^ fif A DHWwmm in Qptniin. ili *'"- nsri'rtL- MM mtE?. ; aaaltoatok "?to Itoe w*s vWn I could |F- ? Am* hMghi tUi wkoto Irtsmall tow* tote- for coop* et bandied dollar*: g? to* iiiii ia i w nm it was *?iiir?pwih?otb?r fit i Wtoil tm bwnlfTMbtd boojbt VMMnR rn> Prat IMA to ArampU*t/Sr jbkra they tow ta Ctoa: to 11 win i > I i In baportant dlsBtotot ni ftr?a bona sad told to teak* all paaalbls spaed toward hla totoalha. Bom time afterward be ma toad to toe rued, walking and ~ |Mto|li> ton before trim. "Why to the world are you dots* toatr* to was asked. ?Oh." to saftd. "1 reflected mod 1 erase is the conclusion that we should Make more speed on six feet than wa ate, tar the? w?r? married. and be. a# A rata the momt ***** and submissive <rf men. vu. tike the proverbial worm. Wglnalaa to turn. "Da joo think." be Inquired, "that yen rota the whole of the on! versed "No," abe snapped; "but I rule the tat latter at ff-Lottai I Th "The purest treasure Is spotless reputetioi flpfraiYci; ?M?Frai 8\Eslablis Send lor Handsom I and Historic THE BACOM PIj 113 East 138 th. SELF RESTRAINT. Fos want of self restraint many a me engaged ail their lives in fighbag with dilsculbes of their own Baling and rendering success iropoaiblc by their own crossgrained aapiili in n. while others, it may < be. sancb leas (bed, make their I ; any and achieve sateen by simple* llsATURDA fTJT rv,:>- ' ' . I "Y 18 T? B0?' ? IX\r~ Atirf tnnlr, fK * * . - mMt i* 'm MMWere VJUS paper bag, their ^* - flavor AH gone i % in the world?bak< v| ?packed to perfe Jji perfection until y ;;v oven-fresh and cr ^ .?. protecting packag NATIONAL BISCl PhKtnf * Grove WKfc H lag. The M lactase, a tittle known tribe la Aak. in very soperstitloas aboot w (tenth and will not bnry a man until fa they have flrst tested the ground with tl an (ft This operation la very enrlooa. OT While the body Is being prepared for w barlal a number of If La atone, lnctnd- M lug the male rote three of the deeeaaed. ^ go oat to the appointed spot bearing a 0j large basket of sins. Stooping down, m one of the natives lets an egg drop M softly on the ground. If ft brertlci it to w considered an 111 omen, and another n, pot 1* selected. In this way the party | ^ often wander about for boon, breaking f, eggs orer the ground until tbey final-1 w )7 strike a place where the shell doe* I g not crack. _' | ^ e Big I G mortal times afford, a." , King Richard II igjj?g? 5 BacoK^IJj XOS W-t kedlft^lp llustrated Catologue :al Sketch 1NO COMPANY St. New York What 8h? Wanted. She walked Into the public library and sweetly said: dt would like Tbe Red Boat." pled**." The librarian diligently searched the catalogue and came ?aek with: "I don't think we have each a book." . Flushing a bit she said sweetly, "May the title beTbe Scarlet YachtTn Again be looked, with the same re-* suit Then with her pretty flnaers she dived into ber bag:, consulted a slip of I paper and said: I "Oh. I beg pardon. I toean the H*i?| balyat'Glasgow Herald. Y SEPTEM GREAT A Large Quanit MMMMM " r ' v/ ' " 'ffiy ^ : ?r! cacKers in 140 iL ' tj^A it: V I ''T > ''~r?'V'?' '1 fil soda crackers#"1 er made before - -7 atest bakeries d to perfection ction?kept to. on take them,1 : " lflp,frwm thek ThiCtaw of ths Davit In the middle mgm people raeognM ltek? ?H) |H?wMd p???M by nAC on tbetr bodlee for what was eaJlet >a etaw ef the dertl. It wasra nxx% leaa eateNftTO put of the afcla In hlch tba subject wis tl?aflita to XT tooeh or prtek. Tba expert tntroatI with this work woo Id eloee tba mym the subject and. armed wttb a sharp edla. prick bara and there tba dUTerit parts ot tba body. Tba anffarer as to answer with a cry to each rick, and tba daw of tba devil on a rtaln spot was recognised from tba ict that be did not cry when Chip spot as examined. ? Prom "Tba .Major ymptoma of Hysteria." by Pierre Jest Salvage ng on j Two Alarm i ney scared you. alet Your first thought wt without enough insurance Take Insurant phone Bragaw tonight foi Our office two doc Washington. Wm First Insurance 1 With PEE GEE FL PHSMItotQL -BER THE RAIN ANI y of Bargains i ii^is ===== L f' ,. m* ...jf ... " ? ?f?- VjJ: f . 4*"*" llt ^irnrr ****^1^ I "I<!?t??S.T*?? to -? ? ^T ? "^%3 b? ahMkM lv b> 1KB. * SlT^^ttCTU. ??d .inc^tha aow 1 11 and aondry with Uriah haul tba ] French (SrwmMBt wma conaManttt ' anbamaaad The death of Soolooqaa . eodad tba UlfflciiU/.?Parla OwMu j **"5 J, V ' ' "I-' %"'! ' I ' ? . , y | RM^Mlint M!r MITtjiins ? Wh?*o I imrrM yoor | moth* I w*? earnlne $10 a *? **> two i ywir? later I bongbt out m? employer. | IWhjmm ^ml pot Is s awh reyteUMr. -Tows Teplm.' " ~] v Sale a cor 1 ~ is of Fire! ' ' n't they ? t is about your property * on it ? j :e by the forelock and J it. Nos. 59 and 266. I ** ! <rs Weet of Bank of i I 1 i. Bragaw At Co. Agents in Washing on. N. C ! ? ' *4 -ATKOATT |i 32r32$?3ytias?*?^ r - M?r ^ , L - T Formate By t McK. eel-Richards on ] Hardware Co. J ^ 20TH, POS ) TORN ADC Still Await You. :. hc ?2&J!?l-Z5S!^?fi?S-3 xlM*. -ul ^1 - .. la S; Come to our stare S Ted school Uhlet end Mo J We carry the very S upe u well ?a for the chll Every thmgr /or the t Ot claaaad *fl lu winter bad 7 la j our loaned .tin Mday atwr All Jltklna- ?M NaJo?Barai a rail kaown KncU?b atudaot of <aaolea "mnj M illrlded Into th<?e rbo IM rod haired and tbOM wba raottrad haired It la > llffareoc-o.- la almcat trirr cara of r?l ha trad child the major baa anoradrd lo dtaooTarlaft a fad balrad It aatar. and ha think a that practically b? wboto at Dm red-halmd population prtng* from a almf* tt4 halrad ?an *r back In ttoo paftt Bar* arc nm? la ordsr for rod to appear it mint be tba anceatry o? bbCb ridaa. A rod fatbar and a dark mot bar. or to* raraa. baidi/ arar hava a fed _ MM. Two rods always hare rad offspring. lot It la axaeadlajttp rare to Dad two wj. ? UWT1W" D.pn a ama JGHunifr T/ v It u a popular f?n?r.T tt?t rad bated Mruooa bar* anj ai.tlmtlrr tataparaHad. .."Tter ar* BO taora hot taaaWad than otter poopla. ?- ? t the j Days Oi :0R THE POULTRY BEGINNER. Detennine tbe schedule and fatton \ 'or feeding tbe cblcka. I Deckle whether you will atari with 1 ieuM. hatching eggs or chick*. , Determine tbe atyle of laying bouse j ind arrangement of tbe plant. 1 Properly locate your plant and de- t Ifle upon the number of layer* to keep I Settle upon tbe feeding ration for gSgraand tbe ecbedule for working It 1 Decide bow yon will protect your 1 jaby chick a from their enemiee? rata. 1 *ts. dog*. tochipi?Dt weather. . 1 Decide upon tlie breed of chickens ?- be kept and nW a breeder from shlcb to get ynmr foundation atockDetermine the manner of brooding roar cblck* Select jonr sqaipmeut . ind the style of boose joa Intend to mtnll It In. M -* Determine the method and equip , nent necessary to raise successfully to die Luytnjr age the clicks after they else the problem of the selling end j -boar to market yoor product at a n iro ft table margin abore cost?Country j A City That Waa a Pallor*, Of an ttM aarcn citlea of Asia pacta C* Santi haa Um mart Interesting iia) romantle history. and yrt. with all la natural adTautagea. Ita wealth. Ha ' Ampoa rnlffa. In wlae eiiimaalnra. Ita dctortooa artnlea. It wal tb* greatart ' hllore of ttnm all. aaya the Christian lent id Tba rlcheat man In tin rnrld TJtoaana, waa king of BardJa; ! h? wWmagnasiad. ?f Bar punt J ind yah through oaarconlldanca and ! ack of watchfutnaaa. dm* and again J t-waa surprised. conooarad and all h? ' lestroyad. until at laat tha dUlntegrnt- j ooaanad hjr ths wlntar ralna and hint- 1 d down bT dsrtroctle* aarthqunkea. nrtad tha city thirty foot tWep from ha alght of nun. It hacnm* a dead ltj. and It waa burted by tba forces ! <t natnra. 1 2 Aiaaw PrayarfVugs. , Pnyar roga war# erMsntly In ran tad or tha porpoaaorpkbTtdtng tha warIhlpera with at ebaolntaly claan plana n which to OUST prayera. It la not wroi or a ifoalnn M pnt/ ? a*/ (I ilece not perfectl/< cleen. end mine I Ucb one ken hto own epeetol ntf He 0 I not certain diet the epot ban net . teen polloted. It Aeee not matter to ? beee foHowera of M ohammed bow tncleen a nig that >a on the floor ma/ , le. becanee orer it the/ place the n rarer rng when their Aeeotloae begin. J ITIVELY II ) .DAMAGE J Don't Mies You 1? ?? jm -T~v*tr'??nwuw (M/uru nuc J ^eSeD BUTTERICK lb S t"; PATTERNS. ; i|: j? They Are the Bert. < I Bazaar A Story of Talleyrand. During the troublous days of the "A' rraocb revolution, vben aristocratic jl Mods wore dropping In the banket In. 3m name of liberty, fraternity and /J quality. Talleyrand tired and pfos-1 >ered by rirtue of a marvelous ability <g, o tell juat tba paycbological moment ^ u jump oq oh Dam wagon ana aDoara ] Qgj mother. y. . ' "U* j'V Ttie name of thl? French dlsplomat | inn been kept attre more than have ?> hose of most of his contemporaries by . i rast number of anecdotes In wblrh 4 le ttRoren. It *ts Ihlleyrand whom Da* lime Cfe fttael. homely bnt brilliant. the Tied to corner by asking him If she the rnd the beautiful Mme Kara ruler were jo fall into the water, which ope he would rescue. And Talleyrand Smiled _ n his moot languishing manner and ra- * jlled: "Ah. ma da me, bnt you awia so wall. I rou know!" x ' 1 ' . " V"' MmitI Wangen's Fountain #f Wine. tQ f ilatorlcol extravagances which are vU1| Ceosralfy associated with the name oC.giri lew, yet oe ersry Jnlj 15 the public len' fountain of Wangen. in the Alsace oopl vine country, flows with wine. In the a*l nlddie ages the commune of Waogen nil vae sentenced to make an suaoel payDent to the monastery of StraahnTT of ? 100 mesaorea of wine In 1TW the pay- . nent waa abollahed by the Directory. I Under Louis XT! 11. two merchants so- I rured the transfer of the payment to II hero, by means of forged documents, for ?050, hut the commune commenced rroceeding* a gal net tbem. In wplefc/Jt vae victorious oo July 13. 133M. Since hat date a coramhnifl festlrst ?s* . >ecn held on that day. sod from the mbtlc fountain erected to oommsmo- ? ate the victory wine flows for one lour in the day.?Westminster Uasette. No CWto'srts ****_ M 11 kl HW T1UMTUW 'ID* (lfl rlth tb* icrocUtto* vole* tad Jnst [ Mabel her ?>n?. ' | -Jovt think!" crauMd Brawn to (to loiow brail* Mm. "W* p*M rrai ? aoo*3T to b**r thatr *' <1 ?dnV wni lb. placid raapono* I Cam* In on * -ramp.*" "Dot 70a M to apaod ear far* to at kara. 4M TO* notr .aakad Brown. I -Nop*- roptied DM uneomplMMns ?! o* -I Bra In wilktac dlauoc*." "Bnt," p*mtK*d Brawn drapwatafr, st laaat too hopad to k* *at*rtnlD*d, ot panlabwl.-Bn. I dtdn-t earn." rrtnowt tb* ogn ???? ? ,AST DAY SALE r Opportunity. J$p! jrcffllF % ... . ^ JL ' 'm -r and get a Teaa and 4 int. a best shoes for grown | American Lady Corsets. All if Shapes and Siies. They 2 ] jive Perfect Satisfaction 4 V to. Six-Sixty-Six hie k pmertplio. prapuod wpccUHr ?S%S?Z&R^4??3 u - :: ken da.! Ionic lh? fm will not S"*V "A?1 "* * "* * h?tt*r then lom" *!*>* k*#ip?orkck?n. 2Sc ftdo *.tXES-&CE - U1 do* taxes are bow dee and menl must be made at owe or 4 owner will be prosceated and do*m destroyed. GEO Jt. HOWARD. Speeyte Tax Collector. I ?r- 7?< " ~~\ 7" 1 >' For Acs, Boras aad Frulsee. v ;-v3 a every bom* there should be a of Bach lea's Are lea Salve, ready ipply la amy case o1 bare*, cats, Lhdd or hcdldd. J. H. PolabOo, DeT1. Tax., R. No. 1, arrltes: "Bush- 'i* s cut toot No OB* bellsvedjl I s Arnica Salve saved my little Id be cared." The world's best ve. Only Ida Recommended by yiiypra ' - Vaudeville -If...' ?? ,? THE MUSICAL HYLANDS" ~ A Rich Musical Act _ . ' [OTION PICTURES OACXONT WEEKLY NO 81 Educational ami lastractlve I HER BROTHER'!! DEFENSE h ' Dramatic ~??l~ 11 v BABY BRIDE C | ' an - I . ? :** MAXDiaB SATCHDAT. ? 1 v.- ? v >* Imisrion 10 ?nd 20 1 OF OUR

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