W - ' "*'i , s- "j \ \ \ Bead of the Methodist College I / This Great and Vital Subjec'.|r 5 . - ,-c-J F I (Bf Rohorl S. Wr^ht.) R k,,owl not. ud kooltl ' ?,! r i - thtt he knows not. that nuixi fool; shun him. J "Hi- who known hot nnd knows that he knows not, thst man Is teach- t ja; " ?? aJWe^ loach him. j L kT~^i 0-*e-iMws.-thamian to .tv I I^Kf ' *. wake him ?;*" \ . *m - ,m- L Pj^r village school. The Industrious stu. j be nent door to a home for iinbeeOes. 1 B Kit is apt to ehange. The fool re- 1 'mains n?M.the pluggard la-too'ipon- 1 Wl- f tented to feel the need of knowior, 1 r V; ' TuoTe. sad- the collego profesaoi 1 too much ever to bo contented 1 1 vritboot trying to know still more. 1 |- r1-4,vit( Is thereforo to the IndtrldOs"# oC r v:?r- ?*"^gfcl-uinalnlng class, those who know *-?i Tr- not .and know that they know not," that this article la addressed. /O* I -"nowledge is power," as the old jHflbKJ supposed to I^^^^^;contemporsnet>iis business affaffr. j '"JL Tho ladder of commercial success Is ] -,_V J high and steep and many are they 1 ... . itnl ir'Hrr In mnnatf1i>r?nn Hati. of them climb a step or two and there . they come to a stop; soap climb a L step or two higher, but few ever ' Ibf * reach ths top.' WhyT^ because tbej ^-4.. had never learned how to climb, and . no i)no else that knew would stop ' long enough''-to shbw them how. That H why llisie ate so tew. It is hM often impossible rtkd always difficult I l' for the insufficiently tutored young man or young woman, after entering | t ho nr#n*? of hintlnMi llf? to talcp L. , the time and trouble to gcoulre the 1 W/^i knowledge which they And necessary ] ' ' to advance them la their chosen par- ' an its. How mnch better and easlei IT' ft would have been for them to "hate taken, up the proper studies before ? they left school. ? J By all means, the beet preparation for thoee Intending to enter a com- , merclal occupation after leaving the hlgl) school Is a rhgplar ?oar- , yonW enllsge onurss. fnllnurnrt hy^- . ! year or-two, or perhape longer, in , some business or technical school. ( L Such a training has long bean recognixed u practically essential -or S those entering the various profen ' aloma, and at let* yean has become I adTleable tor everyone alee who exb pacts to earn his own llvfns. tinV fortunately however, then are many * ' who Had H lmpoeslble to devote eo mnch time to preliminary training, I but muat begin at an early age to I rapport thamselvaa either wholly or in part, and parhapa to help support j the family aa well. It ti to anch as H these that the bostaass tdiool offera ' K an unparalleled opportunity for t V maximum increase In earning capaolty at a minimum expenditure of time a ml money. Brief mention might S be made of a few of the eutijecta W taught in a.bnalnern school, although ' , this article la too broad and tta limits too brief to permit mqre then e :jjjf' ??- l?? JWUUR ** WWJ starting work In department store In oae ot oar Urge cities. Her weekly wages Is perhaps two or three dollars. In a rear or two. It ahe ? la faithful aait irorka hard (and thm ^ base to toll like alavea. tpo) she W mar be adeaneed a dollar, or two. Perhaps In fonr or lira rears, If nbt .| ,vrIs fortunate (t) enough to rdtatn her position with' the ssnm concern that I ( long, eke mar be elevated to the fi 1 1 princely or princesslr. salary of seven or eight dollars a week. Not [; .. r V-+ fja ?? ? * : Writes Most Interestingly of ! -Should be Carefully Read. f * now! Now take tint name girl:' !* Ilea her elx months' Initruetloa la . ihorthand nifd typewriting, at'a coat . >1. aay A" or tan ilullara a month. ldeM*Ua* hpon the frequency oi ha laasona) and then elt back and r intnh-t.tlyiatltoyeneol She atartt n at a ?a|Kof aaVaa or eight dol j at* a Whaa?juat 'about where " aha ivould bavo left ( IT In ?be other cane, ssseK ?BT3 "ta i? c?nam i mount of practical o?ce work, aoor ct Bnda^MaeTt la a position to com- oil maud a salary of slaty to sweaty Ivc ttr lollars a month.' Many of them at- ttjj tain the dignity of yearly salarier nri ^ ^ J'' . \ W Take a young man hired as a clerk 'g^ n that seme department store. He ^eglns-nt about where the girl leaves Jt jff, and is very fortunate indeed if ne ie ever attains a salary as high as Vj eighteen dollars a week. Now give him a course In stenography, nnd there is practically no limit to the price be may in time he able to com. matod for hit services. He may spec[aUse In- shorthand, become a court wj reporter with a salary of at least two ca Lkojos^nd.dollars a year, and. tfc? pos- ci |i4Mnty of doubling that amount by ru selling copies of the teotlmony In the he isses which h6 "reports. The report* npj er in the Nan Patterson murder trial j several years ago cleared nearly flf- w ty thousand do!lors.an tlie sales of f Leatimouy taken in that cane alope. ?aaidpp>an? Uwtfouaftnd receives ap i;t*t i?r in?..uigner courts mr &Lprr i*ri*&se3 accordingly. In the v4 raf*M*t?r? each of whose year. Is \y in nlfcpp exceed the annual salary mj nf m ^. :ro CT auuyuw nit* ywrng nnaiB^tarm! using stonography merely as a step- an' ping stone to something higher. He "de works for awhile fn ordinary office an positions, all the time assimilating St a general knowledge abput business of practices and learning at) he can at about the details of office management. By and by, he perhaps be. - ? comes stenographer for the head of Home department?It may be by S| by chance,, or it may tie that the de- co1 partment head has noticed Yjie dill- C< genoe and -ability with which he ha* h< applied himself to his work. If be |M applies his energies properly he soon or learn all about the Inner worklngr th of that particular department, may Vi rery polalhly he made prlratp secre m tary to the department head, and U th ha line for promotion when his chlei nl steps out* In the increasing complexity yOi I modern business ? hIf adother Wanch of knowledge which *" is becoming more and more indispen sable to those who seek advancement along commercial lines?and that lr book-keeping and accounting. There Is scarcely a profession, occupation trade or calling of any description " where a knowledge of book-keeping ^7 may not be of constant and practcal ^ value. Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief; rich man. poor man, beggar T* nan. thief?they all receive and J" spend more or leee money from time . to time, and many a time the fact tint they find themselves' my"hetter ^ Dff at the end of tba year than gt the beginning can be directly traced to a . lack of knowld^ge of howj.^Ui^lBdap qb proper accounts, j- m It is eepeclaRy, however. In busl- m uess practices that a knowledge of w] book-keeping and its allied subjects, |t< accounting and commercial law, Is ^ valuable. Many a merchant would n. have met with access Instead of fail- 7 are, if ha had known enough about his own books to detect the fa lee on, tries made by hit hook-keeper, or if be had been better acquainted, as to Mi his rights or obligations in eonnoe- fri tlon with his business deals, igno- Mj ranee of the law Is no excuse, and it may come aa a great shook to a man to learn that a trusted hat nnworthy partner has managed by. some trick ^ o( the law to seohre possession of all Cc their available capital, and that there ? Is ghaotntaiy no redress: or that e es (Continued on Page Three.) rli ' . ' * e-uw? ^ J ? ' j^.'v -* ?. . ^ . r; . HKSHIHKS KRCOND ' TAIMJRT PRACTICE. ? The North Carotins Naval Be annual cruise so tar as target practice la concerned. The official report'alvee them second place as, the leOowtae wire /r un * Commander Chtries Morton ? bears out The wire follows; North Carolina Naval Re. ' serves second In targst practice ? off the Atlantic Coast. Official." a This speaks ana for thenfc??;,* from Washington and adjoining towns. Congratulations, t;.. ,* r ? ? * " - . legin Meeting |i at Old Ford Rev. R. -v.-ftope. pastor of th< riHtian church this city, goes, tc fl Ford today where Jb* la expected twgiirirwriAa ir mcetregs beginig tc night. For tome weeks prep, stidns have been going on for th!*, wtlng em! the uutluuk for u buccsful meeting Is more than encoor tag. Mr. Hojjh will be sheent >m his AW here next Sunday but wlU tof-Soocupied by some' proznlnt speaker of his cfcureh. ?? - _ ACCEPTS CAUL TO NORFOLK. Rer. J. B. S wain of Plymouth, N. , H a Washington visitor today. He vvea this .afternoon for Norfolk >?re,ha has accepted a cpU to be me the pastor of the Park Place iritUan church. V*.-Swain is e ting young divine In his eh ursine yh&s every wish for. anccess .iThit w field of labor. iome Wedding V " c y ?j ? , Ton lorroiu A. fi. Mr. U. II. Thomas, of Atlanta. Ga. rmerly a resident of Washington here shaking hands with bis nusrous friends. yMr. Thomas tomorw afternoon-at_4-o'clock will wed 1M Mag Bl>WHiTTaiTghter 6t c^iain id Ifra. A. W. 8tyron. at the resl: nee of the bride, corner^ of Main d Bonner sflwets. Ur? William yron, of Newport News, a brother the bride-elect, is In the city to tend the wedding. Left Today. Her. C. L. Organ and wife. C. M. owo and wife and Frank Lapprrr mposing the Organ Evangelistic >mpany, who have been engaged Ie >ldlng a scries of meetings-in r rge canvas tabernacle on East Sec id street for the past month, leff la morning for Newport Nowb i., where they will engage in t aetlng thero. They carry with them e beat wishes of the entlx^commu lector Here Forty Years On the third 8unday in thif OBth Rev. Nathaniel Harding, rhcr of St. Peter's Episcopal church, ill oelebrate the fortieth annlverry of his rectorship. The occasion being looked forward to with eat pleasure not only by the paraloners of the Bplaoopal church bnt the entire city. Rev. Dr. Harding, New York, a nephew of the rector, 11 deliver the morning sermon, and night a gyahd-nephew of the reor, Ilav. Israel Harding Hughes 11 preach. The holy commtfolon I that day win be administered by life loag friend of the rector. There ill he special music for the occaMt. Full details of tlk# day will be ren through the cotutppa of thlt per later. ' - ; tfl s' ?h Hove Returned. Mrs. J. B. Arch boll and daughter pfJ Claude Little, hare returned am Greenville, whereTJw aWM ra^RHart. fejp%w^?Vi ii .'i From Northern Market.. MIm M.rmn Barbank. head mini r tor the .firm 01 James B. CUrk impen#, baa retained from North n etttee, where ahn .ladled the lat tTcaigna In fall and winter mllll?*. She entered her semi-annual It Immensely. V ' ; , in jini iiutf lift; - " J n Y| Ea Vm 11N| AT MUST. OXB THOUSAND AT. TENnrsD THK MI'fllrAI, AT THK WAS cfiEAnnRAaiflr' EVERY MMIIKB WAS HIGHLY APPRECIATED BV JHE LA BOL AUDIENCE. . wS'j- -r* One of the very heat musical at traction* "pulled or' in Washington in aome time war given laat evening by the1 Howe entertainer* In the-tabernacle cm' Eajt Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Howe are members of the Organ Evangelistic Colnpany and thoae who have heard them play during the aerlea of meeting* were all expectancy when'It wna announced that they would close their engageIII ear lea- nr r\ ri Vl III rt na> mHih . ** h Ig ha istiiv in n umiiiuYVB n ilit *?niRti class musical concert and It was high class-front first to fast. kt Iflmi mm thousand people piifc ed through ttao main entrance and by the time for tha perfotmanco to begin every seat was occupied with persons eager tt^jpeure seftts elanding on the outsldfe ^ The Howe duet arc certainly entertainers fn every tense of -the word for every numberSvas heartily applauded. Mr. Howe in simply a show within himself. From a plane down to a cigar bb&'a&d an official envelope he produced the sweetest of music. He la as full of music as The entire program was classical and novel and Judging from the CJSst attention given every one present thoroughly enjoyed the attraction The following waa the program as (carried ogt:_ ' ;* I "Uaififtlf Lmrhsr*.? 2. Violin Solo. ?" "Hungarian Dance." Goldstein. J. Marimbaphone So'.o?"The Rosary," Nevln. 4. Violin Solo?"Mazurka DO'Concert," Musln. - g. Piano Duat?*'-Polonaise JlilU 6. Vocal Bolo-^"BedouIn Love Song," Clro Plnfcutl. 7. Octerina Solo?"Garden of Roger," Scbmld. 8. Banjo Solo?"The Darkey's Return." Ellis. 9. Novelty Instruments. 10. Vocal Solo?(Selected.) 11 Vir.lt*> Rnlr- (SAWtpri t All Pupils Must be Vaccinated Air student* to. enter the "Wash] ington Public Schools the coming session wlU have 'to exhibit certificates of successful vaccination before thef are allowed to enter. Dr John G. Blount, the connty healtl' officer, has notified Superintendent umvtsmr, jron? thiB effect. Parents should take | warning of this order and govern themselves accordingly. * Buffalo's Perry Celebration. Buffalo, N. Y.. Sep* The achievement of Commodore Oliver Hasard Perry at the battle of Lake Brie on September 10. 1918. is com jmemorated in a celebration which dp gran nere tosay ana wnr continue until Saturday. The program lnclndee a number of porting and a water carnival, as wel at apeechmSklng and other fitting cerem on lea. ?!?1 Noam Completion. The addition to the store building occupied by the well known firm of Rum Bros., on Main street, la nearlog completion. When finished It will give this growing firm one of the moat attractive storee of the etty. Canadian Pioneer Honored. Montreal. Quebec, Sept. 2.?"A monument was erected to the memory of Sir George Cartief here today tthdea- tka aosplews of the^-Cartier 8entenary Committee. Administer of the Dominion, the Rt. Hon. Charles Flupatrick, presided at thek ceremony, which was attended by visitors to the American Bar Association. t Mrs. Ann, Blount and Mr. Jack Blount of Ardeo, are WaaMagton 1 N:.^ b HIIPT I nAlMtr;-'y' w II 11 I fl f I J NT ? JUDUMKMT OF RBTOHD^^t* THE CAUK OF T. CV^ENCER ' TODAY. ' iwo rorFIzc cases ] POOH HOME KEEPER ACQUITTED OF YIOUTi\(i SEARCH AMD SEIZURE IAW, ,4^" Recorder Windier had a very interesting court thti morning at the Oitf Hall, and also yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The features of : the court ware the trying of violator! of (he search and seizure law by several parties. At the session yester. dj??. after noon Q. B? Adams was before the court dnder the charge oi m jut. * 1 ? j ? - - - - ? ? M , ? - ? . i - ?. TKTTannj w" searcn ariti"wtrrr ;rivAfter hearing the evidence the Re cordcr fined Mr. Adams $50 anc" Elias Bright was also charged with a violation of th? search and seizure i law. The charge against him wai ' dismissed. i The above two cases grew out ol 180 pints of whiskey being found at the County Home, of which Mr. EMai Bright is superintendent, last Saturday morning by Sheriff Rjcks anf. Policemen Howard and Roberts. The whiskey bad been stored in an out- i house by some person- Mr. Bright was arrested upon the charge of having -mora *'?<>ose" in nla possession than the law allowed, so at the triai of the cases yesterday . Mr. .Bright stated that O. B. Adams carried thi whiskey to the Connty Home early Saturday morning and asked be ftright. X91. t&9 kuy. and then atoxgd the whiskey in the building. Upon uJi.tho ?nre?Remrmmfhrmissed the case against Bright and i lined Adams $60 and cost. At the sitting of the court this , morning the first case was that of T. O. Sparrow for violating the seaich and seizure act. Mr. Sparrow was POL Dnwem UUl iciiicicunu u. _ Attorney C. J. Studdert, who agreed that the case be nol prossed with leave upon jthe condition that Sparrow leave the State of North Caro Una. and not return until May 191$. Sparrow left this morning on an early train. Jim Williams was indicted for assaulting his wife. He was found guilty and fined <25 and coat in twc cases. If he fails to pay the flnr and cost he is to work on the road: -for a period of -six months. An Incendiary at Buny Mr. D. C. Ross Moves to Dover Mr. D. C. Ross,'who for the'past several months has been in the employment of the Atlantic Coast Line Company in this city, left Monday for Dover, N. C., where he will hold a similar position with the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company. Mr. Rosa was formerly a member of the firm of C. O. Morris ft Co., this city, His many friends regret to see him , leave but wish him success In hit new home. Hts family will Join him later. - . ( O+mmar May Help Exhibitor*. Berlin, Sept *.?So much discussion has been arouesd over the re fusal of the German government tc exhibit officially at the Panama Ex 1 position, that ft la reported on high 1 authority the government may find 1 a way to lend unofficial aid to firmi < desiring to make a show, at San < Francisco In I?1G. The government ? la freely accused of toadying tc England to Ingratiate itself with the English people. The shipping inter eats of Hamburg. Bremen and Lubek < have come out openly in favor of ? participation. j * : -1 Infant III. The many friend a of Mr. and Hr? J H. Boon will regret to learn of the critical Illness of their 7-months-old I ' infant. , Mrite.' , ?>i j y * R r^irls. ^ ' Jt t y hfV,--, ijL'; ; Vh 4 & ^ ill Convention 3 DELEGATES FROM ALL PARTS WORLD 7 ?IN ATTENDANCE Trip of His Life and He Give? Moat Interesting Detail Three Thousand Present. 9 Mr. P. 8. Wfcrthy of the drug firm3' of Worthy and Etheridge h**.returned from Boston, Mass., whese he " went to a^tepd the eleventh' annual JB oonventKm of the stockholders of '-'^1 the Rexali Drug Companr, a concern' >| kouwn all over the entire world. Mr. Worthy speaks in glowing terms of hie outing, and tells some facU. that no doubt wlU "be" of interest to the readers of this paper. In talking to a representative of the Daily News Mr. Worthy said "that there aB were delegates p^sent from every state in the Union, aiso Canada, Eng ~jjB land, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.. vfeijsB From North Carolina there '"were attendance were at, least three thou- . '*fl sand. The South and West, states Air?Worthy, u m morn largely pep? -jS resented than any other section. ,jB Special trains had to be provided to carry the delegates and for four day3 the Hub city was simply alive with representatives of the? Rexalf people from' all over the world. It JjB was one of the greatest gatherings of druggists ever In the history of Boston. The convention was held in the Mechanics building with a seating capacity of 10,000 and the welcoming Address was delivered by Mayor Fitzgerald. whoso, address, says Mr. Worthy, was unique and catcby. The , spoaker. .prefaced his. fine.lalk with - ----??9 a vocal solo "Sweet Adeline" through a megaphone?this stur.: simply took the delegates by storm. The object ot the convention was to inform the druggists, who are atmhliuldeis. wlnu ilir.i luu' lu uf- ?7 fer to the people and too, to devise bette* wavs and niuiina tnr ?ivin? tit? - customers better medicine?, and ever since the Rcxall Company was orga- 3H nized this idea has dominated every fibre of the the stockholder? so today they gtttgd~"preemTtrtfltTT Tar In gf9 While in New York Mr. Worthy Jl lad the pleasure of visiting the Liggett Drug store at the corner of Broadway and Thirty-fourth street, ' reputed to be the llnest store of th? i kind in the United States. This con:ern does an enormous business. Mr. jS Worthy also met Thomas Harley of -^9 Perth, Scotland, a delegate to the S convention who Is very much interoat j ed In the South and particularly J North Carolina. Mr. Perth b?a am: 1 bition to visit the Old North State at' J * (Continued on Paga Three). ^