>11 mil **&' +, 5 "tev.tettotra. bkunkw ?. > 'MM ItlKtk* OflHtMK B? Iwte4 ftvfl *. w ten tt. bot It tea aot 111 bin V . tea nn?it tm i rwtu, bui .. n. Mm m mocb as tha mam wbo mm ppailaalg for ad rape?wot opac br fMa Mai. but wbo doas not dara to tab# M for 'ear that ha cao not rtae Ih It It a uaatoM to say anything da sarh a man about neglected op. pnlndllia. apd It la squally fotlla to say tha aama thin* to tha youth who * aactectln* his studies. Tha first aahp* ?a hack and Has Ma boyhood mmi tha latter cannot comprehend * Ma dancer, nor will .ha baUrve In bta asm possibilities. dm <ao ba really ahpdytotal llgeiuly things for which ha At n* aaMsotly mature. Tha faw who mature aarly enough In Ufa to 0a through, technical acboola or col* hen are provided for. Can we not pndda man's schools for thoae who Mara normally T?American Magnt L_ VaeVMafi J- T*wa? JOU refuse to eat my first bl? 1 doot refuse to eat It. my dear. I *?t want to eat It. I wish to bav? - 3 jaar monoaram engraved on It and h*n? It ohoo my watcb chain."? CjoatorlDe Courier-JouraaL t jf~T^ Make Your Feet Happy TIZ Pate Sew Life in Tired, Aohinc Feet? Hekee Them Glow With Keel Foot Comfort TIZ. for tender feet. Is a quick relief to aD foot trouble* and a trial TIZ tool hai will prove iu TIZ curea ewollen feet, acli tag feet, feet that chafe, amort an burn. Corns, bunions. callii?c* an chilblains are quickly relieved by TI3 yitm 28 eemte at druggists' and depart stent at ores. If your dealer won't aup w?y TIZ, we will, by mall, on recelp <rf price. Bee that "Walter Luthe THmSro ft Co." la printed on the pack ? ? em. Walter Uuthcr Dodge 6t Co., 1-? Wabaah Ave.. Chicago. Try Our Boneless 1 _ Smoked Herring and. D n.,.1 O. 1.4 i\ujai JUUlCl Shad Roe CLAUD A. LITTLE, *Tfce Store Around the Corner1 1 l= I SATURD; .[!) II I, y JC . k *... - ggiwiBJiiii.nniJ rTTr nit i'T ^ iwK^COTO. ?m '"mm" I 11 i I ie. Big I Goi RI3HT SOIL FOR ALFALFA, j ' . Deep Loam la Boat, but Other Kind* i Will Produce Crops. f Many people uiake the fatal mistake] of expecting alfalfa to do well on soils that are not tlv properly to produce any kind of crop, says Bulletin.Stf pf the Purdue university (Indiana) station. There Is Just as much need of cure In selecting and preparing soils for alfalfa us for any other crop and probably uiore because of Its deep, rooting habits and large plunt food re-. quireiueiita. /""T-: peep, loamy so 11b with open subsoils are undoubtedly best tor alfalfa, bat there Is plenty of evidence to show that It may be successfully produced on almost any type of soil, froui light sandy or gravelly loams and peats or mucks to heavy clays, provided that it la well drained.?MMt ?">d properly supplied with organic matter and available plant food. ~~ Manjrsotls' that nt present are not fit for alfalfa culturo may bo made so by Photograph by Oregon Agricultural oolloce. ALFALFA CT L.TTTKB IK BOTTLES; EACH CONTAINS KNOUtiH. TO INOCULATE FOCB AC.KBR k ? providing drainage facilities, correcting acidity, adding organic matter or supplying needed plant food, according to the requirements. Good drainage is essential In drrtar tho? tho go deep Into the solL Hard pen moat be broken np or avoided altogether. " Bolls that are eonr may be made rvreet by tboroogh drainage and the appUca\Y SEPTET - GREA1 A Large Quani .. - 'it y *j ' q . .fj" - nf <r *' uv-> * /u^iV i !l Vlir Thirty Years ararjUHjkm M M tflSTBBIfl :!? A v? tw .. \ n >M ,?.4. ,j : Salvage rig on 4ua crx ntiie. f V ,? ' A gbod supply of decomposable 01 gnulc matter In the sotl helps the bu< terlal action in making plant foot available, facilitates the Inoculatini process unit together with a good dm In age. prevents beuvlng In the spring For soils that are out of condition 1 this respect a good way to supply oi ganlc mutter If sufficient manure is tK available Is to raise and plow under < crop of cowpeus or some other gree manuring crop before attempting t grow alfalfa. Peat and muck soils tnny be used fc alfalfa |f they are well drained an properly supplied with mineral plat food. Potksb Is nearly always lackin in these soils, and often phosphor! add aud Ifrne must also be snppliec Bona tbnt are subject to flooding at not good for alfalfa. - <r or QOOD MATERIA! Tons of good humus making ! \ material are allowed to lie un; | used on many farm*. Much of . c the unsightly rubbish which ; [ mars the appearance of the i premises could be changed Into ] [ valuable plant food by compostc ing. Every farm and especially ! [ every truck farm should bare a *1 ; [ compost heap Into which soda. * '! [ lawn clippings, leaves and other [ waste matter could be thrown . < and rotted down. If wet down t 'such stuff will soon be turned 1 [ into fine garden mold.?Farm t Journal. -t , Fertilizer* For Apples. '* V At a meeting of the Maasachtmetl Horticultural society Wilfred Wheel* recommended this formula as a baal for fertilising young apple trees: 81 pounds of slag, two pounds of potas (low grade sulphate), one pound nltral of soda. An application of a pound < this mixture per tree per year of tret age will keep it growing in a health atujif oriiwa rt rwmrtor fat night echooP?fibre Inn" It* It. Rhnincr Hatred Pnpil?Q nin venv oome Mr. Jones metapLja dan.?Chicago Tribune. ^ Confidence Impart* wonderful ti HHration to It* poeeeesor^-JoIra MUtoa i" ...a a IBER THE P RAIN A| ty of Bargains ? wr ashmgton. . MP189P9&h gssfe a. vVri I ?2r Mly r** Aowj^to 97* ?W^w^ln* ST'ISmli.'ThS?A^T*rttAao** at II* towaat ?d Ua twlnn ?D~t 4 hum. ara coMcat lu tlx afternoon u4 ??M(I la tlx rarlj moraiaM It > > teanrfcatte tact that va aeartr etwajra <Da If aar blood tartan am tbaa a taw iaariae aKhae WJ. A Hiwpaialiin batow SB lana ea abaca KM luna la caaaamllr total Paar " a. I imi H?.lm k.ii. c.i. .in. I Foil plowing of Bold ?re? will oftoo Iks of MTTtn In controlling cotwncmo I mm nr. nfcctUg m*4 erepw. i a i i bale c for 10j i 1 ; HOWTOIRECT A I GARBAGE PLANT I fci I $$? j ,<f I Many Cities Without Works ?| For Proper OtsposaL r i ? I SEWA6E 0OEST1OR COMPLEX * * Four Important Stop* Should Bo Takon by Any Municipality planning to hp. provo Plant for Pi *tool or Mothod * of Collection?Mu.t Conaidor Local 1 Condition*. * X a nirfta numluw a# JM~. - ? . } wlthout-tft? bwtt modern work* tot colli lectli* sewage and garbage. Rudolph } lierlni;, consulting engineer of New * York <Mj and president of the Ameri? can Pubtic Ueulth association, writes } Interestingly in the American City. Be 1 eeys that still more cities are without a I satisfactory final disposal of these two 3 classes of waste and yet a greater * number, among them our largest clt4, Us. hqire both a dispoao) aud a celiac * tion In quite an unsatisfactory condl? Sewage and garbage problems most 1 both be considered from three aspects, e They have both some connection with * the dissemination of disease, with the establishment of uhfcttoceo sad with ' the pocket book of the taxpayer. They " moat be satisfactorily solved from sll * three aspects or the works will corve18 spondingly bo a failure. J The first step to take when attacking either the overage or garbage problem J lstomehea*atody of the existing loeal , conditions sad works, so as to be able * to advise a eolation to protect health. 7 to avoid naiasnce and to require an expenditure that la comfortably withtfa the available SMsns of the community. TIM second atop to be taken, both * with sewage and garbage problems, is *- to make plans and rati mates for coot * for collection and disposal according ? to the beit experience of the day; 8*b pi.[i. Iniintt* f*. TlaipiMt ad moat roBomlal Mn. at tbor* aagbtj IX.* .U th. ?bor? una t wnlumwli U mar k. that th. local. arT*h/>*ttlfe Me gufik* 20TH, POl ID TORNADi Await Yo^t from* w?*mUT"o| Jeckeonrtlle. n?., at M >0 mm to Tuim X IIO.SO. limited returning to Men original etartlng point not later IkH midnight of Toeeday, September JO, 1?I|. Proportionate KM will be made from other polnu In TltaUln. Northand Sotttli CaroI" M" ' .% .".'Ts t I Ample Pnllman end eoech aooommodetloue wUl be proridtd for ell Qimeiei, end ererythlog will be dope by the management of the At- < lanUo Coeat Um to make thla a tret claae exeoralon. " For tlckete, Pnllman aocommoda agent* or address T. C. White, general ja?Mger agent, or W. J. Craig, passenger traffic manager, WU- . mlngton, N. C. I-Ttft WW****?#*- ' - -' jm?^ it the j Days Oi i-i> -I .. ' lljgt' Til 1 *! lUw It Dpt. ooulda tuslum h.Tlug *ucb experience with the prob*? >* be employed. But It xvflt elmoMt ahraya > hgifr- to- ^laijtLaal oma? ?wiu. V*1 stuuy. ,?rcnuse local conditions, some wblcb may not be fpllV apparent to the outsider. may rpreai solutions more eco. nomicnl or more satisfactory to the community than without the local aid. The third step to be taken. If the plans, are accepted and ordered to be carried out. will be the preparation of detailed contract drawings and specification* for the execution of the trork. The specifications must be carefully andTMUfully prepared to arold Oil* understanding* and to trot what wu Intended bp the adoptod general d? ale It-htt tfeaenrewH the aacab cnslueere who mad* theertglnal dewlgn make alao thh, contract dra wtnge and apecfOcatlaae. becaoao they boat know . the oMgtnal lutantlana and the war of carrying them out tf thla la pot practicable. then thai* ahooid at laaat ha an .nornrel ahaalnait fram tharn. Tbo fourth atrp to b* taken la actual execution of the wort- Thla part at, the undertaking la at laaat aa Important a. any other. It bpa happened that good plana bare haea adopted, but I that'their eieeutloe.'.Waa to Inferior. I w?* t- ~f?Mwi*foar1?la naad ahd1 labor employed- the) the worm failed la their purpoea Uuod .npet-rtalon at the const met Ion of the worka la eeaea Hat :JZ >' '1 ilealdea the laying out of th* works, rerotda abeukl be kept and pream-red of er*ty^Pa-t It baa finally lawn bunt. It tee often orrura that froth the tack of aecb rceorda anbeeqneat bappenlnga cannot be completely underatood and that change, or rtlateloin; become merw\expenetre tbaa would atherwlae be neceeeary war* pie uolergroend coodltloee ugurtly kaeau The laet atep to be taken la public worm at the nature bar* comddfind la that of eecurlag a anitabie onteuhetlen to maintain and operate them. The operaUng staff mat be compataut arid faith foL Beware. If pot wed cleaned and- Taotllated; sewage dlapeeal wocm. tf. net hope In order and cleaned and not properly and conw*e?n?o.!y attended. Win an ha- liable to cuue. nalmnce. and perbapa alao Injur* to bedlth. The S^^ZdTC^r " I'??I . , Practically the MOM cu be MM re? ??? the garbage rolteotihg ?r?a aad garbage diapoaal plant*. The alt ona. t> not dairy claanad and leapt toreredsehan paaatng through die street* and tba dlapoaol plants. If oat kept seromiloaaly clean and If not tgsgaftd 111 ''I S SITIVELY 0 DAMAGE! Don't Miss Yoi ^ || s * ,'ISM~ *$ I ?f) 0 ' : Bazaar Regulating Hi. Sleep. g John Wesley recognized the eelta of I oversleeping and gate a recipe where- ^ be really wuu. It waa derived fruoi 1 HBpeOani "1 waked every night T about 12 nud lay awake for some time. 1 sod 1 readily concluded that this a ruse from ay being longer in bed then detun? required. 1 procured ?u alarm. which waked me neit morning at 7 " (an boor earlier than I roaa the day before), yet I ley awake et night. The u*?xt marhlbg I rose at B; notwltb- ? standing. I lay awake the aecood night u The third morhing I roe at ft. never- U thsites lag. awake. The fourth **>&Ing I rose at 4. M l bare dob# ever since, and I lay awake no mor*."-Luo- g don Chronicle. . 1 ' . -* Ne Metter Who. party of women were being cecorted through the eUte house the other b< day by a bowing and acraplo* guide. tc Tbe wonx-ti were or (tie f.ithudastlc w type .and rered peer this and that and yj Mid. -Oh. simply toe gorgeous." FV ct, nany they were shown the portrait of lei a former governor. - co TOh. superb. ieat ttr said one of as them, -and an e*oel)*nt likeneea too. all A portrait wf-wbom did you aaj ll waar-Bostuo Traveler. The Fishiest Fishermen. "?t> you took a day off from your I work and went flsblng?** . ."Tea.- replied the man who Insists on being cheerful. -Have any lackT _ -Certainty. A day off is Wk enough."?Washington bur. A Wafer. -What." naked the teacher. "Is the meaning of the wt>rd*waferT " v:' s -A wafer.- replied Maurice, aged fl Dine, -la a hid without any father or 'J mother."?Chicago News.. vH f? But Which ! Which. Wime-Paw. what u the dlffarcVa1 between Drmnew and obetlnaor ? Paw 3S2L,'^Kb? " ? mall Fleah Fattcna laat That ebiekena Intended tor market ' ahould be dteWad Into small flocka and ebooM ha fad baartlr on fattanlnf faada while ?trtw them mow la a mall green Ineloanre la the belief of Wllmin Jamee o. Hatpin of the Oollatra of Aarieeltar. of the Cnlr?ratF fWlecenrfn. . j, . . A . 1 I in LAST DAY SALE ir Opportunity. gi " ? mid get a Tew and 5 ?? Kmerican Lady Corsets. All * Shapes and Sizes. They Jf tftllPUrCTTR O Dll I O* II doc t??o * no* doo and vm?av mstiM. ?t .eiioa. OF le ownw will be prosecuted uJ 'Skwrsai. > lOtc. ? ' Ykr Cm, B?ra HI IhlM. In .very tome there ehonld be * n of Buckles'* ^rmJe*.8*lTo. rafdr I epptar Ip wry oeee ol boras. cuts, JSrStiiA ?1)? rtTtt l'l 'Arnica 3*1 re eared my Ottla nld be cured." The world's best hre. Only Sic. Recommended bf I druggists." * 4. v U , . ITBii HSjf: ,r "THE MUSICAL HY LANDS1' v L A Rich Musical" Adt?'"?: 10TI0N PICTURES f m un or a rosic sj&^a ( 'j* GARRISON MM j \?*( ' ; iv. > A BASHFUL SON ir-i: 4*^SSni *** ^ ' ?tts of Smtal Comedy. cwb? i\ -7-i TT- : ItmwU?, Friday ad .8.MUr "DOIO AND EBERT." "ltb * Pi?? J MATINEE SATURDAY. dmission 10 am) 20 ,

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