m OME \ : ?BgUT ' pruicoata. ?? * |J6 <1*117. Ei I?1 ' '*-?**?*- K?r ., . . I JSSBSEEKS S&S j. ?2. darns. | " 9-26 IU. -- / ' TANCT XINE OF sano RCOS A1 . -MM.EM. c,. -jf"? 4XAT1!?J RINK OPENS WHDNRS night it tobacco warehouse on Market atreat. Spectators # canta - -admission. Laffles ahaunr TOeta * Una akatlnp nets. .v m , ?-ll stc. ' ' r *. ' ' assailelsBnas?]j.' . 'j.r 'in '"r1. Thorns Nicholson or Bath, mol Dr Jack Hlaholaon, la a Washington retailor. J. B. Arch ball of Bath, was on otu v -streets thta morning. SATURDAY AND MONDAY" SPROL ali. The Ham what am. AF mour'a Star ham, the beat to b? r had at any price at 11a per pound. Qeanlne smoked shanks, none bettar at 17c per pound. A lull Hoc of other meats at money as Tim prises?X-B?"boas IT. , ; ?-j? itc. YOtJ SHOVED TRY RHODES' FOR . getmenot CMm. Equal to anV I5c v offering at 80c per pound. Poach ee. Orapes. Applet. Bananas al Rhodes. Phone 180. Don't forget dams Milk Bread. -if itp. CABBAGE. RUTABAGAS, ONIONS Sweet Pitatoes at J. E. Adams. , ?- ite. 15.06 RICHXOND. VA., AMD RETURN VIRGINIA STATE PAIR ? -Mchsuad.Jk* Octoh. l-il Inclusive On account on this occasion the Atlantic Coast Line DalWtad Ot67T the above attractive round trip / ^rate to Richmond, thereby affording the public an opportunity to take part in one of the beet fairs held in ! ' the eountry. Splendid attractions day and night; 150.000 fa prlsee be tag Awarded. , Vv <\ Hife v' Tickets on sale (Or ?J1 trains Ootober 3rd 11th Inoluslve. United returning to reach original point s,i _ not later than midnight of October V i?t*. \ Children between a gee (lee and \ twwlrw genre belt fere 'On *nd Vnhe gtror friend* with gon. Jj -.J V W. J. CRAIO. T. C. WH1TR I P. T. M O. P. A I Wllmlnglon, N. C. t"7 ~ I nM Loolsvlll Affifei, KtE*MlicurdhulSU Co:np M|P ^ Pagan of Dardans, N. C. lia l Mir, Alio lonrn of Ql^oirjn*. H j [ en'routo to Edward., N. C4,-arbor, ah? I wi I t?ch mu.ic IdaAo .iwded Kkoo I of that town thl, ae.aloo. I - 3? 'j/jEv,r ' ? 'II L ?at>.. < - .1.1...1 iiiin . HMH XdOregor Of GOIdaboro, N c?hf oil our atreeta tbla mornioB ' H 9 Gtbba of Middle too, N 0.1; 'tie so eat of Ma daughter, Mra. R. B 1 Woaton on Beat Main street - } pT h* ^T': *&" v -\T WJ J. 4 Wilkinson of. Belhavan. U 'bar* todAy on bualnoaa. - CASTOR IA Var Infanta and Children. 7 Tto You Hava Ahraft Boogtil ?(rt'DIltm IXVESTION! JtST out. Agent* eotnlnx money. Ugbti bogie brilliantly for on* cent per night. Allen-Sparka Qua Ught Co.. LttSng lflcH. ?-ie ?? teli't: ? THE BEST LOKWmOnt AXE corn Meal. Alao Hominy, c. 8 Meal and Bulla. Ray. ate. J. B Adama ?-|?_Jtc. ROADS in Wisconsin. But* Highway Appropriation la Lar?ar Tbap Evar. Tba fTowtk of tha jrood reads protv mount of money provided by Um I state of Wisconsin. / "- '. I For 1914 that amoont la $1,200,000. rbflTMi for the prrraot ynar U la odly SSfttSM. and for 1?12 It was $469,417. The*? money* krr distributed among the counties In proportion to thetr need*. Ultrraakoe rettluf the lirpit share. $23L72a Mroattio Psps. P -I don't think jour father foeie vory kindly toward me." raid Mr. Stay Is to. "Ton mlHjnd?? Mm. The moraine after yon called on me bo aeetne . Knlefcecv-Tberabi plenty of rflfei at U the top. Rocker-Yes. but yoor wife let* you have only the bottom bureau I drawer.?New York Hon -" "iy ' i] ft? fth- DJ*V, V i i "Jmet pmpo^.-rt rw m* frhWo torn Id* j 1 the mntd^ fnt me h> th* pinno." V .SajJ "Ah. I * ! YOU play*) ricbt Into , hla hand*." , m { By ttio ?trw< of By and By om ?r-1 ft!?# !? the pAn?*?f NVrer rorrwnt**. I I ?-? . ft. B I 111 L UHI^J m I wi\ M m' Iv, HI 111 . ninl I n /*SSX 1 i r: i\ ? wj. r i||||y ?>7Hi?,fM,A.?.KI 11>> in C^nl Pop?Ur 2-button *tyle for. With natural abotaldara ant) long lapel*. Back Tightly .. tana ?Ue4. ? button Tilt , wlUtTSaUs. Trousers smooth fitting over blps, medium , 1?*S.' H'vv WHAT'S ^4 | behind two buttons Z ; ' A great deal if ytmU notice carefully the Kirschbaum two button - wit jinn tbore. 7 1 First, thare'8 the stylethe simple, unobtrusive air which can't be had in more ornate designs. Secondly, //Ogre's the wear?the Kirpjhbaum c quality that faces hard #t ~ vice With a chip oti its shoulder. v > Like an our other Kirschbaum Cloths t1520IZ5. shuwu how, is made of ill . wool, shrunk by the original London cold-water piooese. It's also sewn throughout with silk thread I You'll find it better fittin* than any other suit* you ever wore. > You're always welcome to look over our Kirechhaum Clothea, whether ox not you intend to buy. ' On the sleeve of our $15, ISO and IS5 Kirschbaum Specials you will find a guar antee ticket that guarantees satlafaction on a moneyTHE HUB~ 1 . - , * rjkR TO SAVE FRENCH ROADS. Public Werics Minister Plane te Spend 150,000,000 en Them. Not lew than $50000.000 will be pyent In the next tensor twelve yra Mittlnz-a. tar cunt oa JLOOO miles or trighway or one-quarter of the roads ?f France, according to the minister if pnbHc work*. M. Thierry. The new tourist department at bis ministry Is grappling with the problem of overbanllnc the roads for the benefit of the motor truffle, which has x) ready reached huge proportions and la threatening to ruin the splendid highways for which France la famous. >1 Thierry la convinced that the only way^to rotabat-tbe wear and tear )| to Tiinh!rtrtrwM?dMl? tarring.of the roads, lie purposes to meet the henry put by a graduated tax- on automo-. biles ranging from *10 for twelTe nbrse power cam to *30 for all orei sixty horsepower. x M. Thierry also says that the tourist deportment is going to see Prance prodded vrltb clean, comfortable and hygfcrafcv hotels, whlen rewound Ju tiermany; Austria and Switzerland, bnt ire lacklug In the repgWlc. although ^verrwhere the food obtainable in French country inns is excellent . frulld 209 Mil. Read In One Day. A now road ana miira In length was constructed In one day In Michigan ttmnifb the concerted efforts of mo tortsts end others atony Ha route. l\ wss the^lturon shore ^nlMtoe^blstv bfciv1" '4- ' f .4 v '3 PHONE 89. '"*-4 try \ gf _ ' 'JV*> .' I %' v:t' J. ^ . V; 'r;* , / . ? ' .y" ' I Of attW COJTEE and TEA or | PO8T0M to nrntltytuK rtoi ro?1 know t?,y are load. We handle the beet. Special price. on Phone 261. Free DeUrery Phone Orders Appreciated? PURE FOOD GROCERY J K. BONNKK. Pro*. * w''i == for ( eta. Bere, and Bmleee. i In mr home there ahould be i box at Bucklen'e Anion Selre, ready to apply In awry baae of bnrna. cute wound, or acald?. J. H. Polanoo. J>eP villa. Tefct-R^Ne. ?. write.: "BuckKlrri.eat-toot.~~TO* one baUakad It lan"a Arnica Selre acred my little MUM ho eared." The world', beat lalra. ciate ?Ke a. Ml drngtJita. ? Hot Springs Liver Buttons are inTown Tone up your liver; clean your bowels of tool waste; drlre out poieonoui |MU, end constipation and fed fine and full of energy in twenty-four hours. Throw away calomel^ Ki dMttroM; W - ' r>.i ' t'lj-V-Imagine, if you p ' fort in trying td vi of shoes. Your d T ' very strenuously, e ?.l. ~?i. iui^ w/a ana |jau "J trouble. Their fan exterior appearanc the danger. A sh< ing, regardless, ir jury to a child's f( II ijfrn&i rtJr^^^ if? I III * I I II JX" ]j^^^ic|h x 1 !r_ I Your sPare bedroom S or guests room should be well uxnished- -its comfort means reputation for you as a hostess". It is not necessary to spend a large sum on this room, but whatever you do spend should fee in good taste and all for the comfort of your guests. W e have great experience in this kind lo furnishing and can help you. cniiTHP^" CT'^' C6e TVacQf^GoodRmyUatQ Washington. WC. || - 'MM i \ t i Meredith College: j One of the few college* for women in the South that confer* an A. B. degree representing four year* of genuine college work according to the Standard of (be aaanariatlnn of Colleges of the Southern States. Diploma* awarded those who complete the course In the Scooob of Art and Music Library facilities excellent. Systematic training in physical education under director and assistant. Courts for tenuis and basket-ball. Board and . famished soon In Mian Building, beat, light, literary tuition, feet for L -- physician and nunc, and all minor fees, $220.50; la the East Building and Ottama,. from 047.50 to 9*5 lean. Students not offeringthe necessary uaitstor entrance msy prepare In Meredith Academy, which Is rated ia Class A of the accredited schools of the State U university. For Catalog, Quarterly bulletin, or fuller Information, address R. X. VANN, Preat. - Raleigh, N. C. I Washington Collegiate Institute | S * WASHINGTON PARK Washington. N. C. 5 # First Year Opens Oct. 1st Wed 9 a. mTS | JS Grammar. High School aod Collegiate Depart- 2 ! ? ments. Courses in Agriculture, Domestic Sci- 2 ! . A ence. Typewriting, Book Keeping and Stenog- A j raphy, Boarding and Day Students. Rates j ! J Reasonable. Small classes, individual atten- j y rion and 1? r * " ~ i J* %?w? buu ou|/vi Tjoiun oj. ?iuuy. ror catalogue ~Z ! , | or information address, , i ? EDGAR A, LOWTHER, Pres., 11 J J Washington, N. C. -J [ >ur Children's Schc easure J8WL This ! i w" "pgBB^n -' lease, your own discom- Selz Waukenphast and fork in an ill-fitting pair for boys and girls are o lildren exert themselves foot form lasts by skille WWMIIV oI'lcrfeKrvl Ao n " ?-->- - ?' uv wiiWli 4 kO A - U1V. AdillV V.11UI littlU i-illC i don't growl about foot Selz as a positive leader cy begins and ends with facturing industry of the :e of shoes. Therein lies sold exclusively in this i >e salesman bent on sell- men who know how. light do permanent in- most people who give si ret. thought. C A. Turnage's * - , 1. I MHBHPMHm3f v. -"-H ^ -'lyii ay ii . ,^ ... ,r" I ..SfiBH > ?Q\ vjJ Jj *"fe S ijyB ' ,' \ ija ,..< , > ar DoUff md III* CT6I11. . ' * 1 V If not; get bauk fcaakl ? ?r Striae ft | jj i ll to day the ?h| t iHaHal 1 wealth. 4 per cent, iafcaml allowed aid "f ' V- 'i <*u i.'fr '. '- """ : { Blue Ribbon Mj \ HAMS I Once tried akoayt ft QUALITY GROCERY [ 1 WALTER CREOLE S 0L| 1 PkMMNVfl f J homemade 1 SMOKJtD I SAUSAGE, i PHONE | Central Market ; Diun CLAUD A. LITTLE. W "The Store Around the Cmmf | >ol Work I Fall ] JM ?J Liberty Bell shoes lanufactured over 1 workmen, using JB that characterizes in the shoe manuworld. They are .tore and fitted by This appeals to , Jl ich matters serious I fet