tSS Ladit No matter what km garment you wan'. FOB WTH AND &ATU&D mm offer a special Yme of i 1at which we ham marka l W7 No other store offers msg mnrlrf ctfat with shor These suits are shown in l-JT-l J- K. rATTBKNS. Washingt Seed Cotton COTTC We hoy and pay cash. ' S< dears west of Bank of Wi Phone I IWn First Insurance BTS VAUDEVII LE ~ FRANK XAjCI and INERT LAURF.XZK Singing, Talking, Danc.ng M>. tea MOTION PICTURES TWO LITTLK RWtiKltS Solav Wo tern THE (il ll-TV HAIIY ThuihutiMs Drama HIIKKK DESTINY (illl)FS America^ eWslom Drama ODMINU THlltSDAV, lH|!>V AND SATURDAY HARRIS AND HI I.I.I \lll> Conmly Clutrurlrr Hntatnamrs MATINEE SATURDAYS Admission 10 and 20' MATINEE SATURDAY. LAD ? The fol Mr. Lewis, GREi i - PC 2W VN 2 Lewis & IWa Ha f Yorlc1 s less 25 i t. I! " ] Ladies White Shirt to $2, Special | L >ing of 2? Tailored Suits d of a suit you want or ' "fridaY?OCTOBER! " (AY OCTOBER ltTti lusts worth up to &25.00 i to sell for .75 ^ so pr?at a lulu*, Cutat colior of brocade velvet. navy, black and fancies. , i ? i i HOYT a,m' ,or * * Knox Hits Dn, N. C. For M" - Lint Cotton j >N SEED I te Us Before You Sell. Two ishlngton. ' 59 or 268. ?_ _ r?. Bragaw At Co. "Agents In Washington. N. C. Panic In Congregation Until Found Only a Few Persons Are Hurt. New York. Oct. ?A hundred per sons Tell fifteen feet In a screaming mass In a hail in East One Hundred and Sixth street through the collapse of a gallery. A number were injured. The hall was being used as a synagogue. The structure sagged eiowly at first, givinj .! those below ample time to run from under. i The slow fall also saved those t' I brought down from more serious hurts The hall wa? crowded and panic pre vailed until it was determined that nc one had been killed. He Painted Lincoln's Portrait. Indianapolis. Ind, Oct. ? Charier W. Nick um. sixty-nine years old. whej painted a portrait of Abraham I.in coin without knowing who was posln*. t.jui. Ttftrr fnra :.t- xtnmmr r:-ni to sell" the picture, which he had al | I ways k- pt. j AT-sccnsir. to Irsu"-? t : rT Citizens ! Ma liscn. W:s.. '.V . ? . lie n I h> which the state of \Yt-o.sin :? pre *' pared to Inure the V ,>* -f g M.'zen now has enough appi. ri* n* - <rtn t policies. They will be sen c.... s'.i u'y ujp nDDr 11J-I V/l A. IES SI lowing telegra who is now in AKE ADVAN1 IT OPI DSTAL TELEGRAPH NIGHT LE 4 FD New YorK, Oct. 6-13. Calais , ?>u_lilg lui1 | ti . u , ve bought one hundred'se leading manufacturers. ij EXTRA ? t Waists, values 98c ewis ? troat Car Run* Awey I.IoihU. *J Scmatoa. Pa^ Oct - ? Thirty or! more pmou wsretojarsd hy thaowl 3f Ik* Bcnato* Railway army m Ptoo itmt hllL \ 1 Twenty of tha Inlurod aaaMa*N4to th* 8tat*r hospital ttlMbki Moo** Tayldr hospital. Tk* othars vara akla to gokalbalr kaaaa. Tk* car. heavily toaged. stalled oa th* -4x111 becans# of slipfas* rail* aal Old dowa tk* alopa aa tk* bak* ekala broke to tk* frantic eftort of tka ao> :orman to chick tta speed. At Madison aveaa* tk* aaatopplsd >var. cnwkiag if R Ml pa rbo scrambled from tk* roar platform. ??- * | " 1 - - -* *?, I. I n.UMnW ivntei^SV IMS SUIl * Ing hy War, Fall Vkrtma to Ptoa*a*. Bucharest. Roams ato. Oct s ?Choi ira la awesplag tk* Bait*? Th* ra^ igea of tk* two recant Balkaa wars Is ft t ho* sands of famillso hoailm tad starving. A largo section of Albania la without doctors aad aaadlcal rappltoa. In isolated districts, hamlets and r Mages bar* been depopulated kod Lka dead remain where thmf fall, with to oaa to bary them. It Is aatliaaied that at least 6000 bare died of the tholera. Tha dlaeaaa was brought from Asia by tka.Tarka BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE of Biyi'aMaMSlMHklMll ? * - ? - - commanded for Chronk Indfuatloa and Stern ech. Liver and lataattnai Ailmantf. Thcojutnda of peoplt, some right In toot own have trk<n Marr't^VondtrfrnfStomach Ktrnf*" for Stomach, Lioor and Intoutina' Ailrr.entr, Dytpoptia, Prottur*of Goo Aroand tSo Hoart. Sour Stomach, Di*trm*s After Eating, \'errcncnct*. Dizzinc**. Fainting Spoilt, Sick Htadachoo, Coim(umImii, Torpid Livor, etc.. ar.d are praising uud recemraeml-r.g i* highly to other* s-> that they may alr.o know tfce j^'.S <-f living. Mayr'i Wondorfal Stomach Remedy * l-e brat unci tro*t widely known Ke n- :yf r t te nh- veeil-nents. A*k your dru-: f. .1 r a bo'.'.le todny. I'ut ittoatest-s>nedr?.e tslj convir1 it marvelous in Its beall.-g rr rt.et n -1 ! i oilem* ore quite na'urnl an it a .* ?n the s.rnjre a.:0 foundation of atom, ch a . :t t .. . . >r,..st brings Quick relict H'upcm.r: nt-ev Thi* highly eucvessiul R'Jtrj,.yh..<r.*w riiwbvtha BJ/AI proir.Tneiir poo; .v. .fid t e in til wnlka of life, among them Members of I*. nm-w>.s. Justice of tlie S inremeC i:rt. Ej'icat >r?. Lawyer*.Merchant*. Mar.her-.. D'*".or*. Liniggu-tx, Nurses. Manufacture-*. Hriest-,. M'ntMets. Farmers, with lasting brae""t and tl eho.hii l>o equally auccessf.il in your ?\ue. Send fur freo valuable booklet oa St Mn-ch Ailment* to Geo. H. Marr. &tfg. Chemist, LS4-U6 W hi ting Street, Chicago. 111. I OR SAJ.K BY W. A. AND J. G. BLOUNT iRTUNIT HIT S m just receiv New York. rAGE OF Tfl >ORTI H-CABLE COMP.fi TTFDrA M K. J. UIWJlKiTl ur.ple "suits from two ol Offer them Thursday an . T. Lewis. 8.25 A. M. SPECIAL! Ladies Gingham and P Dresses, all colors, vali > it Cala w w.' - TIC" |jKtuL-??? ?^Sft?S5i tlMHIl pOpWMT? . Tbacboico, mild tobacco mdoxfal wofkmtniny * tDCfll SOBTSOOVC ' S.3SS"S.hti5S! ^ellinf 5c^c||crette in l A>ibr|^^ = PERSIAN OPIUM: *~j TWntop ?* Pappy Juio* Into Drtatf 1 CahM Wmr I.url Persian opium Juice la sold In large ' copper tnmU by the grower to tkl 1 merchant. In wbooe hands it undergoes 1 several prnraaaas In order to pr?erra It from fermentation and decay." On sunny, Una, hot ilya the Persian earn- 1 anaarlea. where rphn dealara Vw " their magaxlnea. present an interesting picture. The Juice la brought out to be prepared Into cakes for export On large wooden boards, two and a balf feet long and one and a half feet broad, the sticky mass la spread out with apade-llke tools to permit the water It contains to evaporate. Experienced workers more from board to board, turning over the layers every now and then, that the beat and sun may dry up tbe exposed surfaces and render the opium tit for making Into cakes, lu favorable weather this process takes only an hour or so. and the opium la refidy for tbe next manipulation. It Is now scraped off and la rolled Into stiff, dough-like lumps and banded to u man who divides It into smaller portions, weighing one poond each, which be passes on to molders, by whom they are pressed Into the wooden forms and then laid on a largo board for the final drying process.. When this Is completed the cakes are rolled up In red paper Imported specially from China. One bundred and forty-four are put In tin lined wooden ' ciihh arc covered with slsoug hides and sacking. Two oik** form a mule oud.?Christian Herald. BUSHY TAILED RATS. They Will 8t?al Anything Bright That Thsy Can Carry Away. In the west and north as far as IIu<3eon buy a species of rut is_fouud. that' IHBnBBHH Y ALE. ed from our [1,5 INITY lNY New . a Friday ercal House QOn ues up 1.50 *701* 'v> , . 1 S is If' - jjL . U {VOilO >">*>. i r jj I s| c AGV bvaBst mi a -*u f?~ tM 'aqtnrrvi no"T known u tbo boahj tailed rat. i> though sort fa mi] laxly u tbo pack ml fa tea? of tbo cart? trait It baa of packing off wttb ersrythlag it can lot bold of and cany. Ono ?da a groat many things regarding tbo tntaftligeooo of rata, bat flam an accoaota these pack rats aoom to bo tbo etororat of tbo raaa. namorablo stories a boat them. They will steal knlToa forks, spoons, anything. in fact, that Is bright andportable. and will carry tb? stolen articles to their nests to play with or take the in somewhere and Isavs tbem in p??vw ut uiuvr arucNi iucy nnu. ur. MerrUm. the naturalist, was told a story by a banter which lllnatratod this odd fancy of the pack rat. The hunter had gone to sleep, leering a knife sticking In a log. He was awakened In the night by a noise which be discovered by the light of the campflre was made by a couple of pack rats sitting on the log In which the hunter had left the knife. The knife wafe gone and the rats were trylug to put a stick about a foot long In Its place. They wgre making an effort to get the atlck to stand up In the crack, but not baring the skill to Insert it properly It fell repeatedly, making the odd^aound which had disturbed and awakened the owner of the knife. ?New York Sun. By Their Ribs You May Know Them. Umbrellas sometimes speak louder tliuu wunls. _ -The- traveling English-man had become so cosmopolitan that the umbrella mender could not tell bis customer was English until be opened the umbrella. Then be paid: English. 1 suppose? Anyhow, your umbrella isf Umbrellas have a distinct nationality, especially American and English umbrellas. By tbelr ribs you may know thuin. American umbrellas are best provided with those supports, if luteuded for a lady an American umbrella has nine rlba, If for a gentleman ten or even twelve, as agalust eight ribs In English umbrellas for either sex. Even this number represents a big cut in the anatomy of an American umbrella, which formerly contained twelve or fifteen rlba for a woman and aa high as tprenty for a gentleman:"?New York Sun. National Baths. He was a gentleman who was in Washington as u minister representing Honduras. Diplomats, according to wrong thing. They are believed to be the delicacy bf lungunge and the fineriae of vocabulary. This particular diplomat entered an uptown barber shop in Washington and got a shave after he bad explained what be wanted In words which were more full of accent than of fluency. I , "Now. sir." snld the barber briskly, "can't we give you a Turkish bath." "No-o-of ^replied the man from Honduras. with some hesitation." "You see. I'm no?no Turk."?Popular Magazine. Judge For Yourself Which is Better?Try an Experiment or Profit by a Washington Citizen's Experience. Somethings new is an experiment. Must be proved to be aa represent d j The statement'of a manufacturer la not convincing proof of merit. But the endorsement of friends Is. Now supposing you had a bad hack a Lame, weak, or Aching one, ' Would you experiment on It? Ton will read of many so-called cure?. Endorsed by strangers from far-' away places. It's different when the endorsement cornel from home. Easy to prove local testimony.' Home endorsement is the proof that baeks every box of Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this case. r" Mrs. L. B. Everltt, 182 Brown St., Washington, N. C., says: "About a rear ago I used Doan's Kidney Pills for a lame and aching back. My kidneys were weak, the kidney secretions bothered me and other symptoms of kidney complaint were In evidence. Doan's Kidney Pills improved my condition greatly,*' fVor sale by all dealers. Prloe 10 enis. Foster-Mllburn., Buffalo, New rark. sole agents for tha United Rbmember the nam*?Doan's? ?ke no other. j" il l liiii^iKilfl 2 \ ? \ 2 II H^'' B* u r, - Mtk'^M 2 y/f lj~^ ESflREBB^ * 1 WeSdl BUTTERICK I pi PATTERNS. T 2 I They Are the Be?i. I : Jam&i? 2 r'^- thm ### IF YOU "CATCH READ To catch cold easily is a sign of a nil body forces are too weak to resist ordi Is dangerous. It frequently leads to but it can be cured and this dreadful r Bears' E FOR COUGHS. COLDS. BRONi BEAR S EXfljLSlON U n.tan! ant and easy to take and of great I system. Your noAc] jflwk ** "* *?** *"* \ ySiaf Complete information ^UrTjlB tual results of thousand; > I \ free on request. vt \ BEARS EMULSIO B mended and sold by all J T& everywhere. I TwjlSoS1 n *1 AA .1 a r.?- rncc, 91.W me k Begin regular use to better au ?.,2* DR. JOHN D. BEJ h at'Wm YOUR spar or guests roon furnished- -its comfort m< 9ft 9 bflttAM It ta nn* ntv sum on this room, but] should be in good taste ar your guests We have | kind fo furnishing and cat SOUTHERN . C#<? THaeefrL Washing jES~ in/ttfiSkWi v 1 ^g| oolbln* cIk C4a ^ Id Norfolk Md doukl* bwiri ' J" 3 1 TfcowHW Wto in (cm wlut X UveibocrKlIlDi and ff A klco Bhrt Serf* lor $5.5*. Wo f ' ~ hw. I. gp^uwkl Wo V | Tess'and Tedd I SHOES I Tka>? ii i site, led best took V lotMee's Shots In lbs Stale. American Lady Corsets. All ! I Shape* and Sixes. They j ?|? ' Give Perfect Satisfaction, i t i. . t ~ \ r mcvy >t*&mr~y J? COLD" EASILY THIS i | a down system?a si*n that your I inary condition*. Such a condition 1 consumption if not chocked in time, I eiult avoided if you will r^nlae-ly?.? r . . .. ? mtilsicm J :hitis and weak lungs|k ' product, pW L benefit to the r is refunded WBHK-|AlB .benefit ?mu Ofl regarding' ?c- ? JLg N is recom- 9p|NP? good druggists | mottle or six bottles $5.00 I day and you will begin to feel ad be better at once IR . . Elktoo. Veu I jsjs^ e bedroonV I r" ' : - - " \ \ \' '*? - y 'Y^aiS i should be well , ;ans reputation for you essary to spend a large whatever you do spend id all for the comfort of treat experience in this a help you. ft ruRN.co. !

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