p ' - wj)ji ? M ' l"l , *?0t^ I* ' m?-\i ??/* * * , ^'-' Jjj MottiB? ,V? : *^|9 JMU?n4 will pJmm notify tkla of ? an dato of ax?lraKa? ?ttit?ia * WW too cooUnaad at nnai nlI jb ~lZ!s:jMmwa * . U TOO d? aot ?a. or wrKa Ifea auacar. and tha complaint wilt fuatrr l:' llata aan?M It la awr daft ' i y "? ?'*yt ^ y \ ; an articiaa acat to tka Dally Nawa ler publication moat bo alcnad bj I joun u. ltacKeieuer or rounda t tions for two types or preventiv< 11 work. The Rockefeller institute fo. research experiment* in method both of preventing and curing the sprcrd of hookworm. A: the *,a-'? meeting of the Amerl can Public Health association, Johr M.. G tun. d'rrctor of the Russel S?~'e foundation, to d of the opinior ! J of those woo administer that funr that the prevention of preventable > disease wa9 a most promising methoc of Improving conditions Another Interesting report was t> Mr Mil bank on the purpose of th? Audersop fund. Mrs Anderson, ii | this foundation, specified that It wa. to be used for prevention. 1 Ftil lie health work 1b another waj 1 to spoil prevention of preventable 1 dlMAM. " J V- ?: I choice Property for sale. i have for sale one of the beat piece: of realty offered In Washington for , ling time. The ground alone Si i worth the price asked for this valna We property It la located on 8econ< J street?lot la 4* 1-2x210 feet deep { i / , Jt la within three minutes walk of the I fenslnest center of the city. And i $2,000 eaa secure this real estate bargain. Would make an Idaal loea , tlon for a large hotel. For further particulars, addreaa W. H. McDEVETT. P-29-lwc Washington, If. O *~o?y ' i iBiiirB No matter in what condition or for *? ? porpo* Itomklx w*X U? H ii ? A# ? ?j? i, ,. . 11 fcl r r.'vrtirsSeS With respect to the plant so whoto these (Urora ace moat abundant and plea?at Joat before -the flower* appear. Since they art generally doe to essential oils which are quickly dissipated by heat they are more abundant ta the morning than after the eon has ranched the senlth. , A* a general rule, therefore, beet result* with foliage herbs, especially those to be used for drying and Infusing. may be secured when the plants seem reedy to flower, th* harvest being made aa so^^^t-the dew has dried and before the^ay has become very wtirui. The loaves of parsley, however. may be gathered as soon as they attain that deep green characteristic of the mature leaf. Since the leaves are produced continuously for many weeUs the mature ones may be removed every week or so, a process which encourages the further production of foliage and postpone* the appearance of the flowering stem.?American Agriculturist SHOE MANUFACTURER PREDICTS CATTLE FAMINE J. Harry Selz of Chicago Says United States Must Have More Cattle at Once. Considerable interest and alarm is manifest all through the United States over the . cattle situation. Those, who have been making a study of this and are in position to accurately foiec&at the condition 1 in this country take a very serious view of the matter. 1 J. Harry Selx, president of Seb, Schwab j It Co., large shoe manufacturers of Chi- | rego. who are probably among the largest I buyers and users of fine leather, in an interview yesterday stated that the shortage of cattle was the greatest menace thi* country hna to face. "The real importance of this," said Mr. Seb, "can hardly I* perceived by the average person at the present time, and they will only realise s-hat it means with relation to the high >oat of living when it ia too late to relieve the situation and the mischief has seen done. Meat will be higher, and. of rourse. that affects the price of leather ind likewise the price of shoes. If the population continues to increase for the lext six years in the smbm proportion that t has in the last six years and the cattle nipply keeps on diminishing in the same proportion, there will be only four head >f cattle to everr t?n iwml< TV;. xn-hnlf the number of cattle in proportion to the number of people that there rere tivclve year* igo. "If this queetion were thoroughly underrtood by the rural community and immeliate action were taken towards more cable raising, the situation would be eomevhat relieved. We are alaughtering our rattle, and especially the calves, ruthlessly, rithout giving any thought to the future, fiyery farmer in this country ought to be .ncouraged to double, treble or quadruple lie supply. In my opinion cattle raising rill not only prove profitable in the next ew years, but almost a nation-wide neceelity. I am speaking not only from the tide end of it, but from the food supply. "If the government would pay more ittentioa to the conservation of cattle ind lees in bickering about things that lon't concern them, it would be a great lelp to the country in the end. It may ound foolish to some people if the gov rnment would pay a bounty on every tend of cattle raised, bat it would be beter expended than for a lot of public buildnga in ont-of-the-way placea. "They talk about turning to South America for their supply snd even Arlentins, when only s few short years igo the cry went out that America could eed the world. S?uth America cannot upply us with good cattle. They dont ake care of tnem down there. Argentina ias its hands full supplying other counnes. The only other Urge cattle rai?ug section is Australia. England and ha* olomea consume this product." FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS Ey Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford's Black-Draught. McDuff, Va?"I suffered tor several rears." sav* Mrs I R u/WMniiae ? * [his place, "with sick headache, sih* itomach trouble. Ten yraraago a friend fold roe to try Thedlord a Black-Draught, which I did lad I found it to be the bat family medicine tor young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand a the ^?,ro ^e good ?!? any madid* We never have a long apefl of aick^gB^kSghr" we mmmnr** f1* "25 ??" ?**> aid digeetfon, resymptoms. II haa been la ceaafent me for more Bjenk^D ^* S5e S^lsc^O^ Children Cry f1 /^i /j^^^T! _ Si^**^ ** SSS^pTiSrfeSSi contataj neither Opium, Mo m&&25*'E 3Hb es<3Sj -w In Use For 0\ The Kind You H*v? tm? ;?htmu?oo*?^?i PRETTY' HANGING BASKET L. Plenty of Young Plants Should Bo Used?Moss For a L'ning. The must unsightly part about the average banging basket. especially If It hus long been in private bauds. Is ( the bare sides and bottom. If such baskets cannot well be worked over and replanted get a handful of slips of c wandering Jew or tradeecantla. punch * holes in the Bides with a lead pencil and put In the cutting*. The basket will noon develop Into a thing of beaoty. When filling these moss covered baskets plenty of young plants of k>be11a. saxifrage. hen and chickens, sod the like should be freely Introduced as the basket is gradually lined with The New Hydrangeas. No flowers have of late years been more highly Improved than the bortensln type of hydrangeas. New colors and forms with Immense flowers are the distinguishing features of the new types. The Individual flowers are rather lea* than the common type unless De imp mac tne nower truane* and follnge hnre ao rnuob increased Id alse hl as to reduce the sjngle flowers to a w minimum. The foliage Is also vastly |( larger than in older type* One new white aort baa the petals frilled and fringed, and all are now In bloom. New Certain live Puts Calomel Of From Hot Spring*. Arftu, when the at BeatM^dicnlBi^toAmerttaam pt To relieve constipation with violent remedies that simply force their way yc through the bowels la easy?but how b? about the after effect of auch strenuous at treatment? ?p The people of America are now of- ni fared a Liver, Stomach and Bowel r*medyby name HOT SPRINGS LIVER 81 BUTTONS, that Is a certain cure for T constipation. They are gentle la their gi action and give speedy and blissful relief. th They are so good for all Liver, Stom- C< Madam Scientific Palmist ai Hundreds turned away. By public longer la order to afford all an opporl lift! reading by the Science of Palmistry, NOTICE?In 1 ~ 4$ chic Palmii you need m questiona, si rwff! without you w word, to tell wv ?? ?p edooatlon. Moro Ulan a mil Hon dol ar A wida raajn of ooann. Noeaaoary expaoaaa o( tke atadaat m :V''S[ -If J- . - o one to deceive you In thto! id "J u?t-M-**o?to^ OU. P?rer mora than thirty" j ?o Stomach and Bowels, K dltliy and natural aloop. Mother's Friend. OR IA ALWAYS rer 30 Years ) Always Bought My.KSWVOWK.CITV. ' Smoking Poitrron of Korea. A decidedly quaint character to the [orean postman, says a writer In the Fide World. Too coma across thesv entry In the moral uk. delivering the Jtters. They appear to recopulze tb* Ignlty of their office and fulfill thelt ntiea In a Tory quiet and grave man er. In wet weather be does hto "rain lotbee" to protect him from the heavy ho were. Over hto white kaftan be aura a fight mackintosh, provided by thoughtful government, while hto ead la catered .with a waterproof hat tade of oil paper. He fa further forti ad against the wet- by an umbrella Ike moat Koreans, the postman could ot possibly work without hto pipe, od as be strolls from boose to bouse re csrtied ln a leather satchel strap d to hto hack. Tide Individual amy 9 taken as a typical example of the hyaftcal ebdrhr larfaUts of thaee Interrting people. They are tail?over ? Md higher than the Japanese-wall ullt and fidr eomptoxloned. ' U' ' > Hibillad John. 'wnk* op! IVr*1! orator d ' Frea aample and 1 CO of eer 17,000 te?monlals from Hot Springs Chemical x. Hoc Bprtnga. Ark. Eldon nd Crystal Gazer requests, a'lll remain a few days unity to am n?r wdnderfttu gift of ocgmiogio that Mammoth Crystal, avlng a paytry reading >t ark n" U1IIC6 ie proceedi ' utur^f ...il Hours: your paat w a. in. atantR, whav ofesilon yov to I id to follow :^:'Z 10 p. nn? lings. [arket St-Upatalra. College d*T0M4 u d.T?Ionlii? mm. Ita ,i til importmt. j^ulma to ail 4*7 of February, 1?1|. by George Paul. Clerk of the Superior Court Beaufort fount?. North Caroline, f the .un of |16*e.?f Fifteen 11 u I ^n00^ d.Bw./ u0 de.uy In transporting a ginningt Ot or system pioparatory to Inela Inn the same, In the fall of 1?1 which euintiione waa returnable b fore the JndKe oi the Suoeriil Courted! Beaufort county to be he the eccoud Monday before* tne I Monday of March, It being the 17 day of February, 1?1S. The aa defendants trill also take notice th en .eUa. summons, warrant'at i larhmnnt and writ of garnlehme wad ordared to be leeuod agele them, in the ?aid cauae. by Hie Hon Frank Carter. Judge Presiding et t August term of the Superior Con of to* uid Court, did on tie >5: dor of Au*um 1?1J, luras an alii summons ngalnat the Mid 8t. Lo ?? U4 8ac Francisco Railroad Col pany and Houston and Texas Oe trel Railroad Company to be and a pear before tho Judge of the Rupc f arXO?rr-? Beltffort county, at court to be held for the Mid conn on the 4th Monday After the Or Monday of September, 4t being ft] 29th day of September 1911, ai answer or demur to the complal of the plaintiffs, and did iuue a wa rant of attachment and writ of gar tshment commanding the Atlant I Coast Line Railroad Company ai I Norfolk Southern Railroad Comp ay to he and appear at the Mid ter ! of tbe said court on the 29th day i , September, 1912, end answer wh funds each of the said railroads hi In its hands or what property ea< has or what debts each owes to tl said St. Louis and Baa Francis. Railroad Company and Houston ai Texas Central Railroad Compel on the date of service of garni* ment and date of appearance and a swer, and the Atlantic Coast Lli Railroad Company is further cot mended to answer what debts It oi ed or what property It bad to and tbesaldfe^Lsuis and San Fraud?. the^dauTof*Berries' of garnishmea warrant of attachment, and appea ance and answer at the Febrnai tern i?lt. of the said court. The sheriff of Beaufort conn baring made returns of the sammoi that the aald St. Louie and San Fra close Railroad Company and Hon ton and Tens Central Railroad Co pany. cannot after due diligence 1 found. Iff Beaufort county, notice < alias summons, warrant of attael moot and writ of garnishment is o Acred to be published In n newepi per, published in Beeafort count; I CALL AT J. FOR FRESH J BOTH PLAL RISING J0| F. Phones li llOW^WOOP MiinfamjUw Y J. LEWV BANKERS i ( Blocks, Bond*, OMka, Or fa / Sarpentw Bwilding, Norfolk 1 S Private wlree to New York \ frede and other jnnncUl cent V Correspondence reapoctfnllj ^ kccoant* given Careful Attest | GUN S Winchester and U. 5 both standard quality S quantities. We are prepared ti E Wholesale or rafariKref' 3 -r i J 2 The hunting seaso J should purchase a auj ^AMSHMtMliai * - -w? r?'I This Sent 23 1913 1 1? uo- ? , poaaihle lo pleaee anybody.?PhUadeb . t, pbla Ladder. jS ? 1 . . M, Lovf *Ml th? Man. 1 id Kttty-Tbey *ay. yc?o *00*. th?t lonto * to" maker tbe world goi round Marie? ** Maybe no. twit It cknnot make thu * ettrlhl* rtwins ra?o go round?Boatoo * lr rrauaerloc ?j ->i eeny Their cwm Old00 pit. " ? TW late Admiral Robloy D. Etna . a during bio rlalt to Japan A. received . at by Motaoblto and Ma atnpraaa at-to a y court oaraatony In'vpeeMag of tba M Japanaao court be wild: x "Hand klttalna waa not tbe thins. laid ataad. I received a bandahake from a 0 very abapaly aad beautiful band. 1 b found tba aenpraaa a woman of groat ' > reflnemeot aad perfect aaaa of man- , " oar. eo delicate la appaaraaca aad ao , ataall In atatara aa to ramlnd yoa at . noma Hoe piece of Dreadeo china. She " aaa attired la a Parle gown of beUo- . t trope brocade tbe bad ?t of wblch I . Itbe baggy MaiaOM of the agjatoa ? After 1 bad been a year la Japan I e waa aattadad It araa owing to the fact 1 (hat a tailor woold noc parailt btmaelf I too tench the paraooa af their eujaatlaa, a baMmd kmked at tbaa, and gaaaood . for thirty daya. ~" Thla the >?tb day of Aug. 1)11. 0., (Mgaadl OB0 . A. PAUL. .? I Clarh Superior Court ul Beanfori " Coumlr. * r. ... > F. TAYLOEJS BUCK XVhEAT : V AND SELF.. I _ TAYLOE : W'. ?9Sf/Jra g IS 23 and 124. : rum w. cou' ) . ('oodi& ca I nd BROKERS^ > ud ProfUOH^ 71 Pint BUM. S * "* V ' Stock Exchange, Chicago Board ?C Jl , J oUcRed. InTMtmeat and marginal J * = : rwtwwwj ?| IHELLS ilJ 11 M. C. New Club Sheila, J ' are carried by ua In large J ,1 > fill your orders; either ' ' ch F- )T. 11 ct ;'Ju> r-.'ri* 8h n win soon open end you jjj . - . V I *< . ? I Jok> H Bt?? RODMAS * BOKVIK, 1^ AUomBTMXrigWi A ^ ? AMorcer-al-Law. Wa.kln.ton. N. a '', m m ALPBOtmlHO) FUUB nfCBajNB, * I i m ? , < ' > . TrMMwuiii AnS/oww^ ? ? ? . ..? ? * * ? I wg^mmjutr*-s- MtAMa Mac! Jill ? 1M, ot? f [' 4 i "' ' p,-.l>^7 * ; ~ * ? > am. X mnmi AOanwT-cM^v. ? hntnUwiitCtliM, Mutoc SUMt. ? ? * (-T- ? . i : f - "rrs^i. : v; iim* H. ?. ? HcUAX * nOHNOI, IIWBH M Uw. '; A?ror. ud WMblastM. *. ?, i ; a \ - .#! ?.?. ( vfaulactea. N. a / ODUUI H. ailMM , r-' Attora?-?*-Law ^ ' ' riS0 o?u. e-vUMW a *r? O* MA? Room I ?< 4, Wufetuftow. N. 0, ? .--! -1. *1 7 NORWOOD U nlMMOV* ' ' Jl K ,'3gj utnMm'LM. "* IrV'd! , WuklasMa.lt.*. **" ? ^ j. k a ? a MARKET lit PORT SATURQAT, MPT. IT. 1?1?, .. /J MkMa. jfltol* ) w in iMkau, ?rowa, to to 4t? ^ u fa.. .. .. .. ..?