa*- . tor of a large congregation, exceedingly popular with all denominations, a powerful preacher and la exerting State of his adoption and surround, ing territory. PI NEVILLE NEWS. We are having, some pretty weather now, which we arc all vpry glad tc Pulling fodder and gradlug tobacco seems to be the order of- the day around here. Mrs. Emily Eborn and two children oi fea yrlcie "are vi sit Ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mixon. ? Mre. Sallie Cherry and-two children, Harper and Cottle, are tht guests cf Mrs. Blanche Chauncey. Miss Sue Swanner was the guest ol Miss Irene Kates Monday night. A number of people from around J nere went" to Morehead City Sunday. 1 Those that went were:. Capt. Parvin I and daughter Miss Phoebe, Maud ' Dudley, Mrs. M. ,GL Singleton. Mrs Mary Singleton and three children Mr. and Mrs. Parvin Chauncey, Mrs Mamie Parvin, Mrs. Blanch ,Chaun cey, Mlas Irene Kates. Mr. Cftestei Swanaer end Harper T*herry. ? AP reported a line time. W. K. Call will preach at Ware': draper Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Public in cordially invited. 1 Sunday school Sunday evening al < _ o'clock. Everybody come out. Chester Swanner of Portland. Me. 1b home spending his vacation. We are all very glad to have him with t us again. f Some of the farmers nre carrying t tobacco to town today to' the open, t tog. * Many of the people from h*-re an. I attending the revival meeting al Washington. a ? t UNION PACIFIC'S C BIG IMPROVEMENT. Omaha. Neb., Aug. 21.?It is rc i ported in r&llrqpd circles here that Uie Union Pacific Railroad is planning an extensive system of electrlfl I cation for its roads. The comp&n; baa.recently completed double tracking its lines across the state of Nebraska,'the total distance being 4 82 miles west of Omaha: c in' ii JE FREIGHT RATES AGAIN SUSPENDED n Washington. Aug. 21?The inter- S ?Uta commerce commission has fur. ? Lher suspended the withdrawal of the p through rates on lumber and articlei ? manufactured therefrom from polntf I< in Iowa, Minnesota and other Statei V proposed by the 8t. Louis and San H Francisco Railroad, for six monthc <1 from August 23. Tbe tariff was orlg & naiiy suspended rrom April 25. >< 1 . . o MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR. " Hi? ia Camp Parry, Ohio, Aug. 21.?.In ernatioual interest centers in the h ifle matches here today in which ex- g erts from all parts of the country ei ire taking part. The event carried g< rith it the Individual military eham. tionahip of the United 8tates and th< rinper .will..receive not only .a gold nedal but autograph letter com- ii nendaton from President Wilson. U The national matches, which open u lug. 25, comprise events participat- * id in by two teams from the army -J ?presenting the Infantry and cavalry v is well as teams from the navy and fa irine Corps and ? teams from every ? Itate in the Union, with the ezcep- t Ion of Nebraska, Nevada, Idaho. Ar- J tansae and South Carolina. In al' tJ here will be forty-nine teams. Th? p laticnol matches will dose on Aug v It, and on the following day the * rmy, njnvf, marine corps, and Nation- * 1 Guard will compete in the United J Mat* ncMc. match. I ~ I = nro THOl ?AM> FKKT - , ' 4 AND XQ BOTTOM Vlftf Attother Unaticceaafui Effort Madnlifl I-atti. in ?? ? "" ?Ie' K??rj jwiiLWttfr - Jtr Kln'xtcn. Aug. .JO.?Yesterday a louud of l?ad at the end of two tlioa. iand feet of atout cord was dropped rton. In Green county, which haa for nany years been a subject r near It. The water, which is ol light blue color. Is clear for a great ilstanee down. Experiments are said to have been made wltli fish in tbr Bottomless Hole, but this invariably lied in a short time and rose to the surface. A number of traditions oi Indian times exist ^concerning the pool, one of which is that it bears e spell put upon It by a medicine man when a chief who had been his patron was drowned there. The attempt rer.terday to ascertain the hole't lepth was not the first by any means jut more pains were taken and the ounding line was longer than at any irovious effort. w -I HERE '1XAL TWO (JAMES OK SERIES T(J 11 y. PLAVKP ,U V.\l\K TC1DA\ ANB TOMORROW. Aurora has the best of the foui ;ame series with the local t'-aiu sc ar. but the local fans are still hoping hot Washington trill return tc rorm oday and cop the next two games, rhleh arc to be played at Fleming games are to be played oday and tomorjow. The lorol manige^ent promises to spring someh'ng new in the way of a pitcher. James will be called at 4:00. IRANI) KXCAMFMEXT OK I. O. Q. F. ELECT OFFICERS. 3. B. Strmlley, of Ashev.'lie, I? (imnd KafHot? Higlit I^Uit Gets Xcxt I in Shelby, AugySo.-XThe grand enampoicaj/lndr-patient Order of Odd 'elfiowsfln annual session here elect, d the following officers this afteroon for the ensuing year: E. B. tradley^ Ashevllle, grand patriot; !. W. Chadwlck. Kinston, grand high riest; Z. Kendall, .Shelby, grand enlor warden; R. H. RAmsey, Char>tte" grand scribe; John E. Wood, Wilmington, grand treasurer; W. B. agwell, Durham, grand junior waren; David Caster, Fayetteville, rand representative; S. H. Michaive, Ashevllle, grand marshal; H. T. reenleaf, Elizabeth City, grand tnde sentinel; R. Cox, Klnaton, grand utslde sentinel. The royal purple agree was oonferred last nlgbtJfX^ The next annual meeting wilt be aid at High Point. About 60 deleates are present and they were giva automobile rides over Cleveland's >od roads this afternoon. " Odd Bankruptcy Ptooesdfnqs. They had a peculiar way of going )to bankruptcy among the Mnrawaris i India, now unhappily giving way to m lesi picturesque method of the 'kite man. When a man could not ay his bllts he would summon his redltors. They were ushered Into s jom In which the thakur, or house* old god. was enshrteed. but covered p with a cloth and with tbo face orned to the wan lu orderatbat it d?ht not witness the scene that wan ? follow. The insolvent would then, x garb of mourning. Me on the floor, resenting Us back to his credltora, ho on a given signal wooM fsll on Im with the** and slippers sad bela L Tbe brttlng ani>l>?& honor WII ?eUr?d to k, ntfeM >n m?uL vs_ -s' .Jj -i B-tllCEi IBIUl mm 1 Ill fl 11 11 I . I _jM nntntiut *m KAHMKIt RKX'KIVKI) MORE HIR TORAIXXI HKitK THAN IN MAR . ?g KKT IX ANOTHER CITY. 80.900 POUNDS SOLD 1 Were Hold at Opening K^r Voitm J (lay. Market to lie Open Dally \ Kai*|>I Haturday. Sain to lie gin at 10 oHWL" An Item of new* was learned llif# /?$ morning which will interest the far. mer* of Beaufort County and all I other* interested In the success ot J the Washington tobacco market. One of the prominent farmer* of this county, who i* a large tobacco , i 'J grower, split one of hi* barnes, (tending UftJf lo a nearby cltv and the other half to the Washington market He stated that the quality of the tobacco sent to the two markets was the same The Washington markethowever, paid 1 1-2 cents more per jjj pound for the weed than the., other * dB market. This ought to settle any re- ~i tnalnlng doubt* as to whether the lo- .3 cai market Is paying the right prices/ or not. The manager* of the two warehouse*. stated that about eighty t$jM thousand pound* of ?tobacco were- ?, ?? sold yesterday. Another r.ice *ale was held this morning. The average price ror yesterday b lODurco was is cents. The market will be open every day except Saturday. Sales begin at 10 o'clock. ? i M? fVHIW* Joseph Edwards ttud Miss Lizzie I. Lewis were the guests of Miss Dora Chandler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reavers were the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Chandler Sunday. Mrs. F.L. Bright and children epeht Sunday with Mrs. jeunetta Downs. Mrs. Henrietta -Edwards was the guest of her mother Sunday afternoon. .Misses Lillian 'Lewis and "Annie. ' Edwards were the guests of their cousin Minnie Dixon Saturday night ^ and Sunday. -i r Fenner L. Hright vlBitcd his mother Sunday. David Evans was the gut-fit at Joe Lewis" Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J: T. Hill and little _ 'S\ daughter. I.ula Elizabeth, were the fUMM or Mr. and?Mrs"?L. P. Ed wards late Sunday evening. What lias become c.f Crow Branch and Wilniar items? Would like tc hear from them again. XCtifKT 21 IN HISTORY. 105?Brest fleet attacked Camaref Bay by the British floef un. der Cornwall!*. who with an inferior force. compelled them 'to retire in the inner f harbor.. " -S 1810?Revolution in SatUe Fe. South 1829?Copper was discovered at Ga- v? lena. 111. vjM 1846?The water in Lake Ontario had fallen since the first of December, 1845, twenty-eight .J? inches, and was lower than .j ever known before. Chill Island, which had been submerged seven years before, appeared above water, and many rocks and sand bare ^ never before known made their appearance. ?.h as* The Royal naniih Railroad ..3 was completed and direct communication opened between the Black Sea and the Baltic. 1911?jCongress adjourned for the eesslon. y 't? BIGGEST OF ATHLETIC MJKHTHNew York. Aug. 21.?What proaslaoa to be the' most spotacalar ath- $ letic meet ever in the United States, end which lis destined to eclipse the , fsmoue Internetlonsl serine held in' 1895, between England and America * % at Manhattan Field began today an ' dec direction or the drearer Mew 3 York Fair and Exposition at Empire 1 City Park, today and will coat lane g threes days, yjewijk - { t . . "i Mis Mamie Barbenk. tke popular