n. .# i 1 . T;Telegraph oflleo. , F. F? COfclw<!, Sf' J:" '?W j?* M> hnMnooT.r. although' " Tharo to il|?nd school U1 don't jgi? hove " Mich tunc. Flaaso ask for row to too ho the pony oni < ..^Oft, lot mo-hnow and I will coll Br v (pr, thorn. Your Attn frtond, ZOPH POTTS, JR. promptly. Horn gacured * flowing Valla for DrhMchoJnoj* Bborp, *^>tL Noy'^'ffij the time to Improve your eSttr supply and insure health of your* family. Wire Or "write to MEftD ft Marco ton, ^ethmren, N. 0. W? * i' ,u^eSS J M UDVRANTBJtC hoalety to' T'eoiar. T? per uon prom. Also hondkarchlofa and ? asMas?*a 1V-*W- PROOF, 8038 Cbituut, Phllodol I, V . . Phla. Pm ?* *31% :- * ?-tjj tut. OR SALE?ONE BACKER FONF about 6 years -Id *l 1-pony cmrt and harness. Apply to W. C. Rodman, 133 E. Main St. 10.33 lwc. - Add Personal*.. # .* .. O. P. Sattertk waits, an honored cltina oL Psntego. la In the city today In business. \ ' r , ... , OUS^RECBIVBD A* THE BAZAAR a big shipment of high grade sporting coats, Ladles Salt* and 811k Petticoats, ap to .data styles, which will be sold at a bargain. Y^N^ec ^3 ^There^e^tliTTiatajgw |y| gentljr^tt v SB It Jim benefited^ thousand! UC<Youc?nt make a?mis B Can N The Worn; HI Miss Amelia Wilson, n says: "I think Cardui is Ihe |af for womea. Before } bet ISI so weak and nervous, ai LJ spells and a poor appetite. H I H I I' i I n i i IW I HI l* v . I u r 1 .J Jbor Cold ' J i)? ^'P-'^Wc-d ' We have full line o dies Misses and price and color yo an extra large stoc Knitted Hood& Let i )( mm* EZi I >4irf m ifiin '< Plnetowm. WW la.tfea ?W-'!t?*$1 W. JL qjrtmrn of H.camcBd. V* WW OB u?r iinau thU ikonlat 0. K. Lawt. ot Pforaaca B. C.. 1 r??-M?rt4 at iw?l Loulae. Jti-8b.rt? T. J. juf*M ^jjH Landing, N. C., arrfvad la lb* ,ci| W a^nilnm-r1 >' L J. T. Rawlta, jr.. cf Akron. O pi?-* business visitor to thh city to WL J. W? White of Norfolk, l? li mratr. , ! ' t a B. Nance Of KnoaviUe. Tcnn was here this morning. J. F. Cowell president of Patn lico, Chemical Company, bss retorn ed from a short bsslneM trip U rsyboro and TO* Btro. p. W. Arnold of Washington, D C.. was 4 paeaenge^ on tbe Atlantf Coast Use train last evening. H. E. Street of New Derif, la i moat at Hotel i^trfae, ; mv&i Wl A HE MAKING A SPECIAL RP Tort to have wfcat you call for Ask for jrour wants at RU8S BROS.. V/uiety store. lp-30 *tc. YYNK PSA VINE HAY FOR BALE Apply Vo 1 B. PATRICK, Pbon. 444 LS. IP YOU RAIL TO VISIT OUI # Store we both lose. A large as sortment of sample Glores, Und erwear, Ladles Coats and Cos Suits to select from. RUBS BROf Variety store. l?-tP Itc. , * ; ; I a Tonic xj woman's life when site JW er over the hart} ptaccs. La you. you know what tpnic - <M n's tonic. Cardut is eomle ingredients, which set RBI weakened womanly organs, 4 to strength ana heafih, ' -La 1 and thousands of wew. . pS| half century of wonderful 9 same for you. H take in faking tDUll * MM ? ' " airs Tome W R. P. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., ICS greatest medicine on earth; F?^ ran to take Cardul,' f was ^ id had such awful dizzy 19 Now I feel as well and [ . ad can eat most anything." Ka .. Sold by all dfitfers. Thousands. Jg( Wsllts NO! NO! NO Stop the awful wute of woo ' shingle*, the cause of diss*trot fires, leaking roofs and endless ej -; ' i . 1 pens* und trouble., t-'s* Edward .Queen Ann ttalvanfzed Fire Proa Bast Pboof. Leak Proof RHfXGIaEi W. C. Maliison and S:>n ", ' i; i' i V - >*a. . . \iTnr?lli o" l w? cauia . f f Sweaters for La-r, *,<? ',7i Children most any u like best Also ft of Toques and us hely protect you J! ";4s: K-ow-mur? 11:> RL'8^ ' ' , ??*<> iUL V 1 . f/wnm ^%<:S7789^fa-.:V - A!:": i? . s$fbv? :: ' :* % fS-i:S.KV;'.f :K^-o.-.V:'-^-.-.-:.--/: .'. -'.'..rV. *.' : ' : - * . - pBfeglao " *. :. Since, to a degree. simplicity la the rule this ifrft, many of the well-cut designs, bowing long, straight lines, are equally as appropriate for afternoon teas and matinees ah for street wear. A fact that makes for economy and a saving of time as well. The lines of the "new" figure show a mora or less of a slope to the shoulders and broad lines in waist and hips and often at the knees. 7789 aad 7710 Is especially suited to these lines, showing, as it does, the drop-shoulder and a light fullness at the waist. A bit of drapery on each side of the skirt Is modish and graceful. The frilling of net filling in the neck I To obtain either pattern Illustrated & out this coupon snd enclose IB cent* I starona or "coin R- >?-- ?v. I fullMt part of the bust. Address Patter I Department, care of this paper. . : SAHARA MAY BE RECLAIMED No Obsteelf Thero That Modern 111 glneerlng Art Could Not, Easily Overcome, 8ays Expert. I "In the popular mind the recl&m atlon of the desert of Sahara Is re garded as one of the mast, monument I al tasks which could be undertaken but, as a matter of fact," it is qultt simple,** said a well-known engine ei ^ who has Just returned from abroad "It Is a much simpler project thai ia the draining and Irrigation of Uppei Egypt, which, has been recently a? (. complished by the Hhgllsh govern ment. The Sahara was once a fertlh la spot, covered with large rivers, an< part of the scheme contemplates th< t* st&k&tlofi of these old river beds abandoned by nature, for the purport * Of again conveying the water whlcl la;rejuvenate this desolate area> Bj the erection of a dam at Tosaayer It ii proposed to catch the summer 0*^*" flow of the Niger and to-Irrigate thi dlstrttt between Tirabuctu and Ara wan, and the restoration of this dis trlct dtlll offer encouragement for th< p construction of a railroad through it I whereupon the present traffic of th< I River Senegal will be taken over b] 1 the railroad, and then It wOl be f?a? I ible to make use of the Benc?et foi unsation. it is proposed eventuall)! to extend: the-reliitmd acroea the son v-^ent and make connections with thJ ton* which ta now poshing ite waj northerly from one add bf Africa u the other." _ O^tv-te t?rem Rural District*. by dI. SoMmi on UM nlnllTo prerolonco o typhoid fewer in urban and rural die Meie. In these ?s?Mi?e dm it te ies i portent for elty dweller* to reall* that, in the word* of Z>r. BoMman ' -ore* half of the typhoid Infections oc currlny In the city of New tork are ol rural erlfla." That typhoid aayftevijiRwihll lie* on astern haa been tartrate firertM 'mJ m UHpjl *' Sot InteU ta4 Ohildrev .. . - ., . : '- j^1' ..^.i. | '^vf > :.y ^ :-. : ,f i .i.V. Hi/ay.\ ' jj .-yv ' t't1 \ . >' :: ' I' > ? -/ ' : : " " ? " [HER IN-DOOR OR ?R wear ; and lb* diagonal closing of tie blofiaa la another effective touch. Ofce of those quaintly figured stuffs, that fairly "make" a gown Lb used' herh. *f*he Assign could also be fashioned, oftdBg of ths modish velours or letlnM alVtU'tlv?lv A Awn r./l utiaa me use <nr>a brocaded ?atin are also food suggestions If tb? frock la Intended solely for afternoons. An attractive, folded girdle in & bright, harmonious shade and an inset of the same satin at the bottom of the skirt are Individ* ual notes that give distinction. No. 77M?alsss 32 to'Nl. No. 7710?alsss 23 to 30. Each pattern 15 cents. ^ *>' f i iJ Na. Size r Name ? Address n T?iVrr- ' . ? i. v P "1 ?, rT^"- ? ; i v I . I ?! Posti Made of Whe 1 VTENDS TO J Rosy Complexlo " Good Digestion [ Good Liver | Good Heart 1 Peaceful Nerves Good Flavour ' No brug ! . Eaergy;" ?t Poatum comes ic ^ Regular Poatum i out the rich flavour ant > Instant Postum r ' teaspoonfull of soluble j i (s sugar to taster D'^ ? 1 [ lis pBV9 jPS <C*m Sellable SI I fil 'r BbAjl? ?HlM c??b. m?& m y COMduMwUl ?Uow, but nbt I Cabot's Cp< I which are the original thingle-eto ' br tbirtf jre?r?' tue .11 over tl keroeeue or bwzine with ceeip pottlog od, Ibbjr m?k yoi - Cebol'a BMraS ire made of the & I aeri oil. with refined Creosote. w I end make* it Jee? In daw tumble. 1 "T&55S PLAN] U .? ' .. i* : ' V -| . .. V 4 -V 4 ;JL jjf^ 7812 THE INCREASING THE P Moth of the smartness and grace d "Ilia imvdtefa baead waist and Unoi ?ds in the peg-top skirt which taperil to a narrow footlih*, making the | affect atUl moye pleasing. . Especially suited to these skirts are the "pile" fabrics, velours. velvets and velveteens. They are thick yet light in weight and aid greatly In bringing Out in their folds the loose unfitted effects desired. - 7812 shows a peg-top skirt and a blouse with a drop-shoulder, which is another smart detail of many of the new designs. An Inset vest which mar 1 be of brocade or embroidery is a pretty feattir^of thia design. Leather colored velours de laine in an To obtain' either pattern Illustrated fl out this coupon and enclose 15 c^nts 1 stamps or aoin. Be sure to state numt* of pattern Ind size, measuring over U fullest Part of the bust. Address Patter Department, care of this paper. i?? im vs. C? at % ' Co n Sallo Stoir , Bad I . ^ Hear Shatl . Gooc ' CiFe Weal ry each and ludgg for youm t two forma. requires fifteen to twenty m 1 food value. equfresno boiling but is ma >owdor in a cup of hot wate M^adolooltoe, >rc's a Reai ? chemp tod wort 111 cm u the iniker'i^ eosote Stains I] lift* aod have been proved reliable I le world. "Cheap" etalna *nede of fl' 1 adulterated colois are not worth H ir houaa dangerou."!y inflammable. I oeat. a-roDtieat colys, (jro' ^d in lin- fl hich thoroughly preacrves the vo?l fl j [NG MILL CO. I ! . 1 yt , I ! *538 Ol ; POPULARITY OF ? E&TOP ? ! unusually smart suggestion for this to - style of dress. A model of Demy sssa -tr at a recent opening of leather colored i duvetjrn with a.belt of gren~ suede In- ^ spired the color scheme. P' i To copy this model In size 36 It requires 6H yards of 42 inch material. Plaid for the blouse that cleverly re' peats the color of the dark skirt with which It Is worn Is the combination used In 7588. The low shoulder and a , natty cellar are features of this de- ? i sign. i Size 36 In this model requires 4% yards of 36 inch material. No. 7812?alien 34 to 42. No. 753S?sixes 84 to 42. Ear.h pattern la 15 centa. ill No 8I*? I { >r Name | i J Address | . ==~ ? [< ol IB -fc tl lE mst) Sfc \S Q ! m j Df f ?5 J e c' ntnlnlng a Drug I" TENDS TO w Complexion , |i! I e> iach Troubles jc ? Jver j n t Palpitation ( 1 tered Nerves ^ I, I flavoifr ine, a Drug mess from Drugging er?* ^ u * ' /' I inutes boiling to bring i de distantly by stitifig a 10 r and adding 111 ijgp and ? 11 .7" " c* w-% 99 II J or Merchant need* Bale ei- , I tra capital tor a abort tone, and lose* discount rather ban ask the bank for it Don't let this happen to rou?if you have the need, ilso the security, this bank will help you-9 Become ra depositor of the * - 4m Bank of Washington Washington, N. C. ' ?NEW? j '' J Buck Wheat, Mince Meat I Cram berries, Cocoantus Raisans, and Curants OUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE i CO. I Priori 80 ^J92. i Administrator's Notice Having qualified as ndmlnistratss Robert T. Wallace, decease^ le of Beaufort county, nona w lna, this Is to certify that alImperils having claims against said . v tate to present them for payment the undersigned within one yeez ? the date r?f tHim wnHm AH irsons Indebted to said estate will ease make Immediate payment. This Sept, 90th, 1913. , C. O. WATKRfl. Admlolstraur. 23 6w* HOME MADE SMOKED 1 >]A USAGE. ,1 PHONE Central Market v ,'S Adm tnl strator*s Notice. Having qualified as admin intra to; ! Graham Slocum, deeeaaod, late ol eaufort county. North Carolina, ds is ui certify that all persona ha* ig claims against said estate to resent them for payment to the nnersigned within one year from the ate of this notice. All persons idebted to said estate will please y take immediate payment. This Sept. 23. 1913. Jj JULIUS 8 SLOCUM. Administrator. 9-24 ftwe. FOB IlKXT ' t We have for rent a small farm intafning about 2S acres, about 6 jiles from Washington, an in Wushigton township, with house and ecessary out-building*. Tho land t Raid to be particularly well adapt. 1 for the culture of tobacco. Term*: aRh,.,*r gn shores to a tenant who wARi> & grimes" j" i. The Two J Madams Mazells Are in the city for a abort time. 'I Puu't fall Ui uuuwult heri nfc* wttt J til your past, present and future. She can enlighten Che old as wen i the yonng. - Consult her about yonr^bnalneai ,9 fairs, yonr domestic troubles, yonr ers> quarrel*. AH tMlw'tnrutMl la Oo lxwalad mulu Mm MM. W bjaraar Mala aai Mortal Mo.

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