- ??? WAJTTBL)?Ttt rent Remington Jf H V Typewriter. See B. V. Brnddy : . : ?t j. F. Tayioe'a. "J iOr4 itp If"? . -p#? ?o*nn:T*MUi? ..mil > uUwjp ? ?< ; . *o*TT V?SK, It ft COT .wnm- Atoo handkerchiefs and potOcoata. Make ?? daily. M|4ft]lC6 .iiflfltCMMry WlAR Pr6of. tot* Cheataat, PhUadel ?-? ? lot. mm a-, fc$j\ JjT v<n and Bard Plymouth Rock Cock erela. Jonathan HaT?,nB. 1-6-C Washington N. C ??":AVir On account of haling to Attend schools I kAYe boon unable to g< sround and see my frtenda, bu please don't forget to get pour rot? rvj r*\ ? an contest, wnien closes on October 31st My promise to take you all to ride^holds' good. Yourt very truly, Zoph Pots, Jr. 3-*- . Administrator's Notice. " Having qualified aa administrator -of Qraham Slocum, deceased, late of Bsaafort county. North Carolina, this is to certify that all persona hav Ing claims against.said estate to * :> present them for payment to'the u'n derslgneri within one year from the date of tills notice. All persons Indebted to said eeUte will please make Immediate payment. This Sept. IS. 1911. JULIUS 8. SLOCUM. Administrator. 9-14 Iwc. CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I have for sale one of the best fclece: of realty offered in Washington for ca ling time. The ground alone li -*orth thAjriyashad fnr-thls value r , -' T>le prop* rty It Is located on Secone street?lot is 41 1-1*110 feet deep It is within three minntss walk of the "business center of tip city. And 15,000 can secure/this real estate Rargaln. Would nmka an ldeel loca tlon far a large hoRL Far farther particulars, address W. H. McDEYETT, S-19-lwc Washington, N. C , i i ' / KOT1C1 OF SAIJL - - * Under and by virtue of the power eleed, dated Aonit 18th. lilt, made *7 J. C. Forbea and wife, Mary B. T"orbe?, to N. L. Simmons, with note thereby secured, betas past due and -unpaid, the undersigned will, tap the purposes of satisfying this mortgage dabt. sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, on Monday, Outohur ui^lf m.. ut thu court house door of Beaufort county, N. C., the following described tract of lend: That land conveyed and described ^ tr. the mortgage deed of J. C. Forbes and wife to N. L Simmons, elated August ltth. 1?18, aqd recorded la Book 174, page 147, Beaufort. county, registry, being the mortgage under which this sale is made. This September Id. 1?1?. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS, HOME MADE . SMOKrD 1? SAUSAGE. PHONE Central Market r ' l ? OK French In Official England. I One may not be ignorant, dot bans. r that French. ok) French. l>mtVneYs the lanCMfe need In eertnln royal proclamations In Cnslnnd. 80 when "the kind's assent" la (teen before the throne In "the painted chnmber" the clerk cries In the inn(tinge of o*r father. "Is toy le eeolt," ("the king, so pletisee-l. -If tbe bill tint be Is aaked to ipprore In a money bill tbe clerk adds after a profound obeisance. "Tbe king thanks bis gaod subjects, accepts their benevolence end Is pleased." , Tbe proclamation ea ascending tbe throne la brocaded by tbe I. traditional rail of the French heralds of former times, "Oyegt eyes dyes^' n Alas, that time bee dlallaurod this . old world of ear country, and today ^ri : ' tbe phlegmatic English herald erlaa rt" C thrice to the people: "Oh. yasl Oh. ), \ yeal Oh. yau--j.-4d.1via. 1 ^ - 9/1 IPFSS -."I -- ' jj. e e baked. Five NATIONAL BtS Draw* tfia Lfna 'flwrt.' "All tbe world lore* a lover," quoted (be wise gay. "Yob, but tt tastes to bny wedding presents for him." added tbe simple mug ?Philadelphia Rw-ortL 4 - : i. . , t How Soendal Grows. " 2Wbat*h tblsY 1 bntt you bad yonr faoe smashed In a barber shop." "To? b^afd it wrung. The barber merely broke my mug."?Kansas CVy lournsl. Women Who Get Dizzy. Every woman who la troubled with fainting and dlszy spells, hack ache, headache, weakness, debility, constipation or kindney- troubles use Electric Bitters. They give reliei when nothing else will. Improve the health, adding strength and vigoT from the first dose. Mrs Laura Gaines of Avoca, la., says: "Four doctors had given me np and my children and my friends were look, ihg for me to die, when my son inilitsd thst I- use Bleetrlo Bitters ) did so, and they have done mo a world of good." Just try them, 50t and 91.00 at all druggists or by mall. H. E. Bucklen * Co., Philadelphia and St, Louis. . CALL AT J. FOR FRESH B BOTH PLATS RISING JOS. F. i Phone* 12 \r. i?r*** Fvirschbaum Clothes i ,,, mM 4I if ' / MiiK t ' X XUtl "TITTLE I ; me an; ."Used to under sWe a awning at the "f* . few drops W( suit?not by ~ No matter If \r-, ?} ,">' then trill be i "Vv V r qoickly pressed For Klncfcl W- ' V , ** ' '? 1 And they arc th Kirschbai mam ============ " I ' g to make soda are occasionally - ' \' - ?r .- ? than ail othAri I < always of aness. ^f'TrV:, ?J eda"? stamped on ana that if a million eda BUcuit wete beak IJneeda Biscuit cents. j i CU1T COMPANY ===^^^===-h--L 1 iiig tWdajr School Convention 11 WllllauiBport. Pa., Oct. 8.?Two I 1 thousand delegates alone, in addL tlon to a large number of distln. ' guiahed visitors, attended the open. J ins or tne Pennsylvanlt state Sunday school convention here today. 1 Speakers for the event Include some of the most prominent figures In religious work in the United ' States. " -What do yon think? hieywea ai Vnity fa a tWmaker!" j "The ve-y men to be a sole mate."? . lisItlmors American. The Bret test of a truly great man la 1 his humility.?Ruskln. A Gentle and Effective Laxatite. ' A mild, gentle and effective laxa- ^ tire is what people demand when suffering from constipation. Thousands swear by Dr. King's New Life c Ptltar- Hugh TaUman. of San An- 1 tonk>( Tux., writes. "They are be- 1 yond question, the best pills my wife aid'I have ever taken." They nerer cause pain. Price fSc at all drug. ( gists, or by Basil. H. E. Bucklen A F. TAYLOKS IUCK WHEAT : I AND . SELF 'i TAYLOE i 8 and 124. i old rain cloud scooting the sky has no scares for f more. > l > make a bee-line for the ^ f the nearest grocery store i slightest sprinkle. But a m't hurt this Kirschbaum a jugful." |; your Klnehbaem aoK tadrenehed, 10 crinkly look that can't be ont. . ' : " r banm Clothes are all-wool and : ' 1 final London cold-water paoccw. ie only one* ot their prlcea which d and aewtt withaUk thread. V"*Ji " imQolhei rf ' ' I' i' i. Society" 1 ? rmosAiA. ! W'Ullam BT Rodman. Jr waih a 9 wiifir on tlw Norfolk Sootharn returning from Norfolk where ha rial tad his parents. Colonel and Mrs. w~TT ftodmaa. W. M. Ball, tha Jeweler. hae~teinroed from Northern markets rhere he purchased ChrlBtman Jewelry and novelties for the comiqf Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor of the Christian church, went to New Bern yesterday afternoon to attead i Masonic meeting In that town Greely Brlnn. a prominent cltL ran of Swan Quarter, is here today m business. _ a Fed W. Ayers made a business trip to Nevr Bern yesterday afternoon rih the Norfolk Southern. ? ? K. R. Wooten of Falkland, is reg. atered at Hotel Louise. Dr. Major I. Fleming of Hamilton, ras here je^Kiday on professional main ess. see E. C. Potter, traveling p&scenger loutliern iniiway Is a business visitor to the city today. i A A. Wilson oi No**folk, is s Wash nglon visit*. r. V. O. Davis of Henderson, was >n our streets this morning. Mrs. Charles S. Whlchard of Vanlemere, was a welcome visitor to Washington yesterday. The many friends of W. A. 8tllley )f Goldsboro, were glad to see him lere yesterday. He was enroute to Sllsabeth City and Norfolk. P. W. Stmms of Goldsboro, is in the city. Mrs# Macon Tooley, of Belhaven, aras the guest of Mrs. John W. Oden It her home on East Main street resterday. Walter Carterphen of jpiymouth. t popular knight-?f the grip is here today on business. Mesas. H. A. 8w*lndell and E.'R. Pripp of Blounts Creek, are here this Dhornlng on business. , Keen Appetite, Bowels Regular Alwmn FOAI FinA Take this famoue remedy that Hot Iprlngs, Arkansas, doctors prescribe as i general tonic and blood purifier and o make the bowels and stomach clean ind antiseptic. If dissatisfied your noney win be gjadly returned. The best remedy for ILyer, stomach or >owel troubles and especially con ?t I paton Is the famoue HOT SPRINGS -JVEE BXJTTON8. . Don't miss getting a box In (Mr ilnj one up the liver, drive out tflv polson>ua gas and waste In the bowels and iiake you feel simply splendid in-a few jour*. Cut out Calomel and elam bang purrativea Try HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTON8 Just once and you'll have no use for any other liver remedy. Fine (or sick headache, sallow akin, dull ayes and, blotches. Druggists' every-. where for 15c. Free sample and 100 of >ur 17,000 testimonials from Hot Springs Chemical Co.. Hot Springs. Ark. THE TIME-OCTOBER ThpCrf -m. VF* X The States Bigj You'll Never I Until Thousands of Dolls ledge of the State's assel to cludetng Paine's Fire In ad4ition to the lasr d teresting amusements-! and wonder."* ?? r THE GROUNDS ARE 1 Another feature wi the finest and beat devt the babies during the si There's a big tlmewho come to this-the < held at Lwi p ' - . - ' j *> I T4 ' ' ' i ' 1 " 1 r I ^| ^ ' ; '. i u^?HI||R " T98 THE SMART TAILOREE PLACE IN THE Smart simple, of food lines, there la du nothing more becoming to the Amerl- a* can woman than the tailored suit This has always been true, and. despite 1 Its change this season from strictly tailored to seml-tallored lines, the suit na oontlnues to be lndespensable to Die n& smart wardrobe. 1 Many of the skirts are draped, many t!| show the double or triple skirt others 24 again are perfectly plain. The coats mt are sashed and vested, and often there 7 is a novel collar or attractive cuffs m? add to the effect. J Materials are most attractive?ve- m? lours de lalne, plain or self figured; 1 To obtain either pattern Illustrated fill out this ooupoa and Inclose IB oents In stamps or ooia. Be sure to state number of pattern end site, measuring over the fullest part -of the bust for dimensions Addrtes Pattern Department. SBffflEM VEVORRY(^)SaveWO? ' iag Washington Light ' .. Wnahlngtoi N 20-25TH THE PLfl THE REAL THING iatN.C. St; ;est and Most Enjoyable Cnow What Yniir S I You Attend This irs have been spent fapytfur er ts. Big attractions ofunustial m Works, which c<^st One Thou lays of Pompeii which is one o It both thrills and delights 3 IS ACRES LARGER, AND EO HAVE BEEN APDET). II be the Baby Show, "iih $40 doped BabSc, Special 'rained bow. ~ _:^ -lots of? m tad a aew -to-beUreatesto. All Ne.ib Caroli h?Oct. 20th t? - " V {. 'W-.k-i iOi:.:- i :i ?*> l?,v~ ,* I* 1) ' L 1 ? - TBS* ~ > SUIT HAS A FIRST WARDROBE vetyn, which Is as supple and rich velvet. and numerous novelty stuffs it are exceedingly smart, rweeda In almost Invisible mixtures I modish for morning wear. L smart suggestion for 7998-7994 Is ] vy blue velours ~de lalne striped In ttler blue with white collar and vest. 1 ?o copy 7998 In sl.e 38 It requires j , yards tof 38 Inch material. In sire | 7994 requires 2H yards of 36 Inch I UerlaL j 998?sixes 24 to 44 Inches bust asure. 994?sixes 12 to 16 Inches waist insure. Each patter^ 16 cents. No. Blxe Name Address K ASHES. I You Can Get A - Gas Range And Have It Connei ted FRFE & Water Co. i, N. C I CE?RALEIGH, N; C. I ateFair Yearly Event. Itate is Worth Fair ijoyment and knowerit have been .secured sand Dollars a night, f the world's most intou with amazement UR NEW BUILDINGS 0.00 in Cash Prizes for Nurses will care for i forgotten ?y for all na State Pairs?to be . . , . . 'w' H ixuu iv.'Ji 7^. - * . h =================== experienced the joy Ait' ' comes from seeing DAr after Dollar aod Interest spaa : ntereft piling up to yuur 1 ' credit. ? ' If not; get a batik book at our Saving Departae^ today the eeling iswwW wealth. 4 per cent, interest allowed and compounded quartily, I Bank of W ashington | ? r ~zz \ i Blue Ribbon I HAMS Once tried always used. QUALITY GROCERY J J WALTER CREOLE X CO. PhonJlao V'?2 M * Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Emma Howard (colored), deceased, late of eBaufort couaty. North Carolina, this is to certify that ^ all persons having claims igatnof [said estate to present them for varment to the undersigned within am ' year from the date of this notice. I All persons indebted to said eotato will please make immediate payment. ; This September 8th, 1913. LUTHER HOWARD, Administrator. CASTOR IA for Infants and Childrw. Tt. VI I U U " * mi mp". i dd nan Ala ft onpl , Signature of NOTICE OF 8ALB Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a ceitaln Deed 'of Trust executed April 19th, 1906, and duly recorded In the office of the I Register of Deeds for Beaufort ooaaty, Book 133, page 108, from I>. B I Bonner to Wiley C Rodman, the oa | dcrsigned will on Friday, October 21. 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the court house door.of Beaufort couty (to the highest bidder for cash, all of said property described as follow*, to-wit: First: A tract of land bounded by the lands of J. L. Rhem. Wm Keys, M. B. Thomason and located on the West side of Durhom's Creek containing 50 acres more or less. Second: A tract of land on the West side of the main road leading from C. W. Bonner's store to B. B Ross' house and bounded by the land of C. W. Bonner and containing 5 acre, which tract is located on the East side of the Durham Creek. Third: /Also the following articles of real and personal property to-wit: A] telephone line runnini from thw' town of Washington by Edwards, Ronnerton and Aurora to Bayboro, together with all the polei wires, insulators, telephone^ ar.d all hrbnch wires and connections and switch boards. Said sale being made at the direction of the owners of the notes do-, scribed in said Deed of Trust. , this ztjih day or sept. 1913. WILEY C. RODMAN. Trttstee 9-27 4wc. Haying qualified as admhUatntar of Robert T. Wallace. ilaeaa?d. late-of Beaufort county. North Carolina. this la to oorttfy that all parsons baring claims mhO aaM estate to present them for pajosst to the undersigned within owe rear lbs dats of this a sties. MM II persons Indebted to aaM aatala wM H This lert. Ifth. 1111.

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