Ft"* Insurance I OCEAN 1 f too R Immediately o Finest Surf Bathing on * ' Ihww Free tftjjug ties Sen THE VIRC Is now open and is I Carolinians, i; u ineom send your family along ~' and pleasure will be ca til vou can come yours ? ? ror Kates ana uutn< ? I JNO. A. TOC1 ~ 'H mV ^V/T ^ "i Strives not by ~ ~ ' ? -I H mere words but ! I by merit to please ; I taste and quench I PEPSI Cola I cools ? refreshes Y I ?renews vigor. ^ 1 In Bottles or <i /i HI At Founts J / % Bottled by p?psi-Cola Bottling Works, Washington. N. E. R. MIXOS & CO.. Prop. WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME M4DE SMOKED SAUSAGE. PHONE Central Market, $50,000 ' To the Friends and Patrons t Realising: the expense in handling t aud Angnst, The Liberty stand# ready oaes, in the way of financial aid. NO INTEREJ TO ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS, DURING ANY OF THE FALL MC THE III With SRTH HOOKER at the wheel a fas the South, and its strong corps of XI your TOBACCO than any other ware Ue Sleeping Quarters, Roomy Stable Bring the LIBERTY your first load--) yea 4 per cent?The Liberty will pay S. T HOOKER. Prop. I ? . . ??inia Say 1BW. VA. OOMS n Water Front the Virginia Coast Bath its. Sea Food Specialred Umly. ;iNIA BAY ieadquarters for North 'enlent to go yourself. Their everv comfort refully looked after unelf. er Information Write KER, Manager. i_u..uw>. There are some 00.000 costerm oncer* who carry on business in the street* of London. Their capital is supposed to be KSiO.OOO. ^'ille they ore said tc do trade during the year of-$lV 000,090. FARMER^ MFKT IN STATE CONVENTIOX at Raleigh. X. C. Greatly Reduced Rates via Norfolk Southern Railroad. From Round Trlr Wc^h'cptCTi.... . . ; .- $3.60 Grimcsland 3.20 Simpeon 3.00 Greenville 2.85 Farmvllle 2.4 5' Fieldsborc .. . . 2.30 BlnhlonMj'irS ?~???n?n?2.05 .Wilson , 1.75 Bailey 1.40 aiuidiescx l.ze Zebulon 0.95 Wend til 0.85 Kates in same proportion from ul'l intermediate station?. Tickets sold for all regular train? August 2-i-29:h jneiueive. Good tc .eturn until August 31st. Ask any Agent tor partlcutaTs:? A. D. KYLE. H. S. LEARD, Traffic Mgr G. P. A NOTICE. To the Crod.tc-rs of Jefferson Furniture Company, and all olhen 'wKonTTl n:iy t'onc.'ri" You will taka notice that on thf 1st day of July. 1918, M. F. Jefferson and E. 11 Jefferson. a partnersir^.-basinets in the | city of Washington, North Carolina under the firm style. Jefferfxin FurniI iure Company, sold, conveyed, and delivered iw entire stack 01 guilds; wares, merchandise, accounts, and I good will to Jefferson Furniture Company, a Corporation duly organ"!29d meuted, and oaloting under thfj. laws oi the State o? NoTth Carolina. ThiB transfer is made without prejudice, and the Corporation wil. *?eume, pay off, and discharge alL indebtedness of the partnership heretofore conducted by M. E. and E. H. Jefferson. All accounts due M. F. Jefferson and E. H. Jefferson trading as Jefferson Furniture Company should be paid to the Corporation All goods will hereafter bo purchased by and for the Incorporated Jefferson Furniture Company, and M. F. anc 0> XI. KCUUOUU Will tu I1U W1BD UP" ??m? reapoBfllble. personally. lor th< debts of eaid Corporation. Very respectfully, M. P. JEFFERBON, E. H. JEFFERSON. 8-12-4WC ro LOAN of The Liberty Warehouse: obaeco during the months of July to assist its old customers and new 5T CHARGE IF THE MONEY IS PAID BACK NTHS. BERTY ad frank Langly, the beat auctioneer aiafants will get yoe to ore mosey lor feowe In Eastern Owoiisa. Comfort i and every Comfort for the Farmer. It will pay you. Savings banks pay you over 25 per cent. Greenville, N. C. m&mmm . v viiii n as f AAil TTliLlLjl fl XUvUi UJLvvQfl +00 eood too Hi Buy them because nese?because of i because of their go of their nourishme Always s edits. _ .. ,_ criBo and dean. NATIONAL BBC I. In* Motn .M UM CanOM. It i? not bccuuxot tbe motli is lighthearted. faced tetf and ntteriy friTtrtoos, [as we have always been told, that It | plunges headlong Into the flume. bat because of the tray that Its body Is | constructed, says Kaempffert the well known student of physical science. There are tw6 symmetrical points, exactly alike chemically, on the moth's 1 body?uaiuely. its eyeiv Jt.th* j*J* of I light modify the chemical conditions ; u? une side, more than the KUMC ILcn the moth's power of movement Is affected. There is n stronger muscular tension on ono side than on the other, and the moth Is forced to move toward the source of light If. however, one of the eyes Is "removed the chemical symmetery is destroyed' and Instead | of plunging Into the dame it move? obotit In a circle.' There are other an{, i which are hopelessly iu the grip of j light. If a snail Is placed between a white wall and a black wall the unequal lighting forces it to crawl In a circle.-JJUlcago Tribune. . The Symbolic Kay. Art. music and poetry have !n all ages been considered the (wlltc arts, I hut what Is art without the proper j portrayal of the dress of the age that | It seeks to represent? What Is music I that does not bring inspiration from I the masters of the past who were clothed "fit the-power?to give us . glimpses of men and Ideals of whom the - only- lusting, impression enn he gained by the form our imaginations |give to them? And our imaginations | clothe them in robes iu which their creators sent tlieni out on their errands. v. ??.V .."I IU uiHuct IUIHI9. lueu what is povtgy l"? t thought clot bod lo words? No matter from what side I viewed, the figure of speech of clothing Ls the synihoMy key that gives enI trance to these higher realms, and ! therefore why should not clothes themselves touch the hem of the garments |of the arts, -with which they are so [closely lu touch??American Tailor and Cutter. The Australian Appetite. An Australian paper gives some 8urI prising statistics of what the average Australian eats. Apparently he has i the best appetite, if not the best digestion, of any human being on the planI ot. He eats every year '2CA pounds of meat, which works out ot an a vera go j of two y!:?s'n and one-fifth of n bnl! lock for every man. woman and bnby ' '^"AHSirfllanu.?lltf ~eats more?than twice as much meat us the average | Englishman. three times as much as the average Frenchman and four times us much as the average Clerman or Swiss. lie eats, in iuraitlonr about three aud three-quarters hundredweight of wheat, two nud a half hundredweight of potatoes and almost one liundi'edtvciiriit or sucar.?if uu is a Taerouninn he ents'u quarter of a ton | of potatoes in a year. I Title*. |' That IS^n~f^il*rl:aT^-T?M!Tirrii*b?dfamiiv of yotirsT" "Yes." replied Mr. .dlWlmnn. "My wife Ik president ot several societies. , Mj eldest son is a captain in the Salvation Army and hlx brother Is uu officer lu the boy scouts." "And Is there no special distinction for you "Yes. I'm the only person In the bonne who Is addressed as plain 'mister.* "^Washington Star. A Slight Blemish. "Tes." said Mrs. Mulligan, who was bnabmd'ii u wonderful man. He can ' mead elccks, ,Snr*._Jton JJprinrty. didn't he mend your cuckoo clock so (bet It kapee beautiful time now?" "That he did. Mrs. Mulligan," replied. Mrs. Mori arty: "be mended It all right It's only got one (tingle fenlt now?i| ooa' before It 'cucta:' "?London Tele* n?pb. Harmony In Life. . It Ik not by reducing; life to less, bnt by expanding It to more?not by muffling ItM Ktern notes, bat by ringing Its sweetness, clearly out?that ooraoo her"nowr may be obtained. Trinity < graduate. Mr ererywhere tocceaa/ul Unee of vork- They occupy pincee o UK. end ably and prominently rep era men t A college supplied with a edneaUon. More Mum a million doi A wide range of eonreaa. necessary expense of tie student ehargee within twenty-flee year*. For catalogue and lllnetrated book i'iii/? r ' gi'i 'ijCJk'i - -^'4 oniishing, too mghtmer el y i ^of^their fresh jnt. Always fresh, UIT COMPANY ========?======= I , , TK? Art v Rudfns LttUrt. My daaroltl grandfather, who wrote ail Ue own lettekt lb ? mud whlBa, down to the day or hU death, was a> most nlnln enonffh tar n hllrwl mnn *a toad, taught me never:to attempt 11 answer a letter wltboflt placing It be fore me and reviewing ft scrupulously, paragraph by paragraph. Hundred# of times have I devoutly blessed bit memory for that lesson In the common sense of correspondence. WbeneTe* tared by the peMmell spirit of the sg? 1 stray from his precepts I rue it. ami I can feci the flush of stems-over spread my face as.I follsw a first letter of response with a second, render ed n&essary by the belated discovery of a point left uncovered- The old copybook legend, "Haste breeds carelessness." Is as true as It wofr in the days when good penmanship and good morals went hand in hand In the training of youth. It slambang add burly burly have given Its coup da grace tc the once gentle art of writing letters Is not that all the more reason why, before It Is too late, wo shohld resent the half dead art of reading themV Atlantic. v . . i j Dancing Birds. One of the many strange sights or the plains of southern Africa ts a party of waltzing ostriches. Their quest antics have beeo described tbhs: rWhrti there *re a number.of tiiom tbey will start off In the morning ano miter runmii* a rew Lund red yards will top and with rained wings will whirl rapidly round till they are stupefied ot perhaps break a leg. The males pose also before fighting and to make their court. They kneel on their ankles, opening their wings and balancing themselves alternately forward and backward or to one side or the other, while tbo neck is stretched on a level with the back and the head strikes the sides, now on the right, now On tb? left, whfie the feathers are, bristling. The birds appear at this time bo absorbed in their occupation as to forgel all that is going on around them and can be approached and caught Th? male alone utters a cry. which sounds much like on effort to speak with the month shut tight" Seven Wonders of the World. * We have no Indication of the existence of a cycle of seven wonders until about the end of the second century B. C. Then appears in an epigram of ~\uiipnter of sidon an enutueraiion of seven great-works, w,blch prove to be! the very ones later appearing as the seven wonders. They are (1) the walls of Babylou. (2). the statue of Zens at Olympia, (3) the hanging gardens of Sc mi rami*-at Babylon, (-1) the Coloftna of Rhodes, (o) the pyramld^ of Memphis. (C) the mausoleum of Halicsrnasbss, (7> the temple of Diana (Artemis)! fti EpheoUS WTUMw n?rt rpntqyy Varro, by bis leisurely allusion to the septem opera, betrays that the saying had already assumed current proverbial form. Diodorus, In the second hall of the samn rentnnr (first B. C.i, speaks,. too, of "tbeao called seven wprks," and Strabo, a little later, uses the vary phrase, "the seven wonders." From this time on. at least, the septem mlracula have an assured place in all the common lore of Rome. Writ#re of Historio Songs. Most of the songs that have made history we& written by men who had no other claim to immortality. The of Rouget do title which has survived, and "The Wearing of the Green" waa the work of an anonymous purveyor of Miiiai lot ui? auaat hawa?? ol Pab. Us. Max Scbnaekanbansr, an obacora Bwablaa "merchant. Who natal \><ilr llab*l aa*Blnt ?ta. comtx%(d j? ??0 noma i in ?a of which tba btndaa waa Una translated: Dear fatherland, no dancer thine. Tii m stand thy eons to watch the Rhine. Little waa beard of these until thirty years later, when the Franco-German war gave them an enormous vogue. They were then adopted ha the national anthem of United Germany, and a yearly petition of S.OOdT marks waa conferred on the composer of the tune to which they were yeL? London ChronlCollege y ibioUv- ??Its-1 and All Important positions In all honor and dimity In cborch and asaat thai/ auto la ths national gornplc raaonrcaa to prorlda tba boat ara recently addad to tta andowmnnt. Kfc ?&&' > tSi moderata. No la'mad' la , tuition otaddras. tL U PLowrar pi Bmmm7 Vv Ir K Af ; [ - ' Ql \l> ( oi?? i? ft?y , pearvfat. good t< uparodl camo 1? lianfr bou>? tor tue deaton. "H.-.i worry atom wit hi: " f?' - two. of ..'it-.-,- ivnp the vvuvral t>pla-' i jnai2 ?cbt f?..a bad paaaad awoj ho wa? tlw o nrddlt for in-'iu* oo? of ino row ikbodA^luoM 'iZZ*??l. ha wnj (otas tolruu Into a cjclooa wttfeta an bo.fr ba would ba.o Muzbod at tlx prediction. 'Ho yat four uillaa from Grafton nod tollloe u|> a long b'JI ?bn Ida cjcIodo appcarod. SIM ... Hiked If aba didn't want a lift an bar war ??4 ?" Inrttad to take a aeat In tbe bcc*r. Sbe didn't loot at all to thedaaconttka a cyclon. equal ntenc? ? Tbe "cyclone wma a wWow nemad Pardon. 8b. bad bean aewlnaat tbe booae of a farmar. Sbe had a married slater living in Grafton. Sbe hod been a widow for fire years, sod. while llfa was going v?ry well with her. It ww^blt lonesome. Deacon Ooodmsn confessed tfcaf V was oleo a bit lonely for him. Widow Pardon hod never considered a second marriage, bat If sho sboaM happen to find tbe right sort of man it might net her to thinking. ;- *j "1 understand." replied the deacon aa 6s aoddtd his bead. * "I mak? my own dresses, rind I should be saving. And I can cook a betted dinner fit for a king." -I guess I'll stop and .doe your ststar about it. I don't see no sorter use In waltin'. Hanner was complaluln' this very naornln' about the hardness of the housework." "Put It off fo> a week, and thlhk tf over. 1 also want to thbik." Tbe widow was left at a booae Is tbe Tillage, the deacon's business transacted. and he returned home to say to his sister: "Hanner, you can hare your liberty purty soon." "What d'ye mean by that Johnf "I'm goto* to get married." ~ DeJCOh'Good man w as known sdkwp men as a "reasonable man." He could be argued with, and. he.had often changed his tnlnd. but In this matter be wgs as obstinate as a mole. The xplnister and others talked to blm, but without avail. He was. on hand on the day named. The ststar bad nothing to say for or against, and It was decided that tbe marriage should take plAce Id two weeks. If ram* off tn schedule, and the deacon took his bride home uud was a happy man?for three or four days. Then one morning be suggested that be liked bis coffee a little stronger than the wife was making it and she'wtiirled'on mSaV'tfiTffw the utensil at his head and opened such o tornado of abuse that he aat_wlth his month open and stared at her in dumb surprise. The good man was still. wondering what had broken loose wben the wife slapped bla face and pulled his hair and ran for the river Towing that sha won HI Grown herself. He sprang up and followed her, of course, and caught faer juat as she was going to fake the, Jtange. Ten daja later there waa a second outbreak. The deacon got abuse, profanity and more vigorous slaps, and again be caught his wife on the bank JD?Jhftj3l9&?: - In one year there were teu or twelve outbreaks, and. of course, tbo matter became town talk. The good deacon finally went to his minister about it and the latter saQ: "I have been waiting for three months. Brother Goodman." 'And yon can tell me what I should dor "In a tety fffW wumi. biuU? . "Separator "No." "Get a divorcer "No." "But it's got to end, parson. T can't stand it any longer." "1 think I hate a plan to end It Wben do you look for the n?U cub break r IP may come any day now." The minister whispered to the deacon's ear for the nextjten minutes, and the plan was laid. Three days later there waa a dispute over a roller towel, SSCCSS petus that she went Into the river wlthi imt apiaah. There was man with I boat there, but be let bet ImMbt aereral mi I tons of water and sink twice before be reecued ber. 8be waa In bed fer*a week, and when ebe crawled oat be wu an altered woman. She wae bninble and contrite and nfeer again bad ona of ber epello. In fact, aba made one of the beat wives In town, and Deacon Goodman bad reaeopa to, coo grata la to himself many timet over I before be waa gathered to bis father*. What ahe needed waa tbe water ntue |a drown tbe temper oat of ber. ? ? % . Cauaa Far Jaaiarray. L ' Jaaa?Tbey want to tha lake dlatrtet on their wedding trip, and Ethel wm wraleha*. Koaa?Wb.t trna tha trouble? Jean?George taII in Irr. with tha acanary^-CleTel.na Loader, j . , aright Outl3B- -i'- Li ha?la your brntber. who I. deaf aay batter. He-Yea. He wa? atraated Hro ' \ ...j" ^ WsJt" iLSnr M -1s IWl at Mil I come u> ? ? ue ^ W' We Sell BUTtV.RICK jjttg" They Are the Best. 4? II Vr TH? Dep^' IL *j||| I ?J Try Our Boneless ? Smoked Herrings i and Royal Scarlet * Shad Roc CLAUD A. LITTLE, I "The StoreTAroand the Corner" J ? g frovoo *nra omeftmw. |n ?Wedlliirlj. - 1 11 tintft to Imp an> , bo?lnw? deaUuffs with Klykrr He's , to? tout 8Iosleton?Do you moan to 1 ay that yoo conaldor hitn matter * than yonraalft Wedderly-1 certainly flu. Wltr. by had a chaneo to matrt ny trlfe, but he didnt-LoodonTO-" ~ Met Very Refined "My yoong man's a real ??nf said IJaa of Sboredltcb. "Ha narar blows his aonp Ilka a common person. Be always fans it with hla hat"?Louder telesraph. H . i. ntraaso Truth. * they any that lo-re wffl so whom ? M sent tt appears td he always saw after the Ctrl with a rich father. Why ft It thosWtast?New Orleans Plcaypnd Bcboolteaebw^mir'new^iMa hot who's cry Ins so hard asya his nam* It Mora PrlDdpsI?ErVdeotly an abbre elation of lachrymose.-wjndxe. By helan happy we saw anonymous I betieflta noon the world. v. . i Mother.; Hare Vour Children WcouT Are they feverish. restless. herroue Irritable, dlesy or constipated? Do they continually pick their nose or rrlnd their teeth. Here they cramping peine. Irregular end ravenous appetite? There are ell signs of worms. Worms not only cense your 1 amSerinit. but stunt to mind n and gowth. Olre "Klekapoo Worm Killer" at.once. It kills end remorse the worms. Improves yoer ehild's appetite. reKuiai.-? stomseh. Jlrer and .bewels. The symptoms disappear and your child Is made happy andShealthy as nature Intended. All drusnts-a or l*'S<*bW?s reputotloi |lpFTai\ci2 akEstablisl y I, spi rmshiTVgft. I T-i l| J. ji. . I i*?1? 11 -' t: * . I .tOTKM. r r?rtb Carolina?Beaufort County. upoelur tWui. 1111. ^ ?ora Whitley 38 *" 'i Icurgua Whitley. ~f .... - . -. 33 Barvlce by publication. ' i'>; . i J The defendant above named win ehe notloe that an action entitled aa hove ban been commenced in the Sowrior Co art of Beaufort Count/ to ^ btaln absolute divorce; and the dean dent will tarehae tebe a nine tbei < ? e la required. to -appear at the - term t f the Superior court of eald Count/ >r > be bold the fourth Monday after . : ,. . .?>. ? drat Monday In September. It bets tlie Ittb day of Sept.. i?l?, at ' >1 to Court Honea afield taenaty la faablnstos, N. C , and aaewer or delur to the complaint la eald action. t tba plaintiff will apply to tha en a it ir tba relief demanded In eald eomlalnt. Tblb iftb day of July, 1?1S. *i) OKI. hi PAB1-. ~ : taetot artert# lAbTt: 7-bS-fwe . - ;-y- ' WM CRYSTAL ICE irann AWD III 300 Pounds" ~^IL. Bnd Piicked toIte?J: ttwK <x - ~ Jlill i VACBBVnXE. ' DRANK ?, JONBK AND W1FK~ 'nginc, Talktic Ud DiuirInK A *?? *ow?r A?. - 1 0*T ? < | 10TI0N PICTURES I HAfflH, KIRK A <lrr~t Two Bool Fotoro. ( . W.- j, K JOHNNY ON THE BIW 1 A OnMklM Oood Corner. s. ' \ " " 'f 't dmission g 10 ?d 2Cc

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