. jV*"' '' Id* Jo^ta? ktri u arer. aittiou* b 1 b??.V attend Khool and drf t S ' lin a* ' nueh Una. Plana* aak g&xssasfn&t for *$am. Yovr Utile friend, l^j ' :{^ ZOPH^JOTt^ lit. inTEs<*? Vm^s Prt no*? , promplk' Have- dacural^.-y* J and^D. VbtJL Bath. Now l< . the qa^e to linprove yoor watei upnly and lnawe health of jour M$ - ? 'amt* Wire .i wrt,. nijA* ^ * Mare neon. Slhiaven. k. O Bflpyrle. qt - aiaitn ' ?L??n? . I ! l4" Bhoe^jMtwMD Chociwrlnity etoc* and t%f railroad- Owner can gel ' aame by calling at JB. R. Mlxon A Co n store gad paying for tbii ' fc'..^ualf W>lai?iaH.i. Book keep nr. lady preferred, general knew] ddte clerical work. Addrea Box *?. ld-10 ltre. WOMKIf:-BELL QVARAHTBEI hosiery to wearer, 10 per .feen profit. Also hand kerchief 8 and petticoat*. Make |15 daily. Ex parlance nnuarcaa ary WZA6 PROOF. tOSS Cbaataat. Phlladal | phi*. Pa. Mil SOt. S jroR t?U-Oin RANKER PONY / about 0 roan old aad poop carl as* heroes. Apply to W. C Rodman, 111 B. Mala 8t. 10.23 lwe. -WANTED ?TO FCRCHASE A bona* and lot not mora than tool block* from Conor Mala add Market (treat. Apply Nawa of ' \.S " ?Ts? stp. flVav4 '? V - \ i era Opoimlt A frtaniTa Uttla *irl ?u oat walk taa with bar iraadmotber. Said crand mas ."Qb, Pa?*y, my teat araoo tired!' aad PacsT aeeeked: -Tea, dtaadme ?o are mlae awfully tired. Bat I tr. -to bear It bravely, tblaktnc what i alia ride my Mama* la ba*ta*? Olfl of Making Friends. " 'I are ?hay .ho hare the gtf of making friends. far It la oaa o ' God's beat gtfta. |t Involves man: fhfnga, bat. absra an. the power o alas oat of one's self ant anorectal fag wbatavar la aoMa and larlag li another?Thomas Hugh as. ;? Never Touched Him. (r' Jsfher?"I wgnt to tan too. my boy that there U a secret of suocess an. that tils secret la hard work." Las J?or?"Well, father. I hope T* to. wash of a gentleman to take adraa tags of Information gained In saah 1 i*ar." _________ To Remove a Olasa topper. When the stepper of a bottle baa N come fixed end will not move, If It I soaked la vinegar Mr a few hoar and then worked gently, It wfll earn away qnlte easily, and there la n danger of breaking It. v . hfeat Have.Pleased Henry. Wife?"Henry, yon seed i jmtti ma go to Bongtong Springe." Hnb-Thet pleoel Why, lfa only fit ft women .and * fools." Wife?"I know 1 I-afs go thars together," Real Oaettost. Ttor a real aclentlllc contest of CO versatioUal endurance, last lntrodui _ at women fresh from the hospital to - , . 7 wtth a now automobile.?Dalai I j ~ Today Makes Tomorrow. Otr todays make oar tomorrow *nd our pretest llree determine t* ?rsde on which wo mast enter *1 tXMZt Ills.?Mloot J. 8STSCS. . in Sh-^t, Whl Hwind i,. | 1 uM mr Irarbud for p " ? P?IW." Sh. * ' Flrx noqulMM. < t| - Itlnk Jtulo af*ftn Itf -ntll tkoy OMMMtm tMi lU t I '4 > ? > upon wh??k to b*? IL-Jodj .MO* >T/J. wmw . . w Jh - 436^r.-.- Dolly ~ ?~T ' u: e ft-. H - **r . As weli as coofete 1 V1"4* ?* fcUti-iwi *7 It is because of tti "value it contains. CRYSTAL IC1 Phone 83 i HOTSPMNGSnUMU ; GREAT TONIC, Ci)NS . Tinier* Bmm free* Werld** Gmt Health ImatI Say Ccettipetlec, Headache aad feor M*e?- S Hh will ioiht IM so Ion, sad CsImmI a taUMMman i The liver la the straight road to health. If your liver is right, rue are I right Everybody's liver goes bed once a In a while; geU laay or stubborn or t t rtck or clogged up. f "Whenever your liver rebels, don't It ' take a horsewhip to It in the form of I Calomel or vtbteat purgatives or oven a harsh cathartics. Such treatment Is 1 wore to result In muck damage. r 1 It's easy to coax your liver to do Its e duty by using HOT 8PRINO8 LIVER fl : BUTTONS, a remedy that firmly hut _ I gently compel* It to do what nature Id- 1 tended It should. < I i II . "Hub* r fisherman who has ers worn the B ' - .I. ... I ;|BH Hf kubi fataSiMiDa 9 AM+*hmm+m 1 I~-5B BOS1 A I^H _ Wlee Youth. "I have a tempo foment," simpered the girl "Then yon are not dee tin ?d 0 tor a man who la earning 25 plunks a i week," responded the young mhn, J roach In* tor his haL?LealsviBe Cour leisIoumaL ] ' ? ? Before the Age of Speed. ! v Twenty years ago London omnl> t- buses, according to a police statement at the time, traveled at the rata of sin or seven miles an hour, and thought they were making speed. . ^ 1 ~~ a _ ' th 1 ie > id X ^ t For yjwjr Hewry Unt , see our line in Wrij and Wrists H^|( Tektofe atJ5<i tfo ? good quality for 1 * the Underware] fin Si NO! NO! NO! .it.U\tv 1 yi-_ tor ttt owfol' loll et W? 3SSJ3 Wet, Vokttc roof, ud loitlin eriuoen Am CUTUIxd Fire Proof, "in the Winter the SvMB^ ie butter M hfe&t ... irLiamm**-J->r t s co#pbr 1 iNSAS, DISCOVERS I1PATI0N REMEDY HOT 8PRINOB LIVER BUTTONS dfgemiy but surely on the bowels, tfivliig out ?very < bit of poisonous raate without -any distress. Every Aruggist to this vicinity has rOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS. Ad besides torpid liver and constlpafon, "they are prescribed by Hot Iprtafi physicians for headache, mairit, dizziness. biliousness. Indigestion, tok of appetite, foul breath and sallow kin. They drive impurities from the >lood and make you feel good in 24 tours. K cents at druggists' America war, and money back if you are not attofled. Cample free and 100 of our 17,000 tesiiewthbSdsr Hot Sptiaga Chemical X, Hot Bprtoga. Ark. ? Egja Boot g Rubber M mt mm, M-UI?W MMIkh* duct /""BosIcji R'lMrfi Sioc Co m BOOTS *m > ?I>^I i , uw IM C0, ' weiouliua to noitoay* HblMar* would b? more enjoyable as a rata, If they didn't make 790 wo ionr .tor the people who are working themselves nearly to death trying u ?? ?? 70% '^w5 ? - :, Ooo4 Wfcygct Avoid Thome. ?v?ry rote haa lte thorn. But the thdrn by one who le content to admire tFe rose's beauty without deetroylng It - tiW Planer man Trouble. Hkrvbea to hold a fishing pole, so w w ware a nanerm&na nanda rrea to tnaaag? his bait or catch. Is an Euallah lnTantlon. Itrware be sure to ^hl^rin? Needle . '< h at UOQ^Wool every ? itQOjfAnything in if : 4v'J2?iI I ai hob . } irrny TlJpS. f." I*,' * r* . . r":"" . . : d fre* iCaWigh ?MN kaalteadad 8. Parker of PGietolrn, is in the rr" iBdl Of Belharen. was greettnc hi* man/ TrlihdJI this momlng. r <. _ e ?* ~ A. J Hteaa of Wllaoo. I* WaabMk'od Victor today. I. C. atout of Rooky Mount, la horn todnf on bnalnaaa. . Ihomaa Whadbeo of Hartford, la jt&latarad at Hotel Loolae. S Mann and wife of 8wan Quarter, were gfceata at Hotel Louise H O.jCredle Mid wife of 8Wan Quarter.'are irPlhe city thie-mornlng. ^v; T *v -f *1 Ifkkely, JK? fof Belharen, is % business visitor Coflay. wesicrfe. g u. spencer and H. L. McGowan of Swan Quarter, are business visitors here today. ' W. G. Lamb, JFrv of Williamston, a clever knight or the grip, is here today. * J f * V Dr. C. C. Jackson of Yea'esvllle one of the county's prominent pby. blc'.aos, was on oar streets today. Mrs.'A L. Midyette and Mlas Mln. nie Spencer of Fairfield, N. C., are ,the guests of Capt and Mrs. George J. Studdert at their home on West Main, street. I DON'T FORGET THAT WEDDING Present add don't forget you will j find the best selection at Stew art's. 18-11 5tch. The Two Madam Mazells Are in the city for a short time. Don't tail to consult her; she will tell your past, present and future. Stie can enlighten the old as well ai the nni. rjjfej, Cfrnsuh hss-aWSut your ^SuStneif affaire, your domestic troubles, your lovers' quarrels. All readings guaranteed to be satisfactory. Madam Maxell has fifteen years experience. ._ .. Don't fall to see the wonderful ENGLISH PALMIST Located upstairs Rodman Build, ing, corner Main and Market Ste. I Youthful Diplomat. Harry is small but diplomatic. The ether day he wanted hie mother to oome out on the veranda with him. The mother, being busy, refused, and Harry invented various expedients. fium informing her that lie was tlryl and lonely to complaining of a pain tn his tnmmy, in the hope of Inducing ?her to change her mind. Finally he called sweetly. "Mother, dear, 1 dont want yon to stay out here If you don't want to, but I do want to kiss you very much." Mother came out SOMETHING TO PONDER OVER Relationship Tangle Should Prove AW luring to Thoee Pond of Puxxling Complications. An Instance of relationship that almoet defies the skill of a Philadelphia lawyer in defining It came to light the other day in argument over the prohate of me-aUl of the late Mrs. Catherine Suhrer of Brooklyn. The testatrix, who was Catherine Faust, came from Germany to America in 1850 at the age of sixteen. She married Philip Sohn and by him had three children. Sohn was later confined in an insane asylum for a time and on release fled abroad. Seven years later, believing her husband dead, Mrs. Sohn married Eugene Suhrer. Three children were the recult of this second marriage. I Then 8uhrer heard that his wife's I first husband was alive. At the same -time he became enamored of bis step-! i daughter, Catherine Sohn. ! He hid hla marriage annulled and married the former stepdaughter. Hart's where the tangle began, for Suferfcr shortly became the father of three children by this last marriage. ' Thns fluhiei wee M aowln-law of MMnt wife.- Be was also-taking eqpminf of the first marriage the fathsMn-taw of hfmeelf. Finally he wee grandfather Vf marriage of hla ehll ?W by his second marriage, because his second wife wad daughter of his fin* wife and hie flifit wife , was hie eeeeed Wife's children's grandmother There are many sure degrees end snailttiiiis of entanglement. such as the relationship of the left fithrer sydsee to the first Sahrer ohlldren. fyy*?- ~ tlw .law Mr., gafcnr ?M w><i aes I * ii n us * sBbdttabii,.: J^Kva AJK **- qpj^afra MEIIm k$' v p- ~... j2p2i MI "iac - iiiiiiiHi^ , , Jlwe"* -why Piedmoht hai v t6 fee the titles taell.n* 5c. cifajfctte in -1' " . America. Ira. the BEST . for the money. Whole coupon in each paoknge. V Zi -"T. ~ " aM" BEST TO AVOID'JJUQATIOm'S AppalVaa Cwtt CMi In England ' n YrhaC it la Anything Uko a | '?* .. "Big Caaa." Charles Roade, In hi* novel. "Hard | Csah," has one of the characters there-i p In, Joshua Fullalovo, a Yankee, observe I r that British justice la a prime article, I but It oomea- high. Cecil Chesterton, a newspaper writer. Is held to be the responsible person for articles published In two British papers, wherein he charges conspiracy and corruption of two high officers of the state for the purpose of benefiting Godfrey Isaacs, who is related to one of them. This is the noted Marconi financial case. And here Is a list of the counsel and their fees. For the prosecution: Sir Edward Caraon, 1,000 guineas?a guinea Is a little inore than five dollars ?and 100 guineas a day; F. E. Smith. 670 guineas and 66 guineas a day; R. D. Mulr, 420 guineas and 46 guineas s day. For the defense: E. Wilde, 860 guineas and 60 guineas a day; Rlgby Swift, 260 guineas and 60 guineas a day; EL PureeII, 200 guineas and 40 guineas a day. This means ?2.084 In retaining fees for counsel and ?878 a day in addition as long as the case continues. Following which, for this is but the beginning, there will be "pippins and cheese to come." To Ohre Children Birthright. The advisability of legislation la New York tor the benefit of children of marriages entered Into in reliance oa divorces which the New York courts will not recognise Is Indicated in the decision of the court of appeals , l& "feayUs'Ti.' ^BayHa. The decision ' shows that legislation is necessary in order that children of a marriage en- 1 ( nJ !? ? ?- ?vw? * " -* of a slur on their names and a grave disqualification as to the rights of property. The court held that the statute providing that where ft ap-' ' pears that a marriage was contracted by at least one of the parties In good faith and In the full belief that the former wife or husband was dead, or 1 without any knowledge by the Innocent party of said former marriage, the ohlldren of the subsequent marriage are deemed to be legitimate children of the parent competent to contract tha marriage, does not lnolude a case In which the Innocent party acted on the erroneous belief that the Other taul been legally dlvoroed. L . Qsntle, But Effective. Representative "Bill" Murray of ; Massachusetts every now and again cornea through with & good tale, as | witness whereof the following polite . way of calling a man a liar: "No, 1 would not call Mr. Blank a plain and unvarnished liar. I would not call him a prevaricator, nor would 1 Intimate that he was a perverter of the truth, or even inclined to exaggerate upon circumstances, but If I should see him walking down the street with Ann&ul&s upon one arm and Saphlra upon the other, 1 should be Inclined to believe that he was In the bosom of his family"?Washington I 8t?r. HURRAH HURRAH; HURRAH NO MOKE DANGEROUS CALOMEL FOR ME Three Cheers for Cars well's LiverAid the New Kver and Bowel Rem . . ?dy That Hardy's Drax Htore dolH .. on Money . Back if . DlMsatinficd Plan. If you are feeling bine, tired out. constipated, have soar stomach, indigestion, malaria, upset liver, coated tongue or bad breath there is a Joyous surprise waiting for you after the first dose of CAR8WELL'8 LIVER AID, a purely vegetable liquid rem edp that is causing thousands to desert dangerous calomel and bringing health and strength back to them. It's a wonderful remedy, so pleasant had harmless that ehlldreu he wsll as grown up people take it without any bad after effects. It, treats the ilvar and bowels gently but firmly and drives out the poisonous gases and accumulated waste thoroughly. Ttm, can get a lares bottle fct Marty's Drug 8tore for only 50 ?osnts< and If you aren't delighted your money baoh. Ask for C UIS^ELL'8 LIVER-AID. f , y ? --"t. ~ ? ! > | ___ ???? 1,6 Ci^Bty?f i ^ j i I SPIRITUALISM AS A SCIENCE loted Writer Explain* Why In Hla Opinion the Growing Cult Should Bo 80 Considered. I call spirituall?m a science, for It , rofessed to yield Us results by expert- T oents which could be repeated, tested od compared on the accepted laws of I vldence; to attain "a world of spirit bat took shape and form and practical ntelllglbillty, In ordinary rooms and inder very nearly ordinary clrcumtances." It said: "Seeing is bellevag. handling Is proof." It did not reulre you to take the medium on trust, t had no priesthood, no dogmas; for ta central statement, that the living ould have Intercourse with the dead, ras not a truth to be received on the.j rord of another, but a challenge which rhoso would might verify. Moreover, hough some have questioned if the tame of religion can rightly be atached to spiritualism. It does without loubt bring Its adepts back from loctrlnea of the lecture room or ab1 tract theory to that primitive condlion of thought in which religion finds 1 main beginning. For religion Is the problem of the "next world," call It low yon will. And spiritualism unlertakes to solve the problem by the ci entitle method, exactly as the chemst answers our Inquiry?for Instance: 'Does radium exist?"?by putting a ismple of the thing sought Into our lands Neither the chemist nor the nodium Is a priest, any more than the :lass or the Inquirer can be termed llsclplee. Experiment, In both cases, emalns the ground of affirmation.? (V 1111am Barry, In Atlantic. SILLY IDEA THAT DIES HARD Average Man, In Throes of Discontent* Find* Solace In the Phrase, "Paea a Law." In the course of an Interesting discussion in the department called "The Interpreter's House,'* in the American Magazine, appears the following: "When something happens that we do not like, what is the first thing we say? 'There ought to be a law against It.' Every time! That is the unconscious tribute we all pay to the queerest, the most naive and stupid superstition in a world where all superstition dies hard enough?that all you need to do to stop anything is to pass a law against It. "No amount of experience, apparently. will free the mlmls of men from the incubus, the hoodoo, of this extraordinary superstition. No matter what the issue! "If you want to stop gambling, spitting, combinations of capital or of labor, prostitution, college fraternlt]?a, the high cost of living, arson, saloons, monopoly in restraint of trade, the turkey trot, burglary, tips, walking on the grass?whatever it is, there is only one thing to dopass a law against it Then everybody will be contented; everybody will believe that the offense will cease at once, or at least as soon as you have gotten a sufficient number of people in Jail. Only get enough laws passed, and. above all. If you can ouly got enough people in Jail, you have realized the averago man's milt^nnlnl Imf" " i..?? The Sanitary, Don ... that artistic, harraonicn, ltrla* In, DM Ps-C? Flotfcostc. t sss^^'sa.-s.'^irs^ 25 ?o4 mMadnmugiu. r.? ? mm a Peaslee-Ga . Loolsvll cKeel-Tichsr WlifwB Con f - <j*y?Y r> UX '""^y ..' *' ' , / . BPf In* I MtZfc i Of Marthaot neoda ?Kte tetra capital for a dnrf tee, and lom dbcnte 'mkr than aik die bank for it ~ Don't let thia happen t? you?if you have the need, also the aeuaily, thia-bank' will help you- - , Become "a depoailw of the - :t> ' > v . r - H|>??. M .?(' Ww.r Bank of Washington Washington, N. C. ' ! ?NEW? , Buck Wheat, Mince Meat. C ra m berries, Cocoantus Raisans, and Curants Ol'ALITY GROCERY I WALTER CREOLE & CO. ( Phon<8h *192. I t. . Wl? . .. J Administrator's Notice j Having qualified as administrator I of Robert T. Wallace. deceased, la?.e of Beaufort county, norm i^>ollna, this is to certify that all persons having claims against said estate to present them for payment to tne undersigned within one year from the date of this notice. Al) persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This Seft. ?0th. 1?1?. U. nAIEUJ, Administrator. '? 0-23 6w_ I HOME M4DE SMOKED SAUSAGE. PHONE Central Market Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator _ j of Graham Slocum, deceased, late ol I Beaufort county. North Carolina. | this is to certify that all persons bar | Ing claims againBt said estate to i present them for payment to the undersigned within one year from the ' date of this notice. All persona indebted to said estate will please I make Immediate payment. I This Sept. 23. 1913*. JULIUS S. SLOCIJM. Administrator. ' 9-24 6wc. 1 I; .. ForWalls^^ and Ceilings PEE-GEE \ ' FLATKOATT\ f] ible, Flat OU Finish' # I effect whioh BmJw hflflM worth I he modern well fleleh. B iSSS-isiSss I | ratod^book, ilTiif colorIttiaw olbert Co. m ' '"-J He, Uy. M dson Hardware * f my. J J

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