R ?*._ 9^9^9 2s?So*rSSf^HtS MOM tk S? I ir - "Sfir*)ei'??. ' , , i ?| ?' " ' "< ' r'- -U, t(J?i ? SU M Ui D*l_* MM , K~ #?tt!l L*l.pkn? or writ. tk? muMrr" -- M*r. ?*d Ik* (oMialkt wtU n?lr> M*dlu* .~.oU best In England tvhere the atalke and flowers frequenl ly bring $9 or |10 a pound and soon limes much more. A pound of flower yields from one-half to one dram 0 oil and an acre from ten to twentj five pounds of flowers. Mummies Make Paint. Mummies ore usually preserved li the finest bitumen, and this ancten bitumen has. In the course of cento rles. turned tbe mummies a leather] brown tint It has been found tha when the_JiiUM?en and the shreds oi JwwnHTire ground down by ma chic ery. a beautiful brown pigment la tb result, exactly the tint required fo painting certain shades of brown hall ner utner nm. Tbe four-year-old twins, who had n playmates of their own age. were d? lighted when a little girl of three cam to visit a neighbor. After the three children had playei together for a time the tvrlns. hand L hand, went to their mother and said "Slothor. where'a the other ono of her? ?Youth's Companion. o?ttcr uuanty Wanted. tittle Elsie, given her first glass o mineral water, made a very wry fac over It ~ "It tastes that way. dear, because lt*i charged." said her mother. "1 guess, mamma." said Elsie, push lug It aside. Til Just have some 01 the kind you've paid for."?Doatoi Transcript THE TRUTH. Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth. When perfect sincerity is expected, perfect wisdom must be J allowed. Nor has any-one who is apt to be angry when he hears the . truth any caure to wonder that he J does not hear it.?Tacitus. i L/esert sanaa. There Is a pogintar idea that dcs erts like the Sahara are the bottom! of ancient seas which have heen llft?) above their original elevation by geo logical forces. This notion la an er roneon* one. Authorities contend thai the Rands of nil the great deserts hav? been formed on the spot by the disin tegmtlon of the aolld rocks on whlct they rest Great For YouT liver and Bowels rotmg tod Old, Hal? and Venule, til Sin( (hi Praises of Hot Springs Liver Buttons? Make Yea Feel Vine In n Day. Don't foot with Calomel or Salts 01 ha rah purgatives that act violently many times injuring tnc lining Of th? bowels, and causing serious illness. HOT 8PRINOS LIVER BUTTONS are mild, gentle, yet absolutely certain They always act blissfully on tta bowels and never fall to unclpg th> srubbofp liver and snmnsl it to do Its sKUlfproperly. Physicians In Hot Springs, Ai%snss?, prescribe them because they know thai tWs to nothing better they can pte* scribe Take HOT SPRINGS LIVES BUTTONS as directed and get rid ol constipation, dirtiness, biliousness, siek headache, sallow, pimply skin. The] are a fine tonic, for they drive fmpun matter from the Mood, make the bowels and stomach antiseptic, and gin one a hearty appetite. All drug. gisuAzs cents, and money back if thej are not lust what yon have been looking for. Sample free and 100 of 17.0W testimonial* from Hot Springs Chemleal'Co* Hot Springs. Ark. ? " "V, " " medium accomplished. Call sad be convinced of'her superior power. It youf hpshaad tor wife untrhe? Does anLtottaer share the love that beloagt "Ho you? If so, come and learn . awtft, sure remedy that will dispe . the dark clouds that lift the load ' from your aching heart. Do You wish to marry quickly? Truthful predictions. Reliable advice. The Chance of a Lifetime Main and Market Stmt?I'pWtw Washington, y. O. i L (Continued from first page.) raarreioasty lUnmlnated maiuMsripIn the Rue de la Parehemlnerie which name, of course, means "street of parchment making." In Berlin preparaUona are .going _QH t rtr the flr?t tt-rtrM ' * ""~o I rMs ever held.- This congress wiL'J meet In Berlin In the near future It will not be a BplrlfuhTlhtic Congress, but an occult science conven? tlon. The program will cover ever? i phase and - phenomena emanating I 1 from the invisible; , i ' Among, those who will participate 9 in the convention are M. Camtllc , Flammeron. the French astronomer; b ! Prof. Richet, the famous French ln i vestigator; Prof. 8chrenck Notxlng Maurice Maeterlinck and leading English authorities:- - ~ ~r h Prof. James Henry Hyslop, the i, i psychologist of New York, Is expectI ed to be present. t_ All England's great actors ar? h succumbing to the demands of the B cinematograph operator. 8lr Her g-bert Tree, in ".Henry VIII;" Sir J r. Forbes Robertson. In "Hamlet"; Charles Hawtrey, in "A Messag: From Mars." and Arthur Bourchler In "Macbeth," have all been record . ed on the "movies." The last -if come Into line Is Sir Charles Wynd [ ham. *. A contract has bhen signed bef tween Sir Charles and Ruffell's Ex tjduslves. Ltd., under the terms crea, more 01 leas, belnd all of the land that 8. W Wilkinson formerly bought of Wil llam Shavender and w'lfe and thi same conveyed to the said Sarah J Shavender by 8. W. Wilkinson au< wife, by deed dated December 5 th 1895, and recorded In the Register*! Office of Beaufort County In Bool St. page 41?. which Is referred U for description. The purchaser a1 the said sale will be required to de nosli ten per cent. In cash of th? amount hid by way of guarantee pending confirmation of sale by th< Conft. . J /J ^ A. D. MacLEAN, " ? Commissioner. t-Jt.SOdays Notice of Alias Summon, Warrant oj Attachment and Writ of GarmIsh?1? North Carolina, Beaufort County,? Superior Court. W. 8. D. Shorn and wife, Marcells Bborn, vs. Southern- Railway Company, St. Louts and San Francisco Railroad Company, and tb? Houston and Texas Central Railroad Company. The defendants, St. Igrais and San Francisco Railroad Company, and Houston and Texas Central Railroad Company will thke notice that a sum mons In the above entitled was leaned against them on U? I7tb day of February, ItM, by George A Pool. Clerk of the Superior Court of raillikjlll the adm of fUO*?? Fifteen Hundred. Dollar*, due aaid plaintiffs by reason of dam are to plaintiffs by dalay In traaaportiar a glnnlnr outfit or system preparatory to "Installing the iime, In tho fan of 1911. which smmnont waa returnable boCoert of Beaufort county to be bald tor the said county of Beaufort at the court house In Washington, on the second Monday before the isi Monday of March. It being the 17tl day of February. 1918. The said defendants will also take notice thai an alias summons, warrant of attachment and writ of garnishment was ordered to be Issued ag&insl them, In thesald cause, by His Honoi Frank Carter, Judge Presiding at the August term of the Superior Court 9f Beaufort county, and pursuant to the said order Geo. A. Paul. Clerk 3f the said Court, did on tha.l&tt day of August 1918. Issue an alias summons against the said St. Lou Is and 8an Francisco Railroad Com pany and Houston and TexSe Cen tral Railroad Company to be and appear before the Judge of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, at a ooart to be held for the aald oounty we the 4th" Monday after the flra* Monday of September, It being tb< 29th day of September, 19ia, and inswer or demur. to the cdmpMln'. }f the plaintiffs, and did issue a warrant of attachment and writ of gam labment commanding the Atlantic 3oast Odd mirroiul Cuhipgnr?and Norfolk Southern Railroad Com pa ay to be and appears* the saltfterro of-the said court on the 19th day of funds each'of the Raid railroads. hai in ita hands or what properly eafihas or what debts each owes, to tbf aid St. Louis and San FTnneiecc Railroad Company and Houston and" Texas Central Railroad Com pan > on the date of service of garnish ment and data of appearance and an Bwer, and the Atlantic Coast Un* Railroad Company Is farther com manded to answer what debts It. oV ed of what Property It had to and 0. the said St. Louis mid San Francis Railroad Company and Houston an^ Texas Centra} Railroad Company a the date of aenrlce of garnishment warrant of attachment, and appear fince and answer 1 the Fehrmer) term \<, oi-tSanatd court. ' The sheriff of Beaufort coanty bffVfhg made returns of the summons bet the said St. LOuts and San Fraa cteso Railroad Company gM Honeton and Texas Central Railroad Coir l?any, cannot after doe diligence b* found la Beaufort county, nflttoe o apj1 b?"********* ? |j: I ~7'."' "TT, if -ij ' ' ..n.'.^i. i i i i ; II = ? ^ i ' ftiin r ^ 1 Can't Wear Out My " Hub-Mark &>% II ' ? Warrior" and Thousands of I i Fisherman Say That Too. | j For airly yean tin boon of theBotlon Rulber S&e It Company bare been the Fiahennan'e standard luaini I of their weir-raUtiag qnalitiee. ' V , II^ \ s^ygaapssgs^ri i I HFVWWBvWVWWWV^P^n^^Vv'' I IIII mm A VVI B 111 IBl n H. 111 au Ill. J f|l | J tfl I I .1: ^^^ 1I Rl V^H U l_ I LI M fia kk II M II rf A. ?n C~*. jrbfalll I J~ I InltiaM snaii leiSworSna. I *?* >? i i M i ) -an i ??w mn, a? H r; mlyw??|nlmifcml?M/*ilM?*a?T>N I BuS'ION RUBBER SHOE CO. i ~' "T"" 1 ~ i ., ; No More Use For Calomel Since ; I . CarswelTs Liver-Aid Arrived j ?? ?? ~ Now Everybody's Singing "Gee: Gee: I'm Glad I'm . I Free: No More Calomel For Me Everybody's Getting New Vegetable Remedy at. -a- . * ' No wonder v?rbo; statement : V* {*" Having qualified as Sxscutor of Em* Washington endorsement, the estate of B. 8. North, deceased. Reed the statements of Washingkts of BMntfttt OAiinHi V r> *hui. As? -fas to fcotlfy til peraona htrtng claim. xm decide tor yooreelf. 1 a?aln.t tha ttutt of Mid dereaeed to Her. I. on. an of It: _ .ambit then to (he underalcned on Mr. chart.. T. j.ekaon, 110 Telotvtor. tha 18th day of July. t?U. fdlr St., Waahlnctoo. N. C.. aara: or UUa not lea will too pleaded In bar "The kidney aaoraUona ware on- . of thalr raoorarr. All penona In- natural and my back aohad all tha dalltad to aald aauta will plnana make time. Soma darn t had auch .harp, mmedlata payment. [J" -J. ' V ahootlnt patna aaroaa my lotna that E -c-We July 11, nil. .. . , 1 could ant pat about to-do my CI ipt WH. FLOTD TANKARD. work. Whan 1 heard of Qeahe Kid- B I !. .^ptfeutor. nay Mil., I tot a aupply tram tha ? i, Hoyt Drue Co.. and thay tmpro.ad "" * A"* mT ln *T"7 At * Tif-t n*T.nt ma-h a. I.-..M- ^ Footer Mllbwn^Co, k)'' Di I 3 W"vvi m A..'"I ' * * B join b. bel ^ ??^?mra/ | . ??# ' * . ?' ? v^ ? ' ^ ^*: ?rv ey? boh**. m, \?: wmhinctoo. n. c. f v % ! 1 cjupmrna^ i waahukxob, a. o, \ Ib*-*-'* g" xpfj^aw^pr" i **- ?* ?vm"? * * .>..? ? a *' ? 4"? irtatlmu a. p. mailiim " a." *^l ?w!*-"'-"*?t"^oy^a I amu mcmttixab, * -< >u??a?y >1 hi. ' % ''-'i or. mbm bid*. b. mate ?, ~ . :>i', : .. ? m ? . * ?- . ? * m ? >, f ' ? !). J. tlUilUMB. UUIMMMW. Nut to Ltwte A Cnlatt, ' lUrkM Strut. ? S". WuhkitM. N. 0. ' m 1 ' ifl'" ' *?o A' ; -Hf EDWARD I* mwuq ' ' (* - - Attoiw-lt-U?. . ' j? ?M K- y?ui.?to?. w. c. ? ooun H. StfHM ? Attonuy ?fa? out hfhn * nw o., Mi, ijM fc ' " 'V'*: I 1 iporwooo u. muiion || Attarnay-at^Lww Waahlagtam. It. . iSp I I , 11 WEDNESDAY, 8BPT, IT, llli. > ! 1 f*?. IB to tie i blckgin. young. , .10 to to k niokana, grown ...... 10 to tta A issfiing.-j.-rr.. # to i. M lnib iklni, each ltulc W M Wax la ^1 baa, aktni, aach .... 10 to ?c \ allow .. .. .. .... r* a i r ry flint hlflaa, oar ?b. ........Ua per lb. .? to 1 a