J. O. Swanner etort^WttiOff ...... . r . . " , w uJTTuit! iTtoS? 1 2" H hound, havlnt been wired (or by Mr r J. O. Swanner whose store froUdtng | t was <mt? r d on Wednesday Bight Tha 4<x ana carrtad Immadiatelr aftor 111. ?rrlr.l to th. Men. ot the rt.bh.ri and h. at oner wok tb. tr.l and. want 41?ct to a bou.o atto.t.d Ml no on# at homo at tho tlmo and , the work of aomo (malt eolorad ' boya. No arraata haoo rot boon ( tion only missed a w2?h and one < pair of shoes. Thta la tho tonrtk , tlmo that tho .tore of Mr. Swaanei 1?m been entered In the past'three. ( ROPER Limn COMPANY i MMmOMfllfriBCp B?i iv. If. Cthanncoy, manacor of tho , Farrow Marine Railways, has Just , ' , oloaod a faKO contract with tho Jobi , r'a_ Sa^ntnwt ealln far ths. haUdlnp [ of a dredge 78 il? foot; llrfhg boat ? lltlll working boat Stall. Tho , boat when completed la to be used , ? ! f Use sal AlSsmuli oonSo si the rtoooa of EaMera Carolina. from is smalu but alive. ] Cedar P^oiot. ^ Kaiw Coniplttae Many , . f.' ^The extent to which"n?0ar*ts* G V , "pyi||Wi*>i?re OndluR their way Into 1 [v/ the smallest communities and nervine people not posseaaed of wealth Is weU * tllmitrited by Uie town of Cedar Point. Kan., aald tu he the smallest tnuuicjpaMty In the state, ha ring only IS3 ' P* town.jl?a*Ju?t con tracted for the contraction of an eiec tjrtc Ught plant- It wlllcoatSKdOOaed 1 if* ? <iSo <? 'W rwuty tor 6nli>a? vltlua nine It l? awirtii that thb win he the ' hoot lighted town tn tht atule. and II "_;^v wtH hare ? great white wmy*l'_ I SIMM Me plenty of people In the 1 larger tewna ato think that If the > hare ran or a' keroaene lamp or can- ' T;: nla? that ia an**"' ] pxtrnrBRance. Generally]1 epeeklng. the thrifty country towns I re better served with electric power < and light and perhaps oomo more modern convenience* than (be large town* or even the great city. . .. . ... j Caring Par His Health. Not many people* guard their health ! so cn re fully aa 81r Tattno Sykea. who 1 in winter wore five or *U coats when ' ant nding and ailed eoaie of them aa ha became warmer. Prince Pontia- 1 ktna, however, took even stronger pre' ?2??fWiA,?KS i Ut in his groends before venturing to ?troll in them. His waiatcoeta were made In" two separate piece*. Joltftkl at ?M ?ld~ by button.. w, ,b?, he con Id -t.-r ... '(^NMaavw'OnaaaWWaaalwaair , ?- wtthool mooring hl? coat. If caught , ' a a ahower he Shetland hlmaclf with an umbrella nearly two fact wide. ^ which cams down below ble won ana \ waa pierced with little window.. in \ racy Hot weather the prtnen wore S boon coo tad w*h tin ee a protection A againat mad doge and carried apnnsreo ? \ / taakdd with ttnoosirin ?? rtnrfroni \J to ward off unplgasadt anoUn-Lon -?M Chronicle. FARMER BUILDS MODEL ROAD. band and Stable Mulch Produc t, a road In front of hie farm which 1? pronounced excellent by aotomobmsts Ftr? he placed sand "to a depth of eerdral Inchon over the roadway. Then he wrend a table ranleh orer the aand to h depth of three Inchea. On top of thin he placed grnrel to a considerable deidh. The mulch .Ctad a* a hinder for the anod and gramh with the enanlt that the hnlf mile of pond la m ??. Mitchell trade, a mile of road It his townaliip annually. THERE IB RTY1.K AND < HAR-VC ter In every Tailored Knit for Up ; *" die. that 1. K. Hon Is ehpwlnf P If. Hla beautiful new Hne of Imported woolen, la raadr tor your appro ' Company "G" hka bright future. W a* organised In The regular weekly drill of Com>auy "O" thkea pi*m at Um armory >f the company this evening at eight xw to be present. The members o. k? company art ^ttlttbutlc over he futuro of the company and State hat the proepecta were never more rropltlons than now. The membert ire looking forward to the annua* ns paction In Novembe by Capt. R Langdon, United States Army and ?oL Tbomaa 8trlngfleM, Inspector ieneral of the North Carolina Na lonal Guard. tj-' ' Jfit Company "o" la bow compoaed o? lfty members. The >ompa&jr^vkl Irat organised In 1877 with theWt* fudge James E. Shepherd as captain t was through him that the organtaUcn was affected. Slnoe that tlmt h?. fpllowlag well JCB9FA -jAtfMUirave been captains of the company: James E. Shepherd, D. N. Bogart Charles F. Warren, J. F. Thoraae 5bar-.ee W. Tayloe. B. Rodman >ey Foreman, O. .H. Hill. Samua' *tount, H. C. Brassw, F? C. Maltteon fr. C Rodman. O. B. Wynne. JR. B Jewell, *:B Roea'and qeorjfeJ. Stud The present officers of the company row are. Captain. O. $: Studdert; LatLlyac R. R. Handy, and 2nd Lt Sergeant C&dy of the United Statet trmy, la expected to arrive nex' reek for the purposo of lnatructlnr he company In all details pertain ng to military tactioe The new dofae code has also been received ma me memwrs am now being in it meted in Uncle Sara's methods ? lolng things unknowing to the would Sorry Per the Overworked Art let. ? "Henry.- en id his deter st the break, fast table the morning after, "yon ihouldn't ask that young artist fcwwork f hard When be and s party of your Jther friends visit yon." -Hnbr refilled brother, earning out >f a postmortem revrffe of the Mg baud. * -Too needn't try to deny It.. I listened at the door swhlle. and some one waa always asking the poor artist to draw three* or draw some other nnrp ber of pictures At least you ahould bare been satisfied to bare him draw one at a time.-?Kansas City Star. A Complex Problem. -Do you think worry makes a man WHiBPBiLAv'1"It's hard to say.- replied the mas wboiglTes every question cautlbutt i-onilderii tion. "whether yon get bald be canoe you worry orybo worry because yon are petting bald. "-Chicago Beeord-HernltL r?a-T<? doDV^MhTto b. u friendly with him as yon ossd to be. NadNo: rth rnther ausplclopa of blm. He borrowed some money from me the other day and paid It bacfc^-Jndfb'' ' t*m tampimvnt. A FrcocWwm. an beta* In trod oca* to Sir Edwin LoikImm. ?hU: "1 ?m most huppj to tnak? >o? acquaintance tor I am Tory fond o| b^" ??^ li TT? rhnnwrft Wit who I htl until ktn tiiMd of W-OM Saying. ~ - -ii- if Ho'oqeJrdowe Kbto aleaMt.ffMCMt mad*. It b commonly taugbt tbat It m Orel distilled by tbo Arabians about tb# tenth century, but there bi ItUla doubt that they obtained tbo aacrrt ftbm Italian doctor*, irbo bad long been practicing It Paul Blebtao In tbo Berliner Kllnlncb. Wocbeoocbrlft abowa that a knowledge of "aqua ardeno," ar "burning watac," may ba traced aa far back aa tbo aacoad century A. ft to a Cbrlatun tatbar named Hlpirolytuo. irbo poeaeaaed a recipe a naloxone to tbuao bonded about during tbo nilddlo ogee. XX"olrlo.t BaHJBaSd^_l,on. Tennis lo pronounced the oldwrt of all tbo oslating b.ill cameo. It U linked In Kurope during tbo middle agm^ln the ^Irn^or O^bo^ of tbo r |-V"' ? ' ? ^ GOODaUJi OF --; .C.1 roMACOO TOOAt < Tkefe WU Mjother good s?:? of * L* tofcftcco today Tbure TU *iX I * ty-flvw tbou?n<r hwoflda in the ???; age price wee DI Wet we end one half cent. T?a farmer, were/ ! .Imply dellfhUd lwth the d?/-t aale a. they hare been loca'the * ( market opened In W.apft.ton A large .amber fttdmed the' of m K?~ iu ran nmiMTu wmrii XEWS PROM BROAD CRKEK Misses Ira Oreen and Mar Bea'-aaof Kaw Bern. If. C. spent from Saturday on til the following Friday with Mr nnd -Mra- Joe if utnfltt A. : Mr.J. B. Wallace of " Hawkins school honaa, was the teat ol ' ho daughter Mra. J. B. Totterton, one night last.week. jor >. .1 Mioses i.laale and Martha Latham nyenl Saturday In Washington. a - Ml* C> C. Cutler and slater Mrn. fcrank Aliigood, spent Tuesday last *eek_jflth Mra. C. B, and' Mrs. 3. B. TVttartkn. e}'"t - sm-'.L W There waa quit, a crowd of young folks at Mr. Joe Alllgood's Saturday It. J. Res pees and daughter Mlaa Mabel, spent * few dsrs lent week at Blounta Creek. They report a flue wrap Picking cotton and gathering graeeu.aeams to be. the order ot the dar around here. 1 .1 ' Mr. J. B. Reepeea and two ehlldren of Wnahlngton. Annie Slay and Lucy were rtnltore around Broad Crdek Saturday morn'ng. - Mr. Jenee Whitley waa a Washington visitor Wednesday. V, Mrs. Frank Alltgood returned .tc Wnahlngton Wadneeday after spending a few days with her slater Mr.. iC'.C. Cutler," . --- - - -+*Mr. and Mrt. E. P. Black of WasbIngton. spent Sunday ^rith Mrs. W [T. Latham. | Mr. J. B. Respeu of Washington; waa down on hie farm Monday. Mrs. Bert Wlnstead vlBited friends In Belhaven Saturday and Sunday, lflss Martha Latham spent Sun. J., with Ulaa IlnldU WhllUw O TTtllilV/. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tetterton and children visited friends, near River Road Station "Sunday. * { Mr. G. L. Pinkham and Mr. T. B. 'Wallace ef near Plnetown, were here fishing Friday night. Master Moye Thomas Latham is spending a few d?yi with his slater Mrs. B. F. Biack of Washington. Mr. Leon Gordon of Zlon, was in our midst Monday. toxc Atom*. :~r; The-meeting at this place begun second Sunday in this month and Hons. They had baptism at Van Swamp last Sunday afternoon. Last Sunday was, a very rainy day, nevertheless, there was a large crowd at church on Sunday morning. Miss Haled Harvey of Bonyan, spent several days with Mian Liaxi< Latham last week. Miss Triaie Tetterton of Jhaaama vial(6<1 bar many friends at this place day. Mr. and Mr.. j T Dlron of Blthoi Croan. a pent noma few daya with thsll mother. Mra. C. C. Latham, at UUa place laat week. Mlaa Florence Harrl$ of Pungo. N C , haa been rf?ltlng relatlrea and friend! at thla place tor aotrie time. Mr. Julian Harrla look Mian LI int. Latham oat driVfhg Sunday afternoon September Mil. ~ Mlaa Hale Keapeaa end Mrarer oth. ere of Pentego. N. C.. vlalted. thin place laat Bnnday. Mlaa Bloiae Davenport of Aere, N C . wee the (aaat of Mlaa SHe Latham lent Sunday. , V . roc HmcnffSBBTHE OTSPIA* of Mima and children . Cloak! In J. K. Hon-! ahnw window All the neweat ahadea and material* i.'. i of lis \mmt y loolluU Complete Directory of Deaufort Caonty compiled by J,C. Moan to. it Of toeatiI * mshlf value. R* J< Tie Dally Nee* hm lyat Imid from Ita jobb a. departmrot rery raluab'e book tor the boalneea mm aad cIOm. of tbla eoanty. It to ? dl rectory ' of iba respective ran raw. la the couoty. compiled by J C. Meektna Jr, of tbla city. Tit book contain, abfy-ftte payee " and arhen the directory of Tyrcil aat Hyde otmnalaa are added w 11 orob ably have M much as one hundred' cages. The directory bids fair to b? of Inestimable value as well as eer-l rice to the business world. The dl rectory gives the postoffice,'wumbeij of box, whether the pirty la married! or single. If married hU number ol children, and If the head of the fem-j i)y owns his home. The directory also in addition, wives the age. ant'occupation. Ae a reference book the I directory "is invaluable to the retal merchant; aa a mailing list It la ex-| ceedingly convenient tXL the public! generally; aa a source of Ihfona&Uon as to the condition of the general put lie, especially agriculture, the directory la full and complete. The di-! rectory not only applies to Beaufort county but. that of TyreU and Hydt u w?n. - itr: Me.Ua. already made arrangemen^t to^tomje a riPt quotank. . ?erquimans, Chowan ant Craven, which will also be printed at the Daily News jobbing plant. IBdU fflOTBGW - -r~4 TO AnEKO SOilVENTIQN "W. H, Raker of this city, exp'M-t?1 to leave for Richmond, Va., next Monday afternoon to attend the annuAl session of the Photographers Convention which meets in that citv Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday The rrsorf&tlon Is composed of photographers from the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virgin la. T he sessions of the convention, will be held at the Richmond hotel Photographers from all three states Will be in attendant *T KIIWAKD NISU'4. ' School opened here September 15, with Bstelle Green of Greenville ar principal, and Mies "Esther Tripp of Jionnerten. assistant. ? C-t?*L. Mlse Lena Jonee has Just-returned from a visit to Bath. Mm. C. C. 8parrow 1b visiting Mrs. Mary 8nell at Aurora. . vl? Mrs. W. H. Edwards is very 111. C. A. 'Campbell, representing E. R Mlxon ft Co., wis on our streets last week. ?- :- ?ffi'y Oh* milliners, Mesdames L. C Tripp, and A. D. Bennett have been North, and returned with a fine line of stylish and np-to-date hats. I ' Misses Mamie and Veva Edwardt [went to Aurora Saturday night. | Mr. C. C. Sparrow was a visitor Itik your city today. I HAWKINS SCHOOL HOUSE. I Mrs. Lucy Swindell end children of Acre. N. C., returned home Tnes day after spending several day* with her sister, Mrs. B. B. Pink ham. Miss Odessa Grumpier of Wilkin son. Is spending some dais.with Miss as AJJos apd-Mat1? Woolsrd. D.-H. WOdlard was a Washington visitor Tuesday. V Miss Chrlssy Hawkins was' the guest of .Miss Larcy Woolard Sunday afternoon. 3^' J ' Rev. Alfred Mlxon of In Austria Christian College. Ktnston M, C,, vti In our midst Bw&dijr. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. *t. Hawkins span* Saturday in Washington shopping. Miss WUIlw Lee left last Tne*d?7 for Hertford. N. C.\ where she *vlfl spend several days with Mends nesi that. town. .... - ? :>i Misses Berths aadkBessle Jefferson spent Saturday night and 8unda> relatives near Walla Wstta. This section was visited by a very heavy rain lag! Thursday. Mrs. J. T>. 8waln spent awhile Sonday afternoon with Mm Job* Haw0?<u to the IncJeaeeor ? the weather then waan't any aerrloe at i I - >- W v.- - ' /% III : %/ * T't *-* . . . ...?.? :-"?2ML.- .:1 ? Now York?Burma. Coopar. ' Creadon. Dor*. Damaraa,Flat, "char. Fromrne, Grant, Hartog, Hartley, Krrturt. Vtltaa. Math Mon. Murray. Mayan. UeLaaaTT 1 Mark).. Rob n.on, McCormlOk. Shafcr, Baodgraaa. Thorpa, Taa- i raau. Wllhoa, Schupp. ' < Philadelphia?Schang. Lapp, * Tbomaa, Bandar, Plank. Hoack. Coomba, Brown. Bhawkap, Paa nock. Booh, Wyekpff, Mclnnla, ? _ Colllna. Barry. Bakar. Orr, Doric Laraa. Oldrtnk. B trunk. E. Mar pby. Waiab. Da'ay, ?iir Fimi I! pni Everything It now In readiness foi the Eastern Carolina Pair which will laic* place on October 28. 29, SO and 31. Last year this fair was so well patronized that .the large grandstand would not accommodate half the peo. pie who tried to get seats.- The management this year has doubled the size of *he . grandstand. It la now one of the largest In the South and wOl accommodate between four and Qi-* thousand people. It la so arranged that It will be Impossible foi anyone to stand up In front of the} tVT^Wie wbo.am^led Ths wsikj way to the grandstand lis from ttw, rear of \be seats and the only en-] trances are by large stairways at the rear, of the grandstand. The track is one half mile to length. It is 65, feet in. front of the grandstand and the back stretch. It Is[ pronoanced by horsemen one of the best tracks In the country. I A floe racing program haa been ar-'i ranged'for Tuesday, Wednesday and , Thursday. There will, bo pacing \ trotting and running races. At the j close of the horse races on Thursday there will be two motorcycle races < one for single cylinder maohlnes ant' t for machines of more than one cylln- j ^r. ^Jnst to the right of the grand- j stand can be seen the large main ex ( hlbit building. This is unloubtedl. i one of the moat handsome exhibi < buildings in the state. To the righl t of the main exhibit building id the poultry building. Next comes the i Citv Beantiful Permls where the la- h dies of this organisation serve good j things to eat. Next comes the Worn. < ans' Club building. This is a mag- . niflcent building erected by the fair ] association and is In the hands of the i Womans* Club of New Bern-Thls j building in comfortably furnished ! all ladles who visit the fair are extended a cordial invitation to make this building their headquarters whfh : visiting the fair, and every effort wil be made to make them comfortable 'j To the right of the Womtu' Club building cah.be seen the large swine abed. Still further to the right arc ? the large horse anil cattle-arhodt. Tuesday. October 28th wilt be i known as "Everybody's "Day." A gigantic parade will take place down town after wlbch the fair yrtll be open ed with an address by a speaker of national reputation. His name wfl bo annnonced-later in the^ papers. MYSTERY TEA HONOR OF TIE LOYAL SONS The Loral Daughters of the Christian. church gave a Mystery Tea Pie tr at the home of M|m Pearl Wittier corner of Harvey and Fourth streets, last (evening. Between Forty anJ fifty guests were present and the en tln? evening carried with pleasure as well as merriment. The Loya? Daughters served delicious refreshment*. Miss Whitley -proved to o? a harming and win^me hostess. FWn hnutM There are pow at the County Home flfteen 4nsaatee, nine white and tx colored:. Qo^urln Shoes for ladl^^ba a.'. I ' ju_ h-Vf t J . ( - ,. V e Y9R1 AM mmnLm VHl BATTLE rh? dale and place of the Opening game decided by a nip oi a cola Local (ana to attend. Tlx expected tuts happened. Tin ! * York Gluts bars won the penisnt in the Natioul Lsacne ud will ra -jhj toiiieuuen WllB me JklttieUCl A the World's series for the great championship McOraw's men settled the controversy In the old league ^winning fromBrohklyn yesterday. They hare ten more games to play including the protested affair gnd a postponement with the Phillies and me with Boston. If they lose aft hey cannot be overtaken by the Phillies', their closest rivals. Philadelphia. Pa.?Assuming that the New York team will win the National League Pennant, themembert )f the National Commission have derided that the first game between that ctuo &sa the Philadelphia Amer. lean League team for the world't championship shall be played In New Fork on. October 7th. The umpires agreed upon for the leries are H. Connllly. John J. Egan tvir.latn Klenj and Choa. J. Rlgler The second gafne win be played In Phlladel phla on October 8, aftei vblch the clubs will aternate between the two cities unless potponed be ause of rain or for some othei >?Hi 1C a legal giwt Is nut playsd1 i>??l9tma. wll$ remain in the city where the postponement ooeurrad intil a legal game shall have been i played. In the event of a legal game result ng in a tie the two clubs will not play It off In the city where It occur-: ed, but will move on up to the nexl! dty the same as though the contest; resulted In one of the teams winning 1 Ul games will start at 2 p m.. and | ;here will be band concerts on each ground from 11a. m., to 1 p. m. In New York the following pricet j rill prevail: Box accommodating 4, persons, $35: upper grfndstand, re-J lerved $3; admission and entire lowv tr grandstand, unreserved, $2; bleach I ?r seats, $1. Unreserved seats wil l pe sold at the Polo Grounds on thc; lays of the games, first come first jerved. Reserved seats must be purchased for three days from both clubs. Ir played the clubs will efund the mon sy for the third game tickets. In Philadelphia the price will he: Box seats, $5 each; eserved seats In main grandstand 33; reserved seat* light and left field pavilions, $*.00; bleacher seats 31. The sale of tickets both In New fork and Philadelphia, will be undei regulaticns made by the .clubs themlelves. The commission announced 0n behalf If the two clubs that mai orders will positively pot b? received Neither club will be permitted t' construct exta stands on.^he field No spectators will be permitted tc overflow on the fields anjl there wll' be .no ground rules. Official scorers will be Francis C Richster, Philadelphia, and J. G Taylor, 8plnk. St. Louis. Wm. J. Mocbeth, New York, and Jos. M. McCyeady, Philadelphia, wir have charge of newspaper arrangements in their respective cities. Ap plications for se/^ts are to be made tc them. The Commliplon appointed LeslU H. Constant, Tfecretary of the Pitts buff club. represent It in both cities, but wbu not yet accepted the appolntmtiif. A preliminary meeting of the commission -tftll be held in New York on October tth. The. 4fate and place of the opening game yas decided by a flip of a coin As Garry Herrmann, chairman of the tbe commission tossed a half dollai in the air. Mr. Hempstead called "head" and head It fell. In the next Indian t he called ont "New York Oo cober 7th." Explaining "tempemmeiH, A girl Is not unci ? rily cut out tor s prima donna Just because she Is bard to maaajra-Plttsbargk Past yotors Australia. " IfidlMd 'Aso^rslla produces mns No. Ml Witt mm State vaatamottnr|H 'IlOn^y flutl JJiit ^jS pm Myi Gov. Craig tO^M the Legislature. Raleigh, N. C.. fi.pt. M.?Attss XUf I miMffn of Oaearnor Craig kU tM 1 rMf la both branches of Ik* Raft* Carolina legislator. jMt.rd.r. Ikgj| two house, cleared decks lor a Ion# J nelgn of important beMeeen. In bin message the goreradr nMr ] araton hla .lava on the pending ?-J mended propo.nl made by the mile S roads for asttlsmaat of rata illllmi J onoos with the sUU Ho iia^ll mends that the rates offered bOj^M^B cepted for two years ai to the Tats*tr'l \ in dispute, the state and shipper* to hare the right to proceed at ?1U mI relief from any other charges. | He declares that acceptance of railroads proposals will save I state a vast amount of money and ? - a | able Carolina shippers to compete with those of other states. I Both houses adopted a role fixing % \ October 1 as the limit for the lau <~9 troductlon of bills. I Senator Bryan of Dnrhsm. Intro- ..3 | duced a bill appovlng all amendment* ^j?H to the constitution prepared recently : I by a special commission. ?| Am a preliminary step toward com- -Ifl sidermtlon of the governor's recom- 3 I mendation the house of . represent** JS | lives today adopted a resolution re- _JH'| questing the State Corporation Com- .*9 mission to furnish the names of ?IT " > i members of the legislature holding railroad passes or in the employ *1 railroads. m mi. n.is m DUE TflEIR OFFICES Yesterday the UUrd^jear I school class met in their room 1 public school building for the purpose -Ok ; of electing officers for the ensstag | year. The following were n&msd: Margaret Haxuly, president; Edwin MoGowan, vice president; Brow? '-jJM | Hodges, treasurer; Merit Fousboegsc ret%ry : Eleanor Swanner, and Jastn* v J>9 I Randolph were elected Japitora. Th? I third year class is one" of the bright- j j est In the history of the public school j jand great th'ngs art eznected ' od'JH | them the coming year*-. GOOD ATTENDENCE AT THE SKATING RIKK : =? The skating rink now being; rind * at the tobacco warehouse on North Market street Is being liberally attended by the young people^ The < opening night was a corker so far aa J jttcndance iB concerned and tbeifciL#'- v| era enjoyed the evening immensely. Not only were the Juvenile aet da lighted but the older ones as well. ' 1 No doubt but the rink will bo one of the many attractions genorousiy attended in Washington during the fall and winter. . ..'3 From Western Markets ^ 111 Mr. Clande L. Carrow returned yep ^ tefdav from Western he purchased a car load of line bo"r* for the Hasaell Supply Company. Madam Eld.,a in the CMy ? 1 Do you desire to know anything of < your future? Do you wish to boar i ^ your past history told? If so by alt means call on M adim Eidon. the fa- . _J raona Palmist who 1b here for a few days longer.' She is the lady whi read the hand of President McKlnley and.foretold blm ot his asanasInsffdij. ,dMI She Is a wonderful wornpjt and mm tell you things that will astonish 70a H MRS ARCHBKLL TOMORROW . U the members of Pamlfoo Chaja 9 tor. Daughters of the Confederacy/ are requested to meet at the ft ilea sg $ of Mlsa Lena Wlndley Saturday af- j ternoon Br the purpose of uMctfihtfk^V Mrs. Lucy V. Arch bell, of glaatom, / M editor of the Carolina and Souther* Cross The meeting la called far 4 .a o'clock promptly, j ,1; ' i. *. HOYT RAI HIS MTLUHRXT :r?T u'nrr * - t > :^v?sU||BK ^ -m

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