Jjrfiii- ' 7-9^2 ui 03 * *-'<>1; KHe nu:AP?Or will -ra.lc far ?al>C*t*|#..*utomobllc. 23 bp I 5 passenger, In first clnss order. * smn&rrtimmB QO1^,' f 1 '?-& ?t. HRr!, rorSD?auto ucemik no. otss. ' ' ' "'Owner cam have nam. by applying ? ah tbla office ?ffid ?aylnl for ad. wilj, nbu, pow.try reason - vrle'1 long ae laat.?H. fa. htarn B ' fa's -h.io.Jt ?&$? I , , WANTED SECOND HAND Safe and Roller K>p df?k.-P. O; ;y' 148 Washinctou, N. C. fffSw p. k:?7'.-' ; yon SAEE?AT A BARGAIN. ONB good gas range; 3 good gas heat "/ era; 1 lot gaa fixture* 3? Y. Shaw. i 8.10-41 * r*' '.I...? _ . ' : 1 - -wapkOfiii-S'ircRs AND CLERKS Wanted?Big opportunities.* Send oame'nnd address to Commercial ; "Department No. 7. Carroll Adrer*. ' Using and Letter Writing Company, Raltfgb, N. C. * y 3-11-lte. J - * WANTED?SALESMAN TO SELL ~vjV . Lubricating Oils, House and Bam Paint and Specialties. Pig profits. Champion Refining Co.. Cleveland, HKRVU'ks AT OOCrtf HOME. Tlio monthly services will be held at the County Home tomorrow afterf noon at four ' o'clock. Rev. R. H Broom presiding. The community It ?6rdlally Invit&ff to'attend. FOREST NOTES Ap organization of aeiahtista who __ ?ra engaged in the. study of forests ^ IniepU Aar recently been formed in .If-''' W??Ma?toii. Eracll m.n^farturtrs an buying op old red coder, fence rails. In Ten eessee and southward to be made Into lead pencils. Tha Buffalo herd on the Wichita national forent, Oklahoma, now aumij' fcere afi, 10 calves bavins hot n born ^4Utah Cow?ll of. Itocky [ Mount la vl?mnn^?r auut. Mrs.c. ?< ?* 1 1 ? =r '_ < J Tbaxton Ben?on of Hocky Mount J passed throuth the elt? yesterday en j 'route for HytJo county ] I " ] Herman varrow anil Ueo. Floyd left veeterdnr for Orlfton. . . . i Mia Binoche Proctor of Orlmne-' J land, apont'jthn week rod with Mine : Net. O'Brien ' ;SST a ' lUea M SUncIll of R. F. D. No. 4. " la in the city today on a ghopplng IB* * ~J. S. Wlliardef Greenville, was ? ^ *Tlslt6r hejw yesterday. , j Mlas Pearl-Waters of New Bern i who has been visiting Miss Clara 1 Woolard -on East Main street, "has re- 1 turned to her home. * m ? m - Clande White of New Bern, spool < yestordu/ with trlunds-tn th? city. 1 a ' t Miss Laura Weddell, who has * been.the guest of Miss Eliaa Branch 1 has returned to her home in Tartioyo. ] .... Lawrbnce MIdyettc of Aurora ( spent yesterday in the city. 1 I ? jOlln MeKenay of Bdharen, visited friends here yesterday afternoon. was among the out of town visitors i here yesterday. .... j Fey Gurganus of Plymouth, spent fj 'yesterday in the elty with friends. . * * * * E Miss Julia BandoJph of Kl^sUm. ? Is visiting Miss Clara Woolard on b East Main street. y X~ J j ? v Misses Hattle and Ztlpha Herobj G leave .today for New York to .pur- ft chrse their fall stock 'of millinery. *' The Misses Hemby ?1U visit the J leading millinery supply houses in d New York and other cities and Intend i making the coming season a banner one In their builnesa here. J " ' -] Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Larson of New c Bern, spent yesterday in the city t> w|th friends. . = **" ' ' : * * o Mrs. Mat rolford.nf Hertford, N g C;? who has been vetsitlng Mr*. Cor' .. Richardson, returned home yester day. J ? e Mrs. John R. Ross returned home e last week from Mobile. Ala.. Twbwre she has been on an extended rlslt. * 8he was accompahled home by Mr. J .SL?C., Adams and daufhter, Mlai ^ Margie. They will spend some time * .hers visiting relatives and frlendr X before returning home. J 9 All the ppetrmrd pictures we make t , hereafter will haye our name upon : thtjm. Any time you want to com. J . pare our postenrdb with -any other j photographers yon are at liberty tc i ; do bo. I BAKER'S 8TUDI0. ' W iii Ttj^re ai*M tx? * ?owfi ?w?< 7 necftoe fbero will nlwari oo noma 1 who 41* the folly spending out 1 money trading omowhtro else: bul ? bow miwh better nnd Wjrrror n town f it would be If all of os xrooJd trado at ; ?-r . . J =?V Tomorrow t for Men, Women, Children. J i for Two Days Only ; iy weather, when you can J coats at a Bin fce- r iy otit in the rain as long out getting wet i I2?i . ,. , t \ ' -ffi't:' tv?^~r*j7r; ^ HUB Oiit-Fltters on<.l I tiiloring Cvtirnpntiy 1j r, L * j -i and Butty Thsir Mates. in ^?o?*tSTw^ ^t't^rXr^ndluSlrU^Mi?hby epwmtc ?k>irlj ? call that andi Be sei-np. ited-up, ned-np. Bed-up or Irles roo.l parlci vous? pertea Ton*t 3 (Per strut preodlj bout" the Jens seem to enjoy these battles and lit nbont clocking among themselves. ' "Bflt once a ben has ducided QD 1 Mte she cooies lnt?i ber dwn share of TVrUbbw and Is beaten und bullied by ?6 inate she baa promised to lore and 1 her." j I ? .. ( x . C-JJ Magnetism of th? Horn. "There Is a side to the value of the J tdbj which I believe is not fully oar 1 Imtbrt.'' Wrffes George H. DUCj In < Suburban Life. "There la"about the ' iotw a magnetism: * ?Wen* pbywlcut presence, that Is imparted to oue Com- 1 ug intimately in contact with him. as 1 n riding. Aa Is well known, the horse ' Immune to many diseased to which < nan kind is susceptible. I believe that he horse, being immune to such din1 mses as diphtheria, intestinal disor- 1 lew as ah as. typhoid. .chnlera_nniL dyt. J tntery. as well nsruaxrlet fever, smullmx and measles, and being full to J he bubbling over point of vltnl force, lulmol spirit, or magnetism, imparts 1 nore or less of this to his rider or smpanion niul more partiatilnrly to ' Utle ones who are; not in robust tealth. Repeatedly delicate children tare l>een known to obtain rugged , leaitb and to develop rapidly when pven a pony." NOTICE or SAIR. jffth Carolina?Beaufort County, "tjnaer and by Virtue oT an order of le Superior Court of Beaufort Counr, entered cn July Be. IBIS, in a >ecUI proceeding entitled #W. R. Town, Admr. of Ell Moore vs. Mary . Mdbre, widow of Eli Moore, and . Illza Fraszell, Madrid Fhusell, lenry S. Moot-e, Hannah A. Collins, ;obert Moore, Elisabeth J. Moore, ftlllam K. Moore, Jamea H. Moore. /lUle James. Laura C. White, and rant White, Heirs-at-Law of Ell loore; tne undersigned, as Commls-' Toner, will on Monday the 1st dny of eptember, IBIS, sell to the highest J Idder ferVnsb at the Court House oor lu Beaufort County the follow- vi ig described real estate: - iK * i)I tin Poor Honrs land, irmerly conveyed br Jon. B. Binton > Beunfort County and t r nlcs to an -iron eteb driven in the (found, thcnco North 73 West 8 >olen and 6 llaka to Wllkins" line, hen with hit line to the beginning, remaining one and one-seventh ump. Term* of aalo. caah. r?$>V ' W. R. BROWN. Administrator-Commissioner. r\ i?i "j"! s j J tt ou^od UO >11. U iu iHMtuiarkcd the elty whan [ than wi. ood where 1 Heed end wtw rrUUa In feminine hud. 1 hat It heck where I found It,ponied to the Be said that whoever had taken my ?et bud eot yet discovered hj* error. * et least hnd not retornel it. 11 sera bin mj address and wetjt away. revived to keep the coat i had until 1 tot my own. , The seme renin* after dinner 1 roodtfae note l bed came upon, trim fellow who hadUkeu my coat Vvt wis my surprise to fltWl a promise from a girl who eljroed bereelf "AnneM to meet the nuin to whom the letter was addressed on a certain comer at a rortaln hour that eery evening and to marry him. 2^ This wee the only dew I found. If wanted my coat hack 1 could go to the place of rendezvous and demand tt. 1 thought it would be rather hard ?n a man woo was about to Da marrratl tn mil nn htm to rectify iwh-i mistake. Sncb a commonplace proceeding would apoil a romance. Nevertheless 1 concluded to go for this reason: Probably the man. having dbf covered that the letter had pawed Intc BtW 4*Hfule, wouUl cull orr xhc clf>;>? Bent, but '.vould go to the place of rendezvous, presuming that 1 had rt?>d the note and would go there myself to Sod blm and get book my cout. The meeting was to be at 11 o'clock. The place warn a crossing of two streets on which were only dwelling booses IPd at ho time tpuch_frggnented. At id o'clock at nlgni: ortl^ sOTno Tatp tronrr goer would [was It I Went there at a quarter to liTVr. rather. I walked up one of the cifcss streets, around the block nnd passed the corner by another. 1 kept this up until exactly at ll I passed a lady, noticing that she was veiled. I walked on. turned and took position behind n tree box. Tbe lady was doing the satae thing I had been doing, and She kept it up till nearly half past 11. Then I saw her go to a street lamp, look nt her vfatcbTbestttler and by tbe way she started off 1 knew she bad made up he# mind to give up whatever Bbe was I hurried up to her apd said. "Pardon me. but you mny be looking for some one who hipvlng lost note mentioning the time and place of the meeting has been una bled to keep tbe appointment." Then I told her the reason Mr my being there Tp prove my story I banded her the note sho had written. She was very much agitated. At eoon as she b?d convinced herself that 1 had given her what I pretended to *1ra a ho tn m If Intn hlfu flha illiln't seem to be thinking of mo or the story 1 had tokl. Her mind was evidently on the man she was to have met and not very pleasantly on hlfti. ' doubtless lost your note." I remarked. "before having fixed In. his memory the time of? "Nonsense!" she exclaimed, stamping Iter foot. "He has failed me?Intentionally failed me." "May I see you to your home?" X mm**-?'?v ?? "My second thought" T said. "Is always more valuable, and. presuming I that yours la ths same. 4 shall aasapt wpnr Mennd mandate. I shall aee yoa bomla- ? natloo, for nodarn aateaoograpba- an t v.rr aenUBrr. and it la qnlta unllkalj 1 tliat ttamora too aligM to bo racordad , ; Forgot His Troubles. d I rule, In Inter years we remem- c ilk than our trouble*. I once Malted , a tillage where 1 round the oldest In- B habitant, a (rail old man. who regaled me for an boor with quaint ami com[H*nl rpmlnlmvtire* nf his youth. With. ' each frsaU anecdote his ready laugh ? I brake out it nnn?^i ? ? life bad been one long comedy. "Did Uj Too never bare 07 trouble*?" I baked, * trtarrh' jQ*Ur*' saW tbe f?- ^ im."?London Standard. *' 1 4-P- e Obeyed the Order. ^ tl Bobbie ? J beard you -feet ?* letter from yonr brother? Joey?Indeed 1 did! Bobbie?Was there anything lm- q portant in the letter? Joey?Well. I * didn't open it. for on the outside of t? the envelope was printed. "Please re.? tarn In five days." ao l sent It beck to hJoi.?New York Globe. ? ? Heard Obscurely. "What does Harold call his motorboat Tasked Maude. "I can't any exactly." replied May- u mle. "But I'm sure what be called It wfn'tV lie wn* try big lb "start the engine jva*n;t the name pointed on the bow.", WaitxTogfol i~Sta It ~~~: - 1 ?- ? Seasickness. An Italian pbyxirinn. who claims to know, says that "people who are sub1 Ject to seasickness should use atropine. The Injection of one milligram of ntropinum sulfuricum n^lll keep seasick pleasant symptoms."' A Climber. "Miss Nurtcb appears to be quite a society bud." HYw: a bud of one of the climbing raiietles of plant*."?Buffalo Express. Men prlre the thing nngnlned more Z ?hnn It Is.?Shakespeare. No Taste For Water. Wife (severely)?Is this the fish yox caught? Husband?Y-e-s. m' dear. Wife (shrewdly)?Were you ftsblftg In . salt water or fresh? Husband?I?I don't know. m'tTear. "Dldu*! taste it? J Loudon Tlt-BUs.. Secured. Bellboy-Gay in 13 wants to know where the fire escapes are! Clerk? _Well. show him?he's paid In advance! ?Kansas City Stair. A weak nature 1* injured by prosperity; a finer by adversity; the finest by neither. 4 -What's the Reason Many Washington People In Poor e Health Without Knowing cue ^ tWIM. a There are acorea of people who 1 drag out a miserable existence without realizing the cause of their suffering. Day after day they are racked with- oaekache an dheadacho; suffer from nervouBness, dlzzlnesB, weakness, languor and depression. Likely the kidneys have fallen behind in their work of filtering the blood and that la the root of the trouble * Look to your kidneys; as- ^ siflt them in their work?give them the help they need. You can use no x better remedy than Doan'a Kidney |f Pills. Below Is grateful testimony from a y sufferer in this locality. P. P. Avery, 190 Middle St., New ' Bern, in . *Csays: xjo rea- v son to change my high opinion of t Doan's Kidney Pills which I expressed through the local newspapors f some years ago. L began using this. _ it cured me." remedy when I was suffering from I kidney complaint and back&cho and . For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Ji'iityurr. Co.. Buffalo, New York, scle agents for the United 8tstes. I-* |B RMutifu! In ^;-. l?^3K5?5S* ssaarsa Bach Iron auc mmmimmad. I -?. 2ss= I I >harp Kuddart to the uoderslsn.d, d.'et s?ov?N the -.auao, vhether fn.xa \ Vi if bU, ri7Pi <" Betrrunttt. '31-1 -h * I lOo., R5?. ai>d SO*. '? N OTIC I Notice is hereby glvea that H. V. Tarkington is no longer connect' d with the firm of W. R. Swain, pon L Co., the co-partnership now conlsts of W. R. Swain t nd Cnlry Swain, rading as W. R. Swain, Son ? Co. This the 2st day of July, 1913. W. R. 8WA1N, SONyt-CO. 7 ?S 1-4 we LITTLETON COLLEGE. For more than 30 years w? lave been training girls and young roraen for successful teaching and or usefulness in life. We furnish scholarships fig 'oung women preparing to teaefc intl free tuition to all student! rho tiilro instruetion4n> our Prac ice and Observation School. We guarantee positions to teach rs who complete our courses oi irmly. For catalogue address [JHSdES. Littleton, N. C. Advertise i o Do R (ice Iroi All Kinds of Goods rincess Eleci - - I .B - J AMIAK* ? I -H - ?"*" ?na nmtn; triple mcBio loaccord;Mally attachcd;ee?id. ttiyi hot cm etathee; [ from the meet delicate to the a end^dy n^ee jrorti,oo^eJt. M selALUWl J| PHc** ^ EtS HARDWAR] MM-?? ' jl fsBSBANKS BUSINESS?without loans no teak could exist, aai test- II ness in general would suffer. This bank al way?tesava9- ^ able funds for borrowers of ? good standing.^ Become a depositor here? you may ne<"d our assistance some day. Bank of Washington A0* JB *Jt M j^bliwJUnp tcUUN ."3 ^?r soto mr DtwHiisrs evewwoE . A New Carped I Ocracoke J Mullets i | ( 1 DUALITY GROCERY . i WAITER CREOLE & CO. 1 Phon*Z?0 V 92. j Be Yaw J iyj Motor! "j COME of the matt powerful muodot in your body are rarely used y?u ^ere ^djt for a propelling, doc a walking machine. People who would 1 hesitate to walk one mile, think nothing of riding ten. Compared toyoaf /w , body, a gas engine is a crudity. Yon : J , get more enecjprfrom an egg dun it- "Ijfl makes froa a chiton of gasoline. 1 Attach yourself to -our ?fVER JOHNSON * and you' vejbined die nvo a 1 finest mechanisms that i ever floaied over nvicv* dam. It's rigid as a inss fifcilr / bridge, smooth running r yBy as a w-ach ir.d durable. X7 ; D .K. CUTLER 1 ltd MarkPhono 221 jM WASHINGTON. N. C rt The 'News . jj iirig$ j You Needl^ ! _