?w?* >? *. ?> o. t.t..?77T i "*> im. * 0_ H*r IX M ! 5/ ; - " Jw,lK2L"- Vtt . > ,?U MMH ,i.. tw ? ? ? * 8.00 si-? =J I trtecrtbers dee! ring the paper dle.jHUnued will pl?M? notify this of Aoo op dot* of axplratfon, otherwise) & will b? continued at re? a la. sub e-ipgou rate* until notloe U stop r*x4?ed | ? It yon do U( get the Dal./ Newt ..promptly telephue or write the ,?ger. and the oomplMV will rb&Tr'b en mediate attention It li our de ?re to please yon. X * 1 t 1] articles cent to tho Dally Ncrwa Irr publication must be signed the writer, otherwise they will not ts published. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1913. FACTS WILL NOT JUSTIFY THE EX T EN DITL'RE Is It within the se.'pe of duty and ' power* of the t'ouny Co:uniI.-r -n ers to spend public money for any th rig other than literary expen- , ?e?? In employing detectives to ^ run down bl.nd titers we do not believe that the hoa-d ac'ed entirely for the best inters! of Beau- J for; county. |. The ccmnjissloners have only recently boric wed Siio.ooo to defray the exp* nse of repairing in part the damage by t're recent storm and will be called upon to borrow more before the work is all completed. The fiyts in the matter'will not Justify the eomniise'.oners in the! needless expense of about $20 per' day for detectives to debauch the I citizenship of Beaufort county, when we say debauch, that is just what we mean, because the detectives ' secure most of their evidence by getting its the confidence of some one and inducing them to buy the whiskey or other intoxicating drinks ; and"we do frflT UMIlflM Hat lime is a blind tiger detective in North Carolina who uses such means of eecuring evidence but what has a shady character and reputation hltu-! self. TIE PARENTS OWE A DUTY ALSO Ysterday we made some criticism^ of the public school policy ir. send-: ing children Jinme for being late1 at school. We do not wish it understood that we are in sympathy with tardiness, such is not the case, and while the public school management owes its duty to the public and es-? peciallv to the parents of children who attend the school, thp parents owe a duty to the management which shofllTT not be forgotten. j The school cannot be a success w.thou: tin- r - n-faiion oi the parents am! its ?besr Muty to make a""~ 6pec a] i ft or' t,? see thai tr.elr chfl- ; droit li-i'.ve- home, if possible. in' time to rer.i'h the *ehool before 9 o'cloiJi. an i t e'rduty dee* not stop here Th<?> should know "that their child;-n after laving home go direct to rhe school without unnecessary delay and if they are not there on time the parents should know why. Many children will take advantage of the rule adopted and i reach there late in order that they j may be sen: back home. The Su-N perlntendent and. teachers cannot I correct this evil and its a matter { for *h* parents to deal with. I, ilijt Lid.cVe. 'lnvt lis a pleas- \ nre : < vtiperint. tident to send the-' < jjj. Jc only carry i".: f.Vd. y adopted. Wlrle we ,] , - s. ?.; :l;f- policy, all will : . ;: 'h . must i??- some j r;: ' " nl.<;,:re f,,r jfc-. ffiV- | e. ::*i . 'A e \en- , t;-.r -onion 'hat those who' If. :i - < ?-e nl -ir>* tardy jr.' an ' pes who live | ^ ? t i 4?-.-te- ? ? -?way. This | ahuuM Uf ir -.i-? ml the su p*".' nit' : tejeher* are to bin-*;- U.r v a < dr; -n We re a.l i "n our iv -o-honl da>-: had to wa'k :: 1 !! r.u'es aaoh .o.it rg before reaching tlr^ckvl Jot Id'ng i always n winter l c.rd V ho-'r for opert'ng was R.iiO lrv*-t -a-! of !' o'clock as here, and there was rurtly ever a time when ' wo wete la'.e a' scho'.l. Most al ways we were more berore the pu- ' pi's who lived nearby. What was , the reason'' We left home in aue time, know ng that we had a long | distance to go while those who lived nearby felt teat they were only I a abort distance from the building and could take as much time gottlng teady aa they liked; as a con- j sequence they were frequently late. Parents, . superintendent and | teachers shoul dwork together with ouly one purpose and that the u?Mft I anH education of their children. { .? Note? W? have been ' informed ' \ that the two o&lldren spoken of yen- j terday did not report at the school at rfl. Parents, when your children { coma home and report they ware ent home verify the facta. I QttHI to bd j?*l at* the county to furnish Money with wftt*t<)t^j9 the liquor. Blnce wtten bare the County Commissioners become the moral guard In as for its citlshnshlp* Why were n6t the detectives sept out in the tiHt districts vtheie they hare no police protection? There ie a reason and Its up Jo the blard to explain. The pity i cl Washington. lfcJt wants men to trap the blind tigers within its corporate limits should put up the money and employ the men to do it. The tax payers throughout the county should not be called upon to hear tne burdei, The commissioners could spend cobnty money for this work but they pould not afford to spend money to keep one man all night at the ferry running across Pamlico river Tbej UHILtiMl Ifl ? ? ' anmotin/tu tn Wnnli. Ington, but they did not want to give the citizens of Chocowinlty and Hlounts Creek section the facilities for secuirnp medical attention to which they were entitled. Promptly at six o'clock each afternoon the k-rry .slops running, and it_ matters not what the occasion may be crossing made only by private con^fonce after that hour. Let the commissioners tell the citizens of Beaufort county if they feel justified in spending any of the county funds for the purpose of above named. The county now has an outstanding floating debt of $26,000. Recently borrowed $30,000 more, and they will issue bonds for $50,000 to over this $30,000 and an addttlonil $20,000, making the total debt the county $163,500 both bonded and floating. Should any money ue wasted under these condit'ons? SAFE PLACE FOR A BONFIRE Receptacle fer Burning Accumulation of Papers and Old Rubbish Is Quite Easy to Make. Wheu you want to burn an accumulation of papers and other small rubblsh and not be troubled with bits of flying burning paper or the fear of starting a fire, take a large wire basket formed from a piece of chicken wire netting five feet long and about four feet wide so rolled aa to make a hollow cylinder. <- - An old tin pan fastened to the bottom for holding the contents makes It tnto a portable affair that can be taken anywhere about the yard clearing out dried weeds, leaves, Utter of all sorts, with perfect safety. Any old tin pall ccver makes a lid If one Is necessary. iota is or use about a hennery In burning refuse of hen ? nests, destroying myriads of Insects easily. m m $ n 8) & ill ? fi 'II : H I $ Just Re1 l> mmjm Lels Build in ) HON' OPT M .lillHW. Yort|C?o.|t,d?.,._IAMI'^|WiCOLl { J. LEON WOOD & CO. j / B ANKERS and BROKERS. 7 Stocks. Booda, Cotton Or tn and ITortsiooa., TS Plans# Stunt. \ 3tfpainr KriKllBg, Norfolk Vs. | ftVfcle wtm to Now Yor Stock Esohsago. Chicago Bated off I rrsdo and otbor tuscial costors. > S Corroapoodcnco respectfully poll site d. lafMtmeat end Itegloil C kcaaoU |ir?s Careful Attsstloa... P\\miitmnnsimTi - A cold house in the morning. The children whimpering Next thing?the doctor. Why take this chance? [|| Cole's Original JgjL Hot Blast Heater TjHQJ will maintain an even temperature In your home day and night. The greatest floor heater known. Burns so?t.coal?\?hard rf'al The fire U never out from Call till spring ia^da great heater aud fuel saver. It will cut your fuel ^bill in ball. Come in and see it. It is worth 15" nam# "Cote's" on tkm feud door of mock stove. None genuine without it %?n nB W*^ 1111 ./.J 1 . J. liB ii I fJ j m j|-? [?] | ;II JB3B seeeseeeeeeeseeee ": .; I gj! y^.~ Vc^Pi^ti t*Ci yS^^^Rw ' .' ttafc^f^ajffeg <_ | I': *^~: mLW x'Jh 1 turnecT from the West 1 Car Load oLExtra Good IES & MULES 1 ward Winfleld ! l ' Tfryf TnfWnta a ?. .? . ay Alwavs Rnn?ht " ^^r^Over I Wj Thirty Years K I iW Willi ^ 1 III / ' ' . ~ ' ' * ' ' " ' SHE GAB I mm. . , '^Vomy^SAVEVORK; You Cwi Get A i? W|:: . Washington Light &j Water Co. ? Washington, N. C IE . * I 1 REE TO YOtt-MY SISTER ftrtng from WomafOg7Ailment*. to f*i1 i "*** **^ I |v x. ' *< jH^/ ;. vWt - ' y I TOO* to toad you a Ntoh to to tatol S aBsissMggEg to ** to <**#zs:-z?rssiErtsiSSt^*' E MRS. M. SUMMERS, box H Notre Dame, lnd.t U. S. A* n-: ' , *f ? ' v ) -1 . - . ' 8 fmm Electric Power Points I ' FJadMity? Jfi >1 j I I - Economy? I S J ^ ydtyoit ^ y "wiikC-EEWw.M^ | M jl 'J. Vf|.??mtmys-I^ iOBSteT g I *_r<n*tt ? "On" Evwy Minute of the Yo*r I 5 L MtmicipalEtectric Plant J ?"mMM- ' . ..... EiDuMJi. lv " I -iri*wnM?iLthc?.ii.. WKumlMi all t*. ?m. ? . V. ?? . .? # . f. a I 'M' ' "- ?l ?? ^ . ........ ,1 .* RODHAM * BOUND* : ? AttomgrMt-Law, VuUi|toi, North Mki. ' . ? 4 l.... ........ n. A V*r? Jul. a MM I WARD * OIUIM ? "X. kmM :? tk. Crmrf rttki ftrwt Jut'lcul DiaorM u4 tta ra*aral Cam W. B. RODMAK. A. P? Attorney-*t-Law. Waahlnftoa. N. C. . omm ftATiw * ttvm nn^Mii ? m ? ' i. mum a mm, ma ureoKaacm. |: .:: ?' ' '>S ,"? , I 4I?? ? ' ' ~ V X ' W D. ?Of J fmtoaa la an tfc* Oa 1 ? *' * ? ??? ? ? i u imui IV >'?f ?.gi?ar'?law. riuiuua. n. c. a m a * * a-a a I ? ^ . ' ''*-r 9 * * POUJa H. ItfMM ? ^ Attoraaj-at-Law <MM A trai Oa ; Boon* 9 %ad ?. | * Waahtnclow. H. O. i , I * v*l i * ' , " ! ?. j. ........... . j.b. b. ?uii a. d. m ?ii ma - S , Prank B. Bryu a 1 WiAIJ. MaalB** ? ? Attorney (t-LikV . WMluncuiA, SoiJk >?!<> >>>? 1 P , ..{ _? ?*?'?????;?- a 1 '?T A. D. MMLIU, " VuJtl&ftoi, N. 0. W- i. Thompnon. 1 Aurora. H A. I mcliah a thompmi, Attonw? at Law, I Aurora and WaehlegloB, M. t, ' ?! I ? ' V-'.H 'flf a a V?' ' ji OBU. 4. 8TUDDERT, Attorney-at-Law. , ' Nat to Dawla * Calala. Market Htrejl. a Weahin?toa. N. C. ? ? e' ' ' , It A Kit V HcMDUiAX, ? * ?> MtorpeMt-Lkk. ? , tfl Dr. ftodmaa B.'Mala M. a - ' Wuhtoatao, North Uanllaa. a , jjf ^ . ? - - - - - ' - 11 * I I I ' ??Mkefc?^?jf. I I ' * , ?H>RWOOD U 8UWOM * t)>W0.?o/o.? Waattostvo. M. O. * -- ^ - -j r i '" j Tl'ipiiiM l\J HABXM ULPORT THURSDAY, OCTOBER ?0, lilt. hfw.'i i~7T ,;r'v ~ Mm., - t- .v ?? ? ?* v phic??n?, nut., .jflr; 10 f> tf? rtkkm irr?.. . ".-. to- to too?r~ shaoriinta.. w-.. ,. Vr-tttt-JR Lamb ekloe. each. . .. II to IOC Boot Wu. 4f? IH Sheep ekloe, nch . . 'j. SO to 00* Tallow. . m. to tiry flWt WO**. per Hi'.. . . ? ? Dameled dry btdee, per Ik. .0 to 100 j Oroon ealt MOW It* I Dry tailed hide* t?* ^ Boor akin, eolt........... 110 ] Door efeta Hot .. .. > ye w* < Wool, tro# from kor.. , lt? .1 Wool, korry (.. JO to U* ^

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