[ 1 . ? ? - - T At C' ti T/ Li r m 1 f Tk I j I?. / 1 I I rf I f jy I . Jmmt^ JLmmem' ? *. ?^L. .JLm* JKkL ' "V ? . BHRTKI , .-. > ? &. \- v *- '- . '. ^ BUSINESS RUINED - ;" J v " ^"frjSM ~*~ -j jfe -p^ Winds reached velocity of -from |.v "" eighty to one hundred miles per hour. Streets lined with fallen trees Water ten feet higher than high submerged. A staggering b'ow. jgy .r' . ^ . 1(1 Today* -Daily News as can be easily seen, greets its Bfc readers under difficulty. The paper is set up. mostly by hand due urdtedamaging of the lmiotypa tnachme. the office building being unroofed and the entire plant !r'- injured by water which cehight of several feet on the first floor. The mechanical part of the paper is. ' damaged at least $3,000.00 Not within the memory ot the oldest citlsen tu a greater or more damaging wiad and rainstorm aver rislted Washington than that ot Wednesday morning laat. " / *;, -x ; V * '! * - -V The amonnt ot damage to bnlldlaga. crops, stock, bpats. bridge?, timber, etc., in this city and throughout the county cannot be estimated at this writing with any degree ot accuracy, hut probably the correct Ago roe for the ? havoc wrought by the wind and rain In the elty alone will reach the enorJ moui suntof one million and a half dollars, and In Beaufort county from ' data obtained the loea will aggregate at least ten million dollars Today, - -although the storm struck here Wednesday morning bet nana midnight and day, the atroete are still littered with broheu llmba ot mesa end-debris-ot every conceivable shape and fashion. Trees ware uprooted on every street. In ycrdg cud opm M14>7 w*$nr?C>SrteV*rll Mel awp nil umr Wuehlngieu^ and In Water atreet In tba hunlnen portion, It reached a depth of from lira fep to aerau. fact. It vaa no itnaual tight to ate tea bonta running up and dowo the atteeta betoire the tetefbejjM toTwtea<^ ?&TS> the'-gtormthu county chain fang. In charge of guards and Street Commissioner W. H. McDerltt', b^ra -been endeavoring to clear the dlffertmt streets of the rnbbtah. r The city Ire engine hea been aet at work for many hourenamplng out the different eellara tiled with water. Thnreday nlghlthj^nglne had to atop work due to an Injury to the machinery and merchautaTlad to resort to hand pumps, etc.. to clear their cellars of water, n iiPl'l SltlHT. " ~*fiitIEgton isssr tft wry"'Hum pieaeute a?pttfnl eight In. deed. All oUim of business is practically at a complete standstill. The town's future as as well as that pi ^he county is certainly anything but pronot never be eattmated. Already the poorer class residing hare are asking for aid from those more able, and their appesils are being met by a ready and generous response. Washington haa always looked out for Its poor, and on this occasion the big-hearted citizens aa earjy as Wednesday night, anticipating what was coming, met In mass-meeting In the City Hall and raised over five hundred dollars, and appointed a committee to solicit additional funds from the city. Up to the day brer seven hundred dollars has been se X *"l ^.1" 1 -is| The wind reached a yelocity of from eighty to on* hundred miles per honr. lite wind earn* from the northeaat for several hoare, then ehtfted to the eeet and Anally to eoatheaat, reaching lu top notch betwhen four and fire o'clock Wedneaday morning. Report, from different aectlona of the county ^ate that the wind blew a perfect gale. At Aurora and Belharen It to aald to hare reached a velocity of eighty ml lea per how. 1 . tkn ran above hioh water mark. The water reached a point ten feet above high water mark. On Mer_ - ^ bet street, fi the bnelneee portion, the water ?tood froth llye to eeran feet in the hnaineaa places and on the etreeta gu boat, were running to and fro carrying peaeengara. Cltlaena resorted to their bathing auita In order to reach different points. On North Market .treat the tide waa a. high aa at. feet above the ctreet. In Bwaln A Swain's furniture and upho]eterlng shdp j and several residences in Nlcholeonvilie the water waa several feet deep. Oa Bonner street several residents had to leave their homes and seek higher |1B f polnta. Of oousae the low aectlona suffered most hy water. On every street .n the dty trees were uprooted end, lying across the streets, made it next to en Impoealblllfp for pedestrian, end rshleles to pees. fr EST I r-'fflafj -V'. ' Htnn'i -01) Mill, J?0,00?| ? $30.0001 ?- W. Dnigaw ft Co.. fortlllH 1 15,03%.. - V -V" gi; cm CO . . wholOfj grooore. 55.000. II Pualico Ohomlrol C<j? llo.o H W. Orajr Will:., ?1,500. 1 I I " > Co* ft Co?- grocer! j|j , *?,oo?Tto ?Tooo. ?/ H a K.. Willi.,-rroccrloo 5S.nl o. Rwnlo.T, beef, 1100., Mil, ii?. Chorles Dud ey. beet ISO. Jmam billUon Co.~wbifci grocers, llo.coo. ' * fjti'iill ? Pulfuid, abulca flat. |6,U0e. O. H. Sterling, witoleeale n 11.000. H. John, dry goods. 11.500. B. L. Stewart, Jeweler, ISO Palace parber Shop. 1800, Haber e Studio." ISO. Hudson A Culler, coun prWuce. etc, 11,000. | -" V W". H Swnnner, groceries. 1 . W. M. SwaancT, reslden i --MM.C. M. Little, groceries. $200. C hftuncey Railways. $500Spencer Bros., dry goo $1.000. J. F. Buckman A Son. d | goods, *100. ;.... W?. ?B. Harding. station* $2,000. I T>r. P. ?A. Nicholson, hou I *2?0' , ~*~TT H. Hodges, tenement houB t "w*. -?* | Harris Hardwa^re . Compai $5,000. McKeel Richardson HardwE VV % ... 1 OCRACOK1 OCEAN S NO LIVE The gaa boot Josephine arrive here late Saturday from Ocra coke brinsing Mr. and Mrs. Set Bridgman, Dr. W. P. Small and M and Mrs. W. W. Mr.Uhrnny an tainily. Mr. Mdlhenny and M Henry Bridgman left here Frlds n'ght for Ocracoke, as they wei apprahonslvg as In, tbe **f*tr Ocracoke Isalnd and Its Inhabitant A Dally Newa Tepresentatve a certalned the following accobnt c the ibiui from o?h> If the passer gers on. the Josephine. Tho tide wi vary high, being from the ocean an searching aa fare st he light house 01 the island. The *Ind began Tneada morning and Increased In veloclt until it reaohed a rate of over on hundred mi lea per hour Wednesds morning. Ships were driver on th beach before the fife savers coul discover them, due to?the high tld< I rata. etc. The tide was tar abev the high water mark. The aix-masl pd iitiiai^a P siafi ?T .Wells .wen I (?,* cr?? ""?tit I ' *" ^" ?****''** "nrtrf" ^J^?k*,,M*"c V N ' AFT ? FOHECASHOte 3KEN ?KCIC1 Vntj \ A Ti vT A J )AMA< [MATED LOSS IN C ? i tc Company. $1.10*. aj IT. a. T. Nicholson, $500. rs flreek ~ Oreak Care building, $500. . Hotel Louise, $500. ' HSeflESl BSIMBig. $g,000. A $>*? \ -r'4 - B. W. Ayort,- drx'ioods; etc! ?0 Worthy * Etharldgc, drugs $1,500. Oept. D. Hill, tenefhent houses ~ -$$o# y 00 - K. *hn, dry goods. $1.'B00. Rusa Bros.. liiaiaa'tlM. ?Haft, dij?romhr?etrr * 990.000. * J* K. Hoyt, residence. $1,000. Dr. Josh Tayloe, residence eh '* *** Centra! Market. $100. Haven's Grist Mill; $15,000 tc $90,000. Paul Bros., Wholesale grocers * $1,000. tP5 Jefferson Furniture Co.. $1,000 Garfle'd demons, Cafe. $1,000 ->0 Swain A Swain, furniture. $100 co Woo lard Csfa. $25 Prown Drue Co.. ?300. Norfolk Dredging' Co.,. $30.00( ds to $40,000. Hurler Lumber Co., $50,00< lr> to $90,000. Carolina Telephone Exchange ry $S/>00. Crescent Lumber C6,. $5,000. so Norfolk Southern H. B.. $150. 00C ea A. M. Dumay, residence. $1,000 -- ?g: J fllndert. realdeqgg, jl^OO0 iy Mn. B. Short, residence $500. Dr. J. C. Rodman,, residence ire etc, $2,000. E ISLAND SV HIPS ON TI IS ARE REPO i< dine between 8 and 9 o'clock tb< j nme day. The latter uteaiuer ? ;l high and dry near' 'Ocracoke inlet r The slx-maated schooner will be < ( tuotal loss. She la rfplit in two ant r water-logged. Her. crew of twenty 'two were saved by the life savers 13 the tramp steamer will nl m(l probabi ' itjr be gotten off. Her crew o ^ sasad? _ " 8 A three-master Is ashore aUSonth ^ west Shoals. The cyew and passen gers. amounting to five men and flv? ^ women, werfe rescue? b|f the Vortsmouth life saving station. The lit' 1 savers bad a.very thrilling expert ^ ence. Their rescue or surf boat Wai y at Elizabeth City undergoing repairs l# and as every gas boat was gone li j and around Portsmouth and Ocra coke bey had to resort to a ima! ( sail boat. Their experience in reach e lng he schooner was anything bu pleasant. On the Island of Ocrac'.ke. while ^ the^.tlde was ervy high and wine ? blowing a hurricane, no lives are re ported loot. The damage to propi orty ^rtll be conisderable. The Souttaj No\ a single county bridge escaped! 1 y* destruction ifxcepting that at An- 1 ' rora, which is reported to be intact ' .All tbe rent are waahed ???t Botl "'of (he btldgee croeetng Bath Creek I ?iare (one; the B^oont'e Creek bridge ",U a complete wreck; Itcihaven , *j bridge la alao reported gone. Hi < I Waahlngton the eonnfy ' loeee lta ; 135,MO new eteel bridle epannlng I the Peealleo rlaer, connecting the I * town with- 'thooowlnlty and other i polnta on the aonth aldeeef the river, i ' The connty euthorlUpa are doing,the j beet ther can onder the clrenm ' * lancet Ther hive provided a ferry I for paaeengera and aa toon at a tat | can be made ready a regular ferry i T*i J ^ : MiK. :ity - j' ^ 1 '.Atlantic Coast. Line, 150.000 tc H. M JenklDl Co.. wholu.lt *rocer..>>S,#<>0. W. B. Morton ft Co., furniture -???#. ----77? '? - W. H. Hofthi, (U horrr T100. U.oy Yard. Jl.iOO. A. Phillip., wharf. $300. A. Phillips, roofs, o\.c., $200 Lyric Theater, $1,500. 910.000 to $15,000. 0." R. Fowls ft Son, $100,000. I I HUcn G?n wholeoalo gro* cers, $5,000 t6 $10,000. -O. Rumlay, farm, $10:000.? f. Cock Cola Bottling Co.. $600. $1^00. O. H. Storl.'ng, farm, $2,000. Cctzens, farm, $2,000. a Capehart* Laundry, $500^ ' Mutual Machine Co., $5,000. Dr, Josh Tayloe, form, $5,000 P. G. Moss, residence. $3,000. tr A. C. Hathaway, residence, etc. $1,000. . F.-McMuHen. residence. $500. Pure Food Grocery, $1,500. _ JRureka Lujnher jCo^.X15,QOO.U T40.OOO. Peaufort Coun^ bridge. $35.oor>; Orvstal Ice Co., $3,000 tc $4,009. TfkDy News $1/00 to $3 000. T*. R. Cutler. Tes'.dence. $000. riectrlc Light Plant. $5,000. O. H. Hill, stables. $i>00. Dr. D. T. Tayloe, furm, etc. $2,000 to $3,000. J. F. Taylor, grocer, <1 000. P?ml!co Brick and Tfie Co. a $3.o00. I F. F. Cozzens, p'nnos, $800. | 1 , FFERED ij IE BEACH i R TED LOST \ ' '. '" a &rn Methodist ch urch Is a tota C Hrreck. T he house of Capt. E. Tuthil \ is off of the blocks. The house "o t Simon O'Neal was washed away and the family of "Elijah" 8tyon onlj t escaped being drowned by t ho nar ^ rowest margin. A great man: t bouses are off of the blocks. The t residence of Mrs. Ann Bragg J* els< i total loss. On the ocean side the Is ( landers sought refuge at the home o. 0 Mr. E. D. Springer and the light e places at daybreak without food or h slothing. Those of'the Islanders re g tiding on the sound side remainec i :n their respective homwi. The stornr t it Portsmouth was algp severe bu ], 10 Ives were lost so far as can b* iscertatned. o (By Correspondent.) b Ocracoke has just passed through, ? hough brief compared -with the mem- A ir&ble one Of August, 1I9?. the worst N itorm known In its history. Hon ess li wrecked?some blown off their tl (Continued on Page Two.) t! _ h " 1 , 1 = T rill be established until another <j ?rid ge can be placed. e Railroads Heavy Lows. (< Washington's two railroad com- jJ >anlee have suffered untold damage The "Norfolk uotShern Railwa: ? estimate their loss to be at leas K me hundred, and fifty thousand dol- ? are. Their bridge crossing the Pam- j| ico river, being over a - mile In u ength. was^awept away, entailing ? p oee of fifty thousand d^lars. bet f heir bridges oyer Jack's and Rua- C nan's creeks went with the rest c their water depot, where all their i freight matter was placed for dietri- * mtloa on the river, including sheds e *d other property, wee swept away, o \V - ' i ^1 J E_j . ST. ? H ] URRU DN&I 10,000, VS. R. R. BRIL - A. CL L. ANI BR1DG Bel haven, Aurora, Vandemere? Bat and Other Sectio mensely-^-Great 1 . 1 The Aurora Coun A11 Trains Delayed tically Suspended "Hit Severely. Jn account of the bad cone plant particularly the Irm completely-under water, it bility to issue (Mother papei The machine has got to bt The management asks the : for the time being as every remedy conditions as rapid! ies of this issue <storm editi vjjice at dc eacti. rho Norfolk Southern officials, con- ol latmg of President C. H. Hicks, fiukcrintenderit James"H. Shea, Chief "w Sngincer P. L. Nicholson and Gen- ai -ral Solicitor W. B. Rodman, ar- tl ived here Friday to view the" altua- ^ ion. At once the local authorities rere authorized to start work re- ,w lairing bridges, etc. Mr. T. Harvey m ifyers, the agent here,'told the Dal]y lc Jews yesterday that In al! probabl! ty trains would be able to reach 61 YwbjPKton from Norfolk fry Sun- ill lay and that the track had been put n good condition to the river on the outli aide. Within the next two or o] hrett weeirg tfre"Tonrpany ts 1tt hope: at if having their bridge crossing Pam- gi co river repaired sufficiently for sii rains on their main line to operate sa The Atlantic Coast Line bridge at ai he west end of the city, connecting hl Washington with Vandemere, 1b a c' otal loss, tl will cost at least lift: D( housand dollars to restore the 8 iridge and trestle, the latter being e<: fa shed away Teve ral mTles *Tf Is ret' "w iorted. The Coast Line sustained 'n ther damage to their wharf prop- Rri rty as well as damage to freight, hi Tel Superintendent Ncwalla was of tere-Thursday in his private car and bo :ave full details as to repairs, etc 'he company places Its loss at beween fifty and sixty thousand dol ?? ?ra. ~ Great Damage in Harbor. ? Nearly every hind of craft in the m arbor suffered, and the damage ? annot be approximated even. , forfolk Dredging Company, engaged ^ a government work here. Two of , heir tugs are sunk, one at the bupj . ock and'the other in the draw at ? be county bridge. Another tug is ? igh and dry near Rodman^s Creek. m "he company also lost one of tbei> . redgee, the eRllanoe. Their loss lr , stlmated anywhere from thjrty to >rty thousand dollarm. The Kugler .umber Company Is damaged from . fty to sixty thousand dollars In the ray 'of loss by lumber floating away, t)eds rated, mill plant, etc. The foes planing mil] also suffered hear ly. The S. R. Powle A Son saw ilil plant. Rureka Lumber Com any. Pamlico Cooperage Company, laven's grist mill. Haven's ell mill, hauncey railways. Mutual Machtn * oropany. United tSates buoy yard tragaw a Co., Cryatal fee Ctmpany, rholeaale flak dealers?In fact every laas ef business entypihe situated n the water front In practically out / . I ' -wo. ^ .... ?| I III. In .III. ...~~~ c " - ' " P~.. .. .v v.,',.. .v .1,. '* /".! ZA NE 1 IALF; 000.09 )COUNTY 1 EC tnr J I>J AIVL W VL Royal, Eay: ' \ ] h, Maules Pci- f, MS Damaged ? -3 aoss of Stock. ty Bridge TiiiT C ?Business Pre::- 1 !. Hyde Cour,:y . ; lition of the Daily 3 J otype machine. vhifh r - uhV be almost atrifnpcT 7-~~" 1 r within the next fc.r c _ ! taken apart cleaned, c :. indulgence of the patrr 3 . 3 effort is being put farc-h- % JLOS possible. Extra c ;.on) can be secured at J Sail, buaia mcorml to ilw .1 - - '-/ *'^3 harves snapped tbolr f.aten.i LIU id went scooting up tlia r.vrr v J le wind and tide. Copu. n . c . 'illlams' schooner Annio. \Va':;i& ur.d rnehorage about a m > to tne. est of the Washington and VunJ'J ee bridge; two barges belong g Tffl i the Interstate Ooupcrrge Co. ?ded-with lumber, are h gli on '.e round at Wilow Point, a J.stn .cu * - "JB ' two miles fom Washlr .t.i,.. yii (ias Moats iAjori'd. \m Verp few of the many gia bets aerating is the-harbor escaped the ' e as to the amount of the damage S istained tb.e Daily News is. safe_la ?X lying it will reach into the thnus- w ids. Quite a* nuiliber are piled ;:p gta and dry on the land near the tiauncey railways; others arc re >rted to be in thfe woods as far as mile inland, while others are turnI over, broken up and damrged In j ays-rmrTet Tffl6Wt5Tne?T SY.t only . this city is the damage to the nailer craft reported to be grem it all along the Bhore on both sid^s L Pamlico river clear~to Pam!!c< rlsM und the story of disaster seems to (Continued on Page Two.) Notice. Every householder must cleanup and lime their lots. thoroughly. Thia Fork must be UoiHpTfeff"WI(l*hy~iroh<Iay night. I If thia Is not attended to sick- * new wHI follow at the Wbrk off* * \9 the storm. '*81 JOHN O. PLOUNT. ,;J Superintendent of Health. * Through the advice of the Superintendent of Health it la extremely Important that the ' -$j| unsanitary-conditions caused by * . \ the recent storm be remedied at once to avoid sickness and pbs- * ^ tllence. All oellars should be * $1 thoroughly pumped out and * . J limed. Any dead or decayed matter should be burled at once, * all yards thoroughly cleaned and * limed undor and aroond the * ij3 houses as much aa possible. Any * JjB person or persons delaying these , 4 matters "unnecessarily will be ae- * * verely dealt with. It la hoped that everyone will - -y co-operate *in this, movement. P. C. KUOLER. Mayor. < 'M eee .t

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