I i -vou?ayumst ^ [I P'tsSs |P j? OCEAN V: lOO R Immediately or Finest Surf Bathing on t ^ r~ Hwuea Free to Caeit tiesSerw THE VIRG In imy open' and Is H Carolinians. ^ If lnconvi t?:? - , sand your family along. ~ and pleasure will be car til vou can come yourse r* - For Rates and [Othei HII jfty^K sP S^B i s 1 rMirv k \ yvI4 J c T&*VB ' H Strives not by j, H mere words but j I by merit to please taste and quench I PEPSI-Cola I cools ? refreshes / I ?renews vigor. JJ i mm /] HI In Bottles or C // A c ^ At Fount* //^ X Bottled by 1; p*psi-Coia Bottling Works, # Washington, N. C. * K. R. MIX ON Jt CO.. Prop. <4 hMSoAllHUmiwinWllHi jo?r TOBACCO than m, otlcr nnk Ma tlnaiiiia On/ten, Roowy SwM?a a Bftaa tW LIBERTY roar OntW-ki TO. j per?m-The Llbntr WIH MO pa p, a. T. HOOKER, Prop. cHd 1 W - - -Li. a>>y ; . Bragaw 4t Co. tgenta tn Washington. N. C. ===== jinia Bay IEM\ VA. DOMES i Water Front... L: he Virginia Coast Bath s.?Sca leod Specialsd Dafly. ? INIA BAY eadquarters for North intent to go youraelt r Their >very comfort efully looked alter UIi- ? If. r Information Write [ER, Manager. t Lunuopit v.oiitimonycr? There are so cue 00,000 costcnnonjrer* who carry on huslnesa In the street* of London. Their capital is supposed to be #230.000. while they are Raid W, t!o r. trade during the year of $15,-' OUO.OOO. .. ... Mini CHS MKET IX STATE COX VEXTION at Ilile.Kh, X. C. ircatly K^hucd Kates via Norfolk Southern Kailroad. ^ rrom Rcund JMl Yashlngion.. ?3.50 Iriaciland 3.20 Slmpfon *3.Or ls?envl!!e .. .. 2.SI rarwvllle 2.45 rlclrfsboro 2.30 Hitiuvu^uii,- t2.VO Yilson 1.73 taller ... 1.40 diddlt-rex 1.2C iefculon .. .. 0.0c Yendcll-. .... . 0.S5 Rates in snmc proportion from al' atermedlate station?. Tickets sold for all regular trainf lugust 2 4-29tb Inclusive. Good tc eturn until August Gist. Ask any Agent ?or particular^. i\ D.KYLE. H.S. LEARD. Traffic Mgr. G. P. A NOTICE. ,ro the. Creditors uf Jefferson Fumi -tnre Company, and ail otherf whom It may concur!.: You will tako notice that pn the st day cf July. 1913. M. F. Jefferon and E. H. Jefferson, a pafine> tip. heretofore doing business in the ity of \Vashingt.cn'r "NofTlr Carolina, inder the firm atyle, Jeff en on FurniHro rnmnn-iT Bold, conveyed, and I-silvered its entire stock of goods tares, merchandise, accounts, and ;ood will to Jefferson Furniture "OTTTpany, a r.Arpirallnn ilnly organ- j eed created, and existing under the I aws ol the State of North Curolina. This transfer is made without irejudlce, and the Corporation wil ?8ume. pay off, and discharge all inebtedness of the partnership hereto Dre conducted by M. E. and E. H. efferson. All accounts due M. F. efferson and E. H. Jefferson tradag as Jefferson Furniture Company bould be paid to the Corporation .11 goods will hereafter be purchased y and Tor the Incorporated Jefferson 'urniture Company, and M. F. ant" !. H. Jefferson will hi no wise beQinq TBgponsible, personally, toxthC ebts of said Corporation. Very respectfully, M. F. JEFFERSON, E. H. JEFFERSON. t-12-4we OJ.OAN The Liberty Wmfcowe: weoo dating the months of July > assist its old customers and new ' CHARGE THE MONET IS PAID BACK THS. IEHTY Preek Lutty.theM sectioeeer MeWgeiyee MM) far mm lituwOwln. Camlmt d every coelotl lor Ike Farmer. Vill mm Map Mb my m over ? eer ceec GresnviOe.*. C HpKllH ? Bpn NotNjwcotic. i?;. ApeMta^rtoCtBto ^ BMK item.SourStowdLDtmfifa I YformJRBfwMnMftwn* I B ?o? ?dLoss or Sleep. \ Copy of wpkppoc. ===^^ , T~ A Spasm of Economy. ". "~ Im the early eighteenth century a wave of economy flooded Britain's "civil * service. The commissioners of cos- " corns. about 1721!. were filled with ideas * of economical reforms. They restrict' . ed tlivlr staff to so many reams of paper and o certain number of pens a 1 year. And. more, tbey put their own q house in order. They Issued n self do- * mine orvliu-UK1^ to-tbu ufCccLthat they " would In future buy their own breakfast coffee. DflV their own ?-?nr?h a and purchase their own books and ^ pamphlets, except the "Book of Bates." ? Boxed His Roys) Ears. p The present kaiser in his-yooth-wo? t, a frequent visitor at the country boms i ci Sir Iluph qijiI Lady MaedonclL r, 'lie was the::." writes Lady Maedonell in "Reminiscences of a Diplomatic n I.lfe." "n line young .man with a ri strong sense of fun un?l fond of teas* ta In?. "He liked our English teas and afterward used,to claim me for a prams of 'drafts, in the salon there was a pt lis Window with a deep seat that he ai Mpceiirtly favored. To this a pinall ta- o hie was drawn up, and fine battles en- ci iued over the board. n I "I shall never forget one occasion x< when ho accused me of cheating, He^ g] was so apparently "serious that I be-' w cr.oe infuriated, and, unmindful of si his high estate or my duty as hostess, I impulsively leaned across the tnbl? t< and boxed his cars. Ills sense of ha- tl mar and tbe satisfaction of having p; been so successful in working upon my w feelings saved the situation. I re- tl reived fult~ punishment later, for ever oi afterward when be met me he used to it cry. 'I know a lady who cheats at ei druftsrw . tl ? ? T - U Ways ot Darkest Afiiiei ? -p In, his book. "Thinking Black," Mr. w Dan Crawford, wlfo Is held 1A Kngtimti" -H to be the successor to Livingstone, gives a curious picture of bis missionary experiences in Africa. He helped to establish tbe mission station at Lu- tl Duza. built on a cliff overhanging the m Great White lake. Here, with unfal]- li lng success, be preached, tbe gospel to ti the uttermost parts of Africa, drawing T the natives to nlBl from fui distent- -st places. On tbe woman question he Is k particularly interesting. He became ? aw ft re of secret society which flour- j tl lshee hi Gentral Afrtrn.?It la a sacral ft Institution with hidden rites and cere- n monies.' its purpose Is to keep huh- s< bands in subjection. This is hardly tl the idea which tbe civilized world has n of the Dlace of woman in Africa hot. n as Mr. Crawford says, nearly every* o: Iking there la reverse^!, according t? b wliite notions. . ? tl CARSWELL'S LIVER-AID .NEW flEMEDV THAT'S BETTER THAN DANGEROUS OAUW1L. Bettor Thu Halte. Olle or POD, and E Honor Back Prom Hardy's Dra| k ti ll r V Tl fclim'l "rtHili "Mill * pnOOn. " Ok! WhAt bile* People In Wash- J ington here Bo (trftber nee for ode- , mel or other slam banc cathartics I that net harshly on sick Users. CARS- t WELL'S LIVER-AID has the call * theee dam; aratr hour In the day; J It's going (inter than the proverbial hot cakes. TTh chanting hundreds of weak, t sickly. Day and orerworked llyers Into boatthr, strong rigorous ones. It k| driving poleomins wants tram the body; putting U M to lndlgsstlog fe and nil stomach mleary dad EbqMf : CARSWELL'S LltEB-AlD Is plenaant add karmHH; H taken the place ad oalemel. Children cen take R tree- ?g ly MtejtWle edttlMl clenne eat their tnlend^ft fbr ilek hnia^e. 4 * ^ I > -+ - . . --S, ii-isB . '1 I X ly 11 * I U? V > Ul TMny Years mOBIS TWK a?HT*W CIBIMW. WliTOM?Wr. , . iljMwSfe^ r ji I Nautical Tsrms. Terfot used aboard ship are inter sting and might, In collision, bt Useit Toward .the ship's head is fovarii (pronounced for'ardi. The oppo te direction la aft. Looking for'ard and to the right la larboard; to the left is port. The unrter from which the wind blows Is fridwhrd: 111 opposite is to leeward ironounced loo'ard). A scuttle Is'g window on hoard shlpu stairway Is a companion ladder: a ed is a bank: a kitchen range.la a alley. This term is also applied to the lptuln's own boat. The forecastle ironounced fo'c's'le) Is any covered lu lace in the bows. A knot la a speed P* one sen mHeper hour. 4l?3Q feet h^ ship wpars n flag: that Is the cor jet term. Passages nre gangways. Bollards nre stout pillars round bleb run the hawsers?steel wire jpes. The bridge is sncred to the cup tin and officers.?London Tit-Bits. Perpetual Motion Cranks. ' fudging from the applications for itenfa. i:?a n ?ii r??? pparently In trying to invent a perioral motion machine, only Great Brltnlr ills it n "self moving engine." Tli* ires nnd hones of models may be jucd blenching la hundreds Qn Utf Helves of .the patent office. It goei ithout saying that not one shows the lightest Incliuntiop to mave Itself. Varied and often pathetic are the his >rics of the inventors. Not a few ol lein have spent the years of their rime in the chase of this unattainable 111 o' the wisp; others have dropped lousands of pounds in thS^qucst; stiiJ thers hare trailed the quarry Into t6e isauo asylums. If all the wasted en rgy spent In seeking the solution ol lis problem bad been converted Into le beaten channels of endeavor the aleiit?office officials believe there ould be few problems of mechanic* ft today unsolved.?New York Bun._ A Railway Across the Open Sea. The Florida Keys railway runs from le riSalnland for a distance of 124 tiles over what Is nrnctlcally open sea nagine a string of tiny islets stretchig like the broken off piers of some ltanic bridge right out Into the great itt sesw '"'d vnrr have the Florida eys. Most of them are ODly a few ids In extent Here and there Is one tat reckons Its area In acres, while tur or Ave among tbem are Islands lunre miles. Big or little, however, ley serve merely as stations for the illway. which runs over and updn tern with .the open sea on either side > it Moreover, the viaducts ind emankmenta that carry the trains, allough immensely strdng, are so nar rw and steep that the passengers look ^ Alfll M MM hatever la algkt during tlx (mlal I lit of the trip?Ktrhanfe. tantlant Alarm CXtlca. I "Darll docs* tro a spades of alarm I ock used ta Oreaca for fbe purpoae af I replug persona awika, such as wstefcLsa.'siaa* drlraas sad railroad man. ksutd Ska parson whsaa tbe -darn ttr la daunad to ksap awaka ba a aga drtear. the dsc Is strapped to a Itlo stool pasUa bun, sad tbroogbost a loOTaar ba baapajtp a sbarp barkmp avska a*. vaD as tba driaar. t times ba will panaa tar a mtnate - two to saoMaa Ms parehad. rasped oaM^s t tka baste * bsdaeo "And 7*a nssd to'snr paa vara am"And rat raa latesi m* a near Sot laok at tba east of ttr ' ^MptMsaMm,.^ J Hard Leak. , ^rlTa^r***1 "* *" "^l Jltsa^Dst Was oeaof dam aptaed^l A'8-- nnu a consouaauou o i lion uln be an oIIK^dei-tirSfctif ] bul^n* materials and tn?ebln?7, on-1 ] dee the auspices of the cooter.tlona bu-| j resn In Suburban Garden..where the contention also trill be held. It U be.Jlered tbo eoUre elghty alx food rondaj 3 orjjnptmH*"* l? iUi United Rtittw gUlL l o withjhe new ajaoclatio* [ AIT.OMOBILE AFFW HARD ^ . lZ?n Dif' Hlfhwij nfliiara Ions 1(0 fllKflTtrad that til* ordinary macadam road baa no chum tmdcr aatomoblla trafnr. The boat of them, watt founded and (roamed and anrfnced. hardly taut a aaaaon. Hfcwtty" Wpalt* hi* *UD-' cult and abort l\r*\ Md a highway I nine-tenths of whoae surface U la good condition soon has to bo entirely ma do orer became of tbe ruined one-tenth, says tbe New York Evening Post The various fortns of surface bound macadams?tarred, oiled, etc.?have given better service than tbe plain inn end* ami, but they, too, are comparatively short lived under heavy, motor truffle and similarly defective in requiring complete renewal when but a small part of the road la worn out The result of thta new situation la that the macadam road, which furla factory highway for horse truffle, has become one of the. moat expensive forms of road surface. The fact that I. MACADAM OOAD CUD C$1X YSAA. H but a small part of the road surface is needed for motor traffic (a highway not wOcb traveled could enrrj 80 per cent of Its traffic on two strips sis inches wide: where there was more |travel four strips would be necessary) has led to the suggestion that the rail* r way tract principle be applied la F building automobile - highways. (>parently a test of this plan has not been made?nt lbflU uul im a scale suf - ? ficieutly large to f u r uisb_conclusive lnformation as to its practical valne. Such strips hare been nsed on bridges and about factories where heavy truck loads bare to be moved. Recently, however, the subject has u been taken up in England, and there appears some probability thai tti ' "hard road strip" will be given a tttorongh test' in the near future. A Britlab engineer, discussing the problem.' suggests the following possible bard M strip materials Asphalt wood paring. metal plates, concrete blocks. The 111 sue* ehcloua-dUfflflnlty tn tie 01 Id these strip roads la that of main- ' talnlng the proper relatfou between the ti strips and the rest of the road surface, m There will always be a tendency for' ? the macadain to break along the edges M of any bard strip, and the problem of * keeping the surface in good condltfcm ? at^tfJese points will necessarily be a fr difficult one. fa I I . .Z'^' w Will Oeetrey Objectionable Bill beer*. * ASTortfaan who aaa objoeUooabla * or ?rtrnrln? lt(U or bUIboatda aloof ho hlchwaira aa Law loland mod to "* WeatchaaUr county. X X? haro boaa " warned Mat tkair adrartWocaaata *" 2 w ?" rataetltt locMr or tha " atato matt that tha tatHnew. paraoaa ? rtf t?r *? ? PIE I ehflttn I. (M V^rSSSrtTS ??r--ay-^:s" gaaBBatoa SSSdms .' ' *: ; iff *r tj"^ nS^y* ^ ^ * k**1 ??**? ** WO rSL' anl ?* 52aw"SEr^lL5h^l2^,,*r - " " J, j r4.W.r hare a full lln* of irtmmtar* ' |T. BV 800"" tnem??lT06. 3M- Bag fl .\4. L-. , m JMen 5 l UTTiTshmas w >?MU ' fulUif nol i.n.i .. * . , *[ fl cch* t*jm u?. Vm 1 ' We Sell BUTTERICK I I American LadyConeti. Ml I PATTERNS. ||p ! _ Shapes and SixesFwey^" . They Are the Beat. Give Perfect Satisfaction. I I ^ ^ ^ - -' r~m*m*'m I' .. ?11 pbsSSSS-J ? -'- .. s North Carolina?Beaufort County. ry Our Boneless -T-r~ Smoked Herrings J 8errlce by publication. CLilit The defendant above named will I n | . take notice that an action entitle^ aa Loyal Scarlet above baa been commenced in the Superior Court of Beaufort County to N-i - T\ obtain absolute divorce; and tUe dela r% a-1 ? I# * feasant wHI further IkJXXvUX he la.xcaulred to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County 1 r*w 4 ?T1\ A - ? ITTI V to.he held the fourth Monday after (jLALtV A. 1J' ' he Jim Monday In September. It beThe StorelAroond the Comer" us the itu aer <* g?pt.. mi, k the Court Houae of aaid County In , Washington, N. C.. and answer or do *ha Boar UmbraUm. "*""" " mar to the complaint in laid taction. Pmbieii? t? >w? luawutibla wm or the plaintiff will apply tn the court __ m. far the aeaaona In Sooth Africa are for the relief demanded in said coneit so changeable aa ours, are oeefc pialnL h? '** T?* J? CCT???J1T^ Tble nth d*r et Jul/. 1?1S. ir own rtewn. the Boer believed that 1' ? I umuiclll K>Te T'TTIIT II I III ttT**t"~ 1 Q*Q A. notion, though the nbocidng ?p?rf Clerk Superior Court, en they rented, which reminded 7-1 *-4wo te rery mneh of Selrey Go nip. weald it here been calculated to poeeam ______ . _ _ __ ra-stag CRYSTAL ICE om le one of tbe many unknown eta of the old time fODubUc. They **" ere big end balky, en a tale of el- {(200 Pound* * ica. end the catch wee nee welly owt ? _ __ * eeder. het they were elweye te he AhlD tmd in the genet ream wlmejbe 300 Pound* Id men" wan nt beeee end nlweye uofflpenlod Mae In the npMer the Bagged and Packed to Keep 'JTZfrSZ ffgg* PHONE *. lUytd it twit- Ai nwtwflOiL ?^ W&m LY81C TKEUK Motfamt Have Yomr Cblldrca v*m>?mT? An they tmrlik. rootW nor- fra** X. Ali^ ??. Irrlublo, dluy or eowtlpoAedt ,"* '**- * oprMltof Tbooo'or. olt aim nf . A , T_.^. lid ouffertas, bat Moot Iti rolod A * A "' - -