' ? . * ' C '" V *'-2 ' * nSlTi! mi.it tit ioLiM1!! VMkiMtM. N. O. tt4ar tkt m( o( .March I. lit#. ,<* Mia ?.??.? ar ^ /oar Month* l.t# J .tlx Month* 1.10 v fOa% Year - I.M a ? t Srbacrtbers desiring the paper tie- ^ .aontmued will please notify thin oftoe on date of expiration, otherwise r M. will be continued at regulai anb- J eerlption rates until notion to atop received. '< ^ If yon do not get the Dal./ New* promptly telephne or write the man- I agar, and the oomplairxt will receive namedlate attention It la our do- , are to pleaen you. II article* sent to tho Dally New* 1 fer publication must be algned by ihe enter, otherwise they will not ? eoblubed. YVAssPlStlTON. N. C.. OCTOBER 12 HUNTERS WANT LICENSES Pennsylvania Highway Department Be heves 150.0CO Will Be Needed. Harrl-d'ure Pa.. Ort. 3.?Oiflcla's of the highway department believe that > I ?.-e in 150.'"1" o burners will be licence,! by the time Nov. 1 rolls nroun ! and Jeer hunters to-itineuce 10 prepare : r sp-rt. The firs; order of licences called fot j . and in a d-uen counties reel it es ? ^ h?ve been made for more. Rush i order- have been given to the printers j t.i get -.'it more papers, and it Is hoped | to make a further shipment ir. a few j da* s. In some of the counties 2'W hut?*?'t rr? have b'pu granted lleenses. and the way In which appllca i'>ns are being made for camping sites on s'Me forestry reservations Ind cafes that there will be big limes tn the bunting Hold. Baby Ea*s Grass For Four Days. ErsUlne. Minn.. Oct. 3. ? Beulah C.ar.zh >rn. the three-year old daughter of William Ganshorm who had been lost for four days, was found under a pile of brush in the woods far from ber father s home The child iive-l on grass and herbs, she told her parents. Large posses had been searching for the child, the belief being general that she had b?en carried away by a leopard that escaped from a circus some time ago. To Elect Yuan Shi Kai. Pekin, Oct. 3.?Announcement was tnaile tbat the national assembly has decided to elect President Yuan Sal Kai to a tara of five years. This wi.l be the first constitutional" election !n the Chinese republic ard probably will take place Oct. 10. unless frustrated by the imperialists, who axe plotting to restore the empire Continued fram page 1) mill.on out of an average world's supply of 3.830 million bushels it consumed in the corn.importing coun tries, but the surplus this year 1b sc reduced that it's a question whethe* any surli quantity can be spared. A (Jue*ti<>n of Distribution "Therefore it is only necessary tc d.si it u*.*'atwl market the supply ot gr.vr.is gradually and even'y through, out the coming six to ten months tc supply the demand without artihcla !y reducing prices" says Orange Judd Southern Farming. It adds: " In view of the increasing population and general resumption of industrial prosperity throughout the world, the demand for these crops should b< even better in the coming month than usual. "Therefore natural conditions justify a continuance of the fair price to producers which prevailed during "Sr-ptember. Yet if producers and fl-alers everywhere rush the supply t market, tl e demand will be exceeded tempo!arily and pr.r es will be depressed artificially and unnecessarily Future of pr.ee nf grain in ih< I'nlto 1 Stiiv-f. nrid Canada ig_ roort . do ?ely ;! : :.v c .. supply an? op. f "r: :< i:f fh* united States ftj -hi than by wtM's supply or I. ypool price?." remark? gi'ii'hfrr? Farnilr.s. adding: "The are? d!' Ml! ? ** .v:i uuih nml oihe graivs ;rly :;)'*p;as',d thi. i mo.*-',, >-ik?]iii?it the Soirh as o ro-trIt r>* *h-' : 1 ! -'.vide shortage , Not y-ar vvjj; see mo*e acres tievots r.i cnn. and *rrm"1 grains In 5 the South than ev?-r before." ' -? . i Co . Philadelphia ami St. Louis. i - < The Faml'y Couch Medicine. ( In every home there should be a f bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, j ready for immediate use when any ^ member of the family contracts a cold or a cough. Prompt use will atop the spread of sickness^ 8. A Stid.: of Mas oil Mich., write? "My whole family depends upon Dr. King's New Discovery as the bent cough and cold medicine in the \ world. Two 50c bottles cured mi of pneumonia." Thousands of otheT families have been equally benefitted and depend entirely upon Dr King's./ Discovery Ur"cure their cough j . eoldi, throat /Ad long?fables. * , Every dose bMps. Price 50c and |1 u . A ^.lr ixr ' H I For Health, 1 Mill ifn/l WuUb|?m Park MlUaltd U delightfully sltuktod on tti? north aide of the'PaxalL. so. a little down the river from Washington. iandy Beach ZfZ'll >nly near Ihgh land rive shore to Washington. The nice, clean, white sandy beach s certainly enticing. )rpA7p c Be,n* on the 00 nh JlCCt/C5 side of the river Washington Park is just right to SCHOOL?There In to be a school Y< -?? 4 a i II f :(TOs.?a f -. W " ? High quality lota. Prices reasonable and on easy monthly payments . The most money will be made by those buying now. They secure the pick of the lots a tthe lowest price. We reserve the right to raise these prices without notice. . .PRICES?Lots fronting Lowther Nicholson. Patten and Warrei streets, $150 each. Lots on Cottage Avenue block 6 and 13. price $175 each. . Lota on XTollegc Avenue, block 7, price $225 each. Lots on Fairvlew Avenue, block 7 price $2 00 each. Lots on College Avenue, blocks 8 and 12. $250 each. A. C. HATH AW I desire to is to be credited to me. Eczema and Itching Cured. The soothing, healing medication | iti Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointmeni penetrates every t.ny pore of the skin, clears It of all impurities? itnps itching instantly Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is guaranteed tc worm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Eczema Ointment Is a loctor'a prescription, not an exmrlment. All d" ggists or by -mail >0c. Pfelffer Chemical Co. Phllalolphla and St. Loula. Great Eai New Bern, rhe largest Fair in Eastern I iaemg. Gigantic Fireworks For premium book, catalog J f.KQA re - -:q Measure and Comfort, oatcb ta?MOah XMBtllt-KfUT. lafraab- I lag aostbara luanw bimn u Uay | broad Pamlico la luaoa la wla-' 1 tar the braaaaa ara from tha land. Wide A ventres IU; "? Washington Park will be 90 feet 1 wide, giving ample room for three rows of shade trees, one on either ' side and another down the center, making It mos tattractive. \ATatckr A pomp drlT?n #0 or to V? leuut as the moraine's daw. a For Good Folks .?? FUk klobtu ex?tmlT?. rMtrictad >l(li elus raatdratlal ncUoo. Not | for rich folki not for poo* folks, lust for good folks. *>Darkies ' property la Washington Park. 8uch I a restriction is essential to a high f class white man's section. *io Business. ??"T? v! Tour children the highest education ) LIVE ON WAS > it a Lot and Buy at One* 7/v /> -7 ,'A.. lY - r sY y r?iRvicw ?V PnriMM-A^: r fr <:' ' "] i j'; ? o > * ? *] tio L I K.I I I I I I M " .college 'AVENUE 'and get the advantage of the ralae I Washington Pftsh-is the place you i mi mi|n?i iifiTTr day of the year I Pleasant In summer, delightful In fall, buoyant In winter and picturI esque at all times. Such a place at to find recreation to both mind and body will give health and add yean to your life. No disease carrying dust. No pent-up houses. No dust keeping the housewifie 'forever toiling, worried and sick. [ Here one throws wide the blinds, | letting in light and sunshine^ ait yet no multitude of strange, staring eyes prying into your house as one seeks comfort, or the wife looks alt n block in aWshlngton Pari lot been sold and the restrictions an Sign Were .. , i Coliotl'ictatr,?lAMS^ff.'.COLE 1 )od;& co; ) I BROKERS.) ) ] ad Prortakm*^ 7? Plane Street. J ck Exchange, Chicago Board of . *ted. luTcrtimat aad aaeigl?1 ) | * yv^Vir ?/^W ej ilinaFafr) i 31, 1913. . j i. -Great Free Attraction*., artday Nipbt*. surety s MtHftttl ssrttoa tkmlp o^MOf.^o^or^slMe^wtn +> ,1 els* Jour children g liver Shore Park A?T' ? lrsr shoT* ws hsvs rssirrsd ample di rounds tor porks. Tks people el wnlac lots In Washington Psrk will lrtvnllr own this wstsr front. O >on't yon think It will He the (readst ssbcru la the stsut U )thw Parks '"Z ' rks In the property siring play- C If yowU see end study Washington Pe HINGTON PARK irf DO THIS NOW. Vt. d ?*??ji i COLLEGE tj ' 4 GROUNDS I I I I rrnf Wl 111 ^ * * r?tf ^MnU*/ Mn*?~ * if > w ? * * r MtIT '**/< A V C NUE *Ls?%* ????** * *j +* liii ,* nil' ter dally household duties. Here your home Is as it shbuld 1 be, "more private," giving the house I wife more freedom, purer air, lesi i work, less worry, much restful time therefore better health. 1 Come! Live In that place pre- i pared for high quality people to live < a high quality life. I The desirability of Washington Park both as to Vocation and re- ] strletions^ is such as to cause it to be arpidly built into the most dedr. ] able residents! section of Wahslng- , ton. j Attractive homes are there at present. Others are being erected. < Many more are talking of build M In*. I) i at $ ...and herewith hand j e agreeable to me; if not, this $10 is =3 Try the pal] And G i GUN SI J Winchester and U. 11 I both standard quality are ^quantities. J We are prepared to 01 ) wholesale orretatL [ i The huqtinf season v, Should purchase a supply I mr js'rffr'Vl 1 [Harris Hare i; -* .??. WASHINGTOl IJ J V-i*""'nrrv ' .~7r>^|j f estments. ?5F J InnCoc No ahantlea or bor. LUUMJfc looking houMo wir I tUoWld In WuhlDltM Ptrk Tkla ooroo that yoor honn will not bo' uoosod bp uodoolrablo honw on thorotdo of too. II rrnn oJhkL. Fork give* uHUUHingr. WMktagt f it ? n * " ? \ I Lrl 1 I 1 1 M r 1 1 ' w g j it jr ^kt r * ? | / Ul II 11 11 iVEWUC >?iaNU?>/lin1t ' * * t * '4 *?**#? ? . M I I I I II II " -* Ml 11II | II A 7M 9mr ' i? All will find to onco lire cad learn the true pleasure in a home In Washington Park they will nerei rant to lire eleewhere. Toe know la the cities It's a recommendation, both as to a per. ion's food Judgment and high soda' Handing to be pble to say, "I lire n Ghent." " Twill be thus In Washington Park." ;; Select the lot yen want, mark It ?in $190.00 to the following slip ilgn your name and address and If the lot yon select Is sold I will all on or write yon and advise yon rhlch lots yon ean get or return , roar cash payment. ron $10 which to be returned Ly N^vs ct Results fflE L LS i *.- ,-iA. -J ' i J I f : t[ , C. Ntw Oub Shells, J ' carried by us In large i ! ! 11 your orders; either J ? c ''} 'i -j rill soon open'snd you I r early. < - * ^ -H _ ' I 1 I I J! Iware Co., J! ] H N C 1 1 * , ? 8?ot; HI t ? ' "* '" " f I ' / 1 1 ? . :!t^Ssr%rl iixih lu* . ^ Vabo * sn W? KMlH U tk? o?ir * M? rim Jwllotal DUUtt (MM* fV?ral Carta. ? fc ' 'p , a a a _ W. B. RODMAN, Ift, Attorner-at-L?w. Waafclnttoa. N. C. Oflea Savlaca 4 Troat Balldlao. a a a a -v t a a a a. imuw m no, a rnui lhiuraig1, , lAamffioa, . o, | ' ' ' -i Pr^ouil'^a all ra ? a aaa* . - . a a .a JM?|.(taaB i. D.MaLaf" rnakB.Hiaa I wtAi MARKET ItlJORT Rmi ; " ' ,' . .v \:y; * '> * JStSt WASHINGTON. N. C? OCTOBER 11^ In*. IS to > ? I J INlck?a?. IMM to to ISO VI iklekoM. (row. ....... 10 to OM. hoocllBto S to ISO ^osifelat, each..- '. .'. 14 to lOo ipt WO* .... MO . Ibeop.okiuo, *** > (. 5. * to ? * | Wj AIM PW is......"! biMfd dry bid". per lb..? to lt? \nm-mXt bid" it* ^hid? . **iSi *