, if r \ I fi 11 fl ? flii I ri\||u I I lu I Liiun I | 7 FARMgHg MlAfy FOR ^ sra ov^re in^wpKJwa. ? 'S^?? B FEB POUND. MR8T JOBAC CO SHIPPED TO BREMEN. OKRT MANY. . Yeetorday wf? a bl? day at the local uWto warehouse.' 1L >u 'alio M ? big day for the farmeta; the price* avomglng hlfcher yeaterday "than they At the Wa.hlagtpn warehouse a.T8S ponndt wara eold at an aw age of 1 f 1-1 cento per pound. SerSfcf' - an tarmervSQld their loads for It r" , cento per pound. , T. C. Jones dlepos| ed of hie entire hern for 21 1-1 rente per Ipound. The sales theft exeeedlndr lively and prices eoar. ed hl(th. At the Beeofort County *erehouee about 11,00 pounds were sold The ses^d also brotftht eacellenl prices here end the farmer* were Inbtlsot_orer the retulte ot the sale. V Both warehouses here sold about 160.000 pounds since the openiux. The Bint hogshead ot tobacco wee shipped yesterday to Bremen, Germany. by the Brmewell. Lory A Grar~ T? company. This ftrm nhlps tobac CO to all. parts oit the world end Is ot merely a local concern, ss some p-p* MB to. think'. r. ! * ^ AIJf.L'ST 27 IN HISTORY. ' ? 1829?America demanded explanation for tbo capture of two r Of ker weasels off the coast of jjy".' .. - by 1834? George Clymer, luvwtV^id ihanufacturer or tho dxilnmf bllen printing preae, died 1b London. al((4?City ol Loolarlllo eletted bj jjfcw a tornado; twenty-Are killed SP^ slxty-seren aerloutly Injured. 18(3?Queen of Spain with her hue band and children hanlahed ? i from Madrid 11(4?Secretary Stanton teinea a 1 bulletin en the conflict at Ream'e Station. Va. between donfederate and Union foreep; Grant eetlmated y'-, Confederate loeeee tor the ; week over le.eed dead aed captured. ? 18t4?Kink Humbert of lull vlalti cholera e?rteken dletrlct ol Piedmont and rolleree snffer lh?. - 1??4?Bruce Wlleon tariff bUl be-eame a law without the arena tore nt President Clereland. 1(8*?Bnseaeefnl revolution In Domlolcan Republic. ' aneee line at Uao Tan*, but '7v. , - were repuleed. 1*18?Many aenatore and consreeamen arrtrln* at heme districts after adjournment of Congmee And political condlttone chaotic becauee of three bl* partlee In campaign. w?^?~%wb; hirs: iMfr! U* North Cart ' the .400 per cent mark), separating K tbeta from the cellar. Greensboro r' I * MR AND MRS. /* TOPPER WEINS GIVE A GREAT EXHIBITION SHOT AT MKAl QOH CLUB TK8-TER5AT AKTKHNOON. tHvo Filno Exhibition of Trap and gf;*:o cy jajajfefe: : Mr. end Mr* Ad. fopperwein, as slstod- by two otber professional shooters. gave a wonderful exhibition of fancy and trlrk shooting with the shot gun. rifle and revolver at the local gnn club grounds yesterday af ternoon. A god siaod crowd war present and applauded the wo*k done by the skilled marksmen. Trap fhooting .pccnpled the first next of the program Ortffln of I Hyde county made a run of 25 [straight without a break. Mrs. Top\perwein broke" 78 ~oul of a possible 175. She mised the first bird of eacb j round. Following the trap shooting cams the fancy work. <2mll klnda of trick shooting warn done; shooting at thre< or four different objects thrown In tho air at the same time, aiming through a looking glaaa. shooting the'dncere of *the kgpfl shooting a picture of Uncle Sam oh a metal target"and many oUenTTttT numerous to mention. Mr. and Mrs. Topperwein were here last year and we hope they wll! come again next year. Their exhl4Ing and they win always be we loom ( la W?^Cton. ? LABOR NEWS ABO NOTES. Jfltty thooaaad workmen are reported 1BI6 id UIB Miy at Bw Mb. A number of faalllnnable rostaurants and tuna in and about Nan York City ara suffering from strlket Senator Sutherland declares th< present production ot sugar tn the United Status to be 780.000 tana a rear, and says It would be ,1000,000 tons but for Cuban reciprocity. ; Bricklayers of EI Paso ara arson, tho beat paid In tke country. They get IT a day. JO-m Ona ot the moat novel labor nnlom In the world baa heap established tn JArio ILJC^mpctrf WMtroty V&StFSA. ? ..bwafc which has bean waging a light for 30 men all Mlcktgan tu secured It* demand. ?$.*& jgJ.'p; Perhaps the dtrongast haa bees thrown on high prices of food la New York by the statement of Henry DunkaWhe prodnce dealer, that agea are hAdled eight times from the railroad terminal to the retailer. Of course, each of the eight middlemen takes a profit. Senator Be renter, the great Preach reformer, whojS name Is almost a bv-word In conectlon wttb schemes for the promotion of pubHc lecency. rlrtae, and good morals. It now abent lo associate hie name with a vast scheme for the relief of the out-of-works and destitute, especlelly those who are burdened With large families. The aaaator'i proposal atsanata to craatlag a largr barracks for tha poor. WASHINGTON. N.' BIhkK t ? jvs* M s mm t m d mma > Bn i KAIliROAlt NOTfea i +? . ' Tho Northern Pacific issues e ' ztvun<,ih which nays that mow than 8,00 harvest laborer* are needed in MyjuiTita. Montaha and North Dakota. . - y\.'* ' ; y All common carriers and telo- < pbonfe companies hava been ordered to furnls^/the Interstate Commerce ' Commission with a detailed statement of their organization, equip* erations by'October 1. The new electric equipment of the ford Railroad, to be pat in operation toward the end of the month is all provided in duplicate so to eliminate the possibility of tho loss o: energy to the signal system, due tc Interruption of eny machine. '-4*^;; ' Forty-four of the 110 Mikado type freight locomotives ordered, by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have been put into service. They represent the latest designs In locomo lives and construction lntfnxtroqtrtped with a super heater device which affects?an economy-la the use oi fuel and water as well as adds tc the power of the locomotives. Following the recent public state ment to the. effect that many accidents to women on car steps are the direct result of high heels and bob ble skirts, the Pennsylvania Rai* road baa posted cn every tralnmen'i bulletin board on the main line an oredfr fit the dress of the?woasc tnril be specially noted and reported whenever an accident occurs. The Northern Pacific Railway in the past year had the biggest earningst ' in Its history. Its surplus trtmr dividend needs weasnearly $7,000,000. A preliminary report for the year finding mill J una iota simes gium operating revenues of $72,676,000 an Increase over last year of $9,262,000. Practically alj of the gain , which produced $62,810,000 of the total earnings and $8,477,00 more than waa reported in 1912. Pas senger earnings owtijg largely to the increased competition furnished by ( tha Bt. Paul, gained but 8464,090 ( SHE TOOK SHOT GUN AMD WENT ! HUNTING FOR RIVAL. | Elisabeth City. Aug. 28.?SoUci 1 tar Ehrtaghaus will have anothei ? murder case to prosecute, at . the Sep 1 tember term of the. Superior courtThere Is seldom a session of the crixn t fcaf Kurtrt^C thereng got vW 1 an,. took * double-ban* lad aket can i ???w eight and west bunting to her rim. another Mm woman urneO Annie Barnett. t t - i She foond at her home la th. Id talr ground and opened tire on 1 her. The loada of ehet took effeoi la turwhfcmen of the Btrtttt teem an. end Inflicted wonnda that produc ' ed death la lean then thirty minutes. The Bran a woman wee arrested ! end lodged In Ml and yeotorday wai given a hearing before Judge Tar , ner. she wee heM for September t term of oourt upon the charge o: I murder. The eauM ot the ahootlajjt. dm J abandonment of the BVnne .Omar , by her hunhand for the Barnett we t Emn? waa, given a trial thte wore i ton In tbo county court upon tb. < chnrge of nbandonment. end war. ? eu traced to the reada lor two years , f> -?| x1 ' r'; ?- i 3# ipeit V~.Vrt., Tmkime la iijhtTei Slew York ..d Ooa.gr Ialaad. (bt stmul tdecnuk) The U. 8. 8. Alabama arrived la *qw York yesterday morning. A elegram. wda received hero yeaternander C. L. Morton, giving a few letails of the.trip and now? concern ng the local detachment ot the natal mtmia which In on board tht :rulaer. . T" - V* ~*':7. * TJ* trlP from Norfolk to 'MM fork was made without mishap. The weather waa fair, and all on board ?nJttTWr-the thrtp excedUsgiy. The t>oys from Washington spent moat >f their time at drills and the routine work which goes on, board ship. They hare three days shore lea re it New York. Mr. Morton wire* Lttit they spent yesterday morninp taking in the eighty of thwfelty and went out to Coney Island in the after noon. Thoy will leave New York tomorrow and cruise aloof "the New England coast. All o< the local hfrys are: well and doHghtSd with tho croiee ifc far. GERiMD NOT ALONE* IX HOUfffi HENT Washington, Atljg. W.?Jndgf James Gerard ia not ale-tie in his house hunting plight. Right here ia Waahlngten the Cermaa AtnbaEsa dor is trying to find a new home for the German Embassy which will better meet the refniremetna of bis country's Increasing needs. Other fprelgn representatives also are looking for new' The German Embassador is ing an effort to .exchange the large vacant plat of land purchased for the erection of an- embassy several years ago for a residence in the avenue of the PrsoldeuU.?Agents?acting for the Rossi en Embassy are understood to be still trying to buy the Pullman house in tbe Avenue of the Presidents, recently sold to John Hays Hammond for a residence. The Argentine RepabUp, which rfdently appropriated $1110.00 for a he purchase of a legation property, undoubtedly will close a deal for the large residence and stables in New Hampshire avenue, which belongs to Mis. Oeorge fl. fluff, wife of thejate Representative from Philadelphia. Rents have soared on property thongbt to be available tor foreign homes, until thelnctdent is recalled of the Washington society woman who raised the rent on her property, almost a hundred dollars' a month because the occupants could see the English underwear of the lateT^rrt Pauncefote flaunted to the breese on the embassy clothesline as the occupants looked from their parlor win *T't;"v ^7" AB DHTJ DA SNEEZES? _BflUOflhem* N. H., Aug. 27 ?Od ihu Bedle'em! Acboo! Actaoo! Od Ibu Bedle'em! In other words, the United States Hay Fever Aesociar Lion has opened. Many delegates rrom all parte of the country attendng the formal beginning of the fortieth annual nation of the organisation here today. Armed with atomisers, eye wsifcm and eye cups, throat gargles and 1BBQ tBTC Dun 11 D1IIO Will nuOrTPH* 7\rr tto puree. or the purebhaera. lateral handled red-noaed. redrejed ineealna and anifdlag eofferera hare ?ai to the Uttla mountain town, at Itnal data, to armpnthlaa with on. inotkor and to (?t llnoa of now raattaawta which will oaable th.m o tpood tho montha ad A o runt and (optember at homo atusdlnc to inainooa. j>. .jMMhinit bollotad that (-? inwaapaaa will dlntorb tho> conrenIon.-and lawidrj bills f?r-?aadt.r hlefn will bo lowofln that town than inp other. Bethlehem aUnoapbtrt a aald to he hinder toward aoCaore row hap terror thn that at any other eaort. .> ' d VS a ? "; 1 Tho dnaoolatloa haa onnonaeod hot ooaorol latorootlng articled- In arootlac. ot leaat. to hap tororltoo ' ^ - V ' > M ? --1-V . V | T I mm n 111 I H III k I ill A 11 Ialv Hlililal I lil 111 Mlltll UllUl Last Night Was G Revival at ^ Evengelistlc Company toB Monday " ' " J I Last night sixteen mora accepted of ChrUt a* the Tabernacle, where revival meetings have been In progran for some time under the leaderland his helpers. It was by far tlu greatest night of the meetings thus liar. It is thought by those who arc | wetting the hardest in the meeting! that there are'many others who an the deep Interest, the church hat persuaded the evangelists to stay over Sunday. Therefore -the meetings will continue until Sunday night when the farewell sermon' will be snm WHILE UNDER GUARD IN HOSPITAL ANG&Y CITIZEN'S AVENGE THI WOUNDING OF POLICEMAN. SHOOT AND KILL PRISONER yHARLOTTE ALDKKMEN OFFEI 91,000 REWARD FOR CAPTURE OF AVENGERS. L /1h^rln||p_ N P 1 Aug. 2 fl Jtv MefcLefly, the negro who, ahot Police man L. L. Wilson, of the Charlotte force Jaat Friday and who was him self badly Injured, was taken fron the local hospital whefe he was uri der guard of policemen, and eho early this morning. The , negro died at police head quarters shortly after five o'clocl this morning. ?BnpeHqr Court la in session ant Judge T. J. Bhaw charged the granc Jury this morning to use every ef fort to bring the mob to justice. The solicitor at once began an in vestlgation of the affair. The board of aldermen met in a special sessior and offered a reward of $1,000 foi the apprehension of any or all ofth< glob. Hardware dealers and pawn ehopi were ordered not to sell ammunitior or firearms until farther notice. A local hardware store was burglarlsed during the nlghf and It If expressed opinion of the police thai the store waa entered by negroei who have been making threats tc axunge the death of the negro.?Numerous special police officers have been sworn In and precautions arc being taken against race trouble. BIG MEET FOR "ft*-1? OONNAUGHT PARK. Ottawa. Oat, Aug. $7.?The fall DeettBf. witch begtna at Connanght Perk today win Uo'diteoctlon "of the Coanatight Park Jockey Clnb, promlaea to be the molt aaeceeefnl yet. The new ateeplechaae eouree ku been oompletad by working night ehlfta. About 58 horaee ere entered far the eerlone areata, repreeeating aetoe of the moat femooe etebles to thb United Stntee end Canada. K < 1 ' ' " i'f paper ie printed In tie report el the aaaoclatlon utDomnelng the eeaTenbon. K;vr"''S ' iThe report el bo telhrof the endearore of the -dhdeatatlon to ospeae "fake" remedlee for bey feeer and to proeeote oneh met bo da ef relief bo may be found by OMaebere. A table ef plaoea of com par alt re Immunity lo pnbllahed, aa veil no a chapter ef expertoacae fall of ley and gloom a atoned by hey feeer aufferara In the nee ef maelmaea or ataya if' *-y *5".- - ; ?' f - J I f. * s ii m M/I . lengtliB of 36 and J8 inches: Scpaj rate coats will be worn to a good extent, materials are mostly fancy stripee in all colors. There seems to be no special color for the season as almost every color is being sbo^n r_ extensively. The wide belt effect. . (Bulgarian.) seems to hold some" faj vor in popular price garments, both . in coats and suits. We expect to . newest creations for ladies and mlsat en, as well as men and will announce the opening of the new Lewis & Cal. aia store shortly through the columns t of this paper. L H. MORRIS. I % LAfiT APPEARANCE OF JON Be AND JONES AT LYRIC. I Today closes the engagement of i Jones & Jones at the Lyric Theater t who have been playing for a three : day engagement. These artists Bcored another big Jilt with their audience last night i and their same popularity mingled with their audience. Their act was practically the same as that of Mon" aay mghl dfltl VRDV Blight changer enough to bring pew smiles on the Lyric patrons. They both deserve credit for the act and the extreme neatn? that goes with it. Today's bill offers these artist; in an entire and complete change presenting a new act entitled, "Learning to Be An Actor," with new monologue and songs and a laugh getter from start to finish. Thursday opens the engagement of the Billy Woodals, the minstrel king, featuring the girl with the hay Ufa! form. Today will he JOIIW tr. JOBBS 11*1 ftptfij^kncc and ? ?? > ?? .* ">? $, T.^.., WOILFSUI to mow WWMDIfl SKILL Pet-ln-Bar, Ohio, Ab(. IT.?Cootad Wehfeld of the IlMaota Aihletle dab of Ui city la MrifiTlshfy >11 tSUl acalOat aoate of the oooatry'i experta at the water carnival beiaa hold today and tomorrow ta eaaasettoB with tlx Parry llataaBial celebration. Wohfeld will Mat George Oatdatek. vaoeuiaber of Adlea, the Olympic champion, and the Ililaola rootera believe be baa a gaad chaaee to defeat hit formidable rival. The claah beta era the two will be oae of the moat internatlog fonturan ef the meet ataade air reet "'tTrtMkiada bad welghe lie peaada.^ _ sgli MR. AMD MM. R. L OA* HUH- J ? PRISED BY WASHINGTON PEOPLE LAM NIGHT. 1 " STB81EKS LEAVE WEMWS _________ * Pastor and Wile RedplenU of Umful and Palatable Articles. Last evening % "storming parly" pastor and completely captured its inmates. The pastor and his wife having capitulated, there followed a' season of happy good fellowship after which the stormers retired la good order, leaving behind a largt* supply of what the old Greeks would ^ call "ta agatha" or the good things, necessaries for the sustenance of the inner man. In thd supply left we ;] noticed flour, bams, eggs, potatoes, -sugary coffee, various breakfast ?4 cereals, canned fruits and, indeed, everythkyf- nfifqjyrg to supply the ^aajtry^fbr a long-Jiine. The people ^seemed happy. In the 3 giving and their affectionate cordial- '3 ity. not lehs than t))?lr generosity, certainly made the pastor and his w?fe happy recipients of the token of love and good will. Let mo add that we thoroughly appreciate the cordial reception accorded us, not only by our own members, but by the people in general. The people of our immediate community seem willing to admit us Into the charmed circle of their beautiful nelghborllness and, if what we have Wen in so short a time is a fair sam- ' i-1 pie of the town?and we suppose it \ ie?then Washington well deserves its high reputation for hospitality. '/>$Sbv? R. L. GAY. GETS BETTER ~| PRICESJIERE I RORT. WILSON' BAYS PRICES AT jl IXK'AL TOI1ACCO MARKET ARE j EXCELLENT. \Crop? Sent to Neighboring City Jul Washington, Latter Brings Beat Prtce. I Robert Wilson, a prosperous and well known farmer of this county, made an experiment in the' tobacco* /(;?9 markets recently, which will be of | interest?tu the faiuiw la UH*?fl? - Jjfl cinlty. * Mr. Wilson split one of his bartir sending half cf the tobacco to the market in a neighboring city and the other half to the Washington marj kct. The grade of tobacco sent to both markets was the same. Mr. Wilson states that he received a far better price for his crop in the local market than the other. He advised all farmers, who are ' still doubtful about the prices that they are receiving here to jmafce the ttbtoo experiment. PROTRACTED lEEMilO | DC mas ITlUininrnu ul uujU rtiinnHniun WILL COMMENCE SUNDAY MORN INO AND WILL CONTINUE THROUGHOUT WEEK. A protracted meeting la to be j held at Wharton next week. The meetings will be conducted by the paafcor of the church. Rev. Thomas M. Wycha. assisted by Rev. R. H. ? Broom of the first Methodist church of this otty. _ heuT* ^SayFmOTS?t1Shey111w5 continue throughout the week. The public from the surrounding cone- V-i try are cordially Invited to be prevent and attend aa many of the meet' Inge aa poasible. . JS 8XSVK98 AT BUNYAJf Services will be held at the Aabury Church at Banyan Sunday norn111 and evening. Tbe preaching will be by the new pester. Ret. Mr, --1 Durham. V ^ *|j Hartford, Conn., Aug ST.?The reunion of the Wilcox family, one Of the moat famous In the United ?HH In Wheeler Wileor, began here te- J day. Bx-Bostm aster ^llcox of New V3| York CUy and other distinguished addmnnu. . - jfl wii M ' v / '.'v \H \ /